Document 429852

AUTOMOTIVE PEOPLE Automotive Human Resource Sector Council of Nova Scotia 192 Wyse Road Suite 8, Dartmouth, NS 1.877.860.3805 Prestigious Award Win
Roy and Beth McNeill of Don McNeill Enterprises, Ltd.,
Elmsdale, Nova Scotia recently won the prestigious “Head
of the Class” Award in the Repair Shop category, the only
Canadian business to be recognized. The award recognizes
automotive companies that have made a serious investment
in continuing their employee’s education and training.
AIA Atlantic Aftermarket Service
Providers Forum
The Automotive Industries Association of Canada
(AIA) recently held their annual Atlantic Automotive
Aftermarket Service Providers Forum at the World
Trade and Convention Centre in Halifax. The day
featured presentations from four keynote speakers and
a panel that we hosted. The forum spoke to the issues
and opportunities in the automotive industry.
We had the privilege to network with a number of key
members of the automotive industry and education
field in Canada. Pictured above from left to right are
Robert Pitt Chairman of the Board (AIA Canada), Marc
Brazeau President and CEO (AIA Canada), Shannon
Trites Ex. Director (ASC), the right Honourable Kelly
Regan Minister of Labour and Advanced Education.
Several themes emerged from the discussions of the
day. An investment in employees, training and youth
engagement are necessary for the automotive industry.
New technologies should be embraced! By working together, building these relationships, and investing in the
future, Nova Scotia can become a leader in the
Canadian automotive industry. Be on the lookout for
the November edition of the Auto and Trucking Atlantic magazine to read our full article on the AIA event!
“This year’s winners represent a wide range of company
categories and sizes, which demonstrates that businesses
of all types can introduce and implement education and
training programs to meet the professional and
personal needs of our auto care industry family,” said
Kathleen Schmatz, president and CEO of the Auto Care
Association. “In each case, the companies have noted
improvements in teamwork, morale, sales and customer
satisfaction while at the same time reducing turnover.”
Bob Greenwood, the president & CEO of Automotive
Aftermarket E-Learning Centre Ltd., addressed the rather
impressive feat accomplished by the McNeill’s in a press
release. A culture shift had to take place in McNeill’s
management and in the way their employees think.
Greenwood worked closely with the McNeill’s through
their management training.
The work that McNeill’s is doing is a reflection of the
innovation within the industry in Nova Scotia. We would
like to extend our congratulations to Roy and Beth!
Safety Award Win
On October 3, WorkSafeNB honoured Coast Tire & Auto Service Ltd. for their exceptional efforts in workplace health and
safety. Coast Tire is an automotive service, repair and tire sales company with 23 sites across Atlantic Canada. Working in
the automotive industry presents certain risks on a daily basis. Despite the challenges, Coast Tire continues to demonstrate
a commitment to workplace safety.
Shirley Mitchell, the manager of HR and quality systems for Coast Tire & Auto Service Ltd. accepted the safety achievement
award on behalf of the company. “We’re honoured to be recognized by WorkSafeNB” said Mitchell. “Our employees are
our number one priority, and our programs reflect that. We take a positive approach to health and safety, celebrating safe
practices in every aspect of our work.” We would like to extend our congratulations to Coast Tire for their outstanding
commitment to safety and our proud to have Shirley Mitchell on our board of directors!
WCB Employer Safety Resources
Congratulations / Félicitations!
The Worker’s Compensation Board of Nova Scotia offers several preventative tools to help employers and workers create
safe workplaces. These tools and resources have been created through the work of multiple partners in workplace safety.
Follow the link below to find tools and resources to help your business prevent workplace injuries in the future:
Showcase your apprentices at the Nova Scotia Skills Competition!
Every spring, Skills Canada - Nova Scotia presents its Olympic-style Nova Scotia Skills Competition. The event brings together students and apprentices from across the province to compete in skilled trades and technologies. Bronze, silver, and
gold are awarded to top competitors. Encourage your apprentices to apply to compete and start practicing now! Registration for apprentices runs January 5-31. Be sure to check out the website at To register, contact Janine King,
Competition Coordinator at (902) 491-4640 or
Employer Resources
Co-op Students: An Excellent Employer Resource
Since last summer, we have had the privilege of working with 4 public relations co-op students from Mount Saint Vincent
University. Our students have provided unique skills, experiences and perspectives on the automotive inudstry in Nova
Scotia. We are currently working with a third year public relations student named Adam. Co-ops are offered from January
to April, May to August, and September for Business Administration and Public Relations students. To learn more about
the co-op process and how you can benefit from working with students, follow the link provided below!
Career Awareness
Skills Online NS is currently offering course bundles free
for one year upon registration! Two course bundles of
particular interest to the automotive industry are small
business management and 7 Essentials.
The 7 essentials bundle provides employers and workers
with a foundation for improved communication, personal
accountability, and productivity in the workplace.
Employers who have taken the time to invest in the
development of their employees have already seen better
retention rates! Sign up for free today and learn how
you and your employees can benefit from these amazing
Upcoming training opportunities!
CFC Awareness
November 27-28
$425 for both days
To register call 464-0168
WCS03 - Steel GMA (MIG) Welding Qualification Series
November 25
8:00 AM-4:00 PM
NSCC - Akerley Campus
Owen Sanford
The feedback from the first two years of the TestDrive
program has been overwhelmingly positive. It is no wonder
that plans are in the works for expansion of the program
into the Pictou region.
One of our employers had this to say about the program:
“I feel this program is beneficial to the students allowing
focus and preparing them for a trade they are passionate
about. This will also benefit the trades school by lessening
the dropout rate due to a wrong decision.”
Student feedback has been equally positive: “Every day
impressed me. I hated to leave but I’ll always remember
what I learned and how a tech does their work.”
To learn more about the program and how you can get
involved, please contact Whitney Kerr by phone at (902)
464-0168 or at
Career in Gear Website Launch
NSCC recently launched their new Career in Gear website! The website debunks myths for anyone looking to find a career.
The goal of the website is to help users find careers that are the right fit for them! Through the use of interactive activities,
Career in Gear helps you learn more about who you are as a person, what motivates you and how you can explore occupations and find NSCC programs that align with your interests and goals. By learning more about who you are, you can find
the career path that is right for your future.
For anyone who might be curious about learning more about themselves and their career direction, be sure to check out
the new website and to sign up for free at:
What are you waiting for? The right career for you is just a click away.