A LEARNING CHURCH Saturday is the feast of St Cecilia, the 2nd century martyr who is the patron saint of music and church musicians. PARISH OF OUR LADY OF
THE PORTAL & ST PIRAN with Our Lady, Star of the Sea and St. Anthony, St Mawes Parish Clergy: Fr. Gilmour McDermott + Dn. Andrew Shute Many thanks to all who share in the music ministry in our parish for their time and commitment and all they add to our liturgies. St Austell St. Truro, TR1 1SE. Telephone (01872) 272291 email: ~ website: + Retired Priest in Residence St. Mawes: Fr Terence Perkins ­ Sunday Mass 10.30am Parish Safeguarding Representative: Maria Barnes (01872) 242018 A CELEBRATING CHURCH
Pope Francis has asked for a Year of Consecrated Life to celebrate those men and women who live this vocation in the Church. In the diocese the year will open with a Mass in Plymouth Cathedral on Saturday, 6 December at 12 noon. All invited to attend. We give thanks for those in our parish who have made this dedication, for their ministry and their prayers. Flame 2 Youth Event will be held in Wembley Stadium on Saturday, 7 March 2015. Subsidised tickets available at £5 deposit, names to Paul Barnes asap. See poster and itinerary in porch. Adults also welcome. Saturday, 22 November 10.15­3.15 pm (Mass at 9.30 am).Day of Reflection led by Fr Martin Poulsom SDB on “The Bi­ centenary of Don Bosco’s birth: living & sharing his vision”. All welcome. Bring packed lunch & small donation for drinks. Nepalese Lunch. Sunday 23 November 12.30 for 1 pm. Kathmandu. £15. In aid of subsidising Flame 2 event at Wembley for young people. 33rd Week in OT Psalter 1 ­ Sunday, 16 November 2014
SUNDAY MASSES Saturday 15 Nov 6.15 pm First Mass of Sunday (Holy Souls) Sunday 16 Nov 9.30 am Mass (People of the Parish) 11.00 am Mass (In thanksgiving for Aloysius Cota)
WEEKDAY MASSES Monday 17 Nov 9.30 am Morning Mass (Gavin Roscoe RIP) Tuesday 18 Nov 9.30 pm Morning Mass (Brian Duffy RIP) Wednesday 19 Nov 10.00 am Morning Mass (Kay Duncan RIP) Thursday 20 Nov 9.30 pm Morning Prayer 7.00 pm Evening Mass (James O’Shea RIP) Friday 21 Nov 9.30 am Morning Mass & Holy Hour (Deceased Members of the Edwards’ Family) Saturday 22 Nov 9.30 am Morning Mass
W E L C O M E If you are a visitor, we hope you have a wonderful time in Cornwall and will come and visit us again. Do make yourselves known to our clergy/welcomers. If you are unfamiliar with our services please ask for help. The Church and Hall are fitted with a loop system for hearing aid users. Toilet facilities are to be found in the entrance to the Hall across the patio. If you are moving into the parish please make yourself known and fill in a Contact Form from the Welcome Book. We are pleased to welcome our visitors. Should you wish to gift aid your donation please use one of the blue envelopes to be found on the pews. Thank you for your support. SUNDAY MASSES Saturday 22 Nov 6.15 pm First Mass of Sunday (Josephine Maher RIP) Sunday 23 Nov Christ the King One Mass at 10 am (People of the Parish)
RECONCILIATION Saturday after Morning Mass and 5.15 pm to 5.45 pm and by appointment
Truro Parish is part of Plymouth RC Diocese: Reg’d Charity No. 213227 A LIVING CHURCH A CARING CHURCH
Collection: £603.15. Gift Aided: £280. Thank you. All cheques for the Parish to be made out : ‘P.R.C.D.T.R. Truro R.C. Parish’ Intercessions:
Christian Aid
Jenny Kwee
D A T E S: Wednesdays: 4..15 pm First Holy Communion Group Sunday 16 Nov 2.00 pm Prayer Session in the Church . (see separate note) Wednesday 19 Nov 7.30 pm Confirmation Group in the Hall. Wednesday 19 Nov Festival of Light in Truro City Centre Sunday 23 Nov Feast of Christ the King. One Mass at 10 am followed by Bacon Butties in the Hall ­ proceeds to Cafod. Tuesday 25 Nov 12.30 pm Parish Soup Lunch in the Hall. All welcome. Thursday 27 Nov 7.30 pm Parish Council Meeting Saturday 29 Nov 10 am to 1 pm Parent & Toddler Group in the Hall. World Gifts The true spirit of Christmas Giving. Every World Gift you give will delight your friends and family, but it is also a great way of rediscovering what it really means to share the love, peace and joy of Christmas. They won’t go out of fashion or break and each gift you buy will make a real difference to communi­ ties living in developing countries.
Car parking. Space is limited in our car park. Please be careful about blocking others in and display your disc so you can be contacted if necessary. Feedback from our Young People. Please send your email to John Cousins or Paul Barnes or send them in writing to your children’s email. (see last week’s newsletter on the church website). That We May Be One There is to be a special service of Sung Vespers at our Cathedral of St Mary and St Boniface, Plymouth to mark the 50th Anniversary of the publication of the Second Vatican Council’s Decree on Christian Unity. This will take place on Friday, 21 November at 4.00 pm Parish Diaries for 2015 are now available. Many thanks to those who placed adverts to make the publication possible. Parish Advent Breakfast & Conference Advent Retreat 9 to 12 noon Saturday, 13 December at Saturday, 29 November. Becoming a Truro School, 6th Form Centre. New Creation: a day at St Rita’s Centre, When we will be looking, with the help of Honiton led by David Wells, as to how we become an Fr Kevin O’Connell, a priest from the “ Evangelising Parish”. Northampton Diocese. Tickets on sale after masses. The day will begin with tea/coffee at £8 for the full event and £3 for coffee and 10.30 am and end with Mass at 4 pm. Cost, including lunch, £25. conference only. See poster in Porch.
the Pope’s intentions for NOVEMBER. Universal: Lonely people. That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. For Evangelization: Mentors of seminarians and religious. That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well formed mentors. PLEASE PRAY FOR: the sick and housebound of the Parish and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time, especially: Reginald Barry; Mother Madeleine; Eilish Snell; Fred Furse; Peter Kevan Bott; Harold Martin; Charles and Arthur Peapell; Jean Pickin; Anna Burns; John McMahon; Joe Doyle; Margaret Rossiter; Sister Gerard; Kay Duncan; Joseph Donovan; Valentino Giovannone; Gustave Martin; Joe Caden; John Rossiter; Katrina Rainey and Bill Finn. Saturday 29 November Advent crafts and play for children 0­7 ­ Older siblings are of course welcome. Come and join us for stories, treats and craft activities. There will also be a wide variety of toys to keep even the youngest babies happy. Come and meet other children and parents from the parish. Father Gilmour and Paul Vage are planning another sponsored walk, this time along the Tinners’ Way in early December. Details of the parish project they are supporting will be available next week. Looking for runners (again)! If you didn’t fancy running a marathon in Rome how about Paris? The Catholic Children’s Society has places to run the Paris Marathon on Sunday, 12 April 2015. Please contact Claire asap for further details on 07783 156284 or email:
This Sunday, 16 November, 2 to 5 pm there will be a time for quiet reflection and prayer held in the church for carers and the deceased and their families and all those who are suffering from Ebola. You are invited to pop in for a few minutes or stay for the whole time. There will be a retiring collection this weekend to support the fight against Ebola. The money will be channelled through Cafod and any Cafod envelopes next weekend will go to the same appeal. Some information sheets will be available after Masses. Synod on Family Life. It might be interesting for those with website access to hear what Cardinal Nichols said at a recent press conference about Pope Francis’ address at the close of the synod.­­of­Bishops­on­the­Family­2014