NON PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE St. Dionysios Greek Orthodox Church PAID 8100 W. 95th St. Overland Park, KS, 66212 SHAWNEE MISSION KS PERMIT NO. 362 Return Service Requested St. Dionysios Greek Orthodox Christian Church The Orthodox Christian Church is evangelical but not Protestant. It is Orthodox but not Jewish. It is not nondenominational, it is predenominational. “ It has believed, preserved, defended, taught, and died for the faith of the apostles for 2,000 years." (Excerpt from the prologue of "Our Life in Christ - Orthodox Christian Ministry”). It is Ancient. It is modern. It is Eternal!!! ATTENTION Visit our web site at www. VOTIVE LIGHTS I wish to have a votive candle lit for my deceased loved one every Sunday during Divine Liturgy ________________________________________________ Name of Deceased ________________________________________________ Name of Donor Cost of $25 per CALENDAR year—Votive light will be labeled with name of deceased. Please submit to the treasurer, who will record name on a list kept in candle stand cabinet with date of request. 12 ST. DIONYSIOS GREEK ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN CHURCH NEWSLETTER NOVEMBER 2014 Dear Members and Friends in Christ, in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is The story is told of a man standing on able to make all grace abound toward you, Parish Counthe steps of his tumble-down shack when a that you, always having all sufficiency in all cil Members stranger stopped by for a drink of water. things, may have abundance for every good 2014 “How’s your cotton coming along?” work.” (v 7-9) the stranger asked, looking around at the neIt is your choice what kind of steward -Dr. Angelo glected surroundings. you will be. God has given you the principle Brisimitzakis, “Didn’t plant any”, the man replied. to follow in order to succeed. You must dePresident “Afraid of weevils.” cide. But remember this: When you give God -Dr. Andrea Ar“How about your corn?” the stranger what He expects you to give, He sees to it that van, Vice Presi- inquired. you are rewarded over and over again. Not dent “Didn’t plant corn, either. Scared only does He trust you and give you more but -Dennis Holthere wasn’t going to be any rain.” your treasures will be stored in heaven. lingsworth, Sec“And your potatoes?” “Now may He…supply and multiply retary “Scared of tater bugs.” the seed you have sown and increase the -Chris Antos, “What did you plant?” the stranger fruits of your righteousness, while you are Treasurer asked amazed. enriched in everything for all liberality, which -Stephanie, “Nothing”, the man replied. “I just causes thanksgiving through us to God.” (v. Christensen, As- played it safe.” 10&11) sistant Treasurer Playing it safe is not always the most Traditionally the community of St. -Matt Lein, As- rewarding thing to do, yet oftentimes we Or- Dionysios begins its Stewardship Campaign sistant Treasurer thodox Christians play it safe. We think the in November. This is an important time for -Hardy less we give God, the more we’ll have to our church. Please give God’s church a Christensen spend. chance to prove that you need not fear for -Dr. Chris It doesn’t take long to discover how your future when following His plan. Please Fotopoulos wrong that thinking is! We never have more fill out the 2015 Stewardship Form in this -Josh Gilmore to spend; we have less because God does not Newsletter and return it to the church as soon -Harry “Bobby” reward us and we have nothing stored in as possible. Have your names listed as ComMaroudas heaven. mitted Stewards for 2015. -Imad Numair God has written this one fundamental You need not play it safe with God. -Dr. Betsy Wick- principle into all of life. We see it in nature in He will to bless you a thousand times over for strom our gardens; we see in our church. It’s the your courageous commitment to His Church. law of seedtime and harvest. “…He who sows sparingly will also In Christ’s Ministry, reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. “In 2 Corinthians Fr. Nicholas Papado9:6 Scripture tells us that a farmer who plants poulos-Papedo just a few seeds will get only a small crop in return, but if he plants much, he will reap Proposed Narthex Icon of much. God gives the seed to the farmer to St. Dionysios, Prophet plant, and will make it grow so that there will Daniel, and the Three Children in the Fire. All be more fruit from the harvest to give away. celebrated on “So let each one give as he purposes December 17th. 8100 W. 95th St., Overland Park, KS., 66212, 913-341-7373, fax. 913-341-8662 Email, Web page, Fr. Nicholas C. Papadopoulos— Papedo, Protopresbyter Cel. 913-206-1326 PRESIDENT’S PAGE Our Church is one of tradition, and the presence of icons is a reflection of this tradition. The Greek Orthodox Church is inconceivable without icons. The word ‘icon’ comes from the Greek word ‘Eikona’, meaning image. The icon is not merely a piece of art, but an aid to worship and an instrument for the transmission of Christian tradition and faith. The Holy Spirit speaks to us through icons. Wherever an icon is situated, a place of worship and prayer is set, because the icon is not an end in itself, but a window through which we look with our physical eyes at the Kingdom of Heaven and the realm of spiritual experience. Several years ago St. Dionysios Parish embarked on a multi-phased beautification program which involved the addition of new iconography in both our Nave and Narthex areas. Phase I was beautifully completed and we are now ready to embark on Phase II. Below is what is planned (please also see attached visual representations): - Annunciation icon above Iconostasis (tentatively sponsored) - Nativity icon on Narthex ceiling (tentatively sponsored) - 3 Children/fire, Daniel & St. Dionysios (Dec. 17) icon above Narthex candle stand (tentatively sponsored) - 4 Flying Angels icons around Pantokrator (tentatively sponsored) - Written ring around Pantokrator (Greek & English) (tentatively sponsored) - Byzantine diakosmos at the edge of raised circle where Pantokrator is (tentatively sponsored) - 4 Church Musicians medallions below Choir loft (Sts. Romanos, Thekla, Kassiane & John Damascene ~$5000 per icon (2 of 4 icons tentatively sponsored) At our recent October 19th General Assembly meeting this plan was approved with the condition that all icons will be donated. Fortunately, we already have ~90% of the ~$90,000 total project cost already sponsored. What remains are just two Church Musician Medallions costing ~$5000 each. We have designated one Church Musician Medallion as a ‘Community Icon’, where we will accept any $ contribution, big or small, from multiple donors. Thus there is an opportunity for all! Please see me or Fr. Nick if you would like to contribute to this once in a generation ‘legacy investment’ into the beautification of our beloved St. Dionysios Parish. Our parish finances for the month of ‘September’ and ‘year to date’ (YTD) 2014 are summarized below. September revenue was flat and expenses were higher than September 2013. On a year to date 2014 basis, our 9 month revenues are lower and expenses are slightly higher than last year. Revenues were mostly affected by lower YTD 2014 Stewardship. Overall, we are financially worse (-$15,236) than last year at the same time. Regarding Stewardship, we ask you to please complete your 2014 pledge soonest as we will be beginning our 2015 campaign during November. We look forward to your active support in ‘Time, Talents & Treasures’. September YTD Difference 2014 2013 2014 2013 September YTD Revenues $11,226 $11,196 $229,503 $241,266 +$ 30 -$11,763 Expenses $26,497 $23,848 $216,880 $213,407 -$ 2,649 +$ 3,473 Profit/(loss) $(15,270) $(12,651) $ 12,623 $ 27,859 -$ 2,619 -$15,236 May God bless each of you, Angelo Brisimitzakis November 2014 8100 W. 95th St. Overland Park, Kansas 66212-3214 913-341-7373, fax. 913-341-8662, email Web. Fr. Nicholas C. Papadopoulos—Papedo cel. 913-206-1326 Sun Oct 26- Tue Wed Thu Oct 27 Oct 28 Oct 29 Oct 30 6:30pm Choir 7:30pm Bible Study 9am Orthros -10am Div. Lit St. Demetrios 2 9 3 4 5 6 10 17 11 12 7pm Parish Council -5pm Orthros St. John & Divine Lit. Chrysostom 6:30pm Choir 7:30pm Bible Study 18 -9am Orthros -10am Div. Lit St. Matthew 23 24 25 -9am Orthros -10am Div. Lit Thanksgiving Luncheon -5pm Orthros St. Katherine & Divine Lit. 30 Dec 1 Dec 2 13 19 20 Sat Oct 31 1 Feed the Poor 4:30pm Sotos Baptism SS. Cosmas & Damian 7 6:30pm Choir 7pm 7:30pm Bible Philoptochos Study Meeting -9am Orthros -10am Div. Lit Philoptochos Gen Assembly St. Nektarios 16 Fri Halloween -9am Orthros -10am Div. Lit -9am Orthros -10am Div. Lit St. Andrew 2 Mon 8 -9am Orthros & Div. Lit 5pm Vespers SS. Michael & Gabriel 14 15 Bake Sale Cooking sessions 5pm Vespers -Numair 21 22 6:30pm Choir -5pm Orthros Entrance of 7:30pm Bible & Divine Lit. Theotokos Study 5pm Vespers 26 29 Dec 3 27 Thanksgiving 28 Dec 4 Dec 5 -5pm Orthros St Barbara & Divine Lit. 6:30pm Choir 7:30pm Bible Study 11 1pm Brisimitzakis Baptism 5pm Vespers Dec 6 -9am Orthros & Div. Lit 5pm Vespers St. Nicholas St. Dionysios 2014 Stewardship Fr. Nicholas & Presbytera Lois Papedo Committed Members Aguiar, Victoria & Ken Anthan, Pauline Anton, George & Colleen Antos, Chloe Antos, Chris & Linda Antos, Mary Arvan, Andrea Arvan, Mary Arvanitakis, Jerry & Effie Bay, Alex & Mary Bay, George Berhe, Taezez & Tirhas Berry, Tim & Tosha Bondar, Yuri & Lesya Boyd,Katalina & Brady Brisimitzakis, Dr. Angelo & Joan Brisimitzakis, Evangelos & Holly Brisimitzakis, Theodore Brunton, Ryan & Mariam Chamoun Roukoz & Wisam Channell, Christopher & Stefanie Leif Christensen, Hardy Christensen, Stephanie & Verne Comninellis, George Cooper, John & Catherine Curtis, Peter Davis, Chris & Ann Demas, Chris & Eleni Draper, Brent & Elaine Fotopoulos, Chris & Donna Fotopoulos, Christopher & Kristen Fox, Don & Areti Fuller, Rich & Andria Gaefke, Louis & Christine Gatzoulis, Nick & Toula Gatzoulis, Paul Geolas, Margaret Geolas, Tom Ghikas, Demetrios & Melissa Giannopoulos, Dr. Nadine Gianulis, Bess Giatras Dennis & Joyce Gilmore, Joshua & Michaela Sardiu Girmay, Meaza Grant, Bonnie & Wayne Gregory, Christine Gregory, Gregg Gregory, Orson & Haroula Gregory, Tom & Barbara Haile, Kahassi & Freweini Zerai Harrington, Christopher & Katie Hatzidakis, John Hauptmann, Edward & Katheryn Heeren, Katherine & Marvin Heider, Helen & Ben Henry, Matthew & Laura Hileman, Christiana & Philip Hirner, Charles & Victoria Hollingsworth, Dennis & Nicole Inmair Wayel Jones, Irene Jones, Stacey Jouras, Helen Jouras, Peter & Mary Kallos, Don J. Kallos, Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J Kandah, Dan Kandah, John Kansas City Greek School Karnaze, Chris Karnaze, Ethel Karnaze, Helen Karoutzos, John & Arsenia Karoutzos, Maria Kouloukis, Penelope Krin, Christine Krin, Mable Darlene Kritos, George & Panagiota Kunfu, Tewelde & Mitslal Berhe Lawson, Barbara & Jerry Leif, George & Lynne Pappas-Leif Lein, Matthew & Mary Levitin, Benfamin & Lidya Maduras, Tom & Tina Maduros, james & Tiffany Maduros, Paul Makarunis, Chris Manis, Peter & Jane Maroudas Nicholas Maroudas, Dennis & Maria Maroudas, Harry & Lauren Maroudas, James McElroy, Arvel & Linda McMahon, Eleftheria Mitef, Anna Nikias, Wanda Numair, Imad & Karmen Numair, Nader & Lubna Otey, Karen L. Papagioannis, John & Dina 10 Pappas, Greg & Sharon Pappas, Leo Pappas, Linda Perahoritis, Athanasios & Patricia Perahoritis, John Poulos, Marguerite Psyhountas, Gus & Colleen Ramirez de Perez, Maria & Felipe Ramos, Karen Sophia Raptis, Konstantin & Vassiliki Reece, Keith & Elizabeth Sandborn, David Schneider, Katherine Siscos, Dimitri & Mary Sleder, Ted & Pauline Sophocleous, Marios & Thelma Sotos, Tim & Marybeth Sotos,TJ & Susannah Spanos, Carole Struga, Saimir & Mirela Underwood, Despina Vakas, Constantine & Julie Vedros, Helen Vrentas, John & Maria White, Timothy & Karen Wick, Christopher & Jo Wick, Mark & Nella Wickstrom, Andrea Wickstrom, John & Betsy Wicstrom, Elena Wiedemann, Eric & Ann Zaharopoulos, Thimios & Julie Crain Zeiler, George & Kim Zeiler, J. Parker Zeiler, RJ Adults 215 Family Units 141 Proposed Iconography Images (Phase II) 3 Narthex Greeters November 2nd— Mat Lein November 9th— Chris Antos November 16th— Bobby Maroudas November 23rd— Hardy Christensen November 30th — Imad Numair ——————————————————- Altar Boy Teams - ALL altar boys are asked to serve in the altar every Sunday until we can determine the different teams Altar Assistants Theodore Brisimitzakis Danny Piskopos Andreas Maroudas Coffee Hour Sponsors November 2nd— Gregory family 9th— Arvan Family 16th— Graham Family 23rd— Thanksgiving Philoptochos 30th — Volunteer needed In the months with a 5th Sunday, all altar boys 12 years & older are invited to serve. __________________ Upcoming events Nov 1st Philoptochos Luncheon Nov 23rd Thanksgiving Luncheon Please sign up on the Fellowship poster in the Philoptochos hall to sponsor a Fellowship Hour on Sundays. Nov 27th Thanksgiving Please, please, please, when you are done with Nov 29th Brisimitzakis Baptism your food and drink, deposit the plates and ___________________ cups in the trash bins located in the hall and kitchen area. Help us keep our hall healthy and Please, if you move, let the Church office know as soon as possible. Each returned beautiful! ____________________ newsletter costs the Church a postal fee. Contact the Church at 913-341-7373 or e-mail the Prosphoron Baking new address to 2014 _____________________ November— Marguerite Poulos December— Toula Gatzoulis Note to all bakers— Please bake four (4) Get up-to-date information from the Church loaves of bread for each Sunday. Fr. Nick through your e-mail. Submit your e-mail inmust have the loaves by 8:30AM Sunday formation by sending a note to Fr. Nick at morning to begin the service of the Pros- komidi. Please do not sprinkle additional Office Help Needed flour on the top of the loaves. If you would The Church office is in need of secretarlike to bring the prosfora earlier, please conial help. Computer skills are necessary. We tact Fr. Nick at the church 913-341-7373. are in need of office assistance on Tuesdays __________________ and Fridays from 10am to 2pm. Please contact Fr. Nicholas Papedo for information. Church office number is 913-341-7373. ________________________________ 4 9 Sunflower AHEPA Chapter Cultural Event Dear St. Dionysios and Annunciation parishioners and friends, The Sunflower Ahepa Chapter would like to invite you to a social evening celebrating the classic Greek theater. We are very pleased to have University of Kansas Theater Professor Dr. Dennis Christilles giving us a presentation on “The Ever Present Past: the Significance of Ancient Greek Theatre” on Saturday, NOVEMBER 15th, 2014. Food and refreshments will be provided on the occasion at St. Dionysios Social Hall (8100 W. 95th Street, Overland Park, Kansas 66212) at 7:00 pm, followed by the presentation at 8:00 pm. All are welcome to attend. Please invite your friends and support this Hellenism and Education mission of our Sunflower Chapter. Please let Dimitri Siscos ( or Marios Sophocleous ( know if you plan to attend by November 10, 2013 or earlier, as well as the number of people in your party. Thank you. GOYA Basketball Practice at Holy Cross 7-9pm October 12, 19 November 2, 9, 16, 23 December 7, 14 ORTHODOX BIBLE STUDY Wednesday, September 24th , 7:30pm the fall semester of our Bible Study will begin. This semester we will be studying the “Acts of the Apostles”. In addition to the Orthodox Study Bible, Old and New Testament, The Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series The Acts of the Apostles, by Lawrence R. Farley will be used. This class is scheduled to meet for ten weeks, ending Wednesday, December 3rd. For those who are interested, please come to the scheduled classes. See you there. 8 5 6 7
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