November Newsletter Farley Fox Tracks Farley Elementary – Established 2009 6701 SW 33rd Street – Topeka, KS 66614 Upcoming Events T: (785)408-8300 November 7, 2014; 5:30 – 8PM Farley Thanksgiving Luncheon Farley will be observing Thanksgiving with a special meal and invite you to attend. Reservations are required and we ask that you pay in advance. Reservations are made by completing the Thanksgiving Reservation form sent home at the end of October and including payment of $3.40 per guest meal. Please send EXACT cash or make checks payable to Farley Elementary. Do not include payment for your student since their lunch will automatically come out of their school lunch account. Due to seating constraints and the need to order enough food in advance, your reservation and payment must be received in the office on or before Monday, November 10th. Meal tickets will not be available after the 10th. Purchased tickets will be handed out in the front foyer the day of the luncheon. The following is the lunch schedule for the event: Kindergarten – 10:45 1st Grade – 11:05 2nd Grade – 11:25 3rd Grade – 11:45 4th Grade – 12:05 5th Grade – 12:25 6th Grade – 1:00 If you would like to volunteer and assist with the luncheon, please contact Cat St. John at We hope to see you there! Thank You!! Farley Fox Trot November 18, 2014; 6:30PM 3rd Grade Music Program November 18, 2014; 7:30PM 4th Grade Music Program November 19, 2014; 3PM Early Release/Dismissal November 19, 2014; 10:45AM – 1:30PM Thanksgiving Luncheon November 21, 2014 Fall Picture Retakes November 26 - 28, 2014 Thanksgiving Break – No School December 2, 2014; 6PM PTO Town Hall Meeting Thank you to Danae Goreham-Silsby for coordinating the lunch provided to the Teachers during Parent/Teacher Conferences and to everyone who help make the lunch possible. Thank you for making Farley a generous community. We could not do it without you! Page 1 of 5 December 10, 2014; 3PM Early Release/Dismissal More Important News Fall Picture Retakes November 21st is picture retake day. If you would like your student’s picture retaken, please send them to school picture ready along with the full package you received. Your student will need to give the photographer the package of unwanted photographs in order to have their picture retaken. You will receive the same package level of the retake picture. If your student missed picture day in October, please send them to school picture ready along with a completed order form and payment. You may also go online to to place your order in advance. Please print your confirmation to send with your student. Do not have your student retake their picture if you are unhappy with just the background. Lifetouch asks that you contact them at (913)649-7040 and they will assist you with the change. It will take approximately 3 weeks to receive your pictures from the day they are taken. A Note from the Health Room The need for clean/dry pants and underwear has been a common problem so far this year in the Health Room and the supply is running low! If you have any gently used pants, shorts, sweats or jeans in any kid sizes that you are wanting to get rid of, it would be greatly appreciated if you would consider donating them to the Health Room. Boy pants are the greatest need currently! Also, please consider donating new underwear. Thank you! Melissa Rabb RN, BSN Page 2 of 5 Watch D.O.G.S We are looking for dads and dad-like figures to volunteer with Watch D.O.G.S. Dads of Great Students is a program that involves male role models in the school. Come and spend the day at Farley and be the lunchroom super hero of milk cartons, dazzle the students with your athletic abilities at recess and help out in your student’s classroom. We promise, the smiles alone will make you want to sign up again! More information will be presented at Open House but you have any questions or would like to pick a day to volunteer, please contact David Hinkle at or call/text at 785-215-9686. Late Arrival, Transportation Changes and Dismissal Students that are late must be physically signed in by a parent/guardian or it will be considered and unexcused tardy. If your student will be tardy or absent, please contact the school before 9:30am to ensure they are accounted for and can receive a hot lunch if needed. In the event of transportation changes, the Farley office must be made aware of any change no later than 2:30pm. Please note that teachers may not be able to access emails throughout the day and this is not the best means of informing the school of a same-day change. Lastly, normal release time is 3:45pm. Car riders must be picked up promptly at 3:45pm. Failure to do so could result in action from our district office. Farley Cares Each December Farley chooses an organization to raise money and collect donations for. This year the PTO has selected the Topeka Rescue Mission as our beneficiary. On November 21st, Barry Feaker with the Topeka Rescue Mission will be at Farley to give a presentation to the students during the Town Hall. Please watch for information on how you and your student(s) can help support this cause during the holiday season. Page 3 of 5 Auburn-Washburn USD 437 Elementary Lunch Menu Wednesday Thursday Monday Tuesday 11/3/2014 11/4/2014 11/5/2014 11/6/2014 11/7/2014 Beef Soft Taco Lettuce, Tomato Sweet Potato Pineapple Fruit & Veggie Bar Milk Condiments Salad Dressing Variety Chicken Nuggets Bread Chicken Drummies Mashed Potatoes Chicken Gravy Bread Stick 2oz Banana Fruit Cup Fruit & Veggie Bar Milk Condiments Salad Dressing Variety Corn Dog Black Bean Mix Mac N Cheese Steamed Peas Pears Cookie Fruit & Veggie Bar Milk Condiments Salad Dressing Variety Pizza Chicken & Gravy over Mashed Crispito Refried Beans Applesauce Fruit & Veggie Bar Milk Condiments Salad Dressing Variety Cheese Stick/Sauce 11/10/2014 11/11/2014 11/12/2014 BBQ Pork Sandwich Baked Beans Pears Fruit & Veggie Bar Milk Condiments Salad Dressing Variety Chicken Nuggets Bread Chicken Patty Sandwich Sweet Potato Sherbet Fruit & Veggie Bar Milk Condiments Salad Dressing Variety Corn Dog Black Bean Mix Hot Dog on a Bun Fresh Broccoli Fruit Salad Fruit & Veggie Bar Milk Condiments Salad Dressing Variety Pizza 11/17/2014 11/18/2014 11/19/2014 Salisbury Steak Bread Stick 2oz Mashed Potatoes Beef Gravy Peaches Fruit & Veggie Bar Milk Condiments Salad Dressing Variety Chicken Nuggets Bread Beefy Nachos Refried Beans Applesauce Fruit & Veggie Bar Milk Condiments Salad Dressing Variety Corn Dog Black Bean Mix Thanksgiving Luncheon Page 4 of 5 Potatoes Bread Stick 2oz Fresh Broccoli Peaches Fruit & Veggie Bar Milk Condiments Salad Dressing Variety Chicken Patty Sandwich Black Bean Quesadilla 11/13/2014 Friday 11/14/2014 Chicken Fried Steak Mashed Potatoes Biscuit Gravy Strawberry & Banana Bar Whole Wheat Roll 2oz Fruit & Veggie Bar Milk Condiments Salad Dressing Variety Chicken Patty Sandwich Black Bean Quesadilla 11/20/2014 Beef & Noodles Bread Stick 2oz Corn Pear Fruit Cup Fruit & Veggie Bar Milk Condiments Salad Dressing Variety Cheese Stick/Sauce French Toast Sticks Sausage 2 Patties Potato Roasters Juice Fruit & Veggie Bar Milk Condiments Salad Dressing Variety Chicken Patty Sandwich Black Bean Quesadilla Steak Fingers Whole Wheat Roll 2oz 11/21/2014 Mashed Potatoes Gravy Pineapple Fruit & Veggie Bar Milk Condiments Salad Dressing Variety Cheese Stick/Sauce 11/24/2014 11/25/2014 11/26/2014 11/27/2014 11/28/2014 Hamburger on a Bun Lettuce, Tomato Baked Beans Pear Fruit Cup Fruit & Veggie Bar Milk Condiments Salad Dressing Variety Chicken Nuggets Bread Sub Sandwich SunChips Carrots Fresh Fruit Milk Mustard Packets Mayonnaise Packets No School No School No School *N/A* - denotes a nutrient that is either missing or incomplete for and individual ingredient. * - denotes combined nutrient totals with either missing or incomplete nutrient data. Notice: The data contained within this report and the NUTRIKIDS® Menu Planning and Nutritional Analysis software should not be used for and does not provide menu planning for a child with a medical condition or food allergy. Ingredients and menu items are subject to change or substitution without notice. Please consult a medical professional for assistance in planning for or treating medical conditions. Page 5 of 5
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