Pg. 2 Nov.-Dec., 2014 Nov.-Dec., 2014 Just A Note... of PA and WV Amy & Dave Carter, Publishers Toll Free Phone: 866-825-9217 Toll Free Fax: 866-261-9641 E-mail: Web Site: P.O. Box 365 • New Market, MD 21774 Publisher Contact Numbers Across the USA & Canada Send $3 to any publisher below to receive a paper from that area. • Indicates the state has a web-viewable version of The Country Register. The Country Register Founder: Barbara Floyd, 602-321-6511,, located in Phoenix, AZ USA • Alabama: Dana Wilburn, 6349 Knollwood Ct., Frederick, MD, 21701, 301-639-0469 • Arizona: Barbara Stillman & Lolly Konecky, 515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix AZ 85085, 602-942-8950 • Arkansas: Lenda Williams, P.O. Bo 32581, Oklahoma City, OK 73123, 405-470-2597 • California: Barbara Stillman & Lolly Konecky, 515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix AZ 85085, 602-942-8950 Colorado: Jan & John Keller, 16755 Oak Brush Loop, Peyton, CO, 80831, 719-749-9797 • Connecticut: Michael Dempsey, 10213 Fanny Brown Road, Raleigh, NC 27603, 919-661-1760 • Delaware: Merle and Gail Taylor, P.O. Box 128, Owens Cross Roads, AL, 35763, 888-616-8319 • Florida: Dave & Amy Carter, P.O. Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 • Georgia: Linda Parish, P.O. Box 389, Lexington, GA, 30648, 706-340-1049, 678-641-7728 • Idaho (N): Dee Sleep, 132 W. Hudson Street, Spearfish, SD 57783, 605-722-7028 • Idaho (S) WA & E. OR: Barbara Stillman & Lolly Konecky, 515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix AZ 85085, 602-942-8950 • Illinois: Lenda Williams, P.O. Bo 32581, Oklahoma City, OK 73123, 405-470-2597 • Indiana: Merle and Gail Taylor, P.O. Box 128, Owens Cross Roads, AL, 35763, 888-616-8319 Iowa: Linda Glendy, P.O. Box 6, Tama, IA, 52339, 641-484-6220 • Kansas: Cindy Baldwin, 988 9th Ave., McPherson, KS 67460, 866-966-9815 • Kentucky: Chris & Kelly Kennedy, 5804 Whiterose Way, New Market, MD 21774 443-243-1118 Maine: Gail Hageman, 221 Winslow Rd, Albion, ME 04910, 207-437-2663 • Maryland: Dave & Amy Carter, P.O. Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 • Massachusetts-RI: Michael Dempsey, 10213 Fanny Brown Road, Raleigh, NC 27603, 919-661-1760 Michigan: Bill, Marlene and Leslie Howell, 3790 Manistee, Saginaw, MI, 48603-3143, 989-793-4211 • Minnesota: Kim and Mickey Keller, 12835 Kiska St. NE, Blaine, MN, 55449, 763-754-1661 • Missouri: Lenda Williams, P.O. Bo 32581, Oklahoma City, OK 73123, 405-470-2597 • Montana: Dee Sleep, 132 W. Hudson Street, Spearfish, SD 57783, 605-722-7028 • Nebraska: Barbara Stillman & Lolly Konecky, 515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix AZ 85085, 602-942-8950 • Nevada (N): Barbara Stillman & Lolly Konecky, 515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix AZ 85085, 602-942-8950 • Nevada (S): Glena Dunn, 4568 Carol Circle, Las Vegas, NV, 89120, 702-523-1803 New Hampshire: Kathleen Graham, 330 North Road, Deerfield, NH, 03037, 603-463-3703 • New Jersey: Merle and Gail Taylor, P.O. Box 128, Owens Cross Roads, AL, 35763, 888-616-8319 New Mexico: Jan & John Keller, 16755 Oak Brush Loop, Peyton, CO, 80831, 719-749-9797 • New York: Dave & Amy Carter, P.O. Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 • N. Carolina: Barbara Stillman & Lolly Konecky, 515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix AZ 85085, 602-942-8950 • North Dakota: Dee Sleep, 132 W. Hudson Street, Spearfish, SD 57783, 605-722-7028 • Ohio: Barb Moore, P. O. Box 37, Cable, OH, 43009, 937-652-1157 • Oklahoma: Lenda Williams, P.O. Bo 32581, Oklahoma City, OK 73123, 405-470-2597 • Oregon: Barbara Stillman & Lolly Konecky, 515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix AZ 85085, 602-942-8950 • Pennsylvania: Dave & Amy Carter, PO Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 • Rhode Island: Michael Dempsey, 10213 Fanny Brown Road, Raleigh, NC 27603, 919-661-1760 • S. Carolina: Barbara Stillman & Lolly Konecky, 515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix AZ 85085, 602-942-8950 • South Dakota: Dee Sleep, 132 W. Hudson Street, Spearfish, SD 57783, 605-722-7028 • Tennessee: Chris & Kelley Kennedy, 5804 Whiterose Way, New Market, MD 21774 443-243-1118 • Texas: Lenda Williams, P.O. Bo 32581, Oklahoma City, OK 73123, 405-470-2597 • Utah: Daniel & Stacy Tueller, 153 S 2050 W, Provo UT 84601, 801-592-8498 • Virginia: Dave & Amy Carter, P.O. Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 • Washington & E. OR & S. ID: Barbara Stillman & Lolly Konecky, 515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix AZ 85085, 602-942-8950 • West Virginia: Dave & Amy Carter, PO Box 365, New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217 • Wisconsin: Scott & Jennifer Hughes, P. O. Box 276, Altoona, WI, 54720, 715-838-9426 • Wyoming: Dee Sleep, 132 W. Hudson Street, Spearfish, SD 57783, 605-722-7028 CANADA • Alberta: Ruth Burke, P.O. Box 97, Heisler, AB, T0B2A0,780-889-3776 • British Columbia: Bryan Stonehill, Box 1338, Summerland, B.C. V0H 1Z0, 1-800-784-6711 • Manitoba & Saskatchewan: Scott & Marj Kearns, Box 850, Kipling, SK, S0G 2S0, 306-736-2441 The Country Register of PA/WV Nov. - Dec., 2014 Volume 10 Number 4 The Country Register of PA/WV is published every two months. Copyright 2014. Reproduction or use, without permission, of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited by law. The Country Register is registered as a business trade name and also a trademark in the state of Pennsylvania & West Virginia. Subscription price: 1 Year, 6 Issues, $18.00. Single copies: $3.00 The paper is furnished free at each advertiser, highway welcome centers, tourism centers, shows, events and other selected locations throughout both Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Articles published in this newspaper, which are contributed from an outside source, express the opinions of their authors only and may not express the viewpoint(s) of the management or staff of The Country Register. Such articles that are accepted for publication herein may be edited at the sole discretion of the publisher. Responsibility for products advertised in this newspaper lies with the advertisers themselves. Though The Country Register will not knowingly publish fraudulent materials or fraudulently obtained materials, we are not liable for any damages arising from the purchase or use of products advertised herein. Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones! I can’t believe this is the last issue of 2014! I’m sure you wonder where this year went, just as I do. The good news is that this issue of The Country Register is your source to help make the holidays easier: gift giving ideas, project suggestions, easier on your soul through the tips our writers share, etc. We also included lots of recipes this holiday season. The shows and events calendar is bursting at the seams – be sure to mark your calendar with these events you just don’t want to miss! This gift giving season in particular, please shop at the businesses and shows advertising in this paper. They are your neighbors - locally owned businesses that have worked hard to find gifts, decorating needs and projects that you won’t find elsewhere so that your purchases can be unique, quality items and keeping within your budget. Also, don’t forget to shop Small Business Saturday November 29 by visiting the local shops advertised within the pages of this issue! Additionally, nothing is more unique than a gift made by your hands! Visit the quilt, sewing, needlework and other shops in the paper for ideas of gifts you can make yourself! Please let the advertisers know that you read about them in The Country Register. Your comments show them that their advertising here brings them results. Their advertising is what makes this paper possible. Thank you. Rachel is doing very well as a 9th grader and Grace in 4th grade. They both continue with their year-round swim team and just stay busy with visiting friends, homework, and life in general. Be sure to visit our website where you can: read the current issue online (in case you gave your copy to a friend), click on links to the advertisers’ websites, look over the current event listing, register to win a $25 gift certificate, and subscribe. Also be sure to “like” us on Facebook and follow our updates there! The Jan/Feb will be dedicated to needle arts (sewing, quilting, rug hooking, cross stitch, knitting, etc) and will be available after January 5th. Our family and our staff wish you Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas! Amy , Dave, Rachel and Grace See City Index & Map on pg 15 Countryberries Designs Wool Applique Belsnickle This pattern is free for you to use. Please give the artist credit. Not for commercial use. Enlarge this pattern to your desired size. This pattern was designed as a wool applique with embroidered details. It can also be painted, embroidered, needlepunched or hooked. Have fun! Designed by Kathy Graham Countryberries LLC Whimsies and necessaries for your country home and garden 330 North Road Deerfield, NH 03037 603-463-7615 email us at to get on our email list Pg. 3 Erie - PA & Findley Lake - NY Needle in a Haystack Quilt Retreat - Arrive Thursday afternoon and stay through Sunday afternoon Fabric Outlet Barn - NOW OPEN! Open House Dec 12 - 13 Open Monday thru Thursday 10-4 • Over 2500 bolts of First Quality Quilt shop fabrics • All at $5, $6, & $7 per Yard! • Thousands of Fat quarters too at $1.50 • Accommodations for 18 with comfy beds draped with quilts (of course) and 18 individual sewing stations with posture perfect chairs for hours of sewing • Reserve the entire place for your group or come by yourself to meet new friends Shop in your Jammies on the website too... 716-769-7878 A Cup of Tea with Lydia Beautiful Historic 1900’s Dairy Barn restored into a Quilter’s Dream Retreat • Family-style meals included Check website often for special events and specific classes. 814-882-0411 3141 North Rd., Findley Lake, NY Shows and EventsListing By Lydia E. Harris Twlve Teas of Christmas On the first day of Christmas my true Extra Ideas love gave to me . . .” As we near the Add meaning to your card by including holiday season, a partridge in a pear tree a favorite saying, poem, or Bible verse, might not be the perfect gift, but tea is! such as: “My cup overflows” (Psalm 23:5 January/February, by December 1 his love For all your tea-loving family2015 and events NIV) due or “God has poured out Mail a check foridea: $20 with yourthe event info into to the address at the top(Romans of page 2. 5:5 NIV). friends, try this TEA-riffic Give our hearts” “Twelve Teas of Christmas,” whichNovember is For a simple idea to hold the tea, buy both a card and a gift. It’s simple andoff Sale small ceramic holiday loaf pansPAfound in All Month. ..................................................10% at Brubakers Quilts in Kutztown, (pg. 12) inexpensive to make and will create a craft stores and fill each with an All Month... Visit the Three Exhibits on display at the Virginia Quilt Museum in Harrisonburg, VA (pg. 17) dozen days of tea-sipping pleasure of twelve teas. 1.......................................... Christmas Openfor House assortment at The Blue Snickel in Morgantown, PA (pg.11) those receiving it. All you need are a You could also include a treatVAto(pg. enjoy 1.............Visit Valley Needleworks at Craft Day at Belle Grove Plantation in Middletown, 16) variety of teas and manila file folders. with the tea. One December I gave a 1............................................ Christmas Open House at Arts and Treasures in Grafton, WV (pg.local 20) Supplies to Gather friend twelve teas and twelve treats for 1-2................................Christmas Open House at Thymes Remembered in New Oxford, PA (pg. 9) Purchase twelve different teas that her birthday. I packaged a variety of 1-15..................................................Visit Participating Shops at The Eastern PA Shop Hop (pg. 12) come individually sweets she could freeze and enjoy later 4-Dec 31............................................... Storewide Sale at Creative Dreams in Kittanning, PA (pg. 6) wrapped in pretty with tea. For out-of-town friends, 6-8........................................Annual Fall Sale at Sew What? Fabric Shoppe in Addison, NY (pg. 14) foil packages. It’s you could purchase packaged 7-8...........................................Holiday Gathering at The Inn at Narrows Creek in DuBois, PA (pg. 5) easy to gather a shortbread or other treats. 7-8....................Holiday in Shinnston, WV for (pg. 21) nice variety by Open House at Home Style & Urban Farmhouse Another gift idea tea 7-9. . ......................................P. Buckley Moss Show at Apple Barn Gallery in Buchanan, VA (pg. 16) buying boxes of enthusiasts is Emilie 8..........Needleworkers in Middletown, VA (pg.The 16) assorted herbal Anonymous Meeting (1-4) at Valley Needleworks Barnes’ book, 8.............. Christmas Open House at Welcome Home Primitives N More in Charleston, WV (pg. 18) blends and ones Twelve Teas of 8................................................Holiday Open House at Country Peddler in Bridgeport, WV (pg. 20) with regular teas. Christmas, which 8-9............ 14th Annual Christmas at the Log Cabin at Plant’s Herb Farm B&B inbrims Mercer, PA (pg. 4) Purchase as many with plans 8-9. . ..................Holiday Open House at Fallsington Antique & Craft Shop in Fallsington, PA (pg. 11) boxes as needed for for festive 9...................Meet Artist Pat Moss in person (12-4) at Apple Barn Gallery in Buchanan, (pg. 16) the number of holidayVA teatimes. 14-16. . ..........Arts & Crafts Christmas Spectacular at Mylan Park Expo Center in Morgantown, WV 7) cards you want to make. Include teas with Or consider Tom Hegg’s touching (pg. book, 15........................... Holiday Open House at Country Roads Quilt Shop in Morgantown, WV (pg. 22) and without caffeine and Christmas A Cup of Christmas Tea. 15....................................................... Christmas Open When House attoSew Chic in Fairmont, WV (pg. 24) blends. Give 20-23. .................Christmas Country and at White Horse AntiquesDays in White PA ( 11) Look for holiday teasin the in stores TheMillTwelve of Horse, Christmas 21-22............................................Christmas Open House Treasured Gifts in Linesville, (pg. 4) online. My preschool-aged granddaughter fromatDecember 26 to January PA 6, which 21-22..Sugar ........................... Christmas Party at Gloria Sewing Studio in Pittsburgh, PA (pg. 6)is loves Plum Spice herbalTeatea. She is Horn known as Epiphany. This holiday 21-22...... Anita Goodesign Embroidery hosted by Brubaker’s at Eden in Lancaster, PA (pg. the 10) calls it “princess tea” because of Party the fairy associated withResort the wise men visiting 21-23...............Arts CraftsI Holiday Spectacular at Christ Monroeville Conv. in Monroeville, PAhonor (pg.7) pictured on the &box. like Twining’s child andCtr. bringing gifts to 22.......................... Valleytea Stitchers’ (6-9) atHim. Valley So Needleworks Middletown, VAto(pg. 16) Christmas Tea, a black with aMeeting soothing you couldingive your gift enjoy aroma andBlack spicyFriday tasteFrenzy-Free of cinnamon afterSewing Christmas. giveHolland, it mid-December 28.............. Day atand Brubaker’s CenterOr in New PA (pg. 10) cloves. Earl Grey, peppermint, and Friday to count to Christmas 28...............................................................Black Sale atdown Bear Heaven in Sutton,Day WV or (pg.even 18) Constant Comment Christmas are also favorites. December firstintoSaegertown, kick off thePAseason. 28-29........................... Open House Saleon at The Needleworks (pg. 4) Select standard-sized Christmas plain or colored If you’d to inwarm someone’s life 28-29. ................................. Open House at Apple Barn like Gallery Buchanan, VA (pg. 16) file folders, one for eachQuilted card. Crow Cut on offSmall with teaSaturday and love this Christmas, 29..................................Visit Business in Harpursville, NY (pg. the 14) the tab from the Check edge to the sides ofinChristmas” makes 29.......................... outmake WV Heritage Crafts at“Twelve Quiet DellTeas School Mount Clare,card WV (pg. 15) even. If you wish, useSmall decorative scissors easyNeedleworks to do so.inThen you VA may 29.................... Support Business Saturday atitValley Middletown, (pg.hear 16) to create fancyVisit edges. Print “Twelve someoneSaturday singing,in “On the twelve of 29................... The Needlecraft Barn Teas on Small Business Morgantown, WV days (pg. 22) of Christmas” horizontally on the outside Christmas my true love gave to me, a card December of folder. Inside,Christmas write yourFabric greeting a cup ofShop hot intea!” Alleach Month...................All 30% off atand Classic Quilt Clarksburg, WV (pg. 21) on the upper part, and tape the teabags Sipping once, sipping twice, WV sipping tea All Month....................................... 25% off Christmas Fabrics at Sew Chic in Fairmont, (pg. 24) on the lower half. Make three rows with is extra nice. Won’t you join me? 1-20........... Visit the Three Exhibits on display at the Virginia Quilt Museum in Harrisonburg, VA (pg. 17) four teabags in each row. Or Ladies designNight the Out at Plant’s Herb Farm B&B in Mercer, PA (pg. 4) 5.................................................... –Lydia E. HarrisHaven holds in a Master Arts card vertically and arrange four rows with 5,12,19................................................... Holiday Sew Fest at Quilters’ Owego,ofNY ( 14) in home economics. She authored Preparing My three teabags in each row. Use your 5-6.....................19th Annual Holiday Celebration at The Old Candle Barn in Intercourse, PA (pg. Heart for Grandparenting (AMG Publishers). 9) In creativi-TEA to embellish the folders 5-6........................................ Anniversary Celebrationit,atyou’ll Arts find and ideas Treasures in Grafton, WV (pg. 20) to occasions with grandkids and with stickers, artwork, ribbon, or fabric. 6... Christmas Open House at WV Heritage Crafts at Quiet Dell Schoolways in Mount WV (pg. 15) to passClare, on a legacy of faith. 6............................. Christmas Open House at Cackleberry & Apple Barn II in Troutville, VA (pg. 16) 6............................................................... Open House at Cottonwood in Charlottesville, VA (pg. 16) 6-7................................... Holiday Fine Arts & Crafts Show at Ida Lee Park in Leesburg, VA (pg. 16) 7.......................................................49th Marietta Candlelight Tour of Homes in Marietta, PA (pg. 9) 12-13........... Open House at Fabric Outlet Barn at Needle in a Haystack in Findley Lake, NY (pg. 3) CranberryChristmas Shortcake with Sauce 13-14................................................. Tea at Plant’s HerbButter-Rum Farm B&B in Mercer, PA (pg. 4) 13, 15..................................Snowman Painting Class at Arts and Treasures in Grafton, WV (pg. 20) The sweet butter-rum sauce complements the 18-20............................Holiday Sale & Celebration at Atart Quilt of Many Colors Walton, NY (pg. 14) cranberries in the in shortcake. 26-27, 29-31. . ...........................Annual Fat Quarter Sale at The Quiltery LLC in Fairfield, Mix together: Delicious with a cuppa’ tea. VA (pg. 17) 31-Jan 1.............................. New Year’s Eve Sale at Theresa’s Fabrics in Moundsville, WV (pg. 22) 3 cups flour January 1 cup sugar 30-Feb 1.Visit Threads Run Thru It at the East Coast Gammill/Statler Conference in Richmond, VA (pg. 16) 1 tablespoon baking powder February 3/4 teaspoon salt 6-8. . ........................... Birds of a Feather 2015 Longarm Extravaganza in Virginia Beach,VA (pg. 16) Mix in: 9-13. . .........Mid-Winter Retreat with Jodi Barrows at Sewing Box Quilt Shop in Somerset, PA (pg. 8) 1 1/2 cups milk 1/2 cup melted shortening 1 teaspoon vanilla Fold in: From Lydia’s Idea File Nuttier Than a Fruitcake Millcreek Sewing & Fabric by René Groom Whether one truly likes fruitcake or not, January. "We encourage Est: the 1998 use of 6044 Peach St., Erie, PA it has made its way into even the modern recycled fruitcakes," says Leslie Lewis of • Christmas traditions. Here in814-866-8227 the United the Manitou Springs Chamber of States, the mail order fruitcakes date back Commerce. The all-time Great Fruitcake to 1913, made by some well-known Conveniently across the was set Toss record located is 1,420 feet,from which American bakers of fruit cake such as Amish in January 2007 by a row, group Buggy and furniture nextof to eight Collin Street Bakery in Corsicana, Texas, Dempsey Boeing Jewelers. engineersLOOK who built the "Omega for the little and Claxton Bakery in Claxton, Georgia. 380,"cottage a mock artillery on the hill withpiece the fueled by Both Collin Street and Claxton are compressed air pumped white picket fence. by an exercise Southern companies with access to bike.Mon-Sat 10-5 • Closed Sun inexpensive nuts, for which the If prepared in the traditional way using expression "nutty as alcohol, the fruitcake's a fr uitcake" was shelf life is derived in 1935. It unmatched, as leads one to wonder demonstrated in 2003 if the fruitcake has when Comedian Jay s. ever gotten ndthe Leno sampled a son les al du ivi epe ent, ind respect Ind here ma in ny theand as often as you fruitcake held in the As you US that it demands Ford family since ine ch ma the on e lik would from other 1878. The key, they us. purchased from countries. say,business is to wrap Local, independently owned, family withthe cake There is a version in a cloth soaked in an caring, helpful staff with hundreds of of the fruitcake in alcohol-soaked linen. years of combined experience to assist you! every country in the Still today, world. Once believed to be a bread that commercial fruit cakes are often sold 50 Stitch computer celebrated harvest and abundance, this from catalogs by charities as fund raisers. European sewing cake would be ser ved at Perhaps this is the year that your family machine weddings and other special events. Here tries to help the fruitcake make a regularly $799 in America, the fruitcake has fallen on legitimate comeback here in the United Off for by such States. hard times and 50% been ridiculed comedians as Johnny Carson, who the Holidays –René Groom is a freelance writer and public famously stated, "There really is only one speaker who loves to share her adventures, quantities) fruitcake(limited in the world, passed from family misadventures and the amazing people she meets to family." down life’s dusty trails. She and her husband, Tom, Insulting the traditional cake even make their home in Prosser, WA. She is the mom more, since 1995, Manitou Springs, of four amazing men. Some of her stories can be Colorado, has hosted the Great Fruitcake found at Toss on the first Saturday of every FREE Now only $399 Dancing Sugar Plums Usually during the Christmas holiday, a traditional poem is recited by many children and adults. Clement Clark Moore is credited with writing "'Twas the Night Before Christmas” or “A Visit from St. Nicholas” in 1823. In the second stanza, there is a line, “The children were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of sugar plums danced in their heads.” Today, many children and adults have no idea what a sugar plum is. The word plum doesn’t just mean fruit; it can mean all good things. Sugar plums are sweets made of a mixture of dried fruit, honey and spices. They are rolled into a small ball or oval and covered with powdered sugar or coconut. Sugar plums are a great sweet for a holiday tea tray or featured item at a Victorian Yuletide Bazaar. –Sharon Sullivan is originally from the Mesabi Iron Range in northeastern Minnesota and now resides in San Jose, CA. She recently retired as an adult education instructor teaching adults with developmental disabilities. She spends her spare time sewing pioneer-style wardrobes for 18" dolls. by Sharon Sullivan Sugar Plum Recipe ¼ cup honey 2 teaspoons of grated orange peel 1 ½ teaspoons of cinnamon ½ teaspoon of allspice ½ teaspoon of nutmeg 2 cups finely chopped toasted almonds 1 cup finely chopped dried apricots (about 8 oz) 1 cup finely chopped dates (about 8 oz) Powdered sugar for rolling In a bowl, mix well honey, orange peel, cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg. Stir in toasted almonds, apricots and dates. Roll into tablespoon size balls. Roll in powdered sugar to coat. Store in an air-tight container. Just before serving, roll each sugar plum a second time in powdered sugar and place each sugar plum in a decorative holiday mini-cupcake paper. Arrange on a holiday dish. Makes 3 ½ dozen. Five Ways to Save on Nov.-Dec., Thanksgiving2014 Dinner Pg. 4 16408 Hwy 86, Saegertown, PA 16433 814-783-0040 Wed-Sat 10am - 5pm • Large selection of Batiks & Cozy Flannels • Great Yarns • Addi Turbo Knitting Needles • Long Arm Quilting • Hand Dyed Wool e-mail: Classes Available! ©TCR 2012 Treasured Gifts 138 Erie Street Linesville, PA 16424 ...a delightful country experience • Fresh Creamy Fudge • Framed Prints • Thompson Candles • Boutique Clothing • Baby Gifts • Bearington Bears • Willow Tree Angels • McCalls & Root Candles • Seasonal Florals • Jewelry • Primitives • Quilts • Country Home Decor • Country Linens & Curtains Christmas Open House Nov 21, 12-9 • Nov 22, 10-6 ~ Visit us on Facebook 814-683-2205Gifts Handmade for Grandparents Gift Certificates • Complimentary If you want to give a handmade gift that is nicer Gift thanWrapping your typical ice-cream Open Wed-Sat “Where the ducks walk on the fish” stick picture frame or soup can pencil cup, here are a few gift ideas that10-6 even the youngest child can make for a loved one: • Pot a plant. Paint a clay pot to match Grandma’s dining room. Plant a bulb in it. ©2009 TCR • Draw or paint a picture. Using quality paper from a sketch book and oil pastels, colored pencils or watercolors, let the child create. Frame the picture in something appropriate for the grandparent’s home. • Paint and put handprints on pre-bought shirt. Place a handprint of each child, 104ofSouth Foster Rd.,Across Mercer, 16137“Merry • 724-301-3273 with name and date birth, on the shirt. the PA top paint, Christmas.” • For babies who cannot yet keep their hands uncurled, put a footprint. • Make a video. Have your children read, sing, play musical instruments, or perform th Annual Christmas the Log Cabin on November & 9knowledge from 10 toand 3 a14 skit. Video clips can be at transferred to a DVD with a little 8tech enjoyed to come. Come for enjoyyears a fragrant weekend at a log cabin with Christmas spirit, unique local artist’s gifts, • Color a picture with These create an iron-on herbal dips andCrayola seasonings,transfer bath andcrayons. body products and crayons herbal refreshments. transfer Gift certificates for classes and rooms are available for your Christmas gifts.J. Alexander © 2014 Carol Plant’s Herb Farm Bed & Breakfast Ladies Night Out, Friday, December 5 from 7 to 9 Wine & Cheese Refreshments Come shop for great gifts for everyone! 10% Off your purchase of $25 or more. Gifts for the Elderly Christmas at the Logthat Cabin, December 13to&buy 14 gifts fromfor1 because to 2:30 Most folksTea would agree olderSunday, adults are the hardest Come enjoy anthey herbalneed. tea with unique treats. they seem to have everything Here aresweet a few gift ideas you can get those seniors in your life, whether theyishave or not. Reservation only, seating limitedeverything & must pre-register • Puzzle Private book teas are available, a minimum of 6 guests • $16.00 Reservation only • Deck of cards • Favorite snack food 16412 Route 8 • Grocery store gift certificate Union City, PA 16438 • Magazine subscription Across from the Retro Eatery • The latest novel just south of Union City, PA • MP3 player with her favorite music already loaded • Digital picture frame with a memory card of pictures • A package of note cards and a book of stamps Potted plant Remember, no matter what the gift-giving occasion, the elderly prefer your presence to your presents. © 2014 Carol J. Alexander 814-694-2126 A Fresh Start Holiday baking is upon us! I hope that by this time you are laying in supplies for % that you’ll be doing soon! Before you add all 15baking e all those roundsSof cookie v a those new goodies to your pantry, take the time to go through and replace staples off your next Quality Discount Fabric such as baking powder, bakingth is and flour. It’s always a good idea to mark the th soda, Gifts se wi purchayou date on an item when open it. Although these items have a pretty substantial Fabric upon and fresh ingredients can make a world of difference shelf life, they don’t lastcoforever Hours: Notions per customer one couponsoda inStencils your baking. Baking and baking powder are good for 6 months, once Wed. & Fri. 9-4:30 opened. & more….Flour is good for one year. A good rule of thumb? When in doubt, Sat.©9-1 or by Apt. throw it out! Happy Offer baking! expires December 20, 2014 Susan Tipsord 2014 Double Duty Decorations 16412 Route 8 Union City, PA 16438 Across from the Retro Eatery just south of Union City, PA A Thanksgiving tablescape is fun to create and will really invite family and friends to your holiday table. Since food is a primary focus at Thanksgiving, you will want your centerpiece to reflect that, not overwhelm it. I want my centerpiece to look good, but I’m no Martha Stewart so I need something simple! A favorite creation of mine is to place pinecones in a shallow wooden bowl, nestle a glass bowl in the middle and float a candle in the glass bowl. You could also put a glass hurricane in 814-694-2126 middle and put a pillar candle inside. Here’s the best part: after Thanksgiving, change the color of the candle to red or green and it’s a Christmas centerpiece! © Susan Tipsord 2014 What Can I Bring? for Grandparents If it’s your turn to have the tribe to your house for Thanksgiving, but you find If you want to give a handmade gift that is nicer than your typical ice-cream yourself wanting to trim the trimmings to save money, here are five ways to help stick picture frame or soup can pencil cup, here are a few gift ideas that even the lighten the load on your holiday budget. youngest child can make for a loved one: By Lydia E. Harris René Groom • Play the game: If you want a traditional Thanksgiving meal, play the grocery • Pot a plant. Paint a clay pot to match Grandma’s diningby room. Plant a bulb in it. store game. Watch the ads early to take advantage of the programs that help you • Draw or paint a picture. Using quality paper from a sketch book and oil pastels, Twelve Teas of Christmas Whether one truly likes fruitcake or not, January. "We encourage the use of get aday freeoforChristmas reduced-price turkey. Extra Ideas colored pencils or watercolors, let the child create. Frame the picture in something On the first my true it has made its way into even the modern recycled fruitcakes," says Leslie Lewis of yourcard house doesn’t meanChristmas appropriate for the grandparent’s home. love gave •toAsk mefor . . help: .” AsJust webecause near thethe family Addgathering meaning istoatyour by including traditions. Here in the United the Manitou Springs Chamber of you have to provide the tree food. If ayou provide the turkey, • Paint and put handprints on pre-bought shirt.The Place a handprint of each child, holiday season, a partridge in aallpear favorite saying, poem,ask oreach Biblefamily verse,unit toStates, the mail order fruitcakes date back Commerce. all-time Great Fruitcake might not bring be thea perfect gift, but tea is! such as: “My cup overflows” (Psalm 23:5 to 1913, made by some well-known 1,420 feet, which set dish. with name and date of birth, on theToss shirt.record Acrossisthe top paint, “Merrywas Christmas.” For all •your andyou have NIV)toor “God has poured out Try his love bakers of who fruit cannot cake such as their in January 2007 byput a group of eight Thinktea-loving outside thefamily box: Do serve a traditional meal? having anAmerican For babies yet keep hands uncurled, a footprint. friends, try this TEA-riffic idea: Give the into our hearts” (Romans 5:5 NIV). Street Bakery in Corsicana, Texas, engineers who built the "Omega ethnicoffeast instead. Ifwhich the focus thea fellowship it doesn’tCollin • Make a video. Have your children Boeing read, sing, play musical instruments, or perform “Twelve Teas Christmas,” is is onFor simple ideaand to not holdthe thefood, tea, buy and Claxton Bakery in Claxton, Georgia. 380," a mock artillery piece fueled by really eat.and small ceramic holiday loaf pans found in a skit.Street Videoand clipsClaxton can be transferred to a DVDairwith a little by techanknowledge both a card andmatter a gift.what It’s you simple Both Collin are compressed pumped exercise and • Use your china: Rather thana spending fortuneand on paper products, for years to come. inexpensive to make and will create craft astores fill each withbreak an outSouthern enjoyed companies with access to bike. dozen daystheofchina tea-sipping pleasure assortment twelve teas. nuts, for with which the transfer If prepared in the traditional way using (and Corelle for for the children), linenoftable cloth, silver, and crystal. Soinexpensive • Color a picture Crayola crayons. These crayons create an iron-on those receiving All you You could include a treat to enjoy expressiontransfer "nutty as alcohol, 1225 Route 36 (1.5 miles North of I-80, Exit the 78)fruitcake's not oneit.person getsneed stuckarein athe kitchen, make also a game of dish washing. variety of teas and manila file folders. with the tea. One December I gave a local fruitcake" was shelf © 2014 lifeCarol J. Alexander is Brookville, Pa 15825 814-849-8739 the meal altogether: Considerfriend havingtwelve the family servetwelve in a homeless shelter,aderived Supplies• Skip to Gather teas and treats for in 1935. It unmatched, as soup kitchen, or nursing home. her Sharing love with those less fortunate Purchase twelve different teas that birthday. I packaged a variety of thanleads one to wonder • Over 8,000 bolts of 100% cottondemonstrated quiltComedian fabricsin 2003 ourselves brings great rewards. come individually sweets she could freeze and enjoy later if the fruitcake has when Jay © 2014 Carol J. Alexander & AccuQuilt wrapped in pretty with tea. For out-of-town friends, ever gotten the • PFAFF machines, Handi QuiltersLeno sampled a foil packages. It’s you could purchase packaged respect here in the fruitcake • Largest quilt shop in the areato buyheld Most folks would agree that older adults are the hardest giftsinforthe because easy to gather a shortbread or other treats. US that it demands Ford family since • Best selection of flannels & homespun theyother seem to have everything they need. Here are a1878. few gift nice variety by Another gift idea for tea from Theideas key,you theycan get those seniors in your life, whether they have everything or not. buying boxes of enthusiasts is Emilie countries. say, is to wrap the cake Do you enjoy a traditional feast for the holidays but loathe the idea ofThe eating it There is a version assorted herbal Barnes’ book, in a cloth soaked in an • Puzzle book blends and Teasbefore of you for ones days on end? Here are six creative ideas for usingTwelve up leftovers of the fruitcake in of cards alcohol-soaked linen. • Deck with regular teas. Christmas, which Hours: Mon-Sat 10 - 5Still every country in the today, reach the point of tossing them out. •believed Favoritetosnack food Purchase as many brims with plans world. Once be a bread that commercial fruit cakes are often sold Make TV dinners—Fill microwavable containers with afor helping of everything • Grocery gift certificate boxes as needed for festive celebrated harvest and store abundance, this 1.5 miles from North catalogs by charities as36 fund raisers. Located only of I-80 on Route from the • Magazine the number of table. Pop in the freezer for future lunchboxes. holiday teatimes. European cake wouldsubscription be served at South Perhaps thisForest is theState yearPark that your family or 12 miles of Cook Soup thickener—Freeze ½ cup Or portions of Tom mashed potatoes and book, save to addweddings and• other cards you want to make. Include teas with consider Hegg’s touching special events. Here tries to help the fruitcake make a The latest novel and without caffeine and Christmas to soups as a thickening agent. A Cup of Christmas Tea. in America, the fruitcake has fallen on music legitimate comeback • MP3 player with her favorite already loaded here in the United blends. When to enough Give flour, eggs, minced onion, hard times and been ridiculed by such States. Potato pancakes—Mix mashed potatoes with • Digital picture frame with a memory card of pictures The Twelve Days of Christmas run Look for holiday teas in stores and comedians as Johnny Carson, who and milk to form a thick batter and fry. Serve with bacon and top with ketchup • A "There packagereally of note cards of stamps from December 26 to January 6, which online. My preschool-aged granddaughter –René Groom is a freelance writer and public famously stated, is only oneand a book syrup. speaker who loves to share her adventures, Potted plant is known as Epiphany. This holiday is loves Sugarrather Plumthan Spice herbal tea. She fruitcake in the world, passed from family Shepherd’s Pie—Make a casserole for thewith freezer. Layer misadventures and the amazing people sheprefer meets associated the wise menvegetables visiting theon the calls it “princess tea” because of the fairy by Robin Rock Annice Rockwell to family." Remember, no matter what the gift-giving occasion, the&elderly your down life’s dusty trails. She and her husband, Tom, Christ child and bringing gifts to honor pictured on the box. I like Twining’s bottom, meat chopped fine on top of that, and a layer of the mashed potatoes Insultingpresence the traditional cake even to your presents. make their home in Prosser, WA.©She 2014is Carol Alexander Home for the Holidays So you could give your gift to enjoy Christmas Tea, blackwith tea with more, since 1995, Manitou Springs, next.a Top breada soothing crumbs and Him. cheese. of four amazing men. Some of her stories can December be after Christmas. Or give it mid-December aroma and spicy taste of cinnamon and luminary candles on a cold Colorado, has Great Fruitcake As hosted the the month of Novemberfound at Make baby food—Puree leftovers and freeze in ice cube trays for individual to count down to Christmas Day or even cloves. Earl Grey, peppermint, and night with quaint shops all open and Toss onapproaches the first Saturday of every my thoughts tend to turn servings ofarebaby on December first to kick off the season. Constant Comment alsofood. favorites. aglow are the perfect setting for a country toward planning for the holidays. This Share—Have an elderly neighbor that visitedlikefamily for thesomeone’s holidays? life Take her If you’d to warm Select standard-sized plain or colored shopper’s delight. always involves the joy and excitement of with tea and love this Christmas, the file folders,a plate one for each card. Cut off of food. Leftover turkey and dressing is welcome no matter what your age. decorating the interior of my home for Linesville, Mercer, A Cup of Tea with Lydia Saegertown, Union City - PA Christmas Open House Sale ~ November 28th & 29th Handmade2014 Gifts Nov.-Dec., Pg. 5 Brookville, Clarion, Clearfield, Nuttier Than a Fruitcake Cooksburg, DuBois - PA The LLC CROSS STITCH SUPPLIES 253 Rt. 28, Brookville, PA (814) 849-5431 Hours: Wed - Fri 12-5, Sat 10-3 ©TCR 2011 Cooksburg Dry Goods Gifts for the Elderly Six Things to do with Holiday Leftovers Become Inspired! A Fresh Start Dancing Sugar Plums “Twelve Teas of Christmas”© 2014 cardCarol makes the tab from the edge to make the sides Ever-Thankful J. Alexander the season to come. An atmosphere of by Sharon Sullivan it easy to do so. Then you may hear even. If you wish, use decorative scissors The holiday season brings with it a true holiday warmth provide special Holiday bakingwill is upon us! I hope that by this time you are laying insense supplies someone singing, “On the twelve days of to create fancy edges. Print “Twelve Teas of for joy. during Usuallycomfort during the Christmas holiday, all those rounds of cookie baking that you’ll be doing soon! BeforeFrom you add allthe Christmas my true love gave to me, a card of Christmas” horizontally on the outside a season a traditional poem that is recited by many Sugar Plum Recipe those new goodiesClark to your pantry, take the time to go through and replace staples and a cup of hot tea!” of each folder. Inside, write your greeting gatherings with too often seems children and adults. Clement Moore ¼ cup honey Sipping once, sipping twice, sipping tea on the upper part, and tape the teabags family and such baking powder, flour. It’s always a good idea to mark the marked by a"'Twas withaswriting thebaking Night soda, and youMake enjoythree a traditional feast for the holidays but you loathe idea of eating isit credited 2 teaspoons of grated orange peel is extra nice. Won’t jointhe me? on the lowerDo half. rows with friends to enjoy frenzied pace. date on an you open these items have a pretty substantial Before Christmas” oritem “A when Visit from St. it. Although 1 ½ teaspoons of cinnamon forindays end? arethe six creative ideas for using up leftovers before you four teabags eachonrow. OrHere design a home-cooked Spending time Nicholas”shelf in 1823. second stanza, and fresh life, In theythedon’t last forever ingredientsofcan make a world meal, of difference ½ teaspoon allspice card vertically andthe arrange rows with to the reach point four of tossing them out.–Lydia E. Harris holds a Master of Arts degree there is aatline, home to “The children were nestled ½ teaspoon of nutmeg in your baking. Baking soda and baking powder are good for 6 months, once in home economics. She authored Preparing My three teabags in each row. Use your festive, local Sandwich meat—Slice off all the meat you can for sandwiches. Freeze in anall snug prepare thewhile visions of in their for beds 2 cups finely chopped toasted Heart for Grandparenting (AMG Publishers). In opened. Flour is good for one year. A good rule of thumb? When in doubt, creativi-TEA to embellish the folders s h o p p ing t r a danced d i t i o ninatheir l sugar plums heads.” appropriate-sized container with plastic wrap every with two-three slices. almonds 1 cup finely chopped it, you’ll findbetween ideas to occasions grandkids and That with stickers, artwork, ribbon, or fabric. events that throwchildren it leaves out! Happy baking! Today,festivities many and adults have © Susan Tipsord 2014 way, you can take out just enough for a sandwich.ways to pass on a legacy of faith. dried apricots (about 8 oz) inevitably seem me feeling a sugartruly plum is. The word 1 cup finely chopped dates (about 8 Sloppy turkey—Butter two bread slices as though you are making grilled idea what to inspire us, fulfilled and atfruit; it can mean plum doesn’t just mean oz) there is always Place one butter side down in a skillet. Layer sliced turkey, dressing, and cranberryall good peace. things. Sugar plums are sweets Powdered sugar for rolling something to be grateful for. This holiday sauce. Top with the other slice of bread and grill. Delicious served with gravy on made of a mixture of dried fruit, honey In a season bowl, mix well honey, orange take time to break away from the Neware England Christmas and spices.AThey rolled into a small top. peel, cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg. hurried days and experience the joy that capture thewith sense of wonder and Cranberry Shortcake withofButter-Rum Sauce and covered powdered Hot turkey sandwiches—Dice up some the turkey and add to your leftoverball or ovalToA Stir in comes toasted almonds, apricots and from sharing the truest gifts of Thanksgiving tablescape is fun to create and will really invite family and friends sugar or excitement coconut. Sugarthat plumsa areNew a greatEngland dates. Roll into tablespoon size balls. gravy. Heat thoroughly and serve over toast. the season—peace, wonder and gratitude. The sweet butter-rum sauce complements the to your holiday table. Since food is aout primary focus at Thanksgiving, you will want can Iorenjoy venturing sweet forChristmas a holiday teabring, tray featured Roll in powdered sugar to coat. Store Broth—Cook down the turkey carcass with asinmuch meat attached as you’d tart cranberries the shortcake. to village candlelight shopping events, item at a Victorian YuletidetoBazaar. your centerpiece reflect that, not overwhelm it. Icontainer. want my Just centerpiece in an air-tight before to look Mix together: Delicious with a cuppa’ tea. containers and like. Once you have a good, strong broth, strain into quart-sized town strolls and my favorite antique serving, roll each sugar plum a creation good, but I’m no Martha Stewart so I need something simple! A favorite 3 cups flour shops. beautyfrom of thethis spectacular SullivanThe is originally Mesabi –Annice Bradley Rockwell is an educator and then add the meat scraps that are left in the bottom of the pot. Freeze or can for –Sharon second time in powdered sugar and of inmine is to place pinecones a shallow woodenowner bowl, nestle aAntiques. glass bowl in the 1 cup sugar Iron Range northeastern Minnesota and nowinthrough of Pomfret She is currently season is vibrantly expressed futurebaking gravy or soup base. place each sugar plum in a adecorative 1 tablespoon powder middle and float a candle in the glass bowl. You could also put glass hurricane resides in San Jose, CA. She recently retired as an décor working onpaper. her book, New England in Girl. created displays, seasonal holiday mini-cupcake Arrange Salad—Once you’ve eaten all the sliced meat you want, grind the rest in your adultcarefully 3/4 teaspoon salt education instructor teaching adultsof with theofmiddle and put a pillar candle inside. Here’s the best part: after Thanksgiving, and course, the splendor Christmas on a holiday dish. Makes 3 ½ dozen. developmental disabilities. She spends herto spare Mix in: food processor and freeze in zip-shut bags for turkey salad. Robin Rock is Christmas the owner of centerpiece! Milltown Primitives. © 2014 Carol J. Alexander lighting that always seems entice me.or green change the color of the candle to red and it’s a time sewingNew pioneer-style wardrobes for 18" dolls.lined with 1 1/2 cups milk England village roads © Susan Tipsord 2014 1/2 cup melted shortening 1 teaspoon vanilla Fold in: 2 cups fresh cranberries or frozen berries, thawed Bake in a greased 9-x-13-inch baking pan at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes, or by Kristine Berg Doss until shortcake testsidea done. This gift is perfect for the grandparents that do not see the children regularly. Do these words surprise you every time they come out of your mouth? If you Serve shortcake warm with butter-rum sauce. 1/2kitchen cups graham cracker crumbs With just a few supplies and an hour in the afternoon, your children will enjoy are one of those people who does not feel like2the is your domain, coming Serves twelve to fifteen. 1/2 cup sugar putting these together. up with something to bring to a holiday dinner or party can be torturous! Never 1/2 cup butter, melted • Supplies Butter-Rum Sauce needed: fear – there is always an answer! If you are not cook, you can cheese, buy or order an 3 - 8a oz. pkg. cream softened Combine• One in saucepan: piece of poster board 14”x16” appetizer tray from your grocery store. You 1can a dessert from your local canorder sweetened condensed milk 1 cup sugar • One sheet of 8 ½ x 11 paper 1 16 oz. can of pumpkin bakery or even a favorite restaurant. My favorite diner sells amazing cheesecakes! 1/2 cup cream 3 eggs • Photograph of child and paper stock for frame Another welcome contribution might be paper products or drinks. A bottle of 1/2 cup butter 1 1/4 cup of real maple syrup • Clear contact paper wine will always be appreciated at a holiday party! And don’t forget the best offer Cook and stir until butter melts and mixture boils. 1 1/2 tsp. nutmeg Any heat otherand stickers, Remove•from stir in:stamps or trims you want to use for a hostess – cleanup help! Take it from me1 1/2 – I NEVER turn down offers to tsp. cinnamon 1 teaspoon rum extract (or to taste) • Glue stick or photo splits (found in the scrapbooking department of a craft help clean up after a party! As my friend Carla1 cup says,whipping “the cleanup hour is the best cream Serve warm with shortcake. © Susan Tipsord 2014 supply store) 1/2 cup pecan halves time for late night snacking!” Combine graham cracker crumbs, Step One: sugar and butter. Press into the Cut your framing paper slightly larger than your photograph. Attach the photo to bottom of a 9 x 13-inch pan. Beat this paper with a glue stick or photo splits. cream cheese and sweetened Five Uses for Leftover Turkey From Lydia’s Idea File Easy-to-Make Placemats for Grandparents Double Duty Decorations Maple Cheesecake What Pumpkin Can I Bring? We’ve got the cure for Stitching Fever “In the heart of Cook Forest” Visit our quaint log gift shop featuring uncommon woodland gifts, home décor, Wood Wick Candles, ornaments, framed art, books, dishes, stuffed animals, puppets, New Children’s Books by local authors, Old World Christmas Collectibles and much more merchandise. Located at 115 Riverside Drive Cooksburg, PA • 800-680-0160 See us on Facebook at:CooksburgDryGoods Call or check hours on Facebook Tues - Fri 10-5, Sat 10-3 Quilter’s Stash + Quilting with Barbarafor Barbara Conquest Visit us at Handmade Christmas Gifts 814-765-2162 Folk wisdom tells us that time seems receives the same number of cookies to pass more quickly as one ages, and I’m from other members, resulting in a variety beginning to think that, like most folk of goodies for everybody. Economy of wisdom, there is a kernel of truth in there scale applies here. It is more efficient to somewhere. Wasn’t it just a few weeks make one huge batch of the same kind ago that we wrapped our fragile of cookie than to make several small Christmas decorations carefully before batches of different kinds. putting them away and taking down the Why shouldn’t the same process be erry hristmas tree? used by quilters and crafters with handCotton Much of the rush to accomplish thefrom made “gifty”Creations items instead of cookies? Quilt One Shop impossible (an immaculate person in the group might house, to-die-for Christmas be a whizPeTh ate making a particular rfect Your supplier baking, and the perfect presentof ArrowCabinets, type ofChrisunique ornament, tmas Chairs in a variety of colors and fun Gift! for everyone on our list) is while others might specialize in fabrics, sewing cabinets and cutting tables. pushed on us by commercial such items as fast (“tenOrder fromWhen us bywe mid-December and have minute”) your interests, of course. item delivered to your home in time for Christmas! table runners, sewn lived in the city, the department coasters, Christmas-print Cotton Creation Gift Certificates also stores available were displaying kitchen towels or fancy for your favorite quilter. Halloween and Christmas items seasonal pot-holders. Festive Find us online at simultaneously, while the strains reusable gift bags 10688A Rt. 66 • Clarion, PAmade by one of “holiday music” drifted member could be used by all. 814-764-6080 Follow us on Facebook. Tues-Fri Sat 10-3 of group through the air while shoppers If10-4:30, a number picked up treats for the little members, say ten, wanted to ghosts and goblins who would book a day to get together, they appear at their doors October could spend that day working 31. (In fact, I have seen fullyon their specialty projects, decorated trees in stores as early trade at the end of the day, and as September, along with backeveryone would go home with Holidaynine Gathering to-school). different projects that In our small town someone November 7 &else 8 had made in commercialism isn’t nearly as blatant, but addition to their own. Add a pot luck Our shoppe is filled with even here we are beginning to plan lunch, or perhaps a celebratory grand Christmas folk art, gifts and Christmas events and get-togethers finale with wine and cheese, and you have home foran you and yours. because time is marching on at an the decor recipe for enjoyable, productive day Regular Country Enjoy music, increasing rate. spent the withChristmas friends. How about that? Hours: Wed-Sat cheer and refreshments. If one Store feels obligated to have a 10-5 stock What’s more, you can grin to yourself of hostess, emergency and “small” gifts and feel a little smug as you watch other Share theandjoytime of isChristmas withwith us!crowds and cheesy on hand (who doesn’t?) people coping galloping past, there must be ways to canned Christmas music as they hurriedly lessen the stress, DuBois, save timePA and15801 add • 814-371-9394 search for the elusive one-of-a-kind gifts Exit 101, I-80 North on Route just past enjoyment to Christmas preparations. you255 already have stashed away at home! the entrance to Lake Christmas to you and yours! Many of us have participated inTreasureMerry Christmas cookie exchanges, where each . member of a defined group makes Enjoy a Relaxing Stay in our B & B: – © 2014 Barbara Conquest is owner of BlueSky enough cookies of one kind to provide a • In Room Fireplaces Quilting, Tofield, Alberta, Canada. pre-set number --usually a dozen -- to • Breakfast Served in Your Room each member of the group, and in return 500 Turnpike Avenue Clearfield, PA 16830 M ©2008 TCR • Wireless Internet C Pg. 6 Nov.-Dec., 2014 Nov.-Dec., 2014 Monroeville, Waynesburg - PA & Morgantown - WV Kittanning, Leechburg, Monroeville, Pittsburgh - PA Common Threads Mon-Sat 10-5 • Thurs 10-8 • Closed Sun We at the Pine Tree Quilt Shop wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 1121 State Route 356, Leechburg, PA 15656 724-236-0196 • Fax 724-236-0341 Custom Window Treatments Quilt Shop • • • • • • • Fabrics Classes Notions Thread Books Kits Patterns Pg. 7 featuring... Common Threads is the best source for decorative window treatments, fabrics, sewing notions, patterns and quilting supplies in the Leechburg, PA area. Located just 30 minutes east of Pittsburgh in the beautiful Alle-Kiski Valley, we offer a large selection of fresh fabrics and exciting project ideas to meet a variety of creative needs. Visit us often to take advantage of our ever expanding inventory, along with the industry’s latest products and trends. Our store also features a wide range of classes to accommodate stitchers of all skill levels, as well as a friendly staff that specializes in attentive, personalized customer service! • Fabric • Notions 300 Castle Shannon Blvd., Pittsburgh, PA 15234 412-344-2330 • We have a large selection of moda charm packs Regularly $10, Yours Everyday $8.75 175 Wade Street, Suite D Waynesburg, PA 15370 (former Roller Rink) • Thread • Patterns • Classes • Books And Much More! M-F: 10-5 — Sat: 10-3 724.833.9147 Owner: Linda Jones Back Alley Shoppe • Open 6 days a week - Closed Sundays Let’s Celebrate the Holidays with a Let’s Celebrate the Holidays with a Let’s Celebrate the Holidays Christmas Lights, Primitive Furniture, Handmade Snowmen, Santas, Stockings, Primitive Antiques, New items weekly. Christmas Teawith Party! a Christmas Tea Party! Featuring the Lastest and Greatest Christmas Party! with our favorite Baby Lock Educator,Tea Sue Kostroski NOT YOUR GRANDMA’S QUILT SHOP 2644 Mosside Blvd Monroeville, PA 15146 412-646-4736 Featuring the the Lastest and Featuring Lastest andGreatest Greatest withFriday, ourwith favorite Baby Lock Educator, November 21 or Baby Saturday, November 22 Sue our favorite Lock Educator, Sue Kostroski Kostroski 10am - 3pm Fee: $25 Friday, November 21 or Saturday, November 22 10am - 3pm • Fee: $25 This is an in-store event Friday, November 21 or Saturday, November 22 Sue spent most of her career at Nancy's Notions as a Sewing and Product Advisor, Notion Buyer, Event 10am - 3pm Fee: sewing $25 and Coordinator, and Educator. Now she travels the country for Babylock teaching the newest time saving techniques. She enjoys quilting, garment sewing, serger sewing, and all event decorative This is an in-store SEE A including embroidery. N Buyer, Event Sue spent most of her career techniques at Nancy's Notions as a Sewing and Product Advisor, Notion Friday, November 21 or Saturday, November 22 10am-Noon Embroidery and Quilting $25 D Trunk Show 10am - 3pm Fee: TRteaching Y Coordinator, and Educator. Now she travels the country Babylock newest YO URSEsewing This is anfor in-store eventFORthe WE WILL LET YOU SEE AND TRY FOR YOURSELF LF and a ll th e la Noon-1pm Shopping and Tea Party testNotion time saving techniques. She enjoys garment sewing, serger sewing, and all decorative & gr ea all the latestat &Nancy's greatest feet, patterns, books, notions, threads, rulers & machines!! Sue spent most of her career Notions asquilting, a Sewing and Product Advisor, Buyer, te st feetEvent patterns, bo , techniques including embroidery. Lunch Break onewest ks, notisewing Coordinator, and Educator. Now10am-Noon she travels the country for Babylock teaching the o n s, and threads, rule Embroidery and Quilting Trunk Show 1pm-3pm Serger Trunk and & time saving techniques. She enjoys quilting, garment sewing, serger and allrsdecorative Introducing theYOU NEWShow Baby Destiny WE WILL LET SEELock AND TRY FORsewing, YOURSELF machines! Quilting with Embroidery all the latest &techniques the Baby Lock Ovation including embroidery. greatest feet, patterns, books, notions, threads, rulers & machines!! Elegant Monograming Check out our website for more information on our store and exciting events and ongoing classes! From fun and funky to traditional quilting, embroidery, & sewing we are a one stop shop for all your sewing needs! Fabulous Feet & Features : See how the various presser feet work with featuresEmbroidery of the machines to save time Trunk Show 10am-Noon and Quilting WE WILL LET YOU SEE AND TRY FOR YOURSELFis limited. Call 412-344-2330 to register. Seating and achieve professional resultsBaby easily.Lock Introducing the NEW Destiny all the latest & greatest feet, patterns, books, notions, threads, rulers & machines!! Quilting with Embroidery Noon-1pm Shopping and Tea Party Lunch Break Elegant Bring your favorite teacup andMonograming share it’s history. Fabulous Feet &Monogrammed Features SeeChristmas how the various presser feet MakeEmbroidery a Beautiful Gift 10am-Noon and :Quilting Trunk Show work with features of the machines to save time Antiques, B&Bs, Introducing the NEW Baby Lock Destiny 1-3pm Sergerand Trunk Show and the Baby Lock Ovation achieve professional results easily. Quilting, easy garments, gifts and accessories on the serger. Quilting with Embroidery Noon-1pm Shopping and Tea Party Lunch Break Elegant Monograming Bring your: favorite teacup it’sSeating history. Callhow 412-344-2330 to share register. is limited Fabulous Feet & Features See the and various presser feet Make a Beautiful Monogrammed Christmas Gift 300 Castle Shannon work with features of the machines to save timeBlvd. Pittsburgh, PA 15234 and 1-3pm achieveSerger professional results easily. Trunk Show and the Baby Lock Ovation Quilting, easy garments, gifts and accessories on the serger. Noon-1pm Shopping and Tea Party Lunch Break Bring your favorite teacup and share it’s history. Call 412-344-2330 to register. Seating is limited Make a Beautiful Monogrammed Christmas Gift 300 Castle Shannon Blvd. Pittsburgh, 1-3pm Serger Trunk Show and the Baby Lock OvationPA 15234 Quilting, easy garments, gifts and accessories on the serger. Creative Dreams Storewide Sale! Call 412-344-2330 to register. Seating is limited 300 Castle Shannon Blvd. Pittsburgh, PA 15234 Nov 4 - Dec 31 Closing Doors after 28 Years in Business! Home Décor, Florals, Ladies Boutique Kid’s Boutique, Gourmet Foods Great Lines & A Great Time to Shop 215 Market St., Kittanning, PA (724) 545-1862 Check us out on Facebook or email Toll Free 1-866-825-9217 Jan/Feb Issue Deadline is Dec 1 Check our website for upcoming events! Check us out on facebook to find Special Deals and upcoming events. 242 E. Elm St., Waynesburg, PA • 724.998.8933 Hours: Wed-Sat 10-4 Pg. 8 Nov.-Dec., 2014 Bedford, Donegal, Ebensburg, Johnstown, Mt. Pleasant, Somerset - PA 240 Countryside Plaza – Mt. Pleasant, PA 3822 State Rt. 31 East, Donegal, PA Donegal 724-593-7112 Mt Pleasant 724-547-7112 “A Step Back in Time” Specializing in Country & Primitive Decor - Nostalgic Candy Kitchen Gadgets - Old Time Remedies - Quilted Purses Swan Creek Soy Candles - Crabtree & Evelyn Open 7 Days/Week - ©2009 TCR Fabrics & Quilt Sho e v i t a e p (814) 419-8227 Cr • Custom Longarm Quilting • Classes • Bus Tours Welcome Ebensburg Mini Mall 3135 New Germany Road, Suite #25 Ebensburg, PA 15931 WE MAKE MEMORY QUILTS! Quality fabrics from Moda, Timeless Treasures, Batik Textiles, Hoffman and many more great vendors Batiks are our specialties – over 300 beautiful bolts Classes – Day and Evening Books and patterns Sit and sew time – call the shop for details Shop with us 24/7 at Open Tuesday – Friday, 10 – 6, Saturday 10-4 Schraders Fabrics by Barb 2078 Bedford St. Johnstown, PA 15904 814-266-3113 • Over 2,000 Bolts! Great Gift Ideas Available! Large selection of Quality Quilter’s flannels, batiks, cottons and panels. Over 100 bolts of Shannon Cuddle fabrics and King Tut thread. Hours: Mon-Sat 9-5pm, Open till 8 on Mon & Thurs ©2011 TCR “We guarantee your sewing satisfaction” 30 Day money-back guarantee on all products and services Clip this coupon for 20% Off any one item under $100! Expires 1/10/15 Limit 1 per customer Excludes sale items Authorized Baby Lock Dealer Over 1,000 Bolts of Fabric, including Moda, Blank, Benartex, etc. Service & Repair On All Brands --- A Wide Range of Sewing Classes, Batting, Notions, Solid wood, Custom-made Sewing Cabinets, Machine Embroidery Supplies, & Much More S ewing olutions 814-623-2413 6068 Business 220, Bedford 3.1 miles north of Turnpike exit Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, 8:30-5:30, Thurs. 8:30-7, Sat. 9-2 #" ' # Second Wind Secrets featuring Jodi Barrows, Square in a Square technique. Feb 9-13, 2015 Call or check website for details. My Journey - Gluten Free I’ve been on a new journey this past year of my life. Twenty years ago I started grinding my own grain and started using fresh ground wheat in the majority of my baking. Then last year my hubby after some research and listening to the aches and pains in his aging body (though he is only 50) decided that he wanted to experiment with eating a gluten free diet. He feels so much better with this quite radical diet change. As for me, I am still weathering the adjustment. A gluten free diet is a diet that excludes gluten, a protein composite found in wheat and related grains, including barley and rye. For whatever reason it seems like gluten is in everything, but it’s not. You just have to look for food without it. We are seeing more and more of these products in our grocery stores. Though I find making your own is far less expensive and so much more delicious, except in the bread department. I don’t have that mastered yet and I’m not sure I have the interest to try. I’ve dabbled in some gluten free cooking over the years. As an innkeeper I have catered to different dietary needs of our guests including those who eat gluten free. Some mornings it seems like I’m a cross between a short order cook and dietician instead of an innkeeper. Now it hits even closer to home as I cook for my hubs. More and more I find myself eating “his” gluten free food. Despite the fact that I had dabbled a bit in gluten free cooking, !# # # #$# ""$# ""("# '"$$# % # %#$ """$" %"$%" # % " Mid-Winter Retreat By Kelly Illick this situation with my hubby rocked my world. And if I were to be honest it still is rocking my world. I have become an obsessive label reader. Eating out has become complicated and sometimes impossible. Cooking for him sometimes seems like it takes way to much thought and energy. But over time, I have added to my repertoire of recipes. With these changes in our household I myself have drastically reduce the amount of gluten I eat. I still haven’t found the inspiration to totally eliminate it from my diet. It just seems impossible for me to give up yummy tantalizing bread. Especially when it’s fresh out of the oven. Through the years I’ve learned how to analyze recipes and substitute ingredients. I often look at a recipe and think…wow… I can just substitute this for this and that for that. I also read a lot of food labels. Yes, it takes a lot of planning ahead and being organized about meals, food choices and grocery shopping but after time I’ve got a stocked pantry to deal with this gluten free living. I am now using flours made with coconut, walnuts, almonds, rice (white and brown), tapioca, potato and even beans. In cooking and baking for my hubby I’ve had to focus on the foods he can eat and finding recipes that cater to gluten free eating. I have yet to try much bread baking. I thought I’d share with you a couple of my favorite gluten free recipes. If making them gluten free sounds too scary use wheat flour instead of a gluten free flour. Both of these recipes can easily be packaged well to freeze and use for several months after baking. Enjoy! Second Wind Secret Recipes Walnut Torte 6 eggs, separated ¾ cup sugar 2 ½ cups walnuts, finely finely ground (almost walnut flour, which you could purchase) ¾ cup gluten free flour blend or regular unbleached flour for the non-gluten free eater Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Put egg yolks in a large bowl, add all but 2 T. sugar and beat until pale. Stir in the ground walnuts and gluten free flour. (Mixture . will be very stiff) Beat egg whites in a separate bowl until soft peaks form. Gradually add the 2 T. sugar. Stir a spoonful of the beaten egg whites into walnut/flour/ egg yolk mixture, then fold in the rest until evenly mixed. Spoon into a 9 inch spring form cake pan, greased and lined with parchment paper. Bake for 35-40 minutes or until risen and springy to touch. Topping options: Serve drizzled with an espresso syrup, hot fudge or both. Top with a dollop of whipped cream if desired. Or perhaps serve with some fresh fruit such as chopped strawberries, freshly picked raspberries or some fried apples, cinnamon and sugar. Baking options: add spices fitting with a spice cake, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg etc. Downtown Mount Joy, PA "$& %$"( " M-W & Sat 10-5; Th & F 10-6 • Somerset’s home town source for creative inspiration. • We carry a wide variety of fabric by popular brands • Great selection of sewing notions, books and patterns • Fun and informative classes for sewers of all skill levels • Gifts to long arm quilting services ... we have it all! Pg. 9 Intercourse, Marietta, Mechanicsburg, Mount Joy, New Holland, New Oxford, Paradise - PA Suite 311 Georgian Place Somerset, PA 15501 Phone: 814-701-2635 Old General Store Nov.-Dec., 2014 62 East Main Street - Mount Joy, PA 17552 717-653-1325 - Free Parking in Rear - Visa/MC/Discover Tues.- Fri. 10 AM-5 PM Saturday 10 AM- 4 PM Sunday, December 7, 2014 For Tour or Ticket Information call: It’s more than a tour! •8DecoratedHistoricHomes •NissleyVinyardsWine 717-426-4048 Tasting&Sales &OtherHistoricSites orvisitusat •McKinneyTavernHot •TableDecoratingExhibit •HistoricMariettaPhotographs AppleCider Advance Tickets: $17 Day of Tour: $20 •CivilWarEraEncampment •Artists&Craftsman Free Shuttle-Bus Service •CarriageRides •VictorianTea Sponsored by the Marietta Restoration Associates by Janet Young Over The Teacup The Old Candle Barn Tea for One Tea Talks and Etiquette Classes 3551 Old Philadelphia Pike Intercourse PA 17534 some scones? If you have someone who If you are of a certain age, we have all 717-768-8926 • Visit us Mon-Sat 8-5 does not consider herself to be a good heard the phrase, “Tea for Two”... well, how her with how about Tea for One?Stop After all it is the in and explore ourcook, barn then that is justabout filledsupplying to the rafters recipe holiday season when with you country find yourself furnishingsathat will for turncucumber your housesandwiches. into a home. It is matter of assembling inundated with manyWhether additional it is a comfyonly winga chair, a corner cabinet, orthe a items, no cooking required. get for. the idea. responsibilities apart from your normal deliciously scented candle, we have what you areYou looking Use whatever method works best for you. routine. It is at this time, that most of us Please stop by and browse through our collection of... There are numerous ways we can are ready to say, “STOP”! But, what do • Pottery • Homespun Goods • Braided Rugs • Our own blended potpourri survive the holidays. But, one that you we do? Most likely we take the burden with matching oils • Primitive Dolls • Gameboards • Curtains & Linens may want to incorporate into your on, thereby adding even more stress to • Handcrafted Furniture • Upholstered Furniture • Window Lights & Bulbs schedule is a daily “Tea for our already hectic lives. of Deliciously One.” Each day, Scented prepareCandles a Why do we do that? Is it• Lamps & Shades • And of course lots tea tray consisting of a pot because we have certain 19th Annual Holiday Celebration! of tea, a pretty china traditions we don’t want to Dec 5th-6th teacup, and a cookie, or give up? IF that is the case, piece of fruit, whatever then look for ways to treat you wish to add. Then simplify that tradition. Visit Our Sisterfind Storea “The House” quietGathering spot, perhaps Also be honest, if it is by the fire, if you Dinner have a something that you should Five Ways to Save on Thanksgiving fireplace, or wherever you can unwind and eliminate at least this year, then do so If it’s your turn to have the tribe to your house for Thanksgiving, but you find sit back and savor each sip of tea and each without feeling guilty. One added bonus yourself wanting to trim the trimmings to save money, here are five ways to help bite of your favorite tea treat. If you like, might be that you will discover how much lighten the load on your holiday budget. put on some soothing holiday music, read that tradition really means to your family • Play the game: If you want a traditional Thanksgiving meal, play the grocery bookadvantage (at Christmas time, there arethat quick when it is not there one year. You may store game. Watch the ads early toa take of the programs help you read books that might ser ve as an find you canget eliminate it altogether. a free or reduced-price turkey. It started over 50 years agoinspiration when Emma mother posted andisWitmer’s reminder of doesn’t what But, let’s •suppose want tothe Ask for you help:really Just because family gathering at your house mean a sign to sell her quilts. She was one of the first women in the is allthe about). The host your annual Christmas Open you have to provide allHouse the food. IfChristmas you provide turkey, askmain eachthing familyisarea unit to to do so.forThen now Do known as your Witmer to betradition, in the moment. not let Tea. Fine! But, look waysthis you fine can family bring a dish. mind race thinking about all the things make the task easier. Start by asking your Quilt Shop, was handed down to Emma. • Think outside the box: Do you have to serve a traditional meal? Try having an to do. Justand be.not If you practice guests to each bring a tea food item. ethnic feast instead. If theTo focus Shop isyou onhave the the food, it doesn’t Business for Wimter Quilt is fellowship this starting in November, by Christmas make sure really you get a nice assortment, matter what you eat. home where conducted in Emma’s you maya have discovered a new reasonbreak to out devise a system such as dividing the spending • she Use your fortune on paper products, uses china: three Rather roomsthan on the first enjoy teas, as calmness overshadows you. alphabet into three or four groups. Then the chinaas(and Corelle for theThe children), linen table cloth, silver, and crystal. So floor “showrooms.” beds Tea formake One a– game there really isn’twashing. anything tell your guests if their last namestuck begins not one person gets in the kitchen, of dish in “showrooms” are piled highrewarding. more Try it and may youshelter, with an A• Skip – the Gthethey are to bring meal altogether: Consider having the family serve in a homeless with over 150 quilts of all styles and experience a Blest Christmas! sandwiches,soup H –R tea breads or scones, kitchen, or nursing home. Sharing love with those less fortunate than sizes. There are modern S – Z dessert. IF that is too risky, how patterns, ourselves brings great rewards. © 2014 Carol J. Alexander patterns, antique quilts Young, Certified TeaLog andCabin about askingtraditional a specific guest to bring 32 –Janet Samplers & Cornerstone and Emma’s own designs. EtiquetteConsultant,Over is a founding member of something for which they are famous. If 2,000 pieces Mid-Atlantic Tea Business Association and your friend is a terrific baker then perhaps Emma takes pride in welcoming SixoneThings to do with Holiday Leftovers freelance she could be the to make a desserttoorbrowse, you into her home to writer/national tea presenter. Visit her Do you enjoy a traditional feast for the holidays butatloathe the idea of eating it website buy or even just to admire the for days on end? Here are six creative ideas for using up leftovers before you lovely quilts. reach thehandmade point of tossing them out. Make TV dinners—Fill microwavable containers with a helping of everything from the table. OFFin the freezer for future lunchboxes. % Pop Soup thickener—Freeze on in-stock ½ cup portions of mashed potatoes and save to add 00 to $1 to up soups as ize a thickening agent. beds quilts! Potato pancakes—Mix mashed potatoes with enough flour, eggs, minced onion, and milk to form a thick batter and fry. Serve with bacon and top with ketchup 1076 W. Main St. thanMade syrup. • rather Amish New PA 17557 Shepherd’s Pie—Make a casserole for the freezer. Layer Holland, vegetables on the • Over 50 years in business (717) 656-9526 bottom, meat chopped fine on top of that, and a layer of the mashed potatoes • next. Custom colors patterns Top with&bread crumbs and cheese. Hours: Monfor & Fri 8 to 8, babyor food—Puree leftovers and freeze in ice cube trays individual • NoMake supplies patterns servings of baby food. Tues, Thurs & Sat 8 to 6, • Over 50 antique quilts Share—Have an elderly neighbor that visited family for the holidays? Take Wed by appt. her • Many of Emma’s designs a plate of food. Leftover turkey and dressing is welcome no matter your age. Closedwhat Sundays • Major credit cards accepted © 2014 Carol J. Alexander Witmer Quilt Shop 10 Second Wind Secret Recipes Gluten Free Carrot Muffins Five Uses for Leftover Turkey for the holidays loathe the idea of eating it 1/2 cup oilDo you enjoy a traditional feast 1/2 teaspoon xanthanbut gum creative ideas forcinnamon using up leftovers before you 2 eggs for days on end? Here are six 1 teaspoon ground reachsugar the point of tossing them 1 cup brown 1/4 out. teaspoon ground ginger Sandwich meat—Slice allteaspoon the meat nutmeg you can for sandwiches. Freeze in an 1 1/2 cup gluten–free flour mix off1/4 appropriate-sized container with plastic wrap between every two-three slices. That 1/2 teaspoons baking powder way, you cansoda take out just enough for a sandwich. 3/4 teaspoon baking Sloppy 1/2 teaspoon salt turkey—Butter two bread slices as though you are making grilled cheese. onegrated buttercarrots side down in a4skillet. Layer sliced3turkey, dressing, and cranberry 1 ½ cupsPlace packed (about medium carrots) tablespoons water sauce. Top with the other slice of bread and grill. Delicious served with gravy on (Simplifying Hint: Just scrub and cut ends off carrots, cut in fourths and blend | 11am to 7pm Make your next organizational/private event memorable Janet Young • P.O. Box 1464 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 • 717-737-5099 ©TCR 2011 Thymes Remembered “An Old Fashioned Country Store” Just a short drive from Gettysburg and York, PA on Route 30 Gift Certificates Available! Unique handmade primitive snowmen and Santas are here! They will go quickly, so come early for the best selection!! Need a gift for a friend? We will have an awesome book for the friend who has everything and loves to go antiquing! Don’t forget to stop by on Black Friday! We will be open 10-5! May your Christmas Season be a blessing. Thank you, to all of our customers for supporting us this year! Handmade Gifts for Grandparents 6385B on Route east of New Oxford, PA If you want to give a handmade gift York thatRoad, is nicer than30your typical ice-cream Winter Hours: Wed-Sat 10-5; Sun 12-5 • Closed Mon-Tues stick picture frame or soup can pencil cup, here are a few gift ideas that even the youngest child can make for a loved(717) one: 624-1498 • Join us on room. Facebook: • Pot a plant. Paint a clay pot to match Grandma’s dining Plant a bulb in it. Thymes Remembered-A Country • Draw or paint a picture. Using quality paper from a sketch book andStore oil pastels, colored pencils or watercolors, let the child create. Frame the picture in©TCR something 11 appropriate for the grandparent’s home. • Paint and put handprints on pre-bought shirt. Place a handprint of each child, with name and date of birth, on the shirt. Across the top paint, “Merry Christmas.” For babies who cannot yet keep their hands uncurled, put a footprint. • Make a video. Have your children read, sing, play musical instruments, or perform a skit. Video clips can be transferred to a DVD with a little tech knowledge and enjoyed for years to come. • Color a picture with Crayola transfer crayons. These crayons create an iron-on transfer © 2014 Carol J. Alexander Gifts for the Elderly Family Attraction & Museum Most folks would agree that older adults are the hardest to buy gifts for because they seem to have everything they need. Here are aExpect! few gift ideas you can get We’re More Than You those seniors in your life, whether they have everything or not. • Puzzle book Experience a journey like no other as you • Deck of cards walk through the memories, history & • Favorite snack food traditions of Christmas! • Grocery store gift certificate • Magazine subscription Open Daily 10am-6pm • The latest novel 3427 Lincoln (Rt. 30 East) • MP3 player with her favorite musicHwy. already loaded • Digital picture frame withParadise, a memoryPA card17562 of pictures • A package of note cards and(717) a book of stamps 442-7950 Potted plant Remember, no matter what the gift-giving occasion, the elderly prefer your presence to your presents. © 2014 Carol J. Alexander A Fresh Start Holiday baking is upon us! I hope that by this time you are laying in supplies for all those rounds of cookie baking that you’ll be doing soon! Before you add all those new goodies to your pantry, take the time to go through and replace staples such as baking powder, baking soda, and flour. It’s always a good idea to mark the date on an item when you open it. Although these items have a pretty substantial shelf life, they don’t last forever and fresh ingredients can make a world of difference in your baking. Baking soda and baking powder are good for 6 months, once opened. Flour is good for one year. A good rule of thumb? When in doubt, throw it out! Happy baking! © Susan Tipsord 2014 Five Ways to Save on Thanksgiving Dinner Pg. 10 Nov.-Dec., 2014 YE AR S 80 BSC BRUBAKER’S “D ISCOVER T HE F UN OF S EWING ” 20 North Roberts Avenue, New Holland, PA 17557 Si n ce 19 34 Sewing Center 1-800-466-7315 ~ CELEBRATING OUR 80TH YEAR WITH OUR ORIGINAL BRAND - PFAFF! PROUD TO BE THE OLDEST PFAFF DEALER ON THE EAST COAST! If it’s your turn to have the tribe to your house for Thanksgiving, but you find yourself wanting to trim the trimmings to save money, here are five ways to help Nov.-Dec., 2014 lighten the load on your holiday budget. • Play the game: If you want a traditional Thanksgiving meal, play the grocery store game. Watch the ads early to take advantage of the programs that help you get a free or reduced-price turkey. • Ask for help: Just because the family gathering is at your house doesn’t mean you have to provide all the food. If you provide the turkey, ask each family unit to bring a dish. • Think outside the box: Do you have to serve a traditional meal? Try having an ethnic feast instead. If the focus is on the fellowship and not the food, it doesn’t really matter what you eat. • Use your china: Rather than spending a fortune on paper products, break out cozy country shop filled with new finds, the china (andACorelle for the children), linen table cloth, silver, and crystal. So old stuck treasures and hand items. not one person gets in the kitchen, make a crafted game of dish washing. • Skip the meal altogether: Consider having the family in a homeless shelter, Open: Fri, Sat & Sun 11 to serve 4 soup kitchen, or nursing home. Sharing love with those less fortunate than 110 Ferndale Lane, Linfield, PA 19468 (Back Long Lane) ourselves brings great rewards. © 2014 Carol J. Alexander COUNTRY STAR PRIMITIVES 610.495.7625 • Visit us for your Holiday gift & décor needs! Six Things to do with Holiday Leftovers Do you enjoy a traditional feast for the holidays but loathe the idea of eating it for days on end? Here are six creative ideas for using up leftovers before you Home of Primitiques' American Handcrafted reach the point of tossing them out. Furniture, Candles, Redware Farmhouse Make TV dinners—Fill microwavable containers& with a helping of Decor everything from the table. Pop in the freezer for future lunchboxes. 712 Lancaster Ave. Berwyn, PA 19312 Soup thickener—Freeze ½ cup portions of mashed potatoes and save to add to soups as a thickening agent. Potato pancakes—Mix mashed potatoes with enough flour, eggs, minced onion, and milk to form thick batter and fry. Serve with bacon and top with ketchup rather than syrup. (610) 500-9702 Shepherd’s Pie—Make a casserole for the freezer. Layer vegetables on the bottom, meat chopped fine on top of that, and a layer of the mashed potatoes next. Top with bread crumbs and cheese. Bytrays Lydia Harris Make baby food—Puree leftovers and freeze in ice cube forE. individual servings of baby food. Share—Have an elderly neighbor that visited family for the holidays? Take her a plate of food. Leftover turkey and dressing is welcome no matter what your age. On the first day of Christmas my true Extra Ideas © 2014 Carol J. Alexander love gave to me . . .” As we near the Add meaning to your card by including holiday season, a partridge in a pear tree a favorite saying, poem, or Bible verse, might not be the perfect gift, but tea is! such as: “My cup overflows” (Psalm 23:5 For all your tea-loving family and NIV) or “God has poured out his love Do try youthis enjoy a traditional loathe the idea5:5 of NIV). eating it friends, TEA-riffic idea:feast Givefor thethe holidays into ourbut hearts” (Romans for days on end? Here are six creative ideas for using up leftovers before “Twelve Teas of Christmas,” which is For a simple idea to hold the tea,you buy reach the point of tossing them out. both a card and a gift. It’s simple and small ceramic holiday loaf pans found in Sandwich offcreate all theameatcraft you can for sandwiches. Freezewith in anan inexpensive to meat—Slice make and will stores and fill each appropriate-sized container with plastic wrap between every two-three slices. That dozen days of tea-sipping pleasure for assortment of twelve teas. way, you can take out just enough for a sandwich. those receiving it. All you need are a You could also include a treat to enjoy Sloppy turkey—Butter two bread slices as though you are making grilled cheese. variety of teas and manila file folders. with the tea. One December I gave a local Place one butter side down in a skillet. Layer sliced turkey, dressing, and cranberry Supplies Gather friend teasserved and twelve treatsonfor sauce. Toptowith the other slice of bread and grill. twelve Delicious with gravy Purchase twelve different teas that her birthday. I packaged a variety of top. comeHot individually sweets she could freeze and enjoy later turkey sandwiches—Dice up some of the turkey and add to your leftover wrapped in pretty gravy. Heat thoroughly and serve over toast. with tea. For out-of-town friends, foil packages. It’s down the turkey carcass with asyou could packaged Broth—Cook much meatpurchase attached as you’d easy gather shortbread or containers other treats. like.toOnce you ahave a good, strong broth, strain into quart-sized and nice by scraps that are left in the bottom of the Another gift idea forfortea thenvariety add the meat pot. Freeze or can buying enthusiasts is Emilie futureboxes gravy orofsoup base. assorted herbal you’ve eaten all the sliced meat you want, grind Barnes’ book, The Salad—Once the rest in your blends and onesand freeze in zip-shut bags for turkey salad. Twelve food processor © 2014 Carol J.Teas Alexander of with regular teas. Christmas, which Purchase as many brims with plans boxes as needed for for festive the number of holiday teatimes. cards you want to make. Include teas with Or consider Tom Hegg’s touching book, gift idea is perfect the grandparents that do see the children regularly. and This without caffeine andforChristmas A Cup of not Christmas Tea. With just a few supplies and an hour in the afternoon, your children will enjoy blends. When to Give putting these together. Look for holiday teas in stores and The Twelve Days of Christmas run • Supplies needed: online. My preschool-aged granddaughter from December 26 to January 6, which • One piece of poster board 14”x16” loves Sugar Plum Spice herbal tea. She is known as Epiphany. This holiday is • One sheet of 8 ½ x 11 paper calls it “princess tea” because of the fairy associated with the wise men visiting the • Photograph of child and paper stock for frame pictured on the box. I like Twining’s Christ child and bringing gifts to honor • Clear contact paper Christmas Tea, a black tea with a soothing Him. to Souse you could give your gift to enjoy • Any other stickers, stamps or trims you want aroma and spicy taste of cinnamon and after Christmas. Or give it mid-December • Glue stick or photo splits (found in the scrapbooking department of a craft cloves. Earl Grey, peppermint, and to count down to Christmas Day or even supply store) Constant Comment are also favorites. on December first to kick off the season. Step One: Select standard-sized plain or colored If you’d like to Attach warm someone’s Cut your framing paper slightly larger than your photograph. the photo tolife filethis folders, eachstick card. offsplits.with tea and love this Christmas, the paperone withfor a glue or Cut photo theStep tab from “Twelve Teas of Christmas” card makes Two: the edge to make the sides even. If you decorative it piece easy to Then you may hear Have yourwish, childuse draw a picturescissors on the plain of do copyso.paper. to create fancy edges. Print “Twelve Teas someone singing, “On the twelve days of Step Three: of Christmas” outside my true loveand gaveitstomeaning. me, a card On anotherhorizontally small piece on of the paper, write or Christmas type the child’s name Four: Inside, write your greeting of Step each folder. and a cup of hot tea!” all thepart, pieces board and glue once, down.sipping Leave twice, room sipping to tracetea on Place the upper and on tapethetheposter teabags Sipping around the child’s hand, or make a handprint using acrylic craft paint. on the lower half. Make three rows with is extra nice. Won’t you join me? Step Five: in each row. Or design the four teabags Laminate andfour back with paper. contact paper –Lydia E. HarrisCut holdsthe a Master of Arts degree card verticallythe andfront arrange rows withclear contact larger than the poster board, adhere to the poster board and trim ¼” away fromMy in home economics. She authored Preparing three teabags in each row. Use your © 2014 Carol J. Publishers). Alexander the edge of to theembellish mat so that contact sticks toforitself. Heart Grandparenting (AMG In creativi-TEA thethefolders it, you’ll find ideas to occasions with grandkids and with stickers, artwork, ribbon, or fabric. ways to pass on a legacy of faith. OME- ology Twlve Teas of Christmas Five Uses for Leftover Turkey Anita Goodesign Embroidery Party!! ~ Nov. 21 & 22 REMEMBER! Black Friday Frenzy-Free Day ~ Nov 28 Does the idea of shopping on Black Friday, jostling through crowds and sitting in traffic, leave you less than thrilled? Come spend the day at Brubakers! We have a fun and relaxing Open House planned for anyone who attends! See the newest sewing products, projects and machines including the new Brother Dream Machine! This fun day will include a catered lunch & refreshments, fun gift ideas, demos, great specials and most of all a safe haven from the madness of Black Friday! Plenty of parking! Our doors will be open from 9am to 8pm. Stop in and “Discover the FUN of Sewing!” This event is FREE OF CHARGE...just our way of saying THANK YOU to you, our wonderful customers! WHATEVER YOUR PASSION SEWING ~ QUILTING ~ DECORATING ~ CRAFTING THE RIGHT MACHINE AT THE RIGHT PRICE IS RIGHT HERE! If you want to give a handmade gift that is nicer than your typical ice-cream stick picture frame or soup can pencil cup, here are a few gift ideas that even the youngest child can make for a loved one: • Pot a plant. Paint a clay pot to match Grandma’s dining room. Plant a bulb in it. • Draw or paint a picture. Using quality paper from a sketch book and oil pastels, colored pencils or watercolors, let the child create. Frame the picture in something appropriate for the grandparent’s home. • Paint and put handprints on pre-bought shirt. Place a handprint of each child, with name and date of birth, on the shirt. Across the top paint, “Merry Christmas.” For babies who cannot yet Country keep theirNov hands uncurled, put a footprint. Christmas in the 20-23 • See website for details • Make a video. Have your children read, sing, play musical instruments, or perform a skit. Video clips can be transferred to a DVD with a little tech knowledge and enjoyed for years to come. • Color a picture with Crayola transfer crayons. These crayons create an iron-on transfer © 2014 Carol J. Alexander Pg. 11 Berwyn, Fallsington, Linfield, Morgantown, White Horse - PA A Cup of Tea with Lydia Eden Resort & Suites in Lancaster, PA & hosted by Brubaker’s Sewing Center Call 800-466-7315 for more details. Every attendee will receive $600 in free gifts and designs just for attending! Machines & Kits will be provided! Handmade Gifts for Grandparents Easy-to-Make Placemats for Grandparents Nov. 8 & 9 - 10am-5pm Visit for event listings, advertiser coupons, and more! From Lydia’s Idea File Gifts for the Elderly Most folks would agree that older adults are the hardest to buy gifts for because they seem to have everything they need. Here are a few gift ideas you can get those seniors in your life, whether they have everything or not. • Puzzle book • Deck of cards • Favorite snack foodOld Village Paints Complete Line Available in • Grocery store gift certificate the Mill! • Magazine subscription • The latest novel • MP3 player with her favorite music already loaded • Digital picture frame with a memory card of pictures • A package of note cards and a book of stamps Potted plant Remember, no matter what the gift-giving occasion, the elderly prefer your presence to your presents. © 2014 Carol J. Alexander Nuttier Than a Fruitcake by René Groom Whether one truly likes fruitcake or not, A Fresh it has made its way intoStart even the modern January. "We encourage the use of recycled fruitcakes," says Leslie Lewis of Christmas traditions. Here in the United Springs Holiday baking is upon us! I hope that bythe this Manitou time you are laying inChamber supplies forof States, the mail order fruitcakes date back Commerce. The all-time Great all those rounds of cookie baking that you’ll be doing soon! Before youFruitcake add all tothose 1913,new made by some record is 1,420and feet,replace whichstaples was set goodies to yourwell-known pantry, take the Toss time to go through American bakers of fruit cake such as in January 2007 by a group of such as baking powder, baking soda, and flour. It’s always a good idea to mark eight the Collin in Corsicana, Texas, Boeing who built substantial the "Omega date Street on an Bakery item when you open it. Although theseengineers items have a pretty and Claxton Bakery Claxton, 380," a mock artillery fueled by shelf life, they don’tinlast foreverGeorgia. and fresh ingredients can make a worldpiece of difference Both Street andsoda Claxton are powder compressed air pumped by an exercise in yourCollin baking. Baking and baking are good for 6 months, once Southern with to A good bike. rule of thumb? When in doubt, opened. companies Flour is good for access one year. inexpensive which the If prepared in the traditional way using throw it out! nuts, Happy for baking! © Susan Tipsord 2014 expression "nutty as alcohol, the fruitcake's a fruitcake" was shelf life is derived in 1935. It unmatched, as leads one to wonder demonstrated in 2003 if the fruitcake has when Comedian Jay family and friends everA Thanksgiving gotten the tablescape is fun to create and will really invite Leno sampled a to your holiday table. Since food is a primary focus at Thanksgiving, you will want respect here in the fruitcake held in the your centerpiece to reflect that, not overwhelm it. I want my centerpiece to look USgood, that but it demands family since I’m no Martha Stewart so I need something simple!Ford A favorite creation from other 1878. The key, they of mine is to place pinecones in a shallow wooden bowl, nestle a glass bowl in the countries. say, is to wrap the middle and float a candle in the glass bowl. You could also put a glass hurricanecake in There is a version a cloth soaked in an the middle and put a pillar candle inside. Here’s the best part:inafter Thanksgiving, ofchange the fruitcake alcohol-soaked linen. the colorinof the candle to red or green and it’s a Christmas centerpiece! every country in the Still © Susan Tipsord today, 2014 world. Once believed to be a bread that commercial fruit cakes are often sold celebrated harvest and abundance, this from catalogs by charities as fund raisers. European cake would be served at Perhaps this is the year that your family weddings and other special events. Here tries to help the fruitcake make a Do thesethe words surprise everyontime legitimate they come comeback out of yourhere mouth? you in America, fruitcake hasyou fallen in theIfUnited are one those people who does not feel like the kitchen is your domain, coming hard timesofand been ridiculed by such States. up with something to bring to a holiday comedians as Johnny Carson, who dinner or party can be torturous! Never fear – there is always an answer! If you are not–René a cook, youis can buy or order an Groom a freelance writer and public famously stated, "There really is only one appetizer tray from your grocery store. You can order a dessert from your local speaker who loves to share her adventures, fruitcake in the world, passed from family diner sells misadventures and amazing the amazingcheesecakes! people she meets tobakery family."or even a favorite restaurant. My favorite Another welcome contribution might be paper products or She drinks. Ahusband, bottle Tom, of down life’s dusty trails. and her Insulting the traditional cake even wine will always be appreciated at a holiday party! And don’t forgetWA. the She bestis the offer make their home in Prosser, mom more, since 1995, Manitou Springs, for a hostess – cleanup help! Take it from me – I amazing NEVER tobe of four men.turn Somedown of her offers stories can Colorado, hasuphosted GreatAs Fruitcake help clean after athe party! my friend Carlafound says, cleanup hour is the best at “the Toss © Susan Tipsord 2014 timeon forthe late first night Saturday snacking!”of every Double Duty Decorations What Can I Bring? A Picture is Worth a ... by Sharon Sullivan Dancing Sugar Plums Do you love getting Christmas cards in the mail, but dread sitting down to get Usually during yours done and the intoChristmas the mail? holiday, Take it from someone who sent out Happy Spring a cards traditional poem is by many Plum this year, some recited things need to be streamlined! Sugar Yes, it was theRecipe end of March children and adults. Clement Clark Moore ¼ cup honey by the time I got mine out this year – horrors! With e-mail, texts and the onslaught is of credited writing the Night teaspoons orange peel socialwith media these"'Twas days, there just isn’t as2much news of wegrated need to relay in our Before Christmas” or “A Visit from St. teaspoons of from cinnamon holiday greetings anymore. Why not choose1a½favorite photo the year and Nicholas” in made 1823. In theit?second stanza, have cards from In many cases, it is½less expensive send a photo card teaspoon of to allspice there is a line, “The children were nestled than a traditional greeting card. You often ½ hear “a picture is worth a thousand teaspoon of nutmeg allwords.” snug inI their beds while visions of cards2 from love receiving photo greeting friends fartoasted away – cupsfamily finelyandchopped sugar plums danced in their heads.” I’m sure the people on your list would lovealmonds it as well. Photo can be 1 cupgreetings finely chopped Today, many and adults ordered from children photo websites suchhave as Shutterfly orapricots Snapfish, but they dried (about 8 oz)can also be from your or discounter, such as Target or Costco. Simpler noeasily idea ordered what a sugar plumdrugstore is. The word 1 cup finely chopped dates (about 8 traditions stress make happier holidays! © Susan Tipsord 2014 plum doesn’tand justless mean fruit; it canformean oz) all good things. Sugar plums are sweets Powdered sugar for rolling made of a mixture of dried fruit, honey In a bowl, mix well honey, orange and spices. They are rolled into a small peel, cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg. Pg. 12 Nov.-Dec., 2014 Emmaus, Kutztown, Reading, Womelsdorf - PA 610-683-6098 721 Siegfriedale Rd Brubakers Quilts Kutztown, PA 19530 All sizes and colors of Quilts, wall hangings, Quillows pillows, hot pads, placemats, handbags, bonnets, aprons, childrens dresses, hand paintings, etc. Wooden Bridge Drygoods Fabric, Notions & Quilting Supplies 195 Deysher Road • Kutztown, PA 19530 10% Off Specific Items in November 610-683-7159 We’re 3 miles east of Kutztown. Between Reading & Allentown. Follow our swan sign between Maxatawny and Monterey on 222. Located in the beautiful rural farmlands of Berks County. Wooden Bridge has over 10,000 bolts of fabrics, plus notions and books at reasonable prices. We have gift certificates. Selling Passports Now for the Eastern PA Shop Hop ~ Nov 1-15 Passports are only $5! Brubakers Quilts Store Hours: Homemade Desserts & Pastries ~ Café! 610-967-0296 • 180 Main St, Emmaus, PA Hours: Mon-Tues & Fri 9-5, You’ll Leave with Sweet Memories Wed-Thurs 9-7 • Sat 9-4 CLOSED SUNDAY ©2009 TCR Make your home cozy at The Shoppes at Sweet Memories. Wonderful collectables, gourmet foods, candy & treats, candles, cards & more! Tues-Thurs & Sat. 10-5 Fri 10-8; Sun 10-6:30 Lunch 11-2:30, Tues-Sat Sunday Brunch, 10-2 Sunday Supper, 5-6:30 ©2011 TCR Win A $25 Gift Certificate We give away two $25.00 Gift Certificates each issue! Please take the time to register for the $25.00 Gift Certificate to use at your favorite business advertised in this paper. COUNTED CROSS STITCH SPECIALISTS We’re Worth The Trip! 3646 Pottsville Pike, RT. 61 Reading, PA 19605 (610) 929-2464 Toll Free: 800-730-2464 Custom Framing Available • 1000’s of Books • 100’s of Fabrics Countless accessories and a multitude of framed models to see! WWW.STITCHNSTUFFPA.COM HOURS: Tu, W, F 10-4 • Th 10-6 • Sat 10-2 ©2009 TCR In Stitches Quilt Shop “A Place for Inspiration” • Long Arm services with a short turn over • High-quality quilters cottons, flannels, homespuns, wool and wool felt • Notions, books, patterns, Mettler Thread, kits for quilting and penny rugs Now selling passports for the NE PA Shop Hop — only $5! 4017 Conrad Weiser Parkway (Rt. 422), Womelsdorf, PA 19567 610-589-2625 Hrs: Mon 10-4; Tues, Wed, & Thurs 10-5; Fri 10-6; Sat 9-4; Closed Sun About The Cover Artist Valerie Lemme Valerie started dabbling in the arts at the age of 11 when she received her first oil art set for Christmas. Her parents were so impressed with her results that they brought her for art lessons with Hungarian art master Bella Somoza whose works were exhibited at Metropolitan Museum of Art. “Even then I think I was destined to be an illustrator when I did my homework assignments which were repetitive decorative work. I was using my window as a light table to trace them since that was more expedient than drawing the same thing 5 times from scratch!!” Valerie attended both Parsons School of Design and Visual Arts, but really she is self-taught in illustration. Her diversified styles reflect her openness to different points of view. Valerie Lives in NJ with her husband and her yellow Labrador retriever. For information on licensing Valerie’s work, contact Linda McDonald, Inc., 5200 Park Rd., Suite 104, Charlotte, NC 28209. 704 370-0057. No need to cut up your paper - You can register to win online at www.countryregisteronline. com and you’ll find the link “Register to Win.” Or, send your entry in on an index card, note paper or photocopy the entry form below and mail to: P.O. Box 365, New Market, MD 21774. Please also include a favorite recipe, quote, tip or a craft project you want to share with other readers. The drawings will be made prior to the next issue and the winner will be notified and also announced in the next issue. Limit one entry per household per issue, please. Remember to thank the advertisers you patronize for their support in bringing you this publication. Note: We do not place your information on any mailing list. Nov.-Dec., 2014 Pg. 13 Bloomsburg, Orangeville, Sayre - PA and New York Your Cup of Tea By Susan Springer Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree 'Tis the season for joyous merriment in decorating—or so I am led to believe by all the media marketers. The Christmas tree is definitely a priority so the hubby and I hiked up the drop-down stairs in our garage that lead to our attic. We brought down all the accoutrements for decorating the realistic (at the time) artificial tree I bought at 70% off retail the previous year. Our little heart ornament, with the year of our marriage, was the first to be placed in the heart of the tree and then the madness began. Every single ornament we had somehow landed on a branch in all its glory. It was our magnum opus that year in the tree decorating department and we were über pleased with ourselves. The season passed; Christmas came and went. We would find ourselves parked in our easy chairs, often hoisting an espresso to our lips. Looking in the direction of the decorated tree, I would say, "We should probably take the tree down today." To which the hubby responded, "Okay," and the word rang like a gong throughout the land, followed by his "I'll get to it." Winter came and went. Spring soon arrived and still we were looking at the fully decorated tree in our living room. Every Sunday, we would be enjoying it and then gig gle, knowing we were derelicts in the matter. Still, neither wanted to make the effort to dismantle the prized ornaments and put the thing away for the season. I would joke about throwing a sheet over the tree and having hidden pneumatic lifts that would gently raise the tree into the attic. Easter arrived and I had my traditional Easter Basket display on our enormous dining room table. A co-worker dropped by the house and her head swung immediately to the fully decorated tree in our living room and simply said an emphatic "Oh wow!" and then burst into laughter. We, too, thought it hilarious at the time. After she left, I looked in the direction of the 'I'll get to it guy' while picking through my Easter candy and said, "Oh, boy—I think it's time we did something about the tree before summer gets here." We did not 'get to it' for another few weeks and then, finally, succumbed to the peer pressure to put the Christmas tree to rest in the attic for the next season. Putting up the tree was never quite the same thereafter. I guess I got enough of the tree to last a lifetime because I have not put up the Christmas tree in the last 8 years—may she Rest in Peace. There is freedom in jumping off the bandwagon for seasonal decorating. But then again maybe next Christmas 'I'll get to it.' – Susan Salisbury Springer is a freelance home economist who has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Family & Consumer Sciences and is affiliated with several professional organizations. Copyright 2014 by Susan S. Springer. All rights reserved. Used by permission. Contact Ms. Springer at Piecing Life Together By Barbara Polston Friendship Star Quilt Shop Being a Mother Elephant Elephants are pregnant for 22 months, published a review on Amazon, calling 131 Center PA “a 18840 almost two years! I’m anticipating theSt. ar- Sayre, the book waste of money.” She was 570-886-2296 rival of a “baby,” an arrival that has been crushed, as I would be, to read a review anticipated for well over 22 months. I so negative. If folks understood how an think I know how an expectant elephant author’s heart and soul and blood, sweat must feel! and~tears go into birthing a book, I have Winter Classes Available 2000+ Fabrics I’m pleased to announce to believe that they would Large Selection of Notions & Patterns that my first book, Quilting hesitate before being so Come inInspirations, and Pre-order your Frozen Olaf Panel negative. - quantities limited! with Doilies: all Books Everday ~ Check out ourNo, online Techniques,25% andOFF Projects, I didshop. not receive an will be released by Schiffer advance for writing the Bring in this Coupon forbook. Quilt book authors Books in Spring 2015. When I approached my receive royalty payments 20% OFF publisher with the book conbased on sales. If you divide 10-5, Fri 10-6 & Satmy 10-4 cept, I had about halfMon-Thurs the anticipated royalties by quilts and projects featured the number of hours inin it done. Offered a convested, I think that I’ll have tract, I had nine months to earned a few pennies per have all the projects comhour. pleted. The manuscript Why do it then? I believe needed to be written and photographs I have valuable things to share—a point taken. Although not a “spreadsheet orof view about vintage doilies, my favorganized” kind of person, I created one ite go-to quilting techniques and projects for each project to track it from concept that are fun to make and enjoy. Each through completion, including manuproject is introduced with an inspiration, script and photography. All my other a snippet of my life and the people I love. quilting projects came to a screeching halt I hope my book is well received. Just as I worked feverishly to meet my sublike the mother elephant, I’m looking formission deadline. ward to the birth! Then, the waiting began. First, I was –Barbara Polston is the author of Quilting with notified that my submission was complete Doilies: Inspiration, Techniques, and Projects and acceptable. One hurdle accom(Schiffer Books, 2015) and an award-winning plished. A bit later, we debated about, and quiltmaker. You can see Barbara’s quilts, join her I finally approved, a book cover. Recently, on Facebook or book her class and lecture offerings I reviewed and corrected what is called at She was inducted into the “galley,” just the written words that Arizona Quilters Hall of Fame in September will appear in the book. Next, I’ll approve 2013. Barbara, who has lived in Phoenix, them again with pictures and illustrations Arizona, for over 28 years, is calmly quilting in added. Studio Narnia. ©Barbara Polston, Phoenix, AZ, A quilting friend recently enjoyed the September 2014 release of her second book. A reader Our Two $25 Gift Certificate Winners! Our first winner from last issue is Glenna Barnes of Enterprise,WV. She will receive a gift certificate to spend at Classic Quilt Shop. She enjoys visiting this shop because, “Janet is so nice & helpful.” Congratulations Glenna! Our second winner is Florence Gallagher of Philadelpia, PA. She picked Brubaker’s Sewing Center to spend the gift certificate. Florence says, “they are reliable” is why she enjoys their shop. Congratulations Florence! Conveniently located just 1/2 mile from I-80 (Exit 236) just north of Bloomsburg, PA Hours: Mon. – Sat. 10-6; Sun. 12-5 Beautiful Gifts • Home Décor • Local Artists • Handmade Goods • Antiques • Fashion Accessories & More Pg. 14 Over The Teacup k Nov.-Dec., 2014 by Janet Young Tea for One Nov.-Dec., 2014 Pg. 15 New York some scones? If you have someone who If you are of a certain age, we have all does not consider herself to be a good heard the phrase, “Tea for Two”... well, cook, then how about supplying her with how about Tea for One? After all it is the a recipe for cucumber sandwiches. It is holiday season when you find yourself er. only a matter of assembling the items, inundated with many additional nd no cooking required. You get the idea. responsibilities apart from your normal m Use whatever method routine. It is at this time, that most of us ch Find usworks on FB: best for you. Hours: Wed-Sat 10-4 There are numerous ways we can are ready to say, “STOP”! But, what do Quilted-Crow-Fabric-and-Quilt-Shop ve Blog: survive the holidays. But, one that you we do? Most likely we take the burden th may want to incorporate into your on, thereby adding even more stress to 100% Cottons, Flannels, hand dyed & textured elf schedule is a daily “Tea for our already hectic lives. wools, Designer Collections & Valdani Floss uOne.” Each day, prepare a Why do we do that? Is it ratea tray consisting of a pot because we have certain et. Just a short of tea, china traditions we don’t want to Visit us Small Business Saturday, Nov 29th,a pretty ve Drive Located off I-88 for Refreshments & a Free Gift! teacup, and a cookie, or give up? IF that is the case, lly piece of fruit, whatever then look for ways to treat you wish to add. Then simplify that tradition. to find a quiet spot, perhaps Also be honest, if it is ts. by the fire, if you have a something that you should nd fireplace, or wherever you can unwind and eliminate at least this year, then do so his Located in the Historic Owego Marketplace sit back and savor each sip of tea and each without feeling guilty. One added bonus ot Located in the Historic Owego Marketplace bite of your favorite tea treat. If you like, might be that you will discover how much nMILL WORKS BOM by Marcus Bros put on some soothing holiday music, read that tradition really means to your family ut abrics, sewing supplies, handmade gifts, andin(at classes. Learn about the Lowell, MA Mill Girls our a book Christmas time, there are quick when it is not there one year. You may pread books that might ser ve as an find you can eliminate it altogether. n8 month program. Make a 92x92 quilt. 10% featuring original quilts by Peggy Sue inspiration and reminder of what But, let’s suppose you really want to .I Discount HOLIDAY SEW FEST Christmas is all about). The main thing is host your annual Christmas Open House ut, (on fabrics, wego, NY 13827 (607)notions 687-1511 to be in the moment. Do not let your Tea. Fine! But, look for ways you can n), and as books) 0 am to 5 pm Make fast & easy gifts for the holidays. Class hours scheduled mind race thinking about allAd the things make the task easier. Start by asking your with this Fridays in Dec 5,12,19 ~ 1-4pm or 5-8pm you have to do. Just be. If you practice guests to each bring a tea food item. To by this starting in November, by Christmas make sure you get a nice assortment, eat 607-687-1511 • 17 Lake St., Owego, NY 13827 devise a system such– Sat. as dividing the10-8 you may have discovered a new reason to en Tues. 10-5, Fri. Viking technicianyou. enjoy teas, asCertified calmness overshadows alphabet into three or four groups. Then ad Tea for One – there really isn’t anything tell your guests if their last name begins available now! a more rewarding. Try it and may you with an A – G they are to bring es. experience a Blest Christmas! sandwiches, H – R tea breads or scones, oo S – Z dessert. IF that is too risky, how en –Janet Young, Certified Tea and about asking a specific guest to bring asEtiquetteConsultant, is a founding member of something for which they are famous. If or Mid-Atlantic Tea Business Association and your friend is a terrific baker then perhaps Ourfreelance Giftwriter/national to You tea presenter. Visit her she could be the one to make a dessert or my till Classified Ads Sew Pieceful 5541 County Route 125, Campbell, NY 14821 607-583-4968 Visit our Christmas Room Plus, new 50% OFF wall Sew What? Fabric Shoppe Annual Fall Sale Nov. 6 from 10am to 6pm Nov. 7th & 8th from 10am to 4pm th 25% OFF EVERYTHING* Fabrics • Books • Notions • Patterns 100% Cotton, Flannel, Batiks & Wool, Patterns, Books & Notions 607-510-4033 • 137 Stockton Avenue, Walton, NY Easy access & ample parking Gift Certificates & Frequent buyer cards available ©TCR 2011 Certified Husqvarna Viking Tech on site ©TCR 2011 Dec 18th - 20th Hours: Tues - Fri 9-5, Sat 9-3, Closed Sun-Mon Closed Nov 26-Dec 1 & Dec 21-Jan 6 Custom Embroidery available. Many great Husqvarna Viking sewing machines, for everyone from beginners to professionals. Gift Certificates available. Classes available, scheduled and on request. Holiday Sale & Celebration website at *Excludes machines, machine accessories and batting • 100% Name Brand Fabrics • Notions • Machine Quilting • Classes Husqvarna Viking Dealer Tues – Fri 10 – 4 & Sat 10 – 2 11597 County Route 119, Addison, NY 14801 • 607.359.4308 . Second Wind Secret Recipes Gluten Free Carrot Muffins 1/2 cup oil 1/2 teaspoon xanthan gum 2 eggs 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 cup brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger 1 1/2 cup gluten–free flour mix 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 3/4 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 ½ cups packed grated carrots (about 4 medium carrots) 3 tablespoons water (Simplifying Hint: Just scrub and cut ends off carrots, cut in fourths and blend . carrots in blender with eggs and oil on the pulse setting a few times…Voila!…what a time saver, plus the added nutrients of the skins of the carrots.) Optional but delicious stir-ins: 1 cup raisins and/or 1 cup coarsely chopped walnuts Instructions: Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Line a 12-muffin pan with paper liners. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients (flours, baking powder, baking soda, salt, xanthan gum, spices, and brown sugar). Add carrot, oil, egg, water mixture. When the batter is smooth and happy add the raisins and walnuts. Spoon the muffin batter into twelve lined muffin cups. Bake in the center of a pre-heated oven for 22 minutes or so, until domed and golden and firm to a light touch. Remove from the hot pan as quickly as possible to cool the muffins on a wire rack. It keeps those bottoms from getting soggy. Serve with a generous swirl of homemade cream cheese frosting on muffin top. Please don’t settle for canned store bought frosting! The accent of a good frosting really makes these over the top. Makes 12 muffins Small Business Saturday Nov. 29, 2014 • 10am–5pm Christmas Open House Dec. 6, 2014 • 10am–5pm How do you let people know about it? Let the 30,000+ readers of The Country Register know your web address when you advertise it in the next issue! Handcrafted items by WV artisans, wood, ceramic, crochet, quilting, jewelry, Deadline for Jan/Feb issue is December 1 local jams & jellies, craft demos, CCC Call Toll Free: 1-866-825-9217 museum on site. Are you organizing a local arts, crafts, quilt or antique show? Need exhibitors and crafters? Need to tell shoppers about the event? Advertise right here with The Country Register classifieds. $40 for 2 months of advertising! Call by December 1st to be in our Jan/Feb 2015 issue Call Toll Free 1-866-825-9217 Use Patchwork Classifieds to Advertise Your: •Business For Sale •Craft Show •Quilting Bees •Shop Space Available •Web Site •Craft Related Service. Not for shops unless used with a display ad. Mon, Wed, Th, Fri 9-5 Tues 9-2 • Sat 9-3 Evenings by appointment for GPS...100 County Rd. 26, Afton, NY • Navajo Indian Blankets & Rugs • Pottery, Jewelry, Kachina Dolls • Beaded Moccasins, Baskets Check out our class schedule for FREE DEMO Saturdays! Route 41 South, Afton, NY 13730 607-639-2460 Exit 115/79, .02 mile on RT 20 South Historic Quiet Dell School (740) 525-2807 Do You Have A Website??? West Virginia Heritage Crafts Old Indian Items $$ CASH PAID $$ Over 125 bolts of your holiday favorites Quilters’ Haven Quilters’ Haven A Quilt of Many Colors Hrs: Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat 10-4 Thurs 10–6 WANTED Patchwork Angels Quilt Shop 307 West Main St Endicott, NY 13760 (607) 748-0682 Check out our Retreat Schedule PENNSYLVANIA Bedford............................................ Page 8 Berwyn............................................ Page 11 Bloomsburg................................. Page 13 Brookville....................................... Page 5 Clarion............................................. Page 5 Clearfield....................................... Page 5 Cooksburg.................................... Page 5 Donegal........................................... Page 8 DuBois............................................. Page 5 Ebensburg..................................... Page 8 Emmaus.......................................... Page 12 Erie...................................................... Page 3 Fallsington...................................... Page 11 Intercourse................................... Page 9 Johnstown..................................... Page 8 Kittanning....................................... Page 6 Kutztown........................................ Page 12 Leechburg.................................... Page 6 Linesville......................................... Page 4 Linfield.............................................. Page 11 Marietta.......................................... Page 9 Mechanicsburg........................ Page 9 Mercer............................................ Page 4 Monroeville.................................. Pgs 6, 7 Morgantown............................... Page 11 Mount Joy..................................... Page 9 Mt. Pleasant................................ Page 8 New Holland............................... Pgs 9, 10 New Oxford.................................. Page 9 Orangeville................................... Page 13 Paradise......................................... Page 9 Pittsburgh...................................... Page 6 Reading........................................... Page 12 Saegertown................................. Page 4 Sayre.................................................. Page 13 Somerset........................................ Page 8 Union City..................................... Page 4 Waynesburg................................. Page 7 White Horse............................... Page 11 Womelsdorf................................ Page 12 Deadline for Jan/Feb is December 1 Just mail your ad & check to: The Country Register • P O Box 365 • New Market, MD 21774 You can advertise in the Patchwork Classifieds! A 2 x 2 space is only $40 for 2 months of advertising! City Index Erie Sayre Union City Saegertown Linesville Cooksburg Mercer Clarion Brookville DuBois Clearfield Orangeville Bloomsburg Kittanning Leechburg Emmaus Kutztown Pittsburgh Monroeville Reading Ebensburg Wormelsdorf Johnstown Mechanicsburg Morgantown Mt. Pleasant Donegal Mount Joy New Holland Intercourse Paradise White Horse Marietta Bedford Somerset Berwyn Fallsington New Oxford Waynesburg WEST VIRGINIA Barboursville.............................. Page 18 Bridgeport...................................... Page 20 Charleston.................................... Page 18 Clarksburg.................................... Page 21 Elkins ................................................ Page 20 Fairmont.......................................... Page 24 Farmington................................... Page 24 Grafton............................................ Page 20 Jane Lew....................................... Page 21 Martinsburg................................. Page 19 Morgantown............................... Pgs 7, 22 Moundsville.................................. Page 22 Princeton....................................... Page 18 Shinnston........................................ Page 21 St. Albans........................................Page 18 Sutton................................................. Page 18 Westover........................................ Page 22 Linfield Moundsville Westover Morgantown Farmington Fairmont Martinsburg Shinnston Clarksburg Grafton Bridgeport Jane Lew Elkins Sutton St. Albans Barboursville Internet............................................. Page 24 MD...................................................... Page 23 NY........................................................ Pgs 3, 13, 14 VA......................................................... Pgs 16, 17 OH....................................................... Page 24 Charleston Princeton Authorized Janome Dealer Can You Find This Ad? Mon, Thurs, Fri 11am to 8pm • Tues & Wed 11am to 5pm Sat 9:30am to 4pm • Closed on Sundays Pictured in the magnifying glass is a small portion of one of our ads. Can you find the ad that it came from? Bring in this Coupon for 25% Off Any One Item (Excludes Sewing Machines) expires 12-31-14 If you can, Just fill in the form below and send it to us at: ©2008 TCR Rachel and Grace posing for the camera. Amy and Rachel enjoying some of Maryland’s delicious crabs. Advertiser’s Name My Name Address Telephone The Country Register of PA/WV PO Box 365 New Market, MD 21774 Page #: Yes! There is a prize for one of the correct entries. Pg. 16 Nov.-Dec., 2014 Virginia “Valley Needleworks” 7969 Main St., Middletown, VA Your Cross Stitch Supply Store 22645 See you in Jennifer Cave, Owner & Needlework Addict 2015! 540-869-0324 “Always Be Stitching!” All “Gift Items” 20% OFF Plethora of Needlework “Needfuls”-perfect gifts for your Needlework Addict! *******Gift Certificates Available******* Nov 1, We will be participating in “Craft Day” at Belle Grove Plantation Nov. 26, Closing early at 3pm ~ Nov 27, Closed Nov 29, “Small Business Saturday” Come in to Support your Local Needlework Shop Dec 24, Closing early at 3pm ~ Dec 25-29, Closed ~ Jan 1, Closed Nov.-Dec., 2014 Pg. 17 Virginia Men Who Quilt, Anne Oliver, & VCQ Presidents on Exhibit thru December 20th Cottonwood Authorized Dealer Meadowbrook Shopping Centre • 2035 Barracks Rd Charlottesville, VA 22903 Convenient to I-64 and I-81 Gift Cards Quilting, Rug Hooking, Punch Needle, Available! Embroidery, Supplies and Classes Join us for our Open House ~ Sat., Dec 6th Shop Hours: Mon-Sat 10-6 Sun 12-4 434-244-9975 Art Deco Jewel Box Bring in this ad for $1 off admission Expires December 20, 2014 Open Tuesday-Saturday 10-4 Ph: 540-433-3818 301 S. Main St. Harrisonburg, VA Hours: Tues-Sat 10-5 Needleworkers Anonymous Meetings: Nov 8th, 1-4pm Valley Stitchers’ Meetings: Nov 22nd, 6-9pm We will be at the OLDE MILL PRIMITIVES Original Sewing and Quilt Expo We will be at the EAST COAST will be at the VA inWe Fredericksburg, GAMMILL/STATLER Original Sewing Octand 2—4Quilt Expo Original Sewing and Quilt Expo A gathering of friends bringing you primitive home and garden goods CONFERENCE Run thru it RUN THRU INC. Over 3,000 bolts ofIT fabric! inFredricksburg,VA Featuring Longarm classes inFredricksburg,VA th QuiltShop Shop Quilt Register for classes @ JANUARY 30 thru 965 Aspen Road 961 Aspen Rd Oct 3—5 Phenix, VA 23959 st Phenix, Va 23959 Oct 3—5 Over 3,000 bolts of fabric! 434.376.7755 (h) FEBRUARY 1 Over434-376-7755 3,000 bolts of fabric! 434.610.1410Featuring (c) Longarm classes with Linda HOMESTEAD HOLIDAYS Lori Clayton Statler Stitcher Long Arm Quilting 961Aspen Rd Featuring Longarm Custom Embroidery inclasses with Linda 961Aspen Rd Taylor Phenix, Va 23959 Taylor Phenix, Va 23959 434-376-7755 434-376-7755 Quilting Retreats now available Extended Holiday Hours Fridays 10am till 9pm th th th th Nov 28 , Dec 5 , Dec 12 & Dec 19 Your VA and W.VA Gammill dealers Your VA and W.VA Gammill dealers Visit with Santa, enjoy bargains, caroling and goodies! RICHMOND,VIRGINIA Quilting Retreats now available New Store Hours Starting September 1: Quilting Retreats now available Monday—by appointment only New Store Hours Starting September 1: Tues-Sat 10:00am—5:00pm New Store Hours Starting September 1: Monday—by appointment only Monday—by appointment only Tues-Sat 10:00am—5:00pm Tues-Sat 10:00am—5:00pm Apple Barn Gallery 19781 Main St., Buchanan, VA Everyone is talking about it! The Nation’s Largest Longarm Extravaganza Dedicated to the Art of Longarm Quilting We will be at the Original Sewing and Quilt Expo 2015 in Fredricksburg, VA We will be at the We willOct be at3—5 the Original Sewing and Quilt Expo Original andclasses Quilt Expo FeaturingSewing Longarm with Linda inFredricksburg,VA Taylor inFredricksburg,VA Over 3,000 bolts of fabric! 961 Aspen Rd Phenix, Va 23959 434-376-7755 Register for classes Oct@3—5 Oct 3—5 Featuring Longarm classes with Linda Featuring Longarm classes with Linda Your VA andTaylor W.VA Gammill dealers Taylor Over 3, bolts of fabric! Over 3,000 bolts of fabric! 961AspenRd 961AspenRd Phenix, Va 23959 Quilting Retreats now Phenix, Va 23959available 434-376-7755 434-376-7755 February 6-8, Virginia Beach, VA New Store Hours Starting September 1: Beginningappointment to Advancedonly levels or just considering a longarm machine, Monday—by The Bird10:00am—5:00pm Event has something for everyone. choose Your Over VA and 60 W.VAclasses Gammillto dealers Tues-Sat Christmas Open House Fri & Sat, Nov 28 & 29, 5-9pm Christmas Open House Sat., Dec 6 10-5 CACKLEBERRY Refreshments Register for Door Prize FREE Retired Boyd’s Figurine online or call Both Stores Closed Dec. 25-Jan 2 APPLE BARN II Gifts & Collectibles Packed Full of Gifts for Christmas Come Shop Dept 56 Villages Snowbabies Byers, Santas, Ginger Cottages Willow Tree Rowe Pottery Tervis Yankee Candles Cat’s Meow Christmas Set of 5 “Shenandoah Christmas” Scarves ~ Tops ~ Boot Socks ~ Jewelry Route 11 Lee Highway, 12 Boone Drive, Troutville,VA (Between Exits 150 & 156 on I-81) Tues-Sat 10-5 2 Miles North of Crackerbarrel (540) 992-3551 Sun 1-5 Gifts and Home Decor Amish Made Oak & Pine Furniture • Donna Sharpe • 804-708-0741 eads Run Thru It SO 1... e1 APPLE BARN II Register for Door Prize FREE Retired Cat’s Meow Refreshments at Cackleberry Great Gifts for your Holiday Shopping! • PRIMITIVES • Jim Shore • Apple Butter/Honey • Lighted Canvas • Park Linens • Soup Mixes • Billy Jacobs • Flags and Holders • Stars & Much more New Store Hours Starting September 1: Monday—by appointment only Register Monday—by appointment only Tues-Sat 10:00am—5:00pm Tues-Sat 10:00am—5:00pm Open Tues-Fri 11-4, Sat 10-3 Closed Dec 24-Jan 2 540-254-6677 Show Print $125 “ National D-Day Memorial” Your VA and W.VA Gammill dealers from featuring award winning instructors. Quilting Retreats now available Quilting Retreats now available Presented By New Store Hours Starting September 1: Thursday, August 01, 2013 13:41 Composite 1167 Wildcat Rd. • Goodview, VA 24095 • 540-890-6455 Moss Show Nov 7, 8 & 9 Pat Moss in person Nov 9th, 12-4 Your VA, WV, DC, MD, PA, NJ, DE Gammill Dealer 81 Stoney Battery Road; Troutville, VA 24175 - 2 1/2 Miles N. of Exit 150 I-81 • Rt. 11 to Troutville • Turn onto Stoney Battery Rd • 1/2 Block On Left 540-966-5646 Mon.-Sat. 10-5; Sun. 1-5 Of Wattles Made open every Saturday in November & December • 10am–5pm We will have lots of surprises in store for you. Shop for Fall, Winter and the Holidays Lots of new antique smalls, one of a kinds, Handmades and American made!! Rug Hooking Kits Hooked Rugs by Peggy Teich and Bonnie Stahl Lt. Moses Willard Lighting Folk Art by Matthew Jacks Jonathan Kline Baskets Hand Dyed Wools Susan Daul Fracktures Textiles • Quilts Dolls • Candles Antiques • Baskets Seasonal Items Visit my 5 booths at The Factory Antique Mall in Verona, Virginia. “A Primitive Mix Of The Old And The New” 130 South Augusta Street • Staunton, VA 24401 • (540) 213-0435 Pg. 18 Nov.-Dec., 2014 Barboursville, Charleston, Princeton, St. Albans, Sutton WV Town -and Country Cooking Black Crow Primitives Flatwoods Outlet Mall, Sutton, WV 26601 304-765-6510 Handcrafted Furniture made in West Virginia Bill Jacobs Pic • Crocks • Candles • Primitives 25% OFF entire purchase w/ coupon Valid Nov & Dec 535 Rogers Street, Princeton, WV • 304-487-6700 Tue-Fri 10am - 6pm • Saturday 10am - 5pm Be sure to put a Brother machine on your wish list! Featuring... • Alterations • Quality Fabrics • Notions • Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced Sewing Classes • Quilting Machine Services We have expanded to better serve you! Welcome Home Primitives N More Random Acts Join us on November 8th for our Christmas Open House! Handcrafted American-Made Furniture, Primitive/Country Decor, Swan Creek Candles & Drizzles so much more!K.Come see our expanded showroom! by& Maranda Jones Monthly drawings! Discount Days! “Like Us” On Faceboook We give Military Discounts Everyday! We recently2777 celebrated my grandma’s passing in Exit the [Exit 1] I-79) Pennsylvania Ave (Mink Shoals church where she was baptized.Charleston, She often WV told me how 25302 her life had come full circle. •Grandma me10-6, manySat 10-6, Sun 1-5 304-344-4330 Hrs Tuestold - Fri stories, and, in fact, as we gathered to plan her funeral, we realized she was the storyteller of our family. All of G rand ma Cla our stories about Grandma involved her telling us a ra story. With our memories and the stories she left us in her journal, we were able to write her tale. Once upon a time, there was a great grandma named Clara. Clara had a secret. For years, her grandchildren and great grandchildren alike did not even know that Clara was her name. They always called her “Grandma.” Grandma had five sisters and one brother. Most of them went by their first names at school and their middle names at home, but Uncle Byrel didn’t have one, so he didn’t have to worry about it… Grandma was so happy to have two great grandchildren. When she learned she would have three more born within a short time, she was overjoyed. My daughter Malena was easy to remember as she was the only girl of the latest addition. Grandma often confused Blake and Felix, which was perfectly natural since they are only two weeks apart. No matter what name she called them, her love for all of her great grandchildren was endless. My kids only knew Grandma from her nursing home days, but they loved to stop 40% OFF 7AM - 8AM by often. My six-year-old son spoke at her funeral and reminded us, “Grandma had a fridge full of chocolate bars and a bag full of lollipops. She had a lot of stuffed 30% 10AM animals and a bookshelf full ofOFF pictures8AM of us. She- even had baby blankets ready for the new baby girl.” Grandma passed away a week before her sixth great grandOFF 4PMcomfort. child was born, but 20% she was ready and 10AM waiting with -crocheted My son continued speaking, “She loved us a lot, and we made her happy just by ALL IN STOCK MERCHANDISE going to see her. She made us happy because she was very nice and sometimes we got presents.” This Christmas will be different without Grandma, but what she SALE ITEMS EXCLUDED left behind did not surprise us. When we cleaned out her room, we found presents for her great grandchildren. ORDERS INCLUDED ON IN STOCK MDSE My sisterWEB/PHONE and I remember our family picking up Grandma for Christmas at my uncle’s. In the backseat of our Torino was Grandma surrounded by paper bags filled with red and green popcorn balls. The car smelled delicious and provided a AllthatWVU Merchandise On Sale level of safety was not available back then. Rather than airbags, we had popcorn bags. Everyone knew it was Christmastime when the corn started popping and the candy started setting. Grandma’s fiveCALL granddaughters enjoy the popcorn ball tradition, Questions? 304-765-7993 and we were lucky to have her guidance in making them for so many years. Although theyvisit eating them more than making them, Grandma’s three sons always helped. She admired her boys for being both scholars and athletes. She always attended their games and concerts, and she made each boy a scrapbook Sutton, 26601 • 304-765-7993 with49 theirWoodward achievements.Drive, My uncle Dennis WV said she even saved a less than perfect Located inside the SUNOCO at the entrance to the Flatwoods Mall elementary report card, which was really not necessary. She knew Outlet my uncle Gary I-79 Exit 67 • Open 7 days a week from 8am 10pm would have a good arm. When he was two years old, they were driving up Pikes Peak for a picnic. Halfway up the mountain, he threw the can opener out the window. Grandma always argued with my dad about liking pickles. She insisted he LOVED pickles, and Randy maintains he did not, and does not, even LIKE pickles. They did agree that he loved peanut butter sandwiches, and she made him one every single day. Grandma was an excellent cook and baker. Her sons all loved homemade ice cream and would wait at the oven with butter and jelly for the bread to be done baking. Although Grandma’s cakes were the best, she wanted them to be better. She was always frustrated that her burnt sugar cake did not turn out like her mother-in-law’s. She spent most of her life trying to cook like Grandma McElvain, and finally declared it was impossible. Grandma admitted she yelled at her boys a lot, but she always enjoyed being a mother and showed them kindness. Dennis loved to run through the pastures, and Leaving Behind BLACK FRIDAY SALE FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28th marked by a frenzied pace. Spending time at home to prepare for the traditional festivities leaves me feeling truly fulfilled and at peace. Nov.-Dec., 2014 friends to enjoy a home-cooked meal, to the festive, local shopping events that inevitably seem to inspire us, there is always something to be grateful for. This holiday season take time to break away from the hurried days and experience the joy that comes from sharing the truest gifts of 304-263-6800 the season—peace, wonder and gratitude. Pg. 19 Martinsburg - WV by Janette Hess Flexible Tex-Mex to Spice Up Your Holiday Parties Village Sampler Many recipes – especially those that Faux Fried Ice Cream don’t involve leavening or thickening Everything counts inflexible. cross stitch, ingredients –that are actually quite 1½ quarts (48 fluid ounces) vanilla They may be tweaked here or there to needlepoint, framing & more! ice cream accommodate taste preferences or 86 Olde Main Plaza,Tex-Mex St Albans, WVis25177 1 8-ounce container whipped ingredient availability. food a topping prime example of flexible cuisine. 4 cups plain corn flakes While some people adore the fresh, 2 teaspoons cinnamon bright flavor of304-722-0123 cilantro, others find it Open Tues-Sat 2 tablespoons sugar somewhat bitter. Similarly,@11am while some ¼ cup honey people like beans and cheese in Maraschino cherries, chocolate syrup abundance, others find that a little goes a r teAnd, il and additional whipped topping for u long way. of course, the “heat” of Q id Han & garnish, if desired s any dish may always be adjusted. le a S r vicemonth’s Shrimp Rounds are an SeThis Home of Chenille In large bowl, soften ice cream and easily adaptable appetizer, perfect forSew Easy™ whipped topping just until they can holiday parties. If additional “heat” is Is your Tour Bus heading thru 1-64 West in West Virginia? Let us be a add Enjoy a small sliver Quiltdesired, Shop Stop simply for your group! our unique Quilt of Shop locatedbein combined. In small bowl or chipotle to each If 18). Withshaker, combine cinnamon and Barboursville, WV pepper near the Huntington Mallappetizer. (1/2 Mile off Exit sugar; set aside. Place 2 cups corn is will notsupply available, just queso a 24 hourfresco notice, we your groupsubstitute with a quick luncheon, flakes in 9- by 13-inch dish and crush finely shredded Monterrey Jack cheese. refreshments, quilt demos, plus 20% off of our fabric, books and notions. lightly hands. with half In call Southwest Beans and the (Owner). Just 304.302.5400Black or 304.544.4383 and Rice, ask for Michelle We willwith stay open late Sprinkle or mixture and openamount early. Sundays And we are handicap groupcinnamon-sugar too small. of available beans too! is adjustable and accessible. the No of drizzle with half of honey. Top with cilantro is completely optional, because, 642 Main 101 304-302-5400 dollops of ice cream mixture, taking as we all St., know,Suite the consumer is always Barboursville, WV 25504 care not to disturb layer of corn right! (1/2Fried mile off Exit flakes. Using knife or spreader, Ice I-64, Cream is 18) a favorite dessert smooth ice cream into even layer. served in many Mexican restaurants, but Lightly crush remaining cornflakes most diners would agree that ice cream is and sprinkle over ice cream. Top with indulgent enough without running it remaining cinnamon-sugar mixture through a bath of hot oil. Faux Fried Ice and honey. Freeze at least 4 hours or Cream easily mimics the flavors of the overnight. Cut into squares to serve. restaurant dish but involves no lastIf desired, garnish with whipped minute preparation or frying. by Sharon Grevetopping, chocolate syrup and maraschino cherries. Shrimp Rounds WV Quilt The Dropped Stitch Saint Nick To The Rescue large,before raw, de-veined shrimp T’was the24night Christmas and all around me Southwest Rice with Black Beans 2 teaspoons mild taco seasoning mix the tree. lay unfinished knitting gifts still not under 1 tablespoon canola or olive oil The stockings were not hung care, 2 tablespoons olive oil Non-stick cooking sprayby the chimney with because 1the7-ounce heels andpackage toes hadprepared not a stitch there. 1 large onion, diced 2 cups long grain rice guacamole All the children were nestled all snug in their beds 2 10-ounce cans mild diced tomatoes 24 round, flat tortilla chips with visions of my hand-knitted hats for their heads. and green chilies 2-3 chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, Dad, too,seeds was removed asleep so he was no help at all, Approximately 3½ cups chicken and the sweater himfresco, was sadly way too small. broth 2 ounces for queso crumbled 1 to 1½ 15-ounce cans black beans, When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter, drained and rinsed If necessary, thaw shrimp and I dropped my knitting to see what was the matter. ¼ cup fresh, chopped cilantro remove shells and tails. Pat shrimp A pile of yarn andplace needles lay around my feet, (optional) dry and in small bowl with a reminder of unworked delaying seasoning mix androws, oil. Toss to coat. my peek. Heat oil in large skillet over medium shrimp non-stick sauté pan Then outPlace on the lawninI heard such a noise. heat. Add onion and sauté until onion has been prepared with the cooking I feared itthat would awake Dad and boys. is softened. Add rice and continue spray. Cook over medium-high heat Even though I was tired feet not moving quick, cooking and stirring for 5 minutes. until shrimp beginwith to turn pink. Turn I had no doubts had toand be St. Nickuntil Transfer to 9- by 13-inch baking dish. shrimp it over cook Drain tomatoes; reserve juice. Toss completely opaque, about 2 more As I untangled the pile of yarn from my feet tomatoes with rice. Measure reserved minutes. Remove from heat.St.Cool and turned around, sure enough, Nick I did meet. tomato juice and add enough chicken in refrigerator. At serving time, He was dressed all chip in red and white wool broth to to toe make 5 cups liquid. Add to spread each with guacamole and from head as his clothes were hand knit from above to below. rice. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees top with 1 piece of shrimp. If is desired, Wearing additional a colorful“heat” Fair Isle sweateradd on ahis back,for 1 hour, or until all liquid is absorbed. Remove from oven and stir smalltoys sliver of chipotle pepper. he set down stuffed in a jumbo Aran knit pack. in desired amount of beans and Sprinkle with crumbled cheese. The scarf around his neck could have measuredcilantro. a mile and the socks peeking over his boot tops were Argyle. –A trained journalist, Janette Hess focuses her writing on interesting people and interesting foods. She is a Decked outMaster withFood cabled mittens hat withservice pompon, Volunteer with herand local Extension and enjoys collecting, testing and sharing recipes his rosy-cheeked face gave a smile and a yawn. As I stared in wonderment from head to toe, he proudly exclaimed, “Yes, I knitted every row.” Desperately, I pushed him onto a chair, placing needles and yarn for a mitten pair. He began knitting with a twinkle in his eye, while I gave out a relieved heavy sigh. Like magic his needles clicked until almost three, as my finished projects were now under the tree. With a wink and a wave, he was in his sleigh, and we both happily welcomed Christmas Day. But I heard him exclaim in the light of the moon, “Next year, start knitting by the middle of June.” © 2014 Sharon Greve. Contact No reprint without permission. Ann’s Lovin’ Ewe Just What I Wanted Our family has a tradition of drawing names for Christmas. One Christmas Day, as we opened our gifts, all eyes went to my Grandpa Roetcisoender when he tore the paper off of his present and exclaimed “Just what I wanted!” My shy and quiet grandpa had a merry twinkle in his eye. The rest of the family exchanged glances. “Who had your name?” they all asked, looking around the room for the match and the answer to the mystery. When no one responded, Grandpa shyly responded, “I did.” Grandpa had the last laugh that year when he drew his own name and bought exactly what he wanted. What if you drew your own name this Christmas? What would you do? What would you buy for yourself ? Perfume? A new coat? A decoration for your home? The new season of Downton Abbey? What gift is your personal: “Just what I wanted!” Or is it something money can’t buy? A month of family time, a season focused on faith, or relaxation by the fire? Listening to carols, making a batch of cookies, and playing a board game with your family? Having a grudge forgiven or re-connecting with an old friend? I used to think the saddest day ever was December 26th. All the days leading up to Christmas were such a build up that the day after felt like a let down. Tinsel on the carpet, the tree stripped of presents, the after-Christmas sales, piles of wrapping paper overfilling the recycling bin, and bills to be paid. But maybe planning and “shopping” for the one gift could really change that. by Ann Stewart And while we look at Christmas, maybe it’s a good time to look beyond to your new calendar for the New Year. Bill Hybels in his book Simplify writes, “I am still learning that my schedule is far less about what I want to get done and far more about who I want to become.” By first filling in the calendar boxes with what’s important to who you are, you might avoid frenetic and unfulfilled living. Hybels explains, “The t h o u g h t f u l arrangement of your daily and weekly calendar is one of the holiest endeavors you can undertake.” And so, if your gift to yourself is to focus on the meaning of the season, then take on that “holy endeavor” and put that event on your calendar and don’t let anything squeeze it out. If your personal present is to take more time to relax and recharge, keep some boxes empty or schedule: “RECHARGE.” If it’s more family time, then “thoughtfully arrange” your week and block out evenings RIGHT NOW. Be proactive and plan your calendar. Then when the season or the year is over, you’ll feel you got the perfect gift. You’ll be able to unwrap a present satisfying to your soul and exclaim with a merry twinkle, “Just what I wanted!” –© Ann Stewart 2014. Used by permission. Ann lives with her family in Virginia.“When my friends look out over the rolling hills and the Blue Ridge mountains, they say ‘This is beautiful.’ Yes, but I say, farm work and its lessons about life and death are even more beautiful. That’s what “Ann’s Lovin’ Ewe” is about. As you meet my sheep and family, come learn with me about being a lovin’ ewe.” Turn your passion for Using Milk Paints for Your Projects chocolate into a party! by René Groom A New England Christmas To capture the sense of wonder and Mon-Fri that a New England excitement 10-5 can bring, I enjoy venturing out Christmas Sat Quilt Shop to village 10-1 candlelight shopping events, town strolls and my favorite antique Quilt Fabric ~ Fat Quarters shops. The beautyPatterns of this spectacular –Annice Bradley Rockwell is an educator and ~ Classes ~ Books owneraofSmile! Pomfret Antiques. She is currently season is vibrantly expressed through & Always working on her book, New England Girl. carefully created displays, seasonal décor Come in & see the new & exciting sewing & and of course, the splendor of Christmas quilting classes. Available at all skill levels. Robin Rock is the owner of Milltown Primitives. lighting that always seems to entice me. 248England N. Queenvillage St., Martinsburg, WVwith 25401 New roads lined All About Fabric (Just 5 min. from I-81) Maple Pumpkin Cheesecake ©TCR 2012 by Kristine Berg Doss –Kristine Berg Doss is the owner, editor and publisher of A Primitive Place & Country Journal Magazine. A Primitive Place is the fastest growing primitive, colonial and country magazine on the market today. For more info, visit or email 2 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup butter, melted 3 - 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened 1 can sweetened condensed milk 1 - 16 oz. can of pumpkin 3 eggs 1 1/4 cup of real maple syrup 1 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 1 cup whipping cream 1/2 cup pecan halves Combine graham cracker crumbs, sugar and butter. Press into the bottom of a 9 x 13-inch pan. Beat cream cheese and sweetened condensed milk. Add pumpkin, eggs, 1/2 cup maple syrup, cinnamon and nutmeg. Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes at 300 degrees. GLAZE: Boil 3/4 cup maple syrup and whipping cream rapidly on medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes or until thick. Spread over cheesecake and top with pecan halves. Tomore learn more about To learn about hosting a chocolate tasting party, contact yourtasting local chocolatier hosting a chocolate party, contact your local chocolatier In the Berks County, PA area contact: Preparing for the holidays has a way paints. It was only after the Civil War in Do you love chocolate? • Heather Garber, Independent Chocolatier #21786 of leading into projects around the house. 1868 that commercial oil based paints host a All the energies that we had been putting were mass-produced, Then changing the paint, (610) 656-9496 into keeping the outside of our homes scheme. While oilDOVE paints were used a long Chocolate maintained are now time before that, they, In the York County, PA area contact: TM Discoveries redirected inside to too, were mixed by using • Bryon Almony, Independent Chocolatier #19749 Tasting and decorating and those more Party unstable oilsdiscover like projects that have taken olive, etc., and, 717-495-5342 an exclusive line of their chocolate a back seat to more drying time and affect treatswere thatequally only our hosts and • Erinn Hulley, Independent Chocolatier #15682 pressing things in the unstable, yard and garden. which led most to stick their guests may buy. Our, 301-651-4104 For some of us, that with the traditional milk premium chocolate nibbles, will include painting paint for their painting • Sarah Spencer, Independent Chocolatier #18843 desserts and projects that we have projects. Yet,beverages it was the are, 443-417-6282 put off and put off. green-movement in the and perfect for entertaining With many of us mid 1970s that brought ideal Plus, putting more thought the for milkgift paintgiving. back into In the Berkeley County, WV area contact: into providing a healthy popularity. hosting is simple and the environment for our So if you are looking • Nikki Berryhill, Independent Chocolatier #22608 are painting sweet! families and ourselves, atrewards doing some, (304) 270-6734 attention has turned to projects this fall, go a simpler time and ahead and shake it up a simpler paint process— little—literally. Grab a return to the milk your handy mason jar While you demonstrateand the indulgence as a Chocolatier at home tasting parties, paint. trylatest your hand at some old fashioned Milk paint has stood the test of time you’ll Milk Paint. discover all the many sweet rewards. and can be made easily at home by mixing learn more chocolatier, contact Amy: –René about Groom is a becoming freelance writer and a public skim milk (room temp) and aTo water speaker who loves to share her adventures, soluble lime available at any hardware or Amy Carter, Independent Chocolatier #6579 misadventures and the amazing people she meets home supply store. Pigment may be 240-285-7656, down life’s dusty trails. She and her husband, Tom, added. make their home in Prosser, WA. She is the mom Milk paint has been around for a long of four amazing men. Some of her stories can be TM DOVE Discoveries time. It isChocolate reported that some monoliths found at is a registered trademark of DCD, Inc., have proven to be colored with milk based The Sweetest Career You’ll Ever Have! Or, turn your passion for chocolate into a career! and is used under license. im ho ba for pu int live sto Ha sim of thr pic gh ap 31 dec as toI co ev Ch be inc I of on gal les en Ma Ch me en pre eac Pg. 20 Nov.-Dec., 2014 Nov.-Dec., 2014 Bridgeport, Elkins, Grafton - WV Pg. 21 Clarksburg, Jane Lew, Shinnston - WV Arts and Treasures located in Downtown Historic Grafton Customized Handcrafted Furniture Snowman Painting Class ~ Dec 13 & 15 We will be open Mon-Fri 12-7 & Sat 10-5 in December! 304-265-5485 • Wed-Fri 4-7; Sat 10-5 in November! 40 W. Main St., Grafton, WV 26354 Christmas Open House ~ Nov 1, 10-5 Anniversary Celebration Dec 5, 4-8 & Dec 6, 10-5 ©TCR 2013 Elkins Sewing Center 300 Davis Ave., Elkins, WV Located in the heart of Downtown Elkins Specializing in Quilting Fabrics, Notions, Trims, Classes Mon-Sat 9 to 5, Friday 9 to 7 304-636-9480 Become Inspired! by Robin Rock & Annice Rockwell Home for the Holidays luminary candles on a cold December As the month of November night with quaint shops all open and approaches my thoughts tend to turn aglow are the perfect setting for a country toward planning for the holidays. This shopper’s delight. always involves the joy and excitement of decorating the interior of my home for Ever-Thankful the season to come. An atmosphere of The holiday season brings with it a true holiday warmth will provide special sense of joy. comfort during From the a season that gatherings with too often seems family and marked by a friends to enjoy frenzied pace. a home-cooked Spending time meal, to the at home to festive, local prepare theteacher Elizabeth George (5 million books sold) offers gems Notedfor Bible of wisdom s h o pgiftp book ing tshe’s r a d discovered i t i o n a l during her years of following God in this beautiful, four-color events that festivities leaves illustrated with Donny Finley’s engaging paintings. inevitably seem me feeling truly Offering hope from her heart, Elizabeth opens with this invitation toto herinspire readers: us, fulfilled and at there is always peace. something to know be grateful ThisHim. holiday “It’s wonderful being a woman after God’s own heart! To Him. for. To love To enrich the lives of others. To follow Him…and to enjoy the blessings He extends to us.” season take time to break away from the A New England Christmas hurried days and experience the joy that To capture the sense of wonder and She treats readers to inspirational stories and easy-to-implement on… comes from sharing theideas truest gifts of excitement that a New England the season—peace, wonder and gratitude. Christmas can bring, I enjoy venturing out growing in joy and fulfillment to village candlelight shopping events, taming the chaos in life and home town strolls andmaking my favorite the best antique decisions shops. The beautyhelping of thisthose spectacular –Annice Bradley Rockwell is an educator and in need owner of Pomfret Antiques. She is currently season is vibrantly expressed through loving God wholeheartedly working on her book, New England Girl. Upbeatcreated and positive, thisseasonal book encourages carefully displays, décor women from all walks of life and varying stages of belief to and of course, the splendor of Christmas Robin Rock is the owner of Milltown Primitives. live enthusiastically & reach out to people around them lighting that always seems to entice me. New England village roads lined with A Woman After God’s Own Heart $15.99, 64 pages ISBN 978-0-7369-2559-4 WIN A BOOK! MapleREGISTER PumpkinTOCheesecake Register to win your very own copy of this wonderful book, A Woman After God’s Own Heart- courtesy of the by publishers. Kristine Berg Doss Just complete and mail this form. Winners will be sent their prize by mail. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY - THIS WILL2 BE MAILING LABEL. 1/2YOUR cups graham cracker crumbs 1/2 cup sugar P O Box 365 1/2Market, cup butter, melted New MD 21774 3 - 8 oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened 1 can sweetened condensed milk Name_____________________________________________________ 1 - 16 oz. can of pumpkin Street Address_____________________________________________ 3 eggs City______________________ State________ _______________ 1 1/4 cup Zip_ of real maple syrup 1 1/2 tsp. nutmeg 1 1/2 tsp. cinnamon 1 cup whipping cream Hours: Tues, Thurs, Fri & Sat 10-5; Wed 10-6 Country Peddler 202 E. Main St., Bridgeport, WV (304) 842-3371 Hours: Mon-Sat 10-5 Black Friday to Christmas Extended Hours until 6pm A new and very exciting season is about to arrive! Join us for our HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE November 8th 10:00 til 6:00 Refreshments & Door Prizes $100 Gift Certificate We carry Park Design Kitchen & Bath Products and a wide variety of Country Home Decor, wonderful candle lines and plenty of Holiday decorations and gift items! We carry a variety of Jewelry lines Chamilia - Ginger Snaps - Lottie Dottie Alex & Ani We carry a large selection of... ...most current products. ©TCR’08 Quilting with Barbara by Barbara Conquest Handmade Christmas Gifts Folk wisdom tells us that time seems to pass more quickly as one ages, and I’m beginning to think that, like most folk wisdom, there is a kernel of truth in there somewhere. Wasn’t it just a few weeks ago that we wrapped our fragile Christmas decorations carefully before putting them away and taking down the tree? Much of the rush to accomplish the impossible (an immaculate house, to-die-for Christmas baking, and the perfect present for everyone on our list) is pushed on us by commercial interests, of course. When we lived in the city, the department stores were displaying Halloween and Christmas items simultaneously, while the strains of “holiday music” drifted through the air while shoppers picked up treats for the little ghosts and goblins who would appear at their doors October 31. (In fact, I have seen fullydecorated trees in stores as early as September, along with backto-school). In our small town commercialism isn’t nearly as blatant, but even here we are beginning to plan Christmas events and get-togethers because time is marching on at an increasing rate. If one feels obligated to have a stock of hostess, emergency and “small” gifts on hand (who doesn’t?) and time is galloping past, there must be ways to lessen the stress, save time and add enjoyment to Christmas preparations. Many of us have participated in Christmas cookie exchanges, where each member of a defined group makes enough cookies of one kind to provide a pre-set number --usually a dozen -- to each member of the group, and in return receives the same number of cookies from other members, resulting in a variety of goodies for everybody. Economy of scale applies here. It is more efficient to make one huge batch of the same kind of cookie than to make several small batches of different kinds. Why shouldn’t the same process be used by quilters and crafters with handmade “gifty” items instead of cookies? One person in the group might be a whiz at making a particular type of unique ornament, while others might specialize in such items as fast (“tenminute”) table runners, sewn coasters, Christmas-print kitchen towels or fancy seasonal pot-holders. Festive reusable gift bags made by one member could be used by all. If a number of group members, say ten, wanted to book a day to get together, they could spend that day working on their specialty projects, trade at the end of the day, and everyone would go home with nine different projects that someone else had made in addition to their own. Add a pot luck lunch, or perhaps a celebratory grand finale with wine and cheese, and you have the recipe for an enjoyable, productive day spent with friends. How about that? What’s more, you can grin to yourself and feel a little smug as you watch other people coping with crowds and cheesy canned Christmas music as they hurriedly search for the elusive one-of-a-kind gifts you already have stashed away at home! Merry Christmas to you and yours! . – © 2014 Barbara Conquest is owner of BlueSky Quilting, Tofield, Alberta, Canada. Urban Farmhouse Classic Quilt Shop 1236 East Pike Street, (Old Bridgeport Hill Rd.) Clarksburg, WV 26301 • 304-326-6969 2000+ Bolts of Fabric • Books, Patterns, Threads New JANOME sewing machines in stock featuring Ginger Snaps Jewelry (304) 592-5665 413 Pike Street (Rt. 19) Shinnston, WV 26431 All Christmas fabrics 30% off entire month of December! Gift Certificates e availabl Visit our web page for the latest class schedule: Hours: M, W, Th, F: 9 to 5 Tues 9 to 9; Sat 9 to 3 Building Harmony An Andolini Christmas By Jeff Cappis Last year we had a typical Christmas. The snow covered the ground in a smooth white blanket, the air was crisp and the stars were out in all their glory. As an added bonus, you could read a newspaper by the moonlight, so, the forrest was well lit. It was a good night to build a fire (in the fireplace this time), and look at the view out our living room windows. Our neighbors from down the road, Alfonso and Helena Andolini, had come by for a visit. They were a much older couple, but much more adept at drinking wine. There was the usual talk about the weather and our families, but the talk some how turned to Christmases past. It was here we really found out more about them. Alfonso and Helena are immigrants from Italy. They stepped off the boat (well, actually a Boeing 707) back in 1970. With only a few hundred dollars and a little english, they set out to build a new life. The only valuable possessions they had were a gold necklace and a pocket watch: presents they had given each other on their wedding day. They both worked odd jobs and got a 1 bedroom apartment. Times were hard, but these were resilient young people who knew how to stretch a buck. After rent and groceries, however, there never was much left in the well. The first Christmas was particularly hard. They were away from their families. Still they had each other. Alfonso worked out a deal with the local grocer for a frozen turkey and Helena was determined to make the best dinner they ever had. Alfonso puzzled over what to get her for Christmas. The light over the dinning room table was a single bulb hanging from an electrical wire. Helena always wanted a nice light fixture over the table. While out strolling one day, she spotted a fixture in a shop that reminded her of the one her mother had. Alfonso decided he needed to get her that fixture. But how? He had no money. All he had was the pocket watch. He reasoned that it was worth at least as much as the light fixture. He could pawn it, give Helena a good Christmas, then get the watch back by working part time at the grocery store. That’s what he did. On his lunch hour the next day, he went to the pawn shop and made his deal. Now all he had to do was remember where the shop with the fixture was. Oops. A few days later, Helena was cleaning the apartment when she notice his watch wasn’t in it’s usual spot. She looked high and low for it, but all she found in it’s place was a pawn ticket. Helena was a smart woman. She realized he had pawned his only valuable possession to buy her a Christmas present. Knowing what it mean to him, she couldn’t let that happen. She reasoned that her necklace was probably worth as much as his pocket watch, so she decided to pawn it to buy him his watch back, then get the necklace back by working part time at the grocery store. That’s what she did. On Christmas morning they flipped a coin to see who got to open their present first. Alfonso won. Helena handed him a small box. He pulled off the ribbon and inside found his pocket watch! He was over joyed to have it back. “I saw your pawn ticket,” she said. “I couldn’t bear to think of you without it.” He smiled and with a tear, kissed her gently. Now it was her turn. Alfonso handed her a big present. Excited, she quickly pulled the ribbons off, ripped the paper and opened the box. In it she didn’t find a grand light fixture. All that was in it was a single gold necklace. “I saw your pawn ticket too,” he said. That night, under a single light bulb hanging from an electrical wire, they had the best turkey dinner ever. They both had a good laugh too, over how much trouble they’d gone to, giving each other things they already had. And they still have them to this day: a watch, a necklace, and each other. Merry Christmas from Harmony Acres. Quilters Garage A full service quilt shop. 246 Court St., Jane Lew, WV 26378 Phone: 304.805.2140 Hours: Tues-Fri 10-6 Sat 10-2 closed Sun/Mon Classes offered plus “sit and sew” ~ come in & work on your projects. (No appointment needed.) Long-arm quilting our specialty, Large Selection of Backing. Gift Certificates Available The Olde Thyme Primitive Shoppe Located on Rt 19 South, less than a minute from Country Club Chrysler Jeep, just minutes from downtown Clarksburg and Route 50. We take pride in supplying products that are handmade in the USA with a wide range of items including: * ANTIQUES * Candles • Tart Melts and Burners Lamps • Rugs • Furniture • Dolls and Many Other Items NEW Items Arriving Daily! Phone: 304-677-1385 or 304-677-5462 Open: Tues-Fri 11-6 and Sat 11-4 Closed Sunday and Monday THE CHRISTMAS TREE ANGEL by Lesley R. Nuttall Have you given any thought, or wondered why An angel adorns our Christmas tree so high? It all began in the early 16th Century The first angel sat on top a tree in Germany. The angel is a symbol of love and everlasting light A decorated tree with an angel is a beautiful sight! This holiday tradition has a spiritual touch In earlier times, it was said to ward off evil spirits, and such. Our Christmas trees today give off such a mystic glow The children make decorations, which we never outgrow. We purchase ornaments of porcelain and fragile glass And a feather winged angel to give our tree more class! There are illuminated angels, Santa’s and the Bethlehem star Our sparkling tress can be seen from afar. Whatever our reason for an angel on top Some of us will never, anytime stop! Pg. 22 Nov.-Dec., 2014 Morgantown, Moundsville, Westover - WV Where Inspiration Greets You at the Door! Not just another craft shop, we specialize in only needlecraft. 162 Chancery Row, Morgantown, WV (Downtown beside the Courthouse) • 304-296-3789 West Virginia’s Finest Needlecraft Shop Since 1977 Local WV Yarns • Fine Hand Knitting Yarns Knitting-Crochet Needles & Accessories DMC Embroidery Thread • Cross Stitch Supplies Crewel • Needlepoint Supplies • Tatting Open Tues - Fri 10 to 4 & Sat 10 to 2 Mon-Fri 10-4:30 Sat 10-2 5500 sq. ft. 11,000+ Bolts High Quality Cotton Fabrics • Batiks Books & Patterns • Quilting Notions Civil War Reproduction Fabrics Applique Classes • Quilting Classes Purse & Tote Bag Classes • Aurifil Thread Kits • Online Shop • WVU Themed Fabrics Machine Quilting Services available. New Christmas Fabrics & Patterns have arrived! • 304-241-5645 709 Beechurst Ave. Suite 27, Morgantown, WV 26505 New Year’s Eve Sale Dec 31st & Jan 1st • 10-4pm 264 Jefferson Ave, Moundsville, WV 26041 Theresa M. Gouldsberry, Owner Est. 1986 Watch for Postcard Part y Experiences! Hours: Mon & Thurs 10-8pm Tues, Wed, Fri & Sat 10-5pm Located in historic Moundsville. We carry over 11,000 bolts of fabrics, books, notions, & everything for quilting! 845-4330 Second Wind(304)Secrets Holiday Open House — Nov 15 Sales • Demos • Door Prizes Come Celebrate with Us! By Kelly Illick My Jorney - Gluten Free I’ve been on a new this situation with my hubby rocked my journey this past year world. And if I were to be honest it still of my life. Twenty years is rocking my world. ago I started grinding I have become an obsessive label reader. my own grain and Eating out has become complicated and started using fresh sometimes impossible. Cooking for him ground wheat in the sometimes seems like it takes way to much majority of my baking. thought and energy. But over time, I have Then last year my added to my repertoire of recipes. With hubby after some research and listening these changes in our household I myself to the aches and pains in his aging body have drastically reduce the amount of gluHolland Ave. the inspira(though he is only 50) decided that he ten I eat.162 I still haven’t found Westover, WV wanted to experiment with eating a glution to totally eliminate26501 it from my diet. the river from ten free diet. He feels so much better with It justacross seems impossible for me to give this quite radical diet change. As for me, up yummyMorgantown tantalizing bread. Especially I am still weathering the adjustment. when it’s 304-296-6400 fresh out of the oven. A gluten free diet is a diet that excludes Through the years I’ve learned how to Wholesale Inquiries gluten, a protein composite found in analyze recipes and substitute ingredients. wheat and related grains, including barI often Welcome look at a recipe and ley and rye. For whatever reason it seems think…wow… I canFurniture just substitute this Handcrafted like gluten is in everything, but it’s not. for this and that for that. I also read a lot & Primitives You just have to look for food without it. of food labels. Yes, it takes a lot of planWe are seeing more and more of these ning ahead and being organized about 25% purchase products in our grocery stores. Though I OFF meals,entire food choices and grocery shopWith Coupon Valid Nov & Dec find making your own is far less expenping but after time I’ve2014 got a stocked pansive and so much more delicious, except try to deal with this gluten free living. I in the bread department. I don’t have that am now using flours made with coconut, mastered yet and I’m not sure I have the walnuts, almonds, rice (white and brown), interest to try. tapioca, potato and even beans. I’ve dabbled in some gluten free cookIn cooking and baking for my hubby ing over the years. As an innkeeper I have I’ve had to focus on the foods he can eat catered to different dietary needs of our and finding recipes that cater to gluten guests including those who eat gluten free. free eating. I have yet to try much bread Some mornings it seems like I’m a cross baking. I thought I’d share with you a between a short order cook and dietician couple of my favorite gluten free recipes. instead of an innkeeper. Now it hits even If making them gluten free sounds too closer to home as I cook for my hubs. scary use wheat flour instead of a gluten More and more I find myself eating “his” free flour. Both of these recipes can easgluten free food. Despite the fact that I ily be packaged well to freeze and use for had dabbled a bit in gluten free cooking, several months after baking. Enjoy! Merrywood Lane Country Store Second Wind Secret Recipes Walnut Torte 6 eggs, separated ¾ cup sugar 2 ½ cups walnuts, finely finely ground (almost walnut flour, which you could purchase) Rachel Grace for theirunbleached County Fairflour Photography Ribbons. free ¾ cupProud glutenoffree flourand blend or regular for the non-gluten eater Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Put egg yolks in a large bowl, add all but 2 T. Over The Teacup by Janet Young Tea for One If you are of a certain age, we have all heard the phrase, “Tea for Two”... well, how about Tea for One? After all it is the holiday season when you find yourself inundated with many additional responsibilities apart from your normal routine. It is at this time, that most of us are ready to say, “STOP”! But, what do we do? Most likely we take the burden on, thereby adding even more stress to our already hectic lives. Why do we do that? Is it because we have certain traditions we don’t want to give up? IF that is the case, then look for ways to simplify that tradition. Also be honest, if it is something that you should eliminate at least this year, then do so without feeling guilty. One added bonus might be that you will discover how much that tradition really means to your family when it is not there one year. You may find you can eliminate it altogether. But, let’s suppose you really want to host your annual Christmas Open House Tea. Fine! But, look for ways you can make the task easier. Start by asking your guests to each bring a tea food item. To make sure you get a nice assortment, devise a system such as dividing the alphabet into three or four groups. Then tell your guests if their last name begins with an A – G they are to bring sandwiches, H – R tea breads or scones, S – Z dessert. IF that is too risky, how about asking a specific guest to bring something for which they are famous. If your friend is a terrific baker then perhaps she could be the one to make a dessert or some scones? If you have someone who does not consider herself to be a good cook, then how about supplying her with a recipe for cucumber sandwiches. It is only a matter of assembling the items, no cooking required. You get the idea. Use whatever method works best for you. There are numerous ways we can survive the holidays. But, one that you may want to incorporate into your schedule is a daily “Tea for One.” Each day, prepare a tea tray consisting of a pot of tea, a pretty china teacup, and a cookie, or piece of fruit, whatever treat you wish to add. Then find a quiet spot, perhaps by the fire, if you have a fireplace, or wherever you can unwind and sit back and savor each sip of tea and each bite of your favorite tea treat. If you like, put on some soothing holiday music, read a book (at Christmas time, there are quick read books that might ser ve as an inspiration and reminder of what Christmas is all about). The main thing is to be in the moment. Do not let your mind race thinking about all the things you have to do. Just be. If you practice this starting in November, by Christmas you may have discovered a new reason to enjoy teas, as calmness overshadows you. Tea for One – there really isn’t anything more rewarding. Try it and may you experience a Blest Christmas! –Janet Young, Certified Tea and EtiquetteConsultant, is a founding member of Mid-Atlantic Tea Business Association and freelance writer/national tea presenter. Visit her website at Nov.-Dec., 2014 Pg. 23 mer des ed ed nd ay, is our ave ate he ng od He ur er, ird om ou me has ar. he of n't on ol. th or od, are ke. he ast V.) im nzy ce. art ter Pg. 24 Nov.-Dec., 2014 Fairmont, Farmington - WV Crystal’s Country Closet Antiques • Primitives • New and Old Handmade Items Candles & Wax Melts • Rugs & Curtains Three Lighting • Thrift • Jewelry Floors! 304-288-4967 • 916 Helen’s Run Road • Farmington,WV 26571 (on 218 between Farmington & Worthington) Quilted Basics Mail order and Wholesale Supplier to Businesses 3379 CR 135 Millersburg, OH 44654 330-893-0817 Specializing in 13 styles of table runners and hot pads, placemats, sunbonnets, aprons, star table toppers, sunglass and reading glass holders, potato and corn microwave bags, microwave and oven mitts. Contact Marvin or Marie for catalog and more details. Sew Chic t ou k ec e Ch Our tor s ne -li on LLC Authorized Bernina Dealership Sales & Service Authorized Horn Cabinet Dealer See City Index & Map on pg 15 The Knitting Savant Gifting Ourselves We crafters often suffer from attention deficit when it comes to making things. I typically have a “car project” and a “sock project” and a “sit in a quiet room with no distractions” project on knitting needles. Such is the nature of our creative obsession. However, with the holidays on the horizon we develop a laser focus. We’re on a mission – to complete a plethora of handmade gifts in a finite amount of time. Many of us have friends who’ve been planning and working on their projects throughout the year. They are our heroes and set a fine example to emulate. Then there are the rest of us, working stitches until the wee hours and neglecting social engagements because a specific number of rows need to be accomplished that day. Some of our friends and family know the desperate look that shows up in our eyes come December 22 and, frankly, I’m sure a few of them have considered an intervention. I wrote myself a “permission slip” a few years ago regarding knitted gifts. First, I don’t automatically assume everyone appreciates a handmade gift as much as I do. Part of loving folks is listening to what they want – not what I think they want. Someone told me many years ago “unrealistic expectations are just premeditated resentments.” It’s unrealistic of me to expect that a fashion forward teenager is going to be enthusiastic about my version of the latest trend in winter hats. They’re also not likely to appreciate handspun, locally raised alpaca. And that’s okay. Over 3,000 bolts of quality cotton fabric Owned and Operated by Sue Henderson By Andrea Springer KITS, NOTIONS, FABRICS, Classes, MACHINES Christmas open house Nov. 15th I give myself permission to not knit for everyone on my list. I find someone who might need an extra boost and work up something with them in mind. I have a friend who gives a gift certificate for a sweater to one member of her family and rotates who receives it each year. After the holidays, she sits down with the recipient, talks about style, color and size, and then starts in after the New Year. I love this approach. She knows she’s making something that her loved one wants (she listened) and she’s able to work on the project without the stress of a deadline. I also no longer limit knitted gifts to the holidays. My favorite hand knit project in 2014 has been a lace shawl I made for my sister for her wedding this fall. It wasn’t about the time of year, it was about the celebration. Finally, I give myself permission to remember that whether it’s through my knitted work or by spending time together, the most valuable thing I can offer is time and attention – the gift of myself. When I’m stressed over selfimposed deadlines, I’m defeating the deeper meaning of the season. This realization has transformed my outlook and has expanded my joy during the holidays. So look over your crafting “to do” list and consider writing your own “permission slip”. It’s my gift to you! From 10:00 to 4:00 ~ RefreshMents 25% Off Fabrics & Kits Some exclusions apply 50 earliest shoppers receive a free gift! december 1st - 31st 25% off Christmas Fabrics Bernina Financing Event Watch your mail for Holiday 2014 Sale Flyer Open: 10-6 Mon.-Fri. • 10-2 Sat Check our website for any sales and class schedule 348 Meadowdale Rd. Fairmont, WV (304) 366-4135 1/4 mile off I-79, Exit 139 (Prickett’s Fort Exit) Free Pattern –Andrea Springer blogs at or on facebook: Knitting Savant Find more free patterns at: Use this pattern for embroidery, wool applique, punch needle or rug hooking, painted projects or whatever your imagination can dream up! Reduce or enlarge pattern as desired. Commercial Commer cial use is strictlyy pr prohibited. strictl ohibited. We love to see the projects that you have made from our patterns. If you decide to post projects based on one of our patterns on a blog or website, please give design credit to Jacquelynne Steves. Thank you!
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