The Agape Herald A Newsletter of Wahiawa United Methodist Church 1445 California Avenue Wahiawa, Hawaii 96786 Reverend Dr. David Choi November 2014 Greetings from the Precious Name of Jesus Our Savior Let us praise God for carrying out great works through us in the present and even greater works in the future. November is the month of Thanksgiving. My heart has been overflowing with thanksgiving. First, I thank God for the abundance of our Sunday worship services. Some new members have attended our worship services and had fellowship with us. I thank God for allowing us such grace. I believe that God will allow us to experience even more amazing and abundant grace during Sunday worship services in the future. I thank God as I wait for even greater and amazing blessings that he has prepared for our church. Second, I am thankful for our church members dedicating their best with their responsibilities. November and December are the months when churches have many events. I attended the last Outreach Committee meeting, and the members were discussing and preparing for numerous church events in October, November, and December in the meeting. The committee members also came to the church during weekdays and prepared for the programs. The committee members also met many times for the Sushi Sale on October 25 and they saw to the preparation of the program. I believe that there is a good reward prepared for all your sweat and labor. I also saw everyone's dedication during the preparation for Halloween program and the luncheon on Sunday the October 26. We expect around 20 children to participate in this year's Halloween program. I want to give my deepest gratitude to everyone who are preparing for this event. As our church keeps busy and all members are doing their best with their given tasks, my heart overflows with joy and thanksgiving. I firmly believe that this is the sign of a revival. There is a common factor in a church revival. It is that the church members do their best with their given works. I believe that the same thing is happening in our church. I witnessed all of you trying your best and laboring for your works. I thank all of you. I believe that God knows all your hard work and blesses all of you. Third, I want to thank God for allowing us to finally start Bible studies beginning Wednesday, October 29. This is my first Bible study since my appointment to this church. The core of our ministry is preaching and Bible studies. I make home visits to our members during the week. I attend Grief Share meeting at 9am every Thursday. I listen and encourage them with Jesus' love. I attend some committee meetings during the week. I teach music lessons from 3:30 to 7pm every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. I attend and practice for the Sunday worship praise with our young adults for 2 hours on Saturdays. I’m so busy during the week. However my focus and thoughts have always been on the preaching and Bible studies. If the congregation does not receive grace from God's word, their souls would shrivel up regardless of all their works. The early churches experienced revivals because of their abundance of grace from God's Word. I hope that our church will also be abundant with God's grace. I hope that we will comfort and encourage one another with God’s word. I want to thank God for allowing his grace and blessings on the people who will start the Bible study. There are still more things that I am grateful for than the three things mentioned. Whenever I think of all of you, my heart overflows with thanksgiving. I want to give my deepest gratitude to all of you who have sweated for our church, supported our church and spreading the gospel through your offerings and other materials. I hope that God's great blessings will be with everyone and their homes during this season of Thanksgiving. Rev. Dr. David Choi October News Release on the Women’s Group at WUMC: Another meeting at another event occurred on October 4, 2014. Six of our group were able to go to the Queen Emma Summer Palace in Nuuanu, Oahu, Hawaii. We are lucky to have royalty that care for their Ohana (family). Queen Emma and her husband, Kamehameha IV, started the Queen’s Hospital for the native Hawaiians, so long ago. They had one son, Prince Albert, who died at the age of four. Her husband passed away when he was 29 years old. This was a time when the average age to die was 50. Times have changed for the better. We went there for the celebration of the Queen and found fascinating items (like the $3000 Niihau shell necklace; a baby grand piano that the Queen used) and tasty foods to enjoy. Hawaiian songs and dances were nonstop by many halaus and musicians. It’s an annual event, so those who couldn’t come can go next year with their families. Mebers attending the event were: Hanne La Rue, Teli Isaacson, Doris Lee, Carolyn Steuer, Ellen Wakabayashi, and Maxine Wheeler. We have a full slate of officers for 2015, thanks to Edna Pascua! There are quilts to be gathered and blessed in church, usually in November or December. We need to give our book lists to Teli Isaacson before the end of December. Remember!! Our next meeting will be on November 8, Saturday, in room 14, unless otherwise announced. We will be planning our December meeting and the meetings in January, February, and March. Come and join us! Bring a friend! I’ll have the list of officers passed out that day. * * * * Evangelism News This Sunday will be our Memorial Sunday, when we remember all the saints who have gone ahead of us and are still in our hearts. The Evangelism committee thanks everyone for their caring, sharing, and helping as we approach the end of the year and celebrate the wonderous story of Jesus’s birth. We are a nation that celebrates Thanksgiving and Christmas with a passion. It is time to reflect on 2014 and think of ways we can make 2015 even better. Pastor David is starting a Bible Study class that emphasizes prayer. That was Jesus’s link to God and remains our link to Him. It is better than the telephone, smart phone, and I-phone combined. It’ll be every Wednesday at 10 am. Hope you can make it!! The Sunday Services have gotten livelier! We especially applaud the young people who share their musical talents with us. Elliot and Nu Oli started us a year ago and thanks to Pastor Choi, we are having others in our church sharing their music!! Thank you, Nikki, Robert, Alexis, and others. Sharing the Good News is something we all can do! Invite a friend to come to church. They will be glad you did!! God is good, all the time! * Give thanks always Full many a blessing wears the guise of worry or of trouble; Far-seeing is the soul, and wise, who knows the mask is double. But he who has the faith and strength to thank his God for sorrow Has found a joy without alloy to gladden every morrow. —Ella Wheeler Wilcox * * Hi People, Here are my thoughts about our recent church endeavor: The Great Sushi Sale, dedicated to Hisako Arinaga and Janet Kanja, our saints that are cherished in our memories. Many, many, many thanks to you, and you, and you!! The congregation and friends who helped make our sushi fundraiser a tremendous success! We profited about $2,100 from all your tireless prayers, donations, hard work, and selling. We got to know each other a little better, and learned a little about making sushi . My grandmother used to say, “the center has to be in the middle of the roll for ‘good luck’ in the coming year.” Thank you all for centering your sushi and cutting them just right. Thank you for sharing so many ingredients that was required to make the sushi. We rolled about 410 sushi rolls and stuffed 800 pieces of cone sushi, as well as chirashi sushi (mixed rice) to sell. We still have four pans of seasoned rice for our Thanksgiving luncheon. I think we will have cone sushi that day (easier to make). We also had a lot of FUN and sushi to taste. God is with us! There are 6 people who made the Sushi Sale successful. Please thank them when you see them in church. They are as follows: · Clarence Kanja…who had Janet’s notes on the last sushi sale (2010) and washed and cooked the 22 pots of rice to perfection. He started at 4:30 am that day. · Florence Maruyama…who told us about the 250 sheets of premium seaweed in our freezer, that Mrs. Tanji donated when Janet was our chairperson. Also, she took care of our finances and publicity. · Maxine Ishiyama…who phoned and contacted people to come and do the work involved in sushi making…preparing the ingredients, su (rice vinegar), eggs, cucumbers, carrots, kanpyo, tuna, mushrooms, etc. She also got the people for the sushi rolling and cutting (no small task!) · Susan Ramelb…who gathered the containers and started a “quality control” method of distributing the ingredients. She also made the signs for our Sale and helped with the publicity. · Nu Oli Dowson and his parents, Rosie and Joey…our sushi chef and general all around person. Rosie and Joey worked everywhere and kept us laughing. · David Ramelb…our secretary, who had to field the calls, check in the sushi ingredients, make fliers, the sale order forms, and keep us informed about the progress and schedule of hours leading up to Saturday. As always, Rev. David and Mary were right there to support and help us. in Korean). I learned something watching the Korean Soaps. …continued on next page Komapsumida (thank you, While we were talking story in the Administrative Council, we talked about how we needed to raise money for our church. Clarence Kanga told Flo and Doris about the notes on the sushi sale that Janet had saved in their computer. Flo let us know that we had 249 sheets of seaweed in our freezer. She opened and tasted one. It was still good. We noticed that October 25 was the Hawaii vs. Nevada Homecoming Game. Doris recalled that friends would buy our Huli Huli chicken and sushi for the game. She got feedback that the sushi and chicken tasted so good, watching the game. She volunteered to chair the sushi sale if someone would co-chair it with her. Flo volunteered Susan Ramelb. The rest is history. Mahalo, Arigato, Salamat, Komapsumida, Merci, Danke Schon, Gracias, Thank you!! Susan Ramelb and Doris Lee, co-chairpersons * * * Trustees’ Notes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. November Workday is on the 15th, Saturday from 8 am to 12 pm. Pot luck will be at 12 pm. Hot dogs and buns with condiments and bottled water will be provided. Focus on yard work like weeding, planting and trimming hedges…and painting the steps and bumpers yellow. So bring your garden tools and paint brushes, etc. Because of the vendors’ mistake of sending the wrong steel folding chairs, we had to reorder the 76 chairs (four per box). The chairs will be sent 6 weeks from Oct. 23rd. David and I stored the boxes in the narthex. Later, I took them out and returned them to Home Depot. I think I lost about a pound doing this. Here is the status of building new concrete ramps and small rest room for the handicap. Mr. Andy Ng, engineer/manger for Pioneer suggest we call an architect for the building permits. He suggested calling Mr. Ernest Shimizu (Architect Hawaii) or Mr. Richard Matsunaga Architect (Carl Aii). I still plan to stick with Mr. David Nakahara, general Contractor. I called two mason contractors and it seem like they are not interested in our project. The Church Preparedness and Disaster Plan (Conference 2015 Form 193) is almost completed for WUMC. Mr. Paul Misaka agreed to be the Disaster Team Leader for WUMC. I found out that Miss Crystal Vandeeler is our Oahu County Central District Officer. We need a special work day for the retires to repair the beam supporting the covered walk way next to ATP’s office. Keep in shape church members, the church has many repair jobs and renovation. Aloha you Garden Angels (need to organize a church garden club) Bob Lee. PS. If you have potted low growing ground cover plants that are not invasive, please bring to plant them in the church grounds. * * * Election year advice In 1774, John Wesley, co-founder of the Methodist Church, offered this advice to people who’d be voting: • Vote, without fee or reward, for the person you judge most worthy. • Speak no evil of the person you vote against. • Take care your spirits aren’t sharpened against those who voted on the other side. Wahiawa UMC’s Free Community Music Lesson Program Continues to Grow! Pastor David Choi’s free music lessons for the community has now reached a total of 20 students. Pastor and his wife Mary, teaches keyboard, guitar, and drums on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday from 3:30 to 7pm. Above, Caiden performs his first public appearance. Applications at the office. Pastor’s birthday On Sunday, October 12, we had a little celebration for Pastor Choi’s 29th birthday. Ha ha!! The congregation sung a hearty “Happy Birthday”. Pineapple Quilt Winner Sylvia Matsui was the lucky one this year. The quilt, donated by Janet Kanja’s Quilting Group, is a pineapple inspired design (naturally for Wahiawa). Thank you all for participating in this fundraiser. Time to have a Thankful Thanksgiving Festivity What: A Thanksgiving festivity When: November 23, 2014, Sunday at 11:30 am Where: A special Thanksgiving dining ambience in the social hall Why: Let’s all be thankful and have an enjoyable festivity. Who: Everyone is invited. How: Let’s dine on festive food with your Potluck contribution and the church’s added dishes. The church group will provide: 1) The scrumptious deep fried turkey prepared by sous chef Joey Dowson 2) Mash potato 3) Gravy 4) Cooked rice 5) Beverage 6) We look forward to your special potluck dish other than what’s listed above. 7) There will be entertainment Mahalo and we look forward to seeing you at the luncheon. Thanksgiving planning group November 2014 Christian symbol Circle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Galatians 5:22-25 2 Timothy 1:1-14 Matthew 11:28-30 John 19:28-30 Psalm 138:5-10 John 14:15-31 James 5:13-20 Luke 10:25-37 1 Chronicles 16:28-36 Romans 12:9-16 Psalm 62:1-8 1 John 5:11-12 John 4:1-15 Isaiah 55:10-11 Philippians 4:4-7 Mark 12:41-44 Ephesians 4:25-32 Mark 1:40-45 Psalm 109:1-4 Isaiah 55:6-11 Isaiah 43:15-21 Hebrews 5:7-14 2 Timothy 3:10-17 Romans 11:7-16 2 Corinthians 1:3-5 Matthew 9:18-26 Psalm 34:1-11 17-20 Philippians 3:10-14 Matthew 25:31-40 Jeremiah 31:31-34 The circle is a symbol for God, as well as for eternity, due to its lack of a beginning or an end. It also reminds us of how the church year (not unlike the secular calendar) flows from season to season and moves smoothly from Christ the King Sunday (the culmination of the liturgical calendar) to the First Sunday of Advent (a new beginning). Indeed, the One who rules all is the same One whose first and final comings we anticipate anew during Advent. For all the saints Let there be this difference between the servants of Christ and the worshipers of idols, that the latter weep for their friends, whom they suppose to have perished forever .... But from us, for whom death is the end not of our nature but of this life only, since our nature itself is restored to a better state, let the advent of death wipe away all tears. —St. Ambrose (A.D. 340-397) Song of thanksgiving After retiring from the ministry in England, the Rev. Fred Pratt Green (1903-2000) became a prolific hymn writer. Some people have compared his talents to those of Charles Wesley, co-founder of the Methodist Church. Green’s popular Thanksgiving hymn “For the Fruits of His Creation” calls worshipers to move beyond gratitude to their responsibilities for other people and for God’s creation. The hymn’s closing lines sum up why Christians can give thanks throughout the year: “For the wonders that astound us, for the truths that still confound us, most of all that love has found us, thanks be to God.” Grateful kids Adults aren’t the only ones who benefit from counting their blessings. Research shows that thankful kids get better grades, experience less depression and jealousy, and maintain a more positive outlook on life. Experts emphasize that parents must model gratitude, especially in today’s consumer-driven culture. But professor Robert Emmons notes that being thankful usually comes pretty easily for children. “Kids have a natural affinity to gratitude,” he says. “They often teach parents as much or more about gratitude than the other way around.” Youth November 2014 November Sunday Monday 2 3 All Saints Sunday 7pm SPRC Meeting Tuesday 4 16 23 10 17 24 Thanksgiving 7pm Luncheon UMMen See full page Meeting announcement for more details 30 st 1 Sunday of Advent United Methodist Student Day (Special offering) Thursday Friday Saturday 5 6 7 8 10am Bible Study 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 9am GriefShare Last Session 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 10am UMW Meeting 11 12 13 14 15 Veterans Day 10am Bible Study 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 9am GriefShare ‘Surviving the Holidays’ 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 8am to noon Church Work Day 18 19 20 21 22 10am Bible Study 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 26 27 28 Outreach’s Bag Lunch Fundraiser 9 Wednesday 25 10am Bible Study 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 7pm Admin. Council Meeting All Events and Times are Subject to Change 29 3:30 to 7pm Music Lessons 1 Birthdays and Anniversaries for November Birthdays 5 Christopher Dowson 9 Lani Steuer Marlowe 10 Tony Sua 11 George Steuer 13 Fely Galindo 14 Wallace Kojima 18 Lenora Yagi, Aron Loyd Valdez 21 Betty Ickes 24 Alex Arinaga 25 Sherri Murasaki 26 Bill Nations, Aolani Lorenzo-Esene 28 Sharon Shimabukuro 29 Trina Lorenzo Anniversaries 21 Doris and Seiko Shiroma Wahiawa United Methodist Church 1445 California Avenue Wahiawa, HI 96786 2 June and Jim Higa 9 Teli and Keith Isaacson 16 23 30 UMWomen Church Office Phone: (808) 622-4361 E-mail Address Web Page Food Bank Sunday November 2, 2014 December Agape Deadline November 25, 2014 2 9 Carolyn Steuer for Lani and George’s birthdays 16 Annette Kono 23 Dottie and Roger Williams 30 UMWomen
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