ASSOCIATION of AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS 88th international scientific-and-technological conference TECHNICAL REGULATION IN THE FIELD OF MOTOR VEHICLES December 3-4, 2014 PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME AND INVITATION Testing Centre Avtopoligon, Moscow region, the RF 2 DEAR COLLEAGUE! The interregional public organisation Association of Automotive Engineers (AAE) together with the State Scientific Centre of the RF FSUE NAMI and supported by: Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation; Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation; Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology; Department for Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation; Association of Russian Automakers (OAR); National Association of Automotive Component Manufacturers (NAPAK); National Association of Technical Service and Maintenance Organisations (NAPTO); Publishing House AAE-PRESS. Will hold: On December 3-4, 2014, 88th international scientific-and technological conference on the theme TECHNICAL REGULATION IN THE FIELD OF MOTOR VEHICLES On December 4th will be hold the traditional seminar for experts in the field of vehicle certification on the theme Development of international regulation in the framework of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29). The conference will take place in the territory of NICIAMT FSUE NAMI, Avtopoligon, Moscow region. National and foreign manufacturers of vehicles and automotive components, experts of scientific and research institutions and higher educational establishments, transport organizations, representatives of federal executive authorities of the Russian Federation and CIS countries are invited to the conference. 3 GENERAL INFORMATION The report duration is up to 20 minutes, communications – no more than 7-10 minutes. Speakers are kindly requested to follow the order, Equipment support – computer projector. The entities, organizations and individuals according to the free standing agreement are given opportunity of exhibiting and presentation of the test equipment, devices and engineering services with respect to the conference scope. Conference materials will be published in Automotive Engineers’ Magazine. Speakers are kindly requested to send their reports to Executive Secretary Yurii Galevko till November 26, 2014. REGISTRATION FEE The covering of expenses on carrying out the conference and the edition of its materials is performed at the expense of annual fees of AAE collective members for 2014. The organizations, which are not members of AAE, shall transfer to the Association account a target fee for support of its authorized activities in the amount of 2500 rubles for the participant. In the payment order, it is necessary to specify "A target fee on the 88th AAE conference. The VAT isn't assessed". Payment of the fees stated above will be controlled. PAYMENT DETAILS of AAE: Receiving bank: OAO MInB “Moscow industrial bank”, Moscow, BIC 044525600, account 30101810300000000600. Receiver: IPO Association of Automotive Engineers in MRG OAO MInB branch, SO Dmitrov Branch Transaction account 40703810500370000109 TIN/TRRC 5007004194/500701001, AllRussia Classifier of Types of Activity 98400, General Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations 18193650 THE ADRESSE OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AND WORKING GROUP: AAE Executive committee 141830, Avtopoligon, Dmitrov district, Moscow region, Association of Automotive Engineers Telephone: (495) 994-9922 Yurii Galevko Tatyana Ivanova Fax: (495) 994-9940, (495) 994-9922 Е-mail:, Working group: 123514, 2 Avtomotornaya str., Moscow Telephone: (495) 4566251, Boris Kisulenko Fax: (495) 4563195 E-mail: 4 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION The nearest hotels: NAMI hotel, Avtopoligon. Reception (495) 994-99-03. KRISTALL hotel, Dmitrov. Reception/fax (495)727-3825/(49622)5-4588 Please, book the hotel beforehand. Route: Moscow, from the Savelovsky station the electric train to Dmitrov, further by bus or share taxi No. 41 to a final stop "Avtopoligon". During the conference from Moscow to Proving Ground and back delivery of participants will be performed by bus of NICIAMT FSUE NAMI. The departure from Moscow will be at 8 a.m. from “Altufyevo” metro station, about 60 m towards the region from a stop of the regular bus Moscow-Dmitrov No. 401 (an exit from the subway in the direction of the electric train and to the right). A text on the route index of the bus: НАМИ. WORKING GROUP: B. Kisulenko, Doctor of Engineering Science, Deputy General Director of State Scientific Centre of the RF FSUE NAMI, the chairman of World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) of UNECE. Group Head Phone: (495) 456-6251 Е S. Vylegzhanin Chief of SRC – Head of Department of Testing Centre of FSUE NAMI Deputy Group Head Phone: (495) 994-9905 Е-mail: A. Gusarov, Candidate of Engineering Science Chief of Certification Body Group member Phone: (495)994-9905 Е A. Schepkin Candidate of Engineering Science, Director of FSUE NAMI Centre, Head of Department of SATR-FOUND. Group member Phone: (499) 153-1540 Е A. Kulikov Head of Department of All-Russian Research Institute of Standardization and Certification in Engineering S. Fomochkin Deputy Head of Department of the Head Office for Traffic Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Group member Phone: (499) 259-7485 Е Group member Phone: (495) 620-6762 5 Chairman B. Kisulenko D. Zagarin Deputy Chairman A. Zazhigalkin Deputy Chairman D. Valeev A. Drozd A. Ivanov I. Korovkin V. Kotlyarenko V. Koreshkov A. Lotsmanov A. Morozov E. Mukhin M. Nagaytsev A. Nikolaenko A. Orlov A. Redzyuk E. Sygymbaev V. Chetverikov P. Shabanov 6 STRUCTURE OF OGRANIZATION COMMITTEE: Doctor of Engineering Science, Chairman of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) of UNECE, Deputy General Director of State Scientific Centre of the RF FSUE NAMI, VicePresident of AAE. Candidate of Engineering Science, Deputy General Director of State Scientific Centre of the RF FSUE NAMI – Director of NAMI’s Testing Centre, President of AAE. Candidate of Juridical Science, Deputy Chief of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, Chief of the Administrative Body of the Russian Federation in ’58 Geneva Agreement. Candidate of Engineering Science, Chief Designer of State Scientific Centre of the RF FSUE NAMI – Director of STC OAO KamAZ, Vice-president of AAE. Deputy Chief Engineer of RUE MZKT. Doctor of Engineering Science, Prof., Pro-rector for Research of MARSTU (MADI). Candidate of Economic Science, Executive Director of OAR, Vicepresident of AAE. Doctor of Engineering Science, Head of Department for Technical Regulation of State Policy Department in the field of road facilities, motor vehicles and urban passenger transport of the RF Ministry of Transportation Candidate of Engineering Science, Minister for technical regulation issues of ECE Deputy Head of Technical Regulation Committee of Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Doctor of Economic Science, Director of Department for transport and special machinery manufacturing of Ministry of Industry and Trade of the RF Head of SRC for Traffic Safety of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the RF Candidate of Engineering Science, General Director of State Scientific Centre of the RF FSUE NAMI, Head of the Technical Secretariat of the Administrative Authority, Vice-President of AAE Doctor of Economic Science, Rector of the federal state budget educational institution of higher professional education "Moscow State Engineering University (MAMI)», Vice-President of AAE Acting Vice-President for technical development of OAO AVTOVAZ General Director of the State Enterprise "State Road Transport Research and Design Institute" President of AO AZIA AVTO General Director of OOO "Joint Engineering Centre", GAZ Group, VicePresident of AAE Chief Designer for automotive engineering of OAO "MAZ" - managing company for "BELAVTOMAZ" holding. 900 - 1000 PROGRAMME December 3 Registration of participants 1000 PLENARY SESSION (conference-hall) Chairman - D. Zagarin, President of AAE Opening of conference, welcome speech:___________ 1. 1020-1040 2. 1040-1100 3. 1100-1120 1120-1140 4. 1140-1200 5. 1200-1220 6. 1220– 1240 7. 1240-1300 8. 1300–1320 Perspectives of the Federal Law on standardization A. Zazhigalkin, Candidate of Economic Science, Deputy Chief of Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, Chief of the Administrative Body of the Russian Federation in ’58 Geneva Agreement. The development strategy of the automotive industry (Topic to be confirmed) A. Morozov, Doctor of Economic Science, Director of Department for transport and special machinery manufacturing of Ministry of Industry and Trade of the RF Accreditation of Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories for working under TR CU 018/2011(Topic to be confirmed) S. Migin, Deputy Chief of Federal Accreditation Service, Head of Control and Analysis Department of FAS Break Aspects of the entry into force of TR CU 018/2011(Topic to be confirmed) V. Gurevitch, First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus Implementation of TR CU 018/2011(Topic to be confirmed) B. Kisulenko, Doctor of Engineering Science, Deputy General Director of State Scientific Centre of the RF FSUE NAMI, Chairman of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) of UNECE View of the automotive industry on Custom Union homologation process (Topic to be confirmed) F. Shauff, General Director of the Association of European Businesses in Russia The role of the industry in creating a system of technical regulation A. Lotsmanov, First Deputy Chairman of Technical Regulation Committee of Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Aspects of the entry into force of TR CU 018/2011(Topic to be confirmed) V. Boitsov, Director of Department of Technical Regulation and Accreditation of Eurasian Economic Commission 7 1320 – 1420 Lunch break 9. Aspects of the entry into force of TR CU 018/2011(Topic to be 20 40 14 – 14 confirmed) E. Sagymbaev, President of AO AZIA AVTO 10. 1440– 1500 Problems of vehicle operational safety A. Ivanov, Pro-rector for Research of MARSTU (MADI) 11. 1500– 1520 World practice for energy management S. Bahmutov, Deputy General Director of FSUE NAMI 12. The concept of regulation of CO2 emissions and eco-labels in the 20 40 15 – 15 Russian Federation A. Gusarov, Candidate of Engineering Science, Chief of SCC AMT body. 1540 – 1600 Break 13. 1620-1640 Wheeled vehicles safety strategy for the period till 2025 - 2030 I. Korovkin, Candidate of Economic Science, Deputy Director of OAR, Vice-President of AAE 14. 1640-1700 On the regulatory requirements for ERA-GLONASS V. Gladkih, Deputy Director of technical regulation service 15. 1700-1720 Technical regulation in the field of guard rails D. Zagarin, Candidate of Engineering Science, Deputy General Director of the State Scientific Centre of the RF FSUE NAMI – Director of NAMI’s Testing Centre Note: the programme may be specified by the beginning of the conference. 1730 1745 1730 1830 8 Completion of the plenary session of the first day of the conference Departure to Moscow AAE Board meeting Banquet December 4, 1000 Seminar for experts in vehicles certification DEVELOPMENT OF INTERNATIONAL REGULATION IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE WORLD FORUM FOR HARMONIZATION OF VEHICLE REGULATIONS (WP.29) Chairman – B. Kisulenko, Doctor of Engineering Science, Chairman of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) 1. Projects of new regulations and amendments to the existing ones, discussed by Working Party on Braking and Running Gear (GRRF) Experts: A. Bocharov, Candidate of Engineering Science (SATR-Found), A. Prokofiev (NICIAMT FSUE NAMI), V. Kalinkovskiy (ООО STC Scientific and Research Institute for tire industry) 2. Projects of new regulations and amendments to the existing ones, discussed by Working Party on General Safety Provisions (GRSG) Experts: E. Zhitinskiy, E. Laguzina (NICIAMT FSUE NAMI), A. Vasiliev (FSUE NAMI) 3. Projects of new regulations and amendments to the existing ones, discussed by the Working Party on Pollution and Energy (GRPE) Experts: A. Terenchenko (FSUE NAMI), V. Solomin (NICIAMT FSUE NAMI) 9 4. Projects of new regulations and amendments to the existing ones, discussed by Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) Experts: V. Salnikov, Candidate of Engineering Science, A. Tatarinov (NICIAMT FSUE NAMI), A. Ryabchinskiy, Doctor of Engineering Science (MADI (STU)), 5. Projects of new regulations and amendments to the existing ones, discussed by Working Party on Lighting and Light-Signaling (GRE) Experts: S. Vylegzhanin (NICIAMT FSUE NAMI), N. Volodina (Scientific Research and Experimental Institute of Automotive Electronics and Electrical Equipment) 6. Projects of new regulations and amendments to the existing ones, discussed by Working Party on Noise (GRB) Experts: Y. Galevko, Candidate of Engineering Science (NICIAMT FSUE NAMI), A. Schepkin, Candidate of Engineering Science (FSUE NAMI) 1300 – 1400 Lunch break 1400 PLENARY SESSION (continuation) Chairman – B. Kisulenko Vice-President of AAE, Doctor of Engineering Science Summing up and making decisions of the conference Closing of the conference 1600 Bus departure
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