SEAFORD RISE PRIMARY SCHOOL Edition 17 Term 4 Diary Dates DATE 6th November Greetings from the Principal Nov 11th—Remembrance Day Nov 12 & 13th— School concert (3 performances) Nov 14th—school clos ure. Nov 17th—St udent free day Congratulations to our students who participated in the 2014 PMA Powerful Learners: Mathematics and Numeracy Challenge. Our students achieved 5 State Winning Entries and 2 Highly Commended Entries. We look forward to them receiving their awards at a special ceremony to be held on Friday 21st November in the evening at Felixstow. We are excited about the school concert performances next week. Students are working on their items ready to showcase their talents. Our Remembrance Day event will be from 10.45 to 11.15 in the central courtyard on Tuesday 11th November. Individual students and visitors will have the opportunity to lay a wreath/flower, message at the flagstaff between 11.05 and 11.15. DREAM BELIEVE ACHIEVE Yannoula Michael SEAFORD RISE PRIMARY SCHOOL Grand Boulevard, Seaford Rise SA 5169 Telephone: 8327 0232 Fax:8327 0004 RESPONSIBILTY RESPECT HONESTY C3 learning the art of embossing. Amy Buechter and Scott Cherry show an example of the great work they have been doing w i t h M s Carragher. CO-OPERATION Great fun had by all at swimming this week and last week. FRIENDLINESS LEARNING Active After School This is the final year of the Active After School program in the current format after ten years supporting schools Shianne Coole (Sensei) to engage children in structured physical activity and was very impressed with introducing families to organised sport in the the students from our community. Here at Seaford Rise Primary in 2014 our school at Martial Arts and students had the opportunity to experience a variety of said they were one of the activities / sports including Hip Hop dance, Lacrosse, best groups she had taken. Circus Skills, Touch Football, Basketball and Martial Arts. Well done ! It is fantastic watching the students develop their skills through games and build confidence in themselves. There is so much smiling, laughter and teamwork in each of the sessions. We appreciate the support of teachers who supervise the sessions after hours and Hayley (in the canteen) for supplying the afternoon snacks. The future format will be announced next year. State Winners: Year 1—Small Group Daniel Daly, Ethan Edwards, Henry Rainbow, Lily Diener Year 4—small group Katie Shiers, Sienna Reeves, Katie Newman Year 4—small group—set task 2 Gabrielle Clark, Tenille Shaw Year 4—Class Group I6 Yr 6—small group Owen Brennan, Hamish Bates. Highly Commended Reception—class group H4 Year 2 –Small group Jayden Griffiths, Cooper Manfield, Zeke Tonkes, Tayla Webster, Keira Webb. Well done and congratulations to all the winners. The awards night is on Friday 21st November. Hello everyone, my name is Jae Gillett and I have just started here at Seaford Rise Primary School as the Aboriginal Community Education Officer. I have worked in education for about 4 years now. My work is my passion. I am really excited to be in this role and look for to working within the Seaford Rise community. I will be working Wednesdays and Thursdays and if you see me round feel free to say “hello”. Late Arrivals We understand there are times when your child may arrive late to school. In those situations we ask for one of the following: Parent / carer walks the child into the front office to sign them in. A note in the diary explaining the late arrival. A phone call explaining the late arrival and the time the child left home. The safety of your children is paramount. When the school is notified through one of the above methods we ensure your child arrives at school directly and safely. Congratulations to all the students who received values awards and medals at our last assembly. Bronze: Michael Russell, Lily Webster, Mia Venables, Jordi Eldridge Silver: Brodie Wait, Nathan Pearn, Stell McKuen-Taylor, Jacob Renshaw, Emelia Pengilly, Declan Roberson Gold: Harper Sincock, Ethan Stefaniak, Oscar Van Erp Platinum: Jessica-Lillie Lever SILVER Medals: Bronze: Dylan Heapy, Joshua Piggins, Luke Kranixfeld. Silver: Tazymynne Van Erp B R O N Z E END OF YEAR CONCERT Wednesday night concert has been booked out. There are only 14 tickets left for Thursday night concert so if you have not received any tickets please come in as soon as possible. There are still plenty of tickets left for the Thursday morning concert. If you require extra tickets—please come in and see Cheryl at the front desk. Please note: due to OHSW we need to keep all aisles clear. Prams will need to be left in the area outside the canteen. Reminder—Friday 14th (the day after the concert) is a school closure day (there will be no staff at the school on this day). Monday 17th will be a student free day—staff will be at school on that day for training and development. We look forward to seeing you all at the concert and all the children are really excited and looking forward to you coming to see them perform. Come and Try—Flinders Uni 2014 Friday 12th December: 10am2pm Have you ever considered studying at university: Are you unsure of the options available? Would you like to experience a taste of what Uni could offer?. If this sounds like something you’re interested in come along to our Adult Learner Campus Experience. For more information contact: Jane Brzezinski, Adult Learner Pathways Project Office, Flinders University or 82017881 or 5.30 pm until dark. Sausage Sizzle, Strawberries & cream, Devonshire teas, Bouncy castle, face painting, clowns, lucks dips, books & puzzles, Father Christmas. At the Vines Uniting Church—corner or Rolton Avenue and Reynell Road, Woodcroft. SENSORY STORYTIME Would you like to learn more about how your organisation can get involved, refer clients or help to raise awareness? There will be a community information session on Wednesday 12th November 2014 at City of Onkaparinga, Noarlunga Centre from 11.00am to 4pm. Or 4.00—6.30 Email: For more information. Free Parent Workshop Is your Young Adolescent moving on to High School or starting SACE in the next couple of years? Would you like more information for High school and Career pathways. LUNCH IS PROVIDED. 7th November Time: 11am—1.30pm Aldinga Primary School To book please call Mel Justice— 85565060 or Sarah at Mission Australia—81870700 Monday 17th November 4-5pm at Noarlunga Library, Hannah Road, Noarlunga Centre. Sensory Story time is designed exclusively for young people with disabilities 12 years & up and their parents or carers. For bookings phone: 83840655 Art exhibition—Faces of the Refugee Story. See the portraits and stories of 15 people who took part in the faces of the Refugee Story. All of the people whose stories and faces are featured come from a refugee background. Their hope, in sharing their stories with us is to help foster greater understanding of the issues affecting refugees. This artwork by Kirsten Treloar celebrates the story and life of people from refugee backgrounds. Artwork is on display and available for viewing from 27th October— 12th December. Date –Opening Tuesday 25th November Time: 1.30-3pm At: City of Onkaparinga, Noarlunga Office Cost: Gold coin donations at the door—all proceeds to ARA RSVP: Please register for catering purposes. Contact Briony Gorton on 838940697 or Bringing up great kids A 5 week Family programme that Encourages positive communication with children. Support the development of children's positive identity Explores children’s perspective and experience of the world Provides an understanding of children’s brain development. At O’Sullivan Beach Children’s Centre on Thursday 13th November-11th December For more info contact Mandy Hodshon 83822850 BUTTERFLY WALK Community walk for non-violence. You are officially invited to participate in the 1000 butterflies for non-violence walk on Sunday 7th December at 11am. This walk is the culmination of a project involving members of all ages making butterflies and generating conversations on non-violence. To show their support, people will be walking down a section of Beach Road and joining in the celebrations at Rotary Park from 11.30am-2pm. For more information please call Jesse on 83820066 or Kelly 83264688.
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