Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates ` Independent auditors' review report and condensed consolidated interim financial information For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates Independent auditors' review report and condensed consolidated interim financial information For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) Table of contents Pages General information 1 Chairman's report 2 Independent auditors' report on review of condensed consolidated interim financial information 3 Condensed consolidated interim statement of financial position 4 Condensed consolidated interim statement of profit or loss 5 Condensed consolidated interim statement of other comprehensive income 6 Condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in shareholders' equity 7 Condensed consolidated interim statement of cash flows 8 Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information 9 - 20 Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates General information Principal Office Address : P. O. Box: 383 Fujairah - United Arab Emirates T: +971 9 222 2051 F: +971 9 222 7314 Email: fbi_fuj@emirates.net.ae Website : www.fbifuj.ae The Auditors : Horwath Mak P. O. Box: 1650 Fujairah - United Arab Emirates 1 F~airah Building lr,dusc,i8S es c Chairman's report for the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 The Chairman has pleasure in presenting his report and the reviewed condensed consolidated interim financial information for the nine month period ended September 30, 2014. Principal activities of the Group: The principal activities of the Group are unchanged since the previous year and comprise production of concrete blocks, interlocks, kerbstones, ceramic tiles, rockwool insulation materials, marble products, terrazzo tiles and quarry products. Financial performance: Sales Gross profit Gross profit margin Net profit For the nine month period ended Sep 30, 2014 Sep 30, 2013 AED AED 203,187,728 192,670,797 61,926,887 51,388,808 30.5% 26.7% 6,896,467 938,109 Risk management and internal control systems: The Group is committed to management of risk to achieve sustainability, employment and surpluses. The risk management framework identifies, assesses, manages and reports risk on a consistent and reliable basis. The primary risks are those of credit, market (liquidity, interest rate and foreign exchange) and operational risk. Management recognises its responsibility for system of internal control and for reviewing its effectiveness. In view of the above, the Group continuously monitors risks through means of administrative and information systems. Periodic MIS reports are generated by the subsidiaries, which help to mitigate risks and provide transparency. Events after the period end: In the opinion of the Board of Directors, no item, transaction or event of a material and unusual nature has arisen in the interval between the end of the reporting period and the date of this report which is likely to affect, substantially the result of the operations of the Group for the nine month period ended September 30,2014. Property, plant and equipment: The movement in property, plant and equipment is set out in note 4 to the condensed consolidated interim financial information. Available-for-sale investments: The movement in available-for-sale investments is set out in note 5 to the condensed consolidated interim financial information. On behalf of the Board of Directors November 13,2014 A Horwath Mak Crowe Horwath Member Crowe Horwath International Suite 51, Fujairah Insurance Bldg. P. O. Box: 1650, Fujairah, UAE. T + 971 9 222 2005 F + 971 9 222 3335 M + 971 50 657 2575 E admin.fujairah@crowehorwath.ae www.crowehorwath.ae Ref: JMIARIF -14/07 6 Independent auditors' To, The Shareholders Mis. Fujairah Building Industries P. O. Box: 383 Fujairah - United Arab Emirates report on review of condensed consolidated interim financial information P.J.S.C. Introduction We have reviewed the accompanying condensed consolidated interim financial information of Mis. Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.c., Fujairah - United Arab Emirates (the "Entity") and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the "Group") which comprise the condensed consolidated interim statement of financial position as at September 30, 2014, and the condensed consolidated interim statement of profit or loss, the condensed consolidated interim statement of other comprehensive income, the condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in shareholders' equity and the condensed consolidated interim statement of cash flows for the nine month period then ended. Management is responsible for the preparation and presentation of this condensed consolidated interim financial information in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 Interim Financial Reporting. Our responsibility is to express a conclusion on this condensed consolidated interim financial information based on our review. Scope of review We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements 2410 Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity. A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. Conclusion Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying condensed consolidated interim financial information as at September 30, 2014 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 Interim Financial Reporting. For Horwath Mak Managing Partner Reg. no. 548 November 13,2014 3 Registered with the Fujairah Muncipality, Government of Fujairah (#27705) 11' ?~ ,,\y DIFC Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.c. Fujairah - United Arab Emirates Condensed consolidated and its subsidiaries (the "Group") interim statement of financial position as at September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) ~In Arab Emirates Dirhams2 Notes Sea! 30,2014 (Unaudited~ Dec31,2013 (Audited2 Assets Non-current assets Property, plant and equipment Available-for-sale investments Total non-current assets Current assets Inventories Trade receivables Advances, deposits and other receivables Fixed deposit Cash and bank balances Total current assets 4 198,499,453 5 36,561,107 235,060,560 211,356,683 41,190,553 252,547,236 6 7 8 9 10 82,538,463 68,115,814 9,816,605 7,000,000 8,224,863 175,695,745 79,317,537 69,295,257 6,029,022 7,000,000 10,808,796 172,450,612 410,756,305 424,997,848 Total assets Shareholders' equity and liabilities Shareholders' equity Share capital Statutory reserve Investments revaluation reserve Retained earnings Total shareholders' equity II 13 14 15 126,500,000 27,029,465 27,765,387 33,712,066 215,006,918 126,500,000 27,029,465 30,500,850 26,815,590 210,845,905 Non-current liabilities Bank borrowings - non-current portion Finance lease liability - non-current portion Employees' end of service benefits Total non-current liabilities 16 17 18 71,864,656 841,736 12,595,474 85,301,866 92,001,885 2,838,386 12,352,825 107,193,096 Current liabilities Trade and other payables Bank borrowings Finance lease liability Total current liabilities 19 16 17 Total liabilities 59,181,276 49,245,640 2,020,605 110,447,521 195,749,387 44,764,737 60,173,943 2,020,167 106,958,847 214,151,943 Total shareholders' equity and liabilities 410,756,305 424,997,848 The accompanying notes form an integral part of this condensed consolidated interim financial information. The review report ofthe auditors is set out on page 3. The condensed consolidated interim financial information on pages 4 to 20 were approved by the Board of Directors on November 13,2014 and signed on its behalf by: Board member 4 Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.c. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates Condensed consolidated interim statement of profit or loss For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) (In Arab Emirates Dirhams) Jul 01, 2014 to Jul 01, 2013 to Jan 01, 2014 to Jan 01, 2013 to Sep 30, 2014 SeE 30, 2013 SeE 30, 2013 Sep 30, 2014 (3 months) p months) (Unaudited) (Unaudited) (9 months) (Unaudited) ~9months) (Unaudited) 203,187,728 (141,260,841 ) 61,926,887 (1,229,000) (31,158,601) (22,711,476) (4,954,711) 5,023,377 6,896,476 192,670,797 (141,281,989) 51,388,808 Sales Cost of goods sold Gross profit Impairment of available-tor-sale investments Selling and distribution expenses Administrative expenses Finance costs Other income (Loss)/profit for the period 20 63,843,780 (44,156,050) 19,687,730 57,740,851 (42,021,458) 15,719,393 21 22 (10,393,971) (8,675,971) (1,499,209) 455,559 (425,862) (9,555,190) (6,541,519) (2,036,986) 808,479 (1,605,823) Basic (loss)/earnings per share (U.A.E. Fils) 12 (0.34) (27,512,061 ) ( 18,448,288) (6,995,270) 2,504,920 938,109 0.74 5.45 ( 1.27~ The accompanying notes form an integral part of this condensed consolidated interim financial information. The review report of the auditors is set out on page 3. The condensed consolidated interim financial information on pages 4 to 20 were approved by the Board of Directors on November 13,2014 and signed on its behalfby: s Board member 5 Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.c. Fujairah - United Arab Emirates and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Condensed consolidated interim statement of other comprehensive For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) (In Arab Emirates Dirhams) income Note (Loss)/profit for the period Other comprehensive income: Impairment of available-for-sale investments Change in fair value of available-for-sale investments Total comprehensive income/(Ioss) for the period 14 14 Jul 01, 2013 to SeE 30, 2013 p months} (Unaudited) (425,862) (1,605,823) 6,896,476 938,109 202,529 (1,403,294} (110,000) (1,530,390) 5,256,086 (4,423,403) (3,485,294} 6,340,772 5,914,910 Jan 01, 2014 to Sel! 30, 2014 (9 months) (Unaudited) Jan 01,2013 to SeE 30, 2013 (9 months) (Unaudited) Jul 01, 2014 to Sel! 30, 2014 {3 months) (Unaudited) The accompanying notes form an integral part of this condensed consolidated interim financial information. The review report of the auditors is set out on page 3. The condensed consolidated interim financial information on pages 4 to 20 were approved by the Board of Directors on November 13, 2014 and signed on its behalf by: c Board member 6 Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates Condensed consolidated interim statement of changes in shareholders' equity For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) (In Arab Emirates Dirhams) Share capital Balance as at December 31, 2012 (Audited) 126,500,000 Statutory reserve 26,740,331 Investments revaluation reserve 25,710,303 Profit for the period Change in fair value of available-for-sale investments - - - - (4,423,403) Total comprehensive (loss) - - (4,423,403) - Retained earnings 24,213,387 938,109 938,109 Total shareholders' equity 203,164,021 938,109 (4,423,403) Balance as at September 30, 2013 (Unaudited) 126,500,000 26,740,331 21,286,900 25,151,496 (3,485,294) 199,678,727 Balance as at December 31, 2013 (Audited) 126,500,000 27,029,465 30,500,850 26,815,590 210,845,905 6,896,476 6,896,476 Profit for the period Impairment of available-for-sale investments Change in fair value of available-for-sale investments - - - - (110,000) - (110,000) - - (1,530,390) - (1,530,390) Total comprehensive (loss) - - (1,640,390) On disposal of available-for-sale investments during the period Balance as at September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) - - (1,095,073) 126,500,000 The accompanying notes form an integral part of this condensed consolidated interim financial information. The review report of the auditors is set out on page 3. 7 27,029,465 - 27,765,387 6,896,476 33,712,066 5,256,086 (1,095,073) 215,006,918 Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates Condensed consolidated interim statement of cash flows For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) (In Arab Emirates Dirhams) Cash flows from operating activities (Loss)/profit for the period Adjustments for: (Gain) on disposal of property, plant and equipment (Gain) on disposal of available-for-sale investments Impairment losses on available-for-sale investments Depreciation on property, plant and equipment Allowance for slow-moving inventories Reversal of allowance for slow-moving inventories Allowance for doubtful debts Provision for employees' end of service benefits Operating profit before changes in operating assets and liabilities (Increase)/decrease in current assets Inventories Trade receivables Advances, deposits and other receivables Increase/(decrease) in current liabilities Trade and other payables Cash generated from operations Employees' end-of-service benefits paid Net cash from operating activities Cash flows from investing activities Investment in fixed deposits Acquisition of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and equipment Proceeds from the disposal of available-for-sale investments Net cash (used in) investing activities Cash flows from financing activities (Repayment) of term loans (Repayment) of bank borrowings Proceeds from finance lease liability (Payment) of finance lease liability Net cash (used in) financing activities Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period Represented by: Cash in hand Bank balances - current accounts Short-term fixed deposits Jan 01, 2014 to Sep 30, 2014 (9 months) (Unaudited) Jan 01, 2013 to Sep 30, 2013 (9 months) (Unaudited) 6,896,476 938,109 (29,175) (1,633,892) 1,229,000 22,957,234 2,907,044 (1,148,969) 977,808 1,032,202 33,187,728 (51,043) (1,152) 24,458,874 839,972 795,000 1,014,363 27,994,123 (4,979,001) 201,635 (3,787,583) 7,612,673 11,123,551 (3,964,973) 14,416,539 39,039,318 (789,553) 38,249,765 (8,429,635) 34,335,739 (630,446) 33,705,293 (10,102,973) 32,144 2,298,875 (7,771,954) (35,778) (18,146,590) 57,000 16,793 (18,108,575) (16,739,449) (14,326,083) (1,996,212) (33,061,744) (2,583,933) 10,808,796 8,224,863 (10,992,552) (4,532,171) 6,060,737 (1,178,228) (10,642,214) 4,954,504 7,324,999 12,279,503 104,867 5,846,361 2,273,635 8,224,863 118,455 1,636,519 10,524,529 12,279,503 The accompanying notes form an integral part of this condensed consolidated interim financial information. The review report of the auditors is set out on page 3. 8 Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) 1 2 Legal status and business activities 1.1 M/s. Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. (the “Entity”) was incorporated as a public joint stock company in the Emirate of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, by an Emiri Decree issued by His Highness, The Ruler of Fujairah. The Entity’s ordinary shares are listed on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange. 1.2 1.3 The Entity and its subsidiaries (note 2.2) are collectively referred to as the “Group”. The principal activities of the Group are unchanged since the previous year and comprise production of concrete blocks, interlocks, kerbstones, ceramic tiles, rockwool insulation materials, marble products, terrazzo tiles and quarry products. 1.4 The registered address of the Entity is P.O. Box: 383, Fujairah, United Arab Emirates. 1.5 This condensed consolidated interim financial information incorporates the operating results of the industrial licenses (note 2.2) issued by different municipalities in the Emirate of Fujairah. Basis of preparation and consolidation 2.1 Basis of preparation This condensed consolidated interim financial information has been presented in Arab Emirates Dirhams (AED) which is the functional currency of the Group and is prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 Interim Financial Reporting. This condensed consolidated interim financial information does not contain all of the information and disclosures required for full financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards and should be read in conjunction with the Group’s annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2013. In addition, consolidated result for the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 is not necessarily indicative of the consolidated result that may be expected for the financial year ending December 31, 2014. The Group’s accounting policies, presentation methods, financial risk management objectives and policies in this condensed consolidated interim financial information are consistent with those disclosed in the Group’s annual audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2013. This condensed consolidated interim financial information has been prepared on the historical cost basis, except for the revaluation of the financial instruments. The preparation of this condensed consolidated interim financial information requires the management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, incomes and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates. In preparing this condensed consolidated interim financial information, the significant judgements made by management in applying the Group’s accounting policies and the key sources of estimation uncertainty were the same as those that were applied to the Group’s annual audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2013. 2.2 Basis of consolidation These condensed consolidated interim financial information comprise the financial information of the Entity and its subsidiaries (the "Group"). 9 Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) 2 Basis of preparation and consolidation (continued) 2.2 Basis of consolidation (continued) Details of the subsidiaries of the Entity as of the reporting date are as follows: Sl. Name of subsidiary No. Place of incorporation Industrial license no. Percentage of ownership Acquisition year 1 Fujairah National Quarry Fujairah - U.A.E. 80004 100% 1978 2 Fujairah Concrete Products Fujairah - U.A.E. 80095 100% 1978 3 Emirates Ceramic Factory Fujairah - U.A.E. 80007 100% 2006 4 Fujairah Rockwool Factory Fujairah - U.A.E. 80008 100% 2006 5 Fujairah Marble and Tiles Factory Fujairah - U.A.E. 3923 100% 2007 Principal product Quarry products Blocks, kerbstones and interlocks Ceramic tiles Rockwool insulation materials Marble products and terrazzo tiles A subsidiary is consolidated from the acquisition date, which is the date the Entity gains control over the subsidiary, and lasts till the Entity loses that control. Control usually occurs when the Entity has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of the subsidiary for the purpose of benefiting from its activities. During the period and the prior year, there were neither acquisitions nor loss of control and the percentage of ownership in the subsidiaries remained same. All significant transactions and balances between the Entity and its subsidiaries, including income and expenses are eliminated. 3 Significant accounting policies Available-for-sale investments Available-for-sale investments are non-derivatives that are either designated in this category or not classified in any of the other categories are stated at fair value or cost at the end of each reporting period. Available-for-sale investments are initially measured at fair value plus transactions costs, if any. After initial recognition, available-for-sale investments are measured at fair value unless fair value is undeterminable. Available-for-sale investments that do not have a quoted market price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be measured reliably are measured at cost less any identified impairment losses at the end of each reporting period. Gains and losses arising from the changes in the fair value are recognised directly in the condensed consolidated interim statement of other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity under investments revaluation reserve with the exception of impairment losses. Where the investment is disposed off or is determined to be impaired, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognised in the investments revaluation reserve is recognized in profit or loss. Dividends on available-for-sale equity instruments are recognised in profit or loss when the Group's right to receive the dividends is established. 10 Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) (In Arab Emirates Dirhams) 4 Property, plant and equipment Buildings Plant and machinery Heavy equipment & light vehicles Furniture and fixtures Capital work-inprogress Total Cost As at December 31, 2012 (Audited) Addition during the year Transferred from capital work-in-progress Disposal during the year 114,341,195 66,328 424,072 (647,449) 291,934,321 1,376,397 7,540,056 (6,590,845) 45,247,817 1,722,589 8,508,198 (208,000) 15,161,015 1,268,452 858,630 (2,175,911) 5,343,160 17,650,048 (17,330,956) - 472,027,508 22,083,814 (9,622,205) As at December 31, 2013 (Audited) Transferred to expenses Addition during the period Transferred from capital work-in-progress Disposal during the period 114,184,146 27,500 - 294,259,929 4,779,737 1,852,906 (2,400) 55,270,604 1,060,206 188,076 (90,000) 15,112,186 650,893 880,868 (46,550) 5,662,252 (260,000) 3,844,637 (2,921,850) - 484,489,117 (260,000) 10,362,973 (138,950) As at September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) 114,211,646 300,890,172 56,428,886 16,597,397 6,325,039 494,453,140 Accumulated depreciation As at December 31, 2012 (Audited) Charge for the year Eliminated on disposal during the year 45,570,682 7,218,378 (647,449) 156,845,819 19,670,684 (6,133,602) 35,359,233 4,302,129 (202,043) 11,984,813 1,308,383 (2,144,593) - 249,760,547 32,499,574 (9,127,687) As at December 31, 2013 (Audited) Charge for the period Eliminated on disposal during the period 52,141,611 4,968,915 - 170,382,901 13,429,829 (1,735) 39,459,319 3,349,939 (90,000) 11,148,603 1,208,551 (44,246) - 273,132,434 22,957,234 (135,981) As at September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) 57,110,526 183,810,995 42,719,258 12,312,908 - 295,953,687 As at September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) 57,101,120 117,079,177 13,709,628 4,284,489 6,325,039 198,499,453 As at December 31, 2013 (Audited) 62,042,535 123,877,028 15,811,285 3,963,583 5,662,252 211,356,683 Carrying value Notes: - Property, plant and equipment are constructed/erected on plots of land obtained on lease from the Government of Fujairah and renewed on an annual basis. - Certain heavy equipment are mortgaged against finance lease liability (note 17). - Balance of AED 6,325,039 in capital work-in-progress represents installation of new machinery at various subsidiaries, pending capitalization. 11 Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) (In Arab Emirates Dirhams) 5 Sep 30, 2014 (Unaudited) Dec 31, 2013 (Audited) 34,841,107 1,720,000 36,561,107 38,180,553 3,010,000 41,190,553 41,190,553 (1,760,056) (1,229,000) (110,000) (1,530,390) 36,561,107 36,415,647 (15,641) 4,790,547 41,190,553 Available-for-sale investments Equity securities : Quoted : Unquoted Movement in available-for-sale investments is as follows: Balance at the beginning of the period/year Disposal during the period/year Impairment during the period - charged to profit or loss Impairment during the period - adjusted with revaluation reserve (note 14) Change in fair value during the period/year (note 14) Balance at the end of the period/year All available-for-sale investments represent investments in local companies in the United Arab Emirates. 6 Inventories Raw materials Work-in-progress Finished goods Less: Allowance for slow-moving items (a) 7,493,864 1,085,446 52,406,140 (7,314,305) 53,671,145 5,972,609 567,407 50,040,958 (6,157,857) 50,423,117 (b) 27,758,598 6,526,053 (6,685,883) 27,598,768 24,259,345 7,919,094 (6,167,037) 26,011,402 (c) 1,268,550 2,883,018 (a)+(b)+(c) 82,538,463 79,317,537 12,324,894 2,907,044 (1,148,969) (82,781) 14,000,188 10,371,998 1,952,896 12,324,894 75,132,920 (7,017,106) 68,115,814 75,405,683 (6,110,426) 69,295,257 6,110,426 977,808 (71,128) 7,017,106 4,932,309 1,335,539 (46,448) (110,974) 6,110,426 Spare parts Consumables Less: Allowance for slow-moving items Inventories in transit Movement in allowance for slow-moving inventories is as follows: Balance at the beginning of the period/year Charge during the period/year (note 22) Reversal of allowance during the period/year Written-off-during the period/year Balance at the end of the period/year 7 Trade receivables Trade receivables Less: Allowance for doubtful debts Movement in allowance for doubtful debts is as follows: Balance at the beginning of the period/year Charge during the period/year (note 22) Written-off-during the period/year Reversal during the period/year Balance at the end of the period/year 12 Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) (In Arab Emirates Dirhams) 8 Dec 31, 2013 (Audited) 3,770,113 5,602,735 15,279 428,478 9,816,605 1,323,721 2,345,847 19,512 2,339,942 6,029,022 7,000,000 7,000,000 104,867 5,846,361 2,273,635 8,224,863 78,549 1,352,504 9,377,743 10,808,796 Advances, deposits and other receivables Prepayments Advances to suppliers Interest receivable Other receivables 9 Sep 30, 2014 (Unaudited) Fixed deposit Fixed deposit with bank Fixed deposit is under lien against credit facilities (note 16). 10 Cash and bank balances Cash in hand Bank balances - current accounts Short-term fixed deposits Maturity dates of short-term fixed deposits range from 1 to 3 months from the date of placement. Bank balances and fixed deposits are maintained with banks registered in the United Arab Emirates. 11 12 Share capital Number of shares (Nos.) 126,500,000 126,500,000 Nominal value per share (AED) 1 1 Issued and fully paid-up share capital (AED) 126,500,000 126,500,000 Jul 01, 2013 to Sep 30, 2013 (3 months) (Unaudited) Jan 01, 2014 to Sep 30, 2014 (9 months) (Unaudited) Jan 01, 2013 to Sep 30, 2013 (9 months) (Unaudited) (425,862) (1,605,823) 6,896,476 126,500,000 126,500,000 (1.27) 5.45 0.74 Sep 30, 2014 (Unaudited) Dec 31, 2013 (Audited) 27,029,465 27,029,465 26,740,331 289,134 27,029,465 Basic earnings per share (Loss)/profit for the period (AED) Weighted average number of shares (Nos.) (Loss)/earnings per share for the period (U.A.E. Fils) 13 Jul 01, 2014 to Sep 30, 2014 (3 months) (Unaudited) 126,500,000 (0.34) 938,109 126,500,000 Statutory reserve Balance at the beginning of the period/year Add: Transferred from net profit (note 15) Balance at the end of the period/year According to the Articles of Association of the Entity and Article 193 of the United Arab Emirates Federal Commercial Companies Law No. 8 of 1984 (as amended), 10% of annual profit is allocated to the statutory reserve. The transfer to statutory reserve may be suspended, when the reserve reaches 50% of the paid-up share capital. This reserve is not available for distribution, except in the circumstances stipulated by law. No transfer was effected at the end of the reporting period as this will be based on the result for the financial year. 13 Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) (In Arab Emirates Dirhams) Sep 30, 2014 (Unaudited) 14 Investments revaluation reserve Balance at the beginning of the period/year On disposal during the period/year Impairment during the period/year (note 5) Change in fair value of available-for-sale investments (note 5) Balance at the end of the period/year 15 30,500,850 (1,095,073) (110,000) (1,530,390) 27,765,387 25,710,303 4,790,547 30,500,850 26,815,590 6,896,476 33,712,066 24,213,387 2,891,337 (289,134) 26,815,590 114,534,647 (16,739,449) 97,795,198 130,292,111 (15,757,464) 114,534,647 71,864,656 25,930,542 97,795,198 92,001,885 22,532,762 114,534,647 15,483,156 82,312,042 97,795,198 19,817,442 94,717,205 114,534,647 22,027,644 1,287,454 23,315,098 31,673,530 5,967,651 37,641,181 71,864,656 92,001,885 25,930,542 23,315,098 49,245,640 22,532,762 37,641,181 60,173,943 121,110,296 152,175,828 Retained earnings Balance at the beginning of the period/year Profit for the period/year Transferred to statutory reserve (note13) Balance at the end of the period/year 16 Dec 31, 2013 (Audited) Bank borrowings (a) Term loans Balance at the beginning of the period/year Repaid during the period/year Balance at the end of the period/year Comprising: Non-current portion Current portion Break-up of term loans Term loan 1 Term loan 2 (b) Due to banks Bank overdrafts Trust receipts Bank borrowings - non-current portion Term loans (refer a) Bank borrowings - current portion Term loans Due to banks (refer a) (refer b) Total bank borrowings Bank borrowings are secured by: i) Corporate guarantee of the Entity. ii) Assignment of certain insurance policies covering buildings and plant and machinery, in favour of the bank. iii) Lien over fixed deposit of AED 7,000,000 (note 9). 14 Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) (In Arab Emirates Dirhams) Sep 30, 2014 (Unaudited) 17 Dec 31, 2013 (Audited) Finance lease liability Balance at the beginning of the period/year Add: Received during the period/year Less: Paid during the period/year Balance at the end of the period/year 4,858,553 (1,996,212) 2,862,341 6,060,737 (1,202,184) 4,858,553 841,736 2,020,605 2,862,341 2,838,386 2,020,167 4,858,553 Comprising: Non-current portion Current portion Represents acquisition of heavy equipment through finance lease agreement with the vendor. The leases are scheduled to be repaid in monthly installments of AED 180,715, inclusive of interest, effective from March 2013 until February 2016 and carry interest @ 2.5% per annum (note 4). 18 Employees' end of service benefits Balance at the beginning of the period/year Add: Charge for the period/year Less: Paid during the period/year Balance at the end of the period/year 19 12,352,825 1,032,202 (789,553) 12,595,474 11,147,240 1,987,262 (781,677) 12,352,825 43,158,486 3,459,091 9,057,528 3,133,348 29,963 342,860 59,181,276 33,778,335 3,731,980 3,879,976 2,793,573 29,965 550,908 44,764,737 Trade and other payables Trade payable Advances received from customers Accruals Staff provisions Unclaimed dividends Interest payable 15 Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) (In Arab Emirates Dirhams) Jul 01, 2014 to Sep 30, 2014 (3 months) (Unaudited) 20 Jan 01, 2014 to Sep 30, 2014 (9 months) (Unaudited) Jan 01, 2013 to Sep 30, 2013 (9 months) (Unaudited) Sales Sales : within U.A.E. : outside U.A.E. 21 Jul 01, 2013 to Sep 30, 2013 (3 months) (Unaudited) 56,899,188 6,944,592 63,843,780 50,164,445 7,576,406 57,740,851 177,464,581 25,723,147 203,187,728 161,648,019 31,022,778 192,670,797 2,840,048 3,573,376 1,028,780 113,528 69,142 108,857 699,837 849,816 664,002 76,047 370,538 10,393,971 3,202,456 2,986,207 286,160 109,164 97,868 426,862 534,733 630,394 965,494 81,467 234,385 9,555,190 8,575,557 10,021,634 3,148,654 369,142 217,794 907,512 1,617,077 2,818,262 2,129,143 420,862 932,964 31,158,601 9,188,362 9,071,591 822,060 387,641 225,556 1,067,442 1,530,996 2,156,313 2,386,454 193,872 481,774 27,512,061 Selling and distribution expenses Salaries and related benefits Vehicle expenses Rent Insurance Telephone and communication Advertisement and business promotion Government fees on crusher sales Hired transportation Depreciation of property, plant and equipment Legal, visa, professional and related expenses Others 16 Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) (In Arab Emirates Dirhams) Jul 01, 2014 to Sep 30, 2014 (3 months) (Unaudited) 22 Jan 01, 2014 to Sep 30, 2014 (9 months) (Unaudited) Jan 01, 2013 to Sep 30, 2013 (9 months) (Unaudited) Administrative expenses Salaries and related benefits Vehicle expenses Rent Insurance Legal, visa, professional and related expenses Telephone and communications Utilities Depreciation of property, plant and equipment Allowance for slow-moving inventories (note 6) Allowance for doubtful debts (note 7) Social responsibility contributions Others 23 Jul 01, 2013 to Sep 30, 2013 (3 months) (Unaudited) 3,962,206 196,325 167,397 62,735 272,094 154,316 92,669 623,825 2,399,014 210,000 178,402 356,988 8,675,971 3,444,599 225,541 138,969 86,781 237,879 105,940 150,822 1,032,138 279,992 265,000 96,185 477,673 6,541,519 12,453,915 407,120 509,429 178,755 885,368 396,922 217,269 1,785,402 2,907,044 977,808 776,680 1,215,764 22,711,476 9,816,880 460,070 412,920 190,596 791,259 445,211 198,045 2,337,003 839,972 795,000 831,047 1,330,285 18,448,288 Related party transactions The Group enters into transactions with other entities that fall within the definition of a related party as contained in IAS 24 Related Party Disclosures. Such transactions are in the normal course of business and at terms that correspond to those on normal arms-length transactions with third parties. Related parties comprise entities under common ownership and/or common management and control; their partners and key management personnel. Sep 30, 2014 Dec 31, 2013 (Unaudited) (Audited) a) Balances due from related parties (included in trade receivables) b) Balances due to related parties (included in trade and other payables) No bank guarantees are received from or provided to related parties against balances due from/to them. No expense has been recognised in the year for bad or doubtful debts in respect of the amounts due from related parties. 17 2,317,167 2,318,170 893,217 560,054 Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) (In Arab Emirates Dirhams) 23 Related party transactions (continued) c) Transactions with related parties The nature of significant related party transactions and the amounts involved were as follows: Jul 01, 2014 to Sep 30, 2014 (3 months) (Unaudited) Jul 01, 2013 to Sep 30, 2013 (3 months) (Unaudited) Jan 01, 2014 to Sep 30, 2014 (9 months) (Unaudited) Jan 01, 2013 to Sep 30, 2013 (9 months) (Unaudited) Sales 1,225,641 1,658,872 3,786,460 5,255,701 Purchases 1,168,621 2,905,167 3,474,477 6,234,005 18 Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) (In Arab Emirates Dirhams) 24 Business segments Fujairah National Quarry Fujairah Concrete Products Emirates Ceramic Factory Fujairah Rockwool Factory Fujairah Marble & Tiles Factory Fujairah Building Industries P.S.C. Eliminations Total For the period ended September 30, 2014 Sales (Loss)/profit Depreciation charge 23,593,146 (3,974,212) 3,101,850 58,521,437 3,299,996 4,761,574 8,451,476 (4,941,041) 723,852 99,180,513 15,404,556 10,388,336 20,232,867 (4,308,688) 2,971,655 41,884,745 21,734,087 91,304,676 24,366,611 28,358,877 12,685,180 180,885,745 113,171,190 51,097,962 48,992,411 22,523,022 188,306 2,830,641 49,628,054 (1,727,016) 5,499,992 20,367,373 (5,747,244) 1,819,682 88,685,969 11,136,524 9,837,892 18,260,535 (3,754,329) 3,716,664 37,367,155 13,722,313 95,122,360 25,172,617 29,507,857 3,868,514 191,847,765 144,690,227 54,934,912 54,973,625 1,415,865 1,009,967 (6,791,711) - 203,187,728 6,896,476 22,957,234 233,490,726 24,305,004 (216,266,426) (49,505,096) 410,756,305 195,749,387 841,868 754,003 (6,794,156) - 192,670,797 938,109 24,458,874 216,389,960 16,875,939 (201,795,421) (35,607,374) 423,374,588 223,695,861 As at September 30, 2014 Total assets Total liabilities For the period ended September 30, 2013 Sales Profit/(loss) Depreciation charge As at September 30, 2013 Total assets Total liabilities 19 Fujairah Building Industries P.J.S.C. and its subsidiaries (the "Group") Fujairah - United Arab Emirates Notes to the condensed consolidated interim financial information For the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 (Unaudited) (In Arab Emirates Dirhams) 25 Seasonality of results Dividend on available-for-sale investments included under other income depends on market conditions, investment activities of the Group and declaration of profits by investee companies, which are of seasonal nature. Accordingly, consolidated result for the nine month period ended September 30, 2014 is not comparable to that relating to the comparative period and is not indicative of the consolidated result that might be expected for the year ending December 31, 2014. 26 Contingent liabilities Sep 30, 2014 (Unaudited) 2,161,347 3,274,471 Letters of credit Letter of guarantee Dec 31, 2013 (Audited) 3,273,228 5,256,847 Except for the above and ongoing business obligations which are under normal course of business against which no loss is expected, there has been no other known contingent liability as of the reporting date. 27 Commitments Sep 30, 2014 (Unaudited) Capital commitments 2,310,282 Dec 31, 2013 (Audited) 5,601,847 Except for the above and ongoing business obligations which are under normal course of business against which no loss is expected, there has been no other known commitment as of the reporting date. 28 Comparative amounts Certain amounts of the prior period/year were reclassified to conform to the current period's presentation. However, such reclassification has no impact on the previously reported consolidated financial result or equity. 20
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