Bluegrass In The Mohawk Valley

November 2014
In The Mohawk Valley
Mohawk Valley Bluegrass Associations Newsletter
Greetings All,
We had a great turnout for the Oct jam. Thank you all for entertaining the audience. Breakfast and lunch went well
and we all had a good time.
By now those of you with enough interest know that Octobers election was an effort in futility.
We had one nomination for 5 year directorship (Dick Satterly) and our secretary (Pat Barden) has agreed to another
Both were nominated, seconded and elected.
The other positions (Pres, Vice-Pres and Treasurer) had no nominations. The hall was strangely silent and no names
were forthcoming. It was decided by popular vote to postpone the election until The Nov 15th meeting. A
nominating committee was chosen and agreed to find candidates for the positions and present them at that time.
Committee consists of Dick Satterly, Pat Barden and Joe Mossbackfan. If anyone is interested these are the folks to
At the November meeting "Election to be held at 10:30 AM with regular meeting immediately following."
Til next time,
Keep the grass blue!
Clique. A noun, pronounced "click."
According to my dictionary, a small, exclusive, somewhat select, sometimes snobbish, group or circle of people, who share a common
interest or background
In our case, our interest in Bluegrass and Old Time music.
We have been accused of being a "click", although that may not always be a bad thing.
Are we snobs?
I can only speak for myself, but I think not.
Are we exclusive?
Maybe to some people's opinions we are, but in general, again, I think not.
Are we select?
I am going to stick my neck out a little bit and say," We are selected, and elected, by the General Membership of MVBGA."
As most of you already know, I have been President of MVBGA in the past. In 2012 I stepped aside to let someone else take the reins.
On October 18th of this year I was elected to a 5-year term as a Director of MVBGA. I am back to work with the team.
I am not running away, or accusing anyone else of running away.
I still have a genuine, sincere interest in helping MVBGA continue to be the fun organization that is, was, and will continue to be.
The directing of MVBGA is not always fun, as we are finding out, but, as in all of our lives, sometimes we have to take the bitter with the
MVBGA will survive this "bump in the road."
Do not believe that MVBGA is falling apart and will disband.
I believe there are some dedicated, concerned people out there who will step forward and help out MVBGA in our time of need.
We need nominees for President, Vice-President and Treasurer.
To quote Nominating Committee memberJoe Mossbackfan, "We need some new", (or old,) "blood."
To paraphrase a song: "We'll Get By With A Little Help From Our Friends"
Come join the "click"
And the fun. :)
Dick Satterly, Director, and Nominating Committee Member, MVBGA
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Bluegrass Jam’s
On the 2nd Thursday night of each month at the “Forestport Presbyterian Church Hall” Woodhull Rd. Forestport.
5:30-6:30 soup & sandwich with a free will offering, Jams are from 6:30-9:30 PM.
Every Second Saturday 10 AM till 3 PM
September to May (in December Christmas party same day in Marcellus)
Lamson Road Community Church 2259 Lamson Road Phoenix, NY 13135 (315) 695-4751
Combination Board/Membership meeting 1 pm
The Second Friday of every month Gospel Jam in Bernard’s Bay as been canceled.
Every Sunday - 1 PM
3142 Pompey Center Rd, Manlius, NY
Come to Kellish Hill Farm starting at 1:00 pm for Country, Gospel, Bluegrass music. Bring an instrument or just come to listen. We
have a pot luck dinner with everyone bringing a dish to pass. We are located at 3192 Pompey Center Rd, Manlius New York, just 1/2
mile north of Route 20. For information, call Kathy Kellish at 315-682-1578.
Check out our website:
MVBGA regular meetings and Jam Sessions are on the third Saturday of each month beginning in September and continued to the Third
Saturday of May and are held at the Stittville Fire Department, (9069 Main St. Stittville, NY). Jam session starts at 8 am and runs to 3 pm.
All are welcomed, listeners as well as players that want to jam. No experience necessary, we welcome any one from beginners to
professionals. Need help with your instrument come and ask questions, there is always someone willing to help. The MVBGA Meeting
starts at 11 am all are welcomed to attend. The Stittville Fire Department starts breakfast at 8 am with lunch starting at 11am.
Keep Bluegrass Music Pure “Play Acoustic”
Welcome New Member
Richard Deneve - Pennellville, NY
Joe Towsley
Hand Crafted Custom Guitars
Repairs (All Makes and Models)
If it has strings we’ll build it or fix it!
Neck resets
Body repairs
Tuner replacements and upgrades
Bridge and nut replacements
Complete setups of any stringed instrument
(To your specifications)
Every Friday - 7PM
American Legion Ralph Share Post 297, 13 E Main Street,
Marcellus, New York 13108
Everyone is welcome at the longest running jam
in Central New York!!
Info: Jack Burns, 315-673-1844
or Sam and Marion 315-673-2329
$2 charge per person: under 16 free
Most Saturday Nights at the Parish NY Fire Department
Round and Square Dance and Jamfest - 6 to 10 pm
Presented by "Members of a Country Club"
Suggested donation $5 per couple; $3 single; musicians free
Bring snacks or non-alcoholic beverages to share if you like (coffee,
tea and bottled water provided)
Get on their email list to get monthly details.
We also do custom inlay.
9389 St Rt 26
Lee Center, NY 13363
E Mail –
Joseph Towsley Luthier
Page 2
Mandolin, Guitar, Bass Lessons
At your pace!
• Beginners
• Advanced Beginners
• Inter mediate
Contact Information
Bill Fahy
(315) 336-3390
• Bluegrass, Old Time, Fol k
st yles
• Rhythm Playing and vocal accompanying
• Lead and Improvisation
• Fiddle Tunes
Bill Fahy has over 20 years of playing
performing on mandolin, guitar and Bass
“I’ll work with you to design a program that will accomplish your goals,
and we’ll work at a pace and level that is comfortable, but will lead to improved playing”
Thank you for your support of the MVBGA.
Bill Woeltje
(315) 271-4567
5474 Taberg Lee Center Road,
Lee Center, NY 13363
Vice President
William E. Smith (315)-865-4520
7374 Davis Rd. Rome, NY13440
Pat Barden
(315) 826-3126
226 Christmas Rd, Ohio, NY 13324
Tim Wolff
(315) 245-0153
10295 Howard Ave, Camden, NY 13316
Term Expires
Joann Satterly (315) 942- 2854
Brian McFadden (315) 826-3126 10/2015
Norman Fey
(315) 942-4763 10/2016
George Harrington (607) 282-4203 10/2017
Mark Williams
(315) 576-1974 10/2018
Dick Satterly Membership Chairman.
Please check the date on your Membership Card for the Expiration Date, and renew. You’re
MEMBERSHIP and SUPPORT of MVBGA is Appreciated.
Also if you receive your newsletter by Snail Mail Please check the date next to your
mailing address for your membership to the MVBGA, which should be highlighted if
renewal is due.
Send all new memberships, renewals & questions to:
Dick Satterly
(315) 942 2854
215 Schuyler St., Boonville, N.Y. 13309
Please make out your check out to Mohawk Valley Bluegrass Assoc.
To help with postage costs, please include a Self Addressed, Stamped Envelope
so your Membership Card can be mailed to you.
Picky people prefer Bluegrass
If there is anything that you would like to have inserted in the
newsletter please submit it at least one week before the first of each
month for consideration. Electronic format is appreciated. Please also
be aware due to space limits the size of the newsletter is a factor when
publishing. Every effort will be done to place your FULL article in the
requested month, however, some articles may need to be placed in the
following months’ newsletter.
Fax 315-865-4520
Phone 315-865-4520
Or mail to:
William E. Smith
7374 Davis Rd.
Rome, NY13440
Page 3
Renew Membership if Highlighted
7374 Davis Rd
Rome, N.Y. 13440
Mohawk Valley Bluegrass Association
Membership/ Renewal/ Change of address Form
Send completed form to MVBGA: Dick Satterly 215 W. Schuyler St., Boonville, N.Y. 13309
Make checks payable to MVBGA Membership
Address _____________________________________________________________________________________
If you would like
your news letter
(PDF) by email:
Check the box
City__________________________________ State _____________________________Zip_________________
Phone________________________________ Email ________________________________________________
MEMBERSHIP CATAGORIES (Membership Card will be sent the above address)
Individual ($12)_______________________
Annual Membership and * Profile ( optional) , Only because your interests and
Individual Senior 62 and older ($10)_______
expectations are important and we try to present the quality of
Family ($17)__________________________
Bluegrass that our members deserve.
Band ($17)___________________________
Gift __________________________________
What Instruments do you play?_________________________________
Are you interested in playing in a band? _________________________
Best Bluegrass Festival you’ve attended…. Why?__________________
2/2 Page $30 MO/$300 YR
1/2 Page $20 MO/$200 YR
1/4 Page $14 MO/$140 YR
1/8 Page $ 8 MO/$ 80 YR
What attracted you to Bluegrass?_______________________________
To help with postage costs, please include a Self Addressed, Stamped Envelope so your
Membership Card can be mailed to you.