Engineering Dynamics: A Comprehensive Introduction—Errata N. Jeremy Kasdin & Derek A. Paley Last updated November 14, 2014 PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS PRINCETON AND OXFORD 1 Chapter 1: Chapter 2: • In tutorial 2.4, the solution for the critically damped case (starting at the bottom of page 33) solves for λ1 , λ2 = −ζω0 . This is propagated through to the solution (Eq. (2.26)), which makes it appear as if ζ is a variable in the solution. This is misleading as ζ can only equal 1 in this case. The equation should be rewritten without ζ. • In problem 2.16, the downward acceleration should be g − c 2 m y˙ . Chapter 3: • In Section 3.4.1, the final equation defining the transformation matrix should be in terms of the scalar component magnitudes, not the unit vectors. That is, the elements of the two matrices should not be bold. It should thus read: b1 cos θ sin θ a1 = b2 B − sin θ cos θ a2 A • In Section 3.8.4 on page 93 describing the vector Taylor series the vector (and components) were mistakenly written at t+a rather than t. Thus, the sentence before Eq. (3.68), that equation, and the following two equations should be written: First, write the vector r(t) as components in a frame A = (O, a1 , a2 , a3 ): r(t) = r1 (t)a1 + r2 (t)a2 + r3 (t)a3 . (1) Then take the Taylor series of the scalar magnitude of each component. For i = 1, 2, 3, we have 1 d2 d (t − a) + ri (t − a)2 + . . . ri (t) = ri (a) + ri dt t=a 2! dt2 t=a Expanding and rearranging each coefficient in Eq. (3.68) yields r(t) = r1 (a)a1 + r2 (a)a2 + r3 (a)a3 d d d + r1 (t − a)a1 + r2 (t − a)a2 + r3 (t − a)a3 dt t=a dt t=a dt t=a 1 d2 1 d2 1 d2 2 2 + r1 (t − a) a1 + r2 (t − a) a2 + r3 2! dt2 2! dt2 2! dt2 t=a t=a t=a +... • In Problem 3.2, √ the magnitudes of the ey components of F1 and F3 must √sum to 96 for the problem to have a solution. Thus, F3 = 15−12 6 ey N. 3 (t − a)2 a3 2 • Figure 3.45 is missing a gravity vector. (Gravity acts down.) • Problem 3.30. Assume that the hill’s center of curvature is 50 m below the surrounding ground level. Chapter 4: • In Example 4.1 on pgs. 115-116, the expressions for x(t) and x(t) ˙ should be written relative to the initial time t2 , −F¯P (t1 , t2 ) sin [ω0 (t − t2 )] mP ω0 −F¯P (t1 , t2 ) x(t) ˙ = cos [ω0 (t − t2 )] mP x(t) = • On page 138, the first unnumbered equation should not have a minus sign. • In tutorial 4.3, the moment expressions on page 141 should be divided by the satellite mass to correspond to the change in specific angular momentum. • In Problem 4.11 on page 146, the feedback equation for the base motion should be for the acceleration of the base, u ¨(t): u ¨(t) = − g sin θ + kθ + bθ˙ cos θ Chapter 5: • In Problem 5.14, the value given for C in part (b) is actually the square root of the correct value. C should equal 0.33. • Top of page 155 should not be gray box. • On page 163, Example 5.8, the second equation has a typo; the sign is wrong on the last term. It should read: T b1 − µc N b1 + N b2 − mP g sin θb1 − mP g cos θb2 = 0 • Figure 5.19, the height of the particle should be same in both figures. Chapter 6: (ext) (ext) (t1 , t2 ) instead of F . The follow• Equation 6.10 should use F (ext) ing line should read “where F (t1 , t2 ) is the total external impulse acting on the system.” 3 • Equation 6.23 on page 203 should be: B d2 dt2 r1/2 = B a1/G − B a2/G = −k(m1 + m2 ) kr1/2 k − l0 ˆr1/2 . m1 m2 (ext) • On page 235, the second bullet of the Key Ideas should use F (t1 , t2 ) (ext) (ext) instead of F . The following line should read “where F (t1 , t2 ) is the total external impulse.” • In Problem 6.7 on p. 239, the summation index should be i not j. • In Problem 6.23 on p. 244, the values for the mass flow rate and exhaust velocity should be m ˙ = 0.5 kg/s and ue = 2.75 km/s. • In Problem 6.24 on p. 244, the value for the spring rest length, l0 should be 1 m, and the value for the damper constant, b should be 25 N·s/m. The integration should be initialized with the spring at its rest length. • In Problem 6.25 on p. 244, the numerical values should be as follows: the rocket weighs 2 kg and carries 3 kg of fuel, the mass flow rate is 0.1 kg/s, and the exhaust velocity is 500 m/s. Chapter 7: • In Example 7.8 on p. 265 there is a typo in the expression for TG/O . The square should be on y˙ G not outside the parenthesis, 1 1 2 ). TG/O = mG kI vG/O k2 = mG (x˙ 2G + y˙ G 2 2 • In Example 7.11 on p. 273, the unit vectors of the polar frame have been defined as er and eθ so the b1 and b2 are incorrect. The equations for rP/G and I vP/G should be written r rP/G = − er 2 r˙ r˙ I vP/G = − er − θe θ. 2 2 Likewise, in the sentence that follows the unit vector b1 should be replaced by er . In this same example, the final conditions in the last paragraph are not correct. The rotation rate at infinity is θ˙ = 2hG /r02 . The expression for the nonconservative work is thus mh2G m 4h2G 1 (nc,int) 2 W = 2 − r(0) ˙ + − k(r(0) − r0 ). 2 4 r(0) 2 r0 ANGULAR MOMENTUM AND ENERGY OF A MULTIPARTICLE SYSTEM 4 I m2 I e2 G eθ r2/O r1/O G θ m1 e1 e3 B r1/2 rG/O O 275 r (a) er (b) Figure 7.10 Two bodies of masses m1 and m2 in orbit about their common center of mass in the plane orthogonal to e3. (a) Inertial frame I = (O, e1, e2 , e3). (b) Polar frame B = (G, er , eθ , e3). Figure 1 Annotated correction to Figure 7.10(b) • • also perhaps different from our intuitive image of the earth orbiting the sun. In fact, the earth and sun orbit their common center of mass; because the sun is so much larger than the earth, the center of mass of the two bodies is actually inside the sun. 3 (The same Consequently, the sun’s motion isthe very small. of the clear. earth’s motion On p. 275, Figure 7.10(b), definition of isθtrue is not It is defined when it is orbited by a small satellite.) Nevertheless, it is very common and useful as the rotation angle of the line between the particles relative to the to find a description of the earth’s motion relative to the sun (or, to be more general, inertial should body frame. 1 relative toThe body figure 2) given by r1/2(t). be corrected as annotated here. Using the inertial frame I = (O, e1, e2, e3), we write the dynamics of body 1 relative to body We start with the definition of the center of mass, On p. 277 the equation for the angular momentum relative to the center of mass is incorrect. Theremshould not be a 2 multiplying m1 2 r2/O , 1/O + G/O =correct requation the reduced mass. rThe is: m1 + m 2 m1 + m 2 ! "# $ ! "# $ ! m1 m2=µ 2 ˙ 3, hG = r2 θe m + m ! 1 masses 2 µ = where we have introduced the dimensionless m /(m I ! =µ1 ! and µ2 = m2/(m1 + m2). Note µ1 + µ2 = 1 and m1 + m2 = mG. Rearranging and using the vector r2/1 + r1/O , we find p. 277triad inr2/O the= description following the above equation for I h ! 1 1 1 + m2 ) • On G the specific angularµmomentum from Tutorial 4.2 should be h rather than O 1r1/O = rG/O − µ2 r2/O = rG/O − µ2 (r2/1 + r1/O ) hP . =r +µ r −µ r , G/O 2 1/2 2 1/O • On p. 287, the last bullet should use EO instead of E (four times). which means r1/2. problem should read “speed rG/O +ofµ2the 1/O =text • On p. 290, Problem 7.7, rthe v0 ” rather than velocity. 3 Scientists searching for a planet about another star infer the presence of a planet by measuring the (small) motion of the Chapter 8:star. • on p. 298, Example 8.2 the equation at the bottom of the page should be expressed in terms of inertial-frame unit vectors rather than bodyframe unit vectors: Kasdin third pages 2010/12/9 6:33 p. 275 (chap07) I Princeton Editorial Assoc., PCA ZzTEX 13.9 vO0 /O = −ωB e3 × (−Re2 ) = −RωB e1 Likewise, all the b unit vectors in the preceeding paragraph should be e unit vectors. 5 • p. 313 The second equation is correct, but is perhaps more insightful if written in terms of the fixed inertial velocity, I vP/O . That can be done by adding an extra term to the equation: B aP/O = −2I ω B × B vP/O − I ω B × I ω B × rP/O = −2I ω B × I vP/O • p. 315 In the second equation the velocity should be with respect to frame B rather than I. The equation should thus be: B aP/L = − fl ˆr − 2ωr b3 × B vP/L − ωr2 b3 × (b3 × rP/L ). mP P/L • Kindle Edition Only Problem 8.1(a), I vP/O0 should be I vP/O . • p. 330, Problem 8.3, I ω A should be negative to be consistent with the handedness of the rotation as drawn. Thus, I ω A = −2 rpm. • p. 333, Problem 8.10, disk radius should be R = 1 m. Chapter 9: • On p. 365, the phrase “implying that I aP/O = 0 in Eq. (9.30)” should read “. Although I aP/O 6= 0, it is perpendicular to the ramp, which implies the cross product rP/G × I aP/O in Eq. (9.30) is zero.” • On p. 384, the sentence before Eq. (9.61) should read “...two unknowns θ˙ and I ω B .” • On p. 389, all four vector expressions for the moment about the center of mass, MG , are missing the unit vector in the b3 direction. • On p. 399, Problem 9.5. In figure, the distance l should go to center of bar, not the edge. The arrow on θ should be reversed. • On p. 401, Problem 9.7, the area moment of inertia should be J = a4 /12. • On p. 405, Problem 9.19 the equation of motion for the motor has an incorrect sign on the motor torque. It should read: IG θ¨ = −bθ˙ + ki. Also, in text for part b it should read “the inductance L to 0.75 H” rather than h. Chapter 10: • On p. 418, the second-to-last equation should start “β¨ − θ˙2 ...” 6 • On p p. 422 the third unnumbered equation from the top should have x2 + y 2 in the denominator (two times). • On p. 439, in Eq. (10.50) and in the following unnumbered set of three equations, csc θ should be sec θ. • On p. 430, the description of the elements of the direction cosine matrix are transposed and the lack of superscripts creates an ambiguity. The penultimate sentence in the paragraph following Eq. (10.37) should thus read: B = The elements of the direction cosine matrix I C B are given by I Cij ei ·bj , i, j = 1, 2, 3 (the transpose of the elements of the transformation table in Eq. (10.33)). • On pp. 448-449, as with the previous errata, the elements of the direction cosine matrix are transposed. The second and third paragraphs, including equations, should therefore read: We can now use Eq. (10.60) to find expressions for the elements of the direction cosine matrix in terms of the component magnitudes of the unit vector k = k1 e1 +k2 e2 +k3 e3 and the rotation angle θ. Recall from Section 10.4.1 that the elements of the direction cosine matrix, I C B , between reference frame I = (O, e1 , e2 , e3 ) and B = (O, b1 , b2 , b3 ) are given by I B Cij = ei · bj i, j = 1, 2, 3. Using the fact that bj = ej prior to the rotation, we can substitute for bj from Eq. (10.60) to obtain I B Cij = ei · (ej cos θ − (ej × k) sin θ + (ej · k)k(1 − cos θ)) . Using the component magnitudes of k in I (or B) allows us to compute the following expressions for each element of the transformation matrix: I B C11 = cos θ + k12 (1 − cos θ) I B C12 = −k3 sin θ + k1 k2 (1 − cos θ) I B C13 = k2 sin θ + k1 k3 (1 − cos θ) I B C21 = k3 sin θ + k1 k2 (1 − cos θ) I B C22 = cos θ + k22 (1 − cos θ) I B C23 = −k1 sin θ + k2 k3 (1 − cos θ) I B C31 = −k2 sin θ + k3 k1 (1 − cos θ) I B C32 = k1 sin θ + k3 k2 (1 − cos θ) I B C33 = cos θ + k32 (1 − cos θ). 7 As we expected, we can write the transformation matrix either in terms of the three Euler angles describing the orientation of B in I (as in Eq. (10.37)) or in terms of the components of the unit vector k along the Euler axis of rotation and the rotation angle θ. Either set is a valid description of the orientation of B in I. There is something even more important about these relationships. We can use them to prove Euler’s theorem. Suppose that the rigid body (reference frame B) has some arbitrary orientation in I. This orientation could be described by the Euler angles, (ψ, θ, φ)IB , as in the previous section. And as in Section 10.4.1, we can write the transformation matrix in terms of these angles. The inverse of the above relationships then provides expressions for the components of the unit vector k along the Euler axis of rotation and the rotation angle in terms of the components of this matrix: 1 B B B 1/2 1 + I C11 + I C22 + I C33 2 I CB − I CB 32 23 k1 = 2 sin θ I CB − I CB 13 31 k2 = 2 sin θ I CB − I CB 21 12 k3 = . 2 sin θ θ = 2 cos−1 (2) (3) (4) (5) Eqs. (10.63)-(10.66) constitute a proof of Euler’s theorem! In other words, given any arbitrary orientation and the transformation matrix (or Euler angles) describing it, we can always find a single axis of rotation and angle about that axis corresponding to the orientation by using Eqs. (2)–(5). • On p. 449, Section 10.5.2 contains a derivation of the angular velocity vector as the instantaneous Euler axis. While technically correct, it lacks rigor and can be difficult to understand. Below is an alternative derivation. Finally, we turn our attention back to the angular velocity. Suppose now that the rigid body (frame B) is changing orientation with time in I. We have already shown that the rate of change of vectors with respect to I can be found using using the transport equation; that is, the angular velocity acts as an operator to provide derivatives. But what does the angular velocity physically represent? For simple rotations, we showed in Chapters 3 and 8 that the angular velocity is directed along the axis of rotation and its magnitude is the rate of rotation. Here we show, using Euler’s theorem and the corollary in 8 Eq. (10.60), that in three dimensions the angular velocity is directed along the instantaneous axis of rotation. If the orientation of B is changing with time, then over any small time interval δt that change could be represented by an Euler axis rotation of an amount δθ from the orientation of B at time t to a new orientation at time t + δt. We can thus use Eq. (10.60) to represent the change in each unit vector of B. That is, consider one of the unit vectors defining frame B at time t, bi (t). At time t + δt we can write bi (t) using Eq. (10.60) as bi (t + δt) = bi (t) cos δθ − (bi (t) × k) sin δθ + (bi · k)k(1 − cos δθ) where k is the unit vector directed along the Euler axis of the small rotation. Subtracting bi (t) from both sides leaves bi (t+δt)−bi (t) = −bi (t)(1−cos δθ)−(bi (t)×k) sin δθ+(bi ·k)k(1−cos δθ). (6) We showed in section 3.3.2, using the definition of the vector derivative, that the derivative of a vector is given by the limiting operation Id dt bi = lim δt→0 bi (t + δt) − bi (t) δt where it is understand that by this limit we mean the limit taken individually on each of the components of bi in the inertial frame I. Thus, from Eq. (6) Id dt bi = lim δt→0 1 [−bi (t)(1 − cos δθ) − (bi (t) × k) sin δθ + (bi · k)k(1 − cos δθ)] . δt We can take this limit by using a Taylor series expansion on sin δθ and cos δθ or by using L’Hopital’s rule. In either case we find Id δθ ˙ × bi bi = lim k × bi = θk δt→0 δt dt where we used the definition of the scalar derivative (see Appendix A). We know from earlier in the chapter, however, that Id dt bi = I ω B × bi for the unit vectors of B. These two equations tell us that the angular velocity is given by I ˙ ω B = θk. The angular velocity is thus directed along the instantaneous Euler axis and is equal in magnitude to the instantaneous rate of rotation 9 about that axis. The angular velocity represents the rotation rate about an instantaneous axis of rotation parallel to it. • On p. 462, Problem 10.7, change “when it reaches the bottom of the funnel” to “when it reaches a height of h/2.” • On p. 463, Problem 10.12 is worded incorrectly. The C130 measures and telemeters to the ground the relative position and velocity of the vehicle, rP/O0 and I vP/O0 . The proper wording is as follows: Consider an experimental high-altitude vehicle dropped from a large C-130 transport plane. The plane and vehicle are beyond the visible range of the ground system. Sensors on the plane measure the position and velocity of the released vehicle relative to the C-130, rP/O0 and B vP/O0 . The C-130 telemeters this information to the ground observers as well as its own inertial velocity I vO0 /O , its angular velocity in inertial space I ω B , and its inertial position rO0 /O , obtained from its inertial navigation system and GPS sensors. The ground observers must point their cameras and other equipment to pick up the experimental vehicle; thus they must know the vehicle’s velocity in inertial space. Write down the vector expression they use to find the vehicle’s velocity from the telemetered data. Chapter 11: • On R p. 467, in the penultimateR line of Example 11.1, the equation m = p B dV . . . should be m = ρ B dV . . . • On p. 471, the first equation at the top of the page has a sign error. It should read: 0 = −2mP l2 θ˙φ˙ cos φ − mP l2 θ¨ sin φ + hφ˙ This means that Eq. (11.5) also has a sign error. It should read: θ¨ + 2θ˙φ˙ cot φ − hφ˙ =0 mP l2 sin φ • On p. 494, Eq. (11.45), csc θ should be sec θ. • On p. 501, Example 11.13, equation at the bottom of the page the leading I2 in the (2, 1) element of the first matrix should be deleted: I10 θ¨ d (I2 ψ˙ sin θ + h) dt I10 (ψ¨ cos θ − ψ˙ θ˙ sin θ) B 10 12 ζ = 0.05 ζ = 0.1 ζ = 0.3 ζ = 0.5 ζ = 0.8 10 8 Stretch (m) 6 4 2 0 −2 −4 −6 −8 0 2 4 6 8 10 t (s) 12 14 16 18 20 Figure 2 Figure 12.4 Stretch in a 50 m bungee cord for five different damping ratios and a natural frequency of 0.5 Hz. • On p. 533, in Problem 11.19, the value given for D is actually the value of D/IT , so that the problem should read D/IT = 0.5 . . . Chapter 12: • On p. 541, the solution given to the differential equation of motion is not consistent with the initial conditions in the problem statement. With x the distance from the unstretched length of the bungee cord, the solution in the last equation on p. 541 is ! p 2 − gζ 2glω g g p 0 x(t) = 2 + e−ζω0 t sin ωd t − 2 cos ωd t . ω ω0 ω02 1 − ζ 2 As a result, Fig. 12.4 needs to be corrected as shown below. Alternatively, x could be measured from the platform (which is perhaps more consistent with Fig. 12.3), which would change the equation of motion on p. 541 to x ¨ + 2ζω0 x˙ + ω 2 (x − l) = g where here the stretch in the cord is x − l. The solution then becomes ! p 2 − gζ 2glω g g p 0 sin ωd t − 2 cos ωd t . x(t) = 2 + l + e−ζω0 t ω ω0 ω02 1 − ζ 2 11 25 ζ = 0.3 ζ = 0.4 ζ = 0.5 ζ = 0.6 ζ = 0.7 Stretch (m) 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 t (s) Figure 3 Figure 12.4a Stretch in a 50 m bungee cord for five different damping ratios and a natural frequency of 0.2 Hz. The plot of cord stretch in Fig. 12.4 is the same for both interpretations. Also, it is perhaps an unphysical model of a bungee cord to allow it to have compression as shown in Fig. 12.4 using the parameters in the book. Bungee cords only stretch, they do not compress. This can be easily fixed by, for example, only examining slightly higher damping ratios and a softer bungee cord with a natural frequency of 0.2 Hz. The result is shown in Figure 12.4a. • On p. 553, first of the two unnumbered equations before Eq. (12.19) should be “y˙ 1 = y2 ”. • On p. 558, the last unnumbered equation and the preceding sentence should be “... from the initial conditions y(0) and y(0): ˙ y(0) = c1 v1 + c2 v2 y(0) ˙ = λ1 c1 v1 + λ2 c2 v2 .” Chapter 13: • On p. 583, bottom of the page, the expression for the holonomic constraint should be indexed from 1 to K rather than 1 to N : fk (r1/O , r2/O , . . . , rN/O , t) = 0, k = 1, . . . , K. 12 • On p. 591, Section 13.3.2, the indices in the double sum (i and j should be reversed, i spans 1 to NC and j spans 1 to N : N X j=1 (act) Fj I · δrj/O = NC X N X i=1 j=1 | (act) Fj · {z =Qi I ∂r j/O ∂qi δqi , } Appendix A: Appendix B: Appendix C: • On p. 658, fifth line of text, “TSPAN” should be “TSPAN” • On p. 658, seven lines from the bottom lowercase “l” should be uppercase “L”, two times. Appendix D:
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