Document 430201

Office Address
6 Bear Creek Path
Ormond Beach, FL
General Manager
Rick Sellers
Office Manager
Janice Cox
Housing Consultant
Ron Miller
Office Receptionist
Diane Dodge
BCMHA President
Lee Holmes
Social Club President
Meri Crowley
President’s Message
Manager’s Blog
Well, it is Fall and great to have all our snowbird
friends back in their southern roost. Welcome back!!
This is my first letter to the community and I have met
many of you at different functions. There are many
of you that I have not met yet, so let me introduce
myself. My name is Rick Sellers. I have been in the
manufactured housing industry for over 30 years.
I have been an owner of communities as well as
operating communities for other owners. My passion
and goal for Bear Creek is to be a pristine community
that residents love to live in. I live 15 minutes from the
community with my beautiful wife, Carol, of 38 years.
We have three children, two daughter-in laws and
two granddaughters. Most of them live in Jacksonville,
FL. and Abilene, TX.
The question of “how many renters are in the park?”
has come up numerous times. During the October
HOA general meeting someone mentioned that a list
was at the gate house for use by the gate attendants.
I went down to check and, yes, there is a list…with
less than 50 names (or about 7% of the park) on it.
Not sure why this is important, but I thought I would
share the information.
Also at the October meeting, Jane Clausen and
Sandy Smith volunteered to be part of the Elections
Committee. With elections coming up in December this
committee is critical to its success. Thank you ladies!!
In the September Bear Facts there was an error in
the paragraph addressing some specifics of the
Nominating Committee. The statement “Per existing
HOA By-Laws, this committee shall be comprised of
five (5) HOA members in good standing” is incorrect.
There is no limit to the size of the committee and we
are still looking for volunteers to staff this committee.
Please contact a board member to express your
interest in being a critical part of the election process.
My door at the office is always open to you. All
you need to do is stop in and visit with me with any
concerns that may come up. Your goal and mine
should be the same when it comes to this community.
That is to have a community that we are proud of as
well and as a great place to call home. It is an honor
to be your community manager, please feel free to
stop in and meet me.
Rick Sellers
General Manager
We are still looking for HOA members to run for the
Board of Directors in December. Priscilla Sanborn and Barry Ferguson have expressed an interest in running
again, but we need more HOA members to step up
Clubhouse Reservations
and run for office. If we don’t have at least five (5)
Toni Hackenberg
HOA directors we can’t have an HOA.
Illness / Death
Helen Bair
Memorial Service or
Funeral Reception
Maureen Ellis
Fan Out Committee
Carole Reddish
We will have a guest speaker at the November
12th HOA General Meeting. Thanks to the efforts of
Ed Burns, Mr. Joe Mannarino, Director of Economic
Development for the City of Ormond Beach, will
be discussing present and future economic projects
impacting both business and real estate development
(e.g., US 1 corridor and the defunct gas station at
Nova and Granada).
One final item, the HOA board is wondering if there
is an attorney residing in Bear Creek, with knowledge
of Florida Statutes 617 and 723, that would be willing
to donate some time (non-litigation) to the board. If
interested, please contact me for more information.
Lee Holmes, President, BCMHOA (492-7189)
of the Month
8 Running Bear Path
Chris & Connie Christenson
They will receive a $20 gift card and a recognition
sign in their yard for the month. Please come to the
Bear Creek office the week of November 1st to
receive your gift card.
Control Committee
Julie Knowlen (FL)
91 Grizzly Bear Path
John & JoAnn Bennett (NY)
95 Grizzly Bear Path
Kevin Faidley (FL)
67 Grizzly Bear Path
Phone change:
Randy & Connie Nelson – 828-400-0607
George & Kay Smith – 732-570-2915
This is the first month that I had a chance to ride
in the community with the Architectural Control Committee and
what we saw was somewhat concerning. The appearance of
the community needs to look pristine. What we saw is that most
of the community takes great pride in their homes and flower
beds. However, some of the residents have let their homes go
unattended. In accordance with the Park Rules and Regulations,
it is the responsibility of the home owner to keep their homes in
good repair and clean on the outside and the carport should
be kept clear of clutter. I guess what I am saying is; to those
of you that keep your place looking sharp, “THANK YOU” and
to those of you that need attention to your home, “PLEASE GET
YOUR PLACE LOOKING GOOD AGAIN”. It is not fair to your
neighbors that your homes and yards are not kept looking good
and it is against the Bear Creek Park Rules and Regulations.
Attention Residents
To help expedite resident improvements to home (exterior)
Bear Creek has come into the 21st century and we are now on Facebook. and yard, we encourage you to pick up an “Application for
Plan Approval” at the Sales Office. Thank you for taking the
proper steps to improve your home’s appearance.
Go online, check us out and “Like” our page.
The site address is:
Architectural Control Committee Members:
Jerry Conway…………………673-4670
If you have any interesting photos of club activities that you would like
to have posted on the Bear Creek Facebook page,
please forward to
Warren Soehren…………………615-1192
Important Rent & Water Payment Reminder
Please report any changes or corrections
to Diane Dodge in the Bear Creek office
(677-1925), Monday – Friday
Rent and water payments are due on the 1st of each month.
Payments must be in the office by the close of the business day
(4:30 pm) on the 10th of the month.
Any payments after that will be assessed late fees of $25.00.
We accept only checks or money orders for payment (6/2012).
As of January 2013, we do not accept postdated checks and
no more than 2 months lot rent payment in advance.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Irene Butler…………………676-9628
Rick Sellers, GM…………………677-1925
Residents who have put their homes up “FOR RENT”
or are considering doing so MUST have
Management approval.
Background checks are required.
DECEMBER to: for the Bear Facts Newsletter by the 13th of
BEAR FACTS November, 3:00pm, for the December 2014 issue.
NEWSLETTER The “Bear Facts” newsletter is published monthly for its residents and guests. It is intended
for information only, and is not a forum for individual opinion. Articles written for
publication must be signed and will be selected and edited for space and readability.
November 13 Notice: If you wish to post an item for sale in the Bear Facts, it is treated as an advertisement.
You can obtain the price list and application form from the office.
Federation of Manufactured
Homeowners of Florida
In short… FMO
Thank you to all those who continue their
membership. Some of our members have been
loyal and supportive for as long as 18+ years. A thank you goes
out to those who have decided to become new members. Now more
than ever we need to support FMO. Large corporations are buying
mobile home parks all across the state. These corporations are
constantly taking actions and looking for ways to lobby legislators
for changes that will weaken or delete the rights you have under
Chapter 723. At the present time we have 150+ FMO members.
We have over 600+ homes in Bear Creek. We need to increase
membership for us to have a strong voice in the State House, don’t
leave it up to a few of us to carry the load for all of you. It’s time
for all manufactured home owners to support FMO. The membership
fees (beginning November 1st) are $25 for one year and $65 for
three years. Becoming a member will also allow you to become a
Cross Country Motor Club member for as little as $40 per year.
FMO is the only organization whose purpose is to protect
manufactured home owners. FMO has a Lobbyist in Tallahassee
who watches for the legislation that affects your lifestyle. FMO
has an attorney that advises the Board of Directors on a part-time
basis. Our attorney also answers legal questions in each issue of the
official “FMO News”. If you have a legal question, you can have it
answered by e-mailing to
At the district level, February to April, there was a membership
contest that I won by signing up eight new members to FMO. I was
given a $50.00 reward. I decided to pay it forward. The winners
of the first $25 drawing were Bill and Fay Albro. I offered an
additional challenge to any new members who signed up recently,
the winner is Marie Facciponti. Thank you goes out to Marie and the
others who recently joined FMO.
Here is the website of our two representatives should you ever want
to correspond with them.
Social Club News
Fall has officially returned to Bear Creek and so have most of our
friends and neighbors. Welcome home.
Now that the holidays are approaching, we hope to see you at
the many upcoming Social Club functions. Our Halloween Party,
hosted by Kathy Laundry, was a huge success. Thank you Kathy and
crew. In November we will be looking forward to our first Pot Luck
dinner of the season and Thanksgiving Dinner the following week.
Don’t forget the Veteran’s Day Ceremony on Saturday, November
8th hosted by Bill Loudon and his committee. In December we will
be having our Christmas Party and New Year’s Eve Party. Let’s
hope everyone comes out to have a great time. We will talk about
these events at our November meeting.
Remember, in December we will be holding elections for next year’s
Social Club Board. We are looking for candidates. If anyone is
interested, please call me at 677-3278 or please come to our
meeting on Wednesday, November 5th and introduce yourself.
The Tiki Hut will be closing for the season on Sunday, November
16th. We still need volunteers so drop by the Tiki Hut and sign up
or give me a call. Once again, I want to thank all the volunteers
who have helped out this season. I could not have kept it open
without your help. I appreciate that you have given up so much of
your time to help out.
Refreshments will be served and your voice, opinions and
suggestions are welcome.
Events in November:
Wednesday, November 5th.......................Social Club Meeting
Clubhouse #2 ~ 7pm
Saturday, November 8th ................. Veteran’s Day Celebration
Clubhouse #2 ~ 9am - 3pm
Saturday, November 15th ...................... Continental Breakfast
Clubhouse #2 ~ 8:30am - 10am
Sunday, November 16th ... Tiki Hut CLOSES FOR THE SEASON
Senator William Thrasher
Wednesday, November 19th....................................... Pot Luck
Clubhouse #2 ~ 5pm - until
Congressman David Hood
Saturday, November 22nd .......................................... Karaoke
Clubhouse #2 ~ 7pm - 10pm
FMO is always looking for suggestions for legislation that would
benefit manufactured home parks, if you have any ideas please
e-mail them to me at
Thursday, November 27th ...................... Thanksgiving Dinner
Clubhouse #2 ~ 1pm
Any questions or if you would like more info on FMO membership
please call:
Mary Lou Allen (673-9400) or Priscilla Sanborn (673-7295)
Friday, November 28th ....................................... Friday Bingo
Clubhouse #2 ~ 11:30am - 3pm
Meri Crowley, President
Bear Creek Social Club ~ 386-677-3278
Homeless Ministry…My name is Marlene (Molly) Doukas and I am a resident of Bear Creek. My church collects toiletries
and hygiene items that are placed in plastic bags and distributed to the homeless. We are in need of the following NEW travel-size items:
toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, soap, shampoo, conditioner, body/hand lotion and NEW socks. If you have any of these items that you
would like to donate to this mission, please leave them at my back door at 6 Spectacled Bear Path or call me at 386-236-8219. AT THIS
can be used, but need to be in GOOD condition. Thank you for your support of this Homeless Mission.
**** BE ALERT ****
As a resident of Bear Creek you are
a member of the “Neighborhood
Watch Program”
The Police, Bear Creek Management
and your Neighborhood Watch
Committee are asking you to
report any suspicious or illegal
activity in our community/park to the Police.
Here’s how:
• Dial - 248-1777 (this is the non-emergency dispatch
• Also call the Front Gate - 672-1937 (between the hours
of 7:00 am &11:00 pm),
• Tell the call taker what happened and the exact location
of the occurrence,
• Provide a detailed description of individuals or vehicles,
• Remain on the phone and stay calm,
• Be prepared to answer follow-up questions.
TO REPORT ILLEAGAL ACTIVITIES: crimes in progress, theft,
vandalism, etc.?
• Dial 9-1-1 to call the Police Department /Sheriff’s Office,
• Also call the Front Gate - 672-1937 (between the hours
of 7:00 am & 11:00 pm),
• Follow the same procedure as reporting “suspicious
activity” as listed above.
If you would like to become a member of the Neighborhood
Watch Committee or desire to assist with this program in any
way, please contact Lee Fannell - Committee Chairperson, Lee
Holmes – BCMHA President or contact us via e-mail. If you
would like to be added to the e-mail Neighborhood Watch
update list, simply put your name & e-mail address in the
Neighborhood Watch box located on the table at the back
of the main area in Clubhouse #2. You’ll receive all e-mail
updates from our committee via the “BC WATCH MAILMAN”.
Our e-mail address is:
Help keep OUR Community SAFE!!
Respectfully, Your Bear Creek Neighborhood Watch
Halifax Urban Ministries is in urgent need of canned goods and non-perishables.
We collect these items at Celebration Clubhouse #2 or at my house, 41 Bear Creek Path.
Thank you, Bill Campbell
Tennis Club
Did you use to play tennis and would like to again?
Join us on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings
at 9:00 am.
We are low keyed and just enjoy the camaraderie
and exercise.
Any questions, call Lee Anderson 608-780-5757.
See you on the court
The SPEED LIMIT in the Bear Creek Community
is FIFTEEN (15) MILES PER HOUR as stated
in Rule # 17 in the “Rules and Regulations for
Bear Creek Mobile
Home Park” which
all residents receive
when they move
into Bear Creek.
The Sunshine
Our committee provides help for Memorial Services/Receptions
only for current Bear Creek residents who have passed away.
This free service includes: a clubhouse reservation, set up and
clean up and provide coffee, punch, cookies and all paper
products. If you are called to help or provide cookies, please
support this much needed service. Donations are gratefully
accepted. If you need this service please contact: Maureen Ellis
(386) 677-6992
Inga Hamilton ~ Gordon Thompson
Betty Kubiak ~ Marge Holzman ~ Bill Culliton
By having your front lamp post on at night
you will:
1. Enable emergency vehicles to
locate your home if needed,
2. Will help deter suspicious or
illegal activity,
3. Provide a safe walking
environment for pedestrians.
If your lamp post does not work please
fill out a work order. Work orders can be
found, and submitted, in a labeled brown
box at each mail station.
The Sunshine Committee also maintains a room in Recreation
Clubhouse #3 which maintains the following items: wheelchairs,
walkers, crutches, adult potty chairs, playpen/crib combo and
highchairs. Residents can borrow these items when needed.
When items are not being used, please return the borrowed
items as soon as possible.
Please call the following people if this service is needed:
Helen Bair 615-7952 Bob Tallon 672-3557
Irene Butler 676-9628 Nancy Mellon 673-5493
Thank You
I would like to thank all of my friends for their cards, prayers,
food and many acts of kindness at the time of Bob’s passing.
Thank you!
Ann Ferguson & Family
Losing a husband, youngest son and a grandson all in the
span of a month, has been more than traumatic for me and
my family. The love and prayers, along with food, plants and
support has made me feel truly blessed to be a resident
of Bear Creek. Thank you to all my friends and neighbors,
without whom this would have been nearly impossible to get
through. Bear Creek people are very special!
Lorraine Culliton & family
Our Craft Fair was a great success. We had a total of
$1139.00 to donate to Halifax Urban Ministries.
Raffle Table - $331.00
Cake Sale - $110.00
Kitchen Sales - $353.00
Table rentals - $344.00
(after taking out costs for newspaper ads in the News-Journal
and Pennysaver and buying food and drinks)
This was the best donation we’ve given yet.
Special thanks goes to Sal, Ann, Edy and Patty for keeping
the kitchen going, Meri with Cake sales, Joni and Ann with
the Raffle table and Jeanie for keeping the Roses Gift Shop
open. Thank you to all the residents who made cakes, cookies
and breads. Thank you to the Horseshoe League men for the
setup and clean up of tables and chairs.
Kathy Iaconis
The family of Elizabeth “Betty” Kubiak would like to thank the
Bear Creek residents, our friends and the Sunshine Club for
their gifts, flowers, food and refreshments. We appreciate all
the support you have given to Kenneth Kubiak in celebrating
the life of Betty.
Thank you,
Ken Kubiak & Children
Library News & Thank You
“Variety Show”
Comedy and Music from your favorite TV
shows of the past.
With guest appearances by the Bear Creek Singers, Bear
Creek Line Dancers and Bear Creek Tap Dancers.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Celebration Clubhouse 2
Doors Open at 6:00 pm
Show starts at 7:00 pm sharp
Coffee, tea and desserts provided during intermission
Admission $2.00 and tickets will be sold at the door.
All proceeds will go into the Performing Arts Account for
upgrades and replacement of equipment for the Sound
System, expenses for music and other miscellaneous items
so we can bring the best performances possible for your
Toni Hackenberg - 265-5204, Virginia Vainella - 676-9128
or Jane Popham - 672-3411
Bear Creek Little Theater Meetings
Tuesdays at 3 pm in Clubhouse 2
If you have experience with video camcorders we could use a
helping hand to tape our shows.
Also anyone who would like to help out with behind the scenes.
Don’t forget, mark your calendars for our “ Variety Show” on
Saturday, November 15, 2014, doors will open at 6pm and
the show will start at 7pm sharp.
Toni Hackenberg - 265-5204, Virginia Vainella - 676-9128
or Jane Popham - 672-3411
Once again I want to thank our dedicated library committee for all of their hard work in preparing for the book sale: Bea Barry,
Louise Kubiak, Kathy and Squirt Lyke, Helen and Warren Soehren, Dick Pierce, and Anne Pollitt who also volunteered to help
set-up. It is a physically demanding job! While we did not do as well as other years, we did make enough money to purchase
about 25 new paperbacks. So be on the lookout for their arrival and continue to enjoy reading books from your library. However,
remember that others may be waiting for the books that you have borrowed, so please return them within a timely period.
Pleasant browsing!!
Lucy Pierce, chairperson
Scarlet O’Bears
Hi Red Hatters,
I just want you all to know I made a BIG MISTAKE in
last month’s Bear Facts. Don’t ask, do not know how
I did it, but I did it. You all probably thought I am
nuts, and as you all know I am.
Hatter Happenings:
November 1st (Saturday) - We will be on our way to the Villages
for a craft show. Thanks to Judy Coe and Linda Locke who put this
enjoyable trip together for us. Meet at CH #1, the bus will leave at
9:00 am. There are still a few seats available, If you know anyone
that would like to join us, call Judy at 615-3268. Cost is $20.00 for
the bus and lunch is on your own. REMEMBER NO RED HAT OUTFITS
December 10th (Wednesday) - is our Christmas party at the
Halifax Plantation in Ormond. Bring a $10.00 grab bag with your
name on the gift. Cost is $23.00 and must be paid by NOV. 22ND
to me. I also will be collecting jars of peanut butter and jelly for the
kids at the Domestic Abuse Center. Please bring to my home and
not the Christmas party.
Your choice of entrée:
1. Baked Stuffed Talapia with Crab & Lobster stuffing or
Florentine stuffing.
2. Beef Tenderloin Tips Marsala.
3. Chicken Francaise.
All entrees include salad, fresh baked rolls, chefs selection of fresh
seasonal vegetables. Appropriate starch and delicious dessert.
Coffee and hot or cold tea. What more could you ask for?
January 2015 - I have planned a fun filled day by bus to Winter
Park. As soon as I have everything lined up I will let you know.
February 8th (Sunday) - Princess Sunshine (Eileen Palotti) is hosting
our day to see the hilarious, funny play “SOCIAL SECURITY” at the
Daytona Beach Playhouse. Cost is $15.00 and more info to come.
Meets every third Monday of the month at
Clubhouse 1 from 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
The selection for November, January and
February are:
November: The All-Girl Filling Station Last Reunion
Fannie Flagg
Fannie Flagg is at her hilarious and superb best in this comic mystery
novel about two women who are forced to reimagine who they are.
January: The Secret History
Donna Tart
Under the influence of their charismatic classics professor, a group
of clever, eccentric misfits at an elite New England college discover
a way of thinking and living that is a world away from the humdrum
existence of their contemporaries. But when they go beyond the
boundaries of normal morality their lives are changed profoundly
and forever, and they discover how hard it can be to truly live and
how easy it is to kill.
February: The Language of Flowers
Vanessa Diffenbaugh
The Victorian language of flowers was used to convey romantic
expressions but for Victoria Jones it’s been more useful in
communicating grief, mistrust and solitude. After a childhood spent
in the foster-care system, Victoria is eighteen and emancipated.
With nowhere to go she sleeps in a public park where she plants
her own small garden. When a local florist discovers her talents
Victoria realizes she has a gift for helping others through flowers.
Please come join us for a lively, fun and informative discussion
on very varied subject matters.
We are always open to suggestions for monthly book
selections and would appreciate any and all input.
For further information, contact Marge Jerico (676-28 55)
Your call girls will be in touch!
Momma says,”The best journey always takes us home.”
Hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving. Be safe on the road.
Your Queen Mother,
Marie Facciponti 615-8506
Bear Creek
Singles Club
We had an awesome turnout for
our first meeting!
Please keep the water meter areas
clear of debris and pet droppings.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
There were lots of great ideas.
We will be having a Potluck/Card Night on November 10th
in Clubhouse #2 at 6:00 pm.
If you are interested in joining us please give me a call.
Nancy Comeau – (386) 405-6853
Celebration CH (#2)
12:30 pm
Tiki Hut
7-8 pm
Pickle Ball
7 pm
Tap Dance
Recreation CH (#3)
2-4 pm
Bear Creek Lodge (#1)
9:30 - 11 am Water Aerobics
7 pm
Celebration CH (#2)
8 & 10 am
9 am
9 am
10-12 pm
Art/Painting Class
2-4 pm
Recreation CH (#3)
9:30 am
Indoor Aerobics
1-3 pm
6 pm
Mixed Poker
7 pm
Ladies’ Bridge
Celebration CH (#2)
9-10 am
Tai Chi
10:30 am
Sitting Aerobics/
Strength Training
2-4 pm
3 pm
Bear Creek
Little Theatre
6-7 pm
Rose Gift Shop
7 pm
Bear Creek Lodge (#1)
9:30 - 11 am Water Aerobics
Bear Creek Lodge (#1)
7 pm
Mixed Bridge
Bear Creek Lodge (#1)
9:30 - 11 am Water Aerobics
Celebration CH (#2)
12:00 pm
Tiki Hut
Celebration CH (#2)
8 & 10 am
9 am
9 am
1-3 pm
Craft Shop Open
2-4 pm
4 pm
Aquabelles (pool)
Celebration CH (#2)
10 am - 12 pm Yoga
12 noon
Sitting Aerobics/
Strength Training
2-4 pm
3 pm
Bear Creek Singers
7 pm
Country Line
Celebration CH (#2)
8 & 10 am
9 am
9:30 am
Shuffl eboard
10-11:30 am Bean Bag Toss
1-3 pm
Rose Gift Shoppe
2-4 pm
Recreation CH (#3)
1-4 pm
Texas Hold’em
Recreation CH (#3)
9 am
Bocce Ball
Recreation CH (#3)
9:30 am
Indoor Aerobics
1-3 pm
Mixed Bridge
1-4 pm
Texas Hold’em
7 pm
Recreation CH (#3)
9 am
Bocce Ball
9:30-11:30 am Quilt Club
6 pm
Mixed Poker
7 pm
Recreation CH (#3)
9:30 am
Indoor Aerobics
7 pm
November 22th
7:00 pm in Clubhouse #2
Join your neighbors and friends
Sing, dance, listen
or just sit back and relax
Bring your own snacks and drinks
NOTE: Above events happen the same day, same time, same location every week. It is the responsibility of the person in charge of each event to notify the clubhouse coordinator of any changes, corrections, deletions or additions to this calendar.
Bear Creek’s 3rd Annual Veterans Day Ceremony
Saturday, November 8th
11:00 am in Clubhouse #2
Join us as we recognize those who have served our country.
We will be unveiling the Veterans Plaque in the foyer.
We will have a guest speaker from Embry-Riddle University
And patriotic music by the Bear Creek Singers.
The Tiki Hut will open immediately after the ceremony.
November 27, 2014 at 2:00 pm
Come join us on Thanksgiving for turkey
and all the trimmings, including wine & dessert.
Tickets will be on sale beginning in November before
Bingo and the Social Club and HOA meetings.
Cost is $9.00 per ticket.
If you would like to help out, please contact
Nancy Comeau 386-405-6853.
The Thanksgiving committee will hold it’s
first meeting in early November.
Bear Creek Residents, come watch the 2014 NFL
football season games with Bear Creek’s Sport Fans
on the Big Screen TV every Sunday in Celebration
Clubhouse 2 between 12 noon – 5pm.
Bring your snacks and beverages.
For more Info you may contact
Phil Hackenberg, Perch Laundry or Ray Tullas
Join your friends and neighbors on November 28th
for our monthly Friday Bingo.
Cards to play 10 games are free, with extra cards available
at a very reasonable price. A lunch is available at 11:30.
Tuna, chicken or ham salads are only $1 each.
Soup, soda and water are also on the menu.
Bingo starts at 12:30.
Your Social Club is happy so many of you have
taken advantage of this opportunity.
Your Mobile Home Parts Warehouse!
* Mobile Home Supplies
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* Screen Rooms
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* Tubs & Showers
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* Vanities & Tops
* Kitchen Cabinets
* Water Heaters
* Storm Awnings
* Doors & Windows
* Siding & Skirting
* Steps & Rails
* Anchors/Tie Downs
* Roof Coating
* Shutters
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Newsletter Sponsors: Bear Creek extends its very
sincere thanks to all the advertisers who have
participated in this newsletter. Without their support,
this newsletter would not have been possible.
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RV / Boat / Trailer
Storage Area
We currently have a few available spaces
for small & large RV’s, boats and/or trailers.
If you are interested,
please inquire at the Sales Office.
Bear Creek Bowling League Scores
Sept 16 - Oct. 7, 2014
Men’s - Games & Series
Harold Lyke - 226, 234, 237, 255: (630, 717), Bob Barnett - 201, 213: (592), Ace Sumter -191, 197, 204: (546, 585),
Raymond Saltmarsh - 188, 189, 194, 203: (571), Joe Nichlas - 195, 209, 214: (559, 570),
Lee Holmes - 190, 191, 198, 200: (544), Chris Christenson - 201, 202: (519), Ted Jarek - 184, 189: (516),
Dick Pierce - 160, 165: (460), Ben Manitone - 156, 165, 180: (449), Bill Wilt - 144, 162: (436),
Jim Whittet - 169, 183: (420), Bill Clausen - 130, 151: (402), Warren Soehren - 205, Bill Oleksiw - 201,
Larry Martin - 200, Bob Orluk - 183, 190, Bob Cornwell - 169, 173, 188,
Dennis Sorgi - 166, Jim Weedon - 165, John McElhaney - 157, Mike Kennedy – 124.
Women’s - Games & Series
Kathy Lyke – 243: (524), Joan Nichlas - 176, 190: (503), Jeanine Keen – 181: (468), Lucy
Pierce - 152, 168: (467), Helen Soehren - 143, 156, 186: (428), Lorraine Gallagher - 151, 155, 166, 169: (426),
Diane Barnett - 153, 161, 174: (421), Pam Whittet – 148: (413), Bette Geary - 142, 145: (398),
Faith Ferguson – 161: (375), Tina Weedon - 120, 126, 132, 136, 137: (358), Irene Butler – 122 (2), 147 (355),
Shirley Jacko - 180, Connie Christenson - 180, Sandy Cornwell - 172, Mary VanHorn - 142,
Celeste Mastrobuono - 113, 123, Patty Darlington - 115, 117.
Bear Creek Resident — Bob Mahoney - CALL 671-1991
PRESSURE WASHING - House / Screen Porch $50; Driveway/Sidewalk $30
Repair and replace trim, gutters, sof ts, fascia, roof, gutter valance, aluminum railings
Painting exterior/interior, kitchen cabinets, vanities, driveways
Flooring - laminate, tile; repair rotted oor under layment and replace with plywood
Doors installed - interior/exterior, storm doors, sliding doors repaired and installed
Plumbing - sinks, faucets, garbage disposals, under sink lters, hot water heaters
Bathroom renovations - vanities, sinks, counters, faucets, toilets, shower doors
Lattice privacy dividers
CARPORT ROOFS - Underside painted one coat special primer and one coat high
quality nish - Call for estimate
12 Sandy Cornwell
Al Perna
25 Ernie Cadorette
Kathleen Dezi
Joan Healey
13 Robert Barnett
Marilyn Fuller
Kathy Iaconis
26 Ruth McLacklan
Cathy Lavery
Donna Rucki
14 Bill Burns
Toni Hackenberg
Louise Merelo
27 B. Sue Lamb
Joel Anderson
Anna Heizman
Richard Vaughan
Jim King
Gary Clark
15 Kitti Lyon
Bryan Savoy
Joan Barnet
1 Francine Gumina
John Rottner
16 Bob Orluk
Barbara Bakke
Alexa Balles
2 Edith Cerwinski
Peggy Lehoux
Lori Bean
Valarie Remacle
28 Ron Lee
David Allen
Melvin Scott
Michael Gammon
17 Kenneth Rutherford
Frank Gordon
Carolann Campbell
3 Edie Dalson
Cheryl Jenkins
Fran Canfield
18 Ken Schroeder
5 Richard Knowlen
Larry Fronczak
19 Pat Orluk
Helen Soehren
Joe Vainella
Pat Moran
Alma Buchanan
6 Pat Miller
7 Shirley Jacko
Marilyn Silver
Donna Burgos
20 Mary Bowling
Bob Binnie
Michael Lundregan
8 Karen Matz
Peg Ness
Mark Sheehan
Donna MacGregor
22 Conrad Christenson
Carol Vaughan
23 Lorraine Culliton
Roger Newton
10 Phyllis DaSilva
2 Donald Nelson
3 Doris Tuttle
Jim Wilson
Carleen Telgen
4 Maureen Ellis
24 Richard Rosenthal
George Murphy
11 Wilfredo Fadragas
Norman Webster
30 Susan Bazy
Joshua Edberg
1 Gloria Isham
Fred Hering
Patricia Coffey
21 Billie Owens
Jacalyn Anthony
Penny Houle
9 Bob Coe
Bob Huggard
Joan Zindell
George Conefrey
29 Barbara Burns
Irene Butler
Lee Holmes
Jean Christopher
Connie Genis
Margaret Ford
Vern Townsend
Christina McDearis
5 “Fuzzy” Fuller
Happy Anniversary
Dennis & Diane King
12 Alan & Dee Bigelow
22 Oliver & Charlene Ford
William & Carleen Telgen
14 George & Joan Zindell (50 yrs)
25 Sal & Barbara Somma
Salvatore & Carol Comerate
Brian & Myra Sparks
15 Terry & Libby Williams
Carlos & Doreen Parrondo
Jim & Kathy Kraley
26 Harry & Gertrude Hasson (50 yrs)
Richard & Carol Vaughan
18 Carl & Jackie Maloney
29 Rob & Marie Webber
Linus & Beverly Fobare
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D.B. Pickles
400 S. Nova Road
Ormond Beach FL, 32174
Wednesday, November 12……………..…..11:30am
Wednesday, November 19….……………...11:30am
RSVP to Licensed Planning Counselor John McCormick (386) 788-9238
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