Document 431044
The South’s Largest Guide to Gaming and Fun
November 13 - November 26, 2014
Seasonal fun at Island View
How-to classes, Holiday Store at Gulfport casino
Get ready for Road Trip’s
big drawings .............. 10
GULFPORT — Island View Casino Resort
players club members can go DIY this holiday with
the Gulfport resort’s seasonally sensational Holiday
How-To classes. The classes are open to those
Plus, Ultimate, Select or V Card tier players club
members or those Insiders who have earned at least
500 points since July.
Every Monday through Dec. 8, Island View
features fun and free classes, led by local experts.
The sessions, held in the View Showroom, offer
See Seasonal fun, Page 5
Kiosk games sweet as pie
at Palace Casino ........... 29
Winners.......... 12, 26-27
Dining ................. 16-17
Entertainment ...... 20-21
Horoscopes .............. 28
Poker ...................... 30
Casino Directory ...... 31
Boomtown, Hollywood hold
$95,000 Deer Santa Giveaway
GULF COAST — Boomtown
Casino Biloxi and Hollywood
Casino Gulf Coast are hosting the
Deer Santa $95,000 Giveaway.
The giveaway, which features
thousands in SlotPlay prizes, takes
place Saturday, Nov. 29, at both
Everyone is a winner in this
giveaway. To qualify, Marquee
Rewards card members must earn
500 points through the giveaway
day. Then, on Nov. 29, print a
See Deer Santa, Page 5
November 13 - November 26, 2014 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 3
November to remember at Lady Luck
this a November to remember
at Lady Luck Casino.
Throughout the month, players
club members can Fall into
Cash with a $90,000 giveaway
and win electronics on Black
The Fall into Cash giveaway
takes place every Friday and
Saturday in November.
Drawings take place from 6 to
11 p.m. with cash and FanPlay
awarded to winners.
The Black Friday Hot
Electronics Giveaway takes
place Friday, Nov. 29. Earn
entries all month long with
three-times entries given on
Mondays. Win electronic gifts
including TVs, tablets, phones
and more.
Drawings will be held from
noon to 5 p.m.
Seasonal fun, from Page 1
Deer Santa, from Page 1
ticket from a kiosk after 3 p.m. and redeem for
a plush deer from 5 to 9:30 p.m. Scratch off the
spot on the deer to reveal the SlotPlay prize,
which varies up to $5,000 SlotPlay.
Plus, players have the chance to win an extra
SlotPlay from 9:45 to 10:30 p.m. A $500 SlotPlay
winner will be selected every five minutes.
Register for the drawings at the kiosk after 8
Deer and drawing entries must be received
at the casino where the points are earned. Visit
Boomtown Casino and Hollywood Casino for
more information.
hands-on demonstrations, refreshments and
door prizes.
Space is limited and participants must register
in advance on Doors open at
11:15 a.m. for the noon class and at 5:15 for
the 6 p.m. class. The Holiday How-To schedule
Brush Studio
Which Craft DIY Arts & Crafts Studio
In more happy holiday happenings, Island
View’s Holiday Store returns starting Sunday,
Nov. 23. The Holiday Store will feature festive
gift items at discounted prices. To make
purchases, guests can use cash, credit card or
Holiday Store Dollars, which can be earned in a
variety of ways during the promotion’s Holiday
Store Bonus Days, every Sunday and Monday
from Nov. 20 to Dec. 21.
During bonus days, guests can use their
Insiders players club card while playing their
favorite slots to earn $2 in Holiday Store Dollars
in addition to every $1 earned in Slot View
Points. The Holiday Store Dollars can be
redeemed for merchandise at any time.
Guests can view their Holiday Store Dollars
balance by swiping their players club card at any
casino kiosk. The store will be open through
Sunday, Dec. 21.
November 13 - November 26, 2014 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 5
Vol. 21, No. 5
The South’s Largest Guide
to Gaming and Fun
W. Michael Sunderman
Lori Beth Susman
General Manager/Executive Editor
Mike Haynes
Office Manager
David Grisham
Rudi Schiffer
Contributing Editors
Frank Scoblete
Henry Tamburin
12268 Intraplex Parkway
Gulfport, MS 39503
Tunica, MS 38664
For a first-class subscription to Jackpot!,
send a check or money order for $35 for six
months (13 issues) or $55 for one year (26
issues) to the Gulf Coast office.
Jackpot! is owned and published by
M2Media Corp., 12268 Intraplex Parkway,
Gulfport, MS 39503. The contents
of Jackpot! are copyrighted. All rights
are reserved. Reproduction in part or
whole without written permission of the
publisher is strictly prohibited.
Weekly blackjack tournament
at Beau has cash, TablePlay
and win cash and TablePlay during Beau
Rivage’s $10,000 Wishbone Wednesdays Weekly
Blackjack Tournaments. Held every Wednesday
in November, the tournament has a top prize of
$2,500 cash.
There is a $25 buy-on and $25 re-buy.
Registration each week begins at 2 p.m. at Pit
4. Players will receive their session time and
seat assignment at the registration. Players are
allowed only one entry per week.
The first round sessions are from 4 to 6:30
p.m., with sessions taking place every half hour.
A Wild Card drawing takes place at 8 p.m.,
followed by the semi-finals at 8:30 p.m. The
championship round takes place at 9 p.m.
Along with the first-place prize of $2,500
cash, the second-place winner each week wins
$2,000 TablePlay, followed by $1,500 TablePlay
for third, $1,250 TablePlay for fourth, $1,000
All semi-finalists receive $250 TablePlay.
Limber up for Slipper tournaments
— Slot players at Silver
Slipper Casino limbering
up their fingers and getting
ready to hit the “spin” button
as the casino is hosting allnew daily slot tournaments.
Win a share of $15,000 in
Free Slot Play each week with
seven sizzling events.
Tournaments run from
10 a.m. to 10 p.m. in the
Midway Madness area by
the Stage Bar. Players club
members get one free entry.
Players can also participate
in sessions every every 100
points earned daily.
The Mega Monday
tournament features 20
winners and has a first-place
prize of $1,000 in Free Slot
Play. The top 10 scorers will
win in the Two for Tuesday
tournament, during which
players get two free entries.
The first-place winner here
gets $500 in Free Slot Play.
Wednesday tournament,
20 players will win. The
first-place winner gets $50
in Free Slot Play, and, in
the spirit of wackiness, the
13th-place winner will take
Touchdown Thursday has 20
winners, and pays $350 in
Free Slot Play to the firstplace finisher.
On Friday, play in the
Fortune Friday tournament.
Twenty players will share in
the winnings, with $1,000
in Free Slot Play going to
the first-place winner.
Twenty-eight players will
win in the Hot Shot Saturday
tournament, with $500
in Free Slot Play going to
the first-place winner. And
on Sunday, the Showdown
Sunday event will have 10
the top scorer.
Visit Players Services for
more details.
Back in the Saddle tourney ends Nov. 24
Win SlotPlay in Boomtown event
"),/8) ˆ 4HERE ARE ONLY A
few more chances to compete in
Boomtown Casino’s $15,000 Get
Back in the Saddle Slot Tournament.
The tournament takes place every
Monday through Nov. 24.
Players who earn 25 points can
swipe their Marquee Rewards card at any kiosk
6 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ November 13 - November 26, 2014
on Mondays from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. to
play. The top 20 winners each week
will get a share of $1,500 SlotPlay.
Also at Boomtown, Go Green and
Win. Share your email for a chance to
win SlotPlay. A $500 SlotPlay winner
will be selected every day through
Sunday, Nov. 30.
November 13 - November 26, 2014 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 7
Starting with the basics
of playing blackjack
Best bet is establishing
a 401G account
I remember
the ace as 11,
what a friend
but if you draw
told me the first
more cards, and
time I set foot
By Dr. Henry Tamburin the hand totals
in a Las Vegas
more than 21,
casino some 40
then the ace can
years ago and was scared to death be counted as 1). The total of any
to sit down and play blackjack. hand is the sum of the card values
“Look at all those people playing in the hand. For example, a hand
blackjack,” he said to me. “At one CONTAINING A TOTALS AND
time, they were all beginners, just ace-5 is a 16. The highest-valued
like you.”
starting hand in blackjack (because
Of course, he was right. Even if it receives a bonus) contains an ace
you are a dedicated machine player, plus any 10-value card, and is known
learning how to play blackjack is not as a blackjack or a natural.
as difficult as you may think it is.
When you win a hand at blackjack
Plus think about this: Blackjack has you are paid even money (i.e., if you
been the most popular casino table bet $5 and win, you get paid $5). The
game for more than 50 consecutive only exception is a player’s blackjack,
years, and even today, more folks which gets paid either 3-2 or 6-5 (not
play blackjack than poker (yep, that’s as good as 3-2, try to avoid) if the
dealer doesn’t also have a blackjack.
In short, blackjack is popular If your hand and the dealer’s hand
because it is easy to play, it is fun and have the same total, this is known
it offers the best odds of winning. as a push or tie, and you neither win
For those just starting out, let’s nor lose your wager. Card suits have
review the basics.
no meaning at blackjack.
The objective in blackjack is to
Some blackjack tables use a single
beat the dealer’s hand. You can do or double deck of cards, which are
this in one of two ways: by either dealt by the dealer from his or her
having your hand totaling higher hand (he or she “pitches” the cards
than the dealer’s hand, or by not to the players). Others use four, or
going over 21 when the dealer goes more commonly, six or eight decks
over 21 (going over 21 is known as of cards that are dealt from a device
busting or breaking). So, if you’ve known as a dealing shoe. In most
GOT AND THE DEALER HAS YOU pitch games, the cards are dealt face
win. If you stand on 12 and the down to players, who must pick
dealer busts, you also win.
them up to look at them (with one
There are many blackjack tables hand only).
in a casino with minimum betting
In shoe-dealt games, the player’s
limits that often vary from one cards are dealt face up, and players
table to the next. Check the signage are not permitted to handle the
located somewhere on the table to cards. The first two dealer’s cards
find out what the table minimum are always dealt one card face down
and maximum betting limits are. As (hole card) and the other face up.
a beginner, I would strongly suggest The latter card is the most important
you get your feet wet at the lowest card on the table because it is one
minimum-bet table you can find.
of the variables that determine how
The cards count their face value you will play your hand.
in blackjack. Picture cards count
as 10, and an ace counts as either
In the next issue, we will cover more
1 or 11 (initially you should count basics of blackjack.
must make
many readers
deposits from
By Frank Scoblete
form of the “me
your job or
bad” syndrome
in the course of their playing careers.
Let us say you earn $1,000 a week.
Essentially the problem of “me bad” Perhaps you should take five percent
is using money that had been geared of that ($50) and slip it into the 401G.
for other things on the slot machines. In a dozen weeks you will have a nice
Little Timmy’s college fund? Let bankroll of $600. Obviously if you
Timmy work a part time job, those decide to go to a casino with $600
Blazing Sevens are calling to me. behind your play you should not be
Next month’s mortgage payment? playing anything other than a quarter
Why would the bank ever want to machine and that for one quarter a
repossess my crummy little house? I decision. The machines you should
know I can beat Wild Cherries.
play would be those that do not
Getting carried away at gambling reward (or do not reward by much)
is a normal occurrence for casino maximum coin play.
players and most players never
It is doubtful that at a quarter a
really risk Timmy’s college fund or decision you would lose all $600 in a
foreclosures on their houses. But single day of play (unless you played
hyperbole is often a good way to endlessly and hit a horrendous cold
make a point, which I’ve said at least slump).
a billion or more times.
It is important to realize that your
Slot players need to fund their slot play must reflect what you have
play with money that has nothing in the 401G account. You can’t go to
to do with real living but only has to $5 machines and expect to last very
do with reel living (and video living). long on a $600 bankroll — unless
They should set up what I have been you get quite lucky in your play.
calling a 401G account, a gambling
Keep in mind that the deposits
into the 401G do not stop. You
Think of this 401G as a gambling just keep putting money into the
retirement account, something like account on a regular basis. Should
the 401K. It allows the player to retire you take a long time between casino
from worrying about using money visits, then your bankroll will increase
that is needed for true living expenses dramatically. However, when in
such as shelter, food, clothing, taking doubt always play low-denomination
care of the kids and grandkids and, machines. Maybe make it $2,000 for
of course, buying Frank Scoblete’s every $1 a decision.
With a 401G account, gambling
The big question you must ask can become just a simple, enjoyable
yourself is how to establish such a past time and not a do or die situation.
401G account. If you are extremely Kicking yourself in the pants after
well off then you can take a bundle you come home from the casino is
of money and directly deposit all no fun at all. The 401G can prevent
you need into the account. Just play you from having to do that.
against that and every so often put
some unneeded money into it —
Readers: If you write me a letter that I
maybe hold off on that second yacht. publish I will send you a free copy of my new
Sadly, most people are not so book The Virgin Kiss. My email address is
well off. If that is the case then you
Winning Ways
8 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ November 13 - November 26, 2014
Frankly Speaking
November 13 - November 26, 2014 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 9
Tailgate Time
giveaway set
for Nov. 15
the Tailgate Time Ford F-150 Giveaway
on Saturday, Nov. 15. Players club
members are earning entries now to win
a new Ford truck or a share of $15,000 in
Power Play.
Get one free entry and additional
entries for every 25 slot points earned
or table games equivalent. Get five-times
entries by swiping at the kiosk from 3 a.m.
to 11:59 p.m. on Fridays, with 10-times
entries on Nov. 14, the day before the
On Nov. 15, visit the kiosk for drawing
check-in after 6:30 p.m. Entrants must be
present to win.
Also at Palace Casino, players can
get up to 10-times points on Wednesday
nights and up to 20-times points on
Sundays. On Wednesdays, swipe at the
kiosk between 5 and 11:59 p.m. to receive
up to 10-times points. On Sundays, swipe
between 3 a.m. and 11:59 p.m. to get up to
20-times points.
In both cases, multiplied points are
available the next day and do not affect
tier points or other promotions.
Slipper’s Win Dat! has more
than $125K in cash, prizes
of three grand-prize drawings in the Win Dat!
giveaway at Silver Slipper
is set for Saturday, Nov.
29. The popular giveaway
features more than $125,0000
in cash and prizes, including
black-and-gold Ford Mustangs.
On Friday and Saturday
nights in November and
December, two winners
are selected every half
hour from 1 to 8 p.m. to play a bean bag toss
game for a chance to win up to $500 in Free
Slot Play.
During the grand-prize drawings, winners
will spin the prize wheel at 9 p.m.
The finalist with
the highest combined
score will win the festive
Mustang, while the others
will receive their combined
amount in Free Slot Play. The
third and final grand-prize
drawing will be Saturday,
Entries can be earned
through slot and table play, so visit Silver Slipper
Casino and get ready to Win Dat! See Players
Services for details.
Shop ’Til You Drop at Harrah’s
Players win gift cards every Sunday
has never been as much fun
as it is with the Shop ’Til You
Drop promotion at Harrah’s
Gulf Coast. Every Sunday in
November, Total Rewards
members will win hundreds of
dollars in gift cards.
Guests need to swipe at
the promotions kiosk starting
at noon on Sundays
to see if they are an
instant winner of a
$25 Macy’s gift card
and to activate their
one free entry for
the hourly drawings.
Additional entries can be
received for every 10 tier
credits earned.
Hourly drawings
begin at 1 p.m., and
there are more than 30
winners each week.
Visit the Biloxi
casino for more
Road Trip at Beau Win Free Play, variety of prizes
coming to an end in Golden Nugget giveaway
an end at Beau Rivage, and that means someone is going to
win a new Cadillac CTS. Players club members are earning
entries now for the Sunday, Nov. 16, giveaway, in which
$130,000 FreePlay will be awarded along with the car.
Slot players can earn one entry for every 100 slot points
accumulated on their M life card. On the giveaway day,
drawings will be held every other hour from noon to 8 p.m.
A total of 10 winners will win up to $3,000 FreePlay.
At 8 p.m., 10 winners will
be selected. Nine of those
winners are guaranteed to win
$6,000 FreePlay, while one will
win the 2014 Cadillac CTS.
For more information
on how to win in the AllAmerican Road Trip, visit the
M life booth at Beau Rivage.
10 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ November 13 - November 26, 2014
with thousands in Free Play, will be given
away in the $60,000 Boom Goes the
Giveaway, at Golden Nugget. Drawings
are held every Friday in November.
Earn entries now through slot and
table play. Get one entry for every 25
slot points earned or with a table games
equivalent. Players club members must
activate their entries each drawing day by
using their players club card at any slot
machine or table game within an hour of
each drawing.
On the giveaway days, drawings will be
held every hour from 6 to 10 p.m. From
6 to 9 p.m., 10 winners will get a punch at
the punch board to reveal their prize. Win
gift cards from Best Buy and Amazon or
prizes such as big screen TVs, Blu-ray
players, Movado watches and more.
At 10 p.m., one winner will be selected
to receive $5,000 Free Play.
Also at Golden Nugget, guests using
their players club card on Saturday and
Sunday, Nov. 22-23, will receive twotimes tier credits. The offer is good from
4 a.m. to midnight.
Visit the Biloxi resort for more
Gulfport casino has holiday Plinko fun
Island View Casino Resort is offering a patch of prizes with Pumpkin
Plinko. This high-action holiday hot seat features more than 85 winners
each night on Friday, Nov. 14 and 21. From 4 to 11 p.m., three players will
each drop a puck on the Plinko board to win up to $10,000 in Slot View
Play. Guests must be playing with their players club card to be eligible to
Earn points for dining gifts at Harrah’s
Harrah’s Gulf Coast has the Dining Essentials Gift Giveaway every
Friday in November and December. Total Rewards members who earn
an exclusive dining gift when they swipe their Total Rewards card at the
promotional kiosk from 4 to 8 p.m. Upcoming gifts include a Hamilton
Beach five-quart portable slow cook, six-in-one cake plate and stainless
steel measuring gifts, glass serving bowl with stand, 16-piece dinnerware
set, seven-piece salad set and champagne flutes.
Stay up late for Treasure Bay specials
Treasure Bay has a late night lineup every Monday through Friday from
video poker with triple points on slots all day Wednesday, along with low
limits on table games, including $3 shoe and $5 pitch blackjack, $3 craps
and quarter roulette. The low table limits are available until 10 a.m. Plus, a
night owl breakfast special in The Den features two eggs, bacon or sausage
served with hash browns, grits and toast for $2.99.
Good Win Hunting produces turkeys
Win a free turkey with Golden Nugget’s Good Win Hunting promotion.
On Sunday, Nov. 23, players club members earning 250 points from
10 a.m. to 10 p.m. will receive a voucher for a free turkey. Participants
must print the voucher from any kiosk between no later than 10:15 p.m.
Vouchers can be redeemed at the players club until 10:30 p.m. Vouchers
are given on a first-come, first-served basis, and the quantity is limited.
Football Plinko on now at Silver Slipper
Play during Silver Slipper Casino’s Football
Plinko Sundays. Every Sunday from noon
to 6 p.m., three winners will be selected
every 15 minutes to drop the Plinko puck
to win Free Slot Play. Players club members
will get one free entry each week, and
additional entries can be earned through
slot and table play. Visit Players Services for
more information.
November 13 - November 26, 2014 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 11
Triple Diamond
Princess Bride
Triple Peppers
0ATRICK4. of Pinson, Ala., won playing
a Triple Diamond slot machine at 3ILVER3TAR
*OHN 4. of Wetumpka, Ala., won playing a penny Princess Bride slot machine at
+ENNY 3. of Longview, Texas, won playing a $1 Triple Peppers slot machine at
$IAMOND*ACKS#ASINO in Vicksburg.
Smoking Hot
White Orchard
Double Diamond
%DULIA2. of Richmond, Texas, won playing a penny Smoking Hot Jackpot slot
machine at 0ALACE#ASINO2ESORT.
.ANCY !. of Cantonment, Fla., won playing a White Orchid slot machine at (ARD
2OCK Biloxi. She also won playing a
penny slot machine.
#HARLENE 0. of Saucier, Miss., won playing a $10 Double Diamond slot machine
at 4REASURE"AY#ASINO in Biloxi.
Wicked Winnings II
Pai Gow Poker Progressive
'ERALD 7. of Cape Coral,
Fla., won playing a
Pai Gow Poker Progressive
table game at "OOMTOWN
#ASINO Biloxi.
6ICKIE '. of Loranger, La., won playing a Wicked Winnings II slot machine at
More Winners On Pages 26 & 27
12 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ November 13 - November 26, 2014
Dine & Drive on
Thanksgiving Day
Thanksgiving holiday will be
stuffed with great ways to win
at Island View Casino Resort
during the Dine & Drive SUV
Giveaway. Players club members
are earning entries now for this
Dine & Drive features
es a
grand-prize choice between
a Honda Pilot or Toyota
Highlander. Drawings willl be
held every 30 minutes from
to 9:30 p.m. for $100 to
Carter Green Steakhouse
and $1,000.
winner’s name will be drawn
at 10 p.m. And at 11 p.m., five
bonus winners will be selected
to each win $1,000 at 11 p.m.
Earn entries for the Dine
& Drive Giveaway by playing
slots or table games. Additional
entries can be earned on
And, for more fun, guests
who join the players club
Wednesday through Sunday,
Nov. 26-30, will receive a free
meal at The Buffet.
Plus, the feast of winning
continues with 10-times points.
Players can multiply their points
by 10 on Wednesday, Nov. 26,
from 4 to 10 p.m. and all day on
Saturday, Nov. 29.
Palace Casino giveaway
has progressive twist
"),/8) ˆ 0ALACE #ASINO
Resort has a November giveaway
with a progressive twist. In fact, the
twist is the progressive prize that
players can win in the Power Play
Progressive Giveaway.
The giveaway takes place
every Friday in
November. Four
winners will be
selected every 20
minutes from 8 to
11 p.m. to select a
prize of up to $1,000 Power Play or
the progressive prize.
The Power Play progressive
prize starts at $1,000 in Power Play.
Following every drawing time in
which the progressive prize is not
selected, it grows by $100 in Power
Play. The progressive prize carries
over to the next Friday if not won.
If the progressive prize is picked,
it starts over again at $1,000 in
Power Play.
The Power Play Progressive
Giveaway finale night, featuring
cash and Power Play, takes place
Friday, Nov. 28. Six final winners
will be selected
at 11 p.m. One
winner will get
$5,000 cash or the
progressive prize,
while the other
five will win $1,000 in Power Play.
Players club members can
receive one free entry and one
additional entry for every 50 points
earned (or table games equivalent).
Players must visit the kiosk for
check-in after 6:30 p.m. each Friday.
For more information, visit the
Palace Casino Resort.
November 13 - November 26, 2014 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 13
Cash, JackPlay prizes in
DiamondJacks giveaway
VICKSBURG — They say
carrying a briefcase will help get you
rich, especially at DiamondJacks
Casino where the Briefcase of
Fortune can be played
every Saturday in
two winners will
selected every 300
11 p.m. Winners
will select a briefcasee
to determine their prize.
Prizes range from $100 in
JackPlay to $1,000 in JackPlay, plus
$500 cash.
Reward cardholders can receive
one free entry each week. Plus, earn
additional entries through casino
play, with one entry awarded for
every 10 points earned playing slots
and one entry for every one
rated table play.
hour of ra
swipe at JACK to
enter the weekly
every Wednesday
November play the
in N
Wheel of Winning Swipe &
Win. Swipe at JACK from 5 to 9
p.m. each week for prizes including
JackPlay, extra points, point multipliers and Thanksgiving sets.
Plucking feathers is key to
winning prize at Bok Homa
HEIDELBERG — Bok Homa guests can play the Pluck for Bucks
virtual promotion every Thursday in November. Prizes range from $50 to
$500 in cash and Bonus Bets.
Each week, one winner will be selected each hour from 6 to 10 p.m. to
roll a jumbo dice to determine how many “plucks” they
will receive. The winner will then pluck feathers off
the tail of a giant turkey to reveal their prize. The
amounts on each feather will be totaled for the final
award. Prizes include $50 to $500 Bonus Bets and
$50 to $500 in cash.
Players club members are earning entries now,
with one entry received for every 100 points earned.
Entries will carry over for each drawing throughout the
All entries must be activated on Thursdays starting at 3 p.m.
The fun takes place on the Bok Homa stage, and guests must be present
to win. For more information, visit Bok Homa Casino today.
Mad Stash of Cash at Nugget
"),/8) ˆ 4AKE A TURN
in the Golden Nugget cash
machine for a chance to win
cash and Free Play during the
$10,000 Mad Stash of Cash. The
fun takes place Saturday, Nov.
29, from 6 to 10 p.m.
Drawings will be held every
30 minutes from 6 to 9 p.m.
14 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ November 13 - November 26, 2014
for two winners to have the
chance to collect as much cash
as possible in the cash machine.
Each winner will get 30 seconds
in the cash machine.
At 10 p.m., one winner will
receive $5,000 Free Play.
Visit the players club for
more information.
Thanksgiving comes to
fine dining restaurants
GULF COAST — While casino buffets are great green beans; or, sautéed snapper Ponchartrain, served
places to dine on Thanksgiving (see page 24), there with green beans and sweet potato fries. Dessert
are many other restaurants that are dishing up holiday will include sweet potato cheesecake. C&G Grille’s
favorites. For a chance to sit, relax and get
served, take a look at some of these options.
In Gulfport, )SLAND 6IEW #ASINO
2ESORT’s Beach Blvd. Steamer will observe
the holiday with a meal that blends
customary Thanksgiving dishes with the
bounty of the sea. The three-course meal
will begin with a grilled shrimp Caesar salad.
The entrée selection will include a choice
of pecan-wood grilled turkey medallions,
served with cornbread dressing, giblet
gravy, cranberry compote and green beans,
or an assorted baked oyster platter, served
with green beans, cornbread dressing and
giblet gravy. Both meals will be completed
with Key lime pie. Beach Blvd. Steamer’s
Thanksgiving dinner will be served from 5
to 10 p.m. for $21.
Also, C&G Grille will offer Thanksgiving
fare with a festive flair at the Gulfport
casino. The holiday menu will feature a
Thanksgiving dinners are offered at casino restaurants.
three-course meal, which starts with a trip
to the gourmet pantry bar. The entrée course will holiday dinner is available from 10:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
be a choice of traditional roast turkey and dressing for $18.25.
with giblet gravy, served with cranberry compote and
And Carter Green Steak House will celebrate the
16 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ November 13 - November 26, 2014
Sunday, Wednesday
& Thursday
5 PM - 10 PM
Friday & Saturday
5 PM - 11 PM
holiday with a special three-course
pre-fixe menu. The meal will begin
with a shrimp-avocado tower with
warm mango chutney. The entrée
selections include sautéed turkey
Oscar, or petite filet mignon with
port-cranberry glaze. Both entrees
will be served with asparagus and
baked potato. The dessert course
will be cranberry-apple upside
down cake. The Carter Green Steak
House dinner is available from 5:30
to 10 p.m. for $28.
At "EAU2IVAGE in Biloxi, guess
can experience the holiday through
Italian cuisine at Stalla. Celebrate
Thanksgiving with a variety
of authentic dishes, including
minestra di zucca (pumpkin soup),
cappellacci with butternut squash,
and duck confit with an orange
reduction, caramelized onions and
shallots over a cranberry risotto.
Coast offers guests a traditional
Thanksgiving dinner for $22. Enjoy
Cajun deep-fried turkey, homestyle cornbread dressing, roastedgarlic mashed potatoes, collared
greens with andouille sausage and
roasted sweet potatoes drizzled
with a mallow butter and spiced
pecans coupled with cranberry
sauce and Cajun giblet gravy. For
in pecan or sweet potato pie.
BR Prime, Beau Rivage’s
premier steakhouse, offers a
gourmet Thanksgiving dinner.
Guests can feast on fall favorites
like harvest pumpkin bisque, charbroiled Pass Christian oysters with
garlic and horseradish, slow-cooked
Tanglewood Farms natural turkey
and roasted pumpkin crème brulee.
A traditional Thanksgiving
dinner with all the trimmings will
be served at CQ inside 4REASURE
"AY. The special three-course
pre fixe menu is served for $30
per person. The dinner features
pumpkin bisque, duck confit salad,
turkey breast, roasted pork loin
and pecan pie or chocolate torte
for dessert. Guests can also dine à
la carte.
Reservations are recommended,
and can be made by calling (228)
385-6000 or go to
for details and menus.
Thanksgiving brings out the full
tien menu, along with a few special
items including roasted winter
squash bisque, and entrees such as
roasted duck breast and teriyakiglazed filet mignon. The special
holiday dessert is a ginger crème
brûlée. The restaurant will be open
from 5 to 10 p.m.
Thirty-two, IP’s fine-dining
restaurant, will offer its full menu
of items, in addition to specially
designed Thanksgiving selections.
Start the meal with an arugula,
pumpkin and shaved fennel salad.
Entrée choices include free range
turkey galantine, cast iron-seared
New York strip au poivre and
andouille-crusted sea bass. Finish
the meal with a pumpkin Tullamore
Dew whiskey brûlée. Thirty-two
will serve Thanksgiving dinner on
Magnolia House by Kelly
(228) 432-8888
or book at
Smoke Free
See Thanksgiving dining,
Page 19
November 13 - November 26, 2014 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 17
Pumpkin spice cheesecake
Pumpkin spice cheesecake
perfect to serve on holidays
BAY ST. LOUIS — In the Oct.
30 issue of Jackpot!, we wrote about
a dessert we enjoyed at Bogart’s
Steakhouse at Hollywood Casino
Gulf Coast. It was a thick slice of
pumpkin spice cheesecake and it
was delicious. A small photo of
our slice of cheesecake ran with
the story.
Since then, we have had several
readers comment on the dessert
and even a few asked for the recipe.
The bakery chef at Bogart’s granted
our request, and we are glad to
share the recipe with our readers.
This is a great dessert to have with
your Thanksgiving meal, or with
any meal this time of year.
Bogart’s serves their pumpkin
spice cheesecake with a large dollop
of whipped cream and caramel
sauce on the plate, but make this
dish your own with your favorite
Bogart’s Pumpkin Spice Cheesecake
Served at Bogart’s Steakhouse inside
Hollywood Casino Gulf Coast
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup melted butter
Mix together in a bowl until all ingredients come together. Spray one
10-inch springform pan with non-stick spray. Press graham cracker mix
into pan coming up the sides as much as possible.
2 packs cream cheese (32 ounces)
4 eggs, large
1 cup sugar
3/4 cup sour cream
1 tablespoon vanilla
18 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ November 13 - November 26, 2014
Using an electric mixer and a
paddle attachment, mix cream cheese
until smooth. Add sugar and cream
together, scraping the bowl with
plastic spatula.
Mix again on medium until
smooth, about 2 minutes. Add one
egg at a time on low speed. Add
sour cream and vanilla. Mix on low/
medium speed about 1 minute until
all combined. Take the mix out of the
mixing bowl; set aside.
1 15-ounce can pumpkin
2 eggs, large
1 5-ounce can evaporated milk
1/2 cup sugar
1/3 cup dark brown sugar
3/4 cup cream
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon clove
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon salt
In the mixing bowl with the paddle
attachment, mix both sugars. Add
eggs and cream until there are no
lumps and the mixture is lighter.
Add pumpkin, mix together.
Scrape the bowl with a spatula and
mix again on medium for 1 minute.
Add in spices, and keep mixing on low
speed. Slowly add evaporated milk and
cream. Mix until all ingredients come
Add two-thirds of the cheesecake
mixture back into the bowl with the
pumpkin and mix together.
Thanksgiving dining, from Page 17
English at (ARRAHS 'ULF #OAST offers a prix fixe meal on
Thanksgiving Day for $65. The three-course meal starts with a
choice between duck gumbo or a salad of mixed greens, Satsuma,
picked red onions, Kalamata olives and feta cheese with a citrus
Next, choose either turkey saltimbocca with candied sweet potato
puree, cranberry chutney and giblet gravy or dirty rice-stuffed pork
chop with a molasses glaze, green bean casserole and crispy fried
onions. Indulge in bourbon chocolate pecan pie with vanilla bean
ice cream or James’ pumpkin pie with fresh cream and pumpkin seed
brittle for dessert.
In addition to being available on Thanksgiving, this holiday menu
Add all of the pumpkin mix to the
springform pan. Take the remaining will also be offered the weekend immediately following. Menu items
plain cheesecake mix and drizzle over can be purchased individually as specials if guests do not want the
the top of the pumpkin mix and swirl entire menu. The restaurant’s full menu will also be available to
guests, as well.
gently with a knife.
And, at 0ALACE #ASINO 2ESORT, Mignon’s Steaks & Seafood is
"AKEATDEGREESFORHOURSOR offering a three-course dinner for $29 from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Begin
until the cake begins to puff up and the meal with a choice of cranberry, walnut, apple, mixed greens and
gruyere salad topped with lemon-poppyseed dressing or potato and
the center looks set.
Turn the oven off and let the cake leek soup.
The main course features pecan-smoked turkey breast with
rest in the oven 1 hour.
pan gravy, fresh sage dressing, cranberry compote, herbed mashed
Refrigerate overnight if possible. potatoes and roasted rutabagas and carrots. For dessert, select either
Take the springform off once chilled. pumpkin brulee with a tuille cookie or housemade chocolate pecan
Slice and serve with whipped pie with vanilla bean frozen custard.
For reservations, call (228) 432-8888 or reserve at
November 13 - November 26, 2014 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 19
Nov. 28; and DJ Mig, Nov. 29.
"EAU 2IVAGE — In Coast, Ladies Nights are
Wednesday and Thursday where ladies drink free
from 10 p.m.-1 a.m. Thursdays are also Techtronic
Thursdays. On Friday and Saturday, ladies also
receive free admission from 10 p.m.-1 a.m. $10 cover for men nightly,
which includes two free drinks. Flamethrowers perform Nov. 21-22,
and Triggerproof, Nov. 28-29. DJs entertain when the bands are not
from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. and Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Live
music can also be enjoyed Sunday through Tuesday, 8 p.m. to midnight,
with The Redfield performing Nov. 16-18, and Platinum Cafe, Nov. 23-25
and Nov. 30.
At the Breeze Bar, Anderson Domingues performs Fridays and
Saturdays from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m.
In the Beau Rivage Theatre, Santa & Friends on Ice can be seen
Dec. 2-28, showtimes vary, tickets are $12.95, $16.95; $24.95. All ticket
prices plus tax and service charge. Coming soon: Molly Ringwalds, Rick
or by going online to
"OOMTOWN #ASINO — Bands perform
Friday and Saturday nights on the Spurs stage
located on the first floor of the casino. Blue
Magnolia can be seen Nov. 14-15, and Starz, Nov. 21-22 and Nov. 28-29.
Unless otherwise noted, bands perform 8 to midnight.
'OLDEN .UGGET "ILOXI — In the Rush Lounge, free
live entertainment can be enjoyed every Wednesday through
Saturday starting at 9 p.m. Glenn Parker Band performs
Nov. 14-15; Brandon Green, Nov. 19 and Nov. 26; No Idea,
Nov. 20-21 and Nov. 28; Roulette Ramblers, Nov. 22; 3HG,
In the Golden Nugget showroom, Brenda Lee performs Nov. 15, 8
p.m., tickets start at $20; The Oak Ridge Boys, Nov. 21, 8 p.m., tickets start
at $25; and Atlas Fights 23-MMA Cage Fights (open to all ages), Nov. 22, 8
p.m., tickets start at $30. Tickets available at or by calling
(ARD2OCK#ASINO — In Hard Rock Live, Primus
PERFORMS .OV AT PM TICKETS START AT Tickets are on sale through or visit
In Roadhouse Live, entertainment can be enjoyed
Friday and Saturday nights from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m. $10 cover for men
(includes one free domestic beer or well drink), ladies free. DVDJ Hyphee
spins the hits in November, with DJ Rizzo on Nov. 22.
At the Center Bar, the Mojiles perform Nov. 14-15; Big Richard, Nov.
21-22; and 5 Finger Discount, Nov. 28-29. Entertainment can be enjoyed
Friday and Saturday, 9 p.m.-1 a.m. and Sunday and Thursday, 8 p.m. to
In Boogie Nights, Tiffany performs at the opening on Nov. 15, with
doors opening at 9 p.m. Also, DJ San-d can be seen Nov. 21-22; DJ Ricco,
20 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ November 13 - November 26, 2014
(ARRAHS'ULF#OAST — Enjoy live, high-energy
music at the Stage Bar from 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Blondefire
takes the stage Nov. 15, and the Adam Holt Band,
Nov. 29.
)0#ASINO2ESORT3PA — In Chill, entertainment can
be enjoyed Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9 p.m. to
1 a.m. and Monday-Wednesday from 8 p.m. to midnight.
Nine, Nov. 14-15; Katie P. & Friends, Nov. 16 and Nov.
'RAM 2EA &RIENDS .OV AND .OV )3)3 !COUSTIC .OV and Nov. 25; Brennan Roybal Duo, Nov. 19 and Nov. 26; Grand Theft
Thursday, Friday and Saturday starting at 10 p.m.
Entertainment in thirty-two, located on the 32nd floor of the hotel, can
be enjoyed from 6-10 p.m. Marianne & Steve perform Nov. 14-15, Nov.
21-22 and Nov. 29, and Peek Acoustic, Nov. 28.
In Studio A, the Charlie Daniels Band performs Nov. 15, 8 p.m., tickets
start at $30; Three Dog Night, Nov. 22, 8 p.m., tickets start at $30; Night
Ranger, Nov. 29, tickets start at $25; and Sugar Ray and Gin Blossoms, Dec.
6, 8 p.m., tickets start at $25. Coming soon: A Carpenters’ Christmas, Joe
In Studio B, a free Asian show takes place Nov. 26, 9 p.m. Presented by
Jeannie Arney, the show stars Ban Nhac the Beat and Tuan Minh.
Tickets for all performances are on sale now from or at Call (800) 595-4849.
0ALACE #ASINO 2ESORT — In Mignon’s
Lounge, live entertainment can be enjoyed every
Friday from 5 to 8 p.m. Hank Berumen performs
Nov. 14; Brandon Green, Nov. 21; and Mike
Halat, Nov. 28.
4REASURE "AY — In blu, live entertainment can
be enjoyed Fridays at 9 p.m. Friends take the stage
Nov. 14 and Nov. 28, and 3HG, Nov. 21. Admission
is free.
Three Dog Night at IP Casino, Nov. 22
Hancock County
3ILVER 3LIPPER — In the Blue Bayou Bar and Grill, enjoy
Backgrounds by Rowena every Thursday, Friday and Saturday
In the Original Stage Bar, Witness performs Nov. 14-15;
ISIS, Nov. 21-22; and Harvey Jesus & Fire, Nov. 28-29. Unless
otherwise noted, the bands perform at 8 p.m.
Bay St. Louis
(OLLYWOOD#ASINO — On the Hollywood
Stage Bar, live entertainment can be seen
Friday and Saturday nights beginning at 8:30
p.m. Runaway Train can be seen Nov. 14-15;
The Meanies, Nov. 21-22; and Witness, Nov. 28-29.
In the Cypress Ballroom, Irma Thomas performs Nov. 15, 8 p.m.
Tickets start at $24.95. Purchase tickets at the gift shop or call (800) 2292683.
)SLAND 6IEW #ASINO — Live entertainment can
be enjoyed at the Sunset Bar at the entrance of Carter
Green Steakhouse. Bands play Fridays and Saturdays
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Scott Hinson Trio performs
Nov. 14 and Nov. 22; Todd O’Neill, Nov. 15; Cheri & Tony, Nov. 21; Sera
Buras, Nov. 28; and Hank Berumen, Nov. 29.
In the View Showroom, Lisa Lee Albritton Band performs Nov. 21;
West Story Road, Nov. 28; and Stereofauna, Nov. 29. Performances are 9
p.m. to 1 a.m. and there is no charge.
Headliner concerts include Roots & Boots Tour with Aaron Tippin,
Sammy Kershaw and Darryl Worley, Nov. 22, 8 p.m., $35; and John
Tesh, Dec. 13, 8 p.m., $40. Coming soon: Restless Heart. Tickets can be
38 Special at Lady Luck Casino, Nov. 22
!MERISTAR #ASINO — Enjoy live music and
free shows at the Bottleneck Blues Bar, where
the Heritage Blues Series continues every Friday
and Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. King Edward performs Nov. 14-15;
Blues Challenge Showcase, Nov. 21-22; and Sherman Lee Dillon and the
Mississippi Sound, Nov. 28-29.
Live entertainment can also be enjoyed in the Cabaret Lounge on Friday
and Saturday from 8 p.m. to midnight. Doug Allen performs Nov. 14-15;
Nu Corp, Nov. 21-22; and Radio Inc., Nov. 28-29. Call (601) 630-3920.
$IAMOND*ACKS#ASINO — Live entertainment
can be seen on the Casino Stage from 8 p.m. to
midnight every Friday and Saturday. DJ 2 Tall
spins the hits Nov. 14-15, and DJ Burks, Nov.
21-22 and Nov. 28-29.
,ADY ,UCK #ASINO — In The Lone Wolf, live
entertainment can be enjoyed on various Fridays and
Saturdays from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
In the Lady Luck Arena, 38 Special performs Nov.
day of the show and can be purchased at the O&H
Express inside the casino or online at
Tiffany at
Hard Rock,
Nov. 15
3ILVER3TAR — In the Starlight Lounge, live bands
perform Friday and Saturday from 10 p.m.-2 a.m.
Call (866) 44PEARL for more information.
November 13 - November 26, 2014 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 21
Oak Ridge Boys come to Golden Nugget
Have a ‘Boys Night Out’ with the quartet
CHOCTAW — Have a boys night out that
everyone is invited to when The Oak Ridge
Boys come to Golden Nugget Biloxi. The
quartet performs Friday, Nov. 21, at 8 p.m.
One of the most distinctive and recognizable
sounds in the music industry, the four-part
harmonies and upbeat songs of The Oak Ridge
Boys have spawned dozens of country hits and a
No. 1 pop smash, earned them Grammy, Dove,
CMA, and ACM awards as well as garnered a
host of other industry and fan accolades.
Every time they step before an audience, the
Oaks bring more than four decades of charted
singles — and 50 years of tradition — to a
stage widely acknowledged as among the most
exciting anywhere. And now, everyone can
experience that excitement as their first live
album Boys Night Out was released in mid-April.
The Oaks’ high-energy stage show remains
the heart and soul of what they do, and they
refine it several times a year, striving to keep it
fresh well into the future.
“When I go on stage, I get the same feeling
I had the first time I sang with The Oak Ridge
Boys,” says lead singer Duane Allen. “This is the
only job I’ve ever wanted to have.”
“Like everyone else in
the group,” adds bass singer
Sterban. “I was a fan of the
Oaks before I became a
member. I’m still a fan of the
group today. Being in The Oak
Ridge Boys is the fulfillment of
a lifelong dream.”
The two, along with tenor
Joe Bonsall and baritone
William Lee Golden, comprise
one of country’s truly
legendary acts. Their string of
hits includes the country-pop
chart-topper “Elvira,” as well
as “Bobbie Sue,” “Y’all Come
Back Saloon,” “Thank God
For Kids,” “American Made,”
“You’re The One,” “Fancy
Free,” “Love Song” and many others.
The group has scored 12 gold, three
platinum, and one double platinum album—
plus one double platinum single—and had more
than a dozen national No. 1 singles and over 30
Top Ten hits.
The Oak Ridge Boys
Tickets start at $25 and are available at and by calling Ticketmaster
tickets, if available, in person at the Golden
Nugget box office on the day of the show only
from 2 to 8 p.m.
Roots & Boots Tour has Tippin, Kershaw, Worley
GULFPORT — The Roots & Boots Tour,
starring Aaron Tippin, Sammy Kershaw and
Darryl Worley, comes to Island View Casino
Resort for one show only on Saturday, Nov. 22.
The concert starts at 8 p.m.
Aaron Tippin, with his relatable mid-tempo
anthems, is known for hits including “You’ve
Got to Stand for Something,” “Where the Stars
and Stripes and the Eagle Fly,” “There Ain’t
Nothin’ Wrong with the Radio,” “That’s as
Close as I’ll Get to Loving You” and “Kiss
Sammy Kershaw, with his trademark
drawl, has had many hits including “She
Don’t Know She’s Beautiful,” “Cadillac
Style,” “Anywhere But Here,” “Haunted
Heart,” “Queen of My Double-Wide Trailer,”
“I Can’t Reach Her Anymore,” “National
Working Woman’s Holiday” and “Third Rate
Kershaw was raised in the Cajun country
of Kaplan, La. The oldest of four children, he
was performing in honky tonks at 12 years old.
Since his debut on the music scene in the early
1990s, Kershaw has remained one of the most
consistent power-hitters in country music with
a chain of major hit records and sell-out touring
Darryl Worley has topped the charts with
singles including “I Miss My Friend,” “Awful,
Beautiful Life” and “Have You Forgotten.” He
hit the Top Twenty with the first three singles
Aaron Tippin
22 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ November 13 - November 26, 2014
Sammy Kershaw
from his debut, Hard Rain Don’t Last — “When
You Need My Love,” “A Good Day to Run”
and “Second Wind.”
Along the way, he earned nominations for
five major ACM and CMA awards, including
Song of the Year and Single of the Year.
Tickets to see the Roots & Boots Tour are
$35 and can be purchased on
Caught Up
Experience Santa & Friends on Ice, a fun-filled joyous journey into the
Christmas holidays, at Beau Rivage this holiday season. Santa, Mrs. Claus
and their helpers transform the theatre into a glittering frozen winter
pond made of real ice. World-class figure skaters, vocalists and actors
present an endearing holiday storyline, guaranteed to delight audiences
of all ages. Santa & Friends on Ice comes to Beau Rivage Dec. 2-28.
3HOWSARENIGHTLYATPMWITHADDITIONALMATINEEPERFORMANCESON3ATurday and Sunday at 3 p.m. The show is dark on Mondays. Tickets start at
$12.95 plus taxes and fees. A family four pack of tickets for $40 (promo
code ICE) and an offer of two tickets for $20 (promo code SANTA),
plus taxes and fees, are available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.
These special offers are based on availability and must be booked through
the Beau Rivage Theatre Box Office. General price tickets are also availABLEBYCALLINGORORDERINGONLINEATBEAURIVAGECOM3ANTA
& Friends on Ice room and show packages (promo code HOLIDAY)
Talent in town
Two talented women will be performing at Gulf Coast casinos on
Saturday, Nov. 15. At Golden Nugget in Biloxi, Brenda Lee (left) takes the
stage at 8 p.m., and at Hollywood Casino Gulf Coast in Bay St. Louis, Irma
Thomas performs, also at 8 p.m. Lee is known for such hits as “Rockin’
Around the Christmas Tree” and “I’m Sorry.” Tickets to see Lee start at
$20 and are available at and by calling Ticketmaster at
4ICKETSTOSEE4HOMASKNOWNAShTHE3OUL1UEENOF New Orleans,” are $24.95 and $34.95 and may be purchased at the Gift
Shop or by calling (800) 229-2683.
November 13 - November 26, 2014 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 23
Holiday favorites offered at casino buffets
Feast on all-you-can-eat turkey, crab legs and more
MISSISSIPPI — Thanksgiving is a time for
friends and family to reflect on their blessings.
It is also a time to get together and enjoy
each other’s company. Usually that is done
in the presence of a cooked turkey, a bowl of
mashed potatoes and plenty of gravy. For all
the Thanksgiving meal fixings, casino buffets
are ideal.
Guests can enjoy all they can eat of the
traditional fare, plus try new and varied items.
The buffets offer something for everyone, from
meat to veggies and there are always plenty of
desserts. And, when the meal is finished, no
one has to do the dishes. Here are a few buffet
)SLAND 6IEW #ASINO 2ESORT’s awardwinning The Buffet will serve a Thanksgiving
special from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. for $21.99.
Diners will enjoy a seemingly endless
selection of all-American Thanksgiving
favorites and traditional dishes, including
roasted turkey with giblet gravy; Southernstyle cornbread dressing; shrimp, oyster and
artichoke bisque; carved flank steak of beef
au jus; boiled gulf shrimp; fried gulf shrimp
and U.S.-farmed catfish; Icelandic prawn stir
fry, hot yeast rolls and cornbread.
The meal will be served along with a
variety of salads and favored The Buffet
menu selections from the Asian, Southern
and Italian stations.
To end the festive feast on a sweet note,
The Buffet will offer handcrafted desserts,
including made-to-order funnel cakes,
pumpkin pie with spiced whip cream, New
Orleans-style bread pudding with whiskey sauce,
pumpkin cheesecake and house-made gelato,
custard and ice cream.
Thanksgiving feast like no other for $32.99. The
holiday menu includes snow crab, prime rib,
turkey and ham. There is even a banana Foster’s
station. Breakfast items include filet mignon
Benedict, crab cake Benedict and banana nut
bread French toast.
0ALACE#ASINO2ESORT has a holiday buffet
from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. for $25 (with players
Start the meal with seafood gumbo, chicken
and okra soup, fruit salad, Waldorf salad, carrot
and raisin salad, along with a variety of fresh
salads and toppings.
At the Flames station, find smoked turkey
breast, roasted turkey with cranberry sauce,
favorites can be enjoyed for dessert.
Flavors Buffet at (ARRAHS'ULF#OAST will
offer a specialty Thanksgiving Buffet, beginning
at 11 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day. Guests can
Rewards card.
A Southern Gobble Thanksgiving Feast will
be dished up at 'OLDEN .UGGET. For $24.99
per person, the buffet will be open from 11 a.m.
to 9 p.m. Maple-bourbon glazed ham, Cajun
turkey, alligator sausage and smoked sausage
will be offered at the Carving Board. Diners will
also enjoy traditional holiday sides, snow crab,
oyster dressing, blackened shrimp over tasso and
cheddar grits, hoisinbarbecue salmon and
smoked turkey legs.
Traditional pies,
cakes and pastries will
be available for a sweet
way to end the meal.
the infinity buffet will
serve up an array of
traditional dishes on
Thanksgiving including
carved roasted turkey,
smoked brisket and
glazed ham.
Casino buffets offer a variety of favorite holiday fare.
Lunch is $16.99 and
will be served from 11
smoked baked ham and prime rib, along with a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Dinner, which will include
smoked pork ribs, sliced smoked brisket, pork Dungeness and snow crab on the menu, will be
loin, sweet potato casserole, cornbread dressing, served from 3 to 9 p.m. for $24.99.
creamed spinach, green bean casserole, baked
sweet potatoes and more.
Celebrate “turkey day” with friends and
The Back Bay Buffet at )0 #ASINO 2ESORT
Fried and baked chicken can be found at family and let 2IVERWALK#ASINO in Vicksburg
3PA will serve a brunch buffet from 11 a.m. to the Comfort station, as well as fried green do the cooking and the cleaning. Served in the
10 p.m. for $25 for adults, $12 for children 5 tomatoes, au gratin potatoes, mac and cheese, Magnolia Hill Buffet, the Thanksgiving Day
through 12 and free for those 4 and under.
squash casserole, collard greens, corns, rolls and FEASTWILLBE.OVFROMAMTOPMAND
The meal will include assorted salads and muffins.
again from 5 to 10 p.m. for $19.99.
soups, along with carvery items including roast
The Palace’s popular Wok station will serve
Oven-roasted turkey, spiral-sliced ham,
prime rib of beef, glazed pit-style ham and pork and ginger soup, fried rice, pork egg rolls, dressing, squash casserole, sweet potato
turducken. There will also be roast turkey, tempura chicken and crab rangoon, while at the casserole, green beans and creamed corn are
tenderloin of pork with cranberry-orange relish, Coastal station, snow crab legs, boiled shrimp, some of the offerings, along with pecan cobbler,
snow crab legs and shrimp etouffee.
baked salmon, stuffed crabs, seafood dressing pumpkin pie an other holiday favorites.
End the meal with favorites such as pumpkin and seafood courtbouillon will be served along
pie, sweet potato pie, pecan pie and pralines.
with fried shrimp, catfish and shrimp and oysters.
$IAMOND*ACKS#ASINO has a Thanksgiving
Peach cobbler, Mississippi mud brownies, BUFFETON.OV4HEHOLIDAYMEALISOFFERED
At "EAU 2IVAGE, the Buffet will offer a bread pudding and an assortment of holiday from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. for $15.99.
24 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ November 13 - November 26, 2014
Pluck for Bucks at
Pearl River Resort
CHOCTAW — Guests at Pearl River Resort will be plucking for bucks
this holiday season. The Pluck for Bucks virtual promotion is held every
Friday and Saturday in November, with prizes ranging from $50 to $5,000
in cash and Bonus Bets.
to 11 p.m. to roll a jumbo dice to determine how many “plucks” they will
receive. The winner will then pluck feathers off the tail of a giant turkey to
reveal their prize. The amounts on each feather will be totaled for the final
award. Prizes include $50 to $2,500 Bonus Bets and $50
to $5,000
in cash.
Players club members are earning entries
now for the giveaway, with one free entry
given on the drawing days and additional
entries received for every 500 points earned.
Entries will carry over for each drawing
throughout the promotion.
All entries must be activated on Fridays
and Saturdays from 3 to 10:45 p.m.
The fun takes place in the Silver Star Hotel lobby, and guests must
be present at Silver Star or Golden Moon casinos to win. For more
information, visit the casinos at Pearl River Resort today.
Riverwalk Casino players
can Gobble the Money
VICKSBURG — Table games
players will want to get gobbling
in the table games hott seat
giveaway at Riverwalk
Casino in Vicksburg.
The $16,000 Gobble
the Money is
held every Friday
and Saturday in
Guests playing table
games and using their
players club cards will be
eligible to win a share of $1,000 in
chips and promo chips each night.
Plus, special Thanksgiving Day
drawings will be held on Thursday,
Players can win a
share of $8,000 in
chips and promo
And slot players
will want to get in
the fun of the $3,000
Smokin’ Hot Seats on
Tuesday nights. From 6 to 10 p.m.,
10 winners will be selected to win
$100 cash.
Win a Kia Soul at Hard Rock
"),/8) ˆ 7IN A +IA 3OUL
every Sunday at Hard Rock
Hotel & Casino Biloxi.
Drawings are each week in
While three winners will receive
one grand-prize winner will drive
away in a 2015 Kia Soul.
Players club members are
earning entries now through
Nov. 30. Swipe your card daily
to receive entries. Visit players
services for more information.
November 13 - November 26, 2014 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 25
Magic Mermaid
Weekday Wheels
Weekday Wheels
"OBBY -. of Loranger, La., won playing a Magic Mermaid slot machine at
0ATRICIA(. of Biloxi won a (YUNDAI!CCENT
during )SLAND6IEW#ASINO2ESORT’s Weekday
Wheels Giveaway.
2EBECCA 7. of Carrollton, Ga., won a NEW
Weekday Wheels Giveaway.
Wheel of Fortune
Double Diamond
Penny Player
&RANK AND "ECKY ". of Pennington, Va.,
won playing a Wheel of Fortune slot
.ANCY ". of Dubach, La., won playing a $1 Double Diamond slot machine at
$IAMOND*ACKS#ASINO in Vicksburg.
"ELTON '. of Jackson, Miss., won playing a penny slot machine at $IAMOND*ACKS
#ASINO in Vicksburg.
Double Sizzling 7s
Slot Player
Slot Player
2AYMONDE4. of Pensacola, Fla., won playing slots at (ARD2OCK Biloxi.
Ethel B. of Pascagoula, Miss., won $1,863
playing slots at Hard Rock Biloxi.
More Winners On Page 12 & 27
26 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ November 13 - November 26, 2014
Wicked Winnings
Five Star
-ARY .. of Vardoman, Miss.,
won playing a Wicked
Winnings slot machine at 3ILVER
*AMES7. of Hayden, Ala., won
playing a Five Star slot
machine at 3ILVER3TAR(OTEL
Triple Diamond
Wicked Winnings
3HIRLEY 7. of Huntsville, Ala.,
won playing a Triple
Diamond slot machine at 3ILVER
'LENN 3. of Duck Hill, Miss.,
won playing a Wicked
Winnings slot machine at 3ILVER
Top Dollar
Triple Double
$AVID -. of Destin, Fla., won
playing a $1 Double Top
Dollar slot machine at 0ALACE
"EVERLY 3. of Pensacola, Fla.,
won playing a 5-cent
Triple Double slot machine at
Spin Poker
Keno Player
2ODNEY$. of Vancleave, Miss.,
won playing a nickel
Spin Poker machine at 0ALACE
#YNTHIA +. of Bakersfield,
Calif., won playing a
nickel keno machine at 0ALACE
November 13 - November 26, 2014 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 27
When you receive good service at a casino, it
is customary to award the person giving the
good service a gratuity (tip). Jackpot! readers
ask us occassionally what the appropriate
tip to leave might be for quality service for
different casino employees. Obviously, many
things factor into this, so please note that the
information below is just a guideline, and
impeccable service would receive a higher tip.
Cocktail Waitresses - Casino
Standard Tip = $1 per round, parties of one or two
High Roller/Comp = $5 per round,
parties of one or two
Standard Tip = $1 per round, parties of one or two
High Roller/Comp = $5 per round, parties of one
or two
Standard Tip = Place a bet, $2-$10 during your play
High Roller/Comp = Place a bet, $25-$100 during
your play
Slot Attendants
Standard Tip = $1-$5 during your play,
more if you hit a jackpot
High Roller/Comp = $10-$25 during your play,
more if you hit a jackpot
Cocktail Waitresses - Restaurants
Standard Tip = 15%-20% of check
High Roller/Comp = 20%-30% of check
Hotel Bellmen
Standard Tip = $1-$2 per bag,
more for heavier or oversized bags
High Roller/Comp = $3-$5 per bag,
more for heavier or oversized bags
Room Service Personnel
Standard Tip = 15%-20% of check
High Roller/Comp = 20%-30% of check
Standard Tip = $1 per night, place in envelope
at end of stay marked for Maid
High Roller/Comp = $5 per night, place in envelope
at end of stay marked for Maid
Taxi Drivers
Standard Tip = Minimum of $2. Very Short rides,
helpful information, assistance with luggage,
difficult route would receive more
High Roller/Comp = Minimum of $5. Very Short
rides, helpful information, assistance with luggage,
difficult route would receive more
Standard Tip = $1 per round, parties of one or two
High Roller/Comp = $5 per round, parties of one
or two
Wine Steward
Standard Tip = $1 per round, parties of one or two
High Roller/Comp = $5 per round, parties of one
or two
By Paul Wade
Your concerns are coming to the forefront, Scorpio
Editor’s Note: These horoscopes are meant for entertainment purposes
only and are for the time period November 13 - November 26, 2014.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) — Your
concerns come to the forefront. Others have
noticed your existence again and it will be
far harder to keep your concerns secret and not to
acknowledge the import of anxieties. You’ve found
it tough to open up but it is best to share concerns.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) — There
are definitely two sides to your character and
you can give free rein to both of them. From
Nov. 16 on you will have plenty of opportunity for
fun and frolics. But prior to this you’ll be working
against the celestial tide to push yourself forward.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — This
period heralds change and transformation
and will continue for some time, promising
the breakdown of existing structures and causing
you to question all you previously assumed to be
true. This does not happen easily, since you must
first access and then examine hidden conditioning,
buried deep down within your psyche. What emerges
is ultimately better.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) — Although
you have occasionally doubted the wisdom
of the course you’ve chosen, this period will
dispel a number of the doubts you’ve encountered.
It seems others have noticed your efforts after all
and while their approval was never something you
sought, it is encouraging to have feedback.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 19) — When you’re
busy, have a goal in mind and the bit between
your teeth, it is possible to lose sight of other
issues in your eagerness to tackle the task in hand.
But be careful you don’t give anyone the message,
that you are not concerned about their opinion and
will ride roughshod over their needs and sensibilities.
Aries (March 20-April 19) — You are
drawn to consider where you stand with
others. Although you are independent and
individualistic, under ideal circumstances you are not
a loner. You believe the world would be a poorer
place without certain folk around you.
28 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ November 13 - November 26, 2014
Taurus (April 20-May 20) — Recently,
you have been far distant from the cosmic
spotlight. This has its benefits and has not
bothered you excessively, since there are advantages
to being able to pursue your own concerns in privacy.
You are growing and developing on spiritual level.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) — Assorted
obligations and your working life feature
during this period. This leaves you little scope
for relaxation and causes you to wonder, what this is
all about sometimes. Your growing list of activities is
the primary reason for such frenetic pace.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) — During this
period you notice looser liaisons are more
enjoyable than the sense of being tied to
anyone, with commitment as the No. 1 priority.
The institution of marriage and the first flushes of
romance are treated differently in astrological terms.
At certain junctures influences will impact one and
not the other, creating a complicated interplay.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) — The focus on
your domestic affairs comes as no surprise,
since Saturn has emphasized this area for
almost two years. Looking back, the atmosphere in
your family and how you’re living now, are in contrast
to what you were facing then. Much has changed, as
Saturn pruned away what wasn’t working.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) — This time marks
a reflective period for you, no matter how
busy matters seem on the surface or look to
the casual observer. Stay true to yourself, since you
are your sternest critic.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) — Money is at the
forefront of your attention. And largely the
portents are excellent; although you’ve never
found economics the most fascinating subject and
are glad to let your attention lapse, once the initial
emphasis on such practicalities subsides. Examine
certain key issues and to find out what counts.
Paul Wade, a UK-based astrologer, is published in
seven languages. For weekly, monthly and annual horoscopes,
personal services, information, freebies and more, visit
Pick a Pie and win at Palace Casino
Join the Palace Casino Resort players club as a
new member and receive $5 in Power Play slot
credits. New members earning 40 points on the
day they enroll can play the New Member Instant
Win kiosk game for a chance to win up to $1,000 in
Power Play. Plus, club members can play the Make A Wish Birthday kiosk
game during their birthday month to win Power Play or a free gift. And on
Tuesday nights in November, play the Pick a Pie kiosk game after earning
50 slot points. Swipe between 5 and 11:59 p.m. to play and win up to $500
in Power Play or five-times points.
Win FreePlay prizes at Beau Rivage
New players club members at Beau Rivage can swipe their M life cards
at any kiosk to play the new member scratch-off game. Guests must
swipe on the day of enrollment. The new member is guaranteed to win a
FreePlay prize from $10 to $10,000 instantly. The kiosk game is through
Sunday, Nov. 30, and participation is limited to once per new member
Hollywood gives players extra points
Hollywood Casino Gulf Coast is giving players club extra points on
Sundays in November. On Nov. 16, 23 and 30, club members need to
swipe their Marquee Rewards card at any kiosk to receive 20-times points
earned between 3 a.m. and 3 a.m. The bonus points will be applied within
48 hours. Also at Hollywood, Go Green and Win. Share your email for a
chance to win SlotPlay. A $500 SlotPlay winner will be selected every day
through Sunday, Nov. 30. Visit the casino for more information.
Sundays filled with winning in Vicksburg
Sundays in November are filled with fun at DiamondJacks Casino
Vicksburg. The Harvest of Winning Slot Tournament takes place each
week. Just SWIPE at JACK to enter. Tournament play begins at 2 p.m.,
and registration ends at 4:30 p.m. Plus, table games players will be able to
get in on the Sunday Funday hot seats. One winners will be selected every
30 minutes from 1 to 5 p.m. Winners will receive $100 in chips. Players
club members must be actively gaming at any table game to enter.
Seniors get perks with Wild Bunch Club
Things are getting wild at Boomtown Casino with the Wild Bunch
Seniors Club. The club is open to players club members ages 50 and older.
Wild Bunch members receive half off the cost of the lunch buffet every
Wednesday and Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and half off the cost of the
Southern Comforts dinner buffet every Wednesday starting at 4 p.m. Plus,
get an instant $5 SlotPlay Bonus with 50 earned points, and another $5
SlotPlay with an additional 50 earned points from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
November 13 - November 26, 2014 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 29
Poker Rooms & Bad Beats...
‡ In Choctaw ‡
Pearl River Resort’s Silver Star Casino ‡ 855 977-6537
‡ In Vicksburg ‡
Ameristar Casino ‡ 601 630-4996
‡ In Bay St. Louis ‡
Hollywood Casino ‡ 866 758-2591
‡ In Biloxi ‡
Beau Rivage ‡ 228 386-7111
Golden Nugget ‡ 228 436-7967
Hard Rock Casino ‡ 228 276-7177 or 228 276-8161
IP Casino, Resort & Spa ‡ 228 436-3000
Bad beat jackpots are latest available prior to press time
Hard Rock has Sweet Thursdays and more
a sweet Thursday, the poker room at Hard Rock
has the perfect tournament for card players.
Tournament play takes place daily, even on
lazy weekends. The poker room has additional
promotions during the week, as well.
There is the Manic Monday No Limit Bounty
on Mondays, which has a $30 entry fee with
players receiving $3,000 in tournament chips.
The Ruby Tuesday No Limit Add On on
Tuesdays, the Hump Day No Limit Add On
Tournament on Wednesdays and the On My
Mind No Limit Add On Tournament on Fridays
each have a $35 entry fee with players receiving
$3,500 in tournament chips. With these two
events, there is an optional $10 add on at the
break to receive $2,000 in tournament chips.
The Sweet Thursday No
Limit Add On Tournament
There is a $20 entry with players
receiving $2,000 in tournament
chips. Registration begins at 4
On Saturdays, players can
participate in the Add On No
Limit Tournament. There is a
$55 entry for $4,500 in tournament chips. A
$20 optional add-on at the break gives the
player $2,500. And, enjoy the Lazy on a Sunday
Afternoon No Limit Freeze Out Tournament
each week. This has a $30 entry and players get
$3,000 in tournament chips.
With the exception of the Sweet Thursday
30 JACKPOT! MAGAZINE ‡ November 13 - November 26, 2014
event, all tournaments start at 3
p.m., with registration each day
beginning at 10 a.m. There are
Plus, play three hours prior to
any multi-table tournament on
Saturday and receive $500 per
hour in tournament chips.
With Splash the Pot,
Monday through Saturday from
3 to 6 p.m., $25 will be added to the pot every
30 minutes on all jackpot eligible games. Be sure
to check with the poker room for complete rules
on all promotions.
The rake in the Hard Rock poker room is
$4 max, with $2 max jackpot on all games. Free
poker lessons are offered upon request.
Hollywood Casino
(866) 7-LUCKY-1
Beau Rivage
(888) 567-6667
Boomtown Casino
(800) 627-0777
Golden Nugget
(800) 777-SLOT
Hard Rock Casino
(228) 374-ROCK
Harrah’s Gulf Coast
(800) WIN-2-WIN
IP Casino, Resort & Spa
(888) WIN-AT-IP
Palace Casino Resort
(800) PALACE-9
Treasure Bay
(800) 747-2839
Golden Moon Hotel & Casino
(866) 44-PEARL
Silver Star Hotel & Casino
(866) 44-PEARL
Island View Casino
(877) 774-VIEW
Silver Slipper
Bok Homa Casino
(866) 447-3275
Isle of Capri Casino
(800) THE-ISLE
Magnolia Bluffs Casino
(601) 235-0045
Ameristar Casino
(800) 700-7770
DiamondJacks Casino
(877) 711-0677
Lady Luck Casino
(800) 503-3777
Riverwalk Casino
(601) 634-0100
*For more information on any of these great casinos,
link directly to their websites from
November 13 - November 26, 2014 ‡ JACKPOT! MAGAZINE 31