ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE The Vicariate For Palestinian/Jordanian Christian Orthodox Communities In America %<;:98 76 '$54,(! '$#$312+"! '$10/.-,(! '$+*)(! '&%$#"! St. George Orthodox Church/San Francisco .<1$15!:6 B%)/ A.$?,@%? >;=*"! '1$#0 Archiepiscopal Vicar Father George Jweinat TheVery Rev. Father Issa Awwad Rev. Father Hanna Khoury Office Phone:# 415-334-2234 Fr. George’s Cell: 415-860-4447 Home Phone# 650-692-4519 Sunday, November 16th 2014 Fr. Dcn Nektarios Raie Office Fax: # 415-334-2275 23rd Sunday After Pentecost Tone 6 Luke 5 5 432) 1 0/.)! -,+*()! $(' %& $#"! Volume 21 Number 46 Christ Said To His Apostles “It Is Not You Who Have Chosen Me Rather I Have Chosen You” We Are Honored To Announce That His Eminence Metropolitan NIKITAS Of The DARDANELLIA Will Ordain Father Deacon Niktarios (Rafat) Raie To The Holy Priesthood His Eminence Metropolitan Nikitas This Great Service Will Take Place At Saints Peter & Paul Orthodox Church 1924 Trinity Ave. Walnut Creek Saturday, November 22nd, 2014 Matins @ 9:00am Liturgy @10:00am Please Join Us For This Service !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""""""""""""##"""""""""""""""" St. George Orthodox Church 399 San Fernando Way San Francisco, Ca 94127 St. George Orthodox Church %#$!403/2& 10#,/.-, +*)('& %$#"! ,+)*)('&! %$# "! San Francisco Matins 12 Noon Liturgy 12:30 pm Archiepiscopal Vicar Father George Jweinat TheVery Rev. Father Isa Awwad Rev. Father Hanna Khoury ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Holy Bread Altar Offering: The Holy Bread Altar Offering (Corban St. Mark 7:11) will be specially offered for the Holy Sanctify of the Divine Liturgy. By SUAD SHAMIEH, her Children & Grandchildren & All the SHAMIEH & HADEED Families in blessed one year memorial of Beloved Husband, Father & Grandfather IBRHAIM SHAMIEH. May his blessed Memory Be Eternal By the St. George Parish Family in Thanksgiving to God and in Congratulations to TAREK & JUANNA MUNAYER on the occasion of the Baptism of their Child of God CELINA MUNAYER. ************************************************************************************************************************************************** Head of Ushers: Maher Haddad Altar Boys: Sami & George Totah, Jacob Dudum, & Jason Arbeed --------------------------------------------------------------------------JOY- Would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all of those who donated and joined us for the Walk for JOY 5K event! With a total of 50 Walkers and donations combined, we raised $2000 for the MECA organization and none of it would have been possible without your support and contributions. God bless you all and your families - JOY Job Well Done Susie Mizirawi & Laura Shatara & Your Committee Last Saturday On Our WALK FOR JOY 5K Thank You & God Bless You <;.)3. 7,:0/. 9)8 765/. -4!$3. -21$0,/. -,($+ *)($'#&% $#"! =>?@/??/?@ Holy & Wonderworking Unmercenary Cosmas & Damian Of Asia Friday, November 14th, 2014 Today we remember two great saints, Cosmas and Damian, who worked as Unmercenary Physicians at Rome. Raised and trained as healers, they practiced their art freely, refusing all compensation. God worked miraculous healings through these saints, and many came to Christ, before they received their martyrs crowns under the wicked Emperor Diocletian. The Holy Martyrs, Wonderworkers and Unmercenary Physicians Cosmas and Damian were born at Rome, brothers by birth, and physicians by profession. They suffered at Rome in the reign of the emperor Carinus .Brought up by their parents in the rules of piety, they led strict and chaste lives, and they were granted by God the gift of healing the sick. By their generosity and exceptional kindness to all, the brothers converted many to Christ. The brothers told the sick, “It is not by our own power that we treat you, but by the power of Christ, the true God. Believe in Him and be healed.” Since they accepted no payment for their treatment of the infirm, the holy brothers were called “unmercenary physicians.” Their life of active service and their great spiritual influence on the people around them led many into the Church, attracting the attention of the Roman authorities. Soldiers were sent after the brothers. Hearing about this, local Christians convinced Sts Cosmas and Damian to hide for a while until they could help them escape. Unable to find the brothers, the soldiers arrested instead other Christians of the area where the saints lived. Sts Cosmas and Damian then came out of hiding and surrendered to the soldiers, asking them to release those who had been arrested because of them. At Rome, the saints were imprisoned and put on trial. Before the Roman emperor and the judge they openly professed their faith in Christ God, Who had come into the world to save mankind and redeem the world from sin, and they resolutely refused to offer sacrifice to the pagan gods. They said, “We have done evil to no one, we are not involved with the magic or sorcery of which you accuse us. We treat the infirm by the power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and we take no payment for rendering aid to the sick, because our Lord commanded His disciples, “Freely have you received, freely give”. The emperor, however, continued with his demands. Through the prayer of Fr. Dcn Nektarios Raie the holy brothers, imbued with the power of grace, God suddenly struck Carinus blind, so that he too might experience the almighty power of the Lord, Who does not forgive blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. The people, beholding the miracle, cried out, “Great is the Christian God! There is no other God but Him!” Many of those who believed besought the holy brothers to heal the emperor, and he himself implored the saints, promising to convert to the true God, Christ the Savior, so the saints healed him. After this, Sts Cosmas and Damian were honorably set free, and once again they set about treating the sick. But what the hatred of the pagans and the ferocity of the Roman authorities could not do, was accomplished by black envy, one of the strongest passions of sinful human nature. An older physician, an instructor, under whom the holy brothers had studied the art of medicine, became envious of their fame. Driven to madness by malice, and overcome by passionate envy, he summoned the two brothers, formerly his most beloved students, proposing that they should all go together in order to gather various medicinal herbs. Going far into the mountains, he murdered them and threw their bodies into a river. Thus these holy brothers, the Unmercenary Physicians Cosmas and Damian, ended their earthly journey as martyrs. Although they had devoted their lives to the Christian service of their neighbors, and had escaped the Roman sword and prison, they were treacherously murdered by their teacher. The Lord glorifies those who are pleasing to God. Now, through the prayers of the holy martyrs Cosmas and Damian, God grants healing to all who with faith have recourse to their heavenly intercession. CHRISTMAS FAST BEGINS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15TH, 2014 =>?@/??/?H <;.)3. G2F/. 9)8 B'03. ED'3. 9)+ CBA Sunday School News: For all the parents of our Sunday School Please Bring Your Children @ 12 Noon Sharp The St. George’s Would Appreciate Your Donations of Altar Bread, Coffee, Cups, Cream & Napkins For The Memorial Services Of Your Loved Ones. Thank You & God Bless You Thanksgiving Is A Time To Say Thanks And Give To Those In Need On Thanksgiving, we are giving thanks to the people in our lives, our health and wellness, the food on our table, and to our life and everything in it. We have so many things to be thankful for, and it feels wonderful to be able to give back during such a meaningful time of the year.! Your Donation Of $25 or more. Will Help One Of Our Families During This Season Through Our Semi-Annual Bake Sale Toward The Needy.. Sunday November 23rd, 2014 ** St. George Church & St. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church Annual Christmas Party ~December 13th, 2014 ~ Conference Center S.S.F. ~ Stay Tuned more details coming soon!! Donation $75 Twenty Third Sunday After Pentecost Save, O Lord, thy people and bless thine inheritance Unto thee will I cry O Lord, my God. Section from the Epistle of St.Paul to the Ephesians (2:4-10) Ye Brethren: God, (Who is rich in mercy) for his great love wherewith he loved us; Even when we were dead in sins, hat quickened us together with Christ, (By grace ye are save;) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: That in the ages to come he might show the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us, through Christ Jesus. Bor by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boars. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which god hat before ordained that we should walk in them. The Gospel: From St. Luke (16:19 to end) The Lord Saith There was certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fares sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores. And desiring to be fed with crumbs which fell from the rich man’s table: moreover the dogs came and licked his stores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham’s bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in tormented, and seeth abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his ginger in water, and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime received thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil thing: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. The he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest end him to my father’s house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of tormented Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said, Nay, Father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead. They will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead. 1,0/*%! $*. -),+*%! ) (%'&%! $#"! .98765 543 21 %"0/.(- %,+*)( '& %$ #"! =,> CB &%A65 @?> '& %$ =,<;: ;A2? 3@? >%= ;%<. ;:$9%! 8%'76 54 302 (DE-C:B) F0TD S 9D R! 2D 1- QPD O0D 6%D N M %8,D L KD "EJD 6 H I 5 @G : :FED :! %D $ M %D"%8DO! %D$%XDW6%DN M %D(5ED1! %,DS VDO %UDN %,ADO! =/65 K/A)D1 K]D D 1 %,D D 1%D D B!- (@E<;D D W1 QP],D D 6%D D N \JD D "?D D >) [8.Z5 Y1 \JD"` ._E.D$ [8.Z5 => ^%D$-%P.D65 => K]D1 K.;DR!\J,D D1 e8D D6 dD D6c- @%PD D$b5 QXD Da5ED DN @E<;D DW1 QP],D D6%D DN .CDO! 0DW/*$ ihD6 g%PDf`5 2D1 e8D6- .H I 5 Q8XDf ED3 %PD"G g%PD fkD 6 _E.D $ [8.Z5 => VD BE;D W1 K],D j 2)D " %,D "` .%U8> d;.,6 %3Cfm> H I 5 lAa CB =/65 Q)6%<65 (MD-DL:DK) 'J<% 54 ;4'I%! $#"! 3HGF= \],/D$ ED3- nAD65- @5EDR&`5 eA;D$ =,L @%.D"G @%DS .'0D65 g%DB KDN%DN C,Df M %DO-0XD1 &p%]D6 KPDaG VJ.D1 @5- .M %UD>0/D1 oED$ 9DS u4D 65 ^%/*D 65 2D 1 YAD t$ @! =U/D t$ @%D S- sr-0qD 6%D N M %D N%<D 1 'iJD 65 #D "%D S 9D N .CD O! 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Q.PD : zaED D1 \D D3C,D Df @IG \8D D30D DNG KD D6 g%qD D> .54D D3 '54]D D65 YÜED D1 5cG 9D DN \8D D30D DNG #D DN! %D D$ Ñ g%qD D> .\U,D D1 5E]P.8;D D> Å%8AD D"`5.@ENE/$ ^5E1`5 21 CO5- \U86G z{1 Ñ- \UD"?D> Å%8AD"`5- zaED1 2D1 @E]P.D$ Ñ 5ED"%DS @G KD6 g%qD> .@EBC<$ ^5E1`5 21 CO5- o%B @G Elections & Approval Of The 2015 Budget Will Be Held At The General Parish Meeting Sunday January 4th, 2015 For the Purpose Of Electing 5 New Members For The Board Of Trustees The Following Members Will Serve For 2 More Years Dr. Fadi Khoury, Isam Dughman, Elias Husary, Dr. Isam Khoury & Basem Husary The Following Members Will Serve For 1 More Year Christina Qutami, Salti Ibrahim, Raja Qare, David Salfiti & Hani Kaileh The Following Member’s Term Will Expire This Year Dalia AbuElezam, Ron Dudum, Nawal Kharsa, Rick Nahass, & Joanna Nasrah !!"!! !!"!! !!"!! JOY Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner Friday November 14th, 2014 ~ At The Church Hall @ 6:00pm For More Information Please Contact Elizabeth ! ! Law Offices of Shamieh & Ternieden 703 Market Street, Suite 1700, San Francisco, CA 94103 Elias Z. Shamieh, Esq.* César R. Ternieden, Esq.** Ana B. Olmos, Esq*** Ann Barhoum, Esq*** Telephone: (415) 777-0700 Fax: (415) 543-0891 ______ * Practice limited to Immigration and Federal Courts. Not admitted to practice in California **Of Counsel. Admitted to the State Bar of Arizona. Practice limited to Immigration and Federal Courts *** Admitted to practice law in California. WE ARE PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE Our law offices are expanding with the addition of two attorneys who have joined our legal team Ana Olmos, Esq. and Ann Barhoum, Esq. In addition to our immigration practice, our legal services now include: Family Law Divorces and Related Matters Restraining Orders Mediation Business Law Landlord/Tenant Issues Contract Review and Negotiations Business Escrows Corporations Attorney Olmos is a graduate of Santa Clara Law School and has a BA in literature and Political Science from U.C. Santa Cruz and is fluent in Spanish and Portuguese. Attorney Barhoum is a graduate of San Francisco Law School and has a BA in English and Russian from Duke University and is a certified mediator. They are both admitted to the State Bar of California and the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. As always, we speak your language. Please contact our office to schedule an appointment for any of the above services. Commercial & Residential Real Estate Loans Purchase and Cash-Out Refinance ( At Bay City Financial we provide you with an unsurpassed service and some of the most competitive Rates and Fees the industry has to offer. We have a wide variety of loan programs to fit your specific need. Residential Loans ( ( ( ( ( ( x x x x x x x x x x x x Commercial Loans x x x x x x x x x x x x x Up to 95% loan to value Purchase or refinance cash-out Non-owner occupied properties Interest only programs First time buyers Equity lines of credit Jumbo & conforming loans Hard money loans Non occupant co-borrower OK 1-4 residential Units Less than perfect credit is OK Very competitive rates Up to 80% loan to value( Non-typical properties OK( Multi units residential properties Legal Non-conforming Ok( Fixed & adjustable rates( Thirty years amortization( Purchase or refinance cash-out ( Equity lines of credit( No verification of income( Loans up to $10,000,000( SBA loans( Hard money loans( Very competitive rates ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( Hani Kaileh Sr. Loan Consultant/Broker (650) 766-1452 ( ( !"#$"%&'("%)*+(%,-()*"&+(%"*(+./0*1)()#(12%,$*(34)2#.)(,#)41*5(6*")%4,("*+)"41)4#,+(%7789'(1%88(:#"(-*)%48+5( 6%84:#",4%(;*7%")&*,)(#:(<*%8(=+)%)*(>"#?*"'(841*,+*(@(ABCDECAA5((;<=@(FGBHI(CCJKAGLB( ( !"#$%&'"(#)$)(*$+&,% -#%&./+( 0"'12 !"#$%&'( )&*+#, 1#)'(3('-,"#$ -./01$..2$3$4566 77789:;<=>??=7@A8;B9 )$$'3*435)62'"(73"$84
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