NOVEMBER 2014 Family Mass and Prayers for the Dead ND Family Mass - Sunday, November 23, 2014 at ND Our traditional Thanksgiving Family Mass is scheduled for Sunday, November 23, 2014 at 5 p.m. in the gym. Refreshments will follow in the ND Cafeteria compliments of POND. All members of all ND families are invited to attend! To help us pray for the dead at this Mass, as you enter, plan to add the names of your deceased loved ones to our basket which will be brought to the altar with the gifts. As St. John Chrysostom said, “Let us help and commemorate them. If Job’s sons were purified by their father’s sacrifice, why would we doubt that our offerings for the dead bring them some consolation? Let us not hesitate to help those who have died and to offer our prayers for them.” If you are unable to attend, send your loved ones’ names to campus ministry at (585) 343-2783 ext. 201 or and we’ll include them. Thanksgiving Recess Wednesday, November 26th26thFriday, November 28th Monday, November 17th 4-8 PM Page 1 Principal’s Corner Dr. Joseph D. Scanlan '65 One marking period down and three to go! Time is surely flying by with the Thanksgiving holidays in sight and the upcoming Christmas season not far behind! Coaches and Student-Athletes for your accomplishments in recent Genesee Region [GR] league and Section V competition: • Section V Class DDD “Coach of the Year” Rhonda Di Casolo’s #1 seeded Varsity Lady Irish Volleyball [20 - 2] team captured the 2014 Sectional Championship – our 10th in school history - with a 3 to 2 set victory over 2013 champion Bloomfield central. We advanced to the Section V Class DDD Volleyball final against the 2013 Class DDD Champion Bloomfield Lady Bombers on Friday, October 31, 2014 with victories over #8 Gananda and # 4 seeded Alexander in quarterfinal and semifinal contests. Middle Hitter Shea Norton ’16 was named the Class DDD MVP. Mary Bernadette Bochicchio ‘15 and Emma Francis’15 were named to the Class DDD AllTournament team Our Varsity team advanced to the Far Western Regional of the state tournament with impressive wins over Hammondsport and Honeoye. Our season came to an end on November 18, 2014 at the hand of Portville Central from Section VI. Our Varsity team finished the regular GR league season with an 8 - 0 record and captured the 20th GR Division I title in school history! • Coach Eric Geitner's Varsity Girls [19 – 2] and Boys [11 - 10] Cross Country squads had successful regular seasons! Our Varsity Girls team captured the GR Division III title, placed 4th overall in the 24 team GR-LCAA County meet held in Le Roy on October 23, 2014 and finished 3rd overall in the 2014 Section V Class DD Cross Country Sectionals at Victor High School on November 1, 2014. Our Varsity Boys finished the regular portion of their 2014 GR season 8 -2 after a slow start. They finished 9th in the 24 school GRLCAA County meet and 6th in the competitive 2014 Class D Sectional race at Victor High School on Saturday, November 1, 2014. Seniors Anna Warner, the Class DD Race winner and Dylan Fix [5th place in Class D] earned Sectional patches in their respective races. Anna earned the right to represent Section V in the NYSPHSAA meet at SUNY Canton on Saturday, November 8, 2014 and finished 1st for Section V and 7th overall out of 118 runners. Fall Open House updates: ND students were, once again, very active in pre-Open House recruitment, as well as in assisting with our actual fall 2014 Open House on October 19, 2014 by acting as guides and/or representatives of various clubs and organizations open to ND students. A special word of thanks goes out to the following students for a “job well done” as student ambassadors for ND: Seniors Joseph Falkowski III and Mary Bernadette Bochicchio, Juniors Connor Logsdon and Mary Kate Miceli, Sophomores Anthony Gugino and Hannah Bowen and Freshmen Morgan Leaton and Ethan Conrad. These students accompanied me to St. Joseph’s on Thursday, October 16, 2014 and did an outstanding job speaking to prospective students about the Notre Dame experience. Our ND Class of 2019 Placement Test will be administered this coming Saturday, 11-15-14 at 8 a.m. here at ND. All test takers need to register with Guidance Secretary, Mrs. Karen Rapone, by calling [585] 343-2783 ext. 137 or by e-mailing . Make it a point to check our ND web page “Photo Gallery” from time to time to view picture updates! Recent additions include: • • • • • • • Respect Life Sunday – ND Life Chain Homecoming Week 2014 theme day pictures Recruitment at St. Joe’s/ND Open House candids Faculty Retreat- Habitat for Humanity Service Fall 2014 Open House Fall Fighting Irish Sports Team [Soccer, Volleyball, Football and Cross Country] game photos Section V Class DDD Volleyball and Cross Country Championship pictures Make sure to check our ND web page – - Photo Gallery for additional pictures pertaining to news articles published in all of our newsletters! Fighting Irish sports fans are also invited to view a myriad of pictures submitted by Coach Eric Geitner and • Mrs. Marita Midwick [Casey ‘16] on Shutterfly. Go to the Athletics tab on our home page and then click on Sports Photos to check out game shots from all fall sporting events! Congratulations to all fall 2014 Fighting Irish Coach Rick Mancuso's #5 seeded junior laden Varsity Football team [5 - 4] finished the regular season on a 4 – 1 run after a slow start and qualified for the Section V Class DD Conners and Ferris bowl game with Caledonia-Mumford. The atmosphere for this first ever night football game (Continued on page 3) Page 2 (Continued from page 2) played on Thursday, October 23, 2014 was truly electric [no pun intended] as portable lights, made available through the generosity of Mr. Jerry Reinhart Jr. of Skyworks enabled us to host a night football game. In one of the most exciting [and agonizing] games ever played on our Union Street field, the Irish were edged by perennial NYSPHSAA power Caledonia-Mumford by a 37 – 36 final score after leading 28 – 0 at halftime! Our final game of the season [also under the lights] ended in a 29 to 24 victory for the Irish in the final Class D Conners and Ferris Bowl! • • this traditional Thanksgiving time liturgy. Refreshments will follow in the cafeteria compliments of POND. Parents of students planning to attend our annual Christmas Dance [Saturday, December 13, 2014] will be required to attend a very informative drug and alcohol presentation by GCASA and the City of Batavia Police Department on Monday, November 24, 2014 at 7 p.m. in the ND cafeteria. Attendance of parents who received this same information prior to last May’s prom will not be required. ND Athletic Hall of Fame Induction: Tickets are still available for our November 15, 2014 ND Athletic Hall of Fame Induction to be held at Fr. Slomba [Sacred Coach Jarrod Clark’s 9th seeded Varsity Girls Heart] Hall in Ascension Parish! Tickets are $35 each Soccer team had another very competitive fall or a table of 10 for $300. The evening will begin with a season in a tough GR soccer league [6 - 10 – 2]. We opened post season Sectional play with a 1 – 0 “tailgate” reception at 5:30 p.m. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. with the induction ceremony to follow. Tickets victory over #8 Mt. Morris on October 22, 2014 in the pre-quarter final round of play in Mt. Morris. We are available through the ND Advancement Office – [585] 343-2783 Ext 144. We hope you are able to advanced to the Sectional Quarterfinal round attend! played at Jasper-Troupsburg HS on October 25, 2014 only to drop a hard fought 3 – 1 contest to the Faith in the Future Capital Campaign Update: We top seeded J-T Lady Wildcats are currently in the process of launching the alumni portion of our current $5 Million Capital Campaign. The JV Coaches John Borrelli ’86 and Chuck Tomasewski [JV Football], and Carolyn Babcock silent phase of this year’s campaign has proven to be very fruitful as we have successfully reached the ‘91 [JV and Modified Volleyball] deserve a great deal of credit for all of their hard work preparing our midpoint of our $5 Million dollar goal! Stay tuned to next underclassmen for future roles on Varsity teams at month’s December ND online newsletter for the latest updates! ND! Technology Upgrade: ND Board member Phil Bleier [Abby ’15 and Dennis ‘15] continues to oversee the acquisition and installation of additional white boards and projectors for instructional purposes. ND faculty members continue to be involved in computerized ND Campus Minister and Theology 11 Instructor Alana Schrader organized a very successful fall 2014 grading and parent portal workshops organized by ND Faculty Service Day on Tuesday, October 14, 2014 in faculty member John Deaton. conjunction with Habitat for Humanity. Our faculty spent We continue to have a great deal to be thankful for the day “practicing what we preach” when it comes to serving others by painting, landscaping and cleaning up at Notre Dame: our dedicated faculty and staff, coaches, advisors and volunteers, our hard working, the home being restored at 2 McKinley Avenue in respectful students, supportive parents, our dedicated Batavia. board of trustee membership and our supportive Our 1st marking period Parent-Teacher conferences alumni. I hope that you will join me this Thanksgiving by will be held on Monday, November 17, 2014 from 4 – continuing to give thanks to God for all that we have, 8 p.m. 1st marking period report cards will be available not only as individuals, but also as a family at Notre Dame. on this date for parent review. Please refer to correspondence dated November 6, 2014 which Please know that we, at Notre Dame, are all very outlines the format of this fall’s conference day. All thankful for the ongoing support that you as parents parents are asked to please make it a point to attend! render us on a day-to-day basis. Your support has We look forward to seeing you! played a major role in the recent Buffalo Business First accolades our students have received for the 7th Family Mass Update: Mark your calendars! Our fall consecutive [2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014 traditional Family Mass will be held on Sunday, 2014] year when compared to the 135 public and November 23, 2014 at 5 p.m. in the gym. All private high schools in Western New York: members of all ND families are invited to attend this (Continued on page 4) annual form of worship. Please make it a point to attend Updates on fall 2014 NYS “Scholar-Athlete” teams and GR/Section V All Stars will appear in the December 2014 issue of the ND Newsletter! Page 3 (Continued from page 3) • #1 ranked Private Catholic Co-Educational High School in Western New York • #1 ranked High School in Genesee, Orleans and Wyoming Counties • A “Top 15%” Academic High School ranking in Western New York We are also very proud of the 8th consecutive year [2007 – 2013] that 15 of our 17 Varsity level athletic teams have earned NYSPHSAA ‘Scholar-Athlete” status [minimum 90% scholastic average of designated participants in each sport]. We continue to strive to earn New York State School of Distinction recognition for having all of our Varsity level teams qualify as NYSPHSAA Scholar-Athlete teams. We have come one team short of this objective in 3 of the past 10 years! Hopefully, this will be our year! We couldn't achieve these goals without your support, your students’ hard work and our dedicated ND faculty and staff’s guidance and direction! It is definitely a team effort at ND! Have a very happy and relaxing Thanksgiving! Take the time to relax and enjoy the company of family and friends this Thanksgiving season. May God bless all members of the ND Family this Thanksgiving season as well as throughout the entire year! We are ND! Yearbook News The Mater Dei is currently for sale. All parents should have received a card from Jostens, our yearbook provider, with information on how to purchase the book. The cost is $59.40 for a basic book (tax included); extras are available for an additional cost. Books can be ordered and paid for on Senior parents – please remember to send in a baby picture of your child for the yearbook. Please be sure the child’s name is on the back and please do not send your only copy of the picture. We are also collecting “Then and Now” photos. If you have pictures of your child and others from the Class of 2015 during their younger years in school, please send them with names on the back. We need both the baby pictures and “Then and Now” pictures by Friday, November 14th. Thanksgiving Food Drive We will be holding our traditional Thanksgiving food drive to contribute to the Salvation Army’s Holiday Food Drive. Last year, with 66% participation, we donated enough food to help 28 families celebrate Thanksgiving with a big traditional turkey dinner. Your student has selected an item or two to donate. Items are due at Notre Dame on Tuesday, November 18. If you prefer, you may send in a check written to the Salvation Army to be delivered along with our food. Please help us make a difference in our neighbors’ lives. Thank you for your support of the 2015 Mater Dei! Matthew 25: 34-35: “‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me.” Page 4 Hail and Farewell! Mrs. Olga Babich A huge “Hats Off” for a job well done and best wishes for a happy and healthy retirement go out to a 14 year dedicated ND colleague and friend to one and all – Mrs. Olga Babich! Many a ND graduate has benefited from having been a student in one [or more] of Mrs. Babich’s Algebra II/Trigonometry, MA 136 and MS 141 classes. A recent NODAHI article summed up our ND students’ admiration for her as a teacher, mentor and friend. On behalf of everyone at ND, we all wish you a very happy and healthy retirement as you and your husband move eastward to be closer to your daughter, son-in-law and new grandson as they move to the New York City area from Israel! Make sure to keep in touch and let us know how you are doing! Thanks again for all that you have done for our ND students over the past 14 years! May God Bless you and your family! Mrs. Julie Stowell Notre Dame High School is proud to announce that Mrs. Julie Stowell has joined the ND faculty as our higher mathematics instructor filling the vacancy left by Mrs. Babich’s recent retirement. Mrs. Stowell’s first day of instruction at ND was Monday, October 20, 2014. Mrs. Stowell is a graduate of Roberts Wesleyan College [B.S. Mathematics Education] and SUNY Geneseo [M.S. Mathematics Education] and comes to Notre Dame with nearly 8 years of prior secondary school math instructional experience in the Alexander Central School District. She has recently served as Le Roy Central’s “go to” math tutor for students on medical leaves. Mrs. Stowell resides in the Le Roy Central School District with her husband Will, son William and daughter Joelle. Welcome to Note Dame, Mrs. Stowell! We are elated to have you join the ND faculty and family! Page 5 Congratulations, Fighting Irish Sectional Champions! Irish eyes were smiling on the weekend of October 31 – November 1, 2014 as our Fighting Irish Volleyball team captured the 2014 Section V Class DDD Sectional Volleyball trophy and Cross Country team members Anna Warner ’15 - the Class DD Race winner – and Dylan Fix ’15 [5th place in Class D] earned individual sectional patches! Our Varsity Volleyball team [20 – 2] defeated defending 2013 Class DDD Champion Bloomfield – the team that beat us in the finals last year - 3 sets to 2 on Friday, October 31, 2014 at Caledonia-Mumford Central school before a jam packed gymnasium and a raucous ND student fan base! This victory enabled us to participate in NYSPHSAA state qualifier contests with the goal of reaching the NYSPHSAA Class D Volleyball finals at the Glens Falls Civic Center during the weekend of November 15 – 16, 2014. Shea Norton ’16 was named Tournament MVP and teammates Mary Bernadette Bochicchio ’15 and Emma Francis ’15 received All-Tournament team recognition. Coach Rhonda DiCasolo was named Section V Class DDD Coach of the Year. ND Varsity Volleyball 2014 Section V Class DDD Champion Team Picture Row #1: [L to R]: Lexi Gerhardy ’16, Paige Misiti ’15, Zia Harvey ’15, Olivia Marchese ’15, Maggie McGinnis ‘15 Row #2: [L to R]: Lindsey Bender ’15, Mary Bernadette Bochicchio ’15, Shea Norton ’16, Rebecca Krenzer ’16, Natalie Moulton ’15, Nichol Salvador ’16, Mary Kate Miceli ’16, Taylor DiMartino ’16 and Janelle Fancher ’15 (Continued on page 7) Section V Class DDD All Tournament selections included ND team members [L to R] Emma Francis ’15, Mary Bernadette Bochicchio ‘15, and Shea Norton ’16 [MVP] Page 6 Congratulations, Fighting Irish Sectional Champions! (Continued from page 6) Anna Warner’s 1st place Class DD finish on November 1, 2014 at Victor High School paced our Lady Irish Harriers to a 3rd place Sectional finish! Dylan Fix’s 5th place finish led our Varsity Boys to a 6th place finish in the Class D race! Anna became the 1st ND Varsity Girl Cross Country runner to earn the right to run in the NYSPHSAA meet for the 5th time in her career. This year’s state meet was held on Saturday, November 8, 2014 at SUNY Canton. Anna finished 1st for Section V and 7th overall in the State meet. Anna Warner ‘15 - XC Sectionals Go Irish! Dylan Fix ‘15 - XC Sectionals CHECK OUT OUR ONLINE PHOTO GALLERY! Go to and click on the Photo Gallery link under the News/Events menu. Sports fans: also check out the ND Sports Shu erfly page maintained by Mr. Bare Antolos. From our homepage, click on the Sports Photos link under the Athletics menu. Page 7 Romero Center Ministries: Urban Challenge Monday, March 30, 2015 – Saturday, April 4, 2015 We have a male chaperone and are ready to fill the last 7 student spots for our mission trip to Camden. The estimated cost of the trip is $682. Seven spots are available on a first come, first served basis until November 25th. The Urban Challenge Program is an urban, service-learning, immersion experience rooted in the Catholic faith tradition. Offering a point of access to the lives and stories of the people of Camden, NJ, and its surrounding communities, the Urban Challenge Program is a unique educational and retreat opportunity that serves mainly suburban high school and college-aged students. The Urban Challenge Program is built upon four fundamental components: prayer, service, education, and reflection. We hope that incorporating these components in the UC Program will lead participants to future action on behalf of the poor and vulnerable. For more information, see Mrs. Schrader in Campus Ministry. Angel Tree Notre Dame families will be providing Christmas cheer to local families through the Genesee Orleans Ministry of Concern. The Angel Tree with tags will appear after Thanksgiving break. Tags will indicate the sex and one need of one recipient. We ask that you or your student take as many tags as you wish and return the tags along with the unwrapped gift by the date indicated on the tag. Some tags will request gift cards form local stores. Mission Club members will wrap the gifts and deliver them before Christmas. Thank you for your generosity. Notre Dame is known for its consistent and generous giving, and it is the combined actions of our students and their families that create an overwhelming generosity that local agencies have come to depend on for meeting the needs of local families in crisis. Rest assured that the Genesee Ministry of Concern expresses their thanks to us all for our combined efforts. Page 8 Cross Country Teams Participate in Manhattan College Cross Country Invitational The boys and girls cross country teams traveled to New York City over Columbus Day weekend to participate in the 42nd annual Manhattan College Cross Country Invitational. This meet boasted 475 teams and about 9,500 runners from 15 states. Races began going off at 9:00am and finished at 4:00pm. Every race was competitive as all teams were randomly placed into their races regardless of their classification. Our top finisher was Senior Anna Warner who placed 22nd to lead the girl’s team to a 15th place finish. The boy’s team placed 22nd and was led by Senior Dylan Fix. While at the meet, the team was able to meet up with alumnus Louis Cinquino, who has been following the team since his running comeback. Louis had an article featured in Runners World about his ‘Mile Run’ comeback and his visit to his Alma Mater just three years ago. He is now working on his comeback in Cross Country as he gets ready for a race in December in Pennsylvania. The athletes enjoyed seeing him and watching the team gave Louis a big boost of motivation! L to R: Serena Strollo-DiCenso '17, Carly Olles '18, Abby Bleier '15, Coach Eric Geitner, Mr. Louis Cinquino ‘80, Anna Warner '15, Shelby McGinnis '16, Emily McCracken '16 L to R: Coach Eric Geitner, Dennis Bleier '15, Dylan Fix '15, Jacob Gualtieri '18, Mr. Louis Cinquino ‘80, Ethan Fischer '18, Trevor Nellis '18, Bryan Moscicki '16, Justin Carlson '15 Page 9 Thursday Night Lights! Our October 23rd contest was a classic game of 2 halves as Coach Rick Mancuso’s Varsity Football team, which finished the season winning 5 of their last 7 games, raced to a 28 – 0 lead over perennial NYS power Caledonia-Mumford on a beautiful October night for football only to be edged out in regulation by a final 37 – 36 score! Our Varsity squad finished the year with a 29 to 24 victory over C.G. Finney from Penfield in a Connors and Ferris Bowl game. Thursday, October 23, 2014 was a historic date in the annals of Fighting Irish football as the first night game in school history was played at our Union Street field! Fourteen portable lights were brought in to light up the Genesee County skies for our final two games vs. Caledonia -Mumford and C. G. Finney [October 29, 2014] due to the greatly appreciated generosity of Skyworks owner, Mr. Jerry Reinhardt Jr. Fighting Irish Cheerleaders Katie Fischer ‘15, Fiona Beck ‘17, Cindy Sklany ’16 and Lauren Hull ’17 assisted by Junior Shea Norton (#32) lead our ND student section cheers during the first night game ever played at ND. Page 10 Heads Up! Keep your Eye on the Ball (or Pumpkin)! L to R – Luca Zambito ’16, Lexi Gerhardy ’16, Hannah Bowen ’17, Riley Humberstone ’16 (pictured dropping the pumpkin!) participate in a ball drop exercise from the roof of ND as Miss Sheri Girvin, ND Physics Teacher, looks on. Juniors make calculations during the ball drop exercise in Miss Girvin's Physics class: L to R - Nichol Salvador ’16, Emily Sherman ’16, Jessica Bukowski ’16, Gabrielle Linsey ’16 and Bryan Moscicki ’16. Regional Action Phone (RAP) and GCASA have teamed up to establish the Tipline—a prevention and intervention safety net for young people in Genesee and Orleans Counties. Concerned adults, teachers, students and friends now have a place to call 24 hours a day to report underage drinking parties or other activities that are harmful to the health, safety and/or welfare of young people. The Tipline is anonymous, confidential and free. By calling 343-1932 or 1-800-851-1932 and providing basic information a difference can be made, tragedy diverted and lives saved. Page 11 Seniors in the Spotlight Olivia Marchese ‘15 Janelle Fancher ‘15 as our Varsity libero. Olivia has also been a four year Varsity tennis letter winner and a three year member of our Lady Irish Basketball program. She has also been a three year member of the Shamrock Volleyball Club for Western Empire Volleyball Association. She has earned NYSPHSAA scholar athlete status during each varsity season in which she has competed as well as having earned the highest individual Scholar-Athlete GPA in Varsity Volleyball (2011) and Varsity Tennis (2012). Notre Dame High School is proud to recognize Miss Olivia Marchese, daughter of Dr. Robert and Terry Marchese of Batavia and Miss Janelle Fancher, daughter In keeping with our ND mission statement of “developing of Edward and Christine Fancher of Albion as our leaders who serve,” Olivia has volunteered her services November 2014 Seniors in the Spotlight! outside of school to the YMCA/Genesee ARC Challenger Olivia Marchese entered her senior year with a three year Sports program where she has assisted individuals with disabilities participate in tennis, baseball and dance. She cumulative average of 98.33%. A member in good standing of the Notre Dame Chapter of the National Honor has also volunteered on a yearly basis at the Michael Napoleone Baseball tournament, the Salvation Army Red Society, Olivia has achieved high honor roll status Kettle Campaign, the Life Chain for Christian Pro Life throughout her career at ND. She is on schedule to Campaign, Vacation Bible School at St. Joseph’s and Our graduate with a New York State Regents diploma with Advanced Distinction and 33 college credits as a result of Lady of Mercy and also at Knights of Columbus Pancake breakfasts. enrollment in college level and Advanced Placement courses during her junior and senior years at ND. Olivia is interested in pursuing a career in nursing and is considering Drexel, Northeastern, University at Buffalo, Ohio State and George Mason as possible undergraduate college choices for the fall of 2015. Janelle Fancher entered her senior year at ND with a 98.26% cumulative average. She is a member in good standing of the Notre Dame Chapter of the National Honor Society, which she currently serves as Treasurer. Janelle has earned high honor roll status throughout her high school career as well as the prestigious Chemistry Achievement Award from the American Chemical Society and Holy Family Parish [Albion, New York] scholarships for academic excellence (2012 and 2014). She is on schedule to graduate with a New York State Regents diploma with Advanced Distinction in June 2015 along with 28 college Olivia Marchese ‘15 Olivia currently serves as President of the Notre Dame Chapter of the National Honor Society and has been a 4 year member of ND’s Student Senate, Mission Club and Environmental Action Club. Her academic honors include receiving the highest GPAs in GCC Math 136 [Algebra III] and GCC Business 110 [Personal Money Management] and receiving the Elmira College Key award as a junior. She has also been a stalwart member of our Fighting Irish Volleyball, Basketball and Tennis programs at ND. A key member on Coach Rhonda DiCasolo’s current 2014 Section V Class DDD Championship Volleyball team, Olivia served as a 2 time JV Volleyball captain as well as being recognized as a two time (2013 and 2014) Honorable Mention Genesee Region (GR) league All Star Janelle Fancher ‘15 (Continued on page 13) Page 12 our Concert Band, Chorus and Handbell Choirs throughout credits earned through taking college level and Advanced her four years at ND. Placement [AP] courses at ND during her junior and senior years. Janelle continues to volunteer at Holy Family Parish [Albion, NY] in an array of activities as well as at Hospice Janelle has been a key member of our Fighting Irish of Orleans County and Community Action in Genesee and Cross Country, Volleyball, Swimming and Diving and Orleans Counties. She has also participated in the World Softball programs at ND throughout high school. Janelle is Vision’s “30 hour famine” during her freshman and currently a key contributor on Coach Rhonda DiCasolo’s sophomore years. She was a participant in the “Jesus Lady Irish Section V Class DDD 2014 Championship Rules” summer 2014 Mission Club volunteer service Volleyball team in. A three time Genesee Region [GR] all- project in inner city Rochester. star in swimming and a two time Genesee County butterfly champion, Janelle has been a mainstay for Coach Eric Janelle is interested in studying biology at the postGeitner’s swimming and diving team throughout her high secondary level with hopes of pursuing a career as a school swim career. She was also a mainstay on Coach dermatologist. She is currently considering Niagara Rick Mancuso’s Lady Irish 2012 and 2013 Section V Class University, University of Rochester, Canisius College, DD Softball Championship teams and the 2012 Saint John Fisher College and the University at Buffalo as NYSPHSAA State finalist and 2013 NYSPHSAA State possible undergraduate college choices for the fall of Championship squads. Janelle has earned prestigious 2015. NYSPHSAA “scholar-athlete” status [minimum 90% scholastic average] during each season that she has Olivia and Janelle are both very respectful, good natured competed at the varsity level. individuals who treat others the way they would like to be treated! They are both well respected by their peers and The Notre Dame High School nomination for the Notre teachers and are credits to their families, churches and Dame Club of Rochester “Junior of the Year,” Janelle has Notre Dame High School. Notre Dame High School wishes been a three year member of the ND Science Club, ND both seniors the best of luck in their senior years at ND, as Envirothon team [4 time Genesee County champion and well as in the pursuit of their career goals as they enter the 6th place overall in NYS competition in 2014] , the ND college of their choice during the fall of 2015! Mission Club and the ND National Honor Society. She has also been a member of the ND Drama Society as well as (Continued from page 12) Inclement Weather School Closing Procedures Please know that during periods of inclement weather, we will announce our closings as Notre Dame High School. If you do not see Notre Dame High School appear on your television screen or hear it announced on WBTA [1490 AM], we are open for business as usual! Students whose home districts close due to inclement weather are not required to attend classes at ND on days of home district closings (although many do). However, students are still responsible for making up work missed and handing in assignments which were due on these days upon their return to ND. In addition to announcing closings on WBTA, we also post closings, delays and early dismissals on our web page calendar (, as well as the following television channels: • • Buffalo area: Channels 2, 4 and 7 Rochester area: Channels 8, 10, 13 and YNN Rochester [Cable 212] All members of the ND family are reminded to please drive carefully to and from school during wintry conditions. Start early and drive safely and defensively. Page 13 Life Chain On Sunday, October 5th, eight Notre Dame students stood along both sides of Richmond Avenue in a peaceful and prayerful public witness praying for our nation and for an end to abortion. They were part of a thirteen person strong Life Chain that included Notre Dame students, siblings, staff, and parents, holding signs. Mary Bernadette Bochicchio ’15, Olivia Marchese ’15, Anna Warner ’15, Joseph Zickl ’15, Shea Norton ’16, Thea Bochicchio ’17, Hannah Bowen ’17, James Zickl ’17, Gemma Bochicchio, Mr. Rex Norton, Mrs. Theresa Marchese, Campus Minister, Mrs. Alana Schrader, and Principal, Dr. Joseph Scanlan were part of a visual statement of solidarity by the Christian community that abortion kills children and that the Church supports the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception until natural death. They held signs that stated “Abortion Hurts Women,” “Abortion Kills Children,” and “Jesus Saves, Forgives, and Heals.” Consider joining us next year for this powerful silent witness. The Catholic Church locally offers assistance to men and women facing a crisis pregnancy, as well as healing ministries to women, men, and families hurt by abortion. If you know someone who needs the loving response of the Church, contact the following ministries: A Crisis Pregnancy: Catholic Charities in Batavia: 585.343.0614 Or any local Catholic Charities near you. For love and support after abortion: Project Rachel, Buffalo Diocese: 716.847.2205 Project Rachel, Rochester Diocese: 585.328.3210 ext. 1304 The American Bishops’ Project Rachel website: Page 14 Hello to all parents and friends of Notre Dame, I hope this finds all well and welcoming of the lovely season we are enjoying. I am so very happy to report that as of this writing, POND is already accomplishing what it set out to do at the beginning of the year. We have had two fun, informative, well-attended, and productive meetings and we are supporting our dear ND in so many ways. POND provided some delicious treats for “Parents as Students Night,” helped to clean our building prior to our Open House in October, and provided information to potential students and POND members at our fall Open House. Recently, we were asked by Cafeteria Manager Shannon Plath to offer input for the Notre Dame High School Policy on Wellness and Physical Activity. Typical of POND parents, at our last meeting Gene Schenck and Chris Covel offered to reassess the policy with me so we could help Shannon with this task. We are excited to be offered this opportunity and even more excited to see what changes take hold. At our last meeting, parents stepped up to the plate to offer assistance in so many ways with our existing and new committees. Kamilla Kabel will be helping compile our lists of volunteers to streamline our contact techniques! Wow, this will be awesome for all! Lisa Gramlich and Lauri Keeler will be making beautiful cards for our newly established “Sunshine Committee.” If you know of parents, students, teachers or any other friends of ND that should receive a greeting from us, let us know and they will get a pleasant surprise in the mail! Lisa Reese will be organizing our December POND meeting / cookie exchange to make sure everyone has great treats around their Christmas tables. Pam Gilbert is getting our November POND meeting/social night ready with a location to be announced. Yvonne Peck will be arranging for refreshments to be provided for our Family Mass and Pre-Dance Parent Information Night. Jody Nellis is already planning ahead for the United Way Day of Caring in May so we are busy, busy, busy. Here are some dates to remember: (you will get a call if you signed up to help, but all are welcome!) November 18 - POND Social/Meeting Place TBD November 22 – Day of Cleaning (need towels, disinfectant wipes, cleaning supplies and elbow grease) November 23 Family Mass (refreshments provided by POND) November 24 – Pre- Dance Meeting (refreshments by POND) December 15 – POND Meeting and Cookie Exchange Thank you all for your time and dedication to Notre Dame. We look forward to seeing even more friendly faces at our meetings. Just come for the company and to get to know each other. That’s what makes our four years fun! See you soon and God bless you! Anita Strollo NDHS ‘78 Three Ways to Find Activities and Athletic Events Information 1) Dial 585-343-2783 and press # 2) Visit and view the calendar 3) Visit, go to the Athletics menu and choose Schedules Student Attendance Reminder Just a reminder if your student is going to be out of school, due to illness or college visit please call the office at 343-2783 ext. 101. If you know ahead of time, a note can be brought in. Page 15 Student Screening and Referral Service Mrs. Liz Riter, MPS, CASAC Red Ribbon Week Our Red Ribbon Week activities ended with a presentation by Mr. Justin Randall and his assistant, Julie. Justin survived a horrific DWI crash and has committed himself to the cause of reducing the prevalence of DWI. Justin’s Think Before You Drive message focuses on personal responsibility. See his website for more information. Notre Dame students learn more about how Mr. Justin Randall communicates and ask him questions at the end of his presentation. Pictured with Mr. Justin Randall and his assistant Julie are (L to R): Nic Culver ‘18, Natalie Moulton’15, Anna Warner, ‘15, Chris Lemley ‘17, Tyler Prospero ‘16, Bryan Moscicki ‘16, and Thea Bochicchio ‘17 Pre-Christmas Dance Substance Abuse Program for Parents November 24th Substance Abuse Prevention Program for Parents 7 -8:30pm This informative program, required of all parents who have students attending the Christmas Dance, aims to continue our prevention efforts here at Notre Dame. The GCASA Prevention staff, along with law enforcement personnel, will be providing information regarding underage drinking, substance abuse trends and the legal ramifications of hosting underage drinking parties. The real goal of this program is to increase communication within our families and the Notre Dame community resulting in a healthy, vibrant student body. If you attended the Pre-Prom Parent Program, you do not need to attend this presentation. SADD Blood Drive Thank you to all students, faculty and friends of Notre Dame who donated blood at our Red Cross Drive on November 3rd. Our next drive will take place in the spring. When we meet our annual goal, our students become eligible for scholarships awarded by the Red Cross! Page 16 Students of the Month Recognition We are pleased to announce that the following members of our student body have received special recognition from ND faculty and staff members as “Students of the Month”: September 2014 9th Grade: Kimmy Keeler 10th Grade: Caleb Wolcott 11th Grade: Cindy Skalny 12th Grade: Anna Spring Students may be nominated for “Student of the Month” honors using any combination of the following criteria: • • • • • • • • • Consistently demonstrates Christian behavior Demonstrates positive leadership among peers Outstanding classroom performance Individual growth and/or improvement as a student Overall involvement in school activities Outstanding athletic performance Outstanding out-of-school act that merits this type of recognition General overall conduct that best reflects the type of student that we strive to produce at ND Personal observation of meritorious performance as a student at ND Check out pictures on our ND web site! Recipients of this award can be viewed on our web site ( by choosing “Student of the Month” from the “Student Life” menu. Congratulations to our Students of the Month!!! Page 17 Attention Senior and Parents: COLLEGE APPLICATION TIME All seniors should strive to have their college applications completed before Thanksgiving. College acceptances into specific programs are becoming more and more competitive, and the earlier a student has the application completed the more advantageous it is. It is not necessary to wait for SAT or ACT results to complete an application. I encourage parents to communicate with your senior to assess his/her progress and whether or not any assistance is needed. I have met with all seniors to review their high school transcripts to be sure that everything is in place for graduation. We discussed college choices and application procedures. Each senior was given a packet of information to assist in the college application process. It provides information on a web-site to obtain scholarship and financial aid information, tips on surviving the senior year, college application helps, checklists for keeping on track in the process and comparing schools, and guidelines for preparing a resume, as well as documentation of the student’s graduation status. This supplements the informational packet provided at the Junior College Admission Information Session held last spring. If you have not already done so, please review these packets with your student. Students who are undecided can use the College Board website to research colleges. They have a College Matchmaker program which will ask questions about the kinds of things the student prefers in a college and will then give a list of colleges which meet those preferences. I encourage students and parents to visit schools if you have not already done so and to talk directly to someone in the department in which the student is interested so that you can not only compare the schools themselves, but also the programs. While a student may be unable to physically visit some schools, he/she could research their web-sites and make e-mail and/or phone contact with someone in the department. I am looking forward to guiding you through the college process and allowing the senior year to be as enjoyable and stress-free as possible for your family. Please feel free to contact me whenever you have questions or concerns. I am generally at Notre Dame on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. If I am not in the office, Mrs. Rapone will take a message and I will be in contact with you as soon as possible. Nancy Parker Notre Dame School Counselor (Phone: 343-2783 E-mail: Information about College Scholarships is now online and updated regularly! Go to the Academics menu on our school’s web site, choose Guidance Office and then College Scholarship Information. Page 18 Notre Dame Juniors Offered Opportunity to Participate in Experiment Leadership Institute Seminar This summer, The Experiment in International Living is offering new fully funded Experiment Leadership Institute programs in India with a focus on Global Health, or South Africa with a focus on Peace, Politics, and Human Rights for students deeply interested in intercultural leadership, global issues, and civic engagement. These are fully-funded, six-week programs, including: • • • • Four-day pre-program Leadership Seminar in Washington, DC; Re-entry sessions in Brattleboro, Vermont at the SIT campus; Post-program project implemented in the home community. The Leadership Institute is for rising seniors who are at least 16 years old and not more than 18 years old at the time of the exchange; These programs are fully funded for accepted participants. (There is no program fee.) • • • • An energetic, positive attitude Ability to implement projects that benefit the applicant’s school and/or community Demonstrated ability to reflect on learning Demonstrated potential to follow through with projects and apply what one has learned to new projects, initiatives, or plans. Students interested in being nominated for this program can see Mrs. Parker in the Guidance Office. Application deadline: January 15, 2015 Application Materials: Applicants will be required to submit a nomination form, essay questions, and teacher references, among other materials. Applicants will be asked to describe previous leadership roles, learning acquired from those roles, and what the applicant hopes to gain through participation in the Experiment Leadership Institute. Apply Now. When you start your online application for admission, on the Program Selection page choose either India: Public Health and Community Development (Leadership Program Eligibility and Selection Criteria—At a Glance Institute) or South Africa: Youth Leadership in Peace, Because there are only fifteen spaces per Leadership Politics, and Human Rights (Leadership Institute) for Institute program, the application process is highly your first- or second-choice program. (Enter a third-choice competitive. Experiment program that is not a Leadership Institute program. If you are not selected for the Leadership Who is eligible to apply? Institute, we will consider your application for your thirdApplicants must: choice program.) When you reach the Letter of Reference • Be rising seniors 16 years old and not more page of your online application, you will be asked to submit than 18 years old at the time of the exchange the name and contact information of the adult teacher, • Have a high school graduation year of 2016 mentor, or coach who nominated you to The Experiment’s • Have permission from either a parent or legal Leadership Institute. Your nominator will then be sent our guardian to participate in the full six-week online nomination form, which is required. program • Extraordinary High What are the criteria for selection? Students will be evaluated on the following characteristics: School Summer Abroad Programs • Interest in global issues, a commitment to The Experiment in volunteer and civic activities, and leadership International Living potential demonstrated through community provides 3-, 4-, and 5and/or school involvement week summer programs • Ability to work cooperatively in diverse groups for high school students and tolerate the opinions of others who want to connect • Leadership potential demonstrated through deeply and engage community/school involvement meaningfully with the • Good social and communication skills richness and complexities • Strong academic performance (Continued on page 20) Page 19 (Continued from page 19) of another country. Programs equip students not only with essential cultural and, in many cases, language skills, but also with a deeper awareness of and sensitivity to global issues shaping the diverse communities and regions we visit. Students explore the host country through hands-on experiences in local communities and through the lens of a specific theme. Experiment groups are small, typically comprising 10–15 students who represent a range of backgrounds. Experimenters should expect to learn about the diverse cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds that exist within the US and around the world. An 80-Plus-Year History of Leadership and Innovation The Experiment has been providing immersive experiential learning programs abroad since 1932. Each year, students come away from an Experiment program with invaluable new skills, connections, awareness, and knowledge that helps them to thrive—and lead—in diverse, intercultural environments. Countless Experimenters have gone on to do extraordinary work in the world and attain important leadership positions in a diversity of fields and professions. Information regarding the Experiment in International Living programs can be found at Western New York College Consortium Visits Notre Dame Representatives of sixteen [16] Western New York colleges converged on ND on Friday, October 17, 2014 for the annual WNY college consortium visit for ND juniors and seniors. Pictured are Jessica Bukowski ’16 and Anna Warner ’15 speaking with the Canisius College representative while Nichol Salvador ’16 browses brochures from Niagara University. Page 20 New Free Website for College and Scholarship Information provides a wide range of information available to students looking to continue their education beyond high school. Although the website is new, School Soup’s experience in college and scholarship research dates back to 1988. It developed one of the first computerized scholarship search programs and currently has a team of research specialists that add new scholarships to its database every day. Over the past 18 years its college and scholarship data has been licensed to several Fortune 500 companies on an exclusive basis. For the first time its scholarship information is now available to the general public free of charge. They claim to have the world's largest scholarship database since they were collecting scholarship information long before most other internet scholarship search companies were created. They offer students both private and school sponsored awards along with government grant and loan programs. Their search algorithms are designed to provide students with the most relevant scholarships first. Students can research SchoolSoup's scholarship database to find scholarships that are closely aligned with their student profile (academic, activities, major, college, athletics, etc). Also, sometimes there's a quick and simple scholarship contest or sweepstake that's worth their effort. The application process may be as easy as providing an email address or filling out a simple form. Just remember don't pay any processing fees to win free money – watch out for scholarship scams. Some scholarship contests and sweepstakes that students might consider include: $1000 GPA Isn't Everything Scholarship Cappex is awarding up to $50,000 in scholarships! Fill out the application to be eligible for the $1,000 Cappex "I Don't Want To Pay For College" Scholarship - Spring! This scholarship opportunity will be available at any college or university. Applications accepted for a limited time so apply NOW! The $10,000 Scholarship helps students find money for college. Multiple scholarship drawings are held each month – you can win just by registering! Increase your chances or qualify for additional scholarships by taking surveys, reading blogs about paying for and saving money while in college, and other easy activities. For more information, please visit CollegeWeekLive Monthly $1,000 Scholarship Just register at CollegWeekLive, search for colleges of interest to you and you could win $1,000! 1,000 I am Applying Scholarship Just tell us that your are Applying for Scholarships. Open to High School Students, adults looking to head back to school, current college students and anyone else looking to attend college or graduate school within 12 month. In addition to scholarships they offer college information, online degree programs and career school information. Information can be obtained at Page 21 Sat Preparation Class to Be Offered at Notre Dame This year Notre Dame High School will offer an SAT Prep class for interested students, providing a minimum of 10 students register for it. The SAT Reasoning Test is a measure of the critical thinking skills needed for academic success in college. The SAT assesses how well a student analyzes and solves problems—skills learned in school that are needed in college. The SAT is typically taken by high school juniors and seniors. It is one of the top ten things many colleges consider in making an admission decision. The SAT includes a Critical Reading, Math, and Writing section. Ms. Elizabeth Bodine and Ms. Sheri Girvin will teach the classes. The classes will meet from 3:30 to 5:00 P.M. beginning February 23rd. The days, dates and times, as well as the portions of the test that will be reviewed, are listed below. SCHEDULE ALL CLASSES WILL MEET FROM 3:30 TO 5:00 P.M. Mon. February 23rd – Reading/Writing Wed. February 25th – Math Mon. March 2nd– Reading/Writing Wed. March 4th – Math Mon. March 9th – Reading/Writing Wed. March 11th – Math Mon. March 16th – Reading/Writing Wed. March 18th – Math Mon. March 23rd – Reading/Writing Tues. March 24th – Reading/Writing Wed. March 25th – Math Thurs. March 26th – Math SAT Test Dates: May 2nd and June 6th ACT Test Date: April 18th and June 13th Program Cost: The cost for the class is $80.00 (eighty dollars) which includes the price of a textbook. Students may register for the class by returning to the Guidance Office the registration form below with payment. Please make checks payable to Notre Dame High School. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday, February 6th SAT PREPARATION CLASS REGISTRATION STUDENT NAME:______________________________________________________ HOMEROOM:________________________ Enclosed is my payment of $80.00 (eighty dollars) for my student to participate in the SAT Prep Class. I understand that there will be no make-up classes in the event that my student misses a class. PARENT SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________ Page 22 Page 23 Notre Dame Faculty-Staff Habitat for Humanity Service Day The faculty and staff of Notre Dame spent a morning at a work site of Habitat for Humanity of Genesee County on Tuesday, October 14. The current site at 2 McKinley Ave in Batavia is managed by PJ Riner. He met us there and coordinated our work for the morning. We spent the morning building stairs and leveling the front and back yards. Our day of service is based on the same model we use for our student community service requirement, incorporating our faith with action. Faculty and staff participants included: Row #1 (L to R): Sheri Girvin, Karen Rapone, Glenda Rogers, Nancy Sedita Row #2 (L to R): Alana Schrader, Lindsay Warner, Megan Musilli, Carolyn Babcock Row #3 (L to R): Sharon Korzelius, Kristen Calarco-Gomez, John Deaton Row #5 (L to R): Jennifer Kleparek, Michael Rapone, Betsey Bodine, Rhonda DiCasolo, Joseph Scanlan, Eric Geitner Psalm 127:1 Unless the LORD build the house, they labor in vain who build. Unless the LORD guard the city, in vain does the guard keep watch. Page 24 Eight ND student Open House ambassadors spoke with students in 5th through 8th grade at St. Joseph’s Elementary School in Batavia on Thursday, October 16, 2014 with the intention of inviting them to our Sunday, October 19, 2014 Fall Open House for prospective students! They did an outstanding job! Pictured L to R are: Morgan Leaton ’18, Ethan Conrad ’18, Anthony Gugino ’17, Hannah Bowen ’17, Mary Kate Miceli ’16, Connor Logsdon ’16, Mary Bernadette Bochicchio ’15 and Joe Falkowski III ’15. Connor Logsdon ’16 makes a compelling point during the Open House question and answer session on October 16, 2014 at St. Joe’s! Page 25 Rosemary Flumerfeldt ’15 and Serena Strollo-DiCenso ’17 are pictured giving an overview of ND’s yearbook – Mater Dei – and school newspaper – NODAHI – as NHS guide Joe Bergman ’16 and a prospective family look on. ND History teacher and National Honor Society Advisor Glenda Rogers , Guidance Secretary Karen Rapone, and ND Guidance Counselor Nancy Parker meet with prospective students and families at the Fall Open House information table on Sunday, October 19, 2014. Student members of the ND National Honor Society gave building tours; clubs, activities and sports teams were represented in the gymnasium and prospective families were able to speak with ND administrators, teachers, board of trustee members and parent representatives during our Fall Open House! Page 26 End of season recognition ceremony pictures for all fall sports teams can be found on the ND web page photo gallery and the Shutterfly sports picture section under the “Athletics” tab. Group pictures from Soccer and Football recognition ceremonies are pictured below. Check out our web page photo gallery and Athletics tab “Shutterfly” pictures for Varsity Volleyball and Cross Country pictures. ND Senior Football and Football Cheerleader Recognition: L to R: Josh Johnson, Katie Fisher, Lucas Hull, Spencer Misiak, Rosemary Flumerfeldt and Joe Zickl and families were recognized before the ND – Attica game on Saturday, October 11, 2014. ND Soccer Senior Recognition [2] – L to R: Krysta Tomaszewski, Taylor Perzia, Olivia Clark, Kaylin Young, Abby Lyons, Marin Phillips-Reinhart and Audrey DiMatteo and their families are pictured at our pre-game ceremony on Thursday, October 16, 2014. Page 27 Homecoming Mass Class of 2015 members prepare to celebrate their last Homecoming mass at ND. Father Walter Szczesny ’72, the Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Buffalo, returned to his Alma Mater to celebrate mass with us on Friday, October 3, 2014. Mary Bernadette Bochicchio ’15 is pictured proclaiming the 1st reading during Homecoming Mass. Mary Bernadette was chosen to lector at the Christmas Day mass celebrated by Bishop Richard Malone, the Bishop of the Buffalo Diocese, at the Mercy Center in South Buffalo. Mary and 20 ND chorus students will be part of this historic mass which will be televised nationally on Christmas Day on NBC affiliates! This is a great honor for Mary Bernadette, her family and Notre Dame High School! Pictured also are Altar Servers Shea Norton ’16, Father Walt Szczesny and Hannah Bowen ’17. Page 28 Homecoming Court L to R – ND’s 2014 Homecoming Week Court selections included Lady Margaret Sutherland ‘18, Lord Nico Zambito ‘18, Duke Anthony Gugino ‘17, Dutchess Thea Bochicchio ‘17, Princess Nichol Salvador ‘16, Prince Connor Logsdon ‘16, King Joe Zickl ‘15 and Queen Mary Bernadette Bochicchio ’15. Homecoming was held during the week of September 29 through October 4, 2014. The senior class was crowned the 2014 Homecoming Week Competition Champion! Congratulations go out to all students for participating in a very spirited week of daily theme days and athletic contests. Page 29 Page 30 School Breakfast Program If morning meals are difficult for your family, let the School Breakfast Program help you out! School Breakfast - Good for Kids and Good for Parents! For parents with busy schedules, it can be hard to make sure that kids are eating a healthy breakfast before they go to school in the morning. Sometimes children aren’t hungry right after waking up, and it’s hard to find food they like to eat that is also healthy. Also, some kids refuse breakfast at home but are hungry when they arrive at school. Fortunately, we have a great breakfast program for all students, and it’s available at school every day. We offer Breakfast every morning at Notre Dame High School between 7:30 and 8:00am. Breakfast costs 1.25 and includes milk, juice and fruit. Breakfast Sandwiches with Egg, bacon, and Cheese on a Bagel Breakfast Pizza (every other week) Cereal Yogurt with Granola Pop tarts Muffins Plain bagel with Cream Cheese Class of 2017 and Class of 2018 Classic Home Candles Fundraiser Jar Candles are $8 each Topper and Base are $13/set Check out the many scents that are available. Order forms are available on our website – - under the Announcements section on the left of our homepage or from any Class of 2017 or Class of 2018 member. Orders are due to Mrs. Rapone by Friday, Nov. 14. Please attach payment with your order. Orders will be filled in time for Christmas. Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Upcoming Events: November – December 2014 Saturday, November 15, 2014 ND Placement Test for the incoming Class of 2019 [8 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.] ND Athletic Hall of Fame Induction – Fr. Slomba Hall Ascension Parish – 5:30 p.m. Monday, November 17, 2014 Parent-Teacher Conferences - 1st Quarter Report Cards Distribution – 4 – 8 p.m. Tuesday, November 18, 2014 ND Mission Club Thanksgiving Food Drive “Banquet in a Box” contributions/ funds are due. POND Meeting - TBD Friday, November 21, 2014 Class of 2016 Wreath and Swag Orders due Sunday, November 23, 2014 ND Family Mass – 5 p.m. – Gym. All members of all ND families are welcome to attend! Monday, November 24, 2014 GCASA sponsored Drug and Alcohol Awareness session Required for parents of Christmas Dance attendees – 7 p.m. ND Cafeteria. Tuesday, November 25, 2014 Last Day of Classes before Thanksgiving Vacation Class of 2015 Poinsettia orders due Wed. - Fri, Nov. 26 - 28, 2014 Thanksgiving Recess - School not in session Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Tuesday, December 2, 2014 Class of 2015 Poinsettia Order Pickup @ ND [3 – 4:30 p.m.] Wednesday, December 3, 2014 Winter Instrumental-Vocal Concert - Gym - 7 p.m. Thursday, December 4, 2014 Class of 2016 Wreath and Swag Pickup @ ND [3 – 4:30 p.m.] Monday, December 8, 2014 Feast of the Immaculate Conception Mass - 1:30 p.m. Friday, December 12, 2014 Midpoint of the 2nd Marking Period December 2014 ND Newsletter posted online Saturday, December 13, 2014 Student Senate Christmas Dance Monday, December 15, 2014 POND Meeting - TBD Friday, December 19, 2014 Advent Mass for Students and Faculty – 8:30 a.m. Last day of classes before Christmas recess Mon.-Fri., 12/22/14 – 1/ 2/15 Christmas Recess – Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Please check out our website [] calendar for additional dates including Fighting Irish sporting events to include holiday tournaments! ND Pride is Contagious – Catch it! Page 35
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