BC LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS Return Undeliverable Canadian Addresses to Head Office KAMLOOPS PHONE: 573-3939 FAX: 573-3170 1-10145 Dallas Dr., Kamloops BC V2C 6T4 Email: info@bclivestock.bc.ca MARKET REPORT Nov 12, 2014 *Web site: www.bclivestock.bc.ca NOV & DEC SALES SCHEDULE RADIO NL VANDERHOOF SALE Plus BRED COW & BRED HEIFER SALE —FRIDAY NOV. 14TH 610 AM (Please note the Regular and Bred sale are now combined.) *******NO SALE SATURDAY NOV. 15TH (This sale is on Nov 14th) OK FALLS BRED COW & HEIFER SALE—MON. NOV 17 KAMLOOPS SALE—TUESDAY NOV. 18TH WILLIAMS LAKE CALF SALE—WEDNESDAY NOV 19TH WILLIAMS LAKE SALE—THURSDAY NOV. 20TH KAMLOOPS BRED COW & HEIFER SALE ***MOVED*** TO TUESDAY NOV. 25TH ALONG WITH REGULAR SALE SALE TIME FOR BREDS 1 PM WILLIAMS LAKE SALE—THURSDAY NOV. 27TH VANDERHOOF SALE—FRIDAY NOV. 28TH This is Vanderhoof’s last sale until Feb. 20th KAMLOOPS SALE—TUESDAY DEC 2ND WILLIAMS LAKE SALE & BRED COW & HEIFER SALE— THURSDAY DEC. 4TH Auctioneers: Larry Jordan 319-0872 & Wayne Jordan 319-0873 Kevin Johnson General Manager 40050644 Ken Allison Phone your local stockyard to list your cattle for upcoming sales OK Falls ***F.M.I. on any of our sales go to & Kamloops 571-9045 www.bclivestock.bc.ca**** Wilf Smith Williams Lake 398-7174 Cell: 398-0813 Al Smith Vanderhoof 567-4333 BC LIVESTOCK PRODUCERS CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION Kamloops and OK Falls: Call 250 573-3939 or Ken Allison 250 571-9045 Williams Lake: Call 250 398-7174 or Wilf Smith 250 398-0813 Vanderhoof: Call 250 567-4333 or Al Smith 250 570-2143 MARKET REPORT FOR NOV 12, 2014 Total receipts 9062 for, Williams Lake, Vanderhoof, Kamloops,& Video, & Team Electronic Sale STEERS 0-299 300-399 400-499 500-599 600-699 700-799 800-899 900 + Butcher cows HIGH AVG 305.00 288.27 310.00 289.11 331.00 280.00 289.00 279.31 266.50 253.07 259.25 240.56 238.00 224.71 220.50 201.11 109.00-122.50 HEIFERS 0-299 300-399 400-499 500-599 600-699 700-799 800-899 900 + Butcher bulls HIGH AVG n/a n/a 273.50 241.09 275.00 251.65 257.50 249.51 248.25 237.69 224.50 207.95 210.00 192.98 207.50 177.67 130.00-144.00 WILLIAMS LAKE—NOV 5 & 6TH Today the excitement was huge as again just under 3400 head of calves were traded and quality was 1st class start to finish. The Chezacut Ranch built the fire for us as they showcased 400 tremendous calves. The first liner load of 75 s/c 498 lb. traded to 294.25, the big boys 566 lb. all Angus cross s/c traded to 270.00. 46 head of their 397 lb. s/c powered to 339.00. 70 head of their 460 lb. Angus h/c marked 277.50, the big girls 510 lbs. walked to 249.75. Kevin Newberry again from Chezacut Ranch also had a top pen of calves with 505 lb. Black Angus s/c marking 278.25. Howard Brisco of Beaver Creek Ranch saw his 584 lb. Tan s/c hit 256.50, his 484 lb. Tan s/c hit 294.50, and the 500 lb. Char X h/c traded to 250.00. The Hartridge Ranch today set the pr ice tr end with show casing 550 lb. top calves from Clinton. The 1st liner load of 103 s/c 516 lb. Angus cross calves rolled to 285.00, the big boys 55 head of 584 lbs. rolled to 265.25. 45 head of the fancy 452 lb. Angus cross s/c marched to 315.25. 41 head of their fancy 449 lb. h/c marked 270.50. The Roddie Creek Ranch today presented 149 top calves. The 1st group of 42 Angus cross s/c 490 lb. raced to 286.75, the big boys 681 lbs. powered to 244.00. 31 head of their 563 lb. h/c’s raced to 248.25. Rusty Toews saw their excellent 427 lb. s/c mark 305.50. A top pen of their 498 lb. s/c saw 284.00. Riske Creek Ranch came to town with 350 powerful calves. Their liner load of 537 lb. Angus s/c hit 275.50, the 465 lb. s/c hit 301.00, and their fancy load of 443 lb. h/c rolled to 277.50. The Chilancoh Ranch presented 217 top quality calves. 71 head of their 487 lb. Angus cross s/c notched 295.50, their 556 lb. s/c marked 271.00 with 427 lb. s/c to 322.00. Corrina Thompson saw 1040 lb. cows top 122.00 and 1245 lb. cows to 117.00. Scott McLeod had young cow/calf pairs trade to 2300.00 per pair. VANDERHOOF SALE—NOV. 7TH 1100 head of cattle sold on Fr iday. Ron Buck fr om For t St. J ames sold 28 Angus X 566 lb. s/c for 273.00 and 499 lb. s/c at 280.00. Wanonia Clawson of Ootsa Lake sold 489 lb. h/c for 249.00 even and 394 lb. h/c for 275.00. HRH Ranch Ken & Vickie Hill & Walter Reedy of Burns Lake sold top Simm/Hereford/Angus X calves. 550 lb. s/c traded to 270.00 and 580 lb. s/c for 267.00 and 616 lb. s/c for 244.00 and 492 lb. s/c at 291.25 with 433 lb. s/c selling for 316.00. Henry Williams from Vanderhoof sold 614 lb. Angus X s/c for 250.00 and 589 lb. h/c for 232.00. Henry is a pioneer of the industr y at 80 year s of age. Congratulations Henry. Walt & Nora Lambert sold good quality 548 lb. Angus X s/c for 280.00 and 629 lb. s/c for 245.00, along with 541 lb. h/c for 244.00 and lighter 415 lb. h/c at 267.00. Craig Steiner sold 642 lb. s/c for 249.00 and 553 lb. h/c for 240.00. Ed Walton from Smithers sold good quality 565 lb. h/c for 235.00 and 509 lb. h/c for 242.00. Walker Cattle Co./ Carroll & Maryanne Walker fr om Vanderhoof sold 80 top quality s/c 494 lb. Angus X calves for 283.00 and 53 h/c 453 lb. to 266.00 and 506 lb. h/c for 253.00. Tatlarose Ranch/Jon & Cya Solecki of Burns Lake sold 909 lb. Angus/Glebvieh X steers for 210.50 and 815 lb. heifers for 215.75. Thanks to all the contributors for top quality calves for this sale. PLEASE NOTE: Vanderhoof Special Bred Cow and Bred Heifer Sale scheduled for Sat, Nov 15th has been moved to FRIDAY NOV. 14TH along with the Regular cattle sale. The Canadian Food Bank Sale will be held on Friday Nov. 14th after the regular sale. KAMLOOPS SALE—TUESDAY NOV 11TH Well again wall to wall cattle as 1560 head of calves, yearlings and butcher cows and bulls hit the sale ring in Kamloops. Larry & Bev Ramstad started the butcher trade with 1313 lb. young feeder cows at 136.00. The Sugarloaf Ranch saw their big good Hereford butcher cows 1392 lbs. trade to 118.75. Tom & Marion Pitt saw their heavy 1583 lb. butcher cows top the tr ade at 121.75. Scott & Sherri McLeod of S & S Farms saw their 800 lb. s/c hit 236.00, their load of 670 lb. s/c hit 258.50 and the 416 lb. s/c topped 315.00 and their 540 lb. h/c rolled to 250.25. Jamie & Maureen Janzen had 610 lb. Angus s/c hit 266.50, their 546 lb. h/c rolled to 249.75, the 577 lb. s/c hit 277.50. 24 head of their 605 lb. h/c’s marked 240.25. Mel & Vicki Hough with a powerful pen of 750 lb. Black Angus s/c they topped their weight range at 251.00 or 1882.50 each. 16 head of their 643 lb. Black Angus s/c notched 262.00. Leroy & Bernadine Peters filled the r ing with 45 Black & Bwf s/c 654 lb. they powered to 256.75. A top pen of their 562 lb. s/c saw 278.00, their 416 lb. s/c notched 326.00. 39 head of their 558 lb. h/c’s saw 254.50. Jim Haughton’s 648 lb. Black Limo s/c hit 258.00, the 764 lb. s/c r olled to 250.00, his 616 lb. Black heifers brought 248.00. Kevin Day from Kelowna with a top pen of 736 lb. Bwf s/c that hit 257.75, their 581 lb. s/c saw 273.00. Steve Langenegger fr om Salmon Ar m saw their heavy 747 lb. Red Angus s/c trade to 251.25 and 581 lb. s/c at 273.00. Linda Allison from Princeton saw her big pen of 727 lb. Red & Black Angus s/c race to 259.25. 31 head of their 644 lb. s/c marked 259.00, her 520 lb. s/c saw 286.00. Her big 672 lb. h/c’s saw 232.25. Neale Ranch 564 lb. s/c from Merritt marked 277.00. 27 head of their 504 lb. s/c notched 285.00. The Willow Ranch today saw their 512 lb. s/c mar ked 289.00. Ron Eden’s 562 lb. Angus s/c rolled to 282.25, the 517 lb. s/c hit 287.75, the 413 lb. s/ c high marked 331.00. Next week a little smaller sale planned as Ken Allison now has 700 calves listed plus some yearlings and cows & bulls. WANTED: A Ranch located near Kamloops BC is looking for a Long Term employee experienced working with both Cattle and Horses. Housing provided. For further information call 250-374-1873 or 250-374-6588 Highlands Irrigation Limited BC’s Largest Inventory of Aluminum Pipe 1-800-665-5909 Kamloops 250-372-2383 www.thewaterpeople.com Williams Lake 250-392-2321 info@thewaterpeople.com LAZY FD RANCHES & HAY SALES Electric Apparatus Services *Rewinding Services *Mechanical Repair Services *Motor Modification *General Machining *Irrigation Pump Rebuilding IRRIGATION PUMP & ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIRS ELECTRIC MOTOR SALES *AC Motors (all types) *Farm Duty Table saw *Submersible *Other Types Available KAMLOOPS ELECTRIC MOTOR SALES AND SERVICE LTD Hay for Sale Rounds or Squares Taking Orders for this years cut. *Custom farming *Custom haying *Water deliveries *Custom screening *Compost soil sales 1260 Dalhousie Drive Kamloops BC V2C 6G3 250-372-9822 Call for pricing Phone 250-372-2999 FOR SALE RANCHES ONLY www.ranchesonly.com Ranch & Rural Property Specialist. #1 Ranch Website in BC Feed troughs 26’ - 60’ length, total 670’ Cattle guards 8 piece. 8’x16’ Fence Posts 10’ 3”-5” treated Rock Picker Call Tim Today 250.280.7653 KING TRANSPORT SERVICES *SPECIALIZED EQUIPMENT HAULING *QUALITY HAY 4 SALE Bob King Office: 250-374-0237 Cell: 250-319-8444 Phone 250-373-0137 HAY FOR SALE Approx. 150 tons large round bales. Alfalfa/Grass mix and some Barley cover over Alfalfa/Grass. Analytical results available. Tested good for pregnant cows or cows with calves at side $150.0 per ton OBO. Please phone Scotty Creek Ranch Jim Hunter 778-786-0924 Or e-mail jjhunter@hotmail.com ******Please Note***** KAMLOOPS BRED COW AND BRED HEIFER SALE (scheduled for Monday Nov. 24th has been moved) Will now be held on Tuesday Nov. 25th Along with the regular sale. The Bred Sale will start at 1 PM. Irrigation *** NEW OFFICE LOCATION *** Vern Winger 250 -267-1895 1-888-675-7999 www.waterteccanada.com NOW OPEN AT 1075 Murray Drive, Williams Lake Drop by and see us or give us a call 1-855-398-7757 Form 3’s Just a reminder with our larger Fall sales approaching PLEASE make sure all information on your Form 3 is filled out correctly. Make sure the NAME ADDRESS & PHONE NUMBER Please make sure the Form 3 is completed correct and written legibly. Thank you for your attention to this matter. BC LIVESTOCK IN KAMLOOPS HAS IVERMECTIN POUR ON FOR SALE Ivermectin 5 L - $77.00 10 L - $137.00 Horse wormer $20.00 RFID Tags 100 - $3.00 each 21 - 99 $3.50 each 1-20 $4.00 each For more information CALL KENNY OR LAURA 250-573-3939 FALL IS UPON US!! Time to catch up on fencing? Need a sorting system? Some extra corrals? Come get your hi-hog gates and panels today! Call BC Livestock for more information on this system(s) or for a customized quote! Call Laura or Kenny 250.573.3939 VANDERHOOF HELP WANTED BC LIVESTOCK IN VANDERHOOF IS LOOKING FOR A PERSON TO WORK IN THE VANDERHOOF STOCKYARDS For More Information Call Al Smith 250-567-4333 or 250-570-2143 GET YOUR OLS TUBS AT BC LIVESTOCK TODAY! Superior roughage utilization * Stronger heat signs & shortened reproductive cycle * Healthier stock & higher conception rates * Greater palatability & continual availability for constant rumen stimulation Healthier aggressive newborns & less scour occurrence * Super high energy molasses base * Unlimited shelf life & less than 3 % moisture content* No chemical Hardeners, bittering agents or salt. Call us to special order your tubs today!! 250-573-3939 Ask about a discount & delivery.
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