NO VEMBER/DECEM B ER 2014 FEAT B ENEFIT G OLF TOURNAMENT ................ 5 THANKFUL ................. 4 P ARENT COACHES ...... 6 FEATfocus FAMILIES FOR EARLY AUTISM TREATMENT Dedicated to Effective Treatment for all Children and Adults with Autism FEAT WALK Sparks ‘Courage Smiles’ Walk together, not alone was the overall theme of FEAT WALK 2014 and it captured the resilient spirit of FEAT Families. During the kick-off rally, FEAT President Nancy Fellmeth and veteran FEAT Parent John Volinsky welcomed more than 450 participants, supporters, and volunteers who had worked hard to raise critically needed funds for FEAT and to WALK in support of FEAT’s work with local families. “It’s what we do,” said Nancy, “We help each other.” John spoke passionately about the many ways FEAT has encouraged and guided his family on their 18 year journey with autism. “Our son Caleb just turned 18, and FEAT provided the instruction manual for my wife, Laura, and I,” he said. “We are deeply grateful to Nancy and FEAT parent coaches for their many volunteer hours of support on Caleb’s behalf. Living with autism is challenging, and it is impossible to walk this journey alone.” Nancy, who for 20 years with FEAT has shared the knowledge she has garnered raising her son, Chris, 22, encouraged walkers to purposively connect with each other. “It is so important and so valuable when a FEAT parent who is discovering the pitfalls and challenges of walking the autism path turns to walk next to a parent whose child has just received a diagnosis, or turns to walk next to a long time FEAT parent who is facing a new challenge.” Nancy said parents also learn together with special training seminars, monthly Family Resource Meetings, and with individual Volunteer Parent Coaches. “You may not realize that FEAT also works in the background,” she continued, “FEAT walks the halls of the Legislature and recently played a pivotal part changing the law that gives everyone, including people on MediCal, access to ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis Treatment). FEAT walks the halls of schools, making sure your child gets an appropriate, best outcome autism program that includes Page 2 FEAT Walk continued from page one ABA treatment; and each victory influences and improves everyone’s program. In fact, FEAT will walk into any meeting that will preserve your right to have the type of ABA program your child needs and the services they deserve. What we have in FEAT is something absolutely precious, that’s why we urge you to reach out and share the wealth of information you have to keep FEAT’s mission strong.” What we have in FEAT is something absolutely precious...keep FEAT’s mission strong. FEAT WALK Chair, Nannette Henderson said the event was a great success, exceeding the goal of $35,000. She reported that 317 participants and 44 teams raised funds online, and 22 Sponsors and Underwriters donated over $9,500 to make the first annual event possible. “FEAT greatly appreciates the generous support of our sponsors and inkind donors that has allowed us to host a successful event but most importantly a new community event that engages our FEAT families.” said Nannette, “We are encouraged and excited to expand the event and make it even more fun next year!” As more than 60 volunteers wrapped up the event, FEAT Parent Natalie Cooper said, “It was a great day! The kids loved the bounce houses, face painting, visor decorating, pumpkin painting, games, eating, and just being able to relax with other families having fun together. The road that we are on is not one that I would have chosen, but I have met some of the most amazing people because of autism. I believe that we are in a better place on our journey because of the 100% FREE services FEAT provides and I will be forever grateful.” FEAT Parent Kelly Goodwin (Team Goodwin) said FEAT Walk sparked courage. “It was phenomenal!” Keep FEAT strong, make your year end donation at Save the date! 2015 FEAT WALK Saturday September 26 Maidu Community Park FEAT WALK 2014—Top 15 Teams Team Chris—3 Point King a feat for F.E.A.T Team Goodwin Hender's Hoofers Raring to go for Ryan Team Wasylkiw Oh the Places We'll Go! Team Caleb Volinsky Team CVAP Josiah's Team Team Leo Team D Team Yoder TEAM VP Xavier's Ya-Ya's & Heroes $2,540 $2,244 $1,885 $1,850 $1,850 $1,360 $1,160 $1,000 $775 $710 $675 $625 $595 $500 $485 Nancy Fellmeth Mark Herbers Kelly Goodwin Matthew Henderson Ryan Hayes Ben Wasylkiw Natalie Cooper Johanna Wonderly Pilar Garofalo Marisol Clark Leonardo Vota Sue Samuel Julie Yoder Deborah Panboon Linda Brown John Volinsky and son, Caleb, 18 Page 3 F AMILIES FOR E ARLY A UTISM T REATMENT Thank You FEAT WALK 2014 Sponsors, Underwriters and Donors! PLATINUM SPONSORS CVAP—Central Valley Autism Project Law Office of Roberta Savage Ruderman & Knox LLP SILVER SPONSORS AST-Autism Spectrum Therapies Community Cares Foundation Vestidd Law Office of Michael Pearce GOLD SPONSORS Bishops Pumpkin Farm Building Blocks Genovese Burford & Brothers Revolutions Naturopathic Therapeutic Pathways-Kendall Centers UNDERWRITERS Carroll Burdick LLP Weissmann Consulting BCA-Barnett Cox & Associates Bayside Church Rachel Christine Photography FEAT WALK DONORS Katherine Adsetts Cristina Aguilar Raul Alcala Cary Allison Monica Alvarez Julie Ambauen Acacia Ambauen Johanna Anderson Marlene Angeli Maninder Atwal Diane Bamforth Caroline Bamforth Kevin Banderas Prasanna Bavirisetty Marty Beater Lydia Belaski Tasha Bergman Kathleen Berry Arlene Billups Anders Bjork Samantha Born Donna Bostwick Raymond Brennan Carmen Brennan Kim Brown Piper Brown Terri Brown Linda Brown James Bryant Jane Bucher Magdalena Burgos Jennifer Busbee Dana Callison Angelina Caluma Raymond Canny Lisa Cardenas Patricia Carillo John & Bonnie Carriger Charlaine Case Angela Castro Gabriela Cervantes Richard Cervamtes Nikhil Chand Rachel Christine Kimberly Christensen Carol Christiani Barbara Christiani Marisol Clark Sue Coffin Darilyn Cole Terri Conte Robert Contino Lynn Cooper Natalie Cooper Joseph Coppola Elizabeth Covello Patty Couse-Baker Jeannette Couzens Dorothy Cowley Charley Cross Meghan Daley Greta D'Amico Adele Deason Trudy DeFelice Sean & Violet Del Conte Tonja Del Gatto Carole D'Elia Kenji Dinwiddle Phillip Ditto Meranda Ditto Bruce Dolder Dick & Ann Donnelly Beatriz Henriquez-LeCam Kathryn Downie Mark & Deja Herbers Christina Droubay Rosa Hernandez Preciado Elizabeth Duenas Antoniette Hildan Stephanie Duncan Julia Himovitz Linda Dutra Cyndi Hogan Ron Edens Reese & Donna Holcomb Ellen Eggers Nicole Holmes Marjan Elahi Megan Hoogstad Mondonna Etemad Shelby Hoogstad Eddie & Ann Fagin C H Huggett Robert Falk Lisa Hughes Tracy Falk Janelle Ingle Melanie Fameli Malathy Jagnanathan Richard Farber Michael Jalone Nancy Fellmeth Lisa Jeffers Chris Fellmeth Julie Jeffreys Brian Fellmeth Keith Johnson Karen Fernandez Stephanie Johnston Deniece Figueroa Deb & Terry Jones Caroline Firman Bruce Kaminski Debbie Fletcher Rebecca Kane Therese Florian Greg Kasner David Fogle Lisa Kawano Tracy Fong Lindsay Kawano Ralph Frattura Brendan Kenny Clare Friedman Laura Kenny Richard Fu Andrew Kerch Bernard & Sandra Gagain Heidi Ketcherside Janice Gage Vinay Khare Jeff Galbreth Sri Kodali Jennifer Galvez Josh Krage Vijay Gangaram Edie Lambert Sandra Garcia Josh & Karen Lancaster Kathy Garcia David & Janelle Lewis Angel Garcia Patricia Lira Zia Garofalo Priscilla Luckow Elizabeth Gibson Rozanne Luna Peggy Gilpatric Michael Luna Michael Gilpatric Cheryl Mabry Scott Terrence Gladney Suzanne MacPerson Maria Glashoff Diane Malcolm Monique Goldfried Joey Maloney Marian Gomez Lynn Margherita Paula Gonzales Angela Marks Kevin Gonzales Connie Mariscal Judith Goodwin Megan Mashore Kelly Goodwin John Matthias Dolph Gotelli Tara May Frances Green Amanda McCullough Patricia Green Sandra McGinnis Kara Green Delia McGrath Joan Grootveld Caroline McIntire Julie Gugerty Michael McIntire Alicia Gusman Jamie McKay Katrina Gustafson John & Melanie McKenna John Hall Linda McNutty Helen Hall Cheri Meadows Carol Hansen Leanee Medina Estrada Keith Hansen Evelyn Meletlidis Sue Happ Penny Meletlidis Jamie Harris Isabella Menjiva Ronald Hartman Mercury General Corporation Rick & Laura Hayes Karen Messing Victoria Hayes Molly Mester Ellin Abbott Hayes Joyce Michelson Nancy Heath Denyce Miller Robert Hector Janelle Montoya Craig Heiser Elizabeth Morgan Brian Henderson Stephanie Mosley Diane Henderson Katherine Mufich or lost personal items. FEAT is not responsible for damaged James Henderson Andrea Mundy Nannette Henderson Marcelino Navarro FUNTIVITY SPONSORS A+Dental Care-Personalized Dental Care Bishops Pumpkin Farm Community Cares Foundation Lindamood Bell Processes Comprehensive Autism Related Education Center for Autism & Related Disorders RAFFLE Lisa Marshik & Deborah Young Joshua & Elissa Neil Stacie Nelson Dayna Neuse Anna Nolan Chris Norris Jeannette O'Briend Matthew Oliver Yvette Ong Chris Orenchuck Kurt Ozdaglar Ross PalermAo Daniel & Deborah Panboon Narendra Pathipati Sridevi Pathipati Heather Paulsen Rolando Pelayo Letisia Perez Toni Perricone Erik Petersen Marcia Platt Chris Ponseti Carole Pope Eric & Jennifer Post Lisa Potts Michele Raithel Brian Ralli Helen Ramirez Mike & Andy Ramirez Claudette Ramirez Carlos Ramirez Jo Anne Ramirez Rebecca Ramirez Kathleen Ramirez Kelly Ramirez Carmen Ramirez-Brooks Rhonda Ransdell Erlyne Raquel Mercedes Rasmussen Sivakumar Reddy Chakradher Reddy Seana Reilly Eileen Rendahl Kevin Riggs Vicki Riherd Laura Rios Gregory Rogalski Susan Ronan Sandy Ronan Bill Rood Terrie Rosario Michael Rosiello Michelle Rowley Reed Jenny Rubert Karen Samuel Thomas Samuel David Samuel Sue Samuel Michael Sanson Emily Santone Mary Ellen Sherrer Patty & Andrew Schetter Raymond Schnorr Claudia Schoder-Marques Rick & Eric Schoenborn Kristin Schoenborn Sally Schreiber Terry & Yuki Schulte Sandra Scott Patrick Seaver Maureen Sergent Jennifer Shaw Jane Sheppard Jason Sherman Bahareh Shivazad Raj Shoan Nancy Short Tasha Singh Marie Smith Kelly Soulies Barbara Souza Garrick & Monica Spencer Ellen Spring Srini Srinivasan Andrew Statezny Kristy Stewart Jessica Stiles Michelle Stowell Norman & Terri Stinson Angela Stinson Judy Strehle Daniel Sundukos Anthony Sunseri Erin Sunseri Angela Sutherland Sai Tatikunta Ethan Thomas Ellen Thompson Jocelyn Thompson Brandon & Kara Trammel Amanda Trimble Michelle Tu Kathleen Updegraff Margaret Utt Debbie Valdez Mistie Van Noort Susan Vanderby Jessica Varma Sudhakar Rani Deepthi Vatti Renganathan Vedhantham Ellen Vernon John & Laura Volinsky Betty Volkert Eric Vota Paul Vota Kathleen Vota Sebastian & Robin Vota Merrilee Vuscovich Rachel Wall Patricia Ward Lisa Ward Craig Ward Carolyn Washington Blaine Wasylkiw Andrea Weber Andy Weber Lori Welch Amy & Andrew Wenzel Beverly Wharff Carole Whit Jennifer Whitmire Julia Wickham Jane Wiesenburger Lynne Weissman Jocelyn & Aidan Wiltson Richard Wise Laura Wong Tricia Wood Patty Woodyard Dianna & Xavier Ximenez Sanjay Yadlapalli William & Carol Yeates Kirsten Yeates Joe Yoder Julie Yoder Mila Zea Colleen Zolmer Page 4 Page 4 F AMILIES FOR E ARLY A UTISM T REATMENT FEAT relies on individual and community donations to continue providing education, advocacy, and support to thousands of families in the Northern California autism community. We are thankful for the ongoing Employee Giving through the following United Way agencies: Thank You for Giving G e n e r o u s l y t o FEAT This Holiday Season Every dime you donate to FEAT through individual giving, matching donation programs or a giving campaign goes directly to helping a child with autism and their family. Please take a moment to make your end of the year, tax deductible donation online at or mail a check to FEAT PO Box 255722 Sacramento CA 95865 The Families of FEAT are thankful for FEAT families thank the following corporations who match the gifts of their generous employees when they donate to FEAT: Adobe Offline Macy’s Liberty Mutual Microsoft Workday, Inc. Invite your employer to match your donations to FEAT! Our Promise: California State Employees Giving at Work FEAT thanks the Employees and Retirees of the following corporations for their monthly donations to support FEAT’s mission to provide Education, Advocacy and Support for the Northern California autism community: AT&T Allstate Blue Shield Costco Ebay FedEx FEAT is very grateful to be invited each HP year to represent our families at the IBM annual Pig Bowl—a benefit football game Intel Corporation between local law enforcement and fire fighter members. We are thankful to the Kaiser Permanente Pig Bowl Board for their generous 2014 Liberty Mutual FEAT donation of $3,000! Join the fun: Macy's MGM Resorts 41st Annual Pig B owl Nationwide P res ents Guns & Hoses 12 Principal Financial S aturd ay, Jan uary 24, 2 01 5 C SUS St adiu m Umpqua Bank 6 00 0 J Street, Sa cr am ento, C A UPS Gat es Open 1 1a m Wells Fargo P re- gam e Noon FEAT is not responsible for damaged or lost personal items. K i ck O ff 1pm United Way of San Joaquin County United Way of the Bay Area United Way California Capital Region United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey United Way of New York United Way of King County Arrowhead United Way Yuba Sutter United Way Raley’s ~ Nob Hill ~ Bel Air It’s easy to help FEAT every time you shop—Sign up for Raley’s Something Extra Credit Program online at and designate 100% Extra Credit to Families for Early Autism Treatment. OR ask your local stores about their Scrip Programs. FEAT Families Thank Bishops Pumpkin Farm for dedicating the 2014 Bishop’s Corn Maze to FEAT and sharing half of the proceeds from one September weekend with a generous donation of $2,351 Can you find the FEAT boy in the MAZE? F AMILIES FOR E ARLY A UTISM T REATMENT FEAT Benefit Golf Tournament Raises $25,000 On a beautiful Fall day, golf brought together foursomes representing over 30 corporations and FEAT families and volunteers for the third annual FEAT Benefit Golf Tournament. Organized by FEAT Parent, Terry Schulte, the event has forged meaningful relationships and autism awareness for participants. “FEAT is so grateful for Terry and his colleagues,” says Nancy Fellmeth, FEAT President, “They come back every year because they care about the challenges our families face.” FEAT THANKS OUR TOURNAMENT TEAM & HOLE SPONSORS! AEGION ANVIL CORP AZZ LIGHTING SYSTEMS BRINDERSON CALICHE DC SOLAR JPR SYSTEMS MATRIX MMR NUSTAR ENERGY PCI PETROCHEM PHILLIPS 66 PFT PMI PONDER SAFWAY SAN JOAQUIN ELECTRIC TANCO TELFER GEOSYNTHETICS UNICO Page 5 Tournament Volunteers CHAIR—TERRY SCHULTE, NUSTAR ENERGY Kathleen Berry, FEAT Karen Bothe, FEAT Ken Deak, NuStar Energy Tim Donaldson, NuStar Energy Harvey Duran, Phillips 66 Nancy Fellmeth, FEAT David Frank, NuStar Energy Jenn Greaves, FEAT Shannon Greer, FEAT Leticia Holbert, Nustar Energy Maria Ilomin, Safway Winnie Kane, NuStar Energy Julie Kinder, Brinderson David Lewis, FEAT Janelle Lewis, FEAT Lisa Marshik, FEAT Jack McCann, Nustar Energy Stewart McIntire, FEAT Barbara McSherry, Brinderson Michael Poirier, NuStar Energy Patsy Querantes, NuStar Energy Stephan Rosen, NuStar Energy Amy Rowland, Land Home Financial Yuko Schulte, FEAT Curtis Shorts, Nustar Energy Edward Vegas, NuStar Energy Margala Woods, FEAT Deborah Young, FEAT Family Resource Meeting I Make Movies When I Read How Good Readers Comprehend Terri Mehl - Center Director Lindamood Bell Learning Processes ~ Sacramento Wednesday November 19 7-9pm Shriners Hospital Auditorium ~ Free Parking 2425 Stockton Blvd Sacramento 95817 FEAT’S HAPPY and delightful HOLIDAY PARTY LEARN about the program and treatment methods of Lindamood Bell for the improvement of reading comprehension to help students reach their full potential. Enjoy a lively discussion of how good readers can comprehend. "We will take a look at the research and programs that make a dramatic improvement for children and adults struggling with comprehension." Terri Mehl FEAT Parents and Caregivers are cordially invited to celebrate the holidays with festive beverages and appetizers on Thursday, December 11th from 6:30pm to 9:00pm at St. Anthony Parish Visit and sign up for FEAT NEWS Memorial Center, 660 Florin Road, Sacramento, CA 95831. (Newsletter Management Tab) Find us on Facebook: Please RSVP by December 4th to FEAT-Families for Early Autism Treatment FEAT is not responsible for damaged or lostor personal items. call 916.303.7405. Looking forward to seeing you there! Families for Early Autism Treatment—FEAT PO BOX 255722 Sacramento, CA 95865-5722 Remember FEAT this Holiday Season N OVEMBER 19 F AMILY R ESOURCE M EETING D ECEMBER 11 H OLIDAY P ARTY FEAT Parent Coaching Corner As we near the holiday season and reflect on the year’s accomplishments, it’s clear that all of us at FEAT have much to be thankful for. With every successful gain at the legislative level and each new Family Resource Meeting and social event, FEAT continues to positively impact the lives of individuals with autism and their families. This year, FEAT was directly involved in ensuring that individuals with MediCal insurance coverage would be able to receive applied behavior analysis (ABA); that families could access appropriate services through their Regional Centers; and that parents and family members continue to receive ongoing education and opportunities to network in the community. While education and advocacy are vital aspects of FEAT’s mission, in many ways, direct support to families is at the heart of our organization. When a family faces their journey into autism for the first time or experiences difficulties in the IEP process, they contact FEAT. When a family worries about a child struggling to make progress in the classroom, or a therapeutic support is denied, they contact FEAT. When a new challenge arises or a family contemplates a move to a new school district, they contact FEAT. FEAT provides one-to-one, direct support for families through its Volunteer Parent Coaching Services. With a simple phone call or email, any FEAT parent or family member who has questions or wants support can access other parents who have “been there, done that” and receive focused guidance on their particular situation. FEAT’s Volunteer Parent Coaches come from all walks of life and have diverse personal and professional experiences, yet all are parents who have children with autism, just like you. Many FEAT coaches are the true trailblazers of our community and have long advocated for children with autism and other disabilities. So when you contact FEAT for help, you are connecting with other parents who have a deep-seated personal mission to help other families dealing with autism thrive. Each time FEAT volunteer parent coaches connect with a family in our community, it enriches their own lives and the organization as a whole. Without the direct input and involvement of each family, FEAT would not be what it is today. As a FEAT family, you are FEAT. Thank you for sharing your challenges, successes, and insights with FEAT. It is an honor and a privilege to work together. By Robin Vota, FEAT Volunteer Parent Coach To connect with a FEAT Parent Coach send an email to A UTISM AFFECTS ONE IN 50 CHILDREN Make a Holiday tax deductible donation online at or mail your check to FEAT PO Box 255722 Sacramento CA 95865 Thank You!
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