Vol. 147-46 Saturday, 15 November 2014 Toronto Ontario Highway Transport Board ISSN 00302937 Le samedi 15 novembre 2014 1315886 Ontario Inc. 45821-G & H o/a (“Luxury Coach”) 131 Saramia Crescent, Concord, ON L4K 4P7 Applies for the approval of transfer of extra provincial operating licence X-3250 and public vehicle operating licence PV-5150, both now in the name of Casino Group Specialists Inc., 111 Proctor Rd., Schomberg, ON. L0G 1T0. Periodically, temporary applications are filed with the Board. Details of these applications can be made available at anytime to any interested parties by calling (416) 326-6732. The following are applications for extra-provincial and public vehicle operating licenses filed under the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987, and the Public Vehicles Act. All information pertaining to the applicant i.e. business plan, supporting evidence, etc. is on file at the Board and is available upon request. Autocar Jeannois Inc. o/a “Autocar Sagamie” 45151-E 155 Chemin Saint-Michel, Alma, Quebec G8E 1K4 Applies for the approval of transfer of shares as follows: 80 Class A Sharesof the capital stock of the Corporation now in the name of Serve Lefebvre (In Trust), 1060 Avenue Antoine-Panel, Alma, Quebec G8B 7P8 to Stephane Lefebvre (In Trust), 1030 Avenue Antoine-Panel, Alma, Quebec G8B 7N6 Any interested person who has an economic interest in the outcome of these applications may serve and file an objection within 29 days of this publication. The objector shall: 1. complete a Notice of Objection Form, Casino Group Specialists Inc. 45693-G 111 Proctor Rd., Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 Applies for the approval of transfer of shares as follows: 50 Common Sharesof the capital stock of the Corporation now in thename of Karl Douglas Patterson, 111 Proctor Rd., Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 to 1315886 Ontario Inc., 131 Saramia Cres., Concord, ON L4K 4P7; 50 Common Sharesof the capital stock of the Corporation now in the name of Eileen Bernice Patterson, 111 Proctor Rd., Schomberg, ON L0G 1T0 to 1315886 Ontario Inc., 131 Saramia Cres., Concord, ON L4K 4P7. 2. serve the applicant with the objection, 3. file a copy of the objection and provide proof of service of the objection on the applicant with the Board, 4. pay the appropriate fee. Serving and filing an objection may be by hand delivery, mail, courier or facsimile. Serving means the date received by a party and filing means the date received by the Board. LES LIBELLÉS DÉS DEMANDES PUBLIÉES CI-DESSOUS SONT AUSSI DISPONIBLES EN FRANÇAIS SUR DEMANDE. (147-G547) Pour obtenir de l’information en français, veuillez communiquer avec la Commission des transports routiers au 416-326-6732. Published by Ministry of Government Services Publié par le ministère des Services gouvernementaux Felix D’mello Board Secretary/Secrétaire de la Commission © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2014 © Imprimeur de la Reine pour l’Ontario, 2014 2343 2344 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO Government Notices Respecting Corporations Avis du gouvernement relatifs aux compagnies Notice of Default in Complying with the Corporations Tax Act Avis de non-observation de la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés The Director has been notified by the Minister of Finance that the following corporations are in default in complying with the Corporations Tax Act. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN under subsection 241(1) of the Business Corporations Act, that unless the corporations listed hereunder comply with the requirements of the Corporations Tax Act within 90 days of this notice, orders will be made dissolving the defaulting corporations. All enquiries concerning this notice are to be directed to Ministry of Finance, Corporations Tax, 33 King Street West, Oshawa, Ontario L1H 8H6. Le ministre des Finances a informé le directeur que les sociétés suivantes n’avaient pas respecté la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés. AVIS EST DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE que, conformément au paragraphe 241(1) de la Loi sur les sociétés par actions, si les sociétés citées ci-dessous ne se conforment pas aux prescriptions énoncées par la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés dans un délai de 90 jours suivant la réception du présent avis, lesdites sociétés se verront dissoutes par décision. Pour tout renseignement relatif au présent avis, veuillez vous adresser à l’Imposition des sociétés, ministère des Finances, 33, rue King ouest, Oshawa ON L1H 8H6. Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario 2014-11-15 A&J AUTO AND BRAKE SHOP LTD. 001176680 AAA STOUFFVILLE TOWING LTD. 001628356 ACCUTECH DESIGN LIMITED 000533144 ARU EXPRESS LTD. 001456637 ASHGROVE FARMS LIMITED 000311916 BASKETWORKS INC. 000617789 BIAGIO’S CLASSIC MEALS INC. 001575469 BODA TECHNOLOGY FUND LTD. 001427414 BUSHFA TECHNOLOGIES INC. 002156496 CAMPOLO CULINARY CONSULTING AND MANAGEMENT LTD. 000981806 CANADIAN NATIONAL DISTRIBUTORS INC. 000932776 CANADIAN SEA & AIR LTD. 002147742 CATERWORLD INC. 001113948 CRONOS TRAVEL INTERNATIONAL INC. 001217407 DANCO GROUP INC. 001599101 DATACAM CONSULTING CORPORATION 002051385 EEZHANADU LTD. 001279381 FILION PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 001074169 FIMY’S CATERING LIMITED 001691750 FIRST YASMIN NATIONAL TRADING INC. 001042468 FLORCAN INC. 002084897 FREEWAY MOTOR CARRIER INC. 001622780 FUNMING ENTERPRISES INC. 001063128 GEORGEBEVERLY PROPERTIES INC. 002119744 GREAT GOLF GADGETS LTD. 000892756 HEYWORLD CORP. 001615569 HI-TECH LOGISTICS LTD. 002078076 HOME ASPEX INC. 000986473 HUTCHINSON INDUSTRIES LIMITED 001541668 IMAGE TRANSPORT LTD. 001628617 INTEGRAL COURAGE WELLNESS & EDUCATION INC. 000786172 Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario INTEK NETWORKS INC. 002104042 INTERNATIONAL BLITZ MODELS & TALENTS INC. 001619255 JAMES JUSTIN KAUFMAN HOLDINGS INC. 001492331 JERRY DAVIES DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED 000254583 JUL-STEP HOLDINGS LTD. 000703608 LEASEQUIP LIMITED 000293268 LICK’S ICE CREAM & BURGER SHOPS INC. 001555619 LOTIS SIGNALS & COMMUNICATIONS INC. 001355351 LUNA ROSSA RISTORANTE & BAR LTD. 001626676 M FORD PRODUCTIONS INC. 001002889 MAKSIM CONSULTING INC. 002005759 MAPLE CONSTRUCTER AND BUILDER INCORPORATED 001725880 MAPLE STREAM GROUP INC. 002118159 MERCANTILE RX. CORP. 001621091 NATIONAL TOURING PRODUCTIONS INC. 002138847 ND HERITAGE WOOD WORK INC. 001588365 NIKKI’S SPORTSWEAR INC. 000995025 NISHCHAY GLOBAL INC. 002154076 NORTHERN CANADIAN LOGISTICS INC. 001647970 ONTARIO FABRICATORS LTD. 001685894 POINTER PRODUCTS INC. 001150858 POLBODETTO TRANSPORT LIMITED 000818468 QUIKASAIR INC. 002148581 R. SLOW INVESTMENTS LIMITED 000776448 REDMAR HOLDINGS INC. 000599160 REMETE KAN CACCIA LTD. 000659328 ROMAN W. MARKETING INC. 000907060 ROYAL PAAN LTD. 001651241 SHENG NOONG SUPERMARKET LTD. 001502053 SYNAPTIC SOFT LINK INC. 001373540 TANG’S SCHOOL OF TAE KWON-DO INC. 000891000 THE FIRST CO. LTD. 001173121 THE METROPOLIS GROUP INC. 002120301 THRONE TREE PRODUCTIONS LIMITED 002119476 TOPS AUTO BODY LTD 000514932 TRAVEL DISCOUNT CENTRE & PLUS INC. 001568034 URBAN ALLEY INC. 001582944 V.I.L. ENTERPRISE LTD. 002128168 VNA INTERNATIONAL LTD. 001746199 WESTSIDE MARKET VILLAGE INC. 002033183 1008761 ONTARIO INC. 001008761 1042744 ONTARIO INC. 001042744 1099309 ONTARIO LTD. 001099309 1138814 ONTARIO INC. 001138814 1150969 ONTARIO INC. 001150969 1231513 ONTARIO INC. 001231513 1315212 ONTARIO LTD. 001315212 1316152 ONTARIO LIMITED 001316152 1363697 ONTARIO INC. 001363697 1364472 ONTARIO INC. 001364472 1369630 ONTARIO INC. 001369630 1397263 ONTARIO INC. 001397263 1404232 ONTARIO INC. 001404232 1470056 ONTARIO LIMITED 001470056 1473472 ONTARIO LTD. 001473472 1486046 ONTARIO LIMITED 001486046 1507250 ONTARIO LTD. 001507250 1601526 ONTARIO INC. 001601526 1614118 ONTARIO INC. 001614118 1649328 ONTARIO INC. 001649328 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO Name of Corporation: Dénomination sociale de la société : 1694874 ONTARIO LIMITED 1695302 ONTARIO INC. 1714843 ONTARIO INC. 1717399 ONTARIO INC. 1719440 ONTARIO INC. 1734295 ONTARIO LIMITED 1739882 ONTARIO INC. 1741169 ONTARIO INC. 1748245 ONTARIO LTD. 1756675 ONTARIO INC. 2006010 ONTARIO INC. 2035736 ONTARIO INC. 2070209 ONTARIO INC. 2073224 ONTARIO INC. 2073386 ONTARIO INC. 2074854 ONTARIO INC. 2097631 ONTARIO INC. 2102704 ONTARIO INC. 2112078 ONTARIO INC. 2142195 ONTARIO LTD. 2153733 ONTARIO INC. 2156661 ONTARIO INC. 384013 ONTARIO LIMITED 580051 ONTARIO INC. 584420 ONTARIO LIMITED 807965 ONTARIO LTD. 861228 ONTARIO LIMITED 979452 ONTARIO INC. 985173 ONTARIO LTD. (147-G548) Ontario Corporation Number Numéro de la société en Ontario 001694874 001695302 001714843 001717399 001719440 001734295 001739882 001741169 001748245 001756675 002006010 002035736 002070209 002073224 002073386 002074854 002097631 002102704 002112078 002142195 002153733 002156661 000384013 000580051 000584420 000807965 000861228 000979452 000985173 William D. Snell Director, Ministry of Government Services Directeur, Ministère des Services gouvernementaux Cancellation of Certificate of Incorporation (Corporations Tax Act Defaulters) Annulation de certificat de constitution (Non-observation de la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, under subsection 241(4) of the Business Corporations Act, the Certificate of Incorporation of the corporations named hereunder have been cancelled by an Order for default in complying with the provisions of the Corporations Tax Act, and the said corporations have been dissolved on that date. AVIS EST DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE que, conformément au paragraphe 241(4) de la Loi sur les sociétés par actions, le certificat de constitution de la société sous-nommé a été annulée par Ordre pour nonobservation des dispositions de la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés et que la dissolution de la société concernée prend effet à la date susmentionnée. Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario 2014-10-20 A-Z VACUUMS INC. 001466746 AB CONSULTING INC. 001705236 ABBYMAX ENTERTAINMENT INC. 002056115 ACT HEALTH GROUP-MISSISSAUGA CENTRE INC. 001131350 2345 Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario ACT HEALTH GROUP-SCARBOROUGH NORTH CENTRE INC. 001029513 ADVANCED BOBBINS CANADA INC. 001146822 ALEXION ASSURANCE COMPANY INC. 002143620 ALMOST NEW FOR CHILDREN INC. 001238514 AMP ENTERPRISES INC. 001306922 ARBICO FOOD SERVICES INC. 001322203 AUDITT POWER GROUP INC. 001128701 BANKS MECHANICAL SERVICES LTD. 001099346 BEXTANT CANADA INC. 002111210 BOCCI SHOES INC. 001308266 BOOMERVILLE INC. 002109405 BRIKISAK-BAK ENTERTAINMENT LTD. 001068562 BROUGHTON INVESTMENTS LIMITED 001736382 CASPIAN OPTIC INC. 001710209 CENTRAL RESTAURANT LIMITED 000413771 CHERWAY CONSULTING INC. 002099775 CITI RELIANCE LTD. 002152936 CORE LITERARY INC. 001160329 COULAS TRUCKING INC. 000966192 D.N.S. EMPLOYMENT SERVICES INC. 001709524 DALEY COMPUTER SYSTEMS LTD. 000929580 DANARC INTERNATIONAL PROMOTIONS INC. 001117900 DAWGYSTYLE INC. 001723545 DUGUID ASSOCIATES INC. 000693821 E & D SCAFFOLD SERVICES LTD. 000662064 ECO STRATEGIES INC. 000971232 EDENDERRY AGGREGATES 2005 LIMITED 001665887 EL CONDOR ENTERPRISES INC. 001334368 F & S SPAS INC. 001586122 FIRST HALLIDAY CORPORATION 000891641 GAN EDEN CATERING LIMITED 001685553 GLEN-GRAY CONSTRUCTION & CONTRACTING INC. 001735917 GORIMPEX MARKETING INC. 000582790 GREEN ZONE MEDIA INC. 002156229 HOUSE KITCHEN & BATH INC. 001099324 J.P. HEIDEMAN HOLDINGS INC. 001707363 JCP INVESTMENTS LIMITED 000712084 JMS TRUCK & AUTOBODY REPAIRS INC. 002107204 JON-RAM SERVICES LTD. 000928856 K.T. PRECISION MACHINE & TOOL SHOPS INC. 000410686 KNM TOOL COMPANY LIMITED 001004615 LEEVIBES INC. 002054820 LIONSHEAD LAKEFRONT RESORT AND YACHT CLUB LTD. 002098582 MAGNETIC ENTERPRISES (2001) INC. 000933607 MAINLINE COMPUTER SYSTEMS INC. 001116718 MARVEL TAXI LIMITED 000237648 MASPERI INC. 001163341 OAKVIEW CAR & TRUCK LEASING LTD. 001074832 OASIS MOTORS & CUSTOM RIDEZ LTD. 002096667 ONSITE COMMERCIAL REALTY INC. 002076677 ONTARIO POWER CONTRACTING LIMITED 000802908 P.F.’S GARAGE LTD. 000345196 PARAMOUNT EVENT PLANNING CORPORATION 001195296 PETS & MORE INC. 001301503 POMOCON LIMITED 000141520 R.J. LIFT TRUCK SERVICE LTD. 000730799 REALLY BIG NETWORKS CORP. 002113327 RED GRANITE COMMUNICATIONS CORPORATION 001114236 REEHAL & BEDI DEVELOPERS INC. 001707314 ROB-DON DEVELOPMENTS INCORPORATED 000274597 ROBOTIC SYSTEMS DESIGN & SERVICE INC. 001628207 ROSE CITY ASPHALT REPAIR INC. 001690097 RX TRADING LTD. 001435918 SAUVE BOUCHER ASSOCIATES INC. 001350880 2346 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO Name of Corporation: Dénomination sociale de la société : SCOTIAN THERMAL PROJECTS INC. SEALCRAFT INC. SHIU & ASSOCIATES INC. SOLAR GREEN TECHNOLOGIES INC. SOMALI PIZZA AND SUBS INC. TL CONTRACTING INC. TOKUTARO LIMITED TRIPPLE R IMPORT & EXPORT INC. VILLAGE FESTIVAL CORPORATION WOLFGANG ENTERPRISES INC. WORX INTERNATIONAL INC. 1019180 ONTARIO INC. 1022882 ONTARIO INC. 1035216 ONTARIO INC. 1037444 ONTARIO LIMITED 1037697 ONTARIO LTD. 1041252 ONTARIO LTD. 1078216 ONTARIO LIMITED 1118207 ONTARIO LIMITED 1142746 ONTARIO INC 1145393 ONTARIO LIMITED 1170344 ONTARIO LIMITED 1190113 ONTARIO LIMITED 1277755 ONTARIO INC. 1294367 ONTARIO INC. 1297758 ONTARIO CORP. 1357597 ONTARIO LIMITED 1375473 ONTARIO LIMITED 1389930 ONTARIO INC. 1453724 ONTARIO INC. 1478101 ONTARIO INC. 1542563 ONTARIO INC. 1693984 ONTARIO INC. 1694057 ONTARIO LIMITED 1694447 ONTARIO INC. 1703744 ONTARIO INC. 1704533 ONTARIO INC. 1706711 ONTARIO LTD. 1730409 ONTARIO LTD. 1732269 ONTARIO INC. 2021440 ONTARIO LIMITED 2037496 ONTARIO INC. 2063760 ONTARIO INC. 2113727 ONTARIO INC. 2114689 ONTARIO INC. 2150303 ONTARIO INC. 697624 ONTARIO INC. 756239 ONTARIO LIMITED 793121 ONTARIO LIMITED (147-G549) Ontario Corporation Number Numéro de la société en Ontario 002105277 000129427 000441401 002146284 001548388 001738133 000677196 001710331 002137354 002159268 001516543 001019180 001022882 001035216 001037444 001037697 001041252 001078216 001118207 001142746 001145393 001170344 001190113 001277755 001294367 001297758 001357597 001375473 001389930 001453724 001478101 001542563 001693984 001694057 001694447 001703744 001704533 001706711 001730409 001732269 002021440 002037496 002063760 002113727 002114689 002150303 000697624 000756239 000793121 William D. Snell Director, Ministry of Government Services Directeur, Ministère des Services gouvernementaux Certificate of Dissolution Certificat de dissolution NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a certificate of dissolution under the Business Corporations Act, has been endorsed. The effective date of dissolution precedes the corporation listings. AVIS EST DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE que, conformément à la Loi sur les sociétés par actions, un certificat de dissolution a été inscrit pour les compagnies suivantes : la date d’entrée en vigueur précède la liste des compagnies visées. Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario 2014-07-15 1024388 ONTARIO INC. 001024388 2014-09-25 2240021 ONTARIO INC. 002240021 2014-10-06 BABY BUDDIES CHILD CARE SERVICES INC. 001745494 2014-10-07 DESCRIPTOR COMMUNICATIONS INC. 002301631 DVK ELECTRICAL CORPORATION 002204729 GOVIND TRANSPORT INC. 002016913 KETAN INC. 002100977 LIJA EXPRESS INC. 002094624 MOORTI INDIA CANADA MARBLE MURTI STATUES LTD. 001784131 NEW WORLD WHEELS INC. 002230890 PRIMROSE ONE ENTERPRISES INC. 000850984 RSG RETAIL STRATEGY GROUP INC. 001546070 YPK SOLUTIONS LTD. 002328444 Z-TECH PRODUCTS INC. 002216779 1232812 ONTARIO LTD. 001232812 1310368 ONTARIO LTD. 001310368 1825203 ONTARIO LIMITED 001825203 2063972 ONTARIO INC. 002063972 2108922 ONTARIO INC. 002108922 2115253 ONTARIO INC. 002115253 2119786 ONTARIO LIMITED 002119786 2162273 ONTARIO INC. 002162273 2217921 ONTARIO INC. 002217921 2218964 ONTARIO INC. 002218964 587952 ONTARIO LIMITED 000587952 2014-10-08 A.A.N. SERVICE CO. LTD. 000388911 AUTO AID MEDIA INC. 002239694 BRISTONE CONTRACTING LTD. 002317731 DAVMANN HOLDINGS INC. 001691091 DL ELECTRICAL AGENCY INC. 001758663 FI INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS INC. 001271616 IRCAN FOODS INC. 001320868 KING ROCK ESTATES INC. 002213656 NEVADA HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING LTD. 000813264 R FINANCIAL SERVICES INC. 002370350 R. O. E. (SUDBURY) LTD. 000432842 TWINS RADIATION SERVICES INC. 002102429 2203529 ONTARIO INC. 002203529 976736 ONTARIO LIMITED 000976736 2014-10-09 AESF MANAGEMENT INC. 001836193 ALLCARE ASSESSMENT GROUP INC. 002139529 ALMEDA CONSULTING SERVICES LIMITED 001258966 BAY DENT INC. 001728387 DISCWARE SYSTEMS INC. 000949586 DIVISION13 INC. 002335918 GROUP IMPLEMENTATION INC. 002424303 HER ROUGH HANDS INC. 001777174 INTEV PRODUCTIONS INC. 002067418 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario L-J PERSONNEL CONSULTANTS LTD. 000289241 LAKESHORE CYCLE & SPORTS INC. 000436591 N. J. TRANSPORTATION INC. 002032852 REAL EP SALES CONSULTING & ASSOCIATES INC. 001916635 REGENERX REHABILITATION CLINIC INC. 002406104 SYMNZ STAFFING SOLUTIONS INC. 002338953 TREASURES OF CHINA LTD. 001281534 1110098 ONTARIO LTD. 001110098 1529323 ONTARIO INC. 001529323 1648787 ONTARIO INC. 001648787 1761542 ONTARIO INC. 001761542 1844501 ONTARIO INC. 001844501 1884053 ONTARIO INC. 001884053 2136421 ONTARIO INC. 002136421 2228892 ONTARIO CORPORATION 002228892 574592 ONTARIO LIMITED 000574592 987840 ONTARIO LIMITED 000987840 2014-10-10 BOAT SERVICES KINGSTON INC. 001576560 ENVIRO-FOOD INC. 001867522 GENESIS IMPORT AND EXPORT LTD. 002292547 JEROME ETKIN LIMITED 000210173 KANG IMPORT-EXPORT & DISTRIBUTORS INC. 002022669 MAPLE ASSESSMENT INC. 002146175 MIKE OZARKO LIMITED 000061447 OSMUND HOLDINGS LIMITED 000383698 REMOTE CAMP SERVICES LONDON LIMITED 002283911 S.B.F. INC. 000471347 THREE STARS FOOD AND GROCERY INC. 001640443 ULTIMATE PIPE WELDED PRODUCTS INC. 002219317 1010337 ONTARIO INC. 001010337 1270463 ONTARIO INC. 001270463 1576417 ONTARIO INC. 001576417 1760272 ONTARIO INC. 001760272 1816168 ONTARIO INC. 001816168 2112275 ONTARIO INC. 002112275 2121471 ONTARIO INC. 002121471 2193694 ONTARIO INC. 002193694 2331770 ONTARIO INC. 002331770 2369449 ONTARIO INC. 002369449 2374548 ONTARIO INC. 002374548 623759 ONTARIO LTD. 000623759 2014-10-14 APSO MANAGEMENT LTD. 000922270 BE CLEAN JANITORIAL SERVICES INC. 002362900 BROWN FUELS LIMITED 000588282 CAMPLOR PROPERTIES LTD. 001233790 DELIGHTS TRAVEL & TOURS (TORONTO) LTD. 000957038 FAIBEN POWERTECH INC. 002372418 MICHAUD PROPERTY INSPECTIONS, LTD. 002286131 WEBAPOYO INC. 002392428 1295491 ONTARIO INC. 001295491 1480717 ONTARIO INC. 001480717 1621207 ONTARIO INC. 001621207 1833775 ONTARIO INC. 001833775 2144817 ONTARIO INC. 002144817 2350978 ONTARIO INC. 002350978 2014-10-15 A.M.B INC. 002042889 ALBANY COURT APARTMENTS INC. 000367563 ALPHA PLUS MEDICAL INC. 002230956 BUCKMAR MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS INC. 000504083 DIFIORE CATERING CO. LIMITED 000295477 ENSPIRIA SOLUTIONS, LTD. 000689061 J. MORRISON INVESTMENT CORP. 000467899 J.R. MURPHY CONSULTING INC. 002170624 MUSPORT MARKETING INC. 001258353 2347 Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario OHO INC. 001104933 PARKWAY CONTRACTING INC. 000789845 PIXELS AND WIDGETS INCORPORATED 002114019 S. G. CHRISTMAS (1993) LIMITED 001034303 WHITE GRAPHICS & MARKETING INC 001237490 WHOSARMY INC. 002317162 1131406 ONTARIO INC. 001131406 1368357 ONTARIO INC. 001368357 1421129 ONTARIO INC. 001421129 1847121 ONTARIO LTD. 001847121 1859743 ONTARIO INC. 001859743 1871857 ONTARIO INC. 001871857 2020829 ONTARIO LTD. 002020829 2122441 ONTARIO LIMITED 002122441 2174893 ONTARIO INC. 002174893 711254 ONTARIO LIMITED 000711254 2014-10-17 UPSCALE SALON INC. 001834393 WHITE OAK (3410) INC. 002085289 1800959 ONTARIO INC. 001800959 2287231 ONTARIO LTD. 002287231 2364018 ONTARIO INC. 002364018 2014-10-18 1327740 ONTARIO LIMITED 001327740 2014-10-20 2335392 ONTARIO INC. 002335392 2014-10-21 K.S. HEER TRANSPORT INC. 001620371 1226965 ONTARIO LIMITED 001226965 338 AYLMER HOLDINGS INC. 002306555 2014-10-22 C. & D. RILEY ENTERPRISES LTD. 000330392 DAWN-VIEW FARMS LTD. 000704227 E. J. WRIGHT UTILITIES LIMITED 000394625 EURO SALES INC. 002044049 JD COUTTS GROUP INC. 001567368 KEEWAYDIN INVESTMENTS LTD. 000444556 TWEED STEEL WORKS EASTERN LIMITED 000131916 WORKPLACE CLAIMS MANAGEMENT INC. 001700725 2246579 ONTARIO INC. 002246579 547308 ONTARIO INC 000547308 2014-10-23 A. COSTANTINO REAL ESTATE LTD. 000481473 A.E.W. PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING ENTERPRISES LTD. 000772827 ALL MAID HOUSEKEEPING LTD. 001743531 BEST CANNABIS LTD. 002403251 CREST COMMUNICATIONS EXECUTIVE INVESTCO LTD. 001429366 ELINTEQUE LTD. 001835074 HIGH POWER ELECTRIC INC. 001889601 KUBER CONVENIENCE MART CORP. 001786404 M.G. MEMORIES INC. 001236278 MIKE BARKER CONSULTING LTD. 001187906 ONEX INTERNET EXECUTIVE INVESTCO LTD. 001448916 RONCASS ENTERPRISES INC. 001530385 RRVP BRAMPTON EAST INC. 001585221 RRVP BRAMPTON WEST INC. 001585220 RRVP FRONTENAC MALL INC. 002086354 RRVP MOUNTAIN PLAZA MALL INC. 002077148 RRVP PARKWAY MALL INC. 002037117 RRVP PICKERING EAST INC. 002035543 RRVP PICKERING WEST INC. 002035545 RRVP 1000 ISLANDS MALL INC. 002077149 S. M. PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT INC. 001634384 SEAN POWELL SALES LIMITED 002288494 SOEHNER DISPLAYS AND EXHIBITS INC. 001206117 2348 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario SONT HOLDINGS INC. 001676554 TORONTO SCHOOL OF DRYWALL INC. 002060049 TOUCH DESIGN INC. 001251325 TOWERCO EXECUTIVE INVESTCO LTD. 001661355 1402334 ONTARIO INC. 001402334 1426163 ONTARIO INC. 001426163 1430564 ONTARIO INC. 001430564 1440858 ONTARIO INC. 001440858 1463874 ONTARIO INC. 001463874 1565181 ONTARIO LIMITED 001565181 1746593 ONTARIO LTD. 001746593 1834090 ONTARIO LTD. 001834090 1835072 ONTARIO INCORPORATED 001835072 1865840 ONTARIO INC. 001865840 2005371 ONTARIO LIMITED 002005371 2233413 ONTARIO INC. 002233413 2325829 ONTARIO LIMITED 002325829 901745 ONTARIO INC. 000901745 2014-10-24 ABH PATEL CORPORATION 002237962 ASHTON & TATE LTD. 001102566 COMMERCE FINANCIAL BUSINESS CORP. 002091651 DANJOR LTD. 002192468 G. HAMMOND AND ASSOCIATES INC. 001298337 G/PHX SERVICES INC. 001302520 GALARA CONSTRUCTION INC. 002242737 INNER KINGDOM GAMES LTD. 002206325 MANSOOR AIR-COMFORT LTD. 002157161 MONA LISA COUTURE INC. 002190508 PAUL K. SCHULZ & SON LIMITED 001246058 PRECISION HYDRATION CANADA INC. 002313085 REMIXX ENTERTAINMENT INC. 001511578 SHIRDANA MANAGEMENT INC. 000763850 SOKOLOWSKI HOLDINGS LIMITED 000412637 TAJREET TRANSPORT INC. 002056092 VESTA GROUP INC. 001598416 YOUR DREAM FASHIONS INC. 002143132 1145387 ONTARIO LIMITED 001145387 1702113 ONTARIO LIMITED 001702113 1770906 ONTARIO INC. 001770906 1798568 ONTARIO LTD. 001798568 1822872 ONTARIO INC. 001822872 1823546 ONTARIO INC. 001823546 2234629 ONTARIO INC. 002234629 2254052 ONTARIO INC. 002254052 2299184 ONTARIO INC. 002299184 2299848 ONTARIO INC. 002299848 2396359 ONTARIO INC. 002396359 2014-10-27 AGLOW STUDIO INC. 001773230 BRANTFORD MASONIC TEMPLE LIMITED 000070133 CTW INTERIM MANAGEMENT INC. 001697436 GAMACC ACCOUNTING AND CONSULTING SERVICES INC. 002403794 KEI ACEDERA INC. 001793434 KREAGER FARMS LTD. 001062753 MECHANICS CHEMICALS OF CANADA LTD. 000589248 MESS HALL RESTAURANT GROUP INC. 002333859 M7 TAX SERVICE INC. 001903508 ONTARIO STONES INC. 002068849 PREMIER CONFERENCE & EVENTS INC. 001675406 PROJECTS SCULPTURAL INC. 000856222 SANAM CAR RENTAL INC. 002352752 TRICON CONSTRUCTION (BARRIE) LIMITED 001580453 WORKFLIP INC. 002230806 1026713 ONTARIO INC. 001026713 1361248 ONTARIO INC. 001361248 Name of Corporation: Ontario Corporation Number Dénomination sociale Numéro de la de la société : société en Ontario 15 MERCER GP INC. 002420418 1856465 ONTARIO INC. 001856465 1864258 ONTARIO LIMITED 001864258 1880892 ONTARIO INC. 001880892 1901198 ONTARIO INC. 001901198 2161615 ONTARIO INC. 002161615 833084 ONTARIO LTD. 000833084 2014-10-28 BLUE HERON SOLUTIONS INC. 002333155 CLEARVISION SOLUTIONS CONSULTING INC. 002076926 EZREPAIR INC. 002197316 GAZIT ACQUISITION INC. 002121798 GAZIT ENERGY INC. 001772930 HANDELS KLEIN LIMITED 002091945 HAVENWOOD HOMES (MILTON) LIMITED 001586277 HAVENWOOD HOMES (WHITBY) LIMITED 001619293 MAXX ELECTRONICS CANADA CORP. 001675964 SNAP QUINTE INC. 002167479 SWICK, BAUMAN & ASSOCIATES INSURANCE BROKERS LTD. 001880918 THIARA INC. 001596675 VIMAL LIMITED 001677629 YNY RAIL & METALS INC. 002062534 1080310 ONTARIO INC. 001080310 1593418 ONTARIO LTD. 001593418 1688411 ONTARIO INC. 001688411 2038265 ONTARIO INC. 002038265 2286700 ONTARIO LIMITED 002286700 2374311 ONTARIO INC. 002374311 50 ROSEHILL AVENUE INC. 002033373 970669 ONTARIO INC. 000970669 2014-10-29 ARISTA HOMES (AURORA) INC. 001141869 ARISTA HOMES (COLUMBUS TRAIL II) INC. 001328342 ARISTA HOMES (COLUMBUS TRAIL) INC. 001276980 ARISTA HOMES (LEVI CREEK) INC. 001276653 ARISTA HOMES (WOODBRIDGE II) INC. 001192319 ARISTA HOMES (WOODBRIDGE III) INC. 001247517 ARISTA HOMES (WOODBRIDGE) INC. 001164510 CALEDONIAN GLOBAL FINANCIAL SERVICES (CANADA) INC. 002310708 ISLINGTON WOODS DEVELOPMENTS LTD. 001199327 METROPOLE HOMES LTD. 002144074 POWER ENGINEERING INC. 001341167 PRIMI PASSI INC. 002260496 RRVP NIAGARA SQUARE INC. 002054643 SANFORD BATTERY MANUFACTURING LIMITED 000350654 TURN-KEY DEVELOPMENT & CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION 000759083 WIDE ARRAY EXPORT LTD. 002373008 1321704 ONTARIO INC. 001321704 1377546 ONTARIO LTD. 001377546 1815680 ONTARIO INC. 001815680 2171046 ONTARIO INC. 002171046 2241449 ONTARIO INC. 002241449 2014-10-30 AMRO CAPITAL CORPORATION 000937182 C I M CONCEPT INTERNATIONAL MANUFACTURING INC. 002006152 MOASE ASSET MANAGEMENT INC. 001713707 THE TIME CONTROLLER INC. 001356166 (147-G550) William D. Snell Director, Ministry of Government Services Directeur, Ministère des Services gouvernementaux THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO Cancellation of Certificate of Incorporation (Business Corporations Act) Annulation de certificat de constitution en personne morale (Loi sur les sociétés par actions) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that by orders under subsection 241(4) of the Business Corporations Act, the certificates of incorporation set out hereunder have been cancelled and corporation(s) have been dissolved. The effective date of cancellation precedes the corporation listing. AVIS EST DONNÉ PAR LA PRÉSENTE que, conformément au paragraphe 241(4) de la Loi sur les sociétés par actions, les certificats présentés ci-dessous ont été annulés et les sociétés ont été dissoutes. La dénomination sociale des sociétés concernées est précédée de la date de prise d’effet de l’annulation. Name of Corporation: Dénomination sociale de la société : 2014-02-10 1847264 ONTARIO CORPORATION 2014-06-03 1912880 ONTARIO LIMITED 2014-06-09 1912883 ONTARIO LIMITED 1912884 ONTARIO LIMITED 2014-06-12 1914685 ONTARIO INC. 2014-06-13 1910780 ONTARIO CORPORATION (147-G551) Ontario Corporation Number Numéro de la société en Ontario 1847264 1912880 2349 The Crown, a municipal corporation or a public body that is a member of one of the classes of public bodies prescribed in the regulation that suffered pecuniary losses as a result of the unlawful activity that are expenses incurred in remedying the effects of the unlawful activity are also entitled to make a claim for compensation. All claims must comply with section 6 of Ontario Regulation 498/06 or they will be denied. Regulation 498/06 may be found at: http://www.elaws.gov.on.ca/html/regs/english/elaws_regs_060498_e.htm. To obtain a claim form or if you have any inquiries regarding your entitlement to compensation, please contact CRIA toll free at 1-888-2465359 or by e-mail to MAG_CriaVictims@ontario.ca or by Fax to 416-3143714 or write to: Civil Remedies for Illicit Activities Office (CRIA) Ministry of the Attorney General 77 Wellesley Street West, P.O. Box 555 Toronto, ON, CANADA M7A 1N3 All completed claims must refer to Notice 411-14 and be received by CRIA no later than 5:00:00 pm on February 17, 2015 or they will not be considered. Completed claims may be submitted either in writing to the above address or electronically to the above e-mail account or via fax. You may not be eligible for compensation if you took part in the unlawful activity giving rise to the forfeiture proceeding. Even if you are eligible for compensation, your claim may be denied if you are unable to provide proof of your claim. 1912883 1912884 Bureau du recours civil à l’égard d’activités illicites (BRCAI) 1914685 Avis réglementaire no 411-14 donné en vertu du Règlement de l’Ontario 498/06 1910780 LE PROCUREUR GÉNÉRAL DE L’ONTARIO William D. Snell Director/Directeur - et LES FONDS ASSOCIÉS À GOLDPOINT RESOURCES CORPORATION, PASQUALINO NOVIELLI, ZAIDA PIMENTAL, BRIAN MOLONEY ET 1112068 ONTARIO INC. (IN REM) Ministry of the Attorney General Ministère du Procureur Général Civil Remedies for Illicit Activities Office (CRIA) Statutory Notice 411-14 made under Ontario Regulation 498/06 ATTORNEY GENERAL OF ONTARIO - and FUNDS ASSOCIATED WITH GOLDPOINT RESOURCES CORPORATION, PASQUALINO NOVIELLI, ZAIDA PIMENTAL, BRIAN MOLONEY AND 1112068 ONTARIO INC. (IN REM) The above captioned civil forfeiture proceeding commenced under the Civil Remedies Act has resulted in the sum of $583,392 being deposited into a special purpose account. This Notice pertains to the Goldpoint Resources Corporation matter and these individuals: Pasqualino Novielli, also known as Lee or Lino Novielli; Brian Patrick Moloney, also known as Brian Caldwell; and Zaida Pimentel, also known as Zaida Novielli. All individuals or other persons who have suffered pecuniary or nonpecuniary losses (money or non-money damages) as a result of the unlawful activity that was the subject of the forfeiture proceeding are entitled to make a claim for compensation. À la suite de l’instance susmentionnée de confiscation de biens au civil, introduite en vertu de la Loi sur les recours civils, la somme de 583 392 $ a été déposée dans un compte spécial. Le présent avis concerne l’affaire Goldpoint Resources Corporation et les particuliers suivants : Pasqualino Novielli, alias Lee ou Lino Novielli; Brian Patrick Moloney, alias Brian Caldwell; et Zaida Pimentel, alias Zaida Novielli. Les particuliers ou toute autre personne qui ont subi des pertes pécuniaires ou extrapécuniaires (pertes monétaires ou autres) par suite de l’activité illégale à l’égard de laquelle l’instance de confiscation a été introduite ont le droit de demander une indemnité. La Couronne, une personne morale municipale ou un organisme public membre de l’une des catégories d’organismes publics prescrits dans le règlement qui a subi des pertes pécuniaires par suite de l’activité illégale qui constituent des frais engagés pour remédier aux effets de l’activité illégale ont aussi le droit de demander une indemnité. Toutes les demandes d’indemnité doivent être conformes à l’article 6 du Règlement de l’Ontario 498/06, faute de quoi elles seront rejetées. Le Règlement 498/06 est consultable à : http://www.e-laws.gov.on.ca/html/ regs/french/elaws_regs_060498_f.htm. Pour obtenir un formulaire de demande d’indemnité ou des renseignements sur le droit à une indemnité, veuillez communiquer avec le BRCAI, par téléphone au numéro sans frais 1 888 246-5359, par courriel à MAG_ CriaVictims@ontario.ca, par télécopieur au 416 314-3714, ou par courrier aux coordonnées suivantes : 2350 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO Bureau du recours civil à l’égard d’activités illicites (BRCAI) Ministère du Procureur général 77, rue Wellesley Ouest, Case postale 555 Toronto (Ontario) Canada M7A 1N3 Les demandes dûment remplies doivent indiquer l’Avis no 411-14 et être reçues par le BRCAI au plus tard à 17 h 00:00, le 17 février 2015. Les demandes tardives ne seront pas prises en considération. Les demandes dûment remplies peuvent être présentées par écrit à l’adresse ci-dessus, par télécopieur ou par la voie électronique, à l’adresse électronique indiquée ci-dessus. L’auteur d’une demande d’indemnité qui a pris part à l’activité illégale à l’égard de laquelle l’instance de confiscation a été introduite pourrait ne pas être admissible à une indemnité. La demande d’indemnité d’une personne admissible à une indemnité, mais qui ne peut pas fournir la preuve de sa réclamation, pourrait être rejetée. (147-G552) Notice of Application to Have a Cemetery Declared Abandoned Pursuant to Section 101.1 of the Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 TAKE NOTICE that the Registrar, Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002, has brought an application under Section 101.1 of said Act to have the Dixie Union Cemetery declared abandoned and to have the ownership transferred to the City of Mississauga. The City of Mississauga would recognize existing internment rights. The Dixie Union Cemetery is located at the north-east corner of Dundas Street, East and Cawthra Road and is legally described as Lot 10, Concession 1 NDS, in the City of Mississauga. INTERESTED PERSONS may make submissions regarding this application in writing within 30 days from the date of this notice to: Michael D’Mello, Registrar Funeral, Burial and Cremation Services Act, 2002 Ministry of Government and Consumer Services Cemeteries Regulation Unit 5775 Yonge Street, 15th Floor Toronto, ON M7A 2E5 Tel: 416-326-8404 Fax: 416-326-8406 FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the hearing of the application will take place on a date to be set at the Superior Court of Justice, 393 University Ave, Toronto, Ontario. For more information, please contact the Registrar. Applications to Provincial Parliament — Private Bills Demandes au Parlement provincial — Projets de loi d’intérêt privé PUBLIC NOTICE The rules of procedure and the fees and costs related to applications for Private Bills are set out in the Standing Orders of the Legislative Assembly's Internet site at http://www.ontla.on.ca or from: Procedural Services Branch Room 1405, Whitney Block, Queen's Park Toronto, Ontario M7A 1A2 Telephone: 416/325-3500 (Collect calls will be accepted) Applicants should note that consideration of applications for Private Bills that are received after the first day of September in any calendar year may be postponed until the first regular Session in the next following calendar year. (8699) T.F.N Deborah Deller, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Corporation Notices Avis relatifs aux compagnies NOTICE TO CREDITORS, HEIRS, AND OTHERS In the estate of FERNANDO RIBEIRO ROLO, deceased. All persons having claims as creditors and heirs against the estate of the abovementioned, late of the City of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, on the 5th day of December, 2013, are required to file proof of the same with the Estate Trustee on or before the 5th day of December, 2014. After that date, the Estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims of which the Estate Trustee shall then have notice; and the Estate Trustee will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice. DATED this 4th day of November, 2014. CHRISTINE ROLO, 103 Crown Crescent, Woodbridge, Ontario, L4H 1T2, Estate Trustee, by her solicitors, NATALIE GORETE-DE-JESUS ROLO ANASTACIO, 82 Stewart Smith Drive, Toronto, Ontario M6M 2T2, Estate Trustee, by her solicitors, LISETA MARIA DE JESUS ROLO, 636 Trethewey Drive, Toronto, Ontario, M6M 4C3, Estate Trustee, by her solicitors, (147-G553) (147-P354) 46, 47, 48 BARRILA LAW c/o Gaetano Barrila 37 Jacob Keffer Parkway, Suite 301 Vaughan, Ontario L4K 5N8 Tel: (905) 326-2767 Email: gaetano@barrilalaw.com NOTICE Red River Valley Mutual Insurance Company hereby provides notice of application for a license to provide Property and Casualty insurance products in the province of Ontario. (147-P355) 46, 47, 48, 49 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO VINCOS CORP. TAKE NOTICE CONCERNING THE WINDING UP OF VINCOS CORP. Date of Incorporation In Ontario: Liquidator: Address: Appointed: May 8, 2002 Maria DiGiuseppe, Director 55 Blue Willow Drive Woodbridge, ON L4L 9E8 November 5, 2014 This Notice is filed under subsection 193(4) of the Business Corporations Act. The special resolution requiring the Corporation to be wound up voluntarily was passed or consented to by the shareholder of the Corporation on November 5, 2014. DATED at the City of Vaughan this 5th day of November, 2014. (147-P356) Maria DiGiuseppe Liquidator CONCOURS DE LABOUR INTERNATIONAL PRESCOTT-RUSSELL INC. INTERNATIONAL PRESCOTT-RUSSELL PLOWING MATCH INC. to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchaser(s). TERMS:A deposit of 10% of bid price or $1,000.00 whichever is greater. Payable at time of sale by successful bidder; To be applied to purchase price; and Non-refundable – Failure of the successful bidder to comply with terms and conditions may result in a forfeit of any deposits paid at the time of the sale or any time thereafter. Ten business days from date of sale to arrange financing and pay balance in full at Superior Court of Justice, 150 Bond Street East, Oshawa, Ontario L1G 0A2. All payments in cash or by bank draft, certified cheque or money order made payable to the Minister Finance. A Deed Poll will be provided by Sheriff only upon satisfactory payment in full of purchase price. Other conditions as announced. THIS SALE IS SUBJECT TO CANCELLATION BY THE SHERIFF WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE UP TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE SALE TERMS BY A SUCCESSFUL BIDDER. Note: No employee of the Ministry of the Attorney General may purchase any goods or chattels, lands or tenements exposed for sale by a Sheriff under legal process, either directly or indirectly. October 31, 2014 TAKE NOTICE that the Members of CONCOURS DE LABOUR INTERNATIONAL PRESCOTT-RUSSELL INC. INTERNATIONAL PRESCOTT-RUSSELL PLOWING MATCH INC. passed a unanimous resolution on October 29, 2014 at a general meeting called for this purpose, requiring the said Corporation to be wound up voluntarily under the provisions of the Corporations Act, (Ontario). Andrew McNabb and Alain Billington Court Enforcement Officers Superior Court of Justice, 150 Bond Street East, Oshawa Ontario, L1G 0A2 DATED October 29, 2014 Gary Barton Liquidator (147-P357) Robert Kirby Liquidator Sheriff’s Sale of Lands Ventes de terrains par le shérif UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF a Writ of Execution filed with the Sheriff of the Regional Municipality of Durham, dated the 6th of July 2012 and the 2nd of August 2011, under writ file numbers 13-660 and 13-661, the real and personal property of Kevin MacDonald and Nancy MacDonald, Debtors, at the request of Barry H. McQueen, Creditor, I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, interest and equity of redemption of Kevin MacDonald and Nancy MacDonald, Debtors, in and to: PT LT 34 CON 5, PICKERING, PTS 1 & 2 40R20562, PICKERING, REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY OF DURHAM; S/T EASE AS IN DR6493 municipally known as: 3515 Sideline 34, Pickering, L1X 0A3. All of which said right, title, interest and equity of redemption of Kevin MacDonald and Nancy MacDonald, Debtors, in the said lands and tenements described above, I shall offer for sale by Public Auction subject to the conditions set out below at the Superior Court of Justice, 150 Bond Street East, Oshawa, Ontario L1G 0A2, Phone Number (905) 743-2800 ext. 7015 2351 (147-P358) Sale of Land for Tax Arrears By Public Tender Ventes de terrains par appel d'offres pour arriéré d'impôt MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF LASALLE TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on December 3, 2014 at The Town of LaSalle, 5950 Malden Road, LaSalle, Ontario. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:05 p.m. in the Council Chambers at The Town of LaSalle, 5950 Malden Road, LaSalle, Ontario. Description of Land(s): 6715 Malden Rd (Vacant Land) CON 1 PT LOT 32 RP 12R2746 PART 2 RP 12R3539 PART 3 on Friday, December 19, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. Minimum Tender Amount: THE SALE OF THE AFOREMENTIONED PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Lafferty Ave (N/S) (Vacant Land) PLAN 793, LOT 1044 The purchaser to assume responsibility for all mortgages, charges, liens, outstanding taxes and other encumbrances. No representation is made regarding the title of the land or any other matter relating to the interest Minimum Tender Amount: $41,602.03 $1,316.42 2352 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 Lafferty Ave (N/S) (Vacant Land) PLAN 793, LOT 941 Minimum Tender Amount: SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER $1,349.81 THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF SOUTH RIVER Lafferty Ave (N/S) (Vacant Land) PLAN 793, LOTS 937 & 938 Minimum Tender Amount: $1,466.78 Lafferty Ave (N/S) (Vacant Land) PLAN 793, LOTS 931 to 935 Minimum Tender Amount: Description of Land(s): $4,236.17 PIN 52058-0191; PCL 17737 SEC NS; S ½ LT 11 S/S MARIE ST PL M2; S ½ LT 12 S/S MARIE ST PL M2 BEING ALL OF SAID LOTS LYING S OF A LINE DRAWN A DISTANCE OF 66 FT FROM & PARALLEL WITH THE N BOUNDARY OF THE SAID LOTS; SOUTH RIVER; $1,489.74 Minimum Tender Amount: $1,876.04 Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. $1,805.52 Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. $3,216.40 This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and HST, if any, and the relevant land transfer tax. Huron St (S/S) (Vacant Land) PLAN 793, LOTS 1203 & 1204 Minimum Tender Amount: Huron St (S/S) (Vacant Land) PLAN 793, LOTS 1197 to 1201 Minimum Tender Amount: Huron St (S/S) (Vacant Land) PLAN 793, LOTS 1191 to 1195 Minimum Tender Amount: International Ave (N/S) (Vacant Land) PLAN 712, LOT 24 RP 12R19073 PART 4 Minimum Tender Amount: 2950 Normandy St (Vacant Land) PLAN 1001 PT LOT 317 & 318 PT ALLEY CLOSED RP 12R18328 PARTS 12 13 25 26 & RP 12R20720 PART 1 Minimum Tender Amount: $20,346.01 The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. $7,444.81 Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact: (147-P359) TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time Monday, December 8, 2014 Marilyn Abbruzzese, B.A., BComm Supervisor of Revenue/Tax Collector The Corporation of the Town of LaSalle 519-969-7770 ext 1228 5950 Malden Road LaSalle, Ontario N9H 1S4 For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact: Sherri Hawthorne Treasurer The Corporation of the Village of South River P.O. Box 310, South River, Ontario P0A 1X0 Property details available at www.southriverontario.com (147-P360) THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 FORM 6 SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF MISSISSIPPI MILLS SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land (s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on Friday the 5th day of December, 2014 at the Municipal Office, 3131 Old Perth Road, Almonte, Ontario K0A 1A0. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at the Municipal Office Council Chambers at 3:05 p.m. Description of Land(s): 1. Part Bed of Mississippi River Plan 6262 Lanark N. Ramsay (aka Lot 15, Concession 9, Ramsay) Part Lot 21, Shipman Section Plan 6262, Lanark N. Ramsay, Part Lot 22, Shipman Section Plan 6262, Lanark N. Part 1, Plan 26R-1284 Except Part 1, Plan 26R-3018 27 Mill St. Town of Mississippi Mills, County of Lanark PIN 05098-0074 Roll Number 0931 030 030 05400 0000 Minimum Tender Amount: $35,858.51 Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact: (147-P361) 2353 Rhonda Whitmarsh, Treasurer 3131 Old Perth Road R.R. #2 Almonte, ON K0A 1A0 (613) 256-2064 ext. 262 rwhitmarsh@mississippimills.ca THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BRIGHTON TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land(s) described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on Wednesday, December 17, 2014, at the Municipal Office, P.O. Box 189, 35 Alice Street, Brighton, ON K0K 1H0. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day as soon as possible after 3:00 p.m. at the Municipal Office, 35 Alice Street, Brighton. Description of Land(s): ROLL NO. 14 08 206 040 18300 0000, PART OF PIN 51166−0308 LT, PT BLK L PL 41 BRIGHTON AS IN NC371425; BRIGHTON FILE NDBN13-004-TT Minimum Tender Amount: $7,187.83 Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality (or board) and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to, existing interests in favour of the Crown, environmental concerns or any other matters relating to the land(s) to be sold. Any existing Federal or Provincial Crown liens or executions will remain on title and may become the responsibility of the potential purchaser. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. Note: H.S.T. may be payable by successful purchaser. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender contact: www.Tri-Target.com | Ontario’s Tax Sale Community Info@Tri-Target.com or if no internet access available, contact: (147-P362) Cathy Kelly, Tax Collector The Corporation of the Municipality of Brighton P.O. Box 189, 35 Alice Street Brighton, ON K0K 1H0 (613) 475-0670 www.brighton.ca 2354 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO MUNICIPAL ACT, 2001 SALE OF LAND BY PUBLIC TENDER THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE TAKE NOTICE that tenders are invited for the purchase of the land described below and will be received until 3:00 p.m. local time on December 4, 2014, at the Municipal Office, 1593 Four Mile Creek Road, Virgil. The tenders will then be opened in public on the same day at 3:00 p.m. at the Municipal Office, 1593 Four Mile Creek Road, Virgil. Description of Land(s): Roll No. 26 27 020 024 20200 0000; PIN 46373-0040(LT); Part Township Lot 94; Part Road Allowance between Township Lots 93 & 94 Niagara (closed by RO698193), as in RO701264; Niagara-on-the-Lake; File No. 13-01 Minimum Tender Amount: $57,179.59 Tenders must be submitted in the prescribed form and must be accompanied by a deposit in the form of a money order or of a bank draft or cheque certified by a bank or trust corporation payable to the municipality and representing at least 20 per cent of the tender amount. Except as follows, the municipality makes no representation regarding the title to, or any other matters relating to the land to be sold. Responsibility for ascertaining these matters rests with the potential purchasers. This sale is governed by the Municipal Act, 2001 and the Municipal Tax Sales Rules made under that Act. The successful purchaser will be required to pay the amount tendered plus accumulated taxes and the relevant land transfer tax. The municipality has no obligation to provide vacant possession to the successful purchaser. Note: HST may be payable by successful purchaser. For further information regarding this sale and a copy of the prescribed form of tender, contact: www.OntarioTaxSales.ca or if no internet access available, contact: (147-P363) Donna Lake Revenue Coordinator The Corporation of the Town of Niagara-On-The-Lake 1593 Four Mile Creek Road P.O. Box 100 Virgil ON L0S 1T0 905-468-3266 Ext. 230 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 2355 Publications under Part III (Regulations) of the Legislation Act, 2006 Règlements publiés en application de la partie III (Règlements) de la Loi de 2006 sur la législation 2014—11—15 ONTARIO REGULATION 198/14 made under the PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT Made: October 22, 2014 Filed: October 27, 2014 Published on e-Laws: October 27, 2014 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: November 15, 2014 Amending Reg. 950 of R.R.O. 1990 (PROCEEDINGS COMMENCED BY CERTIFICATE OF OFFENCE) 1. Regulation 950 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 is amended by adding the following schedule: SCHEDULE 4.1.1 Employment Protection for Foreign Nationals Act (Live-in Caregivers and Others), 2009 Item 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Column 1 Recruiter — improperly charge fee to foreign national Person acting on behalf of recruiter — improperly collect fee from foreign national Employer — recover costs from foreign national Employer — take or retain property of foreign national Person acting on behalf of employer — take or retain property of foreign national Recruiter — take or retain property of foreign national Person acting on behalf of recruiter — take or retain property of foreign national Employer — fail to provide documents to foreign national as required Recruiter — fail to provide documents to foreign national as required Employer — fail to make record as required Employer — fail to retain record as required Recruiter — fail to make record as required Recruiter — fail to retain record as required Recruiter — fail to retain fee document as required Column 2 subsection 7 (1) subsection 7 (3) subsection 8 (1) subsection 9 (1) subsection 9 (1) subsection 9 (2) subsection 9 (2) subsection 11 (1) subsection 11 (2) subsection 14 (1) subsection 14 (2) subsection 15 (1) subsection 15 (3) subsection 15 (3) 2. (1) Schedule 4.2 to the Regulation is amended by adding the following items: 3.1 3.2 3.3 Fail to pay wages by cash, cheque or direct deposit Fail to pay wages paid by cash or cheque as required Fail to pay wages paid by direct deposit as required . 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 37.5 37.6 37.7 37.8 37.9 37.10 37.11 subsection 11 (2) subsection 11 (3) subsection 11 (4) . . . . Fail to provide agency information to assignment employee as required Fail to provide assignment information to assignment employee as required Fail to provide document to assignment employee as required Charge fee to assignment employee — becoming assignment employee Charge fee to assignment employee — assignment of employee Charge fee to assignment employee — resumes, interviews Restrict assignment employee from entering into employment relationship Charge fee to assignment employee — employment relationship Restrict client from providing references Restrict client from entering into employment relationship Charge fee to client — employment relationship 1185 subsection 74.5 (1) subsection 74.6 (1) subsection 74.7 (3) subsection 74.8 (1) para. 1 subsection 74.8 (1) para. 2 subsection 74.8 (1) para. 3 subsection 74.8 (1) para. 4 subsection 74.8 (1) para. 5 subsection 74.8 (1) para. 6 subsection 74.8 (1) para. 7 subsection 74.8 (1) para. 8 2356 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 37.12 Fail to provide information to possible new provider as required 37.13 Fail to provide information to new provider as required 37.14 Fail to provide information to owner or manager as required subsection 77 (1) subsection 77 (2) subsection 77 (3) (2) Item 39 of Schedule 4.2 to the Regulation is revoked and the following substituted: 39. Fail to post notice or report as required section 93 Commencement 3. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed. 46/14 1186 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 2357 RÈGLEMENT DE L’ONTARIO 198/14 pris en vertu de la LOI SUR LES INFRACTIONS PROVINCIALES pris le 22 octobre 2014 déposé le 27 octobre 2014 publié sur le site Lois-en-ligne le 27 octobre 2014 imprimé dans la Gazette de l’Ontario le 15 novembre 2014 modifiant le Règl. 950 des R.R.O. de 1990 (INSTANCES INTRODUITES AU MOYEN DU DÉPÔT D’UN PROCÈS-VERBAL D’INFRACTION) 1. Le Règlement 950 des Règlements refondus de l’Ontario de 1990 est modifié par adjonction de l’annexe suivante : ANNEXE 4.1.1 Loi de 2009 sur la protection des étrangers dans le cadre de l’emploi (aides familiaux et autres) Numéro 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Colonne 1 Recruteur — demander à tort des frais à un étranger Personne agissant pour un recruteur — percevoir à tort des frais auprès d’un étranger Employeur — recouvrer une dépense auprès d’un étranger Employeur — prendre ou conserver les biens d’un étranger Personne agissant pour un employeur — prendre ou conserver les biens d’un étranger Recruteur — prendre ou conserver les biens d’un étranger Personne agissant pour un recruteur — prendre ou conserver les biens d’un étranger Employeur — omettre de fournir des documents à un étranger conformément aux exigences Recruteur — omettre de fournir des documents à un étranger conformément aux exigences Employeur — omettre de consigner un renseignement conformément aux exigences Employeur — omettre de conserver un dossier conformément aux exigences Recruteur — omettre de consigner un renseignement conformément aux exigences Recruteur — omettre de conserver un dossier conformément aux exigences Recruteur — omettre de conserver un document relatif à des frais conformément aux exigences Colonne 2 paragraphe 7 (1) paragraphe 7 (3) paragraphe 8 (1) paragraphe 9 (1) paragraphe 9 (1) paragraphe 9 (2) paragraphe 9 (2) paragraphe 11 (1) paragraphe 11 (2) paragraphe 14 (1) paragraphe 14 (2) paragraphe 15 (1) paragraphe 15 (3) paragraphe 15 (3) 2. (1) L’annexe 4.2 du Règlement est modifiée par adjonction de ce qui suit : 3.1 3.2 3.3 Omettre de verser un salaire en espèces, par chèque ou par dépôt direct Omettre de verser un salaire en espèces ou par chèque conformément aux exigences Omettre de verser un salaire par dépôt direct conformément aux exigences . 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 37.5 37.6 37.7 37.8 37.9 37.10 37.11 37.12 37.13 37.14 . . . . Omettre de fournir des renseignements sur l’agence à un employé ponctuel conformément aux exigences Omettre de fournir des renseignements à un employé ponctuel sur son affectation de travail conformément aux exigences Omettre de fournir un document à un employé ponctuel conformément aux exigences Demander des frais à un employé ponctuel pour son engagement à ce titre Demander des frais à un employé ponctuel pour son affectation Demander des frais à un employé ponctuel — curriculums vitae, entrevues Empêcher un employé ponctuel d’établir une relation d’emploi Demander des frais à un employé ponctuel — relation d’emploi Empêcher un client de fournir des références Empêcher un client d’établir une relation d’emploi Demander des frais à un client — relation d’emploi Omettre de donner des renseignements à un nouveau fournisseur éventuel conformément aux exigences Omettre de donner des renseignements à un nouveau fournisseur conformément aux exigences Omettre de donner des renseignements au propriétaire ou au gérant conformément aux exigences 1187 paragraphe 11 (2) paragraphe 11 (3) paragraphe 11 (4) paragraphe 74.5 (1) paragraphe 74.6 (1) paragraphe 74.7 (3) paragraphe 74.8 (1) disp. 1 paragraphe 74.8 (1) disp. 2 paragraphe 74.8 (1) disp. 3 paragraphe 74.8 (1) disp. 4 paragraphe 74.8 (1) disp. 5 paragraphe 74.8 (1) disp. 6 paragraphe 74.8 (1) disp. 7 paragraphe 74.8 (1) disp. 8 paragraphe 77 (1) paragraphe 77 (2) paragraphe 77 (3) 2358 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO (2) Le numéro 39 de l’annexe 4.2 du Règlement est abrogé et remplacé par ce qui suit : 39. Omettre d’afficher un avis ou un rapport conformément aux exigences Entrée en vigueur 3. Le présent règlement entre en vigueur le jour de son dépôt. 46/14 1188 article 93 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 2359 ONTARIO REGULATION 199/14 made under the LEGAL AID SERVICES ACT, 1998 Made: October 22, 2014 Filed: October 30, 2014 Published on e-Laws: October 30, 2014 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: November 15, 2014 Amending O. Reg. 107/99 (GENERAL) 1. Subsections 1 (2), (3) and (4) of Ontario Regulation 107/99 are revoked and the following substituted: (2) The financial eligibility requirements for applicants for certificates are as set out in the document entitled “Financial Eligibility Test for Legal Aid Certificates”, Version 1.1, produced by and available from Legal Aid Ontario, and available on the Internet through the website of Legal Aid Ontario. (3) The financial eligibility requirements for applicants for legal aid services to be provided by duty counsel are as set out in the document entitled “Financial Eligibility Test for Duty Counsel Services”, Version 1.1, produced by and available from Legal Aid Ontario, and available on the Internet through the website of Legal Aid Ontario. (4) The financial eligibility requirements for applicants for legal aid services to be provided by a clinic are as set out in the document entitled “Clinic Financial Eligibility Test”, Version 1.1, produced by and available from Legal Aid Ontario, and available on the Internet through the website of Legal Aid Ontario. Commencement 2. This Regulation comes into force on the later of November 1, 2014 and the day it is filed. 46/14 1189 2360 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO RÈGLEMENT DE L’ONTARIO 199/14 pris en vertu de la LOI DE 1998 SUR LES SERVICES D’AIDE JURIDIQUE pris le 22 octobre 2014 déposé le 30 octobre 2014 publié sur le site Lois-en-ligne le 30 octobre 2014 imprimé dans la Gazette de l’Ontario le 15 novembre 2014 modifiant le Règl. de l’Ont. 107/99 (DISPOSITIONS GÉNÉRALES) 1. Les paragraphes 1 (2), (3) et (4) du Règlement de l’Ontario 107/99 sont abrogés et remplacés par ce qui suit : (2) Les conditions d’admissibilité financière des auteurs de demandes de certificats sont énoncées dans le document intitulé Évaluation de l’admissibilité financière aux certificats d’aide juridique (version 1.1), produit et mis à disposition par Aide juridique Ontario, et consultable sur Internet dans le site Web de cette dernière. (3) Les conditions d’admissibilité financière des auteurs de demandes de services d’aide juridique que doivent fournir des avocats de service sont énoncées dans le document intitulé Évaluation de l’admissibilité financière aux services des avocats de service (version 1.1), produit et mis à disposition par Aide juridique Ontario, et consultable sur Internet dans le site Web de cette dernière. (4) Les conditions d’admissibilité financière des auteurs de demandes de services d’aide juridique que doivent fournir des cliniques sont énoncées dans le document intitulé Évaluation de l’admissibilité financière aux services de clinique (version 1.1), produit et mis à disposition par Aide juridique Ontario, et consultable sur Internet dans le site Web de cette dernière. Entrée en vigueur 2. Le présent règlement entre en vigueur le dernier en date du 1er novembre 2014 et du jour de son dépôt. 46/14 1190 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO ONTARIO REGULATION 200/14 made under the PLANNING ACT Made: October 27, 2014 Filed: October 30, 2014 Published on e-Laws: October 30, 2014 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: November 15, 2014 Amending O. Reg. 525/97 (EXEMPTION FROM APPROVAL (OFFICIAL PLAN AMENDMENTS)) 1. The Schedule to Ontario Regulation 525/97 is amended by adding the following Items: 45.1 Municipality of Temagami January 1, 2015 . 54.1 79.1 82.1 84.1 . . . . . . January 1, 2015 . . . . Township of Chapleau Township of Chapple Township of Chisholm Township of Dorion January 1, 2015 January 1, 2015 January 1, 2015 January 1, 2015 . . . . Township of Emo January 1, 2015 . . . . Township of La Vallee January 1, 2015 . 78.1 . Town of Rainy River . 74.1 . January 1, 2015 . 70.1 . Town of Fort Frances . 69.1 69.2 69.3 69.4 . January 1, 2015 . 61.1 . Town of Bruce Mines . 56.1 . . . . . Township of Nairn and Hyman January 1, 2015 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Township of Plummer Additional January 1, 2015 Township of Schreiber January 1, 2015 Township of South Algonquin January 1, 2015 1191 2361 2362 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO Commencement 2. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed. Made by: Pris par : Le ministre des Affaires municipales et du Logement, Ted McMeekin Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Date made: October 27, 2014. Pris le : 27 octobre 2014. 46/14 1192 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO RÈGLEMENT DE L’ONTARIO 200/14 pris en vertu de la LOI SUR L’AMÉNAGEMENT DU TERRITOIRE pris le 27 octobre 2014 déposé le 30 octobre 2014 publié sur le site Lois-en-ligne le 30 octobre 2014 imprimé dans la Gazette de l’Ontario le 15 novembre 2014 modifiant le Règl. de l’Ont. 525/97 (EXEMPTION DE L’APPROBATION (MODIFICATION D’UN PLAN OFFICIEL)) 1. L’annexe du Règlement de l’Ontario 525/97 est modifiée par adjonction des points suivants : 45.1 Municipalité de Temagami 1er janvier 2015 . 54.1 . . . . . . . . . . . Canton d’Emo 1er janvier 2015 . . . . Canton de La Vallee 1er janvier 2015 . . . . Canton de Nairn and Hyman 1er janvier 2015 . . . . Canton de Plummer Additional 1er janvier 2015 . . . . Canton de Schreiber 1er janvier 2015 . 84.1 . 1er janvier 2015 1er janvier 2015 1er janvier 2015 1er janvier 2015 . 82.1 . Canton de Chapleau Canton de Chapple Canton de Chisholm Canton de Dorion . 79.1 . 1er janvier 2015 . 78.1 . Ville de Rainy River . 74.1 . 1er janvier 2015 . 70.1 . Ville de Fort Frances . 69.1 69.2 69.3 69.4 . 1er janvier 2015 . 61.1 . Ville de Bruce Mines . 56.1 . . . Canton de South Algonquin . . 1er janvier 2015 1193 2363 2364 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO Entrée en vigueur 2. Le présent règlement entre en vigueur le jour de son dépôt. Made by: Pris par : Le ministre des Affaires municipales et du Logement, Ted McMeekin Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Date made: October 27, 2014. Pris le : 27 octobre 2014 46/14 1194 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 2365 ONTARIO REGULATION 201/14 made under the PLANNING ACT Made: October 27, 2014 Filed: October 30, 2014 Published on e-Laws: October 30, 2014 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: November 15, 2014 Amending O. Reg. 353/02 (APPROVAL AUTHORITY - PLANS OF SUBDIVISION) 1. Schedule 3 to Ontario Regulation 353/02 is amended by adding the following paragraphs: 12.1 Town of Bruce Mines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1 Town of Rainy River. 18.1 Township of Chapleau. 18.2 Township of Chapple. 18.3 Township of Chisholm. 18.4 Township of Dorion. 19.1 Township of Emo. 22.1 Township of La Vallee. 25.1 Township of Nairn and Hyman. 25.2 Township of Plummer Additional. 27.1 Township of Schreiber. 27.2 Township of South Algonquin. Commencement 2. This Regulation comes into force on the later of January 1, 2015 and the day it is filed. Made by: Pris par : Le ministre des Affaires municipales et du Logement, Ted McMeekin Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Date made: October 27, 2014. Pris le : 27 octobre 2014. 46/14 1195 2366 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO RÈGLEMENT DE L’ONTARIO 201/14 pris en vertu de la LOI SUR L’AMÉNAGEMENT DU TERRITOIRE pris le 27 octobre 2014 déposé le 30 octobre 2014 publié sur le site Lois-en-ligne le 30 octobre 2014 imprimé dans la Gazette de l’Ontario le 15 novembre 2014 modifiant le Règl. de l’Ont. 353/02 (AUTORITÉ APPROBATRICE - PLANS DE LOTISSEMENT) 1. L’annexe 3 du Règlement de l’Ontario 353/02 est modifiée par adjonction des dispositions suivantes : 12.1 Ville de Bruce Mines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.1 Ville de Rainy River. 18.1 Canton de Chapleau. 18.2 Canton de Chapple. 18.3 Canton de Chisholm. 18.4 Canton de Dorion. 19.1 Canton d’Emo. 22.1 Canton de La Vallee. 25.1 Canton de Nairn and Hyman. 25.2 Canton de Plummer Additional. 27.1 Canton de Schreiber. 27.2 Canton de South Algonquin. Entrée en vigueur 2. Le présent règlement entre en vigueur le dernier en date du 1er janvier 2015 et du jour de son dépôt. Made by: Pris par : Le ministre des Affaires municipales et du Logement, Ted McMeekin Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Date made: October 27, 2014. Pris le : 27 octobre 2014. 46/14 1196 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 2367 ONTARIO REGULATION 202/14 made under the PLANNING ACT Made: October 27, 2014 Filed: October 30, 2014 Published on e-Laws: October 30, 2014 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: November 15, 2014 Amending O. Reg. 354/02 (CONSENT GRANTING AUTHORITY) 1. Section 1 of Ontario Regulation 354/02 is amended by adding the following paragraphs: 18.1 Township of Nairn and Hyman. . . . . . 21.1 Township of South Algonquin. Commencement 2. This Regulation comes into force on the later of January 1, 2015 and the day it is filed. Made by: Pris par : Le ministre des Affaires municipales et du Logement, Ted McMeekin Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Date made: October 27, 2014. Pris le : 27 octobre 2014 46/14 1197 2368 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO RÈGLEMENT DE L’ONTARIO 202/14 pris en vertu de la LOI SUR L’AMÉNAGEMENT DU TERRITOIRE pris le 27 octobre 2014 déposé le 30 octobre 2014 publié sur le site Lois-en-ligne le 30 octobre 2014 imprimé dans la Gazette de l’Ontario le 15 novembre 2014 modifiant le Règl. de l’Ont. 354/02 (AUTORITÉ INVESTIE DU POUVOIR DE DONNER DES AUTORISATIONS) 1. L’article 1 du Règlement de l’Ontario 354/02 est modifié par adjonction des dispositions suivantes : 18.1 Canton de Nairn and Hyman. . . . . . 21.1 Canton de South Algonquin. Entrée en vigueur 2. Le présent règlement entre en vigueur le dernier en date du 1er janvier 2015 et du jour de son dépôt. Made by: Pris par : Le ministre des Affaires municipales et du Logement, Ted McMeekin Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Date made:October 27, 2014 Pris le : 27 octobre 2014. 46/14 1198 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 2369 ONTARIO REGULATION 203/14 made under the PLANNING ACT Made: October 27, 2014 Filed: October 30, 2014 Published on e-Laws: October 30, 2014 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: November 15, 2014 Amending O. Reg. 699/98 (ORDER UNDER SUBSECTION 17 (10) OF THE ACT) 1. Ontario Regulation 699/98 is amended by adding the following section: 3. (1) The Council of the County of Dufferin is authorized to pass a by-law, (a) exempting any or all proposed official plan amendments of a municipality mentioned in subsection (2) from the Council’s approval under section 17 of the Act; and (b) exempting a proposed official plan amendment of a municipality mentioned in subsection (2) from the Council’s approval under section 17 of the Act. (2) The by-law may be passed in respect of one or both of the following municipalities: 1. Town of Mono. 2. Town of Orangeville. (3) The authorization is subject to the following conditions: 1. The municipality in respect of which the by-law is passed shall provide a copy of the proposed official plan amendment to the Minister during consultation under clause 17 (15) (a) of the Act. 2. A copy of the adopted plan shall be forwarded to the Minister at the same time that notice is given under clause 17 (23) (a) of the Act. (4) The authorization is not terminated because the municipality in respect of which the by-law is passed does not meet a condition set out in subsection (3). 2. The Regulation is amended by adding the following French version: ARRÊTÉ VISÉ AU PARAGRAPHE 17 (10) DE LA LOI 1. Le conseil de chaque municipalité figurant à l’annexe est autorisé à adopter un règlement municipal qui : a) soustrait tout ou partie des modifications proposées à un plan officiel à l’exigence voulant qu’elles reçoivent l’approbation du conseil en application de l’article 17 de la Loi; b) soustrait une modification proposée à un plan officiel à l’exigence voulant qu’elle reçoive l’approbation du conseil en application de l’article 17 de la Loi. 2. (1) Le conseil du comté de Grey est autorisé à adopter un règlement municipal qui : a) soustrait tout ou partie des modifications proposées à un plan officiel de la cité d’Owen Sound à l’exigence voulant qu’elles reçoivent l’approbation du conseil en application de l’article 17 de la Loi; b) soustrait une modification proposée à un plan officiel de la cité d’Owen Sound à l’exigence voulant qu’elle reçoive l’approbation du conseil en application de l’article 17 de la Loi. (2) L’autorisation est assortie des conditions suivantes : 1. La cité d’Owen Sound doit remettre au ministre une copie de la modification proposée au plan officiel lors des consultations visées à l’alinéa 17 (15) a) de la Loi. 2. Une copie du plan adopté doit être transmise au ministre lorsqu’un avis est donné en application de l’alinéa 17 (23) a) de la Loi. (3) L’autorisation n’est pas révoquée du fait que la cité d’Owen Sound ne satisfait pas à une condition énoncée au paragraphe (2). 3. (1) Le conseil du comté de Dufferin est autorisé à adopter un règlement municipal qui : 1199 2370 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO a) soustrait tout ou partie des modifications proposées à un plan officiel d’une municipalité mentionnée au paragraphe (2) à l’exigence voulant qu’elles reçoivent l’approbation du conseil en application de l’article 17 de la Loi; b) soustrait une modification proposée à un plan officiel d’une municipalité mentionnée au paragraphe (2) à l’exigence voulant qu’elle reçoive l’approbation du conseil en application de l’article 17 de la Loi. (2) Le règlement municipal peut être adopté à l’égard d’une des municipalités suivantes ou des deux : 1. La ville de Mono. 2. La ville d’Orangeville. (3) L’autorisation est assortie des conditions suivantes : 1. La municipalité à l’égard de laquelle le règlement municipal est adopté doit remettre au ministre une copie de la modification proposée au plan officiel lors des consultations visées à l’alinéa 17 (15) a) de la Loi. 2. Une copie du plan adopté doit être transmise au ministre lorsqu’un avis est donné en application de l’alinéa 17 (23) a) de la Loi. (4) L’autorisation n’est pas révoquée du fait que la municipalité à l’égard de laquelle le règlement municipal est adopté ne satisfait pas à une condition énoncée au paragraphe (3). ANNEXE 1. Municipalité régionale de Halton. 2. Municipalité régionale de York. 3. Municipalité régionale de Peel. 4. Municipalité régionale de Durham. 5. Municipalité régionale de Niagara. Commencement 3. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed. Made by: Ted McMeekin Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Date made: October 27, 2014. 46/14 1200 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 2371 ONTARIO REGULATION 204/14 made under the HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT Made: October 20, 2014 Filed: October 30, 2014 Published on e-Laws: October 30, 2014 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: November 15, 2014 Amending Reg. 608 of R.R.O. 1990 (RESTRICTED USE OF LEFT LANES BY COMMERCIAL MOTOR VEHICLES) 1. Paragraph 2 of Schedule 8 to Regulation 608 of the Revised Regulations of Ontario, 1990 is revoked and the following substituted: 2. That part of the westbound lanes of the King’s Highway known as No. 417 in the City of Ottawa lying between a point situate 370 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Richmond Road and a point situate 265 metres measured easterly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Moodie Drive. 3. That part of the westbound lanes of the King’s Highway known as No. 417 in the City of Ottawa lying between a point situate 1105 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Moodie Drive and point situate 965 metres measured easterly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Palladium Drive. 4. That part of the westbound lanes of the King’s Highway known as No. 417 in the City of Ottawa lying between a point situate 465 metres measured easterly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Palladium Drive and a point situate 975 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Carp Road. 5. That part of the eastbound lanes of the King’s Highway known as No. 417 in the City of Ottawa lying between a point situate 500 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Carp Road and a point situate at its intersection with the roadway known as St. Laurent Boulevard. Commencement 2. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed. Made by: Steven Del Duca Minister of Transportation Date made: October 20, 2014. 46/14 1201 2372 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO ONTARIO REGULATION 205/14 made under the HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT Made: October 20, 2014 Filed: October 30, 2014 Published on e-Laws: October 30, 2014 Printed in The Ontario Gazette: November 15, 2014 Amending O. Reg. 620/05 (HIGH OCCUPANCY VEHICLE LANES) 1. Schedule C to Ontario Regulation 620/05 is revoked and the following substituted: SCHEDULE C HIGHWAY NO. 417 1. (1) That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 417 (eastbound) in the City of Ottawa lying between a point situate 415 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Palladium Drive and a point situate 14 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Moodie Drive. (2) This designation is effective 24 hours a day, seven days a week and every month of the year. 2. (1) That part of the King’s Highway known as No. 417 (westbound) in the City of Ottawa lying between a point situate 1,105 metres measured westerly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Moodie Drive and a point situate 465 metres measured easterly from its intersection with the centre line of the roadway known as Palladium Drive. (2) This designation is effective 24 hours a day, seven days a week and every month of the year. Commencement 2. This Regulation comes into force on the day it is filed. Made by: Steven Del Duca Minister of Transportation Date made: October 20, 2014. 46/14 NOTE: Consolidated regulations and various legislative tables pertaining to regulations can be found on the e-Laws website (www.e-Laws.gov.on.ca). REMARQUE : Les règlements codifiés et diverses tables concernant les règlements se trouvent sur le site Lois-en-ligne (www.lois-en-ligne.gouv.on.ca). 1202 THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 2373 INDEX 46 Ontario Highway Transport Board..................................................................................................................................................................................................2343 Government Notices Respecting Corporations...............................................................................................................................................................................2344 Avis du gouvernement relatifs aux compagnies.........................................................................................................................................................................2344 Notice of Default in Complying with the Corporations Tax Act....................................................................................................................................................2344 Avis de non-observation de la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés...............................................................................................................................................2344 Cancellation of Certificate of Incorporation (Corporations Tax Act Defaulters)............................................................................................................................2345 Annulation de certificat de constitution (Non-observation de la Loi sur l’imposition des sociétés).........................................................................................2345 Certificate of Dissolution................................................................................................................................................................................................................2346 Certificat de dissolution..............................................................................................................................................................................................................2346 Cancellation of Certificate of Incorporation (Business Corporations Act).....................................................................................................................................2349 Annulation de certificat de constitution en personne morale (Loi sur les sociétés par actions).................................................................................................2349 Ministry of the Attorney General....................................................................................................................................................................................................2349 Ministère du Procureur Général.................................................................................................................................................................................................2349 Notice of Application to Have a Cemetery Declared Abandoned.................................................................................................................................................2350 Applications to Provincial Parliament — Private Bills..................................................................................................................................................................2350 Demandes au Parlement provincial — Projets de loi d’intérêt privé.........................................................................................................................................2350 Corporation Notices........................................................................................................................................................................................................................2350 Avis relatifs aux compagnies......................................................................................................................................................................................................2350 SHERIFF’S SALE OF LANDS.....................................................................................................................................................................................................2351 VENTES DE TERRAINS PAR LE SHÉRIF.............................................................................................................................................................................2351 SALE OF LAND FOR TAX ARREARS BY PUBLIC TENDER.................................................................................................................................................2351 VENTES DE TERRAINS PAR APPEL D'OFFRES POUR ARRIÉRÉ D'IMPÔT...................................................................................................................2351 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF LASALLE...........................................................................................................................................................2351 THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF SOUTH RIVER............................................................................................................................................2352 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF MISSISSIPPI MILLS.........................................................................................................................................2353 THE CORPORATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF BRIGHTON.......................................................................................................................................2353 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF NIAGARA-ON-THE-LAKE.............................................................................................................................2354 PUBLICATIONS UNDER PART III (REGULATIONS) OF THE LEGISLATION ACT, 2006 RÈGLEMENTS PUBLIÉS EN APPLICATION DE LA PARTIE III (RÈGLEMENTS) DE LA LOI DE 2006 SUR LA LÉGISLATION............................2355 HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT HIGHWAY TRAFFIC ACT LEGAL AID SERVICES ACT, 1998 PLANNING ACT PLANNING ACT PLANNING ACT PLANNING ACT PROVINCIAL OFFENCES ACT O. Reg. O. Reg. O. Reg. O. Reg. O. Reg. O. Reg. O. Reg. O. Reg. 204/14.......................................................................2371 205/14.......................................................................2372 199/14.......................................................................2359 200/14.......................................................................2361 201/14.......................................................................2365 202/14.......................................................................2367 203/14.......................................................................2369 198/14.......................................................................2355 Texte d’information pour la Gazette de l’Ontario...........................................................................................................................................................................2375 Information Text for Ontario Gazette.............................................................................................................................................................................................2376 This page intentionally left blank Cette page est volontairement laissée en blanc This page intentionally left blank Cette page est volontairement laissée en blanc This page intentionally left blank Cette page est volontairement laissée en blanc THE ONTARIO GAZETTE/LA GAZETTE DE L’ONTARIO 2377 Texte d’information pour la Gazette de l’Ontario La Gazette de l’Ontario paraît chaque samedi, et les annonces à y insérer doivent parvenir à ses bureaux le jeudi à 15h au plus tard, soit au moins neuf jours avant la parution du numéro dans lequel elles figureront. 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