Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute (A Government of Puducherry Institution) Vazhudavur Road, Kathirkamam, Puducherry – 605 009 Phone: 0413-2277545, 0413-2277571, 0413-2277570 Email: RECRUITMENT FOR THE POSTS OF ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, SENIOR RESIDENT, JUNIOR RESIDENT / TUTOR The Indira Gandhi Medical College is an institution of the Government of Puducherry under the aegis of Perunthalaivar Kamaraj Medical College Society. Applications are invited for the posts detailed below from Indian Nationals fulfilling the MCI regulations of minimum qualification for teachers in Medical Institutions, Regulations 1998 with subsequent amendments. Total No. Post Associate Professor (Medical / NonMedical) 05 Age (Not Exceeding) 58 years As per the “Minimum qualification for teacher in Medical Institution Regulation 1998” with amendments of Medical Council of India 50 years As per the “Minimum qualification for teacher in Medical Institution Regulation 1998” with amendments of Medical Council of India Pharmacology(1), General Medicine(2), General Surgery(2) Assistant Professor (Medical / NonMedical) 04 Microbiology(1), Radio Diagnosis(1), General Surgery(1), Orthopedics(1) Senior Resident Junior Resident 29 40 years 13 40 years Designation Associate Professor Assistant Professor Senior Resident (initial contract period for one year which may be renewable for three years) Junior Resident /Tutor (initial contract period for one year which may be renewable for three years) Essential Qualification and Experience As per the “Minimum qualification for teachers in Medical Institutions Regulations 1998” with amendments of Medical Council of India MBBS Pay + Grade Pay ` 37400 + ` 8700 (PB – 4, ` 37400-67000+` 8700 Grade Pay) ` 21630 + ` 6600 (PB – 3 ` 15600-39100 + ` 6600 Grade Pay) Consolidated pay of ` 52,000 per month Consolidated pay of ` 43,000 per month The application in the prescribed format may be downloaded from the website. The duly filled in application along with a Demand Draft for ` 500 (`200 for SC /ST) drawn in favour of “Perunthalaivar Kamaraj Medical College Society” payable at Puducherry and other documents as specified in the application format may be presented at the time of the walk-in- interview between 10 AM and 1 PM on 18th or 19th November 2014 by the candidates seeking appointment as Associate Professor & Assistant Professor and on 20th November 2014 by those for the post of SRs, Tutor/JRs. Age will be reckoned as on the last date for receipt of application. AGE RELEXATION: Age relaxation limit will be allowed in respect of various categories as per order contained in G.O.I Personnel Public Grievances and Pension OM No.15012/2/2010-Estt(D)dt 27.03.2012. GENERAL CONDITIONS: 1. Selected candidates will have to join immediately. 2. Institute is having the right either to fill up the post or not. 3. Only one application has to be submitted in respect of the posts of Junior Residents and Tutor post. 4. The institute may also with the approval of Competent Authority choose to appoint such suitable person(s) who may not have applied in response to this advertisement. 5. No DA/TA is admissible for attending interview. 6. Candidates will be considered for appointment only if they have not presented themselves for the MCI Inspection for the academic year 2015-16 (from 01.08.14) 7. Fees once paid is not refundable. 8. Canvassing in any form will be a disqualification. 9. No correspondence will be entertained regarding outcome of interview. 10. Any dispute will be under the legal jurisdiction of Puducherry. DIRECTOR Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute (A Govt. of Puducherry Institution) Office use only Code : No. : Kadirkamam, Puducherry-605009. Application Form – Teaching Faculty Recruitment Speciality*: Post *: Mode of Appointment : Direct ( ) whichever preferred Recruitment Absorption# Deputation# Affix recent passport Contract size photograph duly signed * Specify the post & speciality applied for # Applicable for candidates from Government / Autonomous Institution applying through Proper Channel. Candidates must fill up all relevant columns in block letters. Separate application should be submitted for each post applied for. Applications not properly filled and submitted without the relevant certificates / photocopies will be summarily rejected and no further correspondence will be entertained in this regard. D.D. Amount: No. Date: Bank: Place: 1. Name of the Candidate : 2. Father’s / Husband’s name : 3. Address for communication : Pin Mobile 0 Tel. No. with STD code 0 Email (if any) 4. : (i) Date of Birth (Enclose attested photocopy of Birth Certificate or 1st page of SSLC Book Date Month Year or T.C.) (ii)Age : Years 5. Sex ( appropriately) Months Days : Female 6. Nationality (Enclose proof ) 7. Religion : 8. i) Whether belongs to General/OBC/SC/ST : Male General OBC SC ST ( appropriately) (Enclose attested photocopy of Community Certificate if applicable issued by Competent Authority) ii) Whether Physically Handicappd (Locomotor) ? ( appropriately) (Enclose attested photocopy of Certificate issued by Competent Authority) : Yes If yes % of disability No 9. Educational/Professional qualifications : Use Additional Sheets if required (Enclose attested photo copies of the certificate) 10. Qualification & Subject Year of Class/ (Doctorate / Degree / Diploma) Passing Rank Institution University Registration in Indian Medical Council: State (Enclose attested photo copies of the No. Date certificate) (For Medical graduates only) a) U.G. b) P.G. 11. i) Experience (Teaching): Use Additional Sheets if required (Enclose attested photo copies of the experience certificate /Salary) Period Job Title Institution Duration From To DD/MM/YY DD/MM/YY Yrs Mont Salary Reasons for Leaving hs 1 2 3 4 5 ii) PAN No. (Enclosed photo copies of PAN Card) 12. Research Experience : Use additional sheet if required (Enclose attested photo copies of the certificate) Period Institution Field From To DD/MM/YY DD/MM/YY 1 2 3 4 5 13. Publications: Use Additional Sheets if required (Enclose attested photo copies) Journal Reference 1 2 3 4 5 Duration Title Yrs Months 14. Membership in Academic/Professional Associations (if any) 1. 2. 3. 4. 15. Any other relevant information: I, hereby declare that all statements made in the application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any information being found incorrect or suppressed, my candidature at any stage is liable to be cancelled. I further understand that in case I am appointed on the basis of false and untrue information furnished, my services are liable to be terminated forthwith without any notice. Place : Date : Signature of the Candidate Note: Applications without Demand Draft for ` 500/- (` 200 for SC / ST) drawn in favour of “Perunthalaivar Kamaraj Medical College Society” payable at Puducherry, will be summarily rejected and no further correspondence will be entertained. Indira Gandhi Medical College & Research Institute (A Govt. of Puducherry Institution) Office use only Code : No. : Kadirkamam, Puducherry-605009. Application Form for the Recruitment of SR/JR/Tutor GDMO Post : Senior Junior ( ) whichever preferred Resident Resident Tutor Affix recent passport size Candidates must fill up all relevant columns in block letters. Applications incompletely/ incorrectly filled and submitted without the relevant certificates / photocopies will be photograph duly summarily rejected and no further correspondence will be entertained in this regard. D.D. Amount: No. signed Date: Bank: Place: 1. Name of the Candidate : 2. Father’s / Husband’s name : 3. Address for communication : Pin Mobile 0 Tel. No. with STD code 0 Email (if any) 4. : (i) Date of Birth (Enclose attested photocopy of Birth Certificate or 1st page of SSLC Book Date Month Year or T.C.) (ii)Age : Years 5. Sex ( appropriately) Months Days : Female 6. Nationality (Enclose proof ) 7. Religion : 8. i) Whether belongs to General/OBC/SC/ST : Male General OBC SC ST ( appropriately) (Enclose attested photocopy of Community Certificate if applicable issued by Competent Authority) ii) Whether Physically Handicappd : Yes If yes % of disability No (Locomotor) ? ( appropriately) (Enclose attested photocopy of Certificate issued by Competent Authority) 9. Educational/Professional qualifications : Use Additional Sheets if required (Enclose attested photo copies of the certificate) Qualification & Subject Year of Class/ ( Degree / Diploma) Passing Rank Institution University 10. Registration in Indian Medical Council: State (Enclose attested photo copies of the certificate) No. Date (For Medical graduates only) a) U.G. . 11. Experience: Use Additional Sheets if required (Enclose attested photo copies of the experience certificate /Salary) Period Job Title Institution Duration From To DD/MM/YY DD/MM/YY Yrs Mont Salary Reasons for Leaving hs 1 2 3 ii) PAN (Enclosed photo copies of PAN Card) 12. Any other relevant information: I, hereby, declare that all statements made in the application are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any information being found incorrect or suppressed, my candidature at any stage is liable to be cancelled. I further understand that in case I am appointed on the basis of false and untrue information furnished, my services are liable to be terminated forthwith without any notice. Place : Date : Signature of the Candidate Note: Applications without Demand Draft for ` 500/- (` 200 for SC / ST) drawn in favour of “Perunthalaivar Kamaraj Medical College Society” payable at Puducherry, will be summarily rejected and no further correspondence will be entertained.
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