Page 1 of 4 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 11E, Nov 2014 Vol 1, Issue 11E Nov 2014 EEEE Posten E SE DK FI IC Sami CA Newsletter—Sons of Norway Elveby 1- 604 Omaha, NE / Council Bluffs, IA Sun Mo Tue We Thu Fri Pres : Geir Rosoy 402.571.7694 December 2014 November 2014 Sat Su 1 Mo Tue We Th Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 12 13 28 29 30 31 30 Program events for Nov & Dec 2014 Nov 12 9:30 am Breakfast at Village Inn (72nd & Giles). Nov 16 Sunday: 3:00 Augustana, Silent Auction. Also our vote Day - for Elected officers. Pot luck preferably finger food, Elveby will provide drinks. Desserts welcome. Set up (3) volunteers requested in addition to Charmayne & Roger, sign up on page 2. Nov 24 6:30pm Board Mtg; Er ickson Seder str om bldg. 10330, Regency Pkwy Dr., Omaha Dec 5 Ethnic night at Durham Museum, Elveby will have 2 tables for Ethnic display, Todd + helpers and 2 tables for Lefse and other Ethnic food for sale (Marta, Mary Ann + 3 others). Volunteers needed. 402-292-5759. Norske flag - - - Geir Rosoy & sons Anders and Atle. Dec 7 Christmas party at Augustana. Ham & Meatballs and drinks pr ovided by Elveby. Members bring Protestant & Catholic side dishes and of course, desserts are welcome. Dec 25 Christmas Blessings to all our members. Appointed Elveby positions The right column lists who we are voting for at our Nov 16 meeting and thus represents our elected positions. There are are many other appointed positions that other members are interested in. Please see top of page 2 for these positions, some positions need filling. Sharon Lilledahl at 402-734-0926. Posten editors: Roger & Carole Davick, Papillion, NE 68133, 402.292.5759, or Elveby Webmaster: Pam Reynolds Current Elected positions: Current President Geir Rosoy Elveby V. President Sandy Olsen Membership 146. Secretary Earl Rogers Treasure Dick Brokke Membership Sec, Laura OConner Social Directors: Charmayne Hodnefield and Becky Shipman Cultural Directors: Linda Iske, Todd Fossum and Mary Ann Johnson Who is running for office in 2015 President: Matthew Johnson or __________ V. President: Geir Rosoy or __________ Secretary: Earl Rogers or __________ Treasure: Dick Brokke or _________ Mem. Sec: Mary Holoun or __________ Social Directors: Charmayne Hodnefield and Roger Davick and ______ or ________ Cultural Directors: Coni Rogers and Todd Fossum and __________ or _________ If you would like to run for one of the elective offices, there is a blank line above, see if your name fits: We do need 1 to 3 Cultural Directors, they are the ones who plan our meetings and what we will be doing, so this may be the perfect job for you. The social directors are the one that puts these plans into action. They get our meeting place ready for the events. We do plan on having a social committee for our monthly meetings to assist the Social Directors. In the past we had a sign-up-sheet each month for social committee members. We would expect capable members to sign up at least one month during the year to help set up & take down and be there a an hour early. The social director will call them a couple days before a meeting as a reminder and to direct set up on site. So when are we voting, Nov 16 and for Pr esident, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasure, Membership Secretary, Social and Cultural Directors eod Page 1 of 1 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 11E, Nov 2014 2014 Elveby Board of Directors. President Geir Rosoy 402.571.7694 V. President Sandy Olsen 402.453.6343 Secretary Earl Rogers 402.905.2860 Treasure: Dick Brokke 402.397.0653 Mem. Sec Laura OConner 402.339.9179 Social Dir Charmayne Hodnefield 402.884.1898 Social Dir: Becky Shipman 402.850.7059 Cult.Co-Dir: 1 Linda Iske 402.339.3464 Cult Co-Dir: 2 Todd Fossum 402.709.2695 Cult Co-Dir: 3 Mary Ann Johnson 402.734.1845 Norway Counselor Virgil Johnson Senior Advisor : Craig Nordaker Fin Bene Coun. Ivan Anderson 402-850-3733 Zone 7 Director Coni Rogers Appointed Elveby Officers: Auditor (Need replacing) Open Auditor Kristine Rock Ethnic Coordinator Director Sharon Lilledahl Foundation Director Ann Denholm Greeter Kristine Rock Historian Sharon Lilledahl Marshalls Erle & Candie Carter Music song Director open Music song Director Assist open Page 2 of 4 Sports Director John McGuire Student Affairs Director open Sunshine Lady Arlene Lee Trustee 6th yr John McGuire Trustee 5th yr Ole Swingen Trustee 4th yr Harald Flatoan Uffda Hans Todd Fossum Youth Group Director Becky Shipman Nordic born Advisors: Randi Caniglia, Sigr un Tworek, Kari Franklin, Reidun Nabity, Harald Flatoan and Geir Rosoy ¤ It is noteworthy that Becky Shipman has given up her elected position in favor of becoming Youth Group Director. Thank you for serving as Social Director. From Pres eit Rosoy, Oct 29, 2014. Treasure Report –Elveby Lodge Income/expenses 2014:10 9/23/2014 through 10/27/2014 By Dick Brokke Income Fund Raiser/ Torsk $ 3464.00 Torsk dinner. Total Income $ 3464.00 Expenses Torsk dinner 270.08 Insurance 228.00 Printing 112.55 Rent 100.00 Social Meetings 11.45 Total Expenses $ 722.08 Overall total $ 2741.92 Social Committee Sign Up (just a starter) From page 1, we stated we would have a sign-up-sheet each month for social committee members. We would expect capable members to sign up at least one month during the year to help set up & take down and be there an hour early. The social director will call them a couple days before a meeting as a reminder and to direct set-up . It would be helpful if we knew how many of you would intend to sign up. To start with, let’s start the end of this year Nov and Dec. and look at 1st 2 months of 2015. Nov ..16: 1. _Roger__. 2 ______3. _______4. _______ ... Dec .. 7: 1 _______ 2. ________3. ______ 4. _______... Jan ... 18 1. _________2. _______3. _______4. ________.. Feb… 15.. 1. _______2. _______3. _______4._________ ... I will put my name down for Nov 16, and I plan on being there at 3:00 and leave about 6:00 plus. Rd Notice to Hamburger lovers. Oslo’s (Norway) new Burger Joint took their 290-kroner off the menu after receiving recent criticism for including goose liver in the burger. Ah-shucks Friends, We are now heading towards the holiday season and as you may know, I am a 100% certified Thanksgiving & Christmas nut. Next month, we will have our silent auction which has been a great success in the past. My boys are always so excited to get some Norwegian items at the auction to give as Christmas presents (my office has its share of Nisser and Trolls from past auctions. One important thing: we will also be preparing a program of things to do next year at our social meetings. If you have good ideas of things we could do (speakers, presentations, games, education etc.) at some of our meetings, do not hesitate to speak with any of the officers. We are always looking for ideas. We want to make this a fun and educational experience for everyone, so the more input from the members, the better output at our meetings. In closing, a HUGE Thank You!! To all the volunteers at the Torsk & Meatball Dinner. The food was awesome and the volunteers made the whole event something we can brag about for years to come. I wish you all a wonderful fall and hope to see you all at the auction. Geir Rosoy Gordie Njus passes away: Njus, Gordon E. Feb 9, 1934 - Oct 27, 2014 Papillion. Preceded in death by parents, 1 brother, 2 sisters. Gordie and Pat Njus joined the Sons of Norway in about 1996. He is survived by wife Pat; children and spouses, David Njus, Syracuse, NE, Michael and Diane Njus, Ashland, NE, Karla and Todd Remmers, Murray, NE; grandchildren, Wyatt, Sarah, Cody Remmers, Benjamin, Abigail Njus; sister Marilyn Njus, Huron SD; many nieces, nephews other relatives and friends. Visitation was Thurs 1-8 and the Funeral Services was on Friday at 11am in the Trinity Lutheran Church, Papillion, Neb. Burial is the at Bellview Cemetery in Howard, South Dakota. EOD VOLUME 1, ISSUE 11E, Nov 2014 Sons of Norway Elveby Lodge Board Meeting October 27, 2014 Minutes from September Meeting: Minutes appr oved. Dick motioned and Carole seconded. Attendance: 9 Bills to Pay: Shr imp Sauce/Flower s $50.62, Potatoes $59.90, Cups $58.72, Fish $535.00, (Meatball cost to be pd $188.00). Total Cost for Torsk/Meatball Dinner: 974.32, Total Collected: $3464.00, Net Income from dinner: $2489.68 Items for Discussion/Updates: 1. Torsk and Meatball dinner: Total Attendance 257 (246 adults + 11 Children). President Geir received several very positive comments, Carole Davick was asked about recipes for the Shrimp sauce. Dinner went exceptionally well with no negative comments. Thank you notes for donations: Mar ta for bever ages, Mar y Ann for beets, Randi for wine, Rotella for buns and others for cake donations. Thank you Gerald & Betty for making the lefse. 2. Social Meeting: The social meeting is scheduled for November 16 at 3:00 PM at Augustana Lutheran. Meeting to include silent auction, Board of Director elections, Finger foods to be provided by attendees. 3. Board Member Nominating Committee 2015 has recommended the following slate of officers. President: Matthew Johnson, Vice President: Geir Rosoy, Secretary: Ear l Roger s, Treasurer: Dick Br okke, Cultural: Coni Roger s, Todd Fossum, Social: Roger Davick, Charmayne Hodnefield, Youth: Becky Shipman, Membership Secretary: Mar y Holoun 4. Other items: Mary Ann Johnson reported on the October 11 Lefse workshop. We had twelve (12) participants and had three (3) different recipes for lefse. Several (3-4) Augustana workers showed up and had lefse and soup. Soups prepared were beef and chicken based. Participants took some of the lefse home with them. All attendees were very pleased with the workshop. There was substantial discussion about re-establishing teams to help with the setup and cleanup for the monthly social meeting. It was felt we needed a minimum of 3 people. Reports: 1.Membership: Car ole Davick r epor ted 146 members. There should be several new members as a result of the Torsk dinner. 2. Treasurer: See Tr easur er ’s r epor t. 3. Cultural/Social: See Tor sk/Meatball dinner and other items report above. The Durham Station Ethnic night is scheduled for December 5th. Coni and Becky will be making lefse at 1 table and Marta & Mary Ann at other table with Norsk foods. Todd, Carole & Roger will be at the SON table. 4. Youth: No Repor t 5. Posten Editor: Roger r equested all infor mation for the November Posten to be to him by Wednesday, October 29th. He reported mailing out about forty (40) postens a month. Meeting was adjourned by President Rosoy at 7:35 PM. Next Board meeting is scheduled for November 24 at 6:30 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Earl Rogers, Secretary Page 3 of 4 Happy birthday to you: Oct 2014 (Gratulerer med dagen til deg ) 2 Richard Annin 3. Dominic McQuery 3. Harvey Palmer 12. Richard Annin 12. Aveline Marks 14. Mari Mollak 14. Linda Robinson 15. Sonja Denholm, 15. Nancy Annin, 15. Harriet Chamberlen 15. Rachel Olsen 15. Cade Johnson 18 Isabell Simonsen 19. Cyndi Mattson 19 Jeffrey Rock 19. Kristine Rock 22. Jane Nordaker 23. Sharon Lilledahl 23. Micah Taylor 24. Atle Rosoy 25. Ariel Moats 27. Fiona Shogren 27. Lynne Jensen 27. Charles Brue 28.Christofer Ackerman 30. Kate McBride eod Adv: Gadgeteer Store: 7317 Douglas, Omaha, NE 68114 , Tele 402.397.0808, Email , 1 Block South of Dodge at 74th & Douglas, Ask for Rita Adv: Little Scandinavia Store: 2619 North Main St. in Elkhorn, NE 69022, 402.289.2307. Many Scandinavian items. Carl & Leona Anderson. Rosettes: If you have not used your Rosette irons in a while, this is a good time? Christmas. 3 eggs 2 T sugar 2 1/2 dl (1 cup) full fat milk 3 1/4 dl (1 1/2 cups) flour 2 T melted butter Whisk eggs, sugar, and milk lightly together. Sift the flour and mix or buy Cake flour (pre-sifted). Add the melted butter, mixing well. Refrigerate 30 minutes or so. Heat the shortening or oil to 180 degrees C (350 degrees F). Heat the rosette iron in the fat. Dip the iron into the batter so that the batter just reaches the top of the iron, not over it. Deep fry in the fat until just stiff, about 1 minute (do not let it get too dark). Remove the rosette with a fork and drain on paper towels. Sprinkle with powdered sugar or fill with cream or jam. Serve with Cloudberry Cream or ?? From the Norwegian kitchen.(with mods in red) Norwegian Blessing May I extend on you a Norwegian Blessing: May da ruts alvays fit da wheels in your pickup. May your ear muffs alvays keep out da Nort vind. May da sun shine varm on yur Lefse. May da rain fall soft on yur Lutefisk. and until ve meet again, May da Good Lord protect ya from any and all unnecessary Uff Das. May you har a vunderful Tanksgiving. 3 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 11E, Nov 2014 Page 4 of 4 Schultz, Eleanor B. Olson, (Age 91) Passed away Torsk and Meatball Dinner, Oct 26, 2014 October 29, 2014 in Omaha. Elea- In the eyes of the beholder, Elveby achieved an A plus and I am sure if we never got a minus score. We served about 260 hungry Norskies or want-to-b’s. We planned on more picture space but recent obits have taken over some of our available space. nor was born September 14, 1923 in Lake Mills, IA, and graduated from Luther College in Decorah, IA and received her Master Degree from Creighton University. Elea- We received positive feedback from many of the attendees. This provides us with incentive to plan on doing it again next year. Many of those were nor taught school at Edison, Hoover and Bloomer Schools in Council Bluffs for 37 years before her retirement. Her memberships include Saint John's Lutheran Church, Retired Teachers, past president Federated Women, Kappa Kappa Iota and Sons of Norway. Eleanor is preceded in death by her parents, Wilford and Elsie Olson; six siblings; husband Elmer A. Schultz in 1971. Survivors include daughter Laurie Ann Schultz and Terry Huismann of Omaha; grandsons Chris, Eric and Scott Shamblen; three greatgrandchildren; and a great great grandchild; nieces and nephews. Visitation with the family 2-4pm Sunday at Cutler-O'NeillMeyer-Woodring Bayliss Park Chapel. Graveside Services Monday 11am, Ridgewood Cemetery. Family and friends to meet at 10:30am at Cutler-O'Neill for cortege to Ridgewood Cemetery. Memorials are suggested to the Vesterheim Norwegian-American Museum, 523 W. Water Street, Decorah, IA 52101. Cutler-O’NeilMeyer-Woodring Bayliss Park Chapel 545 Willow Ave., Council Bluffs, IA 712-322-7779. Sons of Norway note; Eleanor was the 2nd President of Elveby . Ole and Lena wer e in Coscos the other day. They got separated and Ole collided with another cart that young Sven was pushing. Ole said “Sorry, I vas looking for my wife, Lena, and didn’t see you. ”Sven said "That's OK. It's just a coincidence. I'm looking for my wife, too. I can't find her and I'm getting a little desperate. So, Ole said, "Vell, maybe we can help each other. What does your wife look like?” Sven says, “she is 24 years old, tall, with blond hair, green eyes, long legs and well built. She's wearing tight white shorts and halter top. Sven said, “ What does your wife look like?" Ole said "It doesn't matter. Let's look for yours." Elveby member passes away Oct 21, 2014: Eloise Thompson Jan 17, 1971 - October 21, 2014 Eloise Thompson was very popular in Elveby as well as very talented and she kept a good repertoire of funny little Ole and Lena stories that would keep you in stitches. Besides reading poems, Eloise wrote her own little Poetry book, Patches and Poetry. If you check the internet, look for Patches & Poetry by Eloise Thompson (inc Karen & Pam). Several other poems were mentioned in the funeral booklet, too many to be mentioned here. Several readings were read at the funeral inc Psalm 23. Rest in peace, there for our 3rd year at Augustana. The torsk was cut into very nice sized serving pieces (comment by some masculine attendees). Sizing, preparation and cooking were done by the combo of “Norskie - Virgil Johnson and Italian food expert Chuck Caniglia . They are pictured with knives & frozen cod. The cooking of this is their secret. The Augustana kitchen is a good place for cooking and serving. The meatballs, gravy and red potatoes were readied for our appreciative guests by Earl & Candi Carter and helpers. Food and room preparation started on Sat at 3:00 o'clock. when about 16 members showed up to help. Tables were moved to locations and table-cloths were put on all tables. SON place mats and initial silver settings were placed on the tables for our first service of 96 people. Randi placed flower decorations on all the tables. Cake and dessert tables were placed in front so patrons could select which they prefer. In the back we had a drink table set up for Linda Mjeldheim and husband Laverne and Marta Mjeldheim. Lemonade and other cold drinks were made and set away for Sunday. Almost all the sides had been prepared at members homes in advance including herring, cranberries and sliced cucumbers and sliced beets. The sides were measured out and placed in serving plastic containers with lids and refrigerated for Sunday. It takes a long time to do enough for our approximation of 275. Just when it begins to be a chore, it seems like our delightful guests always seem to make us think it is worth it. We do thank both them and our members. eod Eloise! Join Sons of Norway 4
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