Document 431731

1851 Old Mountain Rd
Statesville, NC 28677
Phone: 704.872.6971
Fax: 704.878.9944
Church Office Hours:
Mon-Thurs: 8am-4pm
Friday: 8am-12pm
Church Website:
The Messenger is published weekly by Beulah Baptist
Church, Inc., 1851 Old Mountain Road Statesville, NC
(USPS 020436) - Periodicals
POSTMASTER: Send address change to THE MESSENGER,
Beulah Baptist Church, Inc., 1851 Old Mountain Road,
Statesville, NC 28677-2626.
Volume 47 Issue 46
November 13, 2014
“Lord, lift up the light of Your countenance upon us.” Psalm 4:6
Church Staff
Senior Pastor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Allen Roberts / 704.528.2652
Interim Music Minister . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Coite Sherrill
Student Minister . . . .. . . . Rev. Marshall Quesinberry
Financial Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Melissa Friend
Educational Secretary . . . . . . . Mrs. Robin McDonald
Facilities Management . . . . . . . . . Mr. Chuck Philbeck
Thank You
A thank you note has been received
and posted on the board from:
West Iredell Middle School Staff
The cost of the weekend will be $25 per person, or two for $40. This is going to
be a great weekend, with wonderful times of fellowship, worship, and serving!
Contact Marshall if you have any questions about DNOW.
Wednesday, November 19th - 7:00pm
Attention Parents:
Is your son or daughter planning to attend DNOW? If so, and they have not yet
signed up, please take a few moments to fill out our DNOW Form on the church
website. If your student is unable to come for the entire event, that is okay. We
want our students to make this weekend a priority, but we understand that they
may have a prior commitment. Even if we have to work some things out, don't let
one event keep your student from missing out on the fun of this great weekend.
We want them to be there for as many of the activities as they can.
Nursery Workers Needed
Volunteers are needed to serve in the
church nursery on Wednesday nights
from 7-9 PM. If you can help, please
see Coite Sherrill.
Parents, we can use help in these areas; feel free to help in as many as you can:
 Have students stay in your home
 Help provide dinner at the church on Saturday
 Help with transportation to and from the church
There is a place on the form to check off the areas in which you can help,
or you can give Marshall a call to let him know of your availability.
Church Council Meeting
Sunday, November 16th - 4:45pm
Monday Morning Prayer Group
Each Monday at 10:30am
All members are welcome
Church Conference
BEULAH’S GOAL: $15,000
November 21st — 23rd
The Property Committee has planned an
Saturday, Nov. 22
10:00 AM
Dear Beulah Family—
We are so excited for this short time to be
home with family and friends. At the end of
November, we will be returning to Peru,
where we have been working closely with a
girl’s orphanage this last year. The girls have
requested a Christmas Party when we return,
and we are hoping to make their Christmas a
memorable one. Sean and I want to surprise
them with stockings, which we will fill with
“goodies,” along with a Christmas meal, and a
special sharing of the Christmas story. We
need your help with the stockings. Does anyone have any used Christmas stockings, that
you will not be using anymore, that we could
use to bless one of these girls? If so, please
bring your stockings and leave them outside
the church office (in the box labeled PERU
STOCKINGS) by Sunday, November 30th.
If you have any questions, please feel free to
contact us. ~May God Bless You All~
The Heath Family ~ 704.928.5577
Dept. Food Drive
Our children will be
collecting non-perishable
foods and staple items for
needy families — now through December 13th.
Boxes will be available in the preschool and
children’s departments to collect donations.
These items will be packed up on Saturday,
December 13th at our Christmas Party.
We will be taking orders
for poinsettias — now
through November 23rd.
These may be purchased
in honor or in memory of
a loved one, and will be
used to decorate our sanctuary. A total of
42 poinsettias is needed. An order form
will be available in this Sunday’s bulletin.
Cost will be $7.00 each. Please fill out the
order form completely and please include
payment with your order.
Nov. 30: “Hanging of the Green”
Nov. 30-Dec. 7:
Dec. 7: Lottie Moon Victory March, 10:30am
Dec. 13: Preschool/Children’s Christmas Party, 12pm
Dec. 14: Children's Choirs Christmas Music, 10:30am
Preschool Choir — “This Is the Stable”
Grade 1-6 Choir — “A Charlie Brown Christmas”
Dec. 14: Churchwide Christmas Fellowship Dinner
and Youth Comedy Night, 6:00pm
Dec. 20: Youth “Progressive Aggressive” Dinner
Dec. 21: Sanctuary Choir Christmas Cantata, 10:30am
“Come Messiah King”
Dec. 24: Christmas Eve Service and Observance of
the Lord’s Supper, 5:00pm
ALL LADIES are encouraged to meet at
the church on Saturday, November 22nd
for a fun time of lunch and shopping for
the Toy Store. If you can join us, please
meet at the church at 10:45am; we will
leave at 11am to go have lunch at Zaxby’s
in Conover, followed by toy shopping at
the Wal-Mart there. We will be using the
money that has been donated to help us
buy these toys and gifts. If you prefer to
purchase gifts yourself, please have
new/unwrapped items at the church by
Sunday, November 16th. Suggested items
are posted on the board by the office.
Other ways to help the Toy Store:
Eat at Di’lishi Frozen Yogurt Bar during
November and vote for the Toy Store!
Winning charity receives $500 donation.
Eat at Randy’s BBQ (Troutman) Saturday,
Nov. 15th, 4-9pm. 10% goes to Toy Store.
Dec. 28: “Brian Free and Assurance” and “Gold City”
Love offering concert for the Heath Family, 6pm
How Does Our Giving
to the Lottie Moon Offering
Make an Impact?
IMB and gives to the Lottie Moon
offering, missionaries are able to share the gospel with
unreached people groups, train believers to start new
churches, assist in planting new churches, show Christ’s
love to those in distress, and work to spread the kingdom
of God. According to the IMB’s 2013 Annual Report, our
missionaries shared the gospel with 1.7 million people,
trained 23,000 nationals, helped plant 6,200 churches.
While those statistics are exciting, there are still 4 billion
people who remain lost. More giving will allow IMB to
send more missionaries to reach more people for Christ!
November Prayer
from Michael Barrett,
Board President, BSCNC
We need You.
We celebrate You.
We worship You.
We want to serve You.
We rest in You.
Teach us:
May we be:
And when we are not,
Grant us grace.
Lord thank You for:
Friends who share
Cool fall mornings
Glorious colors of fall
Opportunities to serve
Things in life that I can’t fix
Dependence on You
Joy of friends
Everyday blessings
Family that stays with us
The reality of the resurrection
Hope beyond the mundane
For Jesus
Ham Smith, Louise Pennell, Bobby Pope
Rich Gustin
Crystal Weddington
Leonard Forsyth, Ashley Goodman
Tatum Boggs, Ashley Bullock,
Murray Lamb, Jay Osmer, Terry Waugh
Lorene Carlson, Doris Moose
Charlene Clower, Rachel Gibson,
Lindsey Riddle
Whitley Weddington
Irene Starling
Brett Hoke, Wendy Sherrill
In The Hospital
CMC-Charlotte: Lynn McCurdy, # 6920
Wednesday Night Supper
Nov. 19: Rotisserie Chicken, Baked Potato,
Green Beans, Chocolate Eclair
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Sunday School:
Morning Worship:
Awana Clubs:
Youth PM Bible Study:
Adult “LifeGroups:”
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Budget Giving This Week $ 12,840.16
Building Fund
Heath Family
SYBA Toy Store for Jesus
NC Missions
World Hunger
Lottie Moon Offering
Love Offering (Schlosser’s)
5th Sunday Offering
Report for Week of November 9, 2014
2014 Budget Plan — $ 843,156.00
Total All Receipts YTD: $ 759,439.34
Total All Expenses YTD:
Difference YTD:
$ (7,882.81)
November 21st — 23rd
The cost of the weekend will be $25 per person, or two for $40. This is going to
be a great weekend, with wonderful times of fellowship, worship, and serving!
Contact Marshall if you have any questions about this DiscipleNow Weekend.
Join the Annual Week of Prayer for
Baptist Children’s Homes: Nov 16th-23rd
The needs of children and families across NC are
tremendous! Last year, BCH ministered to 9,983
boys, girls and adults. Help write stories of
redemption by joining in their Week of Prayer...
11/16—Pray for NC children and their families.
11/17—Pray for those children and their families
that are served by 19 statewide BCH locations.
11/18—Pray for houseparents, care givers, chiefs,
& social workers who care for the boys & girls.
11/19—Pray for the Good Shepherd Children's
Home, BCH's new orphanage in Guatemala.
11/20—Pray for developmentally disabled adults
living at BCH’s 9 statewide homes.
11/21- For hurting children in your community.
11/22—Pray for BCH President & CEO Michael
C. Blackwell as he leads the ministry.
11/23—Pray that BCH's residents will come to
know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.
Deacon Assignments for November 16
Morning Prayer: Joseph Shook
Benediction Prayer: Rye Fraley
Prayer Tower/Greeter: William Walker
Preschool Worship Services
Sunday, November 16
Infants/Todd: Angie Miller/Kim Goodman
Extended Room: Rye & Amy Fraley
Sunday, November 23
Infants/Toddlers: Donna & Terry Waugh
Extended Room: Ben & Andrea Price
Sunday, November 30
Extended Room: Charlie & Lorene Carlson
Wednesday Nights
Bible Study at 7pm
Sunday Nights
Supper at 5:30pmGames & Bible Study
from 6:00-7:30pm
Contact Information:
I can be reached at the church office at
704-872-6971, or after 5pm at home
at 704-380-2094, or by email:
Coming in December
Churchwide Christmas
Fellowship Dinner
Youth Comedy Night
Sunday, December 14
6:00 PM
Youth Progressive
Aggressive Dinner
Saturday, December 20