121218_121218:1 Våg för flaskpaket - 5 QMT 7-217800 Våg för flaskpaket - 5 är byggd efter en genomtänkt konstruktion, där också många värdefulla synpunkter från användarna har tagits tillvara. Flexibilitet och stryktålighet har varit några av ledstjärnorna, utan att vi därför har gjort avkall på noggrannhet eller driftsäkerhet. Förutom vägning av pallar, så kan vågen användas även i andra sammanhang för en rationell godshantering. Vågen finns i kapaciteten 2000 kg med upplösning 0,5 kg. Som utrustningsalternativ kan vågen även kopplas till ett larmsystem. Vågen är försedd med handtag och hjul för enkel förflyttning. Uppbyggnad Den mekaniska konstruktionen är utförd i en s k U-lådbalkform, som ger största möjliga stadga och styvhet. Hela konstruktionen består av väldimensionerade, pulverlackade och noga sammansvetsade ståldetaljer. Detta ger vågen de grundläggande egenskaper, som behövs för att uppfylla de högt ställda kraven på noggrannhet. Den sinnrika infästningen av de fyra typgodkända lastcellerna med sina rörliga fötter, en i varje ”hörn”, innebär vägningar med hög precision. Infästningsmetoden medverkar också till att stryktåligheten blir större än vad som är vanligt. Lastcellerna är inkapslade i ett dammtätt hölje (IP67) av förnicklat stål, vilket också gör dem mycket miljötåliga. Den medföljande kabeln från lastcellernas kopplingslåda levereras i en standard-längd om 4 meter. Beträffande olika alternativa våginstrument hänvisas till våra separata datablad. Garanti Ett års garanti från leverans. Underhåll och kalibrering Vid behov av noggranna mätresultat bör vågen testas 1 gång varje år. Utför provvägningen med spårbara vikter. Två stycken tester är nödvändiga för att se ifall vågen fungerar korrekt. 1. Kontrollera att vågen mäter rätt genom att väga spårvikter. 2. Testa varje lastcell genom att väga i varje hörn för sig. Kontrollera även att vågen står jämnt och ingenting ligger emot den. Vid behov av kalibrering, se separat instruktion för våginstrumentet eller signalförstärkaren. Vågen ska stå i torr miljö. Ifall produkten utsätts för väta och det tränger in i lastcellerna ska de bytas. Kontakta Qmt-tech för support. Adress Amerikavägen 6 393 56 KALMAR, Sweden Telefon +46(0)480 44 02 00 Telefax +46(0)480 44 00 10 Hemsida/ e-post www.qmt3.com info@qmt3.com Tekniska data Våg - 5 Kapacitet: Största avvikelse max: Temperaturområde: Lastceller: Täthetsklass lastceller: Matningsspänning: Accepterad överlast: Utimpedans: Yttre dimensioner: Egenvikt: 0 - 1500 kg, 0 - 2000 kg 0,5 kg -10 till +40ºC 4 st. OIML-godkända i klass C3 med ledad fot. IP67 5-15 V 150% 87 ±3 Ω 1250 x 840 x 84 ca 39 kg Kopplingsschema Måttritning 840 1250 84 Beställningsinformation Artikel Artikelnummer Våg för flaskpaket - 5 QMT 7-217800 Utrustningsalternativ för anslutning till Qmt Larmsystem Masterwatch 4 Signalförstärkare CPJ Adress Amerikavägen 6 393 56 KALMAR, Sweden Telefon +46(0)480 44 02 00 Telefax +46(0)480 44 00 10 Hemsida/ e-post www.qmt3.com info@qmt3.com The CPJ device is a sensor analog conditioner. It is mainly used with strain gauges sensors as load cells, torque sensors or pressure sensors. The CPJ2S version includes management of 2 adjustable set points. CPJ, DIN rail model CPJ, Board model CPJ, P65 Housing model Adress Amerikavägen 6 393 56 KALMAR, Sweden Telefon +46(0)480 44 02 00 Telefax +46(0)480 44 00 10 Hemsida/ e-post www.qmt3.com info@qmt3.com Specifications, CPJ Power supply 24+/-4 VDC Accuracy class 0.05% Zero temperature drift <0.035%/°C (FS*) Span temperature drift <0.02%/°C (FS*) Operating temperature range 0…+70°C Sensor supply voltage (jumper selection) 3, 5, 10 V Min. sensor impedance - voltage 3, 5 V 80 Ω - voltage 10 V 160 Ω Span adjustment 0.15 … 12 mV/V Max. supply current CPJ/CPJ2S 120/170 mA Voltage output +/-10, 0-10 V Current output 4-20 mA Load impedance (Voltage output) >2000 Ω Load impedance (Current output) <500 Ω Output capacitive load <1 nF Filter (jumper selection) 10 Hz Bandwidth (up to) 20 KHz *FS = Full Scale Wiring and setting devices positionning Sensors connection, Optional potentiometer input Power supply and analog outputs, Optional potentiometer input Shunt calibration / control Sensors connection, Optional potentiometer input Zero adjustment Sensor sensitivity selection Power supply and analog outputs Span adjustment Sensor signal filtering Adress Amerikavägen 6 393 56 KALMAR, Sweden Telefon +46(0)480 44 02 00 Telefax +46(0)480 44 00 10 Hemsida/ e-post www.qmt3.com info@qmt3.com Sensors connection The CPJ is able to manage up to 4 load cells (350 Ω) connected in parallel through an ALCJB junction box. Sensor supply voltage Set the jumper in position corresponding to the selected voltage : 3 VDC, 5 VDC or 10 VDC. The load cells are generally supplied in 5 V (default value). 3 V voltage is useful for some particular sensors, 10 V is recommended for low sensitivity (or low output signal) sensors. Warning : - With 10 VDC supply voltage, only 2 load cells (350 Ω) can be connected. - For load cells used in ATEX area and protected by Zener barriers, do not use 10 V supply voltage. Power supply and analog outputs 4/20 mA current analog output and 0/10V voltage analog output can be used simultaneously. The ‘Gnd’ points are internally connected in the circuit board. Telefon Adress +46(0)480 44 02 00 Amerikavägen 6 393 56 KALMAR, Sweden Telefax +46(0)480 44 00 10 Hemsida/ e-post www.qmt3.com info@qmt3.com Sensor signal filtering The filter is a second order low-pass type with 10 Hz cutting frequency. The filter is generally used to eliminate troubles caused by vibrations of the installation. If a quick response time is necessary, it’s recommended to disable the filter. Enable filtering Jumper to set filter Sensor sensitivity selection To get the correct signal on the analog output (0/10 V or 4/20 mA), set the sensor sensitivity jumper according to the following table: Note: The load cell sensitivity is indicated on the quality control sheet attached with the load cell. Positionning of configuration jumper Example • Load cell with 500 kg capacity and 2 mV/V sensitivity. Load cell supply voltage : 5 V • Maximum load to be measured : 200 kg for 10 V • Sensitivity for a 200 kg load = (200 kg/500 kg) x 2 mV/V = 0.8 mV/V • The jumper will be set in position number 3 Adress Amerikavägen 6 393 56 KALMAR, Sweden Telefon +46(0)480 44 02 00 Telefax +46(0)480 44 00 10 Hemsida/ e-post www.qmt3.com info@qmt3.com Zero adjustment • Verify that no load (except the load receptor) is applied on the load cell. • Approach the zero with P2 potentiometer and make a fine adjustment with P3 potentiometer. - Analog output 0/10 V : voltmeter displays 0 V. - Analog output 4/20 mA : ampere meter displays 4 mA. Span adjustment • After zero adjustment, apply a known load on the load cell. • Adjust span with P1 potentiometer until the analog output signal complies with the applied load. Example : If the applied load is the maximum load, adjust P1 until output signal is 10 V or 20 mA. If the applied load is not the max. load. For example, with a 200 kg load cell and only a 100 kg load available for the adjustment : Adjust P1 to obtain: 10 V x (100 kg / 200 kg) = 5 V (or 12 mA) • Remove the load and verify the zero adjustment. If necessary, make a new zero adjustment followed by a new span adjustment. Shunt calibration / control If the load cell specifications are well known : - Output resistance (Z) and Sensitivity (S). It is not necessary to put a calibrated weight on the load cell for span adjustment. You just have to : 1. Connect the load cell 2. Select the load cell sensitivity (Sensor sensitivity selection) 3. Adjust the zero (Zero adjustment) Then : 4. While maintaining pressure on the push button ‘Cal’, adjust the output voltage (or current) with P1 potentiometer. The adjustment value is defined by the following formula : - For 0/10 V analog output : V(V) = [(Z+1) / S] x 0.025 - For 4/20 mA analog output : I(mA) = [(Z+1) / S] x 0.04 + 4 With Z = output load cell resistance (Ω) S = Load cell sensitivity (mV/V) 5. Release the push button ‘Cal’ and check the zero adjustment. If necessary, make a new zero adjustment and start again this process. Example • Load cell with 500 kg capacity, 2 mV/V sensitivity and 350 Ω output resistance • Voltage of 0/10 V output (to obtain 10 V at 500 kg) V = [(350 Ω + 1) / 2 mV/V] x 0.025 = 4.387 V • Output current (to obtain 20 mA at 500 kg) I = [(350 Ω + 1) / 2 mV/V] x 0.04 + 4 = 11.02 mA In case of calculation result > 10 V or 20 mA please ask Qmt ab, Sweden Telefon Adress +46(0)480 44 02 00 Amerikavägen 6 393 56 KALMAR, Sweden Telefax +46(0)480 44 00 10 Hemsida/ e-post www.qmt3.com info@qmt3.com Optional potentiometer input To obtain a 0/10V (or 4/20mA) output signal for the total potentiometer coarse, set up the CPJ as follow: Set points option: CPJ2S The CPJ2S version includes all the previous functionalities and, in addition, the possibility to manage 2 set points thanks to an additional electronic board. Presentation CPJ2S, DIN rail model CPJ2S, Board model General specifications of set points Adress Amerikavägen 6 393 56 KALMAR, Sweden Telefon +46(0)480 44 02 00 Telefax +46(0)480 44 00 10 Hemsida/ e-post www.qmt3.com info@qmt3.com Wiring and setting devices positionning Set points adjustment Set points adjustment Latching Photorelays connections Note : Each set point can be adjusted separately. Set points option: CPJ2S Photorelays functioning direction The photorelays can be used with positive or negative logic. For this, put or remove the corresponding jumper (Logic Positive/Negative). Set points functioning Positive signal Adress Amerikavägen 6 393 56 KALMAR, Sweden Telefon +46(0)480 44 02 00 Telefax +46(0)480 44 00 10 Negative signal Hemsida/ e-post www.qmt3.com info@qmt3.com Hysteresis To avoid oscillation of the set point relays, an hysteresis is applied (jumper Hysteresis Min/Max). - If the jumper is removed, the hysteresis value is 20 mV (0.2% of FS). - If the jumper is in place (by default), the hysteresis value is 110 mV (1.1% of FS). Set points adjustment The set points can be ajusted with experiments or by using a voltmeter. Experimental adjustment : Apply on the load cell the load corresponding to the wanted set point. Adjust the potentiometer until the state of the corresponding light changes. Adjustment with voltmeter : Connect the voltmeter between the measurement points (V1 or V2) and GND (voltmeter input ”-” connected to GND ). Adjust the corresponding potentiometer to the desired set point voltage. The adjustment error is <2% with maximum hysteresis and <0.5% with minimum hysteresis. Example : the CPJ is adjusted for 10 V (or 20 mA) output with max. load. For a requested set point at 80% of max. load, adjust the potentiometer (SP1 or SP2) to obtain 8 V on measuring point. Holding time It is possible to maintain the set point during a minimum time depending on the ‘Holding timeMin/ Max’’ jumper position: - Jumper in place: Holding time = 5 ms - Jumper removed: Holding time = 600 ms Latching It is possible to latch the set point by engaging the latch function. To enable the latch function, just remove the ‘Latch Yes/No’ jumper. Release of latched set point is possible by powering off the CPJ or by realizing a short-circuit on he ‘Reset latch’ connector. Telefon Adress +46(0)480 44 02 00 Amerikavägen 6 393 56 KALMAR, Sweden Telefax +46(0)480 44 00 10 Hemsida/ e-post www.qmt3.com info@qmt3.com
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