G.SRT.1 Worksheet 5 Guide What is a stretch? r h @" r{oz^'-propu''}tencc{ Whatisadilation? / propw$o.z*-{ +T,.^*96"^aS*'^ * , ttt'""9 ttv-,t't+tl"-,' fAl+a*,' l' sh"'P' 4 5i/*) - \ 7i'") shage- + 7i€{'!'*'+ (W Determine whether the following are stretch or dilation transformations. #ffi#* 3.i& dilhor stretch.@ Dilation @rDitation @rDilation stretcho@ The coordinate rule for dilation with center at the origin (0.0). with center of the origin. A dilation of 2 dialtion 4 A dilation of Yzwith center of dilation O, ,ft,r) the origin. Do.1@,!) '2 ? (.'L7F1 Z )) ( z((,) tq* 1,D ctl(zz7-t 6)) C, ,t@) rt (s,-z\ \ 'Gal v' (t (r),',(4) O' A dilation ot -ll3 with center of dilation O, the origin. Do.1(*,1) e' (-i @,-, n) ,' (l 6,! e' (-t I -3) !1 f:,-r) 0,'u\ l-! G.SRT.1 Worksheet 5 Guide Dilate the following. (O is the origin.) . .,., , ,[]i#;g :, * , b|, fu, {}; S},,*' cl ou,{6.i4i * {-e*, *gl3 : ;=- iI?-- '_1 I :::::::::irl:ili]:::llli':i:: '. . ':. z- _ (' I {*ry'af*f :: I0) f):,&**e-+) *tJ:*, -fr) Coordinate Rule of Dilation when the center is NOT AT THE ORIGN (0.0) A dilation of 2 with thg center of dilation at T(-3,4). Dr,r(x,y) € Conn+"". (-3,'l) (r*@ (run\,++ @c^'4) (-, * ilr) t q+>P)) (l ,to*/ (t+'{) (t'Y) A dilation of % with the center'irf dilation at T(8,1). r\5t: 8 t^u,n I - lL Dr,;,(x,Y) Ca**** (u") (n'^) , | + *("tr') (s + - (r+ \ (-o) t r++ @) @ (r*z*, (r,r) I +oz) \ ) G.SRT.7 WORKSHEET #5 NAME: L. Determine whether the following are stretch or dilation transformations. b) *@'6t' a) H(x,y)--- >(2x,5y) Stretch or Dilation rr\ E Stretch or c) Stretch or Dilation Dilation f) d) W (x, y) L(x,y)- --- > 1.,6x, ..fs-t ) - >(.3x,.2y) D Stretch or Dilation Stretch Stretch or Dilation 2. Dilate the following. (O is the origin). al Do.r(5,3) = (_, dl Dr.r(:,tr) = ) L_,__) bl Do.?e2,0) = C_, "1 ) c) Do.1Q,-6) = L_, ) Dr-i( 4,12) =L_,_J tl Do,r,(10,-6) = C_, glD^,(5,-8)=C_, ) hlD^r(8,5)=(_, ) o'r''' o'r'' G. G (2, L') A (5, 3) a) Determine the slope of d from G(x,, y,) to A(x,yr) in o.-lo(3,-5)=C_, GRAPH #1 3. The center of dilation is . v1=!z-lt xz- \ GRAPH #2 b) Using the graph #2, how can this slope help you find A', if the scale factor is 2? c) Using the graph #3, How can this slope help you find A', if the scale factor is %? GRAPH #3 ) ) G.SRT.7 WORKSHEET #5 2 4. Complete the following. (when calculating the slope do not simplify it in any way!! The stope G. a) Center of dilation is Scale Factor 2 Determinetheslope qA G (1,5) from G(x1,/r) to A (5,8) b) Center of dilation is Scale Factor. 3 A(*r,yr) Determinetheslope v.-!z-lt xz- xt Determine ( + G. G (-2,5) A (0,4) otd,from G(4,/r) to A(xr,yr) m-!z-!r xz A'. - xt Determine A'. (2X-) (2X-)) = A' (-,-) ' (- + (3X-) c) Center of dilation is 2 (3X-)) , -+ scale Factor is actually a vector.) = A' (-,_) -+ G. G (-3,1) A (-4,-5) d) Center of dilation is G. G (-2,-5) A (1,13) I scale Factor 3 Determinetheslope otd. from G(x,,y,) to A(x2,!) Determinetheslope v.-!z-!t v from G(xr,/,) to A(x2,!z) v._!z-!t tz--v rl Determine otd. Xz- A'. Determine A'. (-+ (2X-), (2X-)) 1r (-+ (;X-), (-,-) =A' e) center of dilation is 5 G. G (2,3) A (:X-)) 53 -+ scale Factor Xt {14,71 =A' (-,-) -+ f) center of dilation is scare Factor G. G (8,G) A (3,2) 1 2 Determinetheslope otil from G(x1, y) to A(x,yr) Determinetheslope 7ys-!z-!r xz-xt yn_!z-!r Determine A'. Determine A'. otd,from G(r,,/r) to A(x,yr) xz-xt (-+ (sX-), (sX-)) =A' (-,-) -+ 11 (-+ (;X-),-* z2 (:X-)) 5. What is wrong with this students work? Center of ditation is G. j *=3-8: 2-1 Scale Factor = 5 (2 + (5Xj.) 1 G ,3 (2,3) A (L,g) + (5X-5)) = A, (7 ,-2zl =A' (-,-) I I'JJ.:,1:Jil:TII,n" ro'Iowing are stretch ".. r,,.#I1' b) a) c) s;, Y,P *#- H(*,y)- -- >(2x,5y) c .A@, E or ,Za----f Stretch or Dilation E=:- er+9 or Dilation Dilation f) W (x, y) L(*,y)- ---, (.fS r, .fs y) Stretch or @ Dilation - Stretch Dilation >(.3x,.2y) or Dilation 2. Dilate the followine. (O is the origin). a1 Do.r(5,3) = L6 1) dl Dr,r(:,1) = sl Do.;' ,(s,-8) b) Do.7e2:0) = , (-, ) n1 (--,-J (]3- el Do,_1Ga,tz) = =Gf-,a h) ,:3) Do';r(8,5) =&-,1h) A (5, 3) G (2, 1) G. the slope of d, from G(xr,/,) to A(*r,yr) - !z- lr xt xz- l-> 2-r Do1(9,-O = d- ,:Z) J -r -3 fl Do,,,(10,-6) = (--, o(3,-s)=L-, i) D^ o'-1 GRAPH #1 3. The center of dilation is a) Determine cl . A(l ,>. r\54: z B ,gr) B(1 t) *'.7 GI r) GRAPH #2 b) Using the graph #2, how can this slope help you find A', if the scale factor is 2? A( ,>' B( r) B( D G( GRAPH #3 c) Using the graph #3, How can this slope help you find A', if the scale factor is%? t G( (rr | (r, r + t(o) (t* tt, , I +{) --) a t-- l) (s{,b) A(l l>' ) ) G.SRT,7 WORKSHEET #5 2 4. Complete the following. (When calculating the slope do not simplify it in any way!l The slope is actually a vector.) a) center of dilation is Scale Factor 2 Determine the stope ot G. (1,5) A (5,8) G b) Center of dil4ion G. 'ffiil, \tz--/ A (0,4) d,from G(x,,/r) to A(x'yr) ,".:t11in:Tt:.f," ot d,from G(x1'lr) to A(x'yr) y"-v. . m=!z-lr @ t m=:------:-! xz-xt 4-r ----;-O+ Xz-Xt Determine A'. Determine A'. (-+(2X-) ,-+(2X-))=A'(-,-) 1*z +(3)( z 1, -7 +b c) Center of dilation is G. Scale Factor 2 G (-3,L) A (-4,-5) d) Center of scate Determinetheslope of GA from 7x is G(x,,/r) to A(x2,!z) lr - !zxz-xt L 5 +(s)( -( 5-r ih - l: L-A) + racto/1 / V Determine the slope of GA from G(x,,y,) to A(x,yr) t:-(-Y) _ t-c>\ - -g3 (2X-)) = A' (-,-) t'L +tl rt e -+ r, 5. *t -2 +l rl rr-rr ; to A(xr,yr) y-!z-lr xz- DeterminetheslJpe of d from A(3,2) G(x,y,) to A(x,yr) fd#:r!P' 7-L -q fr. + y1-!z-lt xz-xt xt Ii C"-,^U- @ y) '1-l , = +L e) Center of dilation is G. Scale Factor 5 Determinetheslope of GA from G(x,, e = 1g 3 y'.t* = Determine A'. (2X-) , r;sel-{ Determine A'. Determine A'. (-+(sX-) ,-+(sx-)) =A'(-,-) Center of dilation is G. 8 Scale Factor = 5 3-8 -5 m==2-1= 1 (2 + (5X1) 5..1 r&*tlrt -t r , 6 *t)x*( 5. What is wrong with this students work? G ,3 z vL ' A (1,L3) V^)J (- U^ -t _ 11 dilg\n is G. nx-!z-!t xz-xt Determine A'. biez= I -2.{ (2,3) 6 _L A (1,8) + (5X-5)) = A' (l ,-Z2l n .,t -f 'itr.r,( )
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