Your company logo here PVSOL LTD 10 MALLAIGEND ROAD, CARNOUSTIE. STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS REPORT In accordance with Guide to the Installation of Photovoltaic Systems 2nd Edition Page 70; 4.3.6 Load Calculations WIND & SNOW LOADING DESK TOP APPRAISAL Page 1 of 9 ISSUE No. DATE PREPARED BY 18/06/2014 DN CHECKED BY APPROVED BY DN DISTRIBUTION Page 2 of 9 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 APPLIED LOADINGS 2.0 JUSTIFICATION OF PANELS FOR GRAVITY LOADS 3.0 JUSTIFICATION OF PANELS FOR UPLIFT LOADS 4.0 CONCLUSIONS NOTE: This report has been carried out in accordance with BRE Digest 489 & section 4.3.8 to 4.3.11 of the Guide to the Installation of Photovoltaic Systems as required. Disclaimer: The Desk Top Appraisal Report has been produced from information supplied by client. SRS cannot be held responsible for any damage caused from the supply of limited information or damage caused due to inaccuracies within the information supplied. Page 3 of 9 1.0 APPLIED LOADING In considering the applied loading we have designed as noted below: Dead loads are based on the actual specified make up for the existing roof. Wind & snow loads to procedures within Eurocode- 1 (BS EN 1991-1). This applies to roof mounted systems as opposed to integrated “ tile systems” Page 4 of 9 Applied loads are as follows: EXISTING ROOF MAKE UP: DEAD LOAD Existing Tiles Existing Felt Existing Trusses = 0.55kN/m2 = 0.02kN/m2 = 0.15kN/m2 Total DL = 0.72kN/m2 IMPOSED LOADS BS 6399:PT3:4.2 & Eurocode- 1 (BS EN 1991-1) Roof Loading = 0.6kN/m2 EXISTING ROOF WIND LOADINGS: Calculated using TEDDS design software for both positive and negative internal pressure and for wind acting both perpendicular and parallel to the front elevation of the building. EXISTING ROOF SNOW LOADINGS: Calculated using TEDDS design software for both basic and where appropriate complex snow loadings. CALCULATIONS: BUILDING WIND LOADING TO BS6399:PART2: 1997 Building data (duo-pitch roof) Longer horizontal dimension of the building L = 7.5 m Shorter horizontal dimension of the building W = 5.9 m Maximum height of the building H = 5.8 m Roof pitch angle (-ve for a valley roof) α = 35.0 deg Reference height for roof pressure Hrr = H = 5.8 m Reference height for wall pressure Hrw = 3.9 m Dynamic classification Building type factor (table 1); Kb = 0.5 Maximum height of the building H = 5.8 m Dynamic augmentation factor (1.6.1); Cr = [Kb × ( H / (0.1 m) ) 0.75 ] / ( 800 × log( H / (0.1 m) ) ) = 0.01 Calcs valid - Standard/Hybrid method is applicable Orthogonal dimensions D = W = 5.9 m B = L = 7.5 m Site wind speed NB Calcs suitable only where topography is not significant (cl. & fig. 7) Reference height for wall pressure Hrr = 5.8 m Reference height for wall design Hrw = 3.9 m Basic wind speed (Figure 6 BS6399:Pt 2) Vb = 24.0 m/s Site altitude ∆S = 45 m Upwind distance from sea to site dsea = 7 km Altitude factor Sa = 1 + (0.001 m ) × ∆S = 1.05 Direction factor Sd =1.00 -1 Seasonal factor Ss = 1.00 Probability factor Sp = 1.00 Page 5 of 9 Site wind speed Vs = Vb × Sa × Sd × Ss × Sp = 25.1 m/s Dynamic pressure - roof Effective height He = Hrr = 5.8 m Factor Sb From BS 6399 : Part 2 : 1997 ..... Table 4 For "country" terrain 7 km from sea with He = 5.8 m and Sb = 1.61 Effective wind speed; Ve = Vs × Sb = 40.5 m/s Dynamic pressure; qs = (0.613 kg/m ) × Ve = 1.00 kN/m 2 3 2 Dynamic pressure - walls Effective height He1 = Hrw = 3.9 m Closest distance from the site to sea; dsea1 = dsea Factor Sb From BS 6399 : Part 2 : 1997 ..... Table 4 For "country" terrain 7 km from sea with He1 = 3.9 m and; Sb1 = 1.51 Effective wind speed; Ve1 = Vs × Sb1 = 37.8 m/s Dynamic pressure; qs1 = (0.613 kg/m ) × Ve1 = 0.88 kN/m 3 2 2 Wall pressures (standard method, table 5, D < b ) Reference height for wall pressures; Hrw = 3.9 m Scaling length; b = min( B, 2 × Hrw ) = 7.5 m Critcal gap width to adjacent buildings; g = 4.0 m External pressure coefficients, Cpe From BS 6399 : Part 2 : 1997 ..... Table 5 for D_upon_H = 1.51 and g_upon_b = 0.53 External pressure coeff w; Cpew = 0.81 External pressure coeff l; Cpel = -0.50 External pressure coeff side A; CpesA = -1.58 External pressure coeff side B; CpesB = -0.89 Internal pressure coeff; Cpi = -0.3 Room/storey volume for internal size effect factor; Vi = 55.8 m Diagonal dimension for internal size effect factors; ai = 10 × ( Vi ) 3 1/3 = 38.2 m Diagonal dimension for external size effect factors; ae = 8.5 m Cae = 0.97 Using fig. 4 Curve = "A"External pressure coefficients; External pressure coefficients; Cai = 0.88 Dynamic pressure; qs1 = 0.88 kN/m Internal surface pressure; pi = qs1 × Cpi × Cai= -0.23 kN/m 2 2 cl. Net wall pressures Windward face 2 pw = qs1 × Cpew × Cae - pi = 0.92 kN/m 2 Leeward face pl = qs1 × Cpel × Cae - pi = -0.19 kN/m Zone A pa = qs1 × CpesA × Cae - pi = -1.11 kN/m over length 1.5 m Zone B pb = qs1 × CpesB × Cae - pi = -0.53 kN/m over length 4.4 m 2 2 cl. Apex duopitch roof pressures (standard method, 0 degrees) Roof pressure coefficients From BS 6399 : Part 2 : 1997 ..... Table 10 for α = 35 deg & θ = 0 deg Roof pressure coefficient A1 CperA1 = 0.80 Roof pressure coefficient A2 CperA2 = -0.33 Roof pressure coefficient B1 CperB1 = 0.53 Roof pressure coefficient B2 CperB2 = -0.33 Roof pressure coefficient C1 CperC1 = 0.50 Roof pressure coefficient C2 CperC2 = -0.13 Roof pressure coefficient E1 CperE1 = -0.73 Page 6 of 9 Roof pressure coefficient E2 CperE2 = -0.73 Roof pressure coefficient F1 CperF1 = -0.4 Roof pressure coefficient F2 CperF2 = -0.4 Roof pressure coefficient G1 CperG1 = -0.43 Roof pressure coefficient G2 CperG2 = -0.43 Diagonal dim for external pressures size effect fact aer = 8.3 m 3 Room/storey volume for internal size effect factor Vir = 42.0 m Diagonal dimension for internal size effect factors air = 10× ( Vir ) 1/3 = 34.8 m Using fig. 4 Curve = "A" External size effect factor Caer = min(1.0, ka + kb × log( aer / ( 1 m ) ) ) = 0.97 Internal size effect factor Cair = min(1.0, ka + kb × log( air /( 1m ) ) ) = 0.88 Dynamic pressure qs = 1.00 kN/m Internal pressure coeff Cpi = -0.3 Internal surface pressure pir = qs × Cpi × Cair =-0.27 kN/m 2 2 Net roof pressures 2 Zone A+ prA1 = qs × CperA1 × Caer - pir = 1.05 kN/m Zone A prA2 = qs × CperA2 × Caer - pir = -0.06 kN/m 2 2 Zone B+ prB1 = qs × CperB1 × Caer - pir = 0.79 kN/m Zone B prB2 = qs × CperB2 × Caer - pir = -0.06 kN/m Zone C+ prC1 = qs × CperC1 × Caer - pir = 0.75 kN/m 2 Zone C prC2 = qs × CperC2 × Caer - pir = 0.14 kN/m 2 Zone E+ prE1 = qs × CperE1 × Caer - pir = -0.45 kN/m 2 Zone E prE2 = qs × CperE2 × Caer - pir = -0.45 kN/m 2 Zone F+ prF1 = qs × CperF1 × Caer - pir = -0.16 kN/m 2 Zone F prF2 = qs × CperF2 × Caer - pir = -0.16 kN/m 2 Zone G+ prG1 = qs × CperG1 × Caer - pir = -0.16 kN/m 2 Zone G prG2 = qs × CperG2 × Caer - pir = -0.16 kN/m 2 2 Page 7 of 9 2.0 JUSTIFICATION OF PANELS FOR GRAVITY LOADINGS From the calculated loads we see that each panel weighs 18kg and is 1640mm by 1000mm. Therefore the weight per m2 = 10.97kg/m2. The support frame weighs 2kg/m2 The allowable vertical imposed load is 0.6kN/m2 or 60kg/m2 which is far more than the weight of the panel being placed on the roof. Once the panel is in situ this area of roof will not be trafficked and so there is no need to consider the actual weight of the panel as being an additional imposed load on the roof. Should anyone stand on the panel it will destroyed, the owner of the property will therefore take strict steps to ensure that no one at any time stands on the panel. Therefore this area of roof can be considered as carrying less than the design imposed load indicated in BS 6399. Therefore there is no requirement for strengthening as a result of combined imposed load and panel load. With regards snow loading we see that the snow load is 0.43kN/m2. This load will be cumulative to the weight of the panel. However with the panel and frame weighing 12.97kg/m2 this combined loading is equal to or less than the design imposed load of 0.6kN/m2. The combined snow and panel load would therefore require no additional strengthening works in order to carry this increase in load. The existing roof structure is therefore adequate as it stands at present. SNOW LOADING Site location Location of site; Site altitude; Carnoustie A = 45 m Calculate site snow load From BS6399:Part 3: 1988 - Figure 1. Basic snow load on the ground 2 Basic snow load; sb = 0.55 kN/m 2 salt = 0.1 × sb + (0.09 kN/m ) = 0.14 kN/m Site snow load; 2 s0 = sb + salt × (A - (100 m)) / 100 m = 0.47 kN/m 2 BS6399:Part3:1988 Cl.6.2 α α µ1 Uniform loading µ1 Asymmetric loading Roof geometry Roof type; Pitched Distance on plan from gutter to ridge; b = 3.600 m Angle of pitch of roof; α = 35.0 deg Calculate uniform snow load From BS6399:Part 3: 1988 - Figure 3. Snow load shape coefficients for pitched roofs Snow load shape coefficient; µ1 = 0.8 × [(60 deg - α) / 30 deg] = 0.67 Page 8 of 9 Uniform roof snow load; sd1 = µ1 × s0 = 0.31 kN/m 2 BS6399:Part3:1988 Cl.5 Calculate asymmetric snow load From BS6399:Part 3: 1988 - Figure 3. Snow load shape coefficients for pitched roofs Snow load shape coefficient; µ1 = 1.2 × [(60 deg - α) / 30 deg] = 1.00 Asymmetric roof snow load; sd1 = µ1 × s0 = 0.43 kN/m 2 BS6399:Part3:1988 Cl.5 Snow sliding down roof 2 Maximum uniform snow load on roof; sd_max = 0.43 kN/m Force from sliding snow load; Fs = sd_max × b × sin(α) = 0.97 kN/m BS6399:Part3:1988 Cl.8 3.0 JUSTIFICATION OF PANELS FOR UPLIFT LOADINGS From the TEDDS calcs we see that the panels should ideally be placed within Zone C where there is little or no wind uplift. Given that the panel fixings will transfer the load into the existing roof and the roof was originally designed for this wind load, no strengthening works will be required to the roof structure. The applied wind load in Zone C is 0.75kN/m2 To calculate the actual wind uplift on the PV Array we refer to BRE Digest 489. From our calculations above we know that q = 1.00kN/m2 and where a module is less than 0.3m from the roof surface the Wind Uplift Net Pressure Coefficients for the panels in the centre of the roof is -1.3 -1.00 x -1.3 = -1.300kN/m2 (All roof fixings have to be able to withstand this wind uplift load.) 4.0 CONCLUSIONS From the TEDDS calcs and the fixing calculations we see that the proposed solar panels can safely be fixed to the existing roof structure with no strengthening works being required. Page 9 of 9
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