Newsletter No 35 12

Tena ra koutou katoa
He mihi tenei kia koutou e awhi nei mo tenei kura
He putanga tenei panui mo koutou
Tena koutou, tena koutou, tena koutou katoa
Greetings to everyone who is, or has been supporting or helping our school
Wellsford’s Got Talent.
Congratulations to everyone involved in the wonderful “Wellsford Got Talent” show last Friday night. I
thoroughly enjoyed the night. It is great to see what a wealth of talent we have in the school, and the confidence
with which students get involved. A double-congratulations to our winners from the night:
Senior Winners: Overall Winners – The Port Pinkies, 1st – Abbey Collins, 2nd = Kaylee Cannell & Nick
Sundvick, 3rd – Kail, TK & Kane. Highly Commended: Mackenzie Warahi & High Voltage.
Junior Winners: 1st - Jake & Aaron, 2nd – Levi Williams, 3rd – Claire & Elijah McNeil. Highly Commended:
Kayleigh Alderton & Kyra Te Haara.
Visiting Show.
47 School Rd
09 423 8042
09 423 8056
No 35
This Friday 14th November we have a visiting show performing for the students. This is a FREE show for
students to promote the performing arts and in particular, a love of reading and books. It will be a great show the
children will hate to miss out on. Please make sure your children are at school so they don’t miss out.
Education Review Office (ERO) Coming to
Wellsford School
The Education Review Office (ERO) is visiting
Wellsford School from the 17th - 20th of November
2014. We have been finalizing their programme
of meetings and visits to classrooms and so far can
confirm the Powhiri will take place on Monday
17th November, at 10:00am, followed by a
performance from our Kapahaka group and a
morning tea. From 11:30am the review team will
begin the review with a meeting with our Board of
Trustees and later enjoy a brief tour of the
classrooms led by students.
Enclosed with last week’s
newsletter was a survey
relating to the Mathletics
programme run at school this
year. Parents/caregivers are
invited to complete this and
return it to school. Those who
take part will go in a draw for
a participation prize.
There may be opportunity for the review team to
chat with parents at various times so please don’t
be shy. If you are at school dropping off, or
picking up, your children, feel free to chat.
Scooter Raffle
Get in early
for Xmas.
Thanks to the wonderful donation of brand new, imported, scooters we
are able to offer you all a fundraising raffle. The scooters are on display
in the school office. Tickets will be on sale soon, probably at $5 a
ticket, with a maximum of 100 tickets per raffle. The winner of the first
raffle will get to choose which size, colour, and design they want, before
the remaining four are raffled again, one at a time.
Note, these scooters are an international design, and are not yet available
in New Zealand. Be in quick for this “once in a lifetime opportunity.”
A huge THANK YOU to our school family for donating these to us.
School Athletics
News and Views
Our students are in training for our
annual School Athletics Sports which
will take place on Thursday 27th
November. Please set this date aside in
your diaries to support your children.
Other Events Soon….
Coming Events
25th Nov – School Speech Finals
26th Nov – Mangawhai Speech Challenge
28th Nov – Team 4 Waiwera Trip
29th Nov – Ukulele Festival
2nd Dec – Team 2 Beach Day
3rd Dec – Reserve Day for athletics
4th Dec – Reserve Day for Team 2 Beach Day + Room 3 “Jump with Us.”
Regards, Dave Bradley, Principal.
Wednesday 26
La Padella
The Uniform Shop (at the school office) is open every Tuesday and
Thursday morning from 8.30 until 9.00am.
It would be appreciated if parents/caregivers wanting
to purchase new uniforms come on these two mornings
only when Stephanie will be available to help you.
A REMINDER to all parents and caregivers to please
remember to name uniform items so that if they are mislaid
they can be returned to their rightful owners. Trish at Clever
Endeavours will embroider jackets, etc for you at a cost of $5.00 per
item. Alternatively, please name tags with
a permanent marker. Thank you.
For all
and any enquiries
please phone
422 2714.
A reminder if you are considering applying for a JR
McKenzie Trust grant for uniform and/or stationery
for next year please give your application to Lizz in
the office by Friday 5 December.
Calling any Artists that love Clay and have
access to a kiln
Our Key Room Special Needs children have been having an
awesome time experimenting with clay making thumb pots,
insects and boats. We are hoping someone in the community,
who has a talent with clay, might be willing to come in and
help us. We especially would like to hear from you if you know
how to glaze and have access to a kiln.
If this is you, please contact Phil Hancock at school
or on
A website for parents :
This website is run by the Ministry of Education for parents of children from
early childhood through to college. It contains information such as “how to get
my child ready for school”, “how to help with reading and maths” as well as
special education needs and school term dates. There are also opportunities
to help build the site by providing ideas and giving feedback on the information
the site contains.
Rodney College Netball Dates for 2015
3 February
Morning and Afternoon Sessions
for 3 year olds +
Phone us:
09 423 7956
Terms and conditions
Rodney College Netball AGM - 6pm (RC Staffroom)
- All new members are most welcome.
14 February
Netball Trials 1 - Centennial Park - time TBC
22 February
Netball Trials 2 - Centennial Park - time TBC
24 February
Rodney College Netball Meeting - 6pm
(Rodney College Staffroom)
27 March/April Friday night netball begins –
TBC at Rodney Centre AGM
Remember to keep FITNESS levels up during the holidays and
shooters, practise, practise, practise - as your shooting % at
trials will strongly determine these positions.
Calendars 2014:
a great Christmas gift all can enjoy.
Calendar designs are now being completed by
our students. “Kids Creations”, will be
printing either calendars or Greeting cards in
about four weeks time and these will be
offered to parents and caregivers at a cost
of $13.00 each for either calendars or the 8
card pack as well as hard cover diaries at
$16.00. Uploaded landscape photos will also
be available should you choose this format.
Parents and Caregivers will be able to view their child/children’s
art work from Monday 24th November in the school foyer with
orders placed through the office. Cheques made payable to
Wellsford School.
Hey guys! Each Wednesday (until week 8), Georgia,
Ethan and Aiden from Room 3 will be having a cupcake
sale every week at lunchtime until Week 8.
will be selling delicious iced cupcakes for $2.00 each.
They will be flavoured chocolate and vanilla. We will be selling
them under the cover. So make sure you bring along some
change and buy some yummy cup cakes.
See you each Wednesday!
Wellsford School’s Got Talent
Wellsford Athletics Club Ribbon Day
Come and join us on Tuesday 18 th November
at Centennial Park for the Open Ribbon Day starting at
5.30pm. $2.00 entry
This year the Wellsford Country Show committee has several new
and exciting initiatives planned for the Show to be held on
Saturday 22 November 2014.
Scarecrow Competition for school aged children:
Free entry to the Scarecrow competition
One entry per child
Prizes to be awarded
Trash to Treasure Sculpture Competition:
Free entry to the Trash to Treasure Sculpture competition
One entry per person
Maximum size 2m x 2m
Prizes will be awarded
To help with planning please download an entry form from the website
or phone Edwina 423 9266 or Karen 423 7108.
What’s ahead?
Thursday 20 November:
Friday 21 November:
Team 1 Cake Stall – 11.00am
Computers in Homes Graduation
Tuesday 25 November:
School Speech Finals
Wednesday 26 November: Mangawhai Speech Challenge
Thursday 27 November: Wellsford School Athletics Day
Saturday 29 November: Ukulele Festival
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