Stating an opinion I think... In my opinion... The way I see it... If you ask me... Säga vad du tycker ng for an opinon What do you think? Do you agree? Don't you think so? What's your idea? How do you feel about that? I totally agree. I think so too. Expressing agreement Do not forget 'si.rc" or "because"l That's so true. Säga att du håller med That's for sure. Tell me about GIöm inte "eftersorn"! it! (slang) You're absolutely right. Absolutely. Exactly. . Me neither. (agree with negative statement) . Expressing disagreement I was just going to say that. I totally disagree. I don't think so. No way. Säga att du inte håller med Not necessarily. That's not always true. No, I'm not so sure about that. Interruptions vbryta eller inflika here? Sorry to interrupt, but... Can I say something =-"1 i I I i lPS,zProjeKet Nationella prov i frlämm:H:::# IPS,rProjeKet Nati"..'n %.01:f;äI::ff"::.I.1 Cots o?e better Weshould only than dogs. go to school two doys o week. Why? /Why not? Why? Exempel på provuppgifter, Äp 6,se - @ Exempet på provuppgiftet Engelska Skolverket : Summer holidoys should just be four weeks. more homework. Why? /Why not? Why? Exempel på provuppgifter, Äp O - Engelska O Skolverket /Why not? Exempel på provuppgifter, Äp 6 www.nafs, IPS/ProjeKet Nationella prw i främmande spräk Göteborgs univeisitet @ new ond modern clothes. thon footboll. Why? /Why not? Why? @ - /Why not? Exempel pä provuppsifter Engelska Skolverket Engelska Skolverket Göteborgs universitet Tennis is more fun Exempel på provuppgifter, Äp 6 - IPS/Projektet Nationella prov i främmande spräk ft's importont to weor ^, IPs/ProjeKet Nationella prov i främmande språk Goteborgs universket å;il,fl,:ål IPS/Projektet Nationella prov i främmande språk Göteborgs universitet We should weor school uniforrms. Children should go to bed of 8 Why? /Why not? Why? /Why not? o'clock. Exempel på provuppgifter, Äp 6 www-nafs,gu,se å;[X,i!,,s[i IPS/ProjeKet Nationella prov i främmande språk GöGborgs universitet We need fo www.nafs, IPS/ProjeKet Nationella prw ifrämmande sgräk öteborgs universitet www, /Why not? @ * Exempel på provuppgifter, Äp 6 Engelska Skolverket @ - Engelska Skolverket , IPS/ProjektetNationerra%:iiff r äffi i""ii,','.I ps/proje ktet N ao ", ",,. oå:l: Pizzo is bod for you. There should be no cors in cities. Why? /Why not? Why? /Why not? - Exempel på provuppgifter, Äp 6 @ IPS/Projektet Nationella prov i främmande språk IPS/Projektet Nationella prov i främmande spräl Göteborgs universitet Göteborgs universite Rich countries should help Poor countr ies. Why? We should not eot meot. Why? /Why not? /Why not? Exempel på provuppgifter, Äp r :ff":XLl Exempel pä provuppgifter, ÄO q-_5neeqxl @ Skolverke Engelska Skolverket fiäl: Ps/P roj e Ket Nat' .'' oå'u',: "' 6_ - @ Skolverket Exempel på provuppgifter, Åp 6 Engelska IPS/Projektet Nationella Frov [:ä3 3 :[::§,ä1 - Engelske Skolverkel @ i främm:H:.r3lll You need to work hord in school Men ond women con do the some job. to get o good job. Why?/Why not? Why? /Why not? Exempel på provuppgifter, Äp 6 @ - Exempel på provuppgiftet U, Engelska Skolverket rPS'zProjeKetNationerra'å?lJff I PS/ Proje ktet Nati...,'. %..r,:ffi äI: ä§:,o"ä§,',:T You should not sit Why? /Why not? /Why not2 Exempel på provuppgifter, Äp 6 :n::ä1 School lunch is fontostic. by the computer more thon one hour a doy. Why? å;il,fi';å: @ - Engelska Skolverket Exempel på provuppgifter, Äp 6 @ - Engelska Skolverkel ProjeKet Nationella prov i främmande språkrlPS Göteborgs universitet Part One Tell a friend about yourself. Choose two of the following: @ Talk about your family. @ Talk about your house and where you live. @ Talk about what you like to do in your spare time. Part Two @ Picka card andread aloud. @ What do you think? 6 Do you agree? Why?/Why not? @ Discuss with your friend! Exempel på provuppgifter, Äp 6 @ - Engelska Skolverket
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