Model 8030/8030H Destiny 1200 ® GARAGE DOOR OPENER A quiet yet powerful performance and the ultimate in convenience. Featuring a belt or chain drive. Destiny® 1200 Garage door opener with belt or chain drive For use with residential sectional doors up to 14 ft high and one-piece doors up to 8 ft high. • Powerful: 1 HPc* DC motor operates almost any door • Quiet and smooth: Thanks to a DC motor and belt or chain drive • Innovative features: Provide the ultimate in safety and convenience Convenience options 8030/8030H 1 HPc* (140V) Wall Console 3-Button Remote Motor & Gearbox** Parts & Chain** Belt** Enjoy your new Overhead Door® garage door opener to the fullest with optional accessories. These accessories work with openers that feature our CodeDodger® access security system. Accessories** Digital wireless keypad * Designates that it meets Overhead Door’s lifting force specification for 1 horsepower garage door openers. **Limited, non-transferable warranty. See owner’s manual for details. Lighted keypad features a flip up cover and lets you control up to three garage door openers. Flip up cover is available in four colors, ensuring you can find the one that best complements your home. Standard features DC motor technology Our most powerful 1 HPc* motor operates with minimal noise. CodeDodger® access security system RATINGcontrol ICONS- OHD Each time the remote is activated, a new access code is selected from 4.3 billion possible combinations to prevent piracy of the radio signal that opens CODE your door. DODGER 1 CODE DODGER 2 DOOR DETECT Speed UPGRADEABILITY/ EXPANDABILITY White 37227R Powerhead has a maximum opening speed of up to 9.0 inches per second. AUTO-SEEK SAFE-T-BEAM MAINTENANCE BACK UP with one-piece doors) . (+/-0.5 inches per second. Speed will slowBATTERY FREQUENCY FREE READY Front facing colored LEDs indicate charge status. Up to 50 cycles in a 24-hour period after initial power outage. Operates door at 3.5 inches per second. SYSTEM Advanced Wall Console§† DoorDetect™ monitoring and diagnostic system RATING ICONS- OHD Delivers the optimal amount of power needed to efficiently and smoothly open even the heaviest doors. Stops the door MOTION DETECTION 2 LIGHT SYSTEM when abnormal operation is detected for additional safety. DC POWER (REVISED) DOOR DETECT Easy to use backlit LCD touch screen Sure-Lock™ control feature to lock out remote and keypad operation for increased security. to three garage door openers. CODE DODGER 1Operates CODE DODGER 2 up UPGRADEABILITY/ EXPANDABILITY 6’ power cord Self-diagnostic Safe-T-Beam system ® FREQUENCY Two-bulb light system with motion detection Two 100 Watt bulbs activated when motion is detected. LIGHT CFL and LED light bulbs. Compatible with most EASY SINGLE BATTERY BACK UP READY GENERIC SPEED S O L D A N D D I S T R I B U T E D B Y: SPEED FREQUENCY DC POWER (REVISED) SAFE-T-BEAM 2 BULB LIGHT SYSTEM LIFTS HEAVY DOORS 37347R † These accessories are only available for use with Odyssey® and Destiny® garage door openers. § The Overhead Door® Network Adapter is required for operation of the Door Report Remote and Advanced Wall Console. PROGRAMMING DIRECT DRIVE SYSTEM 37349R When you need a few extra feet of power cord; we have a model with a 6’ power cord rather MAINTENANCE GENERIC than FREE the standard SPEED 4’ cord (Model 8030H). When objects pass through the infrared beam, EASY the door INTELLICODE 1 INSTALLATION SMART SET UPGRADEABILITY/ AUTO-SEEK GENIE SENSE automatically stops closing and then reverses. AUTO-SEEK SAFE-T-BEAM BATTERY BACK UPTECHNOLOGY EXPANDABILITY FREQUENCY READY 37229R Beeps and flashes green when garage door closes properly. Gives warning tone and flashes red when door does not close properly. The opener listens for both the 315 or 390 MHz frequency emitted by the remote or wireless keypad, allowing reliable BULB LIGHT SYSTEM operation even in areas with frequency2 interference. INTELLICODE 2 37225R Door Report™ Remote† CAR 2 U COMPATIBLE Auto seek dual frequency range SYSTEM Almond 37227U Battery Back-up GENERIC SPEED Belt or chain drive provide smooth and quiet operation, perfect for room adjacent garages that demand minimal HOME LINK noise. Belt drive offers the ultimate in HEAVY quiet. QUIET DOORS DIRECT DRIVE LIFTS DC POWER COMPATIBLE Compatible with both HomeLink® and Car2U® systems Tan 37227T † Quiet operation (REVISED) Gray 37227S QUIET HOME LINK COMPATIBLE CAR 2 U COMPATIBLE MAINTENANCE FREE 2 BULB LIGHT SYSTEM DC POWER (REVISED) MOTION DETECTION 2 LIGHT SYSTEM EASY 1 INSTALLATION SET 2501 S. StateAUTO-SEEK Hwy. 121SMART Bus., Suite 200, INTELLICODE Lewisville, TXSENSE 75067 UPGRADEABILITY/ GENIE EXPANDABILITY FREQUENCY TECHNOLOGY 1-800-929-DOOR • ©2013 Overhead Door Corporation. The Ribbon Logo, Legacy, CodeDodger, Safe-T-Beam are registered trademarks of Overhead Door Corporation. Consistent with our policy of continuing product improvement, LIGHT SAFE-T-BEAM EASY SINGLE BATTERY BACK UP trademark we reserve the right to change product specifications without notice or obligation. HomeLink is a registered ofPROGRAMMING Johnson Controls. Car2U is a trademark of Lear Corporation. . R900-839 SYSTEM INTELLICODE 2 FREQUENCY READY
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