Schilt Publishing & Gallery January – June 2015

Schilt Publishing
& Gallery
January – June 2015
new titles
20 Sophie Zénon Roads Over Troubled Water
2 Cig Harvey Gardening At Night
Martin Parr Parr by Parr
4 Linda Dorigo and Andrea Milluzzi Rifugio
Nicholas Albrecht One, No One, and One
6 Yola Monakhov Stockton The Nature of Imitation
Hundred Thousand
8 Sadik Kwaish Alfraji
Matt Gunther Probable Cause
10 Peter Suschitzky Naked Reflections
Sergey Chilikov Selected Works 1978-
12 Mario Giacomelli Under The Skin Of Reality
Elena Perlino Pipeline
14 World Press Photo 15 Dutch edition
Robert King Democratic Desert
Schilt Gallery Upcoming exhibitions
Malcolm Venville The Women Of Casa X
21 Scott Daniel Ellison Iowa, Ohio
16 Elliot Ross
Sophie Zénon
Jane Hilton Precious
selected backlist
Jane Hilton Dead Eagle Trail
18 Diana Matar Evidence
Lorena Ros Unspoken
FotoFest View From Inside
Vadim Gushchin Everyday Objects/Cultural
Lauren Fleishman The Lovers
Louise Baring Emmy Andriesse
David Chancellor Hunters
Anna Fox Resort 1 Butlin’s Bognor Regis
19 Anna Fox Resort 2 Butlin’s Bognor Regis
Ilvy Njiokiktjien Slagroomtaart en Slingers
22 Lucia Ganieva Ermitazhniki (GM 1)
Elliot Ross Animal
Chiara Tocci Life After Zog (GM 2)
Elliot Ross Other Animals
Matthew Murray Ska (GM 3)
World Press Photo Stories of Change
Gesche Würfel Basement Sanctuaries (GM 4)
World Press Photo Next #01, Next #02,
Camille Renée Devid My Other Side (GM5)
Next #03 and Next #04
World Press Photo 14 Dutch edition
Donald Weber & Arthur Bondar Barricade (GM 6)
23 Distribution
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Design: MV LevievanderMeer, Amsterdam
Check our website:
Dear friends,
Schilt Publishing starts to expand outside the pure
photography field, by publishing a great book
showing the work of one of Iraq’s most intriguing
artists, Sadik Kwaish Alfraji. We came across Sadik
– who fled Iraq a long time ago and actually lives
only 45 kilometres from our offices in the
Netherlands – through our close cooperation with
FotoFest Houston. We cannot stress enough how
important FotoFest always has been for
development within Schilt Publishing. Thank you
founders Wendy Watriss and Fred Baldwin, thank
you director Steven Evans, and thank you all staff
members of this highly creative organisation!
Sadik’s sublime video work was on show in
Houston during the magnificent 2014 biennial. We
used a still image of his work for the cover of our
successful book View From Inside – Contemporary
Arab Photography, Video and Mixed Media Art,
published together with FotoFest Houston. Sadik’s
first big overview book will be produced in
cooperation with Ayyam Gallery, one of the world’s
finest galleries based in Dubai and London. We are
extremely proud to enter this new path together with
such a distinguished partner and would like to take
this opportunity to thank Khaled Samawi for his
enthusiasm and trust. Thanks also to Sadik, who
became a dear friend since we met him in Houston
in March 2014.
And now back to good old photography!
Cig Harvey’s second book, Gardening At Night, for
sure will be a huge success. Cig’s intimate though at
the same time extravagantly beautiful photography
is undeniable highly popular with photography
collectors and book lovers. Her first book with Schilt
Publishing, You Look At Me Like An Emergency, sold
out rapidly and gave Cig’s career an even bigger
During a reviewing session in Arles in 2013 we met
photographer Linda Dorigo and journalist Andrea
Milluzzi. They showed us their long-term project
Rifugio – Christians of the Middle East. We fell off our
chairs and immediately said we would be honoured
to publish it. The fantastic black-and-white
photography is beautiful, the subject historically
important. It’s a classic book of classic importance.
At that time, we had no idea that a year later Islamic
State was slaughtering Christians (and many others)
in Iraq and Syria. This superb work became
unintentionally highly topical.
Then one day Yola Monakhov Stockton contacted us
to see if we would be interested in publishing her
work The Nature of Imitation. Well, of course we
were! Yola’s very special work explores the
connection between seeing, knowing and wanting in
detailed, hyper-real photographs that recall the
decorative drawings of natural history. See for
yourself and you will be caught by it, we are sure!
Peter Suschitzky, a highly acclaimed
cinematographer working with famous directors
such as David Cronenberg, is also a brilliant
photographer. In his free time he works mainly on
one topic: he photographs nudes in his tiny top floor
studio at home in London, that he shares with his
wife who is a painter. This very “concentrated” work
is so unusual and gripping that we immediately fell
for it. It will lead to a very fine book from a very fine
man. A reflection it is indeed.
Mario Giacomelli. What more do we need to say!
One of Italy’s most famous photographers… Causing
the start of Schilt Gallery… And this all happened
also because we bumped into the book we now
finally will publish in English: Under the Skin of
Reality. We opened Schilt Gallery with a magnificent
show of Giacomelli’s work from the Sassoferrato
archive in January 2014. We are very happy to work
with this archive, with Mario’s daughter Rita
Giacomelli and granddaughter Katiuscia Biondi,
director of the archive. We are so proud to finally be
able to publish this magnificent book. This book is a
real eye-opener, for it shows lesser-known and
abstract work of the master.
Last but certainly not least, World Press Photo 15.
Literally at the moment I started to write this
introduction the news came in that our dear friend
and long-term “partner in crime” Lars Boering has
been appointed as the new director of World Press
Photo. Many congratulations to you, Lars! We are
looking forward to continue the superb collaboration
between World Press Photo and Schilt Publishing!
Maarten Schilt
Amsterdam, November 2014
Cig Harvey
Gardening At Night
Text by Vicki Goldberg
Design: Deb Wood
ISBN 978 90 5330 844 8
Format: 22.5 x 22.5 cm
Hardbound with cloth cover
144 pages with approx. 80 photos in
full colour
World Rights
February 2015
£29.95 | $50 | €39.90
Gardening At Night is an exploration of home, family, nature, and
time. It’s predecessor, You Look At Me Like An Emergency captured
journeys in finding and defining home, while Gardening At Night
denotes settling into one’s landscape, and creating life where you are.
The narrative throughout has a delicious element of magical realism
– the viewer is left with the feeling of waking within a dream. On the
other hand there is familiarity in what she evokes – something primal
and instinctual that points to each person’s connection to nature.
Seasons feature prominently as metaphors for the cycle of life, and
interplays between shadow and light underscore the work. Each
photograph and written vignette offers a tactile experience of things
that ordinarily seem intangible – the secret life of birds, of barren
winter trees, of the lake in spring time, or the girl in the window
whose house you pass every day. The jewel-toned images are
arresting and weighted, but punctuated, as always by Cig’s
characteristic whimsical style. The result is an intensely personal
collection that captures an experience of the world that is at once
otherworldly and yet instantly familiar.
Cig Harvey’s hugely successful first
book You Look At Me Like An
Emergency was published by Schilt
Publishing in 2012 and sold out
rapidly. Cig’s photographs have been
exhibited widely and are in the
permanent collections of major
museums, including The Museum of
Fine Arts, Houston, and the
International Museum of Photography,
George Eastman House, Rochester,
New York. She was recently nominated
for the John Gutmann Fellowship and
a finalist of the BMW Prize at Paris
Photo and the Prix Virginia. You Look
At Me Like An Emergency was first
exhibited at The Stenersen Museum,
Oslo, Norway. Cig’s devotion to visual
storytelling has lead to innovative
international campaigns and features
with New York Magazine, Harper’s
Bazaar Japan, Kate Spade, and
Cig Harvey is represented by
Schilt Publishing
Schilt Gallery.
Linda Dorigo &
Andrea Milluzzi
Christians of the Middle East
Design: MV LevievanderMeer,
ISBN 978 90 5330 843 1
Format: 19 x 24.5 cm (portrait)
Hardbound with dust jacket
264 pages with approx. 130 photos in
World rights; German Rights sold
(Till Schaap Edition)
January 2015
£29.95 | $50 | €40
Linda Dorigo is an independent
photojournalist and documentary
photographer currently based between
Italy and the Middle East.
Andrea Milluzzi is a freelance
journalist; previously he has worked at
the Italian newspaper Liberazione.
Together, based in Beirut and Rome,
they are focused on documenting the
Middle East region.
Schilt Publishing
The birthplace of Christianity lies in the Iranian slopes of Mount
Ararat to Mount Lebanon. Since those ancient times the rugged
valleys and gorges have served as a refuge for monastic communities
and those in search of solitude. Nowadays, 12 million Christians are
supposed to live in the Middle East, but only few of them remain to
live in the region because of radical Islam and persecutions; millions
have relocated to the U.S.A., Europe and Australia.
Between July 2011 and January 2014, Linda Dorigo and Andrea
Milluzzi travelled around Iran, Lebanon, Egypt, Israel, West Bank,
Gaza Strip, Jordan, Turkey and Syria. They were driven towards these
small Christian communities that choose to not be part of the
While the Middle East is turned upside-down by revolutions and by a
fractured war inside Islam, Christians became a religious minority,
disillusioned witnesses closed in their self-defense.
Rifugio is, also because of the latest developments in the Middle East,
including the horrific cruelties against Christians and Muslims by the
Islamic State, extremely topical and of utmost importance.
Yola Monakhov Stockton The Nature of Imitation
Design: Yola Monakhov Stockton and
Carolyn Eckert
ISBN 978 90 5330 845 5
Format: 17 x 21.8 cm (portrait)
By looking closely at living birds in the field through the materiality of
colour film and studio props, The Nature of Imitation explores the
connection between seeing, knowing, and wanting.
In detailed, hyper-real photographs that recall the decorative drawings
of natural history, the work evokes the delicate experience of holding a
bird against traditions of landscape representation in Renaissance
frescoes and tapestries, Modernist painting and sculpture, and the
early history of photography. Through collaborations with scientists,
ecologists, and naturalists on the Massachusetts coast, at universities
and and research centres across the Northeast of the United States
and in Costa Rica, Yola Monakhov Stockton gained access to wild
birds captured for banding before their release, and those captive in
labs. Alongside photographs taken in orchards, gardens, and on
wooded paths, the work cultivates a vocabulary of techniques that
attend to the process of making, such as light leaks on film, objects
acting as masks inside the camera, or evidence of equipment, paper
backdrops, and cut-out shapes. The field becomes an improvised
studio, a living picture plane. The series revisits positivist modes of
photographic representation and traditions of the avant-garde against
a contemporary and personal awareness of the fragility of place.
104 pages with approx. 65 photos in
full colour
World rights
April 2015
£24.50 | $40 | €30
Yola Monakhov Stockton makes
work that deals with landscape and
literature, the qualities of boundaries
and constraints, data gathering, and
the materiality of photography.
Her work has been exhibited
internationally, with solo shows at
the Alice Austen House Museum,
The Aviary Gallery, Old Dominion
University, Sasha Wolf Gallery and
Smith College; and is in the
collection of the Smith College
Museum of Art and numerous
private collections. Her work has
been featured in Harper’s Bazaar,
Esquire, Time, Marie Claire, Newsweek
and The New York Times, and she has
been a frequent contributor to
The New Yorker. She is currently
the Harnish Visiting Artist at
Schilt Publishing
Smith College.
Sadik Kwaish Alfraji
Curated by Nat Muller
Sadik Kwaish Alfraji was born in
Baghdad in 1960. He lives and works
in Amersfoort, the Netherlands. His
work can be found in numerous
private and public collections in the
Middle East and internationally. His
work was highly acclaimed by the
international public during the
FotoFest Houston Biennial 2014 about
contemporary Arab art (which also led
to the book View From Inside – Contemporary Arab Photography, Video and
Mixed Media Art, published by
FotoFest/Schilt Publishing in 2014).
Nat Muller is an independent curator
and critic based in Rotterdam. Her
Design: Huda Smitshuijzen-AbiFarès,
Khatt Foundation, Amsterdam
ISBN 978 90 5330 848 6
Format: 23 x 30.5 cm (portrait)
Hardcover with dust jacket
208 pages with approx. 150 images
(paintings and drawings) in full colour
and tritone
World rights
May 2015
£42.50 | $65 | €50
Sadik Kwaish Alfraji is the first book that offers a comprehensive look
into the world of one of the most prominent Iraqi artists working
The publication covers over thirty years of his practice, from his
student work of the early 1980s in a war-torn Iraq, to his many artist
books, paintings, drawings, videos, and large-scale installations.
It provides an in-depth overview of Alfraji’s work, which combines
artistic and philosophical concepts to create a distinct graphical
visual language. Alfraji’s oeuvre addresses the vulnerability of human
existence and speaks of loss, exile, fragmentation and displacement.
This book, which is being published in cooperation with Ayyam
Gallery (London/Dubai) is edited by the leading curator and critic
of contemporary Middle Eastern art, Nat Muller, and includes an
in-depth interview with the artist and a critical text by renowned
cultural historian of the Middle East, and Professor at Brown
University, Shiva Balaghi.
main interests include: the intersection
of aesthetics, media and politics;
media art and contemporary art in and
from the Middle East. Her writing has
been published amongst others in
Bidoun, ArtAsiaPacific, Art Papers,
Canvas, X-tra, The Majalla, the MIT
journal ARTMargins and Harper’s
Bazaar Art Arabia. Projects in 2014
include Memory Material at Akinci
Gallery, Amsterdam; Customs Made:
Quotidian Practices & Everyday Rituals
at Maraya Art Centre in Sharjah; This is
the Time. This is the Record of the Time
at Stedelijk Museum Bureau
Amsterdam & American University of
Beirut Gallery and Disquiet at Galeri
Zilberman/Pi Artworks (Istanbul). In
2015 she will be curating Sadik Kwaish
Alfraji’s solo show at Ayyam Gallery
(Dubai) and will be curator-in-residence at the Delfina Foundation’s
Politics of Food Program (London).
Peter Suschitzky was born in
Peter Suschitzky Naked Reflections
The work in this book is drawn from a project which famous
cinematographer Peter Suschitzky has been working on for the past
seven years, on and off between his activities in the film industry.
Suschitzky decided to take up this project after years and years of
photographing life all over the world. He wanted to find a theme
which he could work on at home and in his own time. He knew that
it would be hard to do anything original with the theme that he had
chosen, as so many painters and photographers, great and small,
have worked on this subject before him. Nevertheless he felt that he
had to put his own imprint on the subject. The result is this gorgeous
book, which also includes a small but extremely fine selection of
Suchitzky’s most important other work.
London, of Austrian and Hungarian
parentage, both refugees from the
twin storms of Hitler and Stalin.
Photography was very much in the
family as both his aunt, who studied
the subject at the Bauhaus, and his
father Wolfgang Suschitzky were
professional photographers and an
uncle - his mother’s brother, who
perished in Auschwitz – was also
an accomplished amateur
photographer. Although Suschitzky’s
inclination was to study music, his
father, being a cinematographer
himself, prevailed upon him to study
cinematography. So Peter went to
study at the leading film school in
Paris, where his teacher despaired of
Design: MV Levievandermeer,
ISBN 978 90 5330 846 2
Format 30.5 x 32 cm (landscape)
Special paperback with a cloth spine
bookblock glued on the back cover
96 pages with approx. 50 photos in
World rights
April 2015
£42.50 | $65 | €50
him, telling him diplomatically that he
was good at pushing the dolly.
In a hurry to start in the real world, he
left the school after only one year and
started as a third assistant in a small
film studio in London. He became a
cinematographer himself very soon
after, at the age of 21.
Suschitzky started with documentary
films, destined for German television,
in Latin America. When he returned to
London he was luckily asked to shoot
his first feature film, aged 22.
Thereafter, Peter Suschitzky’s luck
endured and he has been the director
of photography on about fifty films,
including The Rocky Horror Picture
Show, Star Wars Episode V –
The Empire Strikes Back, Dead Ringers,
Mars Attacks!, Crash, Naked Lunch,
A Dangerous Method, Cosmopolis,
After Earth and Maps to the Stars.
Suschitzky has won many awards,
including the 2007 Genie Award for
Best Achievement in Cinematography
for his work on Eastern Promises –
directed by master of horror
David Cronenberg, with whom
he has made eleven movies – and
the 2009 ISFF Manaki Brothers Life
Schilt Publishing
Achievement Award.
Under the Skin of Reality
Treasures from the Sassoferrato Archive
Edited by Katiuscia Biondi, Marina Itolli and Catia Zucchetti
With an introduction by Achille Bonito Oliva
Design: Maurizio Bartomioli
ISBN 978 90 5330 813 4
Format: 28 x 28 cm
152 pages with approx. 80
photographs in duotone
World rights English; German rights
After the death of Mario Giacomelli (1925-2000), two different
archives with his work were established in 2003: the one in
Sassoferrato and another one in Senigallia. Since 2007, the heirs
Giacomelli became directors of the photographic heritage, taking
over the management from Photology in Milan.
The Mario Giacomelli Sassoferrato archive contains about 12,000
photographs of Sassoferrato (including different printing
techniques), their contact sheets and negatives. The operational
character of the Sassoferrato Archive is to provide a framework in
a philological way of the production of Giacomelli, in the context
in which the artist has worked. In this way it offers an all-round
view of this great artist who is world famous but from whom
paradoxically many important aspects remain unclear.
The Sassoferrato Archive promotes a new way of looking at Mario
Giacomelli, by highlighting his working method; the totally
coherent structure that holds his entire production and is
Giacomelli’s unique style. For Giacomelli art and life were
intrinsically linked and each series was created in close
connection with all the others. Under The Skin Of Reality
concentrates on the following series:
sold (Till Schaap Edition)
May 2015
£38 | $60 | €45
Schilt Publishing
Poesie in cerca d’autore (70s/2000)
Motivo suggerito dal taglio dell’albero (1967-1969)
31 dicembre (1997)
Favola, verso possibili significativi interiori (1983-1984)
Metamorfosi della terra (1955-1980)
Presa di coscienza sulla natura (1997-2000)
Bando (1997-1999)
La domenica prima (2000, his last work, made shortly before
his death)
15 Dutch edition
Design: Heijdens Karwei
Every year since 1958 an international jury has met in the Netherlands
under the auspices of the World Press Photo Foundation to choose
the world’s finest press photographs. Universally recognised as the
definitive competition for photographic reportage, it has been
described by Michael Rand as ‘the international photographic
contest’. Publishing the results of the latest annual World Press
Photo Contest, this exceptional book contains the very best press
photographs from 2014 – pictures submitted by approximately 6,000
photojournalists, photo agencies, newspapers and magazines from
about 125 countries. Selected from around 100,000 images, these
prize-winning photos capture the most powerful, moving and
disturbing images of the year.
ISBN 978 90 5330 850 9
Format: 23 x 29.7 cm (portrait)
‘Will amuse, sadden, console and ultimately teach you much about this
world of ours.’ People Photography
160 pages, with approx. 200 photos
in full colour and duotone
World rights; English (Thames &
Hudson), German (Till Schaap
Edition), French (Till Schaap Edition),
Spanish (Blume) Italian (Contrasto)
and Russian (Treemedia) rights sold
April 2015
Schilt Publishing is the primary
publisher of the World Press Photo
Yearbook. Co-editions are available in 7
different languages. For details of the
English-language edition of World
Press Photo, please contact Thames &
Hudson at sales@thameshudson. or visit
Spreads from the 2014 yearbook
Schilt Publishing
‘Some of the very best work being done around the world today.’
News Photographer
Schilt Gallery
upcoming exhibitions
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24.01.15 – 12.04.15
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for a complete
overview of all
our titles and
special editions!
SELECTED backlist
Check our website
Diana Matar
ISBN 978 90 5330 842 4
£38 | $60 | €45
View From Inside
Contemporary Arab
Photography, Video
and Mixed Media Art
Anna Fox
Resort 1
Butlin’s Bognor Regis
Anna Fox
Resort 2
Butlin’s Bognor Regis
ISBN 978 90 5330 803 5
ISBN 978 90 5330 840 0
£45 | $65 | €50
£45 | $60 | €50
ISBN 978 90 5330 825 7
£45 | $60 | €50
Stories of Change
Beyond the ‘Arab
ISBN 978 90 5330 823 3
£37.50 | $60 | €45
Next #01
ISBN 978 90 5330 762 5
£12.50 | $30 | €19.50
Next #02
ISBN 978 90 5330 781 6
£12.50 | $30 | €19.50
Next #03
Lauren Fleishman
The Lovers
Elliot Ross
ISBN 978 90 5330 836 3
Louise Baring
Emmy Andriesse
Hidden Lens
£32.50 | $50 | €40
ISBN 978 90 5330 790 8
ISBN 978 90 5330 730 4
Elliot Ross
Other Animals
Text by Diana L.
£27.50 | $45 | €35
£29.95 | $60 | €39.90
ISBN 978 90 5330 835 6
ISBN 978 90 5330 838 7
Special edition
£30 | $60 | €40
£12.50 | $30 | €19.50
Text by Manfred Zollner
Dutch edition
ISBN 978 90 5330 804 2
£12.50 | $30 | €19.50
ISBN 978 90 5330 826 4
Next #04
ISBN 978 90 5330 736 6
Edition of 50
£225 | $350 | €250
Schilt Publishing
Schilt Publishing
Sophie Zénon
Roads Over
Troubled Water
Martin Parr
Parr by Parr
A quest for the soul
Une chasse à l’âme
Bilder aus Kambodscha
ISBN 978 90 5330 737 3
Nicholas Albrecht
One, No One, and
One Hundred
£16.95 | $25 | €19.90
ISBN 978 90 5330 821 9
Text by Quentin Bajac
Matt Gunther
Probable Cause
Jane Hilton
Jane Hilton
Dead Eagle Trail
ISBN 978 90 5330 820 2
Scott Daniel
Iowa, Ohio
ISBN 978 90 5330 795 3
£29.95 | $40 | €35
ISBN 978 90 5330 822 6
£35 | $55 | €39.90
America’s Twenty-First
Century Cowboys
£29.95 | $40 | €35
ISBN 978 90 5330 717 5
£29.95 | $40 | €35
£32.50 | $55 | €39.90
ISBN 978 90 5330 696 3
Special edition
£125 | $250 | €150
ISBN 978 90 5330 718 2
Edition of 50 copies
£225 | $350 | €250
Ilvy Njiokiktjien
Slagroomtaart en
Nederland in 100
Tekst: Sabeth Snijders
ISBN 978 90 5330 847 9
Dutch language
Sergey Chilikov
Selected Works
Elena Perlino
Trafficking in Italy
Robert King
Democratic Desert
The War in Syria
Malcolm Venville
The Women Of
Casa X
Lorena Ros
David Chancellor
ISBN 978 90 5330 814 1
Vadim Gushchin
Everyday Objects/
Cultural Treasures
ISBN 978 90 5330 760 1
ISBN 978 90 5330 824 0
ISBN 978 90 5330 818 9
£27.50 | $45 | €35
£27.50 | $45 | €35
£35 | $50 | €40
Text by Amanda de la
£27.50 | $45 | €35
ISBN 978 90 5330 792 2
£32.50 | $60 | €50
£45 | $65 | €49.90
Special edition
ISBN 978 90 5330 778 6
ISBN 978 90 5330 805 9
isbn 978 90 5330 801 1
£35 | $50 | €40
Edition of 20 copies
£650 | $1000 | €800
Schilt Publishing
Schilt Publishing
Chiara Tocci
Life After Zog
Matthew Murray
ISBN 978 90 5330 798 4
and other stories
£12.50 | $20 | €15
ISBN 978 90 5330 796 0
Text by Addie and
Mitchell Vassie
Grey Matters 1
£12.50 | $20 | €15
ISBN 978 90 5330 812 7
Grey Matters 2
£12.50 | $20 | €15
Grey Matters 3
Grey Matters
affordable cahiers with
top-class photography
from emerging and
Lucia Ganieva
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Gesche Würfel
Camille Renée
My Other Side
ISBN 978 90 5330 819 6
ISBN: 978 90 5330 839 4
£12.50 | $20 | €15
£12.50 | $20 | €15
Grey Matters 4
Grey Matters 5
Donald Weber
& Arthur Bondar
The Euromaidan
Text by Larry Frolick
ISBN: 978 90 5330 841 7
£12.50 | $20 | €15
Grey Matters 6
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Gee Chang Hong Centre
Singapore 349560
One Ingram Blvd.
f (1) 43 49 41 22
Observatory 7925
65 Wong Chuk Hang Road
t (65) 6749 3551
LaVergne, TN 37086
Cape Town
f (65) 6749 3552
IPS: 866-765-0179
t (021) 447 5300
Hong Kong
e customer.service@
Victoria Hutton
T 07899 941010
Germany, South and Switzerland
f (021) 447 1430
t +852 2 553 9289
London Gift Accounts
Sara Ticci
f +852 2 554 2912
India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Bhutan
Kapil Kapoor
Distribution in
The Netherlands
Export Sales Department
The Near and Middle East
James Denton
Thames & Hudson Ltd
Middle East incl. Egypt
T 07765 403182
Stephen Embrey
For China enquiries:
t 91 11 4068 2000
Export Sales Department
Michelle Liu, Beijing
f + 91 11 2921 7185
Centraal Boekhuis
Thames & Hudson Ltd
Karim White
Jiajin Chen, Shanghai
Pakistan and Sri Lanka
t +31 (0)345 – 47 58 88
Scipio Stringer
South and South East Gift Accounts
Subsidiaries, Agents and
Representatives Abroad
t 07740 768900
Roli Books
Bookcity Co.(P.J.S)
Thames & Hudson Ltd
Representation in
The Netherlands
Central and South America, Mexico
Italy, Spain and Portugal
P.O. Box 158757341
Natasha Ffrench
Natasha Ffrench
743 Shariati St.
Ms Helen Lee, Taipei
Export Sales Department
Export Sales Department
Tehran 16396
Thames & Hudson Ltd
Thames & Hudson Ltd
t +(9821)88459950
Australia, New Zealand, Papua New
Coen Sligting Bookimport
f +(9821)88459949
Guinea & the Pacific Islands
Groot Nieuwland 27
Ed Summerson
Thames & Hudson (Australia) Pty Ltd
1811 ET Alkmaar
e edward_summerson@asiapubs.
11 Central Boulevard
The Netherlands
Portside Business Park
t +31(0)72 – 511 92 20
Fisherman’s Bend
f +31(0)72 – 511 70 29
The Caribbean
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John Edgeler
the CIS
Edgeler Book Services Ltd
Per Burell
Lonnie Kahn Ltd
m +44 7801 866936
t +46 (0)8 85 64 75
20 Eliyahu Eitan Street
Victoria 3207
t/f +44 1903 265925
75703 Rishon Lezion
Scipio Stringer
t (03) 9646 7788
t (03) 951 8418
Export Sales Department
f (03) 9646 8790
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f (03) 951 8415
Thames & Hudson Ltd
Representation in
Bas van der Zee
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President Kennedylaan 66 huis
For countries not mentioned
Luster Publishing
1079 NG Amsterdam
above, please contact:
Tania Van de Vondel
Michael Klein
t +31 6 23 13 76 95
Levant Distributors
Thames & Hudson Singapore Pte Ltd
c/o Vertreterbuero Wuerzburg
PO Box 11-1181
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Ian Bartley, Head of Export Sales
2000 Antwerp
Sin-El-Fil, Al Qalaa Area
No 22, 24 & 26 Jalan SS3/41
Export Sales Department
T +49 931 17 405
Hopland 33 bus 4.2
f +49 931 17 410
Sector No. 5
47300 Petaling Jaya
Thames & Hudson Ltd
t +32 (0)474 - 88 49 68
Africa (excluding South)
Bldg #31, 53rd Street
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181A High Holborn
Ian Bartley
t (603) 7877 6063
London WC1V 7QX
Eastern Europe and Eastern Mediterranean
Export Sales Department
t (01) 488 035
f (603) 7877 3414
t +44 (0)20 7845 5000
Stephen Embrey
Thames & Hudson Ltd
f (01) 510 659
f +44 (0)20 7845 5055
Export Sales Department
Thames & Hudson Ltd
July – December 2015
David Batchelder
& Gallery
Peter Martensstraat 121
NL – 1087 na Amsterdam
bm Box 9120
uk – London WC1N 3XX
Portland (or)
2417 se 32nd Avenue
usa – Portland (or) 97214
T +31 20 528 69 12
M +31 6 51 98 47 47
T +44 7794 055862
T +1 734 945 7656