Att studera utomlands hösten 2016 Info om utlandstermin 2015 Dagens agenda TID ÄMNE VEM 17:15 Beskriver lärosätena vi har avtal med Tommie 18:00 Förberedelser, Ddsplan, intresseanmälan och utresewebben Annika 18:30 Xxxxx Robert 18:45 Kursval och Dllgodoräkning Tea Info om utlandstermin 2015 2 Avtal om studentutbyte specifikt för GDK Belgien lska Enge Italien nska Italie Arteveldehogeschool, Gent Politecnico di Milano Holland Frankrike a gelsk En Hogeschool Utrecht lska Tyskland Croatia Stuttgart Media University University of Zagreb Storbritannien University of West of Scotland anska Fr Ecole Supérieure d'Art et de Design, Reims Enge ska Skott lska Enge Fachhochschule Köln Kanada lska Enge Ryerson University, Toronto Kina lska Enge Bejing Institute of Graphic Communication Övriga LiTH-avtal: bland annat Singapore Info om utlandstermin 2015 3 Italien Politecnico di Milano Frankrike Ecole Supérieure d'Art et de Design, Reims Info om utlandstermin 2015 4 Belgien Arteveldehogeschool, Gent InternaDonal departmental coordinators Bachelor of Graphical and Digital Media Linda Bogaert -‐ Info om utlandstermin 2015 the University of the West of Scotland 5 Accommoda6on University Halls of Residence – self catering flats with 4-‐6 people sharing University flats available in various loca6ons close to University Campus Guaranteed Accommoda6on Compe66ve rents £1000 Accommoda6on Bursary * * Subject to annual revision School of Media, Culture and Society Cross Media Art and Design Robert SuZer For more informa6on: Visit our website at Contact the Overseas Marke6ng Office Tel: + 44 141 848 3733 Fax: + 44 141 848 3333 Email: Tyskland Stuttgart Media University Info om utlandstermin 2015 10 Tyskland Stuttgart Media University Info om utlandstermin 2015 11 Info om utlandstermin 2015 12 Info om utlandstermin 2015 13 Info om utlandstermin 2015 14 Stuttgart Media University Tyskland Köln International School of Design Website: Contacts: International Cooperation Center exchange_tutor Email: Name: Lisa Janßen Phone Number: +49 221 8275 3655 Fax Number: +49 221 318822 Email: Lisa Jan C Required application materials: • curriculum vitae • letter of motivation • letter of reference • portfolio Info om utlandstermin 2015 15 Tyskland Fachhochschule Köln Winter Semester 2015/16 September 21st 2015 - February 7th 2016 (We recommend arriving one or two weeks before the semester starts.) Areas of Expertise The twelve areas of expertise stand at the center of the studies at the Köln International School of Design. Audiovisual Media, Design for Manufacturing, Design Concepts, Design and Economy, Designtheory and -history, Ecology and Design, Gender and Design, Identity and Design, Interface Design, Production Technology, Service Design, Typography and Layout Language of Instruction: English and German High level of English proficiency is required. Info om utlandstermin 2015 16 Holland University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht Info om utlandstermin 2015 17 Utrecht | Rob van den Idsert | International Coordinator | Utrecht University of Applied Sciences | Communication & Media Design | Info om utlandstermin 2015 18 School of Graphic Communications Management Ryerson University (Toronto, Canada) Prof. Ian Baitz Chair, GCM Canada’s largest city Centre of business and industry Ryerson University • Since 1948 • Urban campus in Canada’s largest city • 30,000 students –28,000 undergraduate –2,000 Master’s and PhD • Over 60 undergraduate programs in 5 Faculties –Faculty of Communication & Design • Reputation for practical programs 21 Graphic Communications Management • Canada’s degree program for the high-tech printing industries • 4-year degree • Focus on management of technology • Over 500 students total • 14 professors and staff • Excellent involvement with industry Curriculum • 50% technology – Layout and typography – Premedia / prepress • Mac labs, digital photography, studio, I/O lab – Printing processes • Offset, digital, flexography – Binding and finishing processes • 40% management studies – Accounting, marketing, management, sales • 10% liberal studies – English, French, sociology, history, music, art, … International Exchanges • GCM has student exchanges with LiU and HdM, also DSMJ (Copenhagen) • Ryerson has two terms (semesters) per year – Fall: early September until mid December – Winter: mid January until late April • Most exchange students take 4 or 5 courses per term at Ryerson – Mostly third year courses – Course selection must satisfy Ryerson and LiU Further Information • • • Kina Bejing Institute of Graphic Communication (BIGC) • Kurser undervisas på engelska • Kurser kan läsas på hela BIGC • Möjligt att göra projekt/examensarbete hos engelsktalande lärare Info om utlandstermin 2015 27 Info om utlandstermin 2015 28 Kina Courses from School of Journalism and Publishing Rights Management Programr: Interna6onal publishing and communica6on Credit Hours: 64 Credit Points: 4.0 Interna/onal Trade Prac/ce Program: Interna6onal publishing and communica6on Credit Hours: 64 Credit Points: 4.0 Intercultural Communica/on Program: BA in Interna6onal publishing and communica6on Credit Hours: 64 Credit Points: 4.0 Communica/on Studies Major: Edi6ng &Publishing,Digital Publishing,Journalism and other majors about Media and Communica6on Credit Hours: 48 Credit Points: 3.0 Publishing Studies Major: Edi6ng &Publishing,Digital Publishing,Journalism and other majors about Media and Communica6on Credit Hours: 48 Credit Points: 3.0 Edi/ng Studies Major: Edi6ng &Publishing,Digital Publishing,Journalism and other majors about Media and Communica6on Credit Hours: 48 Credit Points: 3.0 Avtal om studentutbyte specifikt för GDK finns med universitet i: Övriga LiTH-avtal: bland annat Singapore Info om utlandstermin 2015 29 Studenter utomlands ht 2015 Belgien Arteveldehogeschool Liv Bossuyt; Belgien Arteveldehogeschool Amanda Döragrip; Belgien Arteveldehogeschool Cecilia Eriksson; Tyskland Hochschule der Medien Henrik Larsson; Tyskland Hochschule der Medien Adam Stark; Nederländerna HOGESCHOOL VAN UTRECHT Ellen Franzén; Nederländerna HOGESCHOOL VAN UTRECHT Oscar Manfred; Singapore Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Josefine Brandt; Kanada Ryerson University Evelina Hallén; Kanada Ryerson University Connie Åberg; Storbritannien University of the West of Scotland Ella Insulander; Storbritannien University of the West of Scotland Sara Norrbom; Info om utlandstermin 2015 30 Googla GDK programsidor Info om utlandstermin 2015 31
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