november2014 ALSO PUBLISHED ONLINE: App Note Roundup IN THIS ISSUE: Optimizing a Coaxial Connector to Microstrip Transition Optimizing Averaging for Better Power Measurements Common Mode Filter Chokes for High Speed Data Interfaces Featured Products Product Highlights Ideas for today’s engineers: Analog · Digital · RF · Microwave · mm-wave · Lightwave Distribution anD Manufacturer’s representatives C.W. SWIFT & Associates, Inc. C.W. SWIFT & Associates distributes our extensive inventory of SGMC Microwave’s quality products ... OFF THE SHELF! ADAPTERS • CABLE CONNECTORS • RECEPTACLES • CUSTOM DESIGNS 1.85mm 2.4mm DC-65 GHz DC-50 GHz Including These Connector Series 2.92mm 3.5mm DC-40 GHz DC-34 GHz 7mm SSMA DC-18 GHZ DC-40 GHz ISO 9001:2008 SGMC Microwave Components are in Stock — Call Today for a Quote! C.W. SWIFT & Associates, Inc. 15216 Burbank Blvd., Van Nuys, CA 91411 Tel: 800-642-7692 or 818-989-1133 or Fax: 818-989-4784 • closeD every st. patrick’s Day! Meet the magic number for two-watt temperature-variable attenuators. The most important thing we build is trust Push the limits of frequency without sacrificing performance. Aeroflex / Inmet’s new Powerfilm surface-mount attenuators vary with temperature and are the perfect balance of price, power, and dependability. They offer the flattest broadband performance of their kind and allow you to create automatic- and passive-link margin compensation on a wider variety of transmit and receive chain circuit applications. ■ Operation: DC to 12 GHz ■ Superior RF attenuation vs. temperature ■ Excellent return loss vs. frequency ■ Great pricing Save money and space by throwing out your complicated gain-control circuitry and required bias and control voltages. Visit our website for complete details and request a sample today. Aeroflex / Inmet 888-244-6638 B HA 01 CO Aeroflex / Inmet is now a Cobham company 4 See our datasheets for full characterization data. M 1934 - 2 POWER SPLITTERS COMBINERS ! NOW from 2 kHz to18 GHz 79 as low as ¢ The Industry’s Largest Selection includes THOUSANDS of models, from 2 kHz to 18 GHz, at up to 300 watts power, in coaxial, flat-pack, surface-mount and rack-mount housings for 50 and 75 Ω systems. From 2-way through 48-way designs, with 0°, 90°, or 180° phase configurations, Mini-Circuits power splitters/combiners offer outstanding performance for insertion loss, isolation, and VSWR. Decades of experience with multiple technologies make it all possible, from core & wire, microstrip, and stripline, to semiconductors and LTCC ceramics. Get easy-to-find, detailed data and performance curves, S-parameters, outline drawings, PCB layouts, and everything else you need to make a decision quickly, at Just enter your requirements, and our patented search engine, Yoni 2, searches actual test data to find the models that meet your needs. All Mini-Circuits catalog models are in stock, continuously replenished, and backed by our 1-year guarantee. We even list current stock quantities and real-time availability, as well as pricing, to help our customers plan ahead and make quick decisions. So why wait? Take a look at today! RoHS Compliant o S Product availability is listed on our website. COMPLIANT Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 448 rev N ALSO PUBLISHED ONLINE AT: Vol. 13 No. 11 22 28 34 App Note App Note App Note Optimizing a Coaxial Connector to Microstrip Transition By NI AWR Using Analyst 3D to optimize a coaxial connector to microstrip transition. Optimizing Averaging for Better Power Measurements By Orwill Hawkins Answering the question: What should I set my power sensor’s averaging to? Common Mode Filter Chokes for High Speed Data Interfaces By Coilcraft Considerations for selecting a common mode choke. 38 12 46 New Products In The News Product Highlights Featuring Cree, Z-Communications, SAGE Millimeter, Gore, RF Industries, Coaxial Components. 4 november2014 Highlighting Narda Microwave, AmpliTech, D. L. S. Electronic Systems, SV Microwave. Spotlight on Linear Technology, J microTechnology, Dow-Key Microwave, SignalCore, and more. 6 Editorial 12 In the News 16 Featured Products 8 Meetings & Events 38 New Products 64 Advertiser Index High Frequency Electronics EDITORIAL Vol. 13 No. 11 November 2014 Publisher Scott Spencer Tel: 603-472-8261 Associate Publisher/Managing Editor Tim Burkhard Tel: 707-544-9977 Senior Technical Editor Tom Perkins Tel: 603-472-8261 Vice President, Sales Gary Rhodes Tel: 631-274-9530 Editorial Advisors: Ali Abedi, Ph.D. Candice Brittain Paul Carr, Ph.D. Alen Fezjuli Roland Gilbert, Ph.D. Sherry Hess Thomas Lambalot John Morelli Karen Panetta, Ph.D. Business Office Summit Technical Media, LLC One Hardy Road, Ste. 203 PO Box 10621 Bedford, NH 03110 Also Published Online at Subscription Services Sue Ackerman Tel: 651-292-0629 Send subscription inquiries and address changes to the above contact person. You can send them by mail to the Business Office address above. Our Environmental Commitment High Frequency Electronics is printed on paper produced using sustainable forestry practices, certified by the Program for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC™), Copyright © 2014, Summit Technical Media, LLC 6 High Frequency Electronics 60 GHz Wi-Fi Just Around the Corner? Scott L. Spencer Publisher I read with considerable interest a recent announcement from industrial giant Samsung Electronics concerning the development of its IEEE 802.11ad 60 GHz Wi-Fi technologies. Experience tells us that there are significant hurdles which have to be overcome to make 60 GHz Wi-Fi commercially viable. Signals at these frequencies travel by line-of-sight, have weak penetration properties, and are susceptible to path loss. Certain gasses such as oxygen, water vapor, carbon dioxide and nitrogen can attenuate signals at these frequencies putting them at the mercy of meteorological and atmospheric conditions. The result can be poor signal and data performance. Samsung claims that by leveraging their capabilities in millimeter-wave circuit design, high performance modem technologies, and by developing wide-coverage beamforming antennas, they are able to effectively achieve high quality, commercially viable 60 GHz Wi-Fi technology. Samsung says it has also enhanced the overall signal quality by developing the world’s first micro beam-forming control technology that optimizes the communications module in less than 1/3,000 seconds. While beam-forming has been around for decades and is already being used with current standards Samsung seems to have come up with a workable way to use it reliably at 5 mm wavelengths. The technology will allow data transmission of up to 4.6 Gbps, or 575 MB per second. This would be about five times faster than the current Wi-Fi speeds for consumer electronics devices, which stands at around 866 Mbps per second, or 108MB per second. Like the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz spectrum, the 60 GHz spectrum is unlicensed across the globe. Samsung plans to apply this new technology to a wide range of products. “Samsung prides itself at being of the forefront of technology innovation, and is delighted to have overcome the barriers to the commercialization of 60 GHz millimeter-wave band Wi-Fi technology,” said Paul Templeton, General Manager, Enterprise Networks. “This breakthrough has opened the door to exciting possibilities for Samsung’s next-generation devices, and has also changed the face of the future development of Wi-Fi technology, promising innovations that were not previously within reach.” An Emerging Trend but Not Necessarily New The 60 GHz Wi-Fi standard is not a new idea and it is not just Samsung’s idea. The Wi-Fi Alliance, a global non-profit industry associa- tion, announced the 802.11ad ‘WiGig’ brand late last year to take advantage of the 60 GHz frequency band. Nonetheless, Samsung’s announcement offers great promise for to cellular providers who have experienced a logjam created by the expanding use of cellular wireless Internet devices. Providers are increasingly offloading their data traffic onto Wi-Fi to alleviate the burden. A Cisco Systems study has predicted that 52% of all worldwide mobile traffic will be offloaded to Wi-Fi by 2018. In the United States that number jumps to 64%. If the study is correct the time is rapidly approaching when Wi-Fi will no longer be considered a ‘secondary’ network but the primary one. The swift increase in mobile data traffic could result in new and unlikely partnerships and spawn mergers that previously seemed inconceivable. ever delivered a PowerPoint presentation to a group connecting the various “dongles” to your laptop or tablet can be time consuming and distracting to your audience whether it’s VGA, HDMI, DP, miniDP or any of the others. 60 GHZ Wi-Fi has the potential to eliminate the cablesnot only in the office environment but for home AV as well. We could see products with the new Wi-Fi capabilities as early as next year. It will likely be a long time before they are as ubiquitous as the 2.4GHz and 5GHz devices we use today, but Samsung’s announcement is a harbinger of good things to come. HFE Not So Fast It’s important to bear in mind that this 60 GHz Wi-Fi technology relates to streaming data locally. Streaming video, file downloading, web browsing is still dependent on the quality and speed of your internet connection. These are the things most of use our Wi-Fi connections to accomplish. Like the new 4K televisions other technologies will have to “catch-up” before its full potential can be realized. Seamless Connectivity Samsung is also deeply involved with the Internet of Things through the Samsung Smart Home initiative, so expect to see faster, more responsive interoperability between inhome appliances. Samsung says it will use the new 60 GHz technology in a variety of products, including audio visual, medical devices, and telecommunications equipment. The new standard will be a big part of its push into the automated “smarthome/office” market. If you have For further information, please contact our Sales Department at (631) 439-9220 or e-mail 100 Davids Drive, Hauppauge, NY 11788 631-436-7400 • FAX: 631-436-7430 • Get info at MEETINGS & EVENTS Conferences & Meetings 2014 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference (IMaRC) 15-17 December 2014 Bangalor, India Paper Submission Deadline: 15 August 2014 2015 IEEE MTT-S Radio Wireless Week (RWW 2015) 25-28 January 2015 San Diego, California, USA Radio Wireless Week consists of 5 co-located topical conferences: RWS: IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium PAWR: IEEE Topical Meeting on Power Amplifiers for Wireless and Radio Applications SiRF: IEEE Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems BioWireleSS: IEEE Topical Conference on Biomedical Wireless Technologies, Networks, and Sensing Systems WiSNet: IEEE Topical Meeting on Wireless Sensors and Sensor Networks Paper Submission Deadline: 25 July 2014 2015 IEEE International Wireless Symposium (IWS 2015) 30 March-1 April 2015 Shenzhen, China 2015 IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference (WAMICON 2015) 13-15 April 2015 Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA Paper Submission Deadline: 5 January 2015 2015 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwaves for Intelligent Mobility (ICMIM 2015) 27-29 April 2015 Heidelberg, Germany Paper Submission Deadline: 20 December 2014 2015 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Power Transfer (WPTC 2015) 13-15 May 2015 Boulder, Colorado, USA Paper Submission Deadline: 16 January 2015 2015 IEEE International Microwave Symposium (IMS2015) 17-22 May 2015 Phoenix, Arizona, USA Paper Submission Deadline: 8 December 2014 2015 IEEE Radio Frequency Circuits Symposium (RFIC 2015) 17-19 May 2015 Phoenix, Arizona, USA Paper Submission Deadline: 12 January 2015 85rd ARFTG Microwave Measurement Symposium 22 May 2015 Phoenix, AZ, USA 2015 IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Numerical Electromagnetic Modeling and Optimization for RF, Microwave and Terahertz Applications (NEMO 2015) 11-14 August 2015 Ottawa, Canada Paper Submission Deadline: 16 February 2015 Company-Sponsored Training & Tools Analog Devices Training, tutorials and seminars. NI AWR On-site and online training, and open training courses on design software. Training/ National Instruments LabVIEW Core 1 Online LabVIEW Core 2 Online Object-Oriented Design and Programming in LabVIEW Online Free, online LabVIEW training for students and teachers. us/type/webcasts/ View the industry’s latest HOT products 8 High Frequency Electronics No availablew w LabVIEWith ! Micro Lambda's Bench Test Boxes... Simple and Easy to Use! MLBS-Synthesizer Test Box – 600 MHz to 20 GHz Standard models cover the 0.6 to 2.5 GHz, 2 to 8 GHz, 8 to 20 GHz and 2 to 20 GHz frequency bands. All versions of the MLSP synthesizer product family can be easily inserted into the test box. Tuning consists of a control knob, key pad, USB and Ethernet connections. Units provide +10 dBm to +13 dBm output power levels and are specified over the lab environment of +15°C to +55°C and are CE certified. Units are provided with a power cord, USB cable, Ethernet cable, CD incorporating a users manual, quick start guide and PC interface software. MLBF-Filter Test Box – 500 MHz to 50 GHz Standard models utilize any Bandpass or Bandreject filter manufactured by Micro Lambda today. Bandpass filter models cover 500 MHz to 50 GHz and are available in 4, 6 and 7 stage configurations. Bandreject (notch) filter models cover 500 MHz to 20 GHz and are available in 10, 12, 14 and 16 stage configurations. Units are specified to operate over the lab environment of +15°C to +55°C and are CE certified. Units are provided with a power cord, USB cable, Ethernet cable, CD incorporating a users manual, quick start guide and PC interface software. See our complete line of wideband, low noise components MLSP-series MLSW-series Synthesizers Synthesizers 600 MHz to 20 GHZ 600 MHz to 16 GHz “Look to the leader in YIG-Technology” MLTO-series TO-8 Oscillators 2 to 16 GHz MLSMO-series Surface Mount Oscillators 2 to 16 GHz 46515 Landing Parkway, Fremont CA 94538 • (510) 770-9221 • MARKET REPORTS Wireless Testing Solution Providers Thrive by Offering End-to-End Products Network equipment manufacturers and network operators face an uphill task in adequately testing and monitoring network infrastructure in a cost-competitive environment. This is mainly due to the surge in digital data and proliferation of virtualization, software-defined network (SDN) and network functions and virtualization (NFV). The heterogeneity and complexity of the market has compelled test solution providers to develop innovative tools that efficiently test and provide network visibility without an increase in the OPEX. New analysis from Frost & Sullivan finds that the market earned revenues of $1.33 billion in 2014 and estimates this to reach $2.66 billion in 2021. “Fueled by rapid penetration of smart devices as well as the Internet of Things, growth in Big Data caught network equipment manufacturers and network operators by surprise,” said Frost & Sullivan Measurement & Instrumentation Research Associate Rohan Joy Thomas. “As legacy monitoring systems are proving inadequate, there is likely to be a major overhaul in the type of equipment used for monitoring and analyzing data in real time, as well as in the integration of meaningful data back into data centers.” The rise in the number of third-party service providers and the heterogeneity of the network infrastructure – comprising 2G, 3G, 4G and voice over long term evolution (VoLTE) deployments – also make a solid case for novel solutions. End-to-end solutions, consisting of both legacybased systems as well as contemporary network monitoring systems, are the need of the hour. While end users benefit from the presence of wellestablished market participants that deliver a thorough range of solutions, their presence creates high entry barriers for new market participants. To gain a foothold, emerging players need to market unique and differentiated product portfolios. —Frost & Sullivan Opposing Regional Trends will Dictate Defense Spending Outlook Global spending on defense will grow to over $2.1 trillion by 2023 over the 2013 to 2023 ten-year period with the Asia-Pacific region showing the fastest growth. The Strategy Analytics Advanced Defense Systems (ADS) service report, “Opposing Trends in North America and Asia-Pac will Dictate Defense Spending Outlook,” predicts that while budgetary challenges remain at the forefront of global defense spending, regional geopolitical factors will translate to increases across all regions. 10 High Frequency Electronics Strategy Analytics’ projections for global defense spending are derived from analyzing and assessing 84 countries collectively accounting for around 98% of total global defense expenditure. n Spending in Europe will remain flat as an overall proportion of global expenditure reflecting a mix of priorities. While budgets in Western Europe are expected to remain flat to stable, this will be offset by increased spending by Nordic and Eastern European countries. n Both the CALA and MEA regions will also see growth, collectively accounting for 16% of global defense spending in 2023. “North American spending will be dictated by US budgets and the impact of sequestration. We expect supplementary add-ons to US spending to smooth out the overall impact of sequestration reducing the net cuts through 2019 before flattening out and showing a moderate increase over 2022 to 2023,” observed Eric Higham, North American Director for ADS. n —Strategy Analytics Military Outlook for GaAs Devices to Outstrip Commercial Market Growth Growing momentum behind the use of solid-state technologies in radar, electronic warfare, communications and other systems will drive increased demand for GaAs devices through 2018. The Strategy Analytics Advanced Defense Systems (ADS) service report, “GaAs Industry Outlook 2013-2018,” and associated spreadsheet model predicts that GaAs device demand from the defense sector will grow at almost three times the growth rate for the commercial GaAs device market. Some of the key findings from the report: n The military GaAs device market will grow at a CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of nearly 13%, exceeding over half a billion dollars by 2018. n While GaAs devices are used in Electronic Warfare (EW) and smart munitions applications, the communications and radar applications will drive the bulk of demand. n The largest usage of GaAs devices will continue to come from radar applications which will account for over 60% the merchant GaAs military market revenue. “Changing battlefield philosophies including a shift toward more asymmetric conflicts will place a premium on electronic capabilities,” noted Asif Anwar, Director of the ADS service. “GaAs devices have traditionally played an important role in defense applications and future system requirements are driving increasing demand for solid-state solutions which will propel demand for GaAs devices as well as other compound semiconductor technologies.” —Strategy Analytics From Search to Samples in Seconds Our web tools help you quickly pick the perfect inductor. Then get free samples overnight! or Q factors? There are tools for that! All based on real data, not theoretical models. When you’ve picked your inductors, just click to get free samples. Do it by 5:00 p.m. CST and they’ll ship to you the same day! See how fast you can go from search to samples. Visit We make picking inductors fast, easy, and almost fun! Start with a quick parametric search for parts that meet your specs. (We even show you volume pricing.) Click to instantly compare Q, L, Z and ESR for multiple inductors. Looking for inductors with the highest impedance ® WWW.COILCRAFT.COM IN THE NEWS has served to decrease chip prices globally, it has also made evaluating the integrity of circuitry components increasingly difficult. The DoD is a small force in the worldwide IC market, responsible for only about one percent of total demand. Given the relatively low rate of IC consumption by the U.S. military, the DoD has limited ability to influence global production and be confident that parts are delivered as specified. An Advanced Scanning Optical Microscope inspects integrated circuity components for tampering and counterfeiting. DARPA image. Advanced software and equipment to aid in the fight against counterfeit microelectronics in U.S. weapons and cybersecurity systems has been transitioned to military partners under DARPA’s Integrity and Reliability of Integrated Circuits (IRIS) program. Researchers with SRI International, an IRIS performer, announced they have provided Advanced Scanning Optical Microscope (ASOM) technology to the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC) in Crane, Indiana, where it will join an arsenal of laboratory equipment used to ensure the integrity of microelectronics. The ASOM technology housed at NSWC Crane will help engineers provide forensic analysis of microelectronics, including integrated circuits (IC) confiscated by law enforcement officials. The ASOM operates by scanning IC using an extremely narrow infrared laser beam, which probes microelectronic circuits at nanometer levels, revealing information about chip construction as well as the function of circuits at the transistor level. “The Advanced Scanning Optical Microscope—one of many IRIS-developed technologies—offers important hardware security and reliability assurance capabilities,” said Kerry Bernstein, DARPA program manager. “These tools are optimized to support the mission of ensuring trust in microelectronics in DoD labs such as NSWC Crane.” Over the past 50 years, the worldwide IC market has expanded dramatically. In 2013, the import value of integrated circuits was $231 billion, up 20 percent from the previous year. As a result of the globalization of the IC marketplace, most U.S. production of advanced circuits has moved to offshore foundries in Taiwan, Singapore, Korea, Japan and China. While offshore production 12 High Frequency Electronics Optical micrograph of III-V lasers monolithically integrated on silicon substrates. DARPA’s Electronic-Photonic Heterogeneous Integration (E-PHI) program has successfully integrated billions of light-emitting dots on silicon to create an efficient silicon-based laser. The breakthrough, achieved by researchers working on the program at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB), will enable the production of inexpensive and robust microsystems that exceed the performance capabilities of current technologies. Defense systems, such as radar, communications, imaging and sensing payloads rely on a wide variety of microsystems devices. These diverse devices typically require particular substrates or base materials and different processing technologies specific to each application, preventing the integration of such devices into a single fabrication process. Integration of these technologies, historically, has required combining one microchip with another, which introduces significant bandwidth and latency limitations as compared to microsystems integrated on a single chip. DARPA started the E-PHI program in 2011 with a goal of integrating chip-scale photonic microsystems with high-speed electronics directly on a single silicon microchip. Although many photonic components can now be fabricated directly on silicon, realizing an efficient laser source on silicon has proven to be very difficult. Traditional approaches to adding lasers – and by extension, gain material – on-chip include separately fabricating lasers on expensive wafers, which then have to be bonded onto silicon chips. This conventional bonding process requires extreme precision and time that drives up the cost of production. LOW LEAKAGE LEVEL LIMITERS IN THE NEWS (Leakage Level as low as -10 dBm) 0.01 - 18 GHz . Maximum Input Power 1W CW, 100 W Peak . Options for Leakage Levels -10 dBm - 5 dBm 0 dBm + 5 dBm . Removable connectors for circuit board assembly . Ideal for LNA Protection Notes: 1. DC Supply required: +5V, 5mA Typ. 2. Typical and nominal leakage levels for input up to 1W CW. 3. Threshold level is the input power level when output power is 1dB compressed. Other Products: Detectors, Limiters, Amplifiers, Switches, Comb Generators, Impulse Generators, Multipliers, Integrated Subassemblies Please call for Detailed Brochures 155 Baytech Drive, San Jose, CA 95134 Tel: (408) 941-8399 . Fax: (408) 941-8388 Email: Website: Visa/Mastercard Accepted Get info at 14 14 High High Frequency Frequency Electronics Electronics In a paper published by Applied Physics Letters, engineers at UCSB showed it was possible to “grow” or deposit successive layers of indium arsenide material directly on silicon wafers to form billions of light-emitting dots known as “quantum dots.” This method of integrating electronic and photonic circuits on a common silicon substrate promises to eliminate wafer bonding, and has application in numerous military and civilian electronics where size, weight, power and packaging/assembly costs are critical. Narda Microwave is celebrating its 60th year in business in 2014. Narda started in 1954 in a small storefront in Mineola, New York, offering innovative solutions for microwave applications. Sixty years later, Narda is recognized worldwide for highly reliable RF and microwave components, complex integrated microwave assemblies, and compact RF subsystems, serving commercial and military markets. Today, Narda offers one of the largest selections of off-the-shelf RF and microwave components in the industry. Narda’s 2014 catalog, the most comprehensive reference in the company’s 60-year history, features more than 700 models and 125 new products. To learn more about Narda Microwave and its products, please visit AmpliTech, Inc. and AO Technologies, the UK based company that has marketing and product offerings serving large satellite service providers such as Eutelsat, Eurosat, Hispasat, and Alcatel/Thales, have teamed to support more product development using AmpliTech’s state- of-the-art SATCOM LNAs and subsystems and combining them with AO’s already widespread earth station and systems integration technology. D.L.S. Electronic Systems has updated its NVLAP Accreditation for Wireless Testing and its recognition for various MRA’s through NIST. This program consists of formal approval for wireless communication devices and intentional radiators subject to EMC regulations and includes EMC testing and certification for FCC (Federal Communications Commission), Industry Canada, the European Union (ETSI), Australia, and many other worldwide markets. D.L.S. offers a wide variety of short range wireless communication compliance services on devices that incorporate technologies such as Bluetooth®, Zigbee®, and Wi-Fi™. Tektronix awarded SV Microwave the 2013 Outstanding Supplier Award for excellence in recognition of SV’s outstanding contribution to the company’s continued growth. Tektronix identified four key areas of distinction as the primary reasons for the award: 1) Consistent on-time delivery of quality parts; 2) Exceeding expectations through customer service; 3) Extending the operational and technological enterprise; and 4) Expected continued growth. SV Microwave was 1 of only 5 suppliers recognized by Tektronix for this award. HFE | Featured Products is 1.3:1 or better at RF ports, minimum isolation is -25 dB, and insertion loss is 0.6 dB, max. Werbel Microwave Switch The MASW-011030 PIN diode SP3T switch is designed for military and civilian customers who require higher CW and pulsed power operation for radio applications. This device is capable of handling 100 Watts CW incident power at a base plate temperature of 85ºC, delivered in a single 7mm HWFN 16-lead plastic package. MACOM G.T. Microwave Attenuator PMI Model No. DTA-50M2D5GCD-SFF-1 is a non-reflective, 10-Bit programmable 60dB PIN diode attenuator with a step resolution as low as 0.06 dB over the frequency range of 50MHz to 2.5 GHz. Planar Monolithics Industries Connector TE Connectivity announced its CeeLok FAS-X connector that combines rugged reliability with signal integrity to support current high-speed protocols and new, faster protocols on the horizon. The new connector features fast field termination and repair, requiring only standard contact insertion/removal and crimping tools. TE Connectivity Duplexer Bias Tees 16 High Frequency Electronics Amplifier A new dual-mode, solid-state amplifier combines continuous (CW) and pulse (P) operating modes. The new S31-500-900P amplifier has been optimized for performing 600 V/m radar pulse radiated immunity testing in the 0.8 GHz to 3.1 GHz band. This IFI amplifier has a 500 W continuous rating along with the ability to deliver more than 900 W in the pulse mode. Instruments for Industry The AM751-781SD364 is a 746 - 756 MHz/777 - 787 MHz saw duplexer featuring band 1 and band 2 bandwidth of 10 MHz, < 2.5 dB insertion loss, >14 dB return loss, >50 dB isolation, and power handling of 30 dBm, while measuring just 3.8 x 3.8 x 1.45 mm. Anatech Electronics Werbel Microwave introduced its Bias Tees with two models 1BA300 and 1BA600, respectively, covering 380 MHz to 6 GHz. These units come standard with SMA-Female connectors in a housing measuring 1.25” square by .75” deep. VSWR mum in RFH-RFOUT & a 30 dB minimum in RFL-RFOUT. The Amplitude Flatness is 2.0 dB peak-topeak. It features a Supply Voltage of +4.8/-11.3 to +5.6/-12.3 @ +150/-300 mA and an Operating Temperature Range of -30 to +85 Degrees C. Filter Assembly Model SF-69-BZ is a 4-Band with Two Through Paths PIN Diode Switched Filter Assembly that operates from 0.1 - 20.48 GHz. It is capable of Isolations at 60 dB mini- Switch RFMW announced support for a 6 GHz GaN SPDT switch supporting commercial and military Radar, communications, EW, and general purpose applications handling pulsed power levels up to 100W. The TGS2355-SM from TriQuint is packaged as a 5 x 5 mm, air cavity QFN. Also available in DIE for hybrid applications, the TGS2355 offers similar performance. RFMW Keysight U2040 X-Series Wide Dynamic Range Power Sensors The world’s widest dynamic range: -70 to +26 dBm (96 dB) Fast measurement speed: 10,000 readings-per-second Choice of form factors: USB and LAN Accuracy and repeatability across all common wireless signals Internal zero and automatic calibration Introducing a variety of power sensors that offer extremely high measurement speed and the world’s widest dynamic range. Using Keysight BenchVue software for data capture/analysis, the sensors will allow you to obtain fast, accurate and repeatable measurements over a wide range of power levels. Choose from four USB models to test chipsets, radio systems, radar, mobile and handsets. Or choose the industry’s rst LAN and thermal vacuum-compliant power sensor for satellite testing. Super fast. Super accurate. Super wide dynamic range. USB Download an app note on fast, accurate power measurements for wireless test. USA: 800 829 4444 CAN: 877 894 4414 Scan to view video demo. © Keysight Technologies, Inc. 2014 LAN HFE | Featured Products allows for biasing via output coaxial connector/cable. AmpliTech Isolators VidaRF is offering drop in surface and flange mount isolators and circulators covering from 3.6 GHz to 23 GHz. VidaRF also offers wide range of narrow and broad band coaxial and waveguide isolators and circulators. VidaRF Mixers, Horns OML offers harmonic mixers and standard gain horn antennas for testing compliance according to FCC Part 15 regulations on transmitters operating in the 10 GHz to 100 GHz spectrum. With extension capabilities from 50 GHz to 325 GHz, these mixers are compatible with most high performance spectrum analyzers that offer an external mixer option. OML MOSFET Richardson RFPD announced support for a new 1200V, 32A, 80m§Ù SiC MOSFET from Microsemi Corp. The APT40SM120J is built on Microsemi’s patented SiC MOSFET technology, which features best-inclass RDS(on) vs. temperature, ultra-low gate resistance for minimizing switching energy loss, superior maximum switching frequency, and outstanding ruggedness with superior short circuit withstand. Richardson RFPD Matching Load Model SWL-2860-S1 is a WR-28 waveguide high power matching load, which is capable of handling CW power up to one kilo-watts. The VSWR of the load is 1.25 maximum in the frequency range of 26.5 to 40.0 GHz. The load heat dispassion structure is specially designed to handle high power without adding cumbersome water or fan cooling mechanism. SAGE Millimeter LNA The APTMP4-04400500-0617-D4SB is a low noise amplifier with ultra-low noise figure (<0.6 dB) and a high IP3 of +32 dBm. Custom gain flatness, VSWR, P1dB is available. An internal Bias-Tee at the output Get info at 18 High Frequency Electronics Test Software Keysight Technologies introduced transmitter (TX) test support for the USB 3.1 specification with the U7243B USB 3.1 transmitter per- HFE | Featured Products formance validation and compliance test software. It allows authorized test centers to certify SuperSpeed USB and SuperSpeed USB 10-Gbps devices and gives engineers the tools to ensure their devices comply with the USB 3.1 specification. CE102 conducted emission standards under various loads. Astrodyne Keysight Technologies Power Divider Amplifier EMI Filter Astrodyne announced a high performance single stage EMI filter. The LCR F19734, designed exclusively for use with the Excelsys Technologies’ power supplies, helps bring systems in compliance with MILSTD 461F (a US military standard set to test for electromagnetic compatibility), as well as CE101and Mini-Circuits’ ZHL-5W-422+ is a 50Ω, 5W, 500 to 4200 MHz coaxial high power amplifier that features: high power, 5 Watt; excellent IP3, +45 dBm typ.; excellent IP2, +55 dBm typ.; high efficiency, 30% typ. at saturation; Class A amplifier; no damage with an open or short output load under full CW output power; shuts off when base plate temperature exceeds +85°C. Mini-Circuits Get info at 20 High Frequency Electronics Krytar’s new 4-way power divider offers high performance over the ultra-broadband frequency range of 3.0 to 40.0 GHz in a compact package. It lends itself to emerging wireless ultra-broadband designs and many test and measurement applications. The 4-way power divider can also be manufactured to meet military specifications. Krytar HFE 8dB 1dB 4dB FW S M Minini-Ci rcuits i- C i 15dB 1- 2 0 5dB 7dB ER I d E ® rc ui t B ® 9 dB 3dB S 20dB 8 dB s 6 dB 2dB 12 dB 10dB 12 dB DC-12 GHz 1W Attenuators 1895 $ only ATTENUATION Nominal Flatness (dB) (dB) 1 ±0.15 2 ±0.15 3 ±0.20 Accurate attenuation over ultra-wide frequency range at low cost! Mini-Circuits’ new FW-series fixed SMA attenuators cover your applications from DC – 12 GHz with a wide selection of attenuation values to meet your needs. All models offer excellent attenuation flatness versus frequency, low VSWR, and 1W input power handling, making them ideal, cost-saving solutions for impedance matching and signal level adjustment in a broad range of systems. Built using Mini-Circuits rugged unibody construction with SMA (M) to SMA (F) connectors, FW-Series attenuators provide outstanding reliability in tough operating conditions. Just go to for full specs and see how these attenuators can add performance and value to your design! They’re available off the shelf for immediate shipment. Order today, and have them in hand as soon as tomorrow! ea. qty.1-9 Model FW-1+ FW-2+ FW-3+ VSWR (:1) Midband Typ. 1.15 1.15 1.15 Power ( W) 1.0 1.0 1.0 FW-4+ FW-5+ FW-6+ 4 5 6 ±0.20 ±0.20 ±0.25 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.0 1.0 1.0 FW-7+ FW-8+ FW-9+ 7 8 9 ±0.25 ±0.30 ±0.30 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.0 1.0 1.0 FW-10+ FW-12+ FW-15+ FW-20+ 10 12 15 20 ±0.30 ±0.30 ±0.35 ±0.50 1.15 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 RoHS compliant. Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 531 rev. orig. High Frequency Design | Application Note Optimizing a Coaxial Connector to Microstrip Transition By NI AWR Overview This application note illustrates the use of the Analyst 3D finite element method (FEM) electromagnetic (EM) simulator, fully integrated within the NI AWR Design Environment platform, for optimizing (matching of) a coaxial connector microstrip transition. Analyst simplifies design by keeping all design data within one project file, including connectors, bonded packages, housing, or any other arbitrary 3D objects. Various transition models from different connectors to different board substrates can likewise be stored as a library and conveniently used in any subsequent circuit design. Using Analyst 3D to optimize a coaxial connector to microstrip transition. The Design In the schematic (parent document), a printed circuit board has been drawn with the signal trace. The 3D connector that is designed for 20 mil substrates is, technically speaking, a sub model (or child) of the parent document, making the design hierarchical. The connector model allows for the placement of a port on the coaxial cable end of the connector (input port) and for the other port to be defined as a regular wave port at the end of the microstrip (output port). The reference plane of the output port is moved just after the connector. It is important to note that when comparing measurement results to simulated ones, the transition from the measurement hardware’s coaxial cable to the signal trace of the device under test (DUT), as shown in Figure 1, is commonly assumed to be ideal. In reality, however, this ideal condition can result in data mismatch (simulation data =/ measurements) at higher frequencies. Figure 1 • The transition from the measurement hardware’s coaxial cable to the signal trace of the DUT. 22 High Frequency Electronics Figure 2 • The “ideal” assumption is implicitly made as soon as the simulation input/output ports are placed on the trace, in this case the microstrip or coplanar waveguide. FILTERDCSOLUTIONS 18 GHz to Cavity Filters Slab Line Microstrip Ceramic Resonator Lumped-Element LTCC Low Temperature Cofired Ceramic 1 $ 99 Over 900 Models IN STOCK ... Immediate Delivery! from ea.(qty. 20) Different needs require different technologies, and with over 900 catalog models and counting, Mini-Circuits’ line of RF/ microwave filters has you covered. High pass, low pass, band pass, and band stop designs provide low pass band insertion loss and high stop band rejection, covering pass bands from DC – 18 GHz. Choose from our wide range of filter technologies in coaxial and surface mount packages for the right solution to meet your requirements. Visit and use Yoni2™, our patented search engine, to search our entire model database by performance parameters. Just enter your desired specifications, and see a list of models that meet your criteria! TM U.S. Patent 7739260, 7761442 The Design Engineers Search Engine… finds the model you need, Instantly. Still don’t see what you’re looking for? Custom designs at catalog prices with lightning-fast turnarounds are just a phone call or email away. Contact us, and our engineers will find a quick, cost-effective custom solution and deliver simulation results within a few days. Performance data, curves, high-accuracy simulations, quantity pricing, and everything you need to make your selection are all available on our website. Place your order today and have them in your hands as soon as tomorrow! Free, High-Accuracy Simulation Models for ADS Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 484 Rev E HF Design | Application Note Figure 3 • The S11 in of the transition in this coax-to-microstrip graph reveals that the inherent matching is good only up to about 2 GHz. This ideal assumption is implicitly made as soon as the simulation input and output ports are placed on the trace. In this case it is the microstrip or coplanar waveguide, as shown in Figure 2. Here the simulation port is directly placed on the microstrip, thereby neglecting the discontinuity represented by the connector in Figure 1 and thus systematically distorting the simulated versus measured results. While there are multiple methods that can be used to ensure that the transition has as little reflection as possible, using Analyst for the method described in this application note enables designers to treat the transition parasitics in an analytic fashion, moving away from the ideal assumption towards a more realistic approach. In Figure 3, the S11 of the transition reveals that the inherent matching is satisfactory but only up to about 2 GHz. Given that the target design frequency is 10 GHz, the reflection is unacceptable (as high as -10 dB in this Get info at 24 High Frequency Electronics Figure 4 • It is a straightforward process to optimize the required strip dimensions in this transition model schematic using the EM document as a regular sub model. INTRODUCING TO K YO K E I K I JISSQ9100 CERTIFIED FACTORY YAS9100 U.S. EQUIVALENTT • Broadband VCOs • PIN Diode Switches • Wideband Filters • Switched Filters Banks • Broadband Amplifiers • High Power Amplifiers • Transceiver Sub-assmblies High Frequency Design | Application Note The next step for optimization is to put the matching circuit dimensions into the 3D connector model and run another verification simulation (shown in Figure 6). As revealed in Figure 6, this first matching effort results in excellent performance. It is also insightful to view and animate the surface currents at 10 GHz (see Figure 7). Figure 5 • Reflection coefficient of the transition at coax port using the closed-form models of the matching circuit (green curve). Figure 6 • Reflection coefficient of the transition at coax port including a full 3D model of the matching circuit geometry (blue curve). case) and thus optimization of the transition is warranted, not only to address the loss of energy, but also to account for mismatch. Optimization Strategy The transition model can be optimized in a schematic within NI AWR Design Environment by using ‘EM document’ as a regular sub model. By inserting a series-L parallel-C matching circuit, the transition can be readily optimized at 10 GHz. In microstrip, a series-L can be realized by a narrow segment of strip, while a parallel-C can be realized by a wide strip segment. Within NI AWR Design Environment software, it is straightforward to optimize the required strip dimensions, as shown in Figures 4 and 5. Figure 7 • Surface current annotation of the optimized transition at 10 GHz. 26 High Frequency Electronics Conclusion To summarize, this simple matching circuit/optimization exercise provides signal transmission from the coax cable into the microstrip with less than -20 dB reflection at 10 GHz (the target design frequency). The matching bandwidth is now about 2 GHz and is easily and reliably optimized with the resulting EM modeled connector using conventional circuit models. Finally, a full 3D EM verified solution is readily available with the optimized geometry as well. The use of Analyst for the EM simulation provided a more realistic, reliable approach to achieving design success in this application. Analyst 3D FEM technology within NI AWR Design Environment enables designers to move smoothly from circuit concept to full 3D EM verification with a single mouse click. You’re Covered! New Hybrid Power Modules From 0.7 - 18 GHz We have now complemented our previous line of 4-18 GHz Hybrid Power Modules (HPM’s) to cover the entire 0.7- 6 GHz frequency range in ONE amplifier module. These high gain 50 ohm module gain blocks provide up to 30 watts of Class A linear CW output power and up to 47 dB gain in a connectorized housing in applications where performance, size, and weight are critical. A higher power 50 watt Class AB configuration is also available when increased efficiency and lower cost is required while slightly sacrificing harmonic distortion. This design can meet the stringent requirements of today’s military systems as well as being price competitive for wireless applications. To obtain more detailed information on these and other narrow band custom modules and benchtop products call AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation at 215 723 8181 or visit us at ISO 9001:2008 Certified rf/microwave instrumentation Other ar divisions: modular rf • receiver systems • ar europe USA 215-723-8181. For an applications engineer, call 800-933-8181. In Europe, call ar United Kingdom +44 1908 282766 • ar France +33147917530 • ar Deutschland +49 6101 80270 0 • ar Benelux +31 172 423000 Copyright © 2014 AR. The orange stripe on AR products is Reg. U.S. Pat. & TM. Off. High Frequency Design | Application Note Optimizing Averaging for Better Power Measurements By Orwill Hawkins One of the most often asked questions from power sensors users is what should I set my power sensor’s averaging to? This question is asked by new power sensor users as well as advanced users, often from engineers creating test systems with programmatic remote control. This paper will explain the reasoning behind averagAnswering the question: ing, what is occurring in the sensor and how to best determine the requireWhat should I set my ments in your situation. power sensor’s averaging to? Background What is averaging? Modern power sensors use a detector circuit coupled to analog to digital converters to measure signal power. The sample conversion occurs at a very rapid pace, often over a million times per second on any input signal including CW signals. This rapid conversion of the signal makes possible the measurement of very short variations in power level including noise in high sensitivity sensors such as LadyBug’s LB480A. Most modern power sensors whether they be thermal, diode or logger-based will have a fast analog to digital converter system. To manage the measurements and create a stable result, individual digital converted values are averaged together as selected by the user. This is what we call averaging. In some instances averaging is referred to as integration or integration time, for the purposes of this paper we will use the term averaging. Averaging may be referred to in units of time or the number of samples. We generally refer to averages in terms of the number samples. The samples may already have been preaveraged by analog or digital methods. For example, in a diode detector circuit the diodes will drive a capacitor, this capacitor will establish the initial averaging. In many Figure 1 • Set Averaging. test system environments wherein measurement speed is very important, users may choose set averaging as low as possible, particularly if the signal is at a relatively high level. A power sensor user can set a LadyBug LB479A or LB480A to continuously collect over 2,000 preaveraged measurements per second. Pre-averaging in these sensors is 124 samples for each of the 2,000 measurements. In this case, the downside can be measurement variation due to noise or other signal related factors on low level signals. Conversely, a power sensor user replacing a traditional thermal sensor and desiring a very stable measurement on a CW signal, may choose to set averaging to a very long period of time. Long averaging periods are often used to average out noise on low level. 28 High Frequency Electronics SIGNAL GENERATORS That fit your budget. USB & Ethernet 1995 $ from ea. Control your test setup via Ethernet or USB with a synthesized signal generator to meet your needs and fit your budget! The SSG-6400HS, SSG-6000RC, and the new SSG-6001RC feature both USB and Ethernet connections, giving you more choices and more freedom. Small enough to fit in your laptop case, all models provide sweep and hopping capabilities over frequencies and power levels and are designed for easy integration with other test equipment using trigger and reference ports. They even feature built-in automatic calibration scheduling based on actual usage! Our user-friendly GUI software, DLLs and programming instructions are all included so you can control your SSG through our software or yours! Visit today to find the right model for your application! Bands as wide as 0.25 to 6400 MHz Models Available from Stock at Low Prices! SSG-4000LH $2,395 SSG-6400HS $4,995 • 0.25 to 6400 MHz • -75 to +10 dBm Pout • AM, PM, FM, and pulse modulation • USB and Ethernet control New SSG-6001RC $3,495 • 1 to 6000 MHz • -60 to +13 dBm Pout • Pulse modulation • USB and Ethernet control • 250 to 4000 MHz • -60 to +10 dBm Pout • Pulse modulation • Low harmonics (-66 dBc) • USB control SSG-4000HP $1,995 • 250 to 4000 MHz • High power, -50 to +20 dBm • Pulse modulation • USB control SSG-6000RC $2,795 • 25 to 6000 MHz • -65 to +14 dBm Pout • Pulse modulation • USB and Ethernet control 2U 19” Rack-Mount Option Available Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 519 rev L High Frequency Design | Application Note Figure 2 • Power Sensor Front End. Figure 3 • Signal with 5ms of averaging. Noise Even though your settings may be different, whether you are looking at a CW signal or a Modulated signal, averaging works the same. A good example for the use of averaging is noise reduction. Noise is always present in any electrical system, further all components generate electrical noise in some form or another. A simple internet search for “resistor noise” AMCOM is pioneering the technology of controlling the device impedance to achieve ultra wide-band, high-power MMIC amplifiers. AMCOM is releasing 4 GaN MMIC ultra wide-band, high-power amplifiers. The Table below shows the performance. AMCOM products include discrete power devices, MMIC power amplifiers and connectorized power amplifier modules from 30MHz to 16 GHZ with output power from 1W to 50W. For more product details, please visit www. for data sheet with detailed performance. AMCOM GaN HEMT MMIC Summary Model Frequency (GHz ) GSS (dB) P5dB (dBm) Eff(5dB) (%) Vd (V) Idq (A) ECCN AM004047SF-2H* 0.05-4.0 33 47 44 25, 90 0.5, 0.9 EAR99 AM006044SF-2H* 0.05-6.0 22 44 42 30, 60 0.4, 1.0 EAR99 AM206542TM-00! 2.0-6.5 25 42 20 28 0.96 3A001.b.2.a AM010130TM-00! 0.05-13.0 13 33 15 28 0.24 3A001.b.2.b * 100uS pulse width, 10% duty cycle. They also work in CW mode at lower bias voltage with slightly reduced output power. ! CW Operation. (301) 353-8400 The RF Power House m m Get info at 30 High Frequency Electronics will net many, many results and may help put noise sources into perspective. Noise reduction in passive components is a science in itself. As a result of noise power, with no user signal present, there can be measurable power that may interfere with a low level signal when applied. Figure #2 depicts a power sensor input system with internal noise sources indicated. Quality power sensors generally have a very wide dynamic range and may be capable of measuring signal levels down to the sensors noise floor. To make low level measurements, all noise sources must be mitigated. Averaging is one tool used to do this. Because noise is random in its nature, averaging the noise samples and processing the information can eventually result in a stable, meaningful measurement on extremely low level signals. Noise can be average to a single value; however changing conditions may cause this stable value to shift. For example if the temperature is changed, the level of noise generated by electronic components will also change. With LadyBug Sensors, this is largely managed for you by our patented No-Zero system. These patents allow for management of zero offset and eliminate the need to zero the sensor prior to use. Further, LadyBug sensors account for thermal change making it unnecessary to stop measuring to zero. This is a significant advantage; many sensors with built in zero circuitry must stop making measurements to perform zero function. This can often take 10-20 seconds. Averaging Power from Modulated Signals Signal variation is an important consideration when setting averaging for a stable, accurate average power measurement. Signal power can vary for various intentional and un-intentional reasons. Today, there are many modulation schemes that must be tested in manufacturing, laboratory and in the field. With enough averaging, any modulated signal can be smoothed into a stable value. Known factors such as pulse repetition rate can be Figure 4 • Low Level Pulsed Signal. Figure 5 • Low Level Pulsed Signal with 20 Averages Applied. Figure 6 • Low Level Pulsed Signal with 100 Averages Applied. applied to the stable average power to achieve desired information. In the example below, a pulse stream is depicted with a repetition rate of 10ms and a pulse width of 1ms. The signal, shown in Figure #3 with an averaging time of 5ms would result in an inaccurate average power measurement. The power meter will display erroneous data as the 5ms averaged measurements are reported. In this case averaging of 100 times the 10ms repetition rate (1 second of averaging) would result in a fairly small error. If higher accuracy is desired, averaging should be increased further. Averaging of several seconds may be needed. LadyBug sensors can also be set to employ extended averaging to optimize power measurements. Extended averaging uses exponential averaging along with normal averaging and can be used to stabilize the measurement and provide fast averaged measurement times. Time or Number of Averages LadyBug sensors continuously collect data. Data is collected at over 2,000 measurements per second. Each measurement is considered one average. It is easy to convert from the number of averages to averaging time using the formula below. Averaging time=Number of averages/2,000 or Number of averages=Averaging time * 2,000 Therefore setting averages to 2,000 will result in about 1 second of averaging on a LadyBug sensor. In reality, each of the 2,000 measurements per second is pre-averaged by the sensor’s analog front end, digital processing plus any digital filters that the user may engage. An Example with Visual Results In the case of a pulse profiling sensor with trace measurement capability such as the LB480A or LB680A, the 31 High Frequency Design | Application Note and cleaner as the number of averaged measurements is increased. See images on page 31. In Figure #4, the attenuated pulsed signal with no averaging applied is buried in the noise and the pulses are nearly indiscriminable. In Figure #5; the same signal, the sensor is set to apply 20 averages and the signal begins to appear. Finally in Figure #6, the sensor is set to average the low level repetitive signal 100 times. As can be seen, the signal can now be examined with enough detail to gain important information. LadyBug’s LB480A can automatically provide statistiOver 700 RF cal and triggered pulse information & Microwave on the signal. The LB479A sensor can measure statistical peak & Components pulse power and duty cycle on low In Stock level signal such as this one without triggering. entire repetitive signal can be averaged. This is a great way to visualize the application and results of averaging for noise reduction. The following example was done with an LB680A, 20 GHz Pulse Profiling Power Sensor. A 1.9 GHz signal modulated with a 1us pulse repeated every 11us, and 50db of attenuation, was applied to the sensor and various averaging scenarios implemented. With this low level pulsed signal, the results of averaging can easily be seen as the noise floor becomes cleaner thenEW narda Waveguide Products Announcing the release of our newly expanded Waveguide product line, including 130 new products n Waveguide-to-Coaxial Adapters (Right Angle & End-Launch) TT H H n Crossguide Directional Couplers n Gain Horns n Models Covering 1.740.0 GHz n Low and Medium Power Terminations n Most Models Available from Stock To find out more about Narda’s expanded Waveguide line, contact us today to request your free catalog or visit us online. A AN NN N II V V EE R R SS A AR RY Y SERVICE•SUPPORT•SELECTION • 631.231.1700 Six decades of technological innovation. Get info at 32 High Frequency Electronics Summary There are several primary considerations needed to determine the amount of averaging required for making RF power measurements. Some of these are noise and power level, signal type and stability, required accuracy and required measurement speed. These can be quantified fairly easily, however the interaction between some or all of them often requires user judgment. LadyBug offers a broad selection of sensors that include very flexible methods to average CW and modulated signals. LadyBug’s new LB5900 product line also includes selectable analog filters along with the already present digital filters that may be employed to pre-average incoming signals. Using these methods and a LadyBug sensor, fast, reliable, accurate power measurements can be made on any signal between 9 kHz and 40 GHz. About the Author: Orwill Hawkins is Vice President of Marketing at LadyBug Technologies. DISTRIBUTOR AND MANUFACTURER’S REPRESENTATIVES C. W. SWIFT & Associates, Inc. Featuring Coaxial Connectors, Adapters, and Interface Gages from SRI Connector Gage 1.85 mm · 2.4 mm · 2.9 mm · 3.5 mm · N · SMA · TNC · ZMA Connectors for low-loss cable · Interface gages · Custom designs We stock RF, microwave and millimeter wave connectors, adapters, and interface gages from SRI Connector Gage and other fine manufacturers. Call today for a quote. C. W. SWIFT & Associates, Inc. 15216 Burbank Blvd. Van Nuys, CA 91411 Tel: 800-642-7692 or 818-989-1133 Fax: 818-989-4784 CLOSED EVERY ST. PATRICK’S DAY ! High Frequency Design | Application Note Common Mode Filter Chokes for High Speed Data Interfaces By Coilcraft Introduction High speed data interfaces like USB, HDMI, Wi-Fi, IEEE1394/FireWire and LVDS require careful consideration to ensure reliable communication free of disruptive EMI. Of the many tools at the designer’s disposal like trace routing, termination and component placement, the common mode filter choke remains one of the most powerful. For the variety of signal sizes, thermal variations and spectral density in high speed communications, the common mode filter choke is an effective and widely used interface circuit component. Common mode chokes help maintain the integrity of high speed communications and may be necessary for conformance with FCC and international regulatory standards. FCC CFR 47 applies generally to radio frequency devices (Part 15) and includes particular requirements for Industrial, Scientific and Medical Equipment (Part 18). In addition to required standards conformance there may be other application-specific requirements. For example, major auto makers maintain their own EMI requirements for vehicles. Considerations for selecting a common mode choke. Common Mode Choke Selection The optimal common mode choke for a particular application depends on many factors. The first step in selecting a common mode choke is to select only those that will not adversely attenuate the differential signal. The communication standard determines the data rate and therefore the required bandwidth for the differential mode performance. Interface Data rates USB 2.0 USB 3.0 (Superspeed) HDMI® 480 Mbps Up to 4.8 Gbps Clock rates 165 MHz to 340 MHz Up to 800 Mb per second Up to 1.9 Gb/s 500 Mb/s IEEE1394 / Firewire® LVDS per ANSI/TIA/EIA-644-A PCI Express® 2.0 Table 1 • Typical data rates. It is relatively straightforward to select a part with low differential mode attenuation up to the appropriate data rate. As seen in Figure 1, the differential mode attenuation does not rolloff until above 1 GHz, making the 0603USB parts suitable for typical USB 3.0 data rates. Even though the differential mode performance is straightforward, and the requirement is predictable for a given data rate, the real focus should be on determining the required common mode performance. The amount of filtering required also depends on the data rate, but is harder to predict because of all the possible physical aspects of the application that may affect the amount of undesirable EMI generated. Design considerations such as impedance matching, connector pin impedance, trace widths and shielding may impact the final design. When a challenge does arise, it is important to identify the right solution. One easy choice is to identify application-specific chokes; that is, filter chokes that have been designed with specific 34 High Frequency Electronics Working Together to Uncover Solutions and Inspire Success For more than 30 years Microwave Components has partnered with MACOM to deliver quality products and superior service. Call us today and put our experience to work for you. Phone: (888) 591-4455 or (772) 286-4455 Fax: (722) 286-4496 AS9120 ISO9001-2000 CERTIFIED High Frequency Design | Application Note applications in mind, like the Coilcraft line of USB common mode chokes. Since real world EMI challenges do not always fit nicely into pre-arranged solutions, ready access to filter performance data is key. Selecting the appropriate common mode choke has been simplified by Coilcraft with the Common Mode Filter Finder web-based tool at: cfm The tool starts with requesting the most pertinent information: The desired amount of attenuation frequency range of interest. From this information the tool searches a wide database and presents the best solutions. The user then can select the choke most appropriate for the application. The data provided includes pertinent specifications like current rating and DC resistance as well as overall size. Then common mode and differential mode curves are presented for the frequency range specified, allowing a quick and meaningful comparison of the options. Alternatively, if a specific inductance value has already been identified, the database can be searched from that input. The result is then displayed as a sortable list, handy to find a part with all the needed features. Of course, there’s always the old fashioned way – browse the web pages. Coilcraft has collected the common mode chokes into one handy place: emi.cfm. Powerful Multipath/Link Emulator Multipath Rayleigh & Rician Fading Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV) testing Sophisticated Satellite link emulation Mobile Comm’s on the move testing Test solutions for .... WIN-T MUOS JTRS IRIS MET Hz h M dt 0 25 dwi n ba - warfare information networks, tactical - mobile user objective system - Joint Tactical Radio System - Internet routing in space - Modernization Enterprise Terminal Software showing mobile link setup dBmCorp, Inc 32A Spruce Street Tel (201) 677-0008 RF Test Equipment for Wireless Communications Oakland, NJ 07436 Fax (201) 677-9444 Get info at 36 High Frequency Electronics References 1. United States Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, Telecommunication, Pt. 0-1. 2. Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 2.0, Compaq, HewlettPackard, Intel, Lucent, Microsoft, NEC, Philips, April 27, 2000. 3. Universal Serial Bus Specification 3.0, Hewlett-Packard Company, Intel Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, NEC Corporation, ST-Ericsson, Texas Instruments, Revision 1.0 June 6, 2011. 4. H igh-Definition Multimedia Interface Specification Version 1.3a, Hitachi, Ltd., Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., Philips Consumer Electronics, International B.V., Silicon Image, Inc., Sony Corporation, Thomson Inc., Toshiba Corporation, November 10, 2006. 5. IEEE Std 1394.1-2004, E-ISBN: 0-7381-4648-X. 6. Electrical Characteristics of Low Voltage Differential Signaling (LVDS) Interface Circuits (ANSI/ TIA/EIA-644-A-2001). 7. Creating a PCI Express™ Interconnect, White Paper , Ajay V. Bhatt, Technology and Research Labs, Intel Corporation. QUALITY, PERFORMANCE AND RELIABILITY IN PRECISION COAXIAL CONNECTORS BETWEEN SERIES ADAPTERS EDGE LAUNCH CONNECTORS BULKHEAD & PANEL ADAPTERS CABLE CONNECTORS IN SERIES ADAPTERS CUSTOM DESIGNS ADAPTERS · CABLE CONNECTORS · RECEPTACLES · CUSTOM DESIGNS Including These Connector Series 1.85mm 2.4mm DC-65 GHz DC-50 GHz 2.92mm 3.5mm DC-40 GHz DC-34 GHz 7mm SSMA DC-18 GHz DC-40 GHz ISO 9001:2008 SGMC Microwave — The name to count on for Quality, Performance and Reliability! Please contact us today by Phone, Fax or Email. Manufacturer of Precision Coaxial Connectors 620 Atlantis Road, Melbourne, FL 32904 Phone: 321-409-0509 Fax: 321-409-0510 Get info at HFE | New Products bert GPO™ and the Tyco OSMP™. They are 50 Ω connectors rated to 40 GHz with low VSWR, and feature small size and rugged interface to support high density packaging. Coaxial Components VCO Z-Communications announced a dielectric resonator VCO model DRO11000A for radar system applications. It is designed to cover 11000 MHz while incorporating both electrical and mechanical elements for fine and coarse tuning. It is optimized to feature superior low phase noise of -104 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset and operates off a 5 Vdc supply while typically drawing only 23 mA of current. Z-Communications Power Amp App Note Attenuator Planar Monolithics Industries Connector Coaxial Components expanded its line of SMP micro-miniature pushon connectors and adapters. Designated the 032 series, Coaxicom’s SMPs are compatible with the Gil- 38 High Frequency Electronics RLC Electronics The “Solutions for RF Power Amplifier Test” application note provides insight into making faster, repeatable RF power amplifier tests with envelope tracking and digital predistortion using a range of test system techniques, and modular signal generation and analysis. Keysight Technologies PMI Model No. DTA-100M-18G-30CD-1 is a 5 bit, programmable 30dB pin diode attenuator with step resolution of 1dB over the frequency range of 100 MHz to 18 GHz. cavity filters for small scale, low profile system integration. Designs are created and constructed using proprietary techniques resulting in rugged, stable performance over a full range of environmental stresses. High Q cavity filter performance is available up to 30 GHz with profile height as low as 200mm. Attenuator Model A6P-78N-0JM is a phase invariant digitally controlled PIN diode attenuator that operates from 8.0 - 18.0 GHz. It is capable of 64 dB range in monotonic 0.0625 dB steps. The attenuation flatness is +/3.5 dB and the delta phase is +/-18 degrees @ 64 dB. With a maximum V.S.W.R. of 2.0:1 and an insertion loss less than 7.5 dB, it accommodates a supply voltage of +15 VDC @ 30 mA, -15 VDC @ 125 mA, and +5 VDC @100 mA. G.T. Microwave Cavity Filter RLC Electronics introduced a series of high frequency surface mount Adapter The RQA-5478 between series adapter features a QMA female to N male interface that will allow connection of a QMA male terminated cable assemble to equipment with an N female connector. It is manufactured with a machined brass body, plated in a durable trimetal (white-bronze) finish. The contact is gold plated. Rated for low PIM performance of ≤ -155 dBc using 2 tones at 20 watts. RF Industries MOSFET Cree expanded its design-in support for the C2M™ Series SiC MOSFET power devices with the release of a new SPICE model. The new model effectively demonstrates the benefits of Cree® SiC MOSFETs—in- WIDEBAND 4W AMPLIFIERS 500-4200 MHz ZHL-4 W-42 2X+ Mini-Circu its ® 1495ea. $ With 4W output power and ±1 dB gain flatness across 500 to 4200 MHz, Mini-Circuits new ZHL-4W-422+ Class-A amplifiers meet your needs for a wide range of applications! With RUGGED CONSTRUCTION and extensive built-in safety features, they’re perfect for lab uses such as production test, burn-in, life test, and IP3 measurements where filtering and attenuation matching is needed. Used in conjunction with Mini-Circuits power splitters, they can be used to drive up to 32 simultaneous test channels or more, improving test efficiency and throughput. Consistent performance across very wide band also makes them excellent candidates for systems ranging from satellite L-Band and cellular to transmitters, GPS, and more! They’re available off the shelf for immediate shipment, so visit and place your order today! ZHL-4W-422+ Gain, 25 dB Gain Flatness, ±1 dB • IP3, +44 dBm • IP2, +45 dBm • Unconditionally Stable • • • Protected against: → Opens and Shorts → Overheating → Over-Voltage → Reverse Polarity Available with Heat Sink Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 530 rev org Precision Lab Test Fixtures at Affordable Prices • Apply CPW Probes to Microstrip Devices Using CPW Adapter Substrates • Brings the high precision and repeatability of CPW probes to the high accuracy test needs of microstrip devices. • Calibration substrates available for > 50 GHz calibration. Useful for characterization and qualification testing of semiconductors. • Improve Design & Development Test Characterization Productivity Using a Lab Microprobe Station • Portable low cost microwave and DC probing test station to verify models and components. Test and validate ASICs, MMICs and subassemblies. Precise, rugged and feature rich for professional use. HFE | New Products cluding the new C2M0025120D device, which recently shattered the on-resistance barrier by delivering 1200V of blocking voltage with an on-resistance of only 25mOhms—in circuit simulations. Cree verters achieve up to 70 percent higher signal bandwidth than competing devices while enabling designers to support emerging Eband (71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz) frequencies. Othomode Transducer Model SAT-114-07508-S1 is an F band compact orthomode transducer (OMT) operating at 114.0 GHz with ±4 GHz minimum operation bandwidth. This OMT exhibits 0.5 dB or better insertion loss for the horizontal port and 1dB typical insertion loss for the vertical port. It also offers greater than 35 dB isolation and 20 dB return loss over entire operating frequency band. SAGE Millimeter Affordable Test Station for Low Rate Production Qualification Test Failure Anaylsis • Manual Probe Stations Offer a Cost Effective Option for Both General Purpose Probing and Dedicated Test Stations • High functionality with modular accessories results in rapid and easy setup. Large platen for probe accessories on all sides, 150mm X 175mm chuck travel on a swingout stage. Probe Card Adapter makes this an ideal prober for probe card and test program check out. Visit Our Web Site for Application Info & Data Sheets J microTechnology, Inc. (503) 614-9509 Get info at 40 High Frequency Electronics LNA Analog Devices Phase Shifter PMI Model No. PS-500M2G-8BSFF is an 8-Bit Digitally Controlled Phase Shifter that operates over the 500 MHz to 2.0 GHz frequency range. It has a typical insertion loss of 10 dB and offers 360 degrees of phase shift via 8-Bit TTL control. The phase shift error is less than ±10 degrees and the amplitude error is less than ±1 dB. Planar Monolithics Industries The APT3-05400590-1010-LS-D4 is a low noise amplifier with super-low noise figure (<0.9 dB, 0.7 dB typical). Lower NF options are also available with custom flatness, VSWR, P1dB, and packaging. An internal limiter at the input offers protection of up to 2W CW of RF input power over the full band. AmpliTech DAC Analog Devices introduced a 2.8GSPS dual 16-bit converter for telecommunications system manufacturers that require microwave frequencies in point-to-point wireless backhaul equipment. The con- Search Engine The search engine on the AmpliTech website has been significantly revamped to not only allow for searches based on particular specs, but also to offer results that are closest to the entered parameters (within certain ranges) if a search by the exact specifications yields no matches. In addition, searching HFE | New Products for a particular model number has been made easier due to the ability to search for partials in case the customer doesn’t have the entire exact model number handy. AmpliTech Switch Matrix Circulators VidaRF offers a wide selection of isolators and circulators designed to cover 80 MHz to 40 GHz. Configured to Coaxial, Drop-In, Surface Mount or Waveguide. Standard Connector SMA Female, other connectors available upon request. Magnetically shielded, clockwise or counter-clock wise rotation(CCW), LOW IMD -80 dBc, reflected power from 1(W) to 250(W) on pending models, single or double junction and RoHS compliant. Mini-Circuits’ RC-2SP4T-A18 is a general purpose RF switch matrix controlled via either USB or Ethernet-TCP/IP (supports HTTP and Telnet protocols). It contains two electromechanical SP4Ts, absorptive fail-safe RF switches constructed in break-before-make configuration and powered by +24VDC with switching time of 25 ms typical. Mini-Circuits VidaRF Cable Attenuator Gore RFMW announced support for a temperature compensated voltage controlled attenuator. RFMD’s RFSA2013 provides a linear attenuation slope versus control voltage with very little sensitivity to temperature changes. PIN diode designs suffer from large attenuation shifts over temperature. The RFMD RFSA2013’s integrated temperature compensation overcomes this issue. RFMW 42 High Frequency Electronics The GORE-FLIGHT™ Microwave Assembly, 6 Series is ideally suited for aerospace applications where compact profile and light weight constructions are top design priorities. The new compact option in this line measures 6.1 mm (0.24 in) in diameter, weighs 60 g/m (0.040 lb/ft) and offers a minimum bend radius of 25.4 mm (1.0 in). Amplifier RFMW announced support for NXP’s BGA6130, a single stage MMIC amplifier offering 1W (30dBm) output power. Driven from a single, 3.6 V supply, it draws only 70 mA of current. Typical gain is approximately 15 dB and efficiencies >55% are achievable. It features a simple quiescent current adjustment allowing class AB operation and a logic-level shutdown control to reduce supply current to 4 microamps. RFMW VCO Z-Communications announced a new RoHS compliant VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) model V590ME09-LF. It operates over the frequency range of 850 to 1050 MHz within 0.5 to 5.0V of tuning. It features a spectrally clean signal of -100 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset while operating off a 5 Vdc supply and drawing only 15 mA of current. Z-Communications Direction Finder The R&S DDF5GTS multichannel direction finder enables fast and comprehensive radio spectrum monitoring, while accurately taking bearings of signals of interest. It complements the tried and tested Rohde & Schwarz portfolio of networked direction finding and radiolocation systems and is designed for use in especially demanding scenarios. Rohde & Schwarz Amplifiers Attenuators - Variable DLVA & ERDLVA & SDLVA’s DTO’s & Frequency Synthesizers Filters Form, Fit & Function Products IFM’s & Frequency Discriminators Integrated MIC/MMIC Modules Functional Block Diagram I/Q Vector Modulators Limiters & Detectors Log Amplifiers Pulse & Bi-Phase Modulators Phase Shifters Rack & Chassis Mount Products Receiver Front Ends & Transceivers Single Sideband Modulators SMT & QFN Products Solid-State Switches Switch Matrices Switch Filter Banks Threshold Detectors USB Products West Coast Operation: 4921 Robert J. Mathews Pkwy, Suite 1 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 USA Tel: 916-542-1401 Fax: 916-265-2597 East Coast Operation: 7311-F Grove Road Frederick, MD 21704 USA Tel: 301-662-5019 Fax: 301-662-1731 HFE | New Products plifiers. This amplifier has over 25 dB of gain from 0.5 to 18 GHz, in a housing that is only 1” long and 0.66” wide, not including the field replaceable SMA-connectors. Gain flatness is a maximum of ±1.5 dB, with typical performance of ±1 dB. Q Low ESR/ESL Case Size: 0505, 1111 & EIA sizes NEW 0201BB: 16kHz - 50GHz • Insertion Loss: < 1db • Value: 100nF • 16 WVDC MPM Link Microtek announced a switchable Ka/Q-band microwave power module (MPM) that provides highly compact power-amplifier functionality for defence and aerospace applications where size and weight are key considerations. Designed and manufactured by L-3 Electron Devices, the M2837 module delivers more than 100W of saturated CW power at Ka-band frequencies from 29.5 to 31.0 GHz. Link Microtek 0402BB: 16kHz - 35GHz • Insertion Loss: < 1db • Value: 100nF • 16 WVDC Circulators Series / Parallel combinations RFMW Call us today at 631-425-0938 or email us at Get info at 44 High Frequency Electronics Filter Mini-Circuits’ LFCW-133+ is a low temperature co-fired ceramic (LTCC) low pass filter, designed in a very small, 0603 package. The multilayer construction provides high repeatability of performance. Small, wrap-around terminations minimize variations in performance due to parasitics. Covering DC – 13.25 GHz, these units offer low insertion loss, good rejection, and excellent power handling capability. Mini-Circuits RFMW announced support for ten new surface mount circulators from RFCI. Available at popular base station frequencies from 728 to 2690 MHz, these pin-style, surface mount circulators offer 500W peak forward power handling and 80 - 100W reverse power handling depending on package size. • Unmatched customer service • Online store for immediate availability • Design kits in stock • Inventory programs MITEQ Amp MITEQ introduced the model AWS3F-00501800-50-23P, to its family of hermetic, single bias coaxial am- HEMT Cree’s CGHV50200F is a galliumnitride (GaN) high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) designed specifically with high efficiency, high gain and wide bandwidth capabilities, which makes the CGHV50200F ideal for troposcatter communications, 4.4 - 5.0-GHz C-Band SatCom applications and beyond line of sight. The transistor is supplied in a ceramic/metal flange package, type 440215. Cree HFE | New Products Services (eMBMS) Band 4 and Band 13 RF conformance test cases. Anritsu is the first company to earn GCF validation for WI-164 E-UTRA MBMS Rel-9 FDD conformance test cases that support the frequency bands expected to enter commercial service in North America. Amplifier RFMW announced support for a dual channel Digital Variable Gain Amplifier. TriQuint’s TQC9311 offers the lowest noise figure for any currently available Dual Channel DVGA. The low noise figure of 3.8dB makes the TQC9311 ideal for use before a mixer in small cell and DAS applications. RFMW tion rejections and extreme low side lobe levels. The standard model is equipped with a 0.094” circular waveguide and UG387/U-M flange as its input port. SAGE Millimeter Anritsu Filter Antenna Model SAL-9239634001-094-C1 is a 12 inch W band lens antenna, which delivers 0.8 degree half power beamwidth and 48 dBi nominal gain in the frequency range of 92 to 96 GHz. It employs a corrugated feed horn to offer excellent aperture efficiency, high cross polariza- Mini-Circuits’ BFCN-1690+ is a 50Ω, 1570 to 1810 MHz ceramic bandpass filter that features: good VSWR, 1.29:1 typ. @ passband; small size (0.126 x .063 x .035); temperature stable; LTCC construction. Applications: harmonic rejection; transmitters/receivers. Mini-Circuits Tower-Top Assemblies Wireless and broadcast infrastructure specialist Radio Frequency Systems announced the availability of factory-made assemblies. The complete SiteExpress™ system is assembled by RFS technicians in a controlled environment, tested to ensure it meets all operating requirements, and shipped to the site ready to be hoisted and installed at the top of a tower. RFS THE BEST AMPLIFIERS IN THE WORLD...AND MORE! 1:1, 1:2, 2:2 Redundant LNA Systems w/fault detection, monitoring & automatic switching APT55-02001800-7016-66-LMS 2-18 GHz Wideband EW / ECM / IFM 80dB Gain Limiting Amplifier Test System Anritsu announced that its ME7873L RF Conformance Test System has achieved GCF-approved test case validation for LTE evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast CUSTOM Compact Cryogenic Amplifier Systems for ULTRA LOW-NOISE Applications to 18 GHz Wide Dynamic Range SDLVAs—up to 8 GHz 0.01-2.0 GHz High Isolation Power Divider / Combiner 2 0 1 5 APT3-00500600-1010-D4 Wideband Amplifier (NF<1.0dB) for PCS, GPS, WiFi & 4G/5G 2 0 1 5 Get info at COME SEE US AT BOOTH 1126!!! Get info at LOW COST 2-18 GHz Hi -Speed Threshold Detector 45 Product Highlights VCO Crystek’s CVCO55CC-3200-3200 VCO operates at 3200 MHz with a control voltage range of 0.5V~4.5V. This VCO features a typical phase noise of -112 dBc/Hz @ 10KHz offset and has excellent linearity. Output power is typically +5 dBm. Engineered and manufactured in the USA, the model CVCO55CC-3200-3200VCO is packaged in the industry-standard 0.5-in. x 0.5-in. SMD package. Crystek Synthesizer MLBS-Series bench test synthesizers are ideal for production test sets, laboratory tests and test equipment racks where generation of microwave signals is essential. Frequency coverage is 2 to 20 GHz. Each synthesizer consists of a frequency synthesizer, heat sink, power supply, cooling fans, keyboard, display, USB interface, Ethernet interface and a manual tuning knob. Components are housed in a 10” wide, 4” height, 13” deep enclosure with mounting feet and handle. Micro Lambda Wireless 5G Library Keysight Technologies introduced the Keysight EEsof EDA 5G Baseband Exploration Library. Providing readyto-use reference signal processing intellectual property (IP) for 5G technology research, this industry-first library 46 High Frequency Electronics dramatically increases the productivity for system architects and baseband physical layer (PHY) designers. Keysight Technologies Product Showcase 30 Years Advanced Switch Technology 754 Fortune Cr, Kingston, ON K7P 2T3, Canada. 613 384 3939 Our line of Waveguide, Coaxial and Dual Switches are the most reliable in the industry, but don’t just take our word for it. Join the hundreds of satisfied customers who use our switches every day. When only the best will do HFE’s Product Showcase Classified Advertising Your ad will stand out when it’s displayed in our Product Showcase! For more information, or to place your ad, please contact: Joanne Frangides Tel : 201-666-6698 Fax: 201-666-6698 joanne@ highfrequencyelectronics .com Product Highlights Power Supply Versatile Power announced its line of BENCH 600W Programmable Power Supplies. The Versatile Power BENCH series are compact, programmable, DC power supplies and are nearly half the cost compared to the industry’s leading producer of power supplies. The power supply measures just 1.73 in. (44 mm) High x 8.82 in. (224 mm) Wide x 10.30 in. (262 mm) Deep and Weighs only 5.8 lbs. (2.6 Kg). Versatile Power Target Simulator Rohde & Schwarz is now selling the ARTS turnkey radar target simulator from ITS and miro-sys. When combined with the R&S FSW high-end signal and spectrum analyzer and its analysis option for FM CW chirp signals, 48 High Frequency Electronics Switch Dow-Key’s new Reliant SwitchTM guarantees insertion loss repeatability of 0.03-dB from DC-to-26.5-GHz. It’s a 1 x 6 bidirectional switch operating both in break-beforemake or make-before-break applications and has a fast switching speed of 15-ms. The Reliant SwitchTM offers a variety of control options including +24Vdc coil voltage, TTL discrete logic, and CANBus. Dow-Key Microwave the ARTS constitutes an innovative test solution for the development and production of automotive radar sensors. Rohde & Schwarz Product Highlights Between-Series Adapters SGMC’s between-series adapters feature: Frequency Range: DC-26.5 GHz; Low VSWR and Insertion Loss; Internally Swept Right Angle Design; Corrosion Resistant 303 Stainless Steel (Passivated); Ruggedized Construction for repeatability and reliability. SGMC Microwave Synthesizer The SC800 nanoSynth™ is a fully integrated broadband CW signal synthesizer designed with a proprietary architecture in a rugged and miniature 2”x1” surface mountable package. Output frequency range is 25 MHz to 6 GHz with average output power of +10 dBm. Tuning at 1 Hz resolution, the multiple PLL design eliminates closein phase spurs associated with fractional-N PLLs. SignalCore Adapter Models SWC-28KF-E1 and SWC-28KM-E1 are Ka band waveguide to coaxial inline adapters. The adapters offer a convenient mean for WR-28 waveguide to 2.92 mm (F) connector transition. The inline configuration is particularly convenient for the coaxial testing cable to wave- guide adaption. The adapter has less than 0.3 dB insertion loss and better than 1.3:1 VSWR in the frequency range of 26.5 to 40 GHz. SAGE Millimeter 49 Product Highlights Amplifier The LTC6430-20, a 20MHz to 2GHz differential input and output 20dB gain amplifier, offers outstanding linearity of +51 dBm OIP3 (Output Third Order Intercept) and 2.9 dB noise figure at 240 MHz. It has a best-in-class OP1dB (Output 1dB Compression Point) of +23.9 dBm. It is offered in an A-grade version, which is 100% tested and guaranteed to a minimum OIP3 of +44.8 dBm, with a typical of +48.3 dBm at 380MHz. Power Sensor A new, fully self-contained 40 GHz RF and microwave power sensor can be interfaced using its USB HID, USBTMC or can be directly controlled through its I2C or SPI, serial microcontroller interfaces. These options make the sensor ideal for automated test equipment. All interfaces use standard SCPI commands. The sensor’s USBTMC interface makes it a drop in-replacement for similar competitive sensors. Linear Technology LadyBug Technologies Amplifier Model 100S1G6AB is a solid-state; 100 Watt Class AB amplifier design that instantaneously covers 1-6 GHz in one unit. When used with a sweep generator, the 100S1G6AB will provide 100 watts typical of RF power in 50 High Frequency Electronics approximately half the size of a traditional Class A design at a more economical price. AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation Product Highlights mmWave Building Blocks American Technical Ceramics Corp. has released a wide variety of ultra-broadband and millimeter wave products to serve as basic building blocks in high speed communications applications. The product offering includes capacitors, resistors, and inductors through 40+ GHz. Richardson RFPD offers a broad, in-stock selection of these ATC devices—available for immediate delivery and with full design support. Richardson RFPD Test Platform Anritsu’s MT1100A Network Master™ Flex is a costeffective, easy-to-use, full-function multi-protocol transport tester. Combining light weight and portability with high performance – including support up to 400G (4 x 100G) – it is adept in the field during installation and Connectors Southwest Microwave announced a line of 1.0 mm (W) DC to 110 GHz connectors. Products in this high-frequency connector series include field-replaceable two and fourhole flange mount and thread-in connectors, direct solder cable connectors, and clamp-on end launch connectors, including low profile and reduced-size low-profile versions. Southwest Microwave maintenance of optical networks, as well as in the R&D lab and on the manufacturing floor to test transport equipment. Anritsu 51 Product Highlights Coupler Mini-Circuits’ TCD-16-23-75X+ is a 75Ω, 5 to 2000 MHz surface mount directional coupler that features: wideband, 5 to 2000 MHz; low mainline loss, 1.3 dB typ.; aqueous washable; leads for excellent solderability; protected by US Patent 6,140,887. Applications: VHF/UHF; CATV; cellular. Mini-Circuits Substrates ProbePoint Adapters Substrates are used to create test fixtures that coplanar or coaxial microprobes (Picoprobes from GGB Industries or ACP/FPC probes from Cascade Microtech) can employ to precisely make electrical measurements. Because of the precision and repeatability of the adapter substrates and the availabil- 52 High Frequency Electronics Demodulator Analog Devices released a synchronous demodulator, the ADA2200, that uses ADI’s patent pending sampled analog technology and incorporates a configurable analog filter to enable designers of portable and low-power instrumentation to maximize battery life and perform precision magnitude and phase measurements on analog signals in the presence of large noise sources. Analog Devices ity of calibration substrates for direct calibration of the adapters, metrology-grade measurements can be made to 60 GHz and above. J microTechnology Product Highlights Spectrum Analyzer Tektronix introduced a class of affordable spectrum analyzers based on a USB architecture with a list price of just $3,490. The new RSA306 sets a new price/performance threshold for spectrum analyzers and features a broad 9 kHz to 6.2 GHz frequency range, 40 MHz real time bandwidth and weighs in at just 1.2 pounds. When used with Tektronix SignalVu-PC software, it offers advanced analysis capabilities. Tektronix LNAs MITEQ’s TTA Series of high performance Broadband Low Noise Amplifiers were specifically developed for Electromagnetic [EMC] compliance testing. The latest addition to the TTA series is a new battery operated version which allows for up 10 hours of continuous use on a single charge. This battery option can be purchased as a eCommerce Website Fairview Microwave launched its all new RF/ Microwave eCommerce website featuring a powerful specification-based navigation, enhanced site search capabilities and a newly designed user interface. Fairview’s redesigned website allows users to easily navigate through more than 30 RF product categories with its unique specification-rich parametric navigation. Fairview Microwave separate add on [TTABP] if you already own a TTA or supplied internal in a single enclosure at the time of the order as a TTAB. Miteq 53 Product Highlights Amplifier Comtech PST introduced its latest in GaN-based 6-18 GHz RF amplifier. This highly integrated design is ideal for use in communication, electronic warfare, and radar transmitter systems where space, cooling, and power are limited. Comtech’s latest development continues to Diodes Vishay Intertechnology introduced the first new series of Zener diodes with 500 mW of power dissipation in the new ultra-compact MicroSMF eSMP® series package. Combining extremely tight voltage tolerances with low leakage current and excellent stability, the PLZ Series is 54 High Frequency Electronics expand on its proven innovative integrated RF GaN Power Amplifier designs by further increasing RF power density. Comtech PST designed to withstand ESD pulses of 8000 V (human body model), save PCB space, and increase pick-and-place speed for assembly lines. Vishay Intertechnology Product Highlights VCO Z-Communications, Inc. announces a new RoHS compliant VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator) model ZRO1000A-LF. The ZRO1000A-LF operates at 1000 MHz within a tuning voltage range of 1.5 to 3.5 Vdc. This high performance VCO features a remarkably clean spectral MOI Keysight Technologies announced the availability of its Method of Implementation (MOI) document for the transmitter/receiver (Tx/Rx) interface S-parameter and impedance tests defined in version 1.1 of the MIPI Alliance Specification for D-PHY. The MOI, together with a test package such as a state file (which makes setup and signal of -129 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset and a typical tuning sensitivity of 2 MHz/V. Z-Communications measurement easy) works with the ENA Series network analyzer’s enhanced time domain analysis option (E5071C-TDR). Keysight Technologies 55 Product Highlights DACs The AD9135 and AD9136 digital to analog converters, available from Mouser Electronics, are high-speed, high dynamic range dual DACs which permit multicarrier signal generation up to the desired Nyquist frequency. These Analog Devices high speed data converters specifically DLVA PMI Model No. ERDLVA-218-DC-LPD is an extended dynamic range DLVA designed to operate over the 2.0 to 18.0GHz frequency range. It Employs planar diode detectors and integrated video circuitry for high speed perfor- 56 High Frequency Electronics target wideband communications systems, automated test equipment, and high speed instrumentation. Mouser Electronics mance and outstanding reliability. It is of superior construction using state of the art MIC/MMIC technology. Planar Monolithics Industries Product Highlights Phase Shifter App Note RFMW announced an application note detailing the fundamentals of phase shifters including theory of operation, critical parameters, and applications for test and measurement. Telemakus offers USB controlled phase shifters covering 1-8 GHz with 12-bit DAC resolution and greater than 400 degrees of phase control. Models extending the frequency coverage to 18 GHz are discussed. Cover your bases with KRYTAR RFMW Amplifiers A range of Ultra Wide Band Amplifiers with frequency coverage from 10 MHz to 30 GHz has just been released by AtlanTecRF. Designed to be both economical and versatile, the amplifiers include a model to operate over 0.05 to 20.0 GHz in one unit with 24 dB gain, +23 dBm output power and less than 4 dB noise figure, while another spans 12.0 to 30.0 GHz with 30 dB gain, +20 dBm output power and just over 3 dB noise figure. AtlanTecRF KRYTAR, Inc., founded in 1975, specializes in the design and manufacturing of ultra-broadband microwave components and test equipment for both commercial and military applications. Products cover the DC to 67 GHz frequency range and are designed for a wide range of applications including: ❏ Test Equipment ❏ Simulation Systems ❏ SATCOM & SOTM ❏ Jammers for Radar & IEDs ❏ Radar Systems ❏ EW: ECM, ECCM & ESM KRYTAR has a commitment to technical excellence and customer satisfaction. These principles form the basis for the steady growth that has earned KRYTAR an enviable reputation in the microwave community. Cover your bases. Contact KRYTAR today for more information. MIL-Qualified RF, Microwave & mmW Components ❏ Directional Couplers to 67 GHz ❏ 3 dB 90° Hybrid Couplers to 40 GHz ❏ NEW! 3 dB 180° Hybrid Couplers to 45 GHz ❏ Beamforming Networks to 18 GHz ❏ Power Dividers to 45 GHz ❏ Detectors to 40 GHz ❏ Custom Applications 1288 Anvilwood Avenue • Sunnyvale, CA 94089 Toll FREE: +1.877.734.5999 • FAX: +1.408.734.3017 • E-mail: Get info at 57 Product Highlights Armored Cables High Speed Interconnects announced a range of armored cables that display excellent compression resistance after crush forces in excess of 300 lbs. per square inch. Constructed with High Speed Interconnects’ R-FLX™ crush-resistant cable technology, a wide range of Cable Molex introduced Temp-Flex® FEP Flat-Ribbon Cable, the only FEP solution on the market that meets the MILSpec requirement for M49055/11 & M49055/12 for harsh environment applications such as those found in aircraft avionics and industrial equipment. Unlike competitive PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride) and TPE (Thermoplastic 58 High Frequency Electronics ruggedized coaxial cables assemblies are available including single or multi-conductor options up to 500 channels with gauge sizes up to 48 AWG. High Speed Interconnects Elastomers) products, Molex offers extruded FEP (Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene) dielectric insulation material for a high-performance ribbon cable. Molex Product Highlights Converters Murata announced the the OKDx-T/40 series of nonisolated point-of-load (PoL) DC/DC converters from Murata Power Solutions. Available in three different package formats, through-hole, single-in-line, and surface mount, the OKDx-T/40 is a 40 Amp, 132 Watt digital DC/ Gain Blocks Texas Instruments’ 3.3-V and 5-V RF gain block family offers a unique combination of broad frequency range, small footprint, high integration, high output 3rd intercept point (OIP3) and low power consumption to maxi- DC converter. These highly efficient (typically 97.2%), fully regulated converters offer a high power density and measure just 30.85 x 20.0 x 8.2 mm. Murata Power Solutions mize design flexibility. The versatile devices can be used in many communications and defense applications. Texas Instruments 59 Product Highlights Crimp QA The SawInspect System 6 (SIS 6) is an innovative new product that provides crimp quality assurance and quality control to the wire processing industry. This extremely compact sawing and inspection system is used to quickly create and analyze crimp cross sections by combining three individual Schleuniger quality products into one complete system. The SIS 6 allows users to create cross sectioned samples in just a few quick steps. Schleuniger Book Review Fundamentals of Vector Network Analysis Michael Hiebel © Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG, 2005 Sixth edition 2014 ISBN 978-3-939837-06-0 Review by Tom Perkins, HFE Senior Technical Editor Wow, this one is really exemplary! The first thing noticed is the high quality of the glossy paper stock used, the very high quality graphics and photographs, and the superb organization of the text. This book explains just about everything related to Vector Network Analyzers (VNAs). The author accurately states that the device is the most complex and versatile instrument in the field of RF engineering. He also astutely observes that when combined with one or more antennas, it becomes a radar system. Many questions that the reader might have been “afraid to ask” are succinctly presented including things like what different connectors look like and their compatibility. For someone in the lab, they will learn more quickly how to make accurate measurements. A tech writer creating test procedures will be able to define procedures with less ambiguity. 60 High Frequency Electronics Upon careful examination of all chapters, undoubtedly almost any reader will appreciate the broader capability of the instrument than may have been previously perceived. Considering the size of the equipment investment, along with time and bench space that may be saved, the book quickly will pay for itself. First, the instrument itself and its capability are explained in detail. Next, general S-parameter measurement procedures are outlined. Measurement accuracy and calibration is explained in detail, followed by many types of linear, time-domain, nonlinear, and mixer measurements. Finally, antenna and radar cross section measurement techniques are discussed—a nice surprise! The book is a nice balance between theory and practical hardware visuals with examples. Some of the publisher’s instruments are described in the last pages of the book—not an unreasonable hype of some good equipment. International Microwave Symposium IEEE 17-22 May 2015 • Phoenix, A Z MTT-S IMS2015 MUST ATTEND! The 2015 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS2015) is the premier conference for the Microwave and RF Industries! With over 9,000 attendees and over 600 industrial exhibits of the latest state-of-the-art microwave products, Microwave Week is the world’s largest gathering of Radio Frequency (RF) and Microwave professionals and the most important forum for the latest and most advanced research in the area. SUBMIT YOUR TECHNICAL PAPER TO IMS2015 TODAY! EXPERIENCE ALL THE ADVANTAGES OF BECOMING AN EXHIBITOR AT IMS2015. Technical Paper Submissions: Authors are invited to submit technical papers describing original work on radio-frequency, microwave, millimeterwave, and terahertz (THz) theory and techniques. The deadline for submission is 8 December 2014. Please refer to the IMS2015 website ( for detailed instructions concerning paper submission, as well as a complete list of technical areas. Become an Exhibitor: The 2015 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium is the world’s premier microwave event. It features a large trade show, technical sessions, workshops and panel sessions covering a wide range of topics. Attendee interests include wireless communication, radar, RF technologies, high frequency semiconductors, electromagnetics, commercial and military RF, microwave and mm-wave electronics, applications, and much more. IMS2015 EXHIBIT SPACE IS AVAILABLE. For reservation questions or further information contact: The Exhibits Department at MP Associates, Inc. tel: +303-530-4562 FOR FULL CONFERENCE DETAILS VISIT WWW.IMS2015.ORG JOIN THE CONVERSATION: #IMS2015 NEW TINY Wideband Transformers&Baluns! ! NOW 4 kHz -18 GHz 99¢ From ea.(qty.20) To support an even wider range of applications, Mini-Circuits tiny surface-mount transformers and baluns now cover frequencies up to 18 GHz! Our latest designs achieve consistent performance across very wide frequency bands, and our baluns have demonstrated great utility for chipsets. With over 250 trusted models in stock representing a wide selection of circuit topologies and impedance ratios, chances are, we have a solution for your needs! Our Low Temperature Co-Fired Ceramic (LTCC) models provide reliable performance in tough operating conditions, tiny size – as small as 0805 – and very low cost. All core-and-wire models are available with our exclusive Top Hat™ feature, improving pick-and-place accuracy and throughput. We even manufacture our own transmission wire under rigorous control and use all-welded connections to ensure reliability and repeatability you can count on. Visit and use Yoni2™, our patented search engine to search our entire model database by performance criteria and NC find the models that meet your requirements. Order today and have TC 0.08 x 0.05” 0.15" x 0.15 " them in hand as soon as tomorrow! Cost-effective custom designs Ceramic and simulations with fast turnarounds are just a phone call away! RoHS compliant. NCR2 0.08 x 0.10” Ceramic Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 528 rev org Directional/Bi-Directional COUPLERS 5 kHz to 12 GHz up to 250W ! Looking for couplers or power taps? Mini-Circuits has Now 279 236 models in stock, and we’re adding even more! Our versatile, low-cost solutions include surface-mount models down to 1 MHz, and highly evolved LTCC designs as small as 0.12 x 0.06", with minimal insertion loss and high directivity. Other SMT models are designed for up to 100W RF power, and selected core-and-wire models feature our exclusive Top Hat™, for faster pick-and-place throughput. 1 $ from 69 ea. (qty.1000) At the other end of the scale, our new connectorized air-line couplers can handle up to 250W and frequencies as high as 12 GHz, with low insertion loss (0.2 dB @ 9 GHz, 1 dB @ 12 GHz) and exceptional coupling flatness! All of our couplers are RoHS compliant. So if you need a 50 or 75 Ω, directional or bi-directional, DC pass or DC block coupler, for military, industrial, or commercial applications, you can probably find it at, and have it shipped today! Mini-Circuits ® P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003 (718) 934-4500 495 rev C Advertiser Index CompanyPage Advanced Switch Technology............................................................... 47 Aeroflex Inmet........................................................................................ 1 AMCOM................................................................................................. 30 AmpliTech.............................................................................................. 45 AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation..................................................... 27 CEL........................................................................................................ 25 Cernex.................................................................................................... 18 Coilcraft................................................................................................. 11 C. W. Swift & Associates.......................................................................C2 C. W. Swift/SRI Connector Gage.......................................................... 33 dBm........................................................................................................ 36 Fairview Microwave.............................................................................. 15 Herotek.................................................................................................. 14 IMS2015................................................................................................ 61 J microTechnology................................................................................. 40 Keysight Technologies.......................................................................... 17 Krytar.................................................................................................... 57 L3 Narda............................................................................................... 32 Logus Microwave.................................................................................. 24 Micro Lambda Wireless.......................................................................... 9 Microwave Components........................................................................ 35 Mini-Circuits....................................................................................... 2, 3 Mini-Circuits......................................................................................... 21 Mini-Circuits......................................................................................... 23 Mini-Circuits......................................................................................... 29 Mini-Circuits......................................................................................... 39 Mini-Circuits................................................................................... 62, 63 Miteq........................................................................................................ 7 Molex.....................................................................................................C3 National Instruments............................................................................. 5 NI AWR.................................................................................................. 19 Planar Monolithics Industries............................................................. 43 Pulsar Microwave................................................................................. 20 RF Bay................................................................................................... 47 Richardson RFPD................................................................................. 41 SAGE Millimeter.................................................................................. 13 Satellink................................................................................................ 47 Sector Microwave.................................................................................. 47 SGMC Microwave................................................................................. 37 Skyworks...............................................................................................C4 Special Hermetic Products................................................................... 47 Wenteq Microwave................................................................................ 47 The ad index is provided as an additional service by the publisher, who assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions. n Find Our Advertisers’ Web Sites using HFeLink™ 1. G o to our company information Web site:, or 2. F rom, click on the HFeLink reminder on the home page 3. C ompanies in our current issue are listed, or you can choose one of our recent issues 4. F ind the company you want ... and just click! 5. Or ... view our Online Edition and simply click on any ad! Publisher Scott Spencer Tel: 603-472-8261 Fax: 603-471-0716 Advertising Sales — East Gary Rhodes Vice President, Sales Tel: 631-274-9530 Fax: 631-667-2871 Advertising Sales — west Tim Burkhard Associate Publisher Tel: 707-544-9977 Fax: 707-544-9375 ADVERTISING SALES—WEST—NEW ACCOUNTS Jeff Victor Tel: 224-436-8044 Fax: 509-472-1888 Advertising Sales — central Keith Neighbour Tel: 773-275-4020 Fax: 773-275-3438 ADVERTISING SALES — New accounts & Product Showcase Joanne Frangides Tel: 201-666-6698 Fax: 201-666-6698 U.K. and Europe Sam Baird Tel: +44 1883 715 697 Fax: +44 1883 715 697 U.K. and Europe Zena Coupé Tel: +44 1923 852 537 Fax: +44 1923 852 261 High Frequency Electronics (USPS 024-316) is published monthly by Summit Technical Media, LLC, 3 Hawk Dr., Bedford, NH 03110. Vol. 13 No. 11 November 2014. Periodicals Postage Paid at Manchester, NH and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address corrections to High Frequency Electronics, PO Box 10621, Bedford, NH 03110-0621. Subscriptions are free to qualified technical and management personnel involved in the design, manufacture and distribution of electronic equipment and systems at high frequencies. Copyright © 2014 Summit Technical Media, LLC 64 High Frequency Electronics The choice is clear for all your RF needs. Custom solutions and standard products from a single source. With decades of experience in the interconnect industry, we know what’s important to engineers. That’s why Molex manufactures the world’s broadest line of radio frequency connectors, cable assemblies and custom products. Our RF solutions can be optimized to minimize signal loss over a wide range of frequencies in a broad spectrum of sizes and styles of connectors. Plus, our serviceoriented team can turn around drawings in 48 hours and deliver custom products in less than eight weeks –– so you can get your products to market faster. For the industry’s largest array of product options backed by reliable service, turn to Molex –– your clear choice for RF interconnect products and solutions. Get info at Broadband RF and Analog Solutions Automotive SKYA21001 Broadband SPDT RF Switch • Ideal for infotainment, telematics, and remote keyless entry applications • AEC-Q100 qualification in process • Low insertion loss 0.3 dB @ 900 MHz Aerospace and Defense SKY16602-632LF Low Threshold Level Limiter Module • Ideal for WLAN, VSAT, S-band radar, military communication transceivers, jammers, and GPS applications • Broadband 0.20 to 4.0 GHz • Low threshold level of 0.5 dB @ 2.5 GHz Connected Home SKY66109-11 2.4 ZigBee® / Smart Energy Front-end Module • Ideal for connected home, security, smart energy, and smart thermostat applications • 20–23 dBm RF power @ 2.4–2.5 GHz • 2 dB NF with 11.5 dB gain in Rx mode Media SKY85806 802.11ac Dual-band Front-end Module • Ideal for wireless high fidelity, set-top box, USB dongle, and personal computer applications • Highly integrated 2.4 GHz PA, 5 GHz PA, 2.4 GHz LNA, 5.8 GHz LAN, transmitter filter, diplexers, and T/R switches • Power accuracy improvement with integrated logarithmic power detector Wearables SKY66110 and SKY66111 Bluetooth® Low Energy (BLE) Front-end Modules • Super-efficient BLE FEMs provide increased battery life • 25–30% more efficient when used with chipset • Reduces overall system current consumption USA: 781-376-3000 • Asia: 886-2-2735 0399 • Europe: 33 (0)1 43548540 • Email: • NASDAQ: SWKS •
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