i r L I\ r E \ j { - '-; BOARD) (RATLWAY NewDelhi,datedIl4 -'11-2014 No.2012tF(Elttu1(1| t2 The€eneralSecretary' \- 2rt'in, 3, ChelmsfordRoad, NewDelhi-{10055. DearSir, who sub: Applicabilityof old Pensionscheme to the substitutes regularized and attainedtemporarystatus prior to 01.01.2004 - clarification regarding' after01.01.2004 on dated 21.1Q'2014 is directedto referr".*r,*t letterNo. 1l/-16 The undersigned this in issued the abovesubjectand to state that necessaryinltructionshave been (copy enclosed)' 29102014 dated igl*d uio" inir officetetterof evenNo. YoursfaithfullY, for Sec Copyto : E(LR)Ibranch. -a -a -t -o -a -t -a -a -a -a Eo -a -a -a -. -a rf -a -a -a -o -t -t -a ba -a Ee -l -o qa -a -. N. F. I. R. NATICI'IAI, IEDERATICI\] OF fi.DIAiS R.hILT,.iAYi*iffi 3. Chelmsford Road, hlevr pelhl $o. Lf/L6 Copy together r,,'ith Railr:ay Boardr s letter < l a t e < J2 9 - l A - 2 O 1 4 i s f o r t i r a r d e d t o t h e G e n e r Unlons of i.jHIR for infurmaticnrr ;'ffiliated DaLed L4-L1.-2OL4 Lpc.ZALZ/F(E) IITI].n)/z EncI s As above. c/Cl- Fj^l-e rdo. L5/zoL1(Pl-;Fi) I.R.W- General See.ratarv - RBE No. 12014 OF INDIA(BHARATSARKAR) GOVERNMENT OF RAILWAYS(RAIL MANTRALAYA) MTNTSTRY (RAILWAYBOARD) No.201ztF(ElttV1(1)t2 New Delhi, Dated: '10.2014- -rhedmsF^&cA{ Units' Xll InOianRailways/Production (As per mailinglist) Subject: Applicabilityof Old PensionSchemeto Substituteswho attained temporary status prior to 01.01-2004 but regularizedafter01.01.2004- clarificationregarding. The issueof coverageof subsil,"t who had attainedtemporarystatus Scheme, .2004underOld Pension after01.01 priorto 01.01.2004but regularized (AIRF & NF!R) under has been raised by both the recognizedFederations The respectively' No.1512011 item PNM/NFIR and item No.o5t2012 PNM/AIRF itemNo.2012012. issuehasalsobeenraisedunderDC/JCM(Railways) that by Boardand it has nowbeendecided The issuehas beenexamined 2. statuspriorto 01.01.2004but regularizediabsorbed who got temporary substitutes is prio;to if the date of appointment regularization, after after01.01.2004and No.E(NG)ll/90/SB/Master .2004,in terms of provisionof Board'sletter 01.01 No.20/91) and para 6 of letter Circular dated 29.01.1991(M.C. thenthey may be coveredunder 17.09.2010, dated No.E(NG)Il/200g/sB/sR/15 Scheme. OldPension of the NPScorpusof the Further,the employeeand employercontribution 3. in para2 above,whoso far havebeencoveredunderthe mentioned Substitutes, NationalPensionSystem(NPS)may be adjustedin terms of the instructions No'5/2014) dated31.03.2014(RBA OIA}-lllz1118 in Board'sletterNo.201 contained 4. PleaseacknowledgereceiPt. (A Josh i ) DeputyDirectorFinance )ilt,
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