Mid-County Senior Center, Inc. Daily Activities Mid-County Senior Center Welcomes You!

October - November 2014 Newsletter
Mid-County Senior Center, Inc.
“Meet Friends and Renew Friendships.”
Daily Activities
Established in 1979
Mid-County Senior Center Welcomes You!
Art Class - Wednesday from 9 - 11 am
Bible Study - Wednesday at 10:30 am
Bocce - Tuesday & Thursday at 9:45 am
Bridge - Thursday at 12:15 pm
Canasta - Wednesday & Thursday at 9 am
Ceramics & Jewelry Making - Tuesday at 9 am
We extend a cordial invitation of complementary membership
to everyone fifty years and older. Mid-County Senior Center
operates its myriad programs and services without regard to race,
color, or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil
Rights Act. To find out more about our nondiscrimination obligations or to file a complaint, please contact our
Executive Director, Sally Williams.
Dancing for All - Wednesday at 10 am
Fitness Room - Weekdays from 8:30 - 11:30 am
Line Dancing - Tuesday at 10:45 am
Penny Bingo - Weekdays from 12:45 - 2:30 pm
Pickleball - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, &
Friday from 11 am - 1 pm
Pinochle Tournament - Monday at 12 pm
Poker - Tuesday - Friday at 1 pm
Pool Room - Weekdays from 9 am - 3:15 pm
Our Staff
Shuffleboard - Weekdays from 9 am - 3:15 pm
Strength Training - Monday, Wednesday, &
Friday from 10 - 10:45 am
Sally E. Williams - Executive Director
Mae Stepler - Administrative Assistant
Donna Tascione - Assistant Director
Debbie Franey - Fitness Instructor
Heather Shinn - Ceramics Instructor
Bill Bumpers - Transportation
Lori Lentz - Nutrition Site Manager
Barry Benson - Maintenance Supervisor
Volleyball - Tuesday & Thursday at 1 pm
Walking in Gym - Weekdays from 8 - 11:30 am
Wii - Weekdays 9 am - 3:15 pm
Charles Badson - Wilmington Senior Service Employee
Yoga - Friday at 10 am
Phone Numbers: (302) 995-6728 or (302) 995-6555
Fax Number: (302) 995-6515
Our Hours: 8 am - 3:15 pm
Website: www.midcountyseniorcenter.org
Email: sencen@comcast.net
Visit Us on Facebook!
First Regiment Road, Wilmington, DE 19808
Page 2
AARP of Delaware
AARP, a non-profit, non-partisan membership
organization, is dedicated to improving life for those
50 and older. AARP sponsors defensive driving
classes, income tax assistance, and many other
For more information, please call: (866) 227-7441
DTCC Dental Health Center
Senior Roll Call Lifeline
Delaware Technical & Community College’s Dental
Health Center prides itself on providing quality services
for those 60 and older. The maximum allowed income
for single households is $20,972 and $28,345 for
couples. For information please call: (302) 571-5364
The senior roll call lifeline is a program from the NCC
Police Department. The service calls the phone
number provided each morning with a prerecorded
message to verify your well being. If there’s no
answer after several attempts, a notification will be
made for a well being check or, in an emergency,
police will be dispatched. For information or to sign
up, call (302) 395-8159
Bus Fare
D.M.A.B., or Delaware Medicare Assistance Bureau, is
Transportation to and from Mid-County is available to a service for questions about Medicare. Counselors
those who live in our geographic area for $2.00 a day. are available by appointment to resolve any questions
$2.25 will be charged if you’ve signed up and don’t
or problems with Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare
show. Additional riders at the same location will pay supplement insurance, and long-term care insurance,
1/2 price. This service bills monthly and we ask that
among others. The service is free of charge and
you pay for it promptly.
confidetial. D.M.A.B. has all the latest health insurance
We have a fund to help those unable to pay.
information and can be contacted at: 1-800-336-9500
Please see Sally Williams if in need of assistance.
Christiana Care Dental Clinic
This clinic treats the uninsured and underinsured.
Treatment is provided by residents who have
completed their undergrad training.
For details, call: (302) 428-4850
Eye Care America
Ophthalmologists throughout Delaware volunteer to
provide eye care for Delawareans 65 and older. For
eligibility information, please visit their website:
DART Cards
For seniors, Medicare cards will be recognized by all
bus drivers in place of a DART Card.
Delaware Helpline
The Delaware Helpline accesses health and human
services statewide. All services are free, confidential,
and available to anyone with questions or problems
related to human services.
The number is: 1-800-464-HELP (4357)
Home Oriented Maintenance for the Elderly provides
assistance with minor home repairs and some
maintenance. For waiting list and financing
information, call: (302) 395-5639
For emergency repair situations, call: (302) 395-5662
Social Security
Some state programs can offset your Medicare Part
B premium and other medical costs. If you have Part
A, are single, and earn less than $1,017 a month or
are married and collectively earn less than $1,364 a
month, you may be eligible. Please contact
Matthew Baxter with any questions at:
1-877-651-7130 x 21570
If you’re receiving Medicare and have a annual
income of less than $17,235, or are married and
collectively earning less than $23,265, you might be
eligible for Extra Help - a way to offset monthly
premiums, annual deductibles, and prescription
co-payments. Call Social Security at
1-800-772-1213 and ask for Extra Help with
Medicare Prescription Drug Plan Costs (SSA-1020).
Those 60 years or older and anyone with a disability
are now eligible to use PARATRANSIT services.
Transportation is available for professional and
recreational needs. Reservations must be made 24
hours in advance or before 1 pm the previous day or
as soon as you are aware you need transportation.
To Contact, call 1-800-553-3278
Our Mission Statement
Mid-County Center Inc., is a community-based senior center midway between Wilmington, Delaware and
Newark, Delaware. Our goal is to affirm and preserve the dignity and personal growth of older people.
Mid-County fosters respect, independence, and encourages members to take part in the mainstream of life.
As a community resource, it provides access to supportive services and activities. Members are encouraged
to make their voices heard and contribute to their community.
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Regarding the Center
Please see Sally Williams about all Mid-County
maintenance concerns (e.g., repairs or cleanliness).
Do not take the initiative to speak to the Delaware
National Guard.
An executive order by the Governor of Delaware
eliminated smoking in state buildings. Please comply.
The suggestion box, currently sitting at our
Resource Table, can be used to submit ideas or
suggestions. Only signed suggestion slips will be
Mid-County’s parking area is through the secured gate
and in the rear of the building.
Sherwood Park Civic Association has reports of
speeding to and from Mid-County. Please drive carefully
through the neighborhood as it is a residential area with
children. When entering the center on Mullet Road, one
must turn right onto Fawkes Road. DO NOT ENTER the
road which reads DO NOT ENTER.
We enjoy a good rapport with our neighbors and guard
friends: let’s keep it that way.
To use a handicap parking spot, one must get
permission from Sally Williams. State authorized tags
are not acceptable due to their wide scope of
classifiable ailments. Mid-County works with limited
handicap parking spaces and needs them to go to
those with the most severe impairments.
If you know a member who’s ill, please tell a staff
member so their name can be added to the Sunshine
In case of inclement weather, Mid-County Senior
Center closings and cancellations of bus service will be
broadcast on WDEL (1150AM), WILM (1450AM), or
WSTW (93.7 FM). Announcements are updated every
half hour starting at 5:20 am.
Please do not call the center.
Please do not put pocketbooks, packages, or bags
on chairs. No one owns a seat at Mid-County; our
policy is first come, first served. Please place
Personal belongings are the sole responsibility of the
canes and walkers appropriately so as not to
individual to whom they belong. Mid-County Center,
Inc. accepts no responsibility for items lost or damaged. create a tripping hazard.
Be respectful of guest speakers and announcements by Please sign in at the main table in the cafeteria
immediately after entering Mid-County, even if you
staying quiet through the entirety of an event. Please
also refrain from talking with your neighbor, as you and aren’t eating lunch or staying any length of time.
Our funding is dependent on the number of
those around you could miss vital information.
participants in various activities and we use sign-in
records to verify those numbers.
Note: those who have signed up for an activity
Do not board any bus until you’re called, in the order of
don’t need to sign in again.
sign-up, by a staff member. Noncompliance with this
rule results in your disembarkment so that the proper
sign-up order can be met.It’s the responsibility of all trip
Your safety and comfort are of our highest priority;
participants to arrange transportation to and from
please ensure this by walking, at minimum, in pairs
Mid-County on trips that don’t conform to our daily
and wearing soft-soled shoes.
transportation schedule.
The National Guard utilizes the gym daily after
The limited space on buses also eliminates any
2:30 pm. For your safety, please don’t walk after
possibility of a water cooler. Because of this, we
this time.
suggest bringing a bottle of water on trips.
Mid-County Senior Center’s Code of Conduct
1. Profane or abusive language is not permitted.
2. Should an argument occur, all parties will be asked to leave the area and promptly report to staff offices for conflict resolution.
3. Undesirable behavior during programs, including those with special guests or staff announcements, will result in all involved being asked to leave.
4. No smoking on the premises at any time.
5. Do not rest coats, pocketbooks, or other personal effects on any chair other than your currently occupied one. To reserve a table, please
place your nutrition card at / on the desired area.
6. Respect class activities and the instructor teaching them.
7. Respect closed doors.
8. Respect designated spaces for the disabled.
9. Treat others the way you would like to be treated.
10. Per SAAPD Policy X-V-I, food and beverages - except for fresh fruit - are prohibited from leaving the nutrition site as it’s a health hazard.
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How to Help Mid-County
Previous Donaons Made to
Mid-County Senior Center:
Donaons and Bequests
Donations and bequests to Mid-County Center, Inc. are deductible for the
purpose of computing income and inheritance taxes under the law for
donations and bequests for charitable corporations.
Ruth Malm
Beverly Kane
Cash Gifts: The easiest, most direct way to support Mid-County Center, Inc.
Bequests: Naming Mid-County Center, Inc. beneficiary of part of your estate
Harry Albers
provides a lasting gift and ensures Mid-County’s continued service to seniors.
Securities: A gift of appreciated stock or other securities allows you to take a
tax deduction for the full fair-market value without realizing capital gains.
Life Insurance: A policy naming Mid-County Center, Inc. as owner and
beneficiary provides you with a current tax benefit and a lifelong tie to
Mid-County Center Inc.
Property: A gift of real estate provides you with current tax benefits while
supporting the future growth of Mid-County Center, Inc.
Gifts in Kind: Donating specific products or services helps Mid-County Center,
Inc. reduce its operating costs and gives you a tax credit at market value.
Memorial: Donations can be given to Mid-County Center, Inc. in lieu of flowers.
Lester Grandine
Pam deBakker
Kathleen Montebell and Janet Laznik, in memory of
Edward Zorrer
Martha & Paul Benson, in memory of Fran Waugh
Jim & Cam Terrell, Kathryn Dixon, and Lee Margerison,
United Way Donaons
in memory of Phyllis Grandine
Mid-County Senior Center is eligible to receive United Way donations. This
applies to Delaware, Pennsylvania and New Jersey United Way Donations.
Designate your United Way donations on the back of your pledge card to:
Jim Casper, in memory of Mary Casper
Mid-County’s Thursday Bridge Group, in memory of Tess Dost
Singles Interdenominational
Mid-County Center, Inc.
First Regiment Rd.
Wilmington, De. 19808
Delaware I.D. - #09050
Pennsylvania I.D. - #09184
For more information, contact Sally Williams, Executive Director, at
(302) 995-6728 or Robert Boyer, Board Secretary, at (302) 633-6636.
R.C. Christopher Goodwin & Associates
Candidates must be able to sufficiently tickle the ivories
and own no less than 5 top hats. Faces with elegant,
twirl-able mustaches will be given preference.
Please see Sally Williams if interested.
Mid-County Senior Center’s 36th Anniversary
Luncheon and Spring Fashion Show
Saturday, March 21st, 2015
Not content to celebrate our 36th anniversary with just a
luncheon, we’re having a spring fashion show the same day! We
will need members to solicit dona-ons from local merchants,
ladies to model, and members to sell -ckets or any other
fundraising strategies we dream up.
We’re still accepting donations that include but are
not limited to:
Please see Sally Williams if you can volunteer.
Clothing, shoes, and accessories
Tools and sporting goods
Jewelry and antiques
Kitchenware and glassware
Page 5
Trips & Happenings
(Additional Information can be found on page 7.)
October 2014
Friday, 10/03 - Auburn Heights Trip 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
Tuesday, 10/07 - Hollywood Casino 8:30 am - 4 pm
Friday, 10/10 - Game Day 10 am
Monday, 10/13 - Lee Margerison 10 am
Wednesday, 10/15 - Dutch Apple Theatre Trip 10 am - 4 pm
Monday, 10/20 - UD nursing students 10:30 am
Wednesday, 10/22 - Bingo at Foulk Manor 9:15 am - 3 pm
Friday, 10/24 - Tea Luncheon 11:30 am
Monday, 10/27 - Seniors vs. Staff Shuffleboard 10 am
Tuesday, 10/28 - Site Council 9:30 am
Friday, 10/31 - Halloween Party 10:30 - 11:30 am
November 2014
Monday, 11/3/14 - City Fare’s Sugar Program - 11:10 am
Friday, 11/7/14 - Bazaar 9 am - Noon
Monday, 11/10/14 - Lee Margerison 10 am
Tuesday, 11/11/14 - Defensive Driving 9 am - 1:30 pm
Wednesday, 11/12/14 - Bellanca Airfield Trip 9:15 - 1:30 pm
Friday, 11/14/14 - Game Day 10 am
Thursday, 11/20/14 - Harrington Casino Trip 8:30 am - 4 pm
Friday, 11/21/14 - Tea Luncheon 11:30 am
Tuesday, 11/25/14 - Site Council 9:30 am
Thursday, 11/27/14 and Friday, 11/28/14 - Thanksgiving
Break (Center Closed)
Due to circumstances beyond our control, certain
aspects of trips are subject to change.
Members attending in full costume will receive a free lunch.
Prizes will be awarded to those judged to have the best
Friday, October 31st, 2014
10:30 - 11:30 am
Meeting every Monday at 10 am in the Garden Room,
Room this
group looks to bring out the diva in us all.
City Fare’s Christmas Lunch
Wednesday, December 10th, 2014
Want to Moderate the Sharing and Caring Group?
Dates and times to be announced
The purpose of Mid-County’s Sharing and Caring Group is to create a
safe space for discussion. If interested in the Moderator position,
please see Sally Williams.
More Informaon on Trips and Happenings
Auburn Heights - This trip on October 3rd includes a tour of the sprawling, late 19th century Marshall family mansion and a peek at the world’s largest collecon of
operable steam cars. The cost is $16.00 and doesn’t include lunch.
Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre - On October 15th the playbill reads Crazy for You, a comedy full of plot twists, dancing, and catchy George Gershwin tunes. Immediately
a&er the show comes a meal at Dienner’s Country Restaurant. The cost, which includes lunch, is $59.00.
UD Nursing Students - On October 20th, nursing students from UD will present their “Use It or Lose It” program, designed to educate seniors about staving off
memory problems via increased brain acvity.
Bellanca Airfield - On the docket for this November 12th excursion is a look at G.M. Bellanca’s life and legendary career in aircra& construcon. Following this is a visit
to the Delaware Avia%on Hall of Fame. Not including lunch, a trip to Bellanca Airfield sets one back a mere $3.00.
City Fare’s Sugar Program - Fran Taccone will be at Mid-County on November 3rd with an informaonal program about sugar. Going from 11:10 am to 11:30 am, this
presentaon examines what’s behind a spoonful of sugar and a few ways to cull its addicve properes.
American Music Theatre’s 2014 Christmas Show - Joy to the World, a classic filled with singing and dancing, is to be seen on Wednesday, December 3rd. The show precedes a trip to Dienner’s Country Restaurant, which isn’t included in the $49.00 cost.
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Top 3 Pinochle Scores
Thursday Bridge Placing
Joanne Kautz - 495
Alice Cooney - 479
Elly Rouwhorst - 477
Mary Fenimore - 566
James McKeller - 550
John Smith - 534
1st - Barbara Smith
2nd - Joanne Deaton
1st - Don English
2nd - Ed Zahkow
Elly Rouwhorst - 571
Margaret Henderson - 564
Bill Schulse - 558
1st - Ruth Malm
2nd - Dave Eppler
1st - Martha Benson
2nd - Virginia Zeckman
Joanne Kautz - 531
Al EDer - 527
Dom Bernardo - 496
1st - Ann Sekerke
2nd - Ed Zahnow
Joan Murphy - 532
Marie Grier - 523
Elly Rouwhorst - 484
Joanne Nagy - 534
John Hicks - 505
Peg Chandler - 504
1st - Ed Zahnow
2nd - Lou Twardowski
1st - Don English
2nd - Virginia Zeckman
1st - Ruth Malm
2nd - Martha Benson
John Hicks - 565
Al EDer - 527
Doris Whitoe - 518
1st - Ed Zahnow
2nd - Eleanor Ryan
Fridays at Mid-County are home to many fun games:
Horse Racing - Place bets at 25¢ a “horse” and hope Lady Luck (the superstition, not the horse - that would be favoritism) is on
your side.
Trivia Games - Pick a side and pick your brain; choose wisely though, the victorious team wins prizes!
Table Shuffleboard - Haven’t you always wondered who among your friends could slide a puck across a waxed
table the best? If so, definitively lay the argument to rest; table shuffleboard is here to quell the boasters and
Draw that Song - this one’s simple and a fan favorite: one player chooses their song using a list or from memory
and tries to draw the song out while other players attempt to guess what the tune is.
A Quarterly Quote:
“Wisdom’s a gift but you’d trade it for youth: age is an honor, it’s still not the truth.”
- E. Koening
Page 7
Future Trip Details
Auburn Heights
Steam-powered automobiles, sprawling mansions, and a rare look back to the
early 20th century, this trip’s invaluable to those interested in anything and
everything historical.
Friday, October 3rd, 2014
From 9:30 am - 1 pm
Cost - $16.00
Independent lunch
Crazy for You
A Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre Production
This comedy, illed with plot twists, the twist perhaps Chubby Checker will make
an appearance?**, and oh-so-catchy musical numbers shouldn’t be missed!
Wednesday, October 15th, 2014
$59.00 - Lunch included
10 am - 4 pm
*Note: Chubby Checker will not be making an appearance.
Wednesday, November 12th, 2014
9:15 am to 1:30 pm
Cost: $3.00 - Independent lunch
American Music Theatre’s 2014 Christmas Show:
“Gamble like the stars!”
(Disclaimer: this probably isn’t their actual slogan.)
Foulk Manor’s Autumn Bash Bingo Extravaganza
Wednesday, October 22nd, 2014 : from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
Transportation and lunch are FREE.
Harrington Casino
Thursday, November 20th, 2014
Cost: $12.00 - Independent lunch
8:30 am - 4 pm
Because of Winn Dixie
At The Delaware Theatre Company
Soon bound for Broadway and featuring a live dog as the titular
character, this heartwarming play showcases the bond between a girl
and her dog.
Wednesday, April 29th, 2015
11:30 am - 5:30 pm : The show begins at 2 pm
Cost: $35.00 - Independent lunch
Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014
8:30 am - 3:30 pm
$49.00 - Independent lunch
Note: due to a nonrefundable deposit, full
payment must be made by October 15th, 2014.
Trip replacements are made from a waiting list. Refunds won’t be given until a
replacement is found. Please be on time for departure.
Please see Sally if interested in sitting in on a trip committee meeting.
Page 8
A Few Activities at Mid-County
Fitness Room Changes
Phyllis Baker and her group designed this class to
help cultivate skills in drawing, sketching, painting,
or any other suggested media. Classes are on
Wednesday mornings from 9 -11 am and present a
unique opportunity to learn and socialize with peers.
Pickleball, which has been described as “large scale
ping pong”, is now available at both Mid-County and
in the Senior Olympics! The sport is played on our
badminton courts. Stop in the gym Monday,
Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday at 11 am to
observe or possibly play.
Join this group in the gym for a game that’s, while
low impact exercise, plenty fun and competitive.
Monday & Wednesday at 1 pm.
Marty & Phyllis Phillips lead a dance session every
Wednesday from 10 - 11:45 am in the Garden
Room. They invite you to join in the fun of creating
new memories from old tunes- though, when
hearing the songs through a top-of-the-line Bose
sound system, none show their age. Participation
can mean actively dancing or just spectating and
listening to the music.
All are welcome to join Eric Nordin and the group
every Wednesday at 10:30 am. If without a bible,
the group will be happy to lend one. Come enjoy
this refreshing class and group discussion.
Our morning pool members are looking for new
members. No experience is needed, just the desire
to enjoy the game and have a good time. Stop in
anytime from 8 - 10 am if interested.
Scheduled games of shuffleboard, which are listed
on the bulletin board, begin at 10 am. If unavailable
to play on a scheduled game day, please call the
day before so that substitutes can be found.
Sherwood Park’s Outdoor Swimming Pool is
available during the summer months to all
Mid-County members on weekdays from 4 - 6 pm.
Exclusions include holidays and weekends. Cards
aren’t necessary.
Who says old dogs can’t learn new tricks? Put
those youngsters to shame with your newfound
technological prowess; soon, the grandkids will
come to you for tech support!
Classes are on Mondays at 9:30 am for 6 weeks and
can be adjusted to fit your needs, be they turning on
the computer or strengthening your skill level in
specific areas.
Inquire in the office for more information.
The cost per session (6 weeks) is $35.00.
The volleyball team is actively seeking new
members! The sport is played in the gym for fun and
experience isn’t necessary. Please arrive clad in
sneakers or tennis shoes.
One hour of yoga is available Wednesday & Friday
at 10 am with a $6.00 cost per class. Proven to be
terrific for posture, breathing, relaxation, and
meditation purposes, yoga is both fun and good for
one’s health.
Joanne Brady, an expert instructor who’s taught
country-wide, encourages both beginners and
intermediates to participate in the fun.
Class is every Tuesday from 10:45 - 11:45 am and
costs $3.00 per class. Please remember to bring
appropriate dance shoes, which high heels are not.
NOTE: Unless already signed up for an activity, members visiting Mid-County should sign-in near our coffee
table every visit, regardless of lunch plans. The sign-in
procedure is necessary for attendance purposes.
Debbie Franey, our fitness instructor, has
introduced a new exercise program to get
Mid-County members moving:
Designed to increase stamina and balance via
mostly chair-based exercises, this class
meets Monday, Wednesday, & Friday from
10 - 10:45 am. The monthly cost is $10.00 if
you’re not a fitness room member.
In addion, on the first Friday of each month,
members who haven’t tried the class can do
so at no cost, though this is one me offer.
Please see Debbie in the fitness room with
any ques%ons.
2014 Site Council
Carol Baker
Martha Benson
Nancy Casarino
Emory Rohrbaugh
Marion Pollack
Cindy Brink
Betty Faux
Phyllis Bonilla
Lester Grandine
Ruth Malm
Dot Mc Clintock
Mary Mensinger
Dan Petrucci
Site Council Members are available to listen to
your suggestions, questions, and comments
regarding Mid-County Senior Center.
Site Council Members will, with complete
anonymity, express the concerns brought to
them at the next meeting.
Meetings are open to all Mid-County members
wishing to attend.
Page 9
Happening at Mid-County
Delaware Senior Olympics Badminton
Delaware’s Senior Olympics division will be at Mid-County from 9 am to Noon on
Wednesday, October 29th to play badminton! All members are encouraged to sign
up through the Delaware Senior Olympics by Friday, October 17th.
- Business card-sized ads in
Mid-County Senior Center’s
newsletter are available for purchase.
Wednesday, October 29th, 2014 - 9 am to Noon
Mid County Senior Center’s Gym
Note: The gym will be available after 1 pm.
- An ad costs $150.00 and will run for
one year or six issues.
;// Who says old dogs can’t learn new tricks?
Put those youngsters to shame with your newfound technological
prowess; soon, the grandkids will come to you for tech support!
- One can expect the ad to reach more
than 500 pairs of eyes.
Whether your skills can be described as ‘intermediate’ or ‘knows
where the power button is with 60% accuracy’, now’s a great time to
learn with Lester Grandine!
Computer Classes at MidMid-County
Start Date: ONGOING
Time: 9:30 - 11:30 am
Please see Sally Williams if Interested
Cost: $35.00 for six weeks
Defensive Driving Courses
Provided by AARP
There is only one date left this year for AARP’s
Defensive Driving Course:
Tuesday, November 11th, 2014
The class is from 9 am to 1:30 pm and aims to keep
you and others safe on the road. Advance sign-up is
required. The cost for AARP members is $15.00 and,
for non-members, $20.00.
Join Lee Margerison the second Monday of each month at 10 am
for an informaonal presentaon about today’s
economy and how it affects you. Mr. Margerison will
also be available to answer any financial quesons
you may have.
Income Tax Services
Provided by AARP
From February to April 2015, income tax
services from AARP are available every
Monday from 9 am - Noon.
Please call or stop by for more information or to
sign up.
Page 10
Mid-County Mid-Day Meal Menu: October 2014
Tuna noodle
Fresh pear
Wheat bread
Salisbury steak with
Roasted potato
Brussels sprouts
Fruit mix
Wheat bread
Fire braised chicken
Mixed salad
Peach cobbler
Ultimate grain bread
Meatballs in sauce
over penne pasta
Mixed salad
Split top wheat roll
Stuffed cabbage with
marinara sauce
Baked potato
Hot applesauce
Split top roll
Sour cream
Chicken &
Green beans
Sliced carrots
Tropical fruit
Blueberry muffins
Oven fried chicken
Mashed potatoes
with gravy
Green beans
Broccoli stuffed
Southern potatoes
Diced peaches
Wheat bread
BBQ chicken
Baked beans
Seasoned greens
Mini corn muffin
Chicken supreme
Mashed potatoes
Peas & carrots
Cranberry sauce
Roast pork with
Baked sweet potato
Broccoli cuts
Split top wheat roll
Hot cooked apples
Boneless pork loin
Mashed potatoes
Cooked apples
Marble rye bread
German chocolate
Beef burgundy over
egg noodles
Key west vegetables
Pineapples with
whipped cream
12 grain bread
Pot roast Au Jus
Baked potato
Broccoli cuts
12 grain bread
Sour cream
Salmon with lemon
dill sauce
Garlic mashed
Capri blend
Wheat bread
Chocolate pudding
Turkey & Swiss on
club roll
Lettuce, tomato &
Cream of mushroom
Ham & Swiss on club Flounder with lemon
Herbed baked
dill sauce
Lettuce, tomato,
Scalloped potatoes
Baked sweet potato
& onion
Stewed tomatoes
Diced peaches
Diced pears
Ultimate grain bread Ultimate grain bread
Herbed flounder
Macaroni & cheese
Stewed tomatoes
Diced pears
Ultimate grain bread
Hamburger on bun
Lettuce & tomato
Minestrone soup
Fresh pear
Fish fillet with cheese
Roasted potato
Winter blend
Strawberry banana
yogurt sundae
Spinach & cheese
Marinara sauce
Mozzarella &
Mixed salad
Split top roll
Page 11
Lunch Policy and Suggested Donation Guide
Lunch Policy and Nutrional Updates
Suggested Donaons
Mid-Day Meal and Bag Supper - $2.25
Special Mid-Day Meals - $3.00
- Sign-up in advance is required for lunch, with two day notice
preferred. Please try to be here by 11 am in order to stop by
the nutrition desk to pay and receive your lunch ticket, which
is needed to go through the lunch line.
- Lori Lentz, Nutrition Site Manager
Mid-Day Meals for those under 60 - $4.50
Special Mid-Day Meals for those under 60 - $4.50
- City Fare is now offering salads as a choice for lunch. In order
to supply the salads, there must be a minimum of 5 people
signed up for one. This means it’s especially important to make
a salad preference known two days in advance.
The nutri%on program is administered by City Fare and the state Division of Aging with funds from the Older Americans
Act of 1965 under the guidelines and request of the federal government. To par%cipate in the lunch program on a dona%on
basis you or your spouse need to be sixty years of age or older.
Nutrition Tips for Seniors
Beware hidden sugar! Surprising sources
include: canned soups and vegetables, ketchup,
pasta sauce, and frozen dinners.
Vitamin B - over me, stomachs produces less
gastric acid - making it difficult to absorb vitamin
B-12, which is needed to help keep blood and
nerves vital. Get the recommended daily intake
(2.4 mcg) of B12 from forfied foods or a vitamin
Did You Know?
Key nutrients are essenal for the brain to do
its job. People who eat a selecon of brightly
colored fruit, leafy vegetables, and fish and
nuts packed with omega-3 faDy acids can
improve focus and decrease their risk of
Alzheimer’s disease.
Vitamin D - humans source most of their vitamin D
- which is essenal to absorbing calcium and
boosng muscles - from sunlight. If unable to get
outside a lot, try eang faDy fish, egg yolks, and
forfied milk.
ADempt to put five colors on your plate. An
example would be: strawberries, carrots,
squash, spinach, and eggplant.
Women over 50 who aren’t physically acve
need 1600 calories a day.
Men over 50 who aren’t physically acve need
2000 calories a day.
Vegetables - Anoxidant-rich dark, leafy greens,
such as kale, spinach, and broccoli or orange and
yellow vegetables, such as carrots, squash, and
yams are some of the best, nutrionally speaking.
Try for 2 to 2 ½ cups of veggies every day.
Fruits - consume whole fruits rather than juices for
more fiber and vitamins and aim for around 1 ½ to 2
servings each day. Instead of apples and bananas,
eat color-rich pickings like berries or melons.
Trivia Challenge
Here we go again: listed below are 15 trivia quesons to ponder. If you think you know the answers,
write the guesses on a slip of paper with your name and deliver it to the main office. The first person to
answer all 15 quesons correctly will win a gi& cerficate to Seasons Pizza.
1. What did Moses do for a living before he was called by god?
2. What was the name of the old fireman on Leave it to Beaver?
3. What’s the world’s warmest sea?
4. What is the largest feline?
5. What comedian was Oona O’Neill married to?
6. What state did Bobby Kennedy represent as a U.S. senator?
7. Who did Mary Quant call “the knock-out beauty of our me”?
8. What Gore Vidal book tells the story of Aaron Burr’s son, Charlie Schuyler?
9. What name did Pablo Picasso sign to his painngs?
10. What did a shepherd boy discover at Qumran, Jordan, in 1947?
11. What U.S. state contains the geographic center of North America?
12. What year did the Pilgrims first land in America?
13. Who was Howdy Doody’s twin brother?
14. What’s the other name for the card game Paence?
15. What’s the first sign of the zodiac?
We would like to thank everyone, including Mid-County Senior Center volunteers, who helped make our
2014 Health Fair and Flu Shot Event not only possible, but a rousing success.