Weekly Bulletin November 15, 2014 | 22 Cheshvan 5775 www.beby.org Amalgamated Hebrew Men of England (1975) 100 Elder Street, Toronto ON M3H 5G7 | 416.633.3838 Chaye Sarah Hertz Chumash Torah Reading pp. 80-89 Haftarah pp. 90-92 Etz Hayim Chumash Torah Reading pp. 127-141 Haftarah pp. 143-145 ~ The Congregational Kiddush will be held in the Arback Hall following services and is sponsored by ~ Pearl & Gidon Grundland in honour of their new grandson Amitai Zvi, son of Batya & Mark Rottmann, brother to Mattan and Ben and by Stephen & Beth Werger in honour of daughter Jennifer being called to the Bar in Maryland Mazel Tov to our Board and Executive on today’s Installation Ceremony Yasher Koach to all. 60th Anniversary Launch! THIS Monday, November 17th @ 7:30 pm The Sefer Haftarah Parasha is dedicated in honour of Jules Kronis Bar Mitzvah October 27th, 1956 at the Knesseth Israel Synagogue (Junction Shul) Link to Rabbi Morrison’s article in Mercaz-Canada Autumn Newsletter Services for Week of November 15th Sunday ................................. 7:30 & 8:30 am Monday - Friday ................... 7:15 & 8:15 am Sunday - Thursday ........................... 4:40 pm Friday evening.................................. 4:40 pm Shabbat Candle Lighting .................. 4:28 pm Hashkama Minyan............................ 7:30 am Shabbat Services ............................... 8:45 am DON’T MISS IT! Let’s Party like it’s 1955! Dance to the music of the 50’s & 60’s performed by Of Gentlemen and Cowards led by Simon Edwards Emcee Adam Foxman with Comedian Brandon Sobel and his comedy troupe! Õ«i\ÊfÈäÊvÀÊÈäÊÞi>ÀÃÊUÊ-}i\ÊfÎä Hors d’oeuvres, dessert, cash bar >`ÊV«iÌ>ÀÞÊÃ}>ÌÕÀiÊ`À°ÊÊ ÃV ÌiÊ>°ÊÊ >ÊÌ iÊvvViÊ>ÌÊ{£È°ÈÎΰÎnÎnÊÌÊ «ÕÀV >ÃiÊÌViÌÃÊÀÊÛ>ÊÛiÌLÀÌi° We extend a Mazel Tov to Leah, daughter of Bari & Michael Horowitz on the occasion of her Havdalah Bat Mitzvah. Mazel Tov to grandparents Joan & Weldon Levine and Morton Horowitz. At this time, we lovingly remember the late Marlene Horowitz l”z ~ We extend our condolences to~ Marla Borenstein and family on the loss of her father, Morris Kreidstein l”z BEBY reserves the right to make copy & editorial changes. DEADLINE THURSDAY NOON of each week. Beyond that time we cannot guarantee that your event will appear in the bulletin. We regret any errors and omissions that may occur. Please contact the office to make corrections. The Shabbat Study Group will resume December 13th Shabbat Mincha — 4:25 pm Shabbat Ends — 5:37 pm ALLERGY ALERT!! Many of our members suffer from asthma or other breathing difficulties. Please be considerate of those who are chemically sensitive to fragrances and other scented products - your discretion in applying scented products when attending Shul is appreciated. HALACHA (JEWISH LAW) prohibits the use of audible beepers, cell phones, electronic games and any type of photographic equipment on Shabbat and Yom Tov. We thank you in advance for your cooperation in preserving the sanctity of Shabbat. Yasher Koach and thank you to our Shabbat Ushers! WEEKLY PROGRAMMES RABBINICS STUDY GROUP – Daf Ha’Shavua - The Weekly Page of Talmud. For beginning or intermediate students, study the first Tractate of the Talmud known as Masechet Berachot. “The primary focus of the tractate is the myriad ways in which a Jewish person expresses his faith during his life.” 35 minutes prior to Mincha. Study group resumes December 13th. SUNDAY FREE HEBREW READING CLASSES - LEVELS I AND II WITH MICHAEL KINRYS: Level I begins October 26 for 5 weeks. 9:15 - 11 am. Call to register. Level II begins Feb. 22/2015 for 6 weeks. THE LIBRARY ~10 am - 12 noon. Drop by and peruse our many fabulous new titles! A Thread of Kindness by Leah Perl Shadlar; From Central Park to Sini by Roy S. Neuberger. The KADIMA CENTRE: 2-3:30 pm. For info on student registration, contact Marcel Cohen at 416.633.3838 or marcelcohen2003@yahoo.ca. More info available from www.beby.org. We are looking for adults to volunteer who are compassionate, patient and positive. TANACH STUDY GROUP - 7:30 pm, November 23, at the home of Shirley & Avrom Gossack. 14 Overbrook Place. Studying Bereisheit, Chapter 20. MONDAY MAH JONGG AT 12:00 NOON. All welcome. Call the office 416-633-3838 to join. Donation of a Toonie. Refreshments served. No games today. No Class November 17th RABBI’S STUDY CLASS: PROBING THE PARSHA: A detailed study of a particular theme emanating from the weekly Torah portion. Each theme is linked to an essay topic found in the new book, The Observant Life - The Wisdom of Conservative Judaism for Contemporary Jews. The book is encouraged but not required for participants. Boardroom. 7:15 - 8:15 pm. FRUMBA & NIA! WOMEN’S CARDIO DANCE FITNESS - Sponsored by Sisterhood. 7:30 pm. For more information on upcoming class schedules and pricing, contact Bette at frumbadance@gmail.com. TUESDAY SISTERHOOD STUDY GROUP - 10 - 11:30 am | Rabbis Morrison and Lipson alternate weekly. Ask The Rabbi with Rabbi Morrison: Brief English responsa to modern halakhic questions from the perspective of Conservative Judaism. Topics will cover Bible, ethics, gender, interfaith, symbols, conversion, kashrut, lifecycle, holy day cycle, women’s issues, theology, and more. Rabbi Lipson’s Weekly Topic: Studying the Book of Shmuel (Samuel) and the Book of Kings — Politics & Power in Biblical Israel. WEDNESDAY TALMUD CLASS WITH DR. AARON NUSSBAUM | 9:15 am. Chapel. MAH JONGG AND RUMMIKUB HOSTED BY SISTERHOOD. Games begin at 12:30 to 3:30 pm. Donation of a Toonie. Refreshments served. Mah Jongg Games and Rummikub games needed. If you have one to donate, contact the office. SISTERHOOD PRESENTS ISRAELI FOLK DANCING WITH SHOSHANA FRANK. "EGINNERSPMs)NTERMEDIATE!DVANCEDPMPERCLASS)NFO Call Shoshana Frank at 905.889.9419. THURSDAY NASH & DRASH 2014 - Nov 27, Tuesday December 16 (Chazzan’s Chanukah Musical Special) January 22, February 19, March 26 (Pre-pesach Nash & Drash WITHTHE#ANTOR!PRILAND-AYPP THE MARTY KESHEN CHESED COMMITTEE NEEDS YOU! If you would like to volunteer with home and hospital visits, Shiva calls, etc. please call the office and leave a message for Rochelle Kerzner Committee Chair or email chesed@beby.org SISTERHOOD KNIT/CROCHET AND CHAT GROUP. We invite you to join our knitting and crochet group. Learn to crochet a kippah, or knit a baby blanket. Knit a hat for the Soldiers! We provide the yarn, pattern and coffee! Join us weekly, Mondays at 10 am. Speak to Miriam if you would like to participate. We extend a BIG thank you to the Minyanairres - both morning minyans for their very generous donations to the Chesed Knitters. Please pick up a flyer or check our web site /facebook page for more information on our upcoming events. SHABBAT TISH & TORAH - Rabbi Lipson leads learning sessions for the Parashat Hashavuah at 10:00 am in the Boardroom. COMING NOVEMBER EVENTS 60th Anniversary Launch Monday November 17th Speakers Series: Women’s Lives - Part II Wednesday November 19th Brunch/Lecture with Dr. Carol Greenwood Sunday November 23rd Reel & Spiel - Crossing Delancey Wednesday November 26th Girls Night Out Thursday November 27th Grey Cup Party Sunday November 30th SAVE THE DATES! Speakers Series: Women’s Lives - Part III Wednesday December 10th Yehuda Rosenberg Tribute Dinner Friday December 12th The Miracle of Chanukah - Energy Savings Monday December 15th Pre-Chanukah Nash & Drash Tuesday, December 16th Annual Chanukah Party Tuesday, December 16th Shabbat Shira Concert Thursday, January 29th CHAZZAN’S CORNER Davening Class - Chazzan Edwards offers an informal, hands on practical class - Monday evenings following Mincha services. No Class Nov.17th. Pre-Chanukah Nash & Drash with Chazzan Edwards & Tara Abrams, Cantorial Soloist. Tuesday, December 16th at 12 noon. Shabbat Shira Concert with Chazzans Edwards & Alex Stein of Adath Israel, Thursday January 29th at 7:30 pm FYI: Please be aware that in the event of a medical emergency, our Security Personnel are EVENTS YOUTH & YOUNG FAMILIES (Formerly Na’are Emet) Junior Congregation Shakin’ Up Shabbat! THE BETH EMETH GREENING COMMITTEE s s s s s s This week’s Green Tips is about decreasing paper waste: Our Jewish faith’s customs and traditions acknowledge that trees are a valuable resource Decrease the amount of paper used by using both sides of a piece of paper; one side may become scrap paper When replacing printers, buy printers that can print on both sides Only print e-mails and digital files if absolutely necessary As much as possible, keep electronic copies rather than paper Participate in tree planting activities every Shabbat at 10 am with a fun activity led by Elie Morrison and Samara Gottesman or by our ShinShinim Omer Itzhak & Yotam Meizeles. New program with lots of fun activities and games! See you there! Sam Kotzer Shabbat & Festival Gan Program OPEN YEAR ROUND FOR NURSERY SERVICES. 10 am - 12 noon | BEBY Babies Room (lower level) Structured weekly Shabbat programming for children ages 1 through JK, including Tefillot, songs, games, and healthy snacks. Hilda Swirsky, RN, BScN, MEd, Chair, hswirsky@hotmail.com or Fay Rakoff, rakoff@gmail.com Café Shinshinim: Contact youth@beby.org or call 416 633.3838 for MORE INFO or to RSVP to any program. Tuesday December 9th at 7 pm Join Omer and Yotam for their lively bi-weekly programs covering a range of current topics. All about Chanukah! YOUTH EVENTS PJ PLUS is a parent (or grandparent!) and tot program for 1.5 -3 years old. This 9 week program runs Sunday mornings right here at Beth Emeth! Your first class is FREE! 9:30 - 10:45 am in the BEBY Babies Room. PROGRAM INFO: Women’s Lives Series: From Church to Cholent with Michèle Sankar: Michèle started her life as a religious Roman Catholic in small-town Ontario, yet went on a journey which led her to become a Torahobservant Jew. She is a teacher in the GTA where she lives with her husband and three children. Admission: $20. Nutrition, Vitality & Your Brain with Dr. Carol Greenwood Sunday November 23rd at 11:30 am Professor, Author and Senior Scientist with the Baycrest Foundation Join us for a delicious brunch and a talk on the merits of good nutrition and brain health. Dr. Greenwood’s work focuses on the relationship between diet and brain function. $10 per person. Generously sponsored by Laura & Harvey Schwartz. Reel & Spiel presents Crossing Delancey (1988) Wednesday November 26th at 7:30 pm A Manhattan single meets a man through her Jewish grandmother’s matchmaker. Director: Joan Micklin Silver. Starring Amy Irving, Peter Riegert, Reizl Bozyk and Jeroen Krabbe. Introductory remarks by Bruria Cooperman. Join us for popcorn, refreshments & dessert. Tessler Lounge.$5 per person. Grey Cup Party! Sunday November 30th at 5:30 pm presented by Men’s Club. Tessler Lounge. Watch the game on our 80” screen complete with our new sound system! Tons of delicious game food! All welcome. Members & family guests $30. NM $50. Join the Men’s Club! Only $18. Includes membership in the FJMC and SAVE on all of our events. RSVP by November 17th. Men & Women welcome! To book a Youth Kiddush please send an email to youth@beby.org. Wednesday November 19th at 7:30 pm YOUNG FAMILIES SHABBAT DINNER! Friday, November 21, 2014 at 6pm Members Cost: Adults $12, kids $8 Family (2 adults, 2 kids) $36. Non Members Cost: Adults $15, kids $10, Family (2 adults 2 kids) $45. Event purchase in advance ONLY to the office by Thursday November 20th. GRADES 1-5: GLAZE CRAZE! Sunday, November 23rd, 1pm. Join Beth Emeth Youth as we have a fun afternoon painting ceramics! More details TBA. BBYO PROGRAMS BBYO (High School & Middle School) – Thursday November 20th. The Hunger Games Mockingjay Pre-Screening for Hunger Awareness! Stay tuned for details! BEBY’S ANNUAL CHANUKAH PARTY Tuesday, December 16th at 6 pm Entertainment! Great DJ and dancing with prizes! ****** Featuring****** * BOUNCE ENTERTAINMENT * Delicious catered dinner! * Chanukah treats * Activities and more! SPECIAL EVENT PRICING - IN ADVANCE BY DEC. 12TH: Members: Kids 12 & under -$8 | Adults - $10 Non-Members: Kids 12 & under - $10 | Adults - $12 (Prices go up at the door - don’t delay - buy today)! CPR trained. If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to seek out their services. CHAYE SARA Taken from the Jewish Theological Seminary JTS - www.jtsa.edu LARGE PRINT SIDDURIM available. Ask an usher. As much as Hayyei Sarah marks the beginning of the Isaac narrative, it is First, it is Abraham and not Isaac who really Rebecca’s story. When Eliezer sets out to find Isaac’s wife, he beinstructs Eliezer about the qualiROSEN JUDAICA Marty Keshen seeches God, “And let it be that the young woman to whom I say, ties in a possible mate for Isaac. Chesed Committee Put down your vessel so that I may drink, and she says, Drink, Second, as much as Isaac is GIFT SHOP presents the 10th Annual and I will also give to your camels to drink, let her be the one the inheritor of his father, you have appointed for your servant Isaac” (Gen. 24:14). Alit is clear from the Torah Call Sonia Hendler though the classical commentators are bothered by Eliezer’s dedicated in memory of that the two are not espeat 416 633.3838 x 224 Barbara Frances Grimson l”z & establishment of conditions for finding the correct wife, escially alike. Where AbraNorton Lorne Grimson l”z pecially without affirmation from God, Eliezer is not estabham sets out on epic Certificates and lishing a set of arbitrary parameters. “Drive For Dreidels”. journeys, Isaac never Please drop off all Indeed, it is clear that this is not a haphazard test. As the Gift & Bridal Registry leaves Canaan. While NEW, UNWRAPPED TOY DONATIONS medieval Italian commentator Seforno points out, although Available too. God speaks to Abraham to the Synagogue Eliezer gives Rebecca gifts before he knows her identity, he to explain the divergent (bin located by the does not do so until she has finished watering the camels. fates of his two sons, it is Wednesday mornings Wilmington Street entrance) It is not until he knows that this mystery woman will not Rebecca, not Isaac, who Gift Deadline is 10 am - 12:30 pm Friday, December 12th. ask for anything in return that he can be sure that she is the is told about the future of or by appointment. Think of the joy you can bring one he has been seeking. To quote Seforno, Eliezer needs to Jacob and Esau. While Abrato a less fortunate child at know that hayu kol maaseha al tzad hahesed hagamor—all of her ham is deeply involved in the Chanukah! actions were in the realm of complete hesed (loving-kindness). It world, engaging in wars and is the first step in finding the woman who will be able to inherit the making pacts with kings, Isaac often seems more involved with othtradition of his master. erworldly matters, meditating in the field and literally losing his ability to see what is around him. And where the Rabbis traditionally associate Abraham The parallels between Abraham and with the value of hesed, Isaac is linked Rebecca are clear. Just as Abraham is to gevurah, the attribute of strength and known primarily for his commitment judgment. Therefore, to allow Isaac to Guest Speakers! On Shabbat, November 22nd, to hesed, so too Eliezer’s first interacfully become himself, his wife must be Moshe Gold will address the congregation. tion with Rebecca is one of hesed gamor, able to emulate his father’s character. complete hesed. Just as Abraham rushes He is the organizer for the shul’s Poland-Israel trip next out to welcome the strangers who come In Bereisheet Rabbah on Hayyei Sarah, November under the auspices of Ramah-Israel. to visit him in Genesis 18, Rebecca ofParashah 59, the Midrash tells us that at He will talk about Jewish life in Poland – fers Eliezer lodging in her father’s home. the time that Abraham sent Eliezer to find past, present, and future. Just as Abraham was asked to leave his Rebecca, God sent two angels to help: On December 6th, Rabbi Jennifer Gorman, Executive homeland right away, without knowing one to guide Eliezer in the right direction where he was going, Eliezer asks Rebecca Director of Mercaz-Canada will speak about the importance and one to ensure that Rebecca would go to accompany him right away. And just out to meet him. This midrash serves to of Conservative/Masorti Judaism in Israel and the significance as Abraham goes forth without comment emphasize the importance of the match of Mercaz, the Conservative/Masorti Zionist organization. or complaint when he hears God’s combetween Rebecca and Isaac, but also mand, Rebecca says only one word— to affirm the centrality of Rebecca as a “elekh” (“I will go”)—before setting off character unto herself. Far from being a on her journey (Gen. 24:58). simple tool in her husband’s pursuit of his fate, Rebecca too has a crucial role in the unfolding of the history of the Jewish people. It is not any woman who could In many ways, it makes sense that Rebecca would be so similar to Abraham. have been Isaac’s wife. Both Abraham and Eliezer understand that beyond simply coming from Abraham’s family, the right woman must have distinctive traits and a strong personality of her own. Ultimately, Eliezer identifies Rebecca not because Hashkama Minyan Sponsorships of her relatives, but because of the traits she embodies. So perhaps Rebecca—fearMalcolm Weinstein in observance of the 25th Yahrzeit for less but kind; a daughter, sister, wife and mother, but also an individual; inheritor Ronald Weinstein l”z of Abraham and institutor of her own vision—can teach us to look beyond our set roles and expectations and instead see the people we really are and can become, In honor of Meyer and Devorah, who share Parshat Chaya Sarah for beneath the surface. their B’nai Mitvot, two years apart. Chanukah Toy Drive With love, Freddy, Mindy, Mulky and Avi Jacobs Weekday Morning Simchas & Sponsorships We would love to announceDonate your BREAKFAST SPONSORSHIP Now right herein in Celebration the weekly Bulletin! the occasion - birthdays, anof BethWhatever Emeth’s 60th Anniversary births, graduations, and in Maximize niversaries, your charitable giving and tax relief formemoriam. 2014 by putting lBeth as Emeth call th at o the c top or of i your ormatio to ryear-end s r yodonations! r s cial r ak ast list ofa2014 *The Bulletin deadline is THURSDAY NOON of each week. yo that tim w ca ot g ara t lac m t. Your donation qualifies for a 2014 tax receipt when postmarked by December 31st. Suggested minimum amount: $18 To make a donation, or for more information, please call the office or Claire Horowitz, Director of Financial Development, ext. 242, claire@ beby.org. Thank you so much! Aaron Goldstein, son of Evelyn and the late Harry Goldstein l”z on his Offruf and forthcoming marriage to Sharon Abramovitch, daughter of Jacqueline & Allan Abramovitch Now on Twitter too! Do you like us? Read the weekly blog penned by Rav Yitz! http://drinkingwisdom.blogspot.com/ and join our FACEBOOK PAGE... go to www.beby.org for more info.
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