“Curtains” 2015 CLCHS Musical Audition Packet Auditions for Curtains will take place on Monday, December 1 (Acting/Singing), Tuesday, December 2 (Dance), and Wednesday, December 3 (Acting/Singing) beginning at 3pm, with callbacks on Thursday, December 4 from 3-6pm. Students must complete the online audition form available at www.clcchoirs.org. Students should sign up for one (1) dancing slot and (1) acting/singing slot. Students must complete both auditions. Please sign up for your audition early. Slots will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. If you need to make a change to your audition time, please see Mr. Hubly. For the acting/singing audition you will perform your monologue first, followed by your prepared song. For the dance audition, you will learn a short combination with other students and then perform the dance as a group. Please do not be overly concerned with the dance audition if you have no dancing experience. Many parts in the show are not dancing parts, even though all students must perform the dance audition. AUDITION REQUIRMENTS o Prepare one musical selection. The song must be from a musical, but should not be from Curtains. The song must be memorized. An accompanist will be provided at the audition. You must have sheet music for your audition piece. Your prepared selection should only be 1 minute in length. Please feel free to perform a particular section of a song. Sheet music can be easily purchased in music stores and on the internet. The CL Public Library is a great resource for free music! o Prepare one of the attached monologues. You will perform this monologue and it should be memorized. Although important, do not concentrate on the memorization of the monologue, but rather, concentrate on the performance and the character of the piece. o For dance, all you need to do is come prepared in comfortable clothing. A few short combinations will be taught and then performed in groups. Again, do not worry about the dance audition. If you are having trouble, try your best and show the auditors that you can perform. Facial expressions, composure, presentation, and determination are all qualities that the auditors will look for. Try your best and show us that you are having fun! The callback list will be posted on Thursday, December 4 at 7:00am. Call back auditions will be held from 3-6pm on Thursday, December 4 in the auditorium. If you receive a callback, please see Mr. Hubly immediately for a callback packet. If you are not called back, you MAY still be cast in the show. Be sure to check the list! The cast list will be posted at 2:50pm on Monday, December 15 outside the choir room. If you are cast, please initial your name to note acceptance of your part. First rehearsal is from 3:005:30pm on December 18. If you have questions, please see Mr. Hubly in the Music Office. “Curtains” Character List Lieutenant Frank Cioffi – Local Boston detective who is also a musical theatre aficionado. Aside from being exceptionally good at his job, he has also aspired to be a musical theatre performer his entire life. He falls in love with Niki. (Lead) Niki Harris – Pretty, naïve ingénue. Niki is a chorus girl/understudy in the chorus of the show-within-theshow during its Boston tryout. She aspires to make it as a performer on Broadway. She meets and falls in love with Lt. Frank Cioffi who is investigating a murder at the theatre. Actress must have legit Soprano and good comic timing. (Lead) Georgia Hendricks – Female half of our songwriting team. She ends up taking on the leading lady role. She must sing and dance well. (Lead) Carmen Bernstein – Brassy Broadway producer. She is a terrific comedic actress. (Lead) Aaron Fox – The composer of the show-within-the-show. His songwriting partner, Georgia, is also his wife from whom he's separated. He's a sexy, charming ladies man. (Lead) Sidney Bernstein – The producer of an out of town flop. Sidney is tough and self-serving. Actor should have good comic timing. (Featured) Christopher Belling – English director. Very camp. Very funny. Requires a good comic lead actor. (Lead) Bambi Bernet – Performer in the chorus and daughter of Carmen, the lead producer. Hungry to work her way up to leading performer many think she was only hired because of her mother. Bambi is a good dancer/comedienne. (Supporting) Daryl Grady – A Theatre critic for the local Boston newspaper, he enjoys using the power he has to make or break shows during their out of town tryouts. (Featured) Johnny Harmon - The Stage Manager of the show-within-the-show. Johnny is a character man who is gruff but lovable. He keeps the company in line and on their toes throughout the rehearsal process. (Supporting) Oscar Shapiro - The general manager. He is an agreeable if slightly gruff man. He is always looking for any angle to find money. Requires a good comic actor who sings. (Supporting) Bobby Pepper - The choreographer and lead dancer. He is a strong dancer who sings. (Supporting) Jessica Cranshaw - Fading Hollywood star. A diva, who has no right to be one, she is a terrible singer and actress who stars in the show-within-the-show and gets murdered on its opening night. (Featured) Sasha Iljinsky - The show’s pit conductor. He sings the opening song in Act II and leads the orchestra. (Mr. Levin) Chorus Parts Randy Dexter & Harv Freemont - Form the male trio with Bobby in Robbin’ Hood (Featured) Men & Women of the company – Play various parts in Robbin’ Hood (Chorus) Det. O’Farrell – Assists Lt. Cioffi (Chorus) Monologues Monologue #1 (Female) My sister, Veronica, and I had this double act and my husband, Charlie, traveled around with us. Now for the last number in our act, we did these 20 acrobatic tricks in a row, one, two, three, four, five... Splits, spread eagles, back flips, flip flops, one right after the other. Well, this one night before the show we are in a hotel Cicero, the three of us, sittin' up in a hotel room, boozin' and havin' a few laughs and we ran out of ice, so I went out to get some. I come back, open the door and there's Veronica and Charlie doing Number Seventeen -the spread eagle. Well, I was in such a state of shock, I completely blacked out. I can't remember a thing. It wasn't until later, when I was washing the blood off my hands I even knew they were dead. Monologue #2 (Female) I thought you did it for me, mama. I thought you made a no talent ox into a star because you like doing things the hard way Mama. And you have no talent. Not what I call talent, Miss Gypsy Rose Lee! I made you...I made you! And you wanna know why? You wanna know what I did it for? 'Cause I was born too soon and started too late, that's why. What I got in me, I could have been better than any of you! What I got in me, what I been holding down inside of me, if I ever let it go, there wouldn't have been signs big enough. There wouldn't have been lights bright enough. Monologue #3 (Male) At exactly six o'clock tonight I came home from work. My wife, Myra, was in her room getting dressed for the party. I got a bottle of champagne from the refrigerator and headed upstairs. Rosetta, the cook, was in the kitchen with Romero, her son. I tapped on her door. She opens it. I hand her a glass of champagne. We drink, we kiss, and we toast. We drink, we kiss, we toast again...By seven o'clock the bottle is finished, my wife is sloshed, and I'm completely toasted. Suddenly, a gentle knock on the door. The door opens and a strange young man looks down on us with a knife in his hands. Myra screams. I jump up and run for the gun in my drawer. I run back in with the pistol, ready to save my wife's life. The strange young man says, "Yo quito se dablo enchilada por quesa en quinto minuto." But I don't speak Spanish, and I never saw Rosetta's son, Romero, before, so I aimed my gun at him, Myra screams and pulls my arm. The gun goes off and shoots me in the ear lobe. Monologue #4 (Male) You know, not many people knew it, but the Führer was a terrific dancer. That is because you were taken in by that verdammte Allied propaganda! Such filthy lies! They told lies! But nobody ever said a bad word about Winston Churchill, did they? No! "Win with Winnie!" Churchill! With his cigars, with his brandy. And his ROTTEN painting! Rotten! Hitler, THERE was a painter! He could paint an entire apartment in one afternoon! TWO COATS! Churchill. He couldn't even say "Nazi". He would say "Nooooozeeehz, Nooooozeeehz!" It wasn't NOSES, it was NAZIS! Churchill! Let me tell you THIS! And you're hearing this straight from the horse Hitler was better looking than Churchill. He was a better dresser than Churchill. He had more hair! He told funnier jokes! And he could dance the PANTS off of Churchill! 2015 CLC Winter Musical – “Curtains” Production Information Important Dates Auditions – December 1, 2, & 3, 2014 Callbacks – December 4, 2014 – 3-6pm Cast List Posted – December 15, 2014 First Rehearsal – December 18, 2014 – 3-5:30pm School Day Performances – March 11, 2015 – 9:15am & 1:30pm Public Performances – March 12, 13, & 14, 2015 – 7pm, March 15, 2015 – 2pm Set Strike – March 15, 2015 immediately following the show (Required) Attendance Policy Students are expected to attend all rehearsals when they are scheduled. Students may request an excused absence in writing at least three days in advance. Requests will be judged on a case-bycase basis. Students who accumulate two unexcused absences will face removal from the production. Two tardies will equal 1 unexcused absence. Students missing three rehearsals for any reason may be re-cast or removed from the production. Students also must remain academically eligible per the policy outlined in the student handbook. If a student is proved ineligible, the absences will not be excused. Fees All students cast in the production will pay a $15 script fee and a $35 costume fee. This fee helps defray the cost of the rental costumes. This fee will also include a cast t-shirt. “Curtains” is licensed by “Theatrical Rights Worldwide” which also students to keep their script. Students will have the option to purchase a make-up kit if they need one. Any student who has a problem paying the required fees should see Mr. Hubly privately. Tech/Dress Rehearsal Dinner Break Technical and Dress Rehearsal runs are scheduled from 3-9pm. Students will be given a dinner break. The time of the dinner break will vary based on what is being rehearsed. Students will be given a minimum of 45 minutes to eat dinner. Students may leave the building, or they can bring a brown bag dinner. Production Staff Producer/Director – Mr. Justin Hubly (CLC Humanities Division) Assistant Director – TBA Choreographer – Ms. Chesney Murphy (Judith Svalander’s School of Ballet) Technical Director – Mr. Steve Knope (CLC International Studies Division) Assistant Tech. Director – Mr. Mark Rzepecki (CLC International Studies Division) Orchestra Director/Conductor – Mr. Keith Levin (CLC Humanities Division) Costumer – Mrs. Kim Scherrer (CLC Humanities Division) Lights Design – Mr. Alec Kinastowski (Kinsathetics, Inc.) Sound Design – Mr. Johnny Dwyer (TC Furlong Sound Design) Piano Accompanist – Ms. Dani Cairoli (Piano Trends) Student Director – TBA
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