1 The United Lutheran Parish—Tilleda, WI www.tulpchurch.com The United Lutheran Parish www.tulpchurch.com Elias Peace 2014 SUNDAY WORSHIP SCHEDULE Elias—Gresham ------------ 8:15am Peace—Tilleda -------------- 9:30am St John’s—Leopolis -------- 8:15am Zion—Tigerton ------------ 10:00am THE UNITED LUTHERAN PARISH PO Box 123 N6135 County Road D Tilleda WI 54978 Ph: 715-787-3367 www.tulpchurch.com Email: tulpchurch@gmail.com A member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America . St Johns Zion 715-787-3367 tulpchurch@gmail.com tulpchurch@gmail.com Pastor Dennis Accepts New Call As many of you may have heard, Pastor Dennis has taken a full-time call to serve Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Merrill beginning November 1st. The Call Committee has been meeting to look at our future options over the past year. We pray for God’s blessings on Pastor Dennis as he assumes his new duties and pray that he is able to help the congregation heal from the recent loss of their pastor and plan their future. On October 28th, the advisory council and call committee will be meeting with Bishop Mansholt to discuss future options. Depending on what the Bishop shares with us on the 28th, and other possibilities brought up, we will come up with a plan. For the immediate future, the Parish intends to continue to use Lois Graper and Shirley Pockat to lead worship on non-communion Sundays, and will contact ordained pulpit supply for communion Sundays. Baptisms and funerals can be conducted by Lois Graper at this time, and if the Bishop approves it, she will also be able to do weddings. Again, if necessary, we will find ordained Pastors to do what cannot be done by lay people. We are also happy to announce that Lois Graper has applied for the Teem Program (The Education of Emerging Ministries) and will be considered for acceptance into this program by the Synod Candidacy Committee in December. This is a 3-year program that ends with ordination. It is specifically designed to raise people up from within the congregation to work into an ordained position. The Advisory Council voted unanimously to support Lois in this program. (See page 2 for continued story-Future Plans) NOVEMBER 2014 2 The United Lutheran Parish—Tilleda, WI Inside this Edition: 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 7-9 10 11 12 13 www.tulpchurch.com The United Lutheran Parish CONFIRMATION NEWS 2014 Worship Schedule Pastor Dennis leaving Youth News/Confirmation Sunday School News Friendship Ministry Pastor Dennis leaving (cont.) Calendar Highlights Advertisers of the month Team Reflections Food Pantry News Baptism St John’s News Christmas Cantata Practice Advisory Council News Peace/Elias News Zion News Calendar for November Advertisers Contribution Sheet 7th & 8th Grade Confirmation Classes are being held on Wednesdays at Zion in Tigerton beginning at 3:30pm and at the TULP office in Tilleda beginning at 6:00pm. November Adult Supervision Zion TULP Office 11/5 Arndt 11/5 Bowman 11/12 Berg 11/12 Dallmann 11/19 Friedenberg 11/19 Foster 11/26 No Class 11/26 No Class SUNDAY SCHOOL Elias—after 8:15am worship Peace—during 9:30am worship Zion—9:00am—before worship FRIENDSHIP MINISTRY Beginning in August, a team of lay “Friendship Ministers” started contacting all members by phone. They will pass along important church information, ask how you are, find out if you have any church related questions they can answer, and ask if you have any concerns you would like to pass along to the staff. They WILL NOT ask you for anything else. This Friendship Ministry is a means of providing God’s care and love to all our members on an intentional and continuing basis. Our purpose is to increase the sense of fellowship and outreach among our members, to be an evangelism arm of the church, to nurture and comfort our members, and strengthen one another in faith. (Continued from page 1-Future Plans) There is a possibility that Bishop Mansholt will license Lois some time in the future to be able to offer communion, but nothing has been decided on that at this time. Lois has also been approved by the Advisory Council to take on the Administrative Pastoral duties of the parish, and has already received the blessing of the Bishop for this. Rest assured that the spiritual needs of the parish will be covered one way or another until our future plan is determined. Representatives from the Advisory Council will meet with Diane in November to work out some of the de. tails and submit a proposal based on the outcome of the meeting with the Bishop to the Advisory Council for approval. This will then be shared with the congregations and they will be given an opportunity to voice their opinions. Because of the financial climate of our parish, we are encouraged to come up with a creative solution that will allow us to continue the mission of The United Lutheran Parish. All of our congregations are struggling financially, and the option of a full-time or 3/4 time ordained Pastor is not felt to be a reality. We pray for God’s guidance in determining our future. November Calendar Highlights Central Newsletter · November Page 3 NOTE: Not all events (eg: Individual Church Bible Studies) are listed here— please check your churches news page(s) for additional information. Nov 2 Nov 4 Nov 5 Nov 5 Nov 6 Nov 6 Nov 6 Nov 9 Nov 11 Nov 12 Nov 13 Nov 19 Nov 19 Nov 20 Nov 20 Nov 20 Nov 20 Nov 26 Nov 26 Nov 27 Dec 3 Dec 4 Dec 4 All Saint’s Day worship Peace Brotherhood 6pm Meeting with Adv Council Reps @ TULP Office 3pm Confirmation Classes 3:30pm @ Zion 6pm @ TULP Office Morning Bible Study @ Schultz’s in Tigerton 8:30am Team Meeting 10:30am Peace WELCA 1:30pm Zion Council—after worship Shawano Conf Pastors @ Our Savior’s in Lessor Confirmation Classes 3:30pm @ Zion 6:00pm @ TULP Office Elias WELCA 1pm Food Pantry Distribution 12:30-1:30pm Confirmation Classes 3:30pm @ Zion 6pm @ TULP Office Morning Bible Study @ Schultz’s in Tigerton 8:30am Team Meeting 10:30am Peace Council 6pm Advisory Council 7pm Pick Up Food at warehouse in Shawano Thanksgiving Eve Worship 7pm @ Elias Thanksgiving Day—Give Thanks Confirmation Classes 3:30pm @ Zion 6pm @ TULP Office Morning Bible Study @ Schultz’s in Tigerton 8:30am Team meeting 10:30am Advertisers of the month Pine Manor Healthcare Village of Embarrass & Brady’s Septic Service Gresham . Daylight Savings Time ends on November 2nd 4 The United Lutheran Parish—Tilleda, WI www.tulpchurch.com TEAM REFLECTIONS I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ. -Philippians 1:3-6 Dear Members of The United Lutheran Parish, As many of you are already aware, I have received a Letter of Pastoral Call from Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Merrill to become the pastor of that congregation. I have had almost five years of what I feel has been good ministry at TULP, and have been blessed by those years. At this time however, I sense that God is calling me to a new place, and to move in a new direction. In keeping with this, I have informed the Presidents of the TULP Congregations and the Advisory Council, and announced at worship that I by Pastor Dennis have accepted the call from Our Saviour’s, and will be leaving from The United Lutheran Parish. My last Sunday was October 19, and my last day of work in the parish was October 24. I’ve been asked by the Synod Office to make it clear to all the members of TULP that, once I leave the parish to accept a new call, I will no longer be able to perform any pastoral acts in the congregations of the parish, or with the members of the parish. This includes, but isn’t limited to: weddings; funerals; preaching; visiting people in the hospital; and any other pastoral function. Bishop Mansholt will be working with the Call Committee and Advisory Council to provide pastoral care once I am no longer present. Thank you for all you have done for me, for the support you have given me, for your prayers and encouragement, and for sharing your lives with me. I have been blessed by your love for Jesus, and by your love for each other. May God continue to bless you. I will continue to remember the parish in prayer, that God will provide the guidance and people needed to lead the congregations of TULP into the future. May God’s richest blessing rest upon you all. In Christ’s love, God’s Blessing to you, Pastor Dennis, on your new call at Our Saviour’s in Merrill. Thank you for the past 5 years of leading The United Lutheran Parish. We wish you the best on this new challenge, and pray that the congregation of Our Saviour’s is supportive of the leadership skills you bring with you. Thank you again for what you have given to us and for answering God’s call. . Central Newsletter · November Page 5 TULP FOOD PANTRY Thank you to Peace Ladies for donating some quilts to be given to Food Pantry families. It will help keep them warm this winter and will be very much appreciated. Also thanks to Lois Graper and Patsy for getting the bags packed up and distributed on the 15th, and to Jerry Alfheim for picking up the food and Pete Forstner and Jerry for helping Patsy unload the food. With Thanksgiving coming up, we will try to put some special items in the food bags so the families can enjoy a treat for the holiday. Thank you to Roger and Hazel Kucksdorf for supplying the turkey products they will be receiving. The Elias Sunday School youth are holding a food drive in November—please support them as you can. Each church should have a basket to collect items for the food pantry. If not, if you put it in a grocery bag and mark it for TULP Food Pantry, someone will be sure to get it delivered to us. For November, we could use canned cranberries, boxed stuffing mix, instant potatoes and gravy mixes to add to the bags (we have a good supply of pumpkin at this time). You continued support is very much appreciated. Thank You!! BAPTISM Dominic Daniel Pynenberg Zion 10/19 Rehearsal Continues For Community Christmas Singers The annual community cantata will continue rehearsing on Mondays at 7 PM at Zion Lutheran Church, Caroline. Everyone who loves to sing in a choir is invited. This is a wonderful way to thank God for the gift of music by singing his praises during Advent season. The performances will be held during the Advent season at area churches. Please come, join in and spread the word. Daylight Savings Time ends on November 2nd at 2am. St. John’s News St. John's ladies completed the sewing project for Lutheran World Relief and shipped them out the first Friday in October. We made and filled 42 school backpacks, 7 baby layette kits, and 16 blankets. We also made and filled 14 school backpacks for The Orphan Grain Train. Thank you to all who helped fill them and for Mary Rades for helping make the school back packs it is much appreciated. We will miss Pastor Dennis’s preaching and lovely singing as he will be leaving to serve at a church in Merrill. We all wish him well in his new call. For the immediate future, we will be served by our lay people, Lois Graper and Shirley Pockat, with help from ordained pastors. The advisory council and call committee will be meeting with the Bishop on October 28th to further plan our future. We are looking forward to a good transition. . 9 22 24 Birthdays: Roger Peterson Shirley Pockat Sara Shumacher Rachael Akstulewiecz Shirley Aschenbrenner Ray Pockat St John Lutheran Church—Leopolis 6 The United Lutheran Parish—Tilleda, WI www.tulpchurch.com Advisory Council—October 16, 2014 Members Present: Diane Kryll, Pastor Dennis Creswell, held at Peace and the 2017 service will be held Jim Hartleben, Lois Graper, Sharon Stein, Sally Cerat St. Johns. veny, Carol Peterson, Roger Kucksdorf, Tom Madsen, Pat Bailey, Jan Thompson, and Don Nelson. Lois Graper has applied to the synod for The EduPresident Jan T. called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. cation of Emerging Ministries (TEEM) proA quorum was present. gram. MSC Madsen, Kucksdorf to give support Devotions on Romans 8:28 were given by Pastor Creto Lois in prayer and encouragement if she is swell. accepted. Agenda: Add election of a secretary. Secretary’s Report: M/S/C Madsen, Kucksdorf, to acHow to proceed without a called Pastor: cept the minutes from the September 18, 2014 meeting Communion Sundays, continue to have communion as printed. as currently done and hire an ordained minister as Treasurer’s Report: Diane Kryll presented the January needed. through October Year-to-Date Budget vs. Actual report. Confirmation, Lois will teach both classes with M/S/C Kucksdorf, Hartleben to approve as presented. backup teachers at each site if she is unable. Pastor’s Report: A written report listing Pastoral activi- Baptisms will be scheduled when ordained minister ties and upcoming events along with The Parish Paper is scheduled for now. If Lois is licensed by the was presented and discussed. Bishop, she will be able to also baptize. Weddings, ordained ministers unless Lois becomes Old Business: licensed. The Call Committee update was given by Tom Madsen. They suggest that Lois Graper serve as Funerals, person approved by the parish. administrator and ordained ministers are hired as Visitation, this has been scheduled quarterly in the needed. Jan T. and Don Nelson have talked to past. Pastor Nelson and Lois would be willing to do Pastor Nelson and he is interested in filling in. visitations. More discussion will be held concerning this On-call duties will be worked out between Lois and with Bishop Mansholt at an upcoming meeting. Pastor Nelson. Administration, Lois will take over this duty. Confirmation classes are going well. With Pastor Dennis leaving we are looking for backup teachA Preliminary budget meeting will be held on Noers at both sights if Lois would not be able to vember 5, at 3 pm with one representative from teach both classes. Tom Madsen is willing to the advisory council from each congregation. fill in at the TULP class. TULP Operating Procedure. II. C. c. New ideas were discussed with no action until the meeting with a representative from the synod. Any recommendations that the advisory suggest would have to be voted on at the annual congregational meeting at each church. New Business: Discussion was held concerning the Thanksgiving service which will be held on the Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving at 7 pm. The decision was determined on where to have the service by placing the name of each church in a hat. 2014 service will be held at Elias, 2015 service will be held at Zion, 2016 service will be . Election of Advisory Secretary due to the resignation of Lois Graper. MSC Kucksdorf, Hartleben to nominate Sharon Stein. MSC Madsen, Peterson to close nominations and cast a unanimous ballot for Sharon. We adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer Next Meeting – Nov 20, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. in Tilleda. Lois Graper, Advisory Council Secretary Central Newsletter · November Page 7 The Guidepost—continued BIRTHDAYS 11/2 Sharon Breitenfeldt 11/3 Sylvia Zimdars 11/3 Bernice Montoure 11/4 Donald Arnold 11/9 Bruce Otto 11/12 Angela Graper 11/13 Mackenzie Foster 11/13 Bonnie Maas 11/14 Clara Post 11/14 Lucas Forstner 11/16 Bruce Watters 11/16 Audrey Wohler 11/17 Robert Felts 11/18 Shannon Otto 11/19 Lois Graper 11/19 Dave Habeck 11/19 Charles Sr. Malueg 11/21 June Przbylski 11/21 Stanley Otto 11/21 Marie Fuhrman 11/22 Mike Trinko 11/23 Otto Giese 11/26 Germaine Hohn 11/28 Ryan Rosenow Remember in your Prayers Kathleen Kraft, Lifeson Wudtke, Linda Hohn, Larry Gast, John Breitenfeldt, John & Cindy Miller and our shut-ins June Przybylski, Elaine Schultz, Marie Fuhrman, Lucille Treptow, Florence Stueck, Florence Watters that they all may find comfort in your prayers. Please keep all military personnel and veterans in your thoughts and prayers. COMING UP Elias Sunday School—Sundays—after worship Peace Sunday School—Sundays—during worship Peace WELCA—Nov 6 @ 1:30pm Peace Brotherhood—Nov 4th 6pm Elias WELCA—Nov 13 @ 1pm Peace Council— Nov 20 @ 6pm Advisory Council— Nov 20 @ 7pm Confirmation Classes—Wednesdays, 6pm at TULP Office Thanksgiving Eve Worship—Nov 26 @ 7pm at Elias Elias Youth in Service for Christ in Action Roadside Clean-Up Pictured are Nicholas Young, Zackery Young, Mackenzie Foster, Emma 11/6 Dale & Becky Voelz Foster, Sarah Hohn, Jordan Madsen, and 11/30 Gerald & Alice Alfheim Alex Foster putting their working hands ELIAS SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHEDULE 11-2 Books of the Bible Activities and start gift together to better their community with roadside clean up after church on Sunday September 28, 2014. The students are pictured bags for Christmas Project 11-9 Field Trip - Food Pantry Collection (wear with some of the roadside garbage that they collected. Thank you to the parents, who helped supervise this event: Black Thrivent Shirts) Tom Madsen, Sarah Young, Beth Foster and Linda Hohn. 11-16 Thrivent Food Pantry - Final Collection and Pictures after church (wear Black Thrivent Thank you to Tom Madsen for driving the vehicle for picking up Shirts) of the full bags of garbage and properly disposing of the waste. Card Making Day (for shut ins and solElias Lutheran Youth in Service for Christ have decided to diers) and gift bags for Christmas Project continue their volunteer work. They have many events planned. 11-23& 26 No Sunday School (Hunting and Their next event that they are having is a TULP (The United LuThanksgiving) theran Parish) food drive with Thrivent Elias Lutheran Church Peace Lutheran Church Action Plan sponsoring the event. They will be collecting food until November 16 at local areas and churches. Zachery Young and Emma Foster took the lead and collected the most bags of garbage. Great Job! ANNIVERSARIES . 8 The United Lutheran Parish—Tilleda, WI www.tulpchurch.com The Guidepost—continued Elias Lectors 2 9 16 23 30 Joann Miller Charlotte Schwartz Mary Madsen Jerry Bents Vicky Jolitz Peace Lectors 2 9 16 23 30 Lisa Dumke Sharon Stein Laura Habeck Lorna Dumke Joan Wohler Elias Ushers Peace Ushers Don & Charlotte Schwartz Florence Trinko & Joan Wohler Elias Communion Assistant Peace Communion Assistant Charlotte Schwartz Janice & Conrad Ecker Elias Altar Guild Peace Altar Guild Volunteer Sharon Stein & Florence Trinko PEACE COUNCIL MINUTES—10/16 MEETING Present: Jim H, Gene K, Florence T, Lois G, Mike S, Sylvia Z, Mike T. Staff: Pastor Dennis, Sharon S. Meeting was called to order by Jim H. Devotions were given by Pastor Dennis on Psalm 23. MSC Mike S, Gene K to approve the secretary’s report as written. MSC Gene K, Mike T to approve the treasurer’s report as presented. Pastor Dennis updated us on the Pastor’s report. Alice Rosenow requested a transfer to St Paul Lutheran Church, Bowler. We received a request from Campus Ministry in Oshkosh but decided that we were unable to send anything at this time. Old Business: Gene updated the cost of the bathroom project. Work will be starting in early November. Gene K, Lois G, and Sharon S, are on the constitution committee but have not set a meeting date yet. Discussion was held concerning the TULP Operating Procedure. II. C. c. proposals. This is tabled until after the meeting with the Bishop. Lois G gave an update on the Lifeson Wudtke benefit which is coming together nicely. Pastor Dennis will assist with a follow-up letter to the people from St Matthew’s membership roles that have not yet committed to a congregation. . New Business The members of the advisory council and the members of the call committee will be meeting with the Bishop Oct. 28th at Zion to discuss how we proceed with pastoral care. MSC Gene K, Sylvia Z to accept the resignation of Lois Graper to the council as a council member and secretary. MSC Sylvia Z, Mike T to appoint Sharon Stein to fill her position on the council, the secretary position and the advisory representative. The Sunday school will be meeting in the small room. We will replace the dividers in that room and supply a small heater to assist with heating the room during the class. Gene mentioned that the one of the grinders broke down during the pancake supper. Hangartner Electric was able to fix it and did not charge for the repairs since it was for the church. MSC Mike T, Mike S to adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer. Submitted by Lois Graper, Council Secretary Central Newsletter · November Page 9 Elias 2014 WELCA Raffle Winners Item Queen Size Quilt Afghan Afghan $50 Cash $50 Butcher’s Qtr Green Quilted Throw $25 Cash $25 Aldi GC $25 Aldi GC Fall Wreath Thanksgiving Plaque Stepping Stone Chocolate Basket Snack Basket Fleece throw Christmas Tree Skirt $10 Cash 12 pk Soda 12 pk Soda 12 pk Soda 12 pk Soda 12 pk Soda 12 pk Soda 12 pk Soda 12 pk Soda 12 pk Soda Donated by Hazel Kucksdorf Eva Schultz Eva Schultz Elias WELCA Dick Paiser Germaine Hohn Elias WELCA Chris/Bruce Jung Chris/Bruce Jung Beverly Francken Barb Stefl Sharon Stein Pat Arnold Pat Arnold Barb Stefl Linda Arndt #lias WELCA Linda Hohn Linda Hohn Diane Cerveny Diane Cerveny Diane Cerveny Darlene Dey Darlene Dey Lloyd Schmidt Lloyd Schmidt Winner Darlene Dey Mary Madsen B J Francken Donna Bratz Don Arnold Chris Jung Andy Schultz Melissa Otto Eric Schilke Karen Wurth Pat Arnold Bruce Jung Conner Krueger Jim Wolf Wes Trinko Peggy Spanbauer Tim Otto Gary Evers Ray Arndt Mary Madsen Jan McDermid Bruce Jung Katherine Ladwig Ann Lang Dan Ebert April Allikas Peace 2014 WELCA Raffle Winners Item $200 cash Queen quilt $50 cash $25 cash $25 cash $20 cash $15 GC Studio Lounge $15 GC Studio Lounge $25 GC Studio Lounge $5 GC Belle Plaine Cheese Red Candle/Snowman Ceramic Pumpkin Towel Basket Maple Syrup Snowman jar Scentsy hand Soap Pumpking Jar/Candy Shower Caddy ner Pumpkin Patch DW Cover Hope & Picture Frame Table Cloth/Napkins Pickle Basket Winner Robert Wohler Dorine Watters Zoey Zoromski Sharon Stein Florence Trinko Mike Marsden Inex Everts Jerry Radies Gary Utke Gary Utke Rachel Voelz Jean Dumke D Baldorf Amy VanDeest Devin Lang Joan Wohler Bob Adams Jerry Ashenbren- Peggy Zimdars Peggy Zimdars Mandi Murray Joann Innerebner D Baldorf Pat Mork Wright Place Audrey Kessen Thank you to everyone that either contributed door prices and/or purchased tickets to support Peace Lutheran church and it’s missions. Thank you to everyone that helped make the Elias craft, bake and rummage sale a big success. To everyone that helped, in anyway, with the Peace Pancake Dinner receive a very BIG thank you. Your help in all the details that pull this together are very much appreciated. Thank you from Jenene Wudtke: “Thank you so much for all you and your family and everyone else that helped to pull together yesterday’s events! It was a fun filled day and I heard so many people say how much fun they had! You went above and beyond!!! My kids and I are very appreciative and thankful to have such a great church and people stand beside us and support us in the many ways you guys do! Thank you so much. Big hugs!!!” Shown are a few of the pictures that were taken at the benefit for Lifeson on October 19th. It was a very successful benefit, and we will keep Lifeson and his family in our prayers. . Donated by WELCA WELCA WELCA WELCA WELCA Delores Haas Bob/Joan Wohler Bob/Joan Wohler Studio Lounge Belle Plaine Cheese Sharon Breitenfeldt Sharon Stein Joan Wohler Robbie Maas Peggy Zimdars Sharon Breitenfeldt Peggy Zimdars Peggy Zimdars 10 The United Lutheran Parish—Tilleda, WI www.tulpchurch.com NARTHEX NEWS Zion Lutheran Church—511 Spaulding Street—Tigerton WI 54486 715-535-2312 or 715-787-3367 BIRTHDAYS ZION SERVANTS ACOLYTE Volunteers USHERS *** Gary Lang Bob Breitrick READERS Nov 2 Nov 19, 16 Nov 23, 30 1 1 1 4 4 8 9 15 16 Martin Hille Neil Hoffman Mary Menge Richard Fischer Paige Menge Doris Allaire Madigan Carlson Fara Sellner Dale Lehman Wanda Minniecheske Patrick Bailey Doris Allaire ALTAR GUILD Dorothy Breitrick & Bob Breitrick Zion Council Meeting—October 5th, 2014 Members Present: Kevin Willman, Jan Thompson, Karla Parmenter, Kathy Low Deacons: Linda Krueger Trustees: Don Nelson Absent: Pat Bailey, Phyllis Arndt, David Dent Pastor Dennis, Loah Horton present Call to order: 11:00 am following service. Devotions: Use worship. Secretary's report: Accepted as printed in Narthex section of TULP newsletter. Treasurer's report: M/S/C by Karla Parmenter, Don Nelson to accept treasurer's report. Zion has received a generous gift from the Ralph Schroeder Trust Fund. Motion includes recommendation to leave the money in the advantage savings account at Premier Bank. Pastor's report: Pastor reported that confirmation classes are going well. Pastor Dennis is working with the Bishop for a fill in pastor during the interm search for a new pastor for TULP. United Lutheran Parish Advisory: Meeting on the 16th of October. Zion Food Program: Program is doing ok, serving 30 families. Zion has donation box for food program in the back of the church. Property/Grounds: Few lights need replacing. Education/Youth: Sunday School has started. Confirmation students are working on confirmation projects throughout the year. Stewardship: None. . 21 21 24 26 27 28 28 Claire Ware Jodi Mallak Linda Breitrick Daniel Dent Mike Dent Patrick Bailey Marie Raasch CALENDAR EVENTS COMING UP Sunday School—9am Sundays Zion Council——Sunday, Oct 5 after worship Food and Fellowship—1st Sunday of the month Zion Youth—2nd Sunday of the month Confirmation Class—Wednesdays @ 3:30pm Evangelism: None. Worship: Meeting end of month. WELCA: Spaghetti Supper is the 16th of October. New Business: Budget will need to be planned. Nominations will be needed for outgoing council members, President (Pat Bailey), Secretary (Karla Parmenter), Treasurer (Jan Thompson), Deacon (Phyllis Arndt), Trustee (Don Nelson). Anyone interested, please see any council member. We will meet after service next week to plan farewell for Pastor Dennis. Don Nelson will contact TULP office to see if they want to do something jointly. Next meeting is set for Nov 9, 2014 following service. M/S/C by Linda Krueger, Karla Parmenter to adjourn. Closed with the Lord's Prayer. Karla Parmenter Zion Lutheran Church—Tigerton Central Newsletter · November Page 11 SUN 2-ALL SAINTS DAY Elias 8:15am (LG) Peace 9:30am (LG) St Johns 8:15am C (DN) Zion 10:00am C (DN) SP=Shirley Pockat DN=Pastor Dennis Nelson SAT Peace Brotherhood 6pm 4 Confirmation 3:30pm @ Zion 6:00pm @ TULP Office 12 Mtg w/AC Reps 3:00pm @ TULP Office Confirmation 3:30pm @ Zion 6:00pm @ TULP Office 5 20 Elias WELCA 1pm 13 Morning Bible Study @ Schultz’s in Tigerton 8:30am Team Mtg 10:30am Peace WELCA 1:30pm SAFP Board Mtg 6pm 6 21 14 7 29 22 15 8 THUR 11 19 Morning Bible Study @ Schultz’s in Tigerton 8:30am Team Mtg 10:30am Peace Council 6pm Advisory Council 7pm 28 WED Shawano Conference Pastors @ Our Savior’s, Lessor Food pantry Distribution 12:30-2:00pm Confirmation 3:30pm @ Zion 6:00pm @ TULP Office 27 THANKSGIVING 6 1 18 26 5 25 4 2 Thanksgiving Eve Worship@ Elias 7pm (SP) Pick up Food in Shawano 3 Morning Bible Study @ Schultz’s in Tigerton 8:30am Team Mtg 10:30am TUES LG=Lois Graper MON 3 10 17 24 Dec 1 Confirmation 3:30pm @ Zion 6:00pm @ TULP Office FRI JOINT MONTHLY CALENDAR NOVEMBER 2014 SUN EVENTS Zion Council after worship 9-22ND SUNDAY/PENTECOST Elias 8:15am C (DN) Peace 9:30am C (DN) St Johns 8:15am (SP) Zion 10:00am (SP) 16-23RD SUNDAY/PENTECOST Elias 8:15am (SP) Peace 9:30am (SP) St Johns 8:15am C (DN) Zion 10:00am C (DN) 23-CHRIST THE KING SUNDAY Elias 8:15am C (DN) Peace 9:30am C (DN) St Johns 8:15am (LG) Zion 10:00am (LG) 30-1ST SUNDAY/ADVENT Elias 8:15am (LG) Peace 9:30AM (LG) St Johns 8:15am (SP) Zion 10:00am (SP) . 12 The United Lutheran Parish—Tilleda, WI . www.tulpchurch.com Central Newsletter ·November Page 13 MY MONTHLY CONTRIBUTION SUMMARY You can write one check for the whole month. If you are on vacation or out of town, you can be assured that you did not miss your weekly contribution if you plan for it each month as outlined below. Because your name, church code, and church number are printed on the label on the reverse side, it will be very easy for money counters to post to the correct account. If you have any comments or special donations, please make a note about it and include it all on the same check if you wish. When there are special fund raisers or special Date—2014 Regular collections, they can also be noted on this form if we know about it ahead of time. You can put this in an envelope and drop in the collection basket, or mail it to the address listed below for your church. If you wish, you can still use your church envelope if you prefer. Any suggestions or comments are always welcome. Please give this a try to see if it will work in the future. Thanks. Mission Special Other Total SUNDAY NOV 2 (ALL SAINTS) SUNDAY NOV 9 SUNDAY NOV 16 SUNDAY NOV 23 SUNDAY NOV 30 (1ST SUNDAY IN ADVENT) TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS FOR MONTH If you wish to mail this form with your check, these are the remit addresses: (you can also drop this form with payment into the collection plate) Elias—Town of Hermann—c/o Pat Arnold—W12531 Mill Creek Ct—Gresham WI 54128 Peace —Tilleda—c/o Treasurer—P O Box 96—Tilleda WI 54978 St Johns—Leopolis—c/o Carol Peterson—P O Box 22—Leopolis WI 54948 Zion—Tigerton—c/o Jan Thompson—P O Box 238—Wittenberg WI 54499 Lois Graper 715-754-4904 (home) 715-853-2549 (cell) graperla123@gmail.com W10980 Riverside Rd Marion WI 54950 Shirley Pockat 715-754-2143 (home) spockat@rocketmail.com W12801 Uecker Street Caroline WI 54928 Write check for this amount— payable to TULP Office 715-787-3367 tulpchurch@gmail.com P O Box 123 N6135 County Rd D Tilleda, WI 54978 The United Lutheran Parish 715-787-3367 N6135 County Road D PO Box 123 Tilleda, WI 54978-0123 NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #2 TILLEDA, WI Change Service Requested www.tulpchurch.com tulpchurch@gmail.com Sunday, Nov 2nd We remember those who died in the past year, and rejoice in those baptized in the past year. The United Lutheran Parish Mission Statement Thanksgiving Thursday, Nov 27th Worship on Wednesday, Nov 26th, at Elias—7pm A multi-point cooperative ministry is intent on assisting each individual congregation in carrying out its own defined ministry and mission. Together, under the direction and empowerment of the Holy Spirit, and with the 1st Sunday of Advent November 30th We Begin Our Advent Journey encouragement from one another, we commit ourselves to share our faith, hope and love in the strong name of Jesus, in our rural settings.
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