Aug; 10, 1943. D. F. NEWMAN 2,326,386 TAPE-CONTROLLING ARRANGEMENT _Filed Dec. 24, 1938 2 Sheets-Sheet 1 ) 35 "23) Í; INVENTOR ' Env/r1 ENEWMHN. lATI'ORNE S « Aug. l0, 1943. D_ F, NEWMAN " 2,326,386 TAPE- CONTROLLING ARRANGEMEN T ~ Filed Deb. 24, y195e ` 2 sheets-sheet 2' _í'lfg ' 4'» ` v 62 'Í 63 « 64M _ #64 f _D , INVENTOR 39, B A ORNEYS Patented Aug. l0, 1943> 2,326,386 UNITED s'r.2».TEsv PATENT OFFICE 2,326,386 TAPE-CONTROLLING ARRANGEMENT David F. Newman, Rockville Centre, N. Y., as signor to Trans-Lux Corporation, New York N. Y., a corporation of Delaware Application December 24, 1938, Serial No. 247,717 10 Claims. My invention relates to arrangements for con trolling a character-bearing tape or web for movement through a projection field. (Cl. 271-23) known in Great Britain under the designation of the Exchange Telegraph Company, Ltd. The type of printer last named prints a single row My invention has particular reference to of characters lengthwise on the tape T, which a combined printing-projecting arrangement @Il may be opaquer if desired although, in the form wherein the tapeîdrawing motor is controlled .in of the invention herein illustrated, said tape T a novel manner so that rotation of the motor is of the transparent or translucent type and armature is discontinued simultaneously with adapted, therefore, for “through” projection. deenergization of the motor operating circuit. As herein shown although not necessarily, the My invention, in a more detailed and preferred tickenmechanism P comprises a housing l for application thereof, relates to an arrangement a reel (not shown), utilizable as a support for a for discontinuing rotation of the motor arma roll of the tape T; the housing I being carried ture by electro-magnetic action thereon simul taneously as the motor operating circuit is de energized. _ My invention, in another important phase thereof, relates to an arrangement which, by simple manual adjustments, adapts a tape-draw by an arm 2 which is secured to a wall of the ticker base 3 of said- ticker mechanism, the hous ing last named supporting an upper housing 4, both housings being carried by a suitable base 5. As shown, a heavy Weight 6 is suspended on a cable 1 which leads to the operating mecha ing motor for use either with an alternating or nism of the printing device P and provides power direct current source even though the voltage 20 for operating the same. The weight 6 is adapted of such source differs substantially from the to bel elevated, when necessary, by any suitable voltage requirements of the motor. Various other objects, advantages and char acteristics of my invention will become apparent from the following description. My invention resides in the tape-controlling arrangements, combinations and improvements of the character hereinafter described and claimed. For an understanding of my invention and for an' illustration of some of the forms thereof, reference is to be had to the accompanying draw ings, in which: . Figure l is an elevational view of a printer projecting arrangement together with a diagram` matic representation of a motor control circuit; Fig. 2 is a plan view showing the tape-con means. As is well understood in the art, a printing device or ticker mechanism of the character herein described is remotely controlled so as to print desired characters on the tape T which is automatically ejected from said printing device. After the tape T leaves the ticker mechanism P, it is drawn through a projection device A whereby images of the tape characters are pro jected` onto any suitable screen. This projec tion device A may be of any suitable character and, by way cf example, is shown herein as comprising a housing 9 having supported therein a mirror l0 which receives a horizontal beam of light from any suitable light source. The mirror l0 is inclined at an angle of »45 degrees to a trolled switch; horizontal plane so that the aforesaid light Fig. 3 is a. vertical sectional view, partly in beam is directed upwardly thereby for passage elevation, and is taken on the line 3-3 of Fig. 40 through a condensing lens, and then through 2 looking in the direction of the arrows; the projection field which, as herein illustrated Fig. 4 diagrammatically illustrates the auto although not necessarily, is defined by an elon transformer of Fig. l and some of its connections gated, rectangular aperture I2a formed in the as adapted for commercial use; Y _ _ Fig. 5 is a schematic viewillustrating an application of the invention; and top plate l2 of the aforesaid housing 9. . The aforesaid tape T may be pulled or drawn through the projection field |2a by an arrange Fig. 6 is a schematic view illustrating another ment of any suitable character. Thus, for ex application of the invention. ample and as herein shown, said tape T may be Referring to the drawings, P represents a suit passed beneath a roller I3 or other guiding sur able printing device such, for example, as a 50 face, this roller I3 being disposed below the hori ticker mechanism of the _type utilizable in the zontal plane’of the projection field. Thereafter, United States for printing two spaced rows of the tape T passes over a pulling roller Il, the characters lengthwise on a narrow tape T or, as tape being held in engagement with the upper shown, of the ltype utilizable for printingr` on a surface of said pulling roller I4 by an idler roller tape having a width of %", more or less, and 55 I5 mounted on a lever I6 whichls biased against 2 2,326,886 For a more detailed disclosure of the printer, the roller I4 by a >spring I1. After the tape passes beyond the pulling roller I4, it may be de ñected by an idler roller I8, or other guiding projector and tape-pulling mechanism described generally above, reference may be had to my pending application Serial No. 189,042, filed Feb surface, and then passed upwardly so as to be Wound upon a suitable reel I9. ruary 7, 1938. vThe aforesaid pulling roller I4 may be rotated by any suitable means. Thus, for example, the operating shaft I4a for said pulling roller I4 may be geared to a countershaft I4b to which is con nected one end of a iiexlble shaft v2i) which, at its 10 ~ As stated above, the tape T is drawn through the projection ñeld I2a. by the mechanism driven by the motor M and, Ain accordance with the pres ent invention, this motor M, is controlled in a novel manner so that rotation of itsarmature is other end, is connected to a worm wheel 2| mesh--l » discontinued instantaneously as the motor is de . energized. With the form of the invention illus-ing with a worm gear 22 rotatable with the arma trated in Fig. 1, the motor M is an alternating ture shaft of a suitable electric motor M. current motor of the series woundtype. As shown herein, a suitable support 23 carries the above described rollers I3, I4 and I8, the 15 For so controlling the motor M, I may provide ' reel I9 and the various associated parts. This support 23 may be of any suitable character and it may be mounted in any desired manner. Thus, a device V, such as an auto-transformer from , which a plurality of different voltages may be obtained, said‘auto-transformer V comprising the line terminals 35, 36 and a desired number of if desired,>said'support 23 may be secured either directly or indirectly to the aforesaid housing 9. 20 intermediate terminals 31a, 31h, 31o, 31d . . . 31s, The reel I9 may be operated in any suitable 31t by which, in the manner hereinafter de ' scribed, a desired voltage may be applied to the manner such, forexample, as is well known in auto-transformer V and desired different voltages the art'. Thus, the 'motor M may furnish the obtained therefrom for application to the termi power for driving the reel I9, the latter, prefer ably, being rotatable by a spring belt-24 of the 25 nals of the motor M and for other uses, respec tively. ' conventional endless type, such belt engaging pulleys carried respectively, by the shaft of the In accordance with the invention, a conductor y 38 is arranged to lead from one terminal of a suit reel I9 and the shaft I4a of the pulling roller I4. able vsource of alternating current, so that it may As shown, the projection devicelA is‘spaced from the printing device P in such manner that 30 be connected to the aforesaid terminal 35 ofthe auto-transformer V. The other terminal of said a section of the tape T extends between these two source of alternating current has connected devices and, as hereinafter described, forms a thereto a conductor 39 which leads to and is con tape loop having more or less length or extent. Adapted to engage and to be controlled in posi nected to the terminal 3111.. Connected to the terminal 35 of the auto-transformer V is a con~tion by this tape loop is -a movable member 25 ductor 49 which leads to a terminal 40a. forming which comprises a lateral section 25a, Fig. 2, a fixed contact of a relay R. Coactable with adapted directly to engage the tape T, said sec tion 25a being cut away as indicated at 25h so the fixed contact 40a. is a movable armature 4Ia having connected thereto a conductor 4| leading as to straddle the single row of characters on the tape T and avoid smudging of the ink forming 40 to one terminal of one field winding ,f of the motor M, this field winding f being connected in said tape characters. In- the event that there are two rows of characters extending longitudinally series with the motor amature winding to which of the tape T, the aforesaid- lateral section 25a. the other field winding fl is connected, the lat ter, by conductor 42, being connected to a re may be provided with an offset section which en gages the tape between said rows of characters. 4.5 sistance unit 43 having coactable therewith an Suitably supported, for example, by the rear wall adjustable contact to which is connected a con of the aforesaid housing 9 is a laterally extend ductor 44 leading to the aforesaid contact mem bers 21a, 21b of the control switch. Connected ing member 26 which forms a support on which the member 25 is mounted for free oscillatory to the conductor 42 is a conductor 45 which leads movement. 'I'he member 26 also supports two 50 to and is connected to the aforesaid contact mem other members 21, 28 both of which are freely ber 28a of said control switch. _ 'I'he control switch ñxed contact member- 29a has connected oscillatory in the same manner as the member thereto a conductor 46 which leads to and is 25. The member 21, on opposite sides thereof, connected to the terminal 31d of the auto-trans has secured thereto the respective contact mem bers 21a, 21h which are associated with each other 55 former V. j ' The aforesaid conductor 44 has connected in electricity-conducting relation. The member thereto a conductor 41 which leads to one termi 428, on the lower surface thereof, has secured nal of the winding 48 of the relay R., the other thereto a contact member 28a which is coactable terminal of which has connected thereto a con with the contact member 21a.. The above de scribed contact member 21b is coactable with a 60 ductor 49 leading to the terminal 31a. ‘ contact member 29a. secured to a member 29 which is suitably mounted in fixed «position such, ' Connected to the conductor 45 is a conductor V5I! which leads to one terminal of a rectifier unit U, the opposed terminal of which terminates in for example, as by means which secures it .to a conductor 5I leading to a fixed terminal 5Ia the aforesaid housing 9. The member 25 com prises a section 25o, Fig. 3, of di-electric material 65 of Ythe relay R. The other opposed terminals of' the rectifier unit U have connected thereto the which is disposed directly below the fixed con respective conductors 52 and 53 which lead to tact member 29a. so, in the event that the- mem the respective terminals of a winding 54 induc .ber 25 should move upwardly into engagement tively related to the winding of the auto-trans with the fixed contact member 29a, no electrical circuit would be established from said fixed con 70 former V. tact member 29a. through the member 25 which, The armature of the aforesaid motor M has , preferably, is formed of aluminum. connected thereto the respective conductors 55 'I'he members 21, 28 carry the respective down and 56, the conductor 55 leading to the movable . wardly extending stems 39, 3l, which; prefer ably are adjustably mounted as shown. armature >55a of the relay R, the conductor 56 75 leading to the ñxed contact 56a 'of said relay R. 2,326,386 _In operation, the printing device P, the pro 3 series, conductor 42, conductor 45, control switch contacts 28a, 21a, 2lb and 29a„conductor 46 and jection device A and the tape-pulling mechanism are suitably disposed as indicated in Fig. 1' so> as to form a straight-line path for the tape T which issues from said printing device in flatwise rela tion and, while maintained in the same relation, is drawn through the projection field of said pro jection device A and then wound upon the reel thence to the intermediate auto-transformer ter minal 31d. It will be noted that the resistance unit 43 is not included in the circuit last de as a J-spring or, as shown, a pivoted weight 51 may, if desired, be disposed at the entrance to said thus operating because energized over one or scribed and, therefore, the motor M operates at relatively high speed to draw the tape T through the projection tleld I2a. During continued operation of the ticker I9. In connection with the described movement of the tape through said projection iield, it will 10 mechanism P, the motor M operates to draw the tape through the projection field |2a, said motor be- noted that a suitable device such, for example, the other of the circuits described above. In the event that the ticker mechanism P is of the type which operates to eject the tape 'at con stant speed, it is desirable for the motor M, when operating at relatively slow speed, to draw the tape at a speed less than the rate at which the projection field, said Weight 51 engaging the sides oi' the tape so as to prevent tape pulsations set up by the printing device from reaching the pro jection field. When the control switch is positioned as shown in Fig. 3, i. e., with the contacts 21a, 28a open and with the contacts 21h, 29a closed; the ticker tape is ejected by said ticker Amechanism and, when operating at said relatively high speed, to draw the tape at a rateA faster than the rate at which the tape is ejected by said ticker mech~ anism. Obviously, said relatively slow speed of operation of the motor M may be controlled with precision by adjustment of the movable contact mechanism P may be assumed as operating to eject tape from left to right, Fig. 1, for passage through the projection i-leld I2a. Assuming that the auto-transformer- V is ener gized by current passing thereto over the circuit comprising the conductors 38 and 39, closure of which coacts with the resistance unit 43. ` When operation of the ticker mechanism P is discontinued, the motor M, for a short interval, continues to draw the tape with consequent de crease in length of the tape loop at the entrance the control switch contacts 21h, 29a. causes the Winding 48 of the relay R to be energized over a circuit vwhich extends from the intermediate auto-transformer terminal 31a, conductor 49, the relay winding 4S, conductor 41, conductor 44, contact 21h, contact 29a, conductor 46, and thence to the intermediate terminal 31d of the auto to the projection field. As the tape loop thus de creases in length, the member 25 is swung, by the shortening tape loop, _in a clockwise direc transformer. When the relay R is energized in tion, Fig. 3, to thereby first separate the contacts th'e manner described, the armatures 41a, 55aJ ‘ 21a and 28a, if these contacts are closed, and then to separate the contacts 21h, 29a. When all thereof are held in the position shown in Fig. 1, the armature 41a at this time being in engage ment with the fixed Contact 40a. With the relay R thus energized and with the auto-transformer V energized as described above, 40 the motor M is energized over a circuit which ductor 42, resistance unit 43, conductor 44, con tact 21h, Contact 29a, conductor 46 and thence to the intermediate auto-transformer terminal 31d. It will be noted that the resistance unit 43 is included in the circuit described -immediately above and, by reason of the effect thereof, the motor M operates at relatively slow speed to draw the tape T through the projection ñeld 12a. opened and operation thereof is discontinued. With the invention `herein shown, it becomes practical to position the printing device P and the projection device A in such close relation 'extends from the auto-transformer terminal 35, by way of conductor 40, terminal 40a of the relay R, armature 4Ia of the relay R, conductor 4|, the field windings Í, fi of the motor M in series, con of said contacts are separated as thus described, the operating circuits for the motor M are Ll with respect to each other, Fig. 1, that the length of the tape loop between these two devices is relatively short at all times. Thus, in actual practice, it has been demonstrated that the tape loop between the printing zone of the printing device P and the entrance to the projection field has a length, when the tape-drawing motor M is not operating, of approximately 3A; inch. This may, of course, range upwardly to 1 inch, or somewhat more, the tape loop having a length 11/2 inches to 1% inches, more or less, when said motor M is operating. This is distinctly ad In the event that the ticker mechanism P ejects the tape at a faster rate than it is drawn - vantageous. With such an arrangement, the in formation ebtained by observation of the pro by the motor M, when energized over the circuit jection screen is almost current at times because last described, the tape loop at the entrance to only a very little information printed by the the projection field increases in length to permit ticker mechanism can be “stored” in the tape counter-clockwise movement, Fig. 3, of the mem ber 25 whereby the contacts 21a and 28a of the 60 loop. It shall be understood that my inven tion is not to be limited to the exact tape loop control switch come into engagement. In this lengths specified above. _ connection it will be understood that members 25, Therefore, by reason of the fact that the ar 21 and 28 are independently movable-within rangement of Fig. l operates with a tape loop limits-_with respect to each other. They are which is relatively short at all times, particu preferably all mounted by the support 26. Also, larly at the time when operation of the motor unit 29 is ñxed against movement so that it and M is discontinued, it becomes necessary to pro its contact 28a are movable wtih respect to these vide an arrangement for preventing “Coasting” members. i of the motor armature after the motor has been When this happens and with the autoétrans deenergized. This is true because if the rota former V energized as described above. the motor tion of the motor armature is not discontinued M is energized over another circuit which ex substantially instantaneously as the motor is tends from the auto-transformer terminal 35, deenergized, the tape will be drawn for a short by way of conductor 40, terminal 40a of the yinterval by reason of the armature inertia and, relay R, armature 4Ia of the relay R, conductor 4|, the field windings f, fl of the motor M in with a, tape loop having the short length speci- 4 2,326,386 fled above, such added movement ofthe tape, the auto-transformer V. Further, when the voltage of the supply source differs from the value stated above, it will be understood that the con ductor 39 should be connected to the proper in termediate terminal of said auto-transformer V. In the form of the invention disclosed in Fig. 1, after the motor is deenergized, may well cause the tape to be torn or drawn through the print-. ing mechanism. This of course, would be highly -undesirable. Therefore, in accordance with the invention, rotation of the motor amature is dis continued in an instantaneous manner immedi ately upon deenergization of saidniotor. , Vthe winding 48 of thel relay R is energized byfcur ' rent obtained from the auto-transformer V, such current having a Voltage of 90 volts. It shall .be As hereinbefore pointed out, the circuit of the relay winding 48 includes the controlswitch con 10 understood that the voltage thus applied across the relay winding >48 may differ in a desired man tacts 2lb, 29a and, v when these contacts are opened as described above, the relay winding ner from the example of the invention herein shown for purposes of explanation. ’ 4B is deenergized. When this winding is thus deenergized, the armatures 4Ia and 55a thereof Further, as illustrated, the rectifying -unit U move into engagement with the respective iixed 15 obtains its operating c_urrent by inductive action on the winding of the auto-transformer V. By contacts 5Ia and 56a. .As one result of this op eration, the armature winding of the motor M the unit U, a rectiiied current is applied across the ñeld windings of motor M and it will be un is short-circuited over acircuit which extends derstood that the voltage thus applied across said from the armature 55a, conductor 55., the arma- « turewinding, conductor- 56 and thence back to 20 ñeld windings may vary between rather wide lim ` said armature 55a by Way of the ñxed contact 56a. AAs another result of such deenergization of the relay winding 48, the output terminals of the rectiñer unit U are .connected across the motor ñeld windings f and fl, this rectiñer unit obtaining alternating current from the winding 25 its. Thus, for a motor M having an armature of a given weight, it has been ascertained that the voltage thus applied across the ñeld windings may range between 12 volts and 50 volts. For motor armatures of diiîerent weights, it will beì understood that such range of voltages may dif fer accordingly. . of the auto-transformer V over a circuit com In the event that the motor M is a direct cur prising the conductors 52 and 53. Thus, direct l rent motor, it will be understood that a suitable current is delivered by said rectifier unit U over a circuit comprising the conductor 50, conductor 30 resistance unit comprising a plurality of tap-off connections may be utilized in lieu of the auto 45, conductor 42, ñeld winding fl, conductor 56, transformer V. If so, the resulting direct cur fixed contact 56a, relay armature 55a, conductor rent system is operative in substantially the same 55, field winding f, conductor 4I, relay armature manner as is the described alternating current 4ta, ñxed‘contact 5ta and thence'back to the rectifier unit by` way'of the conductor 5|. 35 system. In lieu of the foregoing, however, I pre- , fer to proceed as hereinafter described by adapt-` Therefore, in the manner described, ñow of the ing the arrangement of Fig. 1 for use with _a energizing alternating current through the motor source of direct current. ' armature is discontinued and, simultaneously, a Thus, referring to Fig. 5, the hereinbefore de- ; flow of direct current is established through the motor field windings f and fl, such direct cur 40 scribed input conductors 38 and 39 are shown similarly to the arrangement illustrated in Fig. rent being shunted around the motor armature. The electro-magnetic effect thus produced on the > 4, as having associated therewith a socket 60 and a plug 6 I. y motor armature, which at this time is rotating Adapted to be associated with the socket 60.and by reason of its inertia, acts as a brake to imme plug 6I is aconnector means D comprising a plug diately overcome such inertia and discontinue 62 and a socket 63, the plug and socket last named the armature rotation. Accordingly, the motor being connected by the conductors 64. armature of my invention is controlled in such manner that damage to the tape is prevented' Further .in accordance with the . invention, there is adapted to be associated with the ‘socket even though there is a very short loop at the en trance to the projection iield. lThe described 50, 60 and plug 6l a connector means DI comprising _ a plug 65 and a socket 66», the plug and socket electro-magnetic effectJ on the motor armature last named Ibeing connected by the conductors 6l.,` maintains said armature warm during periods of Included in the circuit comprising the conductors non-operation thereof, i. e., while the tape r‘e 6l is a variable resistance unit 68 and a rotary mains stationary in the projection i'leld. As a ' result,.the motor M comes up to it normal oper 55 converter 69, or equivalent. ating speed more quickly, especially at starting, Still further) and asy shown in Fig. 6, there is adapted to be associated with the socket 60 and than would be the case if said armature were per plug 6l a connector means D2 comprising a plug mitted to cool. ' An important feature of my invention resides 'lûand a socket 1|, theplug and socket last in the fact that operation of the disclosed system 60 named being connected by the conductors' 12.. Included in the circuit of 'the conductors 12 is is not precluded even though the voltage of the. the aforesaid rotary converter 69, or equivalent. supply line differs substantially from the volt age requirements of the tape-drawing motor In the event that alternating current is avail-' able for use, the aforesaid connector means D is available for use. Thus, as shown in the draw ings, the motor M may be a standard 11o-volt 65 connected in the circuit of the conductors 38 and 39, this being accomplished by associating the motor whereas the voltage of the supply line may plug 62 and socket 60 on the one hand and the be 210 volts. ' Even so, by my invention, the 110 1 p1ug sl and socket 63 on the other hand. If the volt motor may readily be connected in the cir cuit for operation at the proper voltage. In the motor M is a standard 110-volt motor and if the event that the tape-drawing motor to be utilized 7.0 voltage of the alternating current supply line is 210 volts, for example, the input connection of requires an operating voltage diiïering from that the auto-transformer V should .be as shown in of the motor M, it Will be understood that the proper voltage may be applied across the termi- ` Figs. 1 and 4. lHowever, as- will readily be un derstood, if the voltage of the alternating current nals of the selected motor by connecting the con ductor 46 to the proper intermediate terminal of, 75 supply dilîers from the value stated immediately 2,326,886 1 5 vrespect to certain particular preferred examples above, the conductor 39 should 'be' connectedito the propery intermediate terminal of said auto-> which- give satisfactory results, it will be under stood by `those skilled in the art after under transformer V. The rotary 'converter 69 iskof suchl‘character K .standing the invention, that various changes and modifications'may be made without departing that the alternating current output thereof has . from the spirit and scope of theinventíon and it a voltage magnitude corresponding either with is intended therefore in the appended claims to the voltage requirements of the motor M or cover all such changes and modifications. which may be brought into correspondence ‘ What is claimed as new and desired to be therewith by movement of the terminal of con secured by Letters Patent is: ductor 39 to the proper intermediate contact of the auto-transformer V. 1. In a system for drawing a character-bear ` In the event that direct current and not a1 ing tape through a projection field after ejec ternating current is available for use and if the tion thereof from a printing mechanism, means voltage thereof differs substantially from the rated voltage for the direct current side of the rotary converter 69, the connector means DI is inserted in the line by associating the'socket 60 fol- drawing said tape through the projection 'of the rotary converter 69 is changed so as to ` tially in an instantaneous manner. conform with _the rated voltage requirements of the latter. It follows, therefore, that the ing tape through a projection field after ejec field, an electrical motor for operating said draw ing means, means forming an energizing circuit for said motor, means for opening said energiz ing circuit, and means for supplying direct our» and plug 65 on the one hand and the socket 66 rent to and affecting the motor armature elec and plug 6I on the other hand. By proper ad justment of the resistance unit 68, the voltage 20 tro-magnetically as said circuit is opened to thereby discontinue rotation thereof substan of the direct current delivered to the input side 2. In a system for drawing a character-bear direct current of the supply lline is changed, by 25 tion thereof from a printing mechanism, means for drawing said tape through the projection ' the rotary converter B9, to alternating current which is supplied to the input side of the auto transformer V and thence to the motor M. In the event that direct current is available for use and if the voltage thereof conforms sub 30 stantially with the rated voltage yfor the direct current side 0f the rotary converter 69, the con iield, an electrical motor for operating said drawing means, means forming an energizing circuit for said motor, means controlled by a tape loop positioned between said printing mechanism and said projection field for open ing said energizing circuit, and means affecting the motor armature electro-magnetically as said nector means D2 is inserted in the lineby asso circuit is'opened to thereby discontinue rotation ciating the socket 6i) and plugy 10 on the one hand and the socket 1l and plug 6I on the other 35 thereof substantially in an instantaneous hand. 3. In a system for drawing a character-bear It will be understood that the connector means ing tape through a projection ñeld after ejec DI and D2 are the same identical connector tion thereof from a printing mechanism, means are provided so that the resistance unit 68 may 40 for~ drawing 'said tape through the projection be inserted or detached from the input circuit field, an electrical motor for operating said means. Suitable detachable contact members of the rotary converter 69 at will. It will be understood, in all cases, thaty the ter minal of the conductor 39 may be shifted as dem sired to the proper intermediate terminal of the auto-transformer V to produce the desired . drawing means, means forming an energizing ' circuit for said motor, means for changing the speed of operation of said motor to thereby cause the tape to be drawn through said projec tion iield at different rates of speed, means con operating voltage for the motor M..l trolled by a tape loop positioned between said In View of the foregoing, it follows that the printing mechanism and said projection ñeld apparatus comprising the auto-transformer V, for opening said energizing circuit, and means the rectifier U and the 'relay R of Fig. 1 may 50 affecting the motor armature electro-mag form a permanent assembly for operating the netically as said circuit is opened to thereby dis alternating current motor M. With the de continue rotation thereof substantially in an in scribed connecting means at hand, the system is stantaneous manner. ' flexible in the sense that it may be operated 4. In a system for drawing a character-bearing either by alternating current or direct current 55 tape through a projection field after ejection and, further, such system does not require the thereof from a. printing mechanism, means for supply source of current to be of some specific drawing said tape through the projection ñeld, voltage. All of this is highly advantageous par an electrical motor for operating said drawing ticularly when it becomes necessary tov ship the means, means forming an energizing circuit for tape-drawing arrangements of my invention into 60 said motor, switch contacts included in said cir various localities having different kinds of elec cuit, means controlled by a loop in the tape for trical current supply. operating said switch contacts, means controlled It shall be distinctively understood _that my by said energizing circuit, and means operated invention, as regards magnetic action on the by said controlled means for affecting the motor motor armature to discontinue rotation thereof 65 armature electro-magnetically when the motor immediately upon the deenergization of the circuit is opened to thereby discontinue rotation of the motor armature substantially in an in motor operating circuit, is not to be limited to' the use of an auto-transformer V, or equivalent. stantaneous manner. 5. In a. system for drawing a character-bearing Thus, in those cases wherein the `supply line voltage conforms with the voltage requirements 70 tape through a' projection field after ejection of the tape-drawing motor, it will be clearly thereof from a printing mechanism, means for apparent that variable voltage devices need not drawing said tape through the projection field, an electrical motor for operating said drawing be used in order to obtain a suitable operating means, means forming an energizing circuit voltage. While the invention has been described with 75 for said motor, switch contacts included in said 6 2,326,386 circuit, means controlled by a loop in the tape » for operating said switch contacts, means com- „ prising a relay winding controlled by said ener gizing circuit, and means operated by said relay winding for affecting the motor armature electro ous manner said relay being connected to render said last named means operative and to also- render said rectifying means operativeA as said _, relay is de-energized. 8. In a system for drawing a character-bearing( magnetically when the motor circuit is opened to thereby discontinue rotation of the motor >arma ' thereof from a printing mechanism, an'electrical ture substantially in‘ an instantaneous manner. 6. In a system for drawing a character-bearing ' forming an energizing circuit for said motor, _ tape through a projection iield after ejection motor of the alternating current type, means tape through a' projection field after` ejection' 10 means operated by the motor for drawing the thereof from a printing mechanism, means for tape throughthe-projection ñeld, means for , drawing said tape throughthe projection field, changing the speed of operation of saiddrawing an electrical motor for operating \said drawing means to thereby causel the tape to be drawn means, a relay winding, transformer means, through the projection 4:field at diiîerent rates means whereby electrical current of different 15 of speed, means for opening said energizing . , voltages may be` transmitted to the input side , " of said transformer means, means whereby elec- Y circuit, and means for supplying direct current, aifecting the. 'motor armature electro-magneti l'trical current of diiïerent voltages may be trans cally asA said energizing circuit isA opened to mitted from said transformenmeans to said mo thereby discontinue.rotation'thereof substantially tor, means whereby `said relay may be energized 20 in an instantaneous manner. by current transmitted from said transformer means,.means for discontinuing the ñow of cur rent to said m'otor, means for affecting the motor armature electro-magnetically .to thereby discon 9. In a system for drawing a-,character-bearing tape through a projection field after ejection thereof from a printing mechanism, means for drawing said tape 4through the projection iield,l tinue rotation thereof substantially in an in stantaneous manner and said relay being con nected to said last named means to render the an electrical' motor of the alternating current ty'pe for operating said drawing means, means formingA an energizing circuit for said motor, same operative as said relay isV de-energizedf means for opening and 'closing said energizing 7. In a system for drawing a character-bearing ' circuit, and direct current supplying, means for tape through a projection field after ejection 30 maintaining the motor warm during periods of ' thereof from a printing mechanism, means >for - non-operation thereon drawing said tape through the projection field, 10. In a system for drawing a character-bear- . an electrical Vmotor for operating said' drawing ing tape through a projection ñeld after ejection means, a relay winding, rectifying means, trans thereof ‘from a printing mechanism, means for former means, means whereby electrical current 35 drawing said tape through the projection field, of different voltages` may be transmitted to the an _electrical motor of the alternating current input side of said transformer means, means type for operating said drawing means, means whereby electrical current of'different voltages ` forming ~an energizing circuit for said motor, may be transmitted from said transformer means means for opening said energizing circuit, and to said motor, means whereby said relay may be meansfor supplying direct current, affecting the > energized by current of different voltages trans motor armature electro-magnetically as saidcir ' mitted from said transformer means, means vfor cuit is- opened to thereby discontinue rotation operating said rectifying means by current trans thereof substantially in an instantaneous man mitted thereto from said transformer means, ner, said last named means serving Yto maintain means for discontinuing the ñow 0f current to 45 the motor warm during periods of non-operation said motor, means for aifecting the motor arma ' thereof .~ ï . ture- electro-magnetically to thereby discontinue DAVID F. NEWMAN. rotation thereof substantially in an instantane
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