MURRAY-HUIS GREY-KOLLEGE KOSHUISREëLS ALGEMEEN: • • • • • Dit word van elke Murray-Huis inwoner verwag om hierdie reëls te ken en te gehoorsaam. Die Huisvader en inwonende personeel sal die reëls van tyd-tot-tyd hersien en die hoogste gesag berus voortdurend by die Skoolhoof en Personeel. Waar twyfel bestaan t.o.v. toepassing, moet kosgangers die personeel spreek, asook in gevalle waar die reëls miskien nie voorsiening maak nie. Seuns moet alle probleme / navrae eerstens met die Personeellid aan Diens, inwonende Personeel, Huisvader of die Skoolhoof bespreek, alvorens ouers gekontak word. Ouers sal deur die Huisvader of Personeel gekontak word indien ‘n probleem nie opgelos kan word nie – verdere gesprek of aksie sal volg totdat probleemoplossing so effektief as moontlik kan plaasvind. KLOKKE: Opstaanklok (elektriese klok) word om 06:10 deur die diensdoende onderwyser gelui. Almal moet dan uit die bed wees. Seuns wat siek voel meld om 06:10 by die Matrone aan. Die Huiskomitee is verantwoordelik vir die lui van die volgende klokke, wat stiptelik sal lui: 1. Stilte om 06:30. 2. Alle beddens moet opgemaak en die kamers moet gereed wees vir inspeksie om 06:30. 3. Die laaste ontbytklok (eetsaal) lui om 06:40. Almal moet dan gereed en in hul rye wees om na die eetsaal te gaan vir ontbyt. Geen verskoning vir laatkommers of wegblyers nie. 4. Klokke vir middagete lui om 13:40 wanneer die skool verdaag en 13:50. 5. Na middagete is dit STILTE vanaf 14:30 tot 15:15. “stilte” deur “studie’ vervang. 6. “Afgaan” lui om 15:30. Dan moet almal uit hul kamers en die koshuis wees. Tydens toetse en eksamens, word Slegs in uitsonderlike gevalle en met die nodige toestemming van ʼn onderwyser of prefek, mag iemand dan teruggaan kamer toe om iets te gaan haal. Rondlopery in die koshuis is verbode. PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: 7. Om 16:45 lui “opgaan”: dan kan kosgangers weer in die koshuis gaan om te stort en aan te trek vir aandete en studie later. 7.1 Stortklok – (“showers”) lui: Maandae: Res van week: Aandete is om 17:45. 8. 17:00 17:15 Kleredrag moet netjies wees: hemde met krae, kort- of langbroek en skoene is verpligtend – sweetpakke soos voorgeskryf op ander dae. Dit word van die seuns verwag om afhangend van weersomstandighede na aandete tot voor studie, buite die koshuis te speel en nie in hul kamers te gaan nie. 9. Aandstudietye is soos volg: 18:30 - 19:15 19:30 - 20:15 20:30 - 21:00 21:00 - 21:15 Appèl 10. Na studie lui die stortbadklok en om 21:40, die storte uit klok, om 21:50 stilte en om 22:00 alle ligte af. Hierdie tye word deur die Onderwyser aan diens aangepas afhangend van hoe lank appèl aanhou. 11. Diegene wat laat-studie wil hê, moet die nodige toesteming by die diensdoende onderwyser kry. 23:00 – ligte uit vir “laat-studie”. 12. Na ligte uit, moet daar absolute stilte in die koshuis wees en geen rondlopery word toegelaat nie. 13. Saterdag: Opstaan: Ontbyt: Appèl: Middagete: Appèl: Aandete: Appèl: 07:30 08:00 12:15 12:30 17:15 17:30 20:30 Res van die klokke soos die dag sal bepaal. PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: 14. Sondag: Opstaan: 07:15 Ontbyt: 07:45 Appèl: 11:45 Middagete: 12:00 Silence: 14:00 Silence out: 16:00 Appèl: 17:15 Aandete: 17:30 Appèl: 21:00 Storte: 21:15 Silence: 21:30 (Besluit van Onderwyser) Ligte uit: 21:45 KOSHUIS DEURE SLUIT ELKE AAND OM 21:00 ETENSTYE Ontbyt: 06:45 Middagete: 13:50 Aandete: 17:45 (Mag aangepas word in toetse / eksamens / toere, ens.) STUDIE TYE Maandae tot Donderdae: Sessie vanaf 18:30 tot 19:15 Sessie vanaf 19:30 tot 20:15 Sessie vanaf 20:30 tot 21:00 Appèl 21:00 tot 21:15 Gedurende die eksamen is daar ‘n ekstra sessie in die middae. Gedurende studie tye mag geen oproepe gemaak of ontvang word nie. PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: REëLINGS IN DIE KOSHUIS: 1. Bywoning van eredienste van elke seun in sy eie kerkverband op Sondagoggende. Spesiale verlof kan van die Onderwyser aan diens verkry word om die aanddiens by te woon. 2. Die gebruik van sigarette (enige vorm van middels wat gerook kan word), alkohol (drank) en enige vorm van dwelms en pornografie is ten strengste verbode. Seuns moet kennis neem dat hulle nie eens in die teenwoordigheid van volwassenes of met die toestemming van volwassenes, by die skool, in die publiek of by privaat partytjies, enige van die middels soos alkohol, rook of dwelms (dagga of enige vorm van dwelm) mag gebruik nie. Die gebruik van steroide word ook sterk afgekeur. Die skool handhaaf ‘n “ZERO Tolerance” ten opsigte van die gebruik van hierdie onwettige middels. MOET dit NOOIT gebruik nie. (Sien asb. die skool se gedragreëls soos uiteengesin op die Grey-Kollege webblad.) 3. Gebruik van elektriese apparaat in die koshuis is beperk tot selfoon laaiers, radio’s en CD / MP 3 of 4 spelers. (Prefekte kan, met die nodige toestemming van die Huisvader, wel elektrisiteit, bv. klein yskassie in hulle kamers gebruik.) Laptops word alleenlik toegelaat vir skooltake en skoolverwante opdragte – geen speletjies / “games” mag gespeel word, of foto’s / flieks / DVD’s gekyk word nie – in hierdie geval sal die laptop gekonfiskeer word tot die einde van die betrokke kwartaal. Die koshuis beskik oor twee sitkamers met TV’s. 4. Indien eiendom van seuns wegraak, moet hulle dit dadelik aan die diensdoende onderwyser rapporteer. Eiendom moet altyd gemerk wees. 5. Geen spelery word op die stoepe of in die binnehof van die koshuis toegelaat nie. Hoegenaamd geen spelery binne die gebou nie. 6. Geen gordyne, beddegoed, beddens, kaste of ander meubles / items mag verniel word nie. Vernielsugtigheid pas nie by ‘n “Grey Gentleman” se gedrag nie. 7. Geen hardlopery in die gange nie. 8. Wanneer die toilette en badkamers gebruik word, moet seuns sorg dat dit altyd netjies en skoon is. Laat die plek in so 'n toestand as wat jy dit graag sou wou hê en respekteer mekaar se privaatheid. Onthou dat daar CCTV-kamera’s in die gange is – dra asb. altyd geskikte klere. PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: 9. Radio’s, CD of MP spelers, PSP’s en selfone mag nie gedurende stiltetyd, studietyd of na “ligte-uit” gebruik word nie. Gebruik van “laptops” tydens studietyd, mag alleenlik met toestemming van die diensdoende onderwyser geskied. 10. Niemand word toegelaat om die TV te gebruik sonder die toestemming van die Onderwyser aan diens nie. 11. Die hooftrap word nie deur Gr. 8 seuns gebruik nie. Die prefekte en Gr. 9 seuns is die enigste leerlinge wat dit mag gebruik. 12. Geen geraas of uitspattigheid sal binne of naby die koshuis geduld word nie. 13. Vensters in die koshuis moet nie onnodig oopgelaat word nie en geen deure in die koshuis word toegeklap nie. Maak asb. seker dat die kamervensters toe is wanneer die koshuis verlaat word. 14. Niemand mag gedurende pouses, skoolure, of tussen 15:30 en 16:45 in die koshuis wees nie (tensy ongure weer). Dit sluit Saterdae, Sondae en ander vakansiedae in, waartydens seuns net tyedens die tye soos aangetoon, in die koshuis toegelaat sal word. Verlof om toegang tot die koshuis gedurende hierdie tye word verkry vanaf die Onderwyser aan Diens of 'n Prefek. 15. Siektes moet soggens om 06:10 by die Matrone aangemeld word. Enige seun met enige besering of siekte, of iemand wat sleg voel, of noodgevalle moet dadelik aanmeld word. Indien ‘n seun gedurende skool-ure siek word of ‘n besering opdoen, moet hy by die Huisvader (Mnr. Juan van den Berg – “Mnr. Bobby”) ‘n briefie / handtekening kry en dan by die skool kantoor by Mev. Elsie Geeringh aanmeld waar hy ‘n verlof briefie sal kry om na Murray-Huis te mag gaan. By Murray-Huis word die briefie aan Matrone Nina oorhandig en sy sal die seun sien en versorging reël. Pin asb. Matrone se tel. nommer (0834621639) in die selfoon. (Al drie Matrones se selfoon nommers moet in selfoon ingepin wees, soos voorheen gemeld. Murray-Huis:Mev. Nina van den Berg ~ 051 4440377 / 0834621639, Brill-Huis: Mev. Monica Machts~0832918161, Leith-Huis:Mev. Juliana Ferreira ~ 082 698 4062) 16. Noodgevalle vereis altyd onmiddellike optrede. Doktersafsprake word deur die Matrone gereël. Geen seun mag gedurende skoolure in die koshuis bly, tensy hy ‘n siekbrief, wat deur ‘n dokter uitgereik is, aan die Matrone oorhandig het, nie. Seuns word aangemoedig om indien hulle gemaklik daarmee voel, hul kamermaats in te lig rondom sekere allergiese toestande, bv. allergies vir by-steek of siekte toestande soos diabetes, sodat almal daarop bedag kan wees. PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: SLAAPKAMERS: 1. Kamers moet om 06:30 netjies en gereed vir inspeksie wees. 2. Kaste moet altyd netjies en gereed vir inspeksie wees – Elke Maandag inspeksie. Kaste moet altyd gesluit wees wanneer seuns nie in die kamers is nie. Merk alle persoonlike artikels duidelik. Die Skool / Koshuis kan nie verantwoordelik gehou word vir artikels wat breek, beskadig word of gesteel word nie. 3. Geen seun mag sonder verlof in 'n ander seun se kamer ingaan nie. 4. Enige persoon wat homself skuldig maak aan diefstal van enige iets wat nie aan hom behoort nie, bv. selfone of geld, se ouers / voogde (en polisie indien nodig) sal onmiddellik deur die Skoolhoof gekontak word om sodanige oortreding summier te straf. GEEN diefstal word geduld nie. (Gedragsreëls: / Aansoeke / Dissipline) 5. Wegsteek van ander se artikels (bv. selfone, geld, boeksakke, ens.), sal as “poging tot diefstal” beskou word. Moenie iets vat wat nie joune is nie. 6. Geen vrugte / eetgoed wat die vloere kan bemors, mag in die kamer geëet word nie. 7. Seuns is verantwoordelik vir die netheid van hul kamers – elke oggend inspeksie. 8. Niks mag op die vloer of bo-op die kaste rondlê nie. Alle papiere, skille, ens. moet in die blik gegooi word wat in elke kamer voorsien word. Elke kamer het sy eie besem en skoppie om die vloere mee skoon te vee. 9. Eiendom wat in die kamers of studiesaal rondlê, sal geskut word. 10. Breekskade (veral by kaste) moet dadelik by die Huisvader en Matrone gerapporteer word. 11. Geen balle mag teen enige muur, binne of buite die gebou, gegooi word nie. Daar mag nie met balle in die koshuis gespeel word nie. 12. Daar word nie op beddens gespring nie. Respekteer asb. die skool se eiendom. 13. Seuns word nie toegelaat om ooit ander seuns te boelie of te slaan of enige ander aktiwiteite toe te pas wat teen die wet of skoolreëls is nie. Rapporteer “Boelies” dadelik aan die Huisvader. Geen “Boelies” word geduld nie en ‘n “grap” of opmerking wat iemand ongemaklik of seer maak, word nie beskou as ‘n “grap” nie. (Sien gedragreëls op webblad.) PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: 14. Tydskrifte en enige ander materiaal of digitale materiaal (bv. selfone) in ʼn seun se besit moet van so aard wees dat dit by die skoolreëls hou en ʼn onderwyser dit nie hoef te konfiskeer nie. Geen pornografiese materiaal van enige aard word geduld nie. 15. GEEN persoon van buite die koshuis word in die koshuis / kamers toegelaat nie, met uitsondering van ouers / voogde wat die toilet onder die trap mag gebruik, asook die sitkamer op die grondvloer op Maandae vanaf 07:30 tot 09:00 en Vrydae vanaf 12:00 tot 13:45. Hierdie besoekers word egter nie toegelaat om die kamers te besoek nie. Werkers van buite word soms met toestemming van die Huisvader toegelaat om indien nodig, hoofsaaklik wanneer seuns nie in die koshuis is nie, herstelwerk te doen. Rapporteer enige persone wat in die koshuis rondloop / suspisieus voorkom sonder om hul te konfronteer. 16. TEKEN ALTYD PERSOONLIK UIT EN TERUG IN DIE STADSVERLOF BOEK WANNER JY DIE SKOOLGRONDE VERLAAT. VERLOF: Alle verlof is 'n voorreg en nie 'n reg nie! Goeie werk en gedrag alleen kan verseker dat hierdie voorreg benut kan word. VERLOF Verlof is ’n voorreg en goeie gedrag sal verseker dat dit benut kan word. ALLE verlof is afhanklik van skool verpligtinge en sal slegs toegestaan word, indien dit nie bots met enige skool verpligtinge nie. Alle verlof word slegs deur die Huisvader of in sy afwesigheid die personeellid wat waarneem, toegestaan. Die Matrone mag geen verlof goedkeur nie. Behalwe onder omstandighede soos later bespreek, moet seuns elke keer wanneer hulle die gronde verlaat in die voorgeskrewe stadsverlof register uit en terug teken. Alle aansoeke om verlof moet skriftelik wees en moet Murray-Huis op of voor elke Donderdag om 15:00 bereik. Dit kan per brief, faks of e-pos gedoen word. Geen mondelinge / telefoniese aansoeke of aansoeke per SMS sal aanvaar word nie. Indien van e-posse gebruik gemaak word vir verlof versoeke, is dit vir ons meer prakties indien die aansoek in die e-pos teks vervat word en nie in ‘n aanhegsel gestuur word nie. ( PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: Graad 8’s sal in vir die EERSTE keer toegelaat word om afhangende van skoolverpligtinge en ander omstandighede (bv. gedrag), die naweek van Vrydag 30 Januarie 2015 ‘n “uitnaweek” of “Saterdag dag-uit” of “Sondag dag-uit”, verlof te neem. Maak asb. seker dat versoeke teen Donderdag 29 Januarie 2015 @ 15:00 skriftelik ingedien is. Nadat verlof toegeken is op ‘n Donderdag, word geen uitsondering gemaak om dit later om te keer na ’n ander tipe verlof vir die betrokke naweek nie. Indien seuns sonder verlof vir die naweek huistoe gaan verbeur hulle die daaropvolgende twee naweke se verlof! 1. ‘n Naweek begin direk na skool op 'n Vrydag en duur tot net voor skool op die daaropvolgende Maandag of volgende skooldag. Een naweek per kwartaal word deur die skool vasgepen en seuns moet gedurende hierdie naweke in die koshuis bly: Kwartaal 1: 16-18 Januarie 2015 Kwartaal 2: 17-19 April 2015 Kwartaal 3: 24-26 Julie 2015 asook Kwartaal 3: 28-30 Augustus 2015 (28-30 Aug: Grey Musiekfees - seuns mag die Saterdagaand na afloop van die Musiekfees op naweekverlof gaan en verlofreëlings is van toepassing). Kalenderlangnaweke is verpligte uit-naweke. 2. 'n Seun mag op ‘n Saterdag “dag-uit” verlof neem: Vanaf na ontbyt ( 08:15) tot 17:15 (“lang dag”). In dié geval mis die seun dus middag appèl en die daaropvolgende ete en moet skriftelike verlof vanaf die ouers / voogde reeds die Donderdag verkry word. 3. 'n Seun mag Sondag “dag-uit” verlof neem: Vanaf net na die oggend kerkdiens tot 21:00 (“lang dag”) – In dié geval mis die seun dus middag- en vroeg aand appèl en die daarop volgende etes en moet skriftelike verlof reeds die Donderdag verkry word. • Verlof vir ‘n “lang dag”, m.a.w. waar enige van die Saterdag of Sondag se appèlbyeenkomste of etes nie bygewoon word nie, vereis skriftelike toestemming van die ouers / voogde voor die Donderdag om 15:00. Addisionele vereistes indien vriende / familie, ens. via uitnodiging besoek word, word ook in die reëls bespreek. • Indien 'n seun 'n Saterdag en 'n Sondag van dieselfde naweek “dag-uit” neem, tel dit as 'n “naweek”. Gemelde verlof sal alleenlik toegestaan word indien 'n seun ʼn skriftelike uitnodiging van die betrokke persone ontvang het (ouers + gasheer waar van toepassing). • In die geval van langnaweke, word verlof toegestaan die dag voor die eerste dag van die langnaweek. Skriftelike verlof aansoeke moet altyd voor 15:00 ontvang word. • Indien 'n seun vir 'n naweek na ander persone as sy ouerhuis toe gaan, moet 'n addisionele toestemmingsbrief van sy ouers die uitnodiging van die gasheer (volwassene) vergesel. PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: Verlof versoeke = skriftelik @ Donderdag voor 15:00 / faks 086 525 8193 • Die volgende inligting moet op 'n uitnodigingsbrief wees: Leerder se naam en van; Gasheer se naam en van; Gasheer se adres, asook die gasheer se telefoonnommer en die datum van verlof. Hierdie uitnodigings moet in alle gevalle deur die gasheer onderteken wees + toestemmingsbrief (faks / e-pos van ouers / voogde) moet die uitnodiging vergesel. 4. Seuns mag onder geen omstandighede die skoolgronde verlaat sonder die toestemming van 'n Murray-Huis personeellid nie (met uitsondering van no. 7 en 8 ~ Teken dan register.) 5. Seuns moet, nadat hulle met die nodige toestemming van funksies terugkeer op ‘n naweek aand, of terugkeer van Stadsverlof, by die onderwyser aan diens rapporteer. Dit geld ook vir seuns wat met spesiale toestemming sekere aande die koshuis verlaat. (Die register moet altyd ingevul word en persoonlik UIT en IN geteken word.) 6. Geen verlof word toegestaan wanneer skoolfunksies plaasvind nie. 7. Saterdagoggende en -middae mag seuns die skoolterrein sonder enige spesiale verlof verlaat, maar moet sorg dat hulle terug is vir elke appèl-byeenkoms en alle etes. Die stadsverlof register moet altyd uit- en terug geteken word. 8. Seuns mag die skoolterrein ook Sondagmiddae, net na middagete verlaat en moet betyds terug wees vir appèl om 17:15. (Sondagoggende woon seuns die kerk van hul keuse by.) Die stadsverlof register moet altyd uit- en terug geteken word. 9. Verlof na die stad of enige ander plekke gedurende die week, word alleen in dringende gevalle deur die diensdoende onderwyser net na middagete in die Studiesaal gegee. Sulke verlof word slegs eenkeer per week aan 'n seun toegestaan. Die stadsverlof register moet altyd uit- en terug geteken word. 10. Seuns moet ten alle tye hul persoonlike veiligheid in ag neem en in groepe van minstens 3 beweeg wanneer hulle die Grey-Kampus verlaat, asook die Register teken, veral in geval van nommers 7 en 8. Hou by die bekende, bly in groepe en wees altyd waaksaam. Seuns moet seker maak dat indien hulle met die toestemming van hul ouers, in ‘n privaat voertuig vervoer word, hulle vas gegordel is en dat die persoon wat bestuur ‘n lisensie het en nie onder die invloed van alkohol of ander middels is nie. Verskeie noodlottige ongelukke vind plaas wanneer kinders agter op ‘n oop bakkie ry. Die dra van valhelms word vereis wanneer seuns fietsry of motorfiets ry. Seuns word ernstig daarvan afgeraai om agterop motorfietse te ry. Murray-Huis sluit elke aand om 21:00 PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: ALGEMEEN - TEN SLOTTE: 1. Geen seun mag die koshuis na ligte-uit verlaat nie. 2. Geen verlof sal gedurende studie toegestaan word aan iemand om iets by maats te leen of uit te vind nie - gedurende studie word studeer! 3. In die studiesaal sal altyd stilte en orde gehandhaaf word! 4. Die prefek aan diens sal sorg dat alle ligte afgeskakel word en dat die studiesaalvensters en ander buitevensters toe is. 5. Kleredrag word deur die skool bepaal en seuns moet toesien dat hulle ten alle tye netjies voorkom en hul hare netjies en kort is. (Geen oorringe of neusringe ens.) 6. Vereiste kleredrag en ander dissipline en gedragreëls moet bestudeer word: (Gedragskode). Dit is ook gedruk in die gratis Grey Huiswerkboeke wat die skool uitgee. 7. Seuns moet altyd netjies wees. Wanneer seuns die terrein verlaat in skooldrag, moet daar gelet word dat hemde ingesteek is, skoene skoon is en algemene netheid toegepas word. Geen hande in die broeksakke. 8. GEEN kougom word gekou nie – veral nie wanneer seuns in skooldrag is nie - en veral nie in die publiek nie. Dit sluit sportbyeenkomste en die Musiekfees, in. 9. Ons herhaal: Die gebruik van sigarette, dwelms of alkohol is VERBODE – geen rook of drank of enige ander middels wat jou gesondheid of beeld skade kan berokken word toegelaat nie. Skuldig bevinding sal lei tot skorsing uit koshuis / skool. (Raadpleeg asb. die gedragskode op die skool se webwerf.) 10. Goeie gedrag en tafelmaniere moet in die eetsaal aan die dag gelê word. 11. Moet geen groot bedrae geld of waardevolle artikels in jou kamer of kas laat nie. Gee dit liewer aan die Matrone vir veilige bewaring. 12. Alleenlik prefekte word op die balkon toegelaat. PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: 13. Geen wasgoed bv. sokkies of handdoeke mag by die vensters uitgehang word nie. 14. Groet jou meerderes en staan op as volwassenes by jou verbygaan. Groet elke keer ook die bestuurders van voertuie wat by jou verby ry. 15. Wanneer ʼn vreemde persoon buite die koshuis is, moet daar dadelik iemand van karrediens (14:00 – 17:00) wat aan diens is, gaan verneem of hy so ʼn persoon nie kan help nie. 16. Selfone is ten alle tye die verantwoordelikheid van die leerder en moet altyd op ʼn veilige plek gebêre word. Pas jou selfoon op! Sluit jou selfoon asb. weg as dit nie by jou is nie. Moenie jou selfoon laat rondlê nie. 17. Geen telefoonoproepe mag gedurende studietye en na die stiltetyd klok gemaak of ontvang word nie.NB.Selfone mag nie na “ligte uitut” gebruik word nie. 18. Bespaar elektrisiteit deur jou kamerlig gedurende die dag (of as jy nie daar is nie), af te skakel. 19. Beskerm jouself deur op te let na die “digitale voetspore” wat jy laat, deur nie inkriminerende opmerkings te maak op FB ens. nie. Sodra iets op FB of Twitter geplaas is, word dit die wêreld ingestuur. Beskerm ook jou privaatheid. Wees daarop bedag om nie ander te “boelie” met opmerkings nie en indien jy kwesbaar voel of deur ander op die sosiale netwerke geboelie word, of dalk iets geplaas het waaroor jy spyt is, staan ons deure altyd oop vir jou om daaroor te gesels. Dit is nooit nodig om minderwaardig of seergemaak te voel deur die reaksie van ander op sosiale netwerke nie. Kom gesels asb. met ons. 20. Dink altyd aan die ander persoon voordat jy iets doen en respekteer mekaar en mekaar se besittings deur jou taalgebruik en optrede. Vloekwoorde dui slegs op ‘n gebrek aan woordeskat en die onvermoë om jouself te kan uitdruk. Waak dus daarteen – dit hoort nie by ons seuns nie. 21. JY is deel van ʼn skool en koshuis wat vir jou omgee – moenie huiwer om probleme of ongerymdhede met jou Prefekte, Voog-personeel, Personeel, Matrone of Huisvader te bespreek nie. ONTHOU: Jy is altyd ʼn Grey-seun en jou optrede moet ten alle tye jou skool waardig wees. Grey is trots op jou! PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: GENERAL: • • • • • It is expected of every Murray House resident to know and to obey these rules. The Housmaster and Resident Staff will revise these rules from time-to-time, and the highest authority always rests with the Principal, Housemaster and Resident Staff. If there is any doubt about the application of the rules, boarders must see the staff about it, even in cases where the rules may not cover certain situations. All problems / queries must first be discussed with either the Teacher on Duty, Resident Staff, Housemaster or the Principal, before parents are contacted. The Housemaster or Staff will contact parents in the event of an unsolved matter and further discussion or action will follow until the problem can be dissolved as effective as possible. BELLS: The Teacher on Duty will ring the rising bell (electric bell) at 06:10. Everybody must then be out of their beds. Boys who feel unwell must report to the Matron at 06:10. The House Committee (Prefects) is responsible for the ringing of all the other bells, which must be done exactly on time. 1. SILENCE at 06:30. 2. All beds must be made and the room must be ready for inspection at 06:30. 3. The last breakfast bell (dining hall) goes at 06:40. Everyone must then be ready and in their queues. No excuses for not being on time or absent. 4. Bells for lunch ring at 13:40 (end of formal academic school day) and 13:50. 5. After lunch, it is SILENCE from 14:30 until 15:15. During tests or exams, “silence” will be replaced with “study”. 6. At 15:30 "afgaan" is rung. Everybody must then be out of their rooms and out of the hostel. Only in exceptional cases and with the necessary permission of a teacher or prefect, may a boy fetch something from his room. PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: At 16:45 "opgaan" is rung: Boys are allowed to re-enter the hostel in order to shower and dress for supper and study. 7. Shower bell: Mondays Rest of the week 8. Supper is at 17:45. : 17:00 : 17:15 Dress code - neat: shirts with collars, as well as short pants or trousers. Shoes and socks are compulsory – tracksuits as prescribed on other days. It is expected of Murray House boys to play outside the hostel after supper and before study and not to stay in their rooms. (Weather permitting). 9. Evening study times: 18:30 - 19:15 19:30 - 20:15 20:30 - 21:00 21:00 - 21:15 “Appèl” 10. After study “showers out” will ring at 21:40, silence at 21:50 and “lights out” at 22:00. The teacher will decide upon times - depending on the duration of the “appèl”. 11. Those who want “late study” must get the necessary permission from the Teacher on Duty. 23:00 – “lights out” for “late study”. 12. After “lights out” there must be absolute silence in the hostel and nobody is allowed to walk around in the hostel. All lights must be switched off. 13. Saturday: Rising bell: Breakfast: “Appèl”: Lunch: “Appèl”: Supper: “Appèl”: 07:30 08:00 12:15 12:30 17:15 17:30 20:30 The other bells will be rung as the day itself determines. PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: 14. Sunday: Rising bell: 07:15 Breakfast: 07:45 “Appèl”: 11:45 Lunch: 12:00 Silence: 14:00 Silence out: 16:00 “Appèl”: 17:15 Supper: 17:30 “Appèl”: 21:00 Showers: 21:15 Silence: 21:30 (Decision lies with teacher) Lights out: 21:45 HOSTEL DOORS CLOSE EVERY EVENING AT 21:00 MEALTIMES: Breakfast: 06:45 Lunch: 13:50 Dinner: 17:45 (Mealtimes will be accordingly adjusted during tests / exams / tours, etc.) STUDY TIMES: Monday to Thursday: Session from 18:30 to 19:15 Session from 19:30 to 20:15 Session 20:30 to 21:00 Appèl from 21:00 to 21:15 During the exams there will be an extra study session in the afternoons. Nobody will be allowed to make or take calls during study sessions. PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: RULES IN THE HOSTEL: 1. Church attendance to different denominations will take place on Sunday mornings. Each boy may attend the Church service of his choice. Special permission from the Teacher on Duty may be obtained to attend the evening service as well. BOYS ALWAYS HAVE TO SIGN OUT AND IN WHEN LEAVING THE SCHOOL GROUNDS. 2. The use of cigarettes (any kind of drugs that can be smoked), alcohol (liquor) any other form of drugs or steroids, as well as pornography, is strictly prohibited. Boys should note that they are not even allowed to use any of these substances (eg. alcohol) in the presence of adults or with the consent of adults, at school, in public or at private parties. The school maintains a "ZERO Tolerance" regarding the use of any of the mentioned substances. If convicted guilty, this will lead to expulsion from the hostel / school. (Please refer to the Code of Conduct on the school's website.) 3. The use of electrical appliances are restricted to cell phone chargers, radios and CD / MP 3 or 4 players. (Prefects may, with the necessary permission of the Housemaster, use electrical appliances in their rooms.) Laptops may only be used for school projects or school related homework – no games may be played. No pictures, movies or DVD’s may be watched on laptops – if the laptop is used for anything rather than school projects, it will be confiscated for the rest of that specific term. The hostel has two lounges with televisions, a kettle and a microwave oven. 4. Lost property must immediately be reported to the Teacher on Duty. Always mark / tag belongings. 5. No playing is allowed immediately in front of the hostel or in the courtyard. Absolutely no playing inside the building. 6. No curtains, bedding, beds, cupboards or any other furniture or property may be damaged. Destructiveness does not fit a “Grey Gentleman’s” behaviour. 7. No running in the corridors. 8. When using the toilets or bathrooms, you must see to it that the place is always neat and tidy. Leave the place in such a condition as you’d like to find it. Always respect the privacy of others, especially in the bathrooms. Remember that there are CCTV cameras in the hallways – always wear appropriate clothing. PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: 9. Radios, CD or MP players, PSP’s or cell phones, may not be used during silence, study or after “lights out”. The use of laptops during study is only allowed with permission from the Teacher on Duty. 10. Nobody is allowed to use the TV without the permission of the Teacher on Duty. 11. Gr. 8 boys are not allowed to use the main stairs. The Prefects and the Gr. 9 boys are the only pupils allowed to use it. 12. No noise or unnecessary disturbances will be tolerated inside or near the hostel. 13. No windows in the hostel must be left open unnecessarily and no doors will be slammed. Kindly close the windows when leaving the hostel. 14. Nobody may be in the hostel during breaks, school hours or between 15:30 and 16:45 (weather permitting). This includes Saturdays, Sundays and other public holidays, where boys are allowed inside the hostel only during the times as indicated. If it is absolutely necessary that boys must be inside the hostel, permission must be obtained from the Teacher on Duty or a Prefect. 15. Illnesses must be reported to the Matron at 06:10. Any boy with an injury or illness, or who has an emergency, should immediately report to the Matron, without delay. If anybody becomes ill during school hours or suffer an injury, he should report to the Housemaster (Mr. Juan van den Berg - "Mr. Bobby") to obtain a letter / signature and then report to Mrs. Elsie Geeringh at the School Office for the necessary permission to go to Murray House. Matron Nina will receive the letter from you and will make the necessary arrangements to help you. Please add the Matron's mobile number (0834621639) to your phone. (The phone numbers of the THREE Matrons must be added to your phone. Murray House: Matron Nina van den Berg ~ 051 4440377 / 0834621639, Brill House: Mrs. Monica Machts ~ 0832918161, Leith House: Mrs. Juliana Ferreira ~ 082 698 4062) 16. Emergencies always require immediate action. Medical appointments are done by the Matron. Boys will only be allowed to stay in the hostel during school hours, after presenting a valid sick note, issued by a Medical Doctor. Boys are encouraged to inform their roommates about certain medical conditions, e.g. allergy to bee-sting or illnesses like diabetes, so everyone can be aware of it, in case of an emergency. PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: DORMITORIES: 1. Rooms must be neat and ready for inspection at 06:30. 2. Lockers must always be neat and ready for inspection in the form of scheduled or unscheduled inspections – Scheduled inspections will take place on Mondays. Lockers must always be locked when boys are not in their rooms. Tag or mark all personal belongings. The School / Hostel cannot be responsible for any personal items that gets damaged or stolen. 3. No boy may enter another person’s room without permission. 4. Any person committing theft – taking something that does not belong to him – For example cell phones or money, must note that his parents / guardians (and police if necessary) will be contacted by the Headmaster in order to punish this offence immediately. NO stealing will be tolerated. Instead of taking something that does not belong to you, rather ask the Housemaster when you need something and he will try to help you, if possible. (Please refer to the Code of Conduct on the school's website at / Aansoeke / Discipline.) 5. Hiding of other boys stuff or items that do not belong to you (e.g. cell phones, money, bookcases, etc.) will be treated as “an attempt to steal.” Do not take anything that does not belong to you. 6. No fruit, or other food that will cause or make a mess on the floors, may be eaten inside the rooms. 7. Boys are responsible for the neatness of their rooms. Rooms are inspected daily. 8. Nothing may be left lying on the floor or on top of the lockers. All papers, peels, etc. must be thrown inside the bin which is provided in every room. Each room has its own broom and scoop in order to use to clean the floors. 9. Property lying around in the rooms or study hall will be impounded. 10. Breakages (especially regarding cupboards) must be reported to the Housemaster and Matron immediately. PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: 11. Balls may not be thrown against any wall inside or outside the building. No playing with any balls in the hostel. 12. Nobody will be allowed to jump on any of the beds – please respect our property. 13. Boys are not allowed to “bully”, beat, abuse their power, or do anything that is against the law or rules of Grey College. “Bullies” must be reported to the Housemaster immediately. No “Bullies” will be tolerated and a “joke” or a comment that makes someone uncomfortable or hurt someone, will be considered as “bullying” and not as a “joke”. This is regarded as a serious matter. (Please refer to the Code of Conduct on the school's website.) 14. No form of Pornography will be tolerated. This include magazines, any form of data or digital material on cell phones, tablets or any other devices. You are not allowed to make any recordings of any pornographic nature. NO pornographic material (even on TV) will be tolerated and will be punished accordingly. (Please refer to the Code of Conduct on the school's website.) 15. NO person from outside the hostel will be allowed inside the hostel / dorms, with the exception of parents / guardians who make use of the toilet under the staircase on the groundfloor, or parents / guardians who make use of the lounge on the groundfloor on Mondays between 07:30 and 09:00 and Fridays between 12:00 and 13:45. These visitors will not be allowed to visit any of the dorms. If needed, the Housemaster will permit workers to do maintenance in the building, but this will mostly be when boys are not in the hostel. Please report any suspicious people (male / female) in the hostel, without confronting them directly. 16. ALWAYS PERSONALLY SIGN THE REGISTER (OUT AND BACK IN) WHEN LEAVING THE SCHOOL GROUNDS. LEAVE OUT: All “leave out” is a privilege and not a right! Only good work and behavior can ensure that this privilege be used. Leaf applications MUST be in writing @ Thursdays before 15:00 / fax 086 525 8193 PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: LEAVE Only the Housemaster and in his absence the deligated staff member, may approve any form of leave. The Matron are not allowed to approve leave in any circumstances. Boys must ALWAYS sign the prescribed register when leaving the Grey College premises and again when they return, unless stated otherwise. Applications for leave must be in writing (letter, fax or e-mail) and should reach Murray House on or before every Thursday at 15:00. NO verbal, telephonic or SMS applications will be accepted. When leave applications is sent via e-mail, it is more practical for us to receive it as part of the TEXT and not as part of an attachment. ( Grade 8's: FIRST WEEKEND OUT will be during the weekend of Friday, January 30th, 2015. A “weekend out”, "Saturday day-out" or "Sunday day-out" during the mentioned weekend may be taken. Written requests from parents / guardians, for leave for any of these three options, MUST reach the Housemaster before 15:00 on Thursday the 29th of January 2015. NO requests will be accepted after 15:00. Always plan and diarise leave requests in advance. Leave will always depend on school activities and other circumstances, like behavior, etc. Once permission is granted on a Thursday, there will be no exceptions to this rule. You cannot change the leave to a different type of leave for the same weekend. Anyone taking a weekend without permission, will forfeit any form of leave for the next two weekends! 1. A weekend starts just after school on a Friday and lasts until just before school on the following Monday. Weekends are not stipulated by the school, except for one weekend per term, where it is compulsory for boys to stay at the Hostel. The following four weekends must be diarised as weekeds where boys will have to stay at Murray House: 1st Term: 16-18 January 2015 2nd Term: 17-19 April 2015 3rd Term: 24-26 July 2015 3rd Term: 28-30 August 2015 The Grey Music Festival will take place from 28 – 30 August 2015. Weekend leave for this event will only start on the Saturday evening after the last performance in the Sand du Plessis Theatre and written application for this specific weekend, apply. Calendar long-weekends, are compulsory weekends “out”. PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: 2. Saturday “day-out”: Permission to leave Grey College from just after breakfast, 08:15 to 17:15 ("long day"). Written requests from parents / guardians apply, as written requests always apply where a boy will miss any “appèl” session or any of the meals. Written requests must always reach the Housemaster before the Thursday @ 15:00. 3. Sunday “day-out”: Permission to leave Grey College from just after the morning church service to 21:00 ("long day"). Written requests from parents / guardians apply, as written requests always apply where a boy will miss any “appèl” session or any of the meals. Written requests must always reach the Housemaster before the Thursday @ 15:00. Written requests from parents / guardians always apply where a boy will miss any “appèl” session or any of the meals. Written requests for leave must always reach the Housemaster before the Thursday @ 15:00. Additional requirements (further down in this document) apply when a boy visits friends / family / other, on invitiation. If a boy takes the Saturday and the Sunday during the same weekend as “dayout”, it counts as a weekend. Leave will only be granted once a written request has been received from the parents / guardians / host (adult). Leave for long-weekends will be granted the day before the long weekend starts and written applications should be submitted the previous day before 15:00. If a boy wants to visit anyone else than his parents / guardians for a weekend, an invitation letter from the host (adult) as well as an additional letter of consent from his parents / guardians, must be submitted with the application for leave. The following information must be in a letter of invitation: Name, address, telephone number of host and date of “leave out” (in the case of “leave out” to home, only the date has to be on it). These invitations must be signed by the host in all cases + a letter of consent (via fax or email) from the parents / guardians, must accompany the invitation. 4. Boys should under NO circumstances leave the school premissis without the permission from a Murray House staff member (except for numbers 7 and 8 below, where they MUST personally sign the register). 5. Boys must report to the Teacher on Duty upon return from attending functions in town on weekend nights, or “Stadsverlof”. This also applies to boys who receive special permission to leave the hostel during a certain evening for example: to attend extra classes. BOYS ALWAYS HAVE TO SIGN OUT AND IN WHEN LEAVING THE SCHOOL GROUNDS. 6. No permission for “leave out” will be granted in case of a school function or school activities. PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: 7. Boys may leave the school grounds without getting special permission on Saturday mornings and Saturday afternoons, but they must see to it that they are in time for every “appèl”sessions as well as every meal. BOYS ALWAYS HAVE TO SIGN OUT AND IN WHEN LEAVING THE SCHOOL GROUNDS. 8. Boys may also leave the school grounds without special permission on Sunday afternoons, after lunch, but must be back in time for “appèl” at 17:15. BOYS ALWAYS HAVE TO SIGN OUT AND IN WHEN LEAVING THE SCHOOL GROUNDS. 9. Permission to go into town or other places during the week, will only be granted just after lunch in the Study hall, by the Teacher on Duty, for urgent cases. Such “leave out” is granted only once a week to a boy. BOYS ALWAYS HAVE TO SIGN OUT AND IN WHEN LEAVING THE SCHOOL GROUNDS. 10. Boys should always ensure their personal safety and the safety of other boys at all times. Do not leave the school grounds unless you have signed the register and you are part of a group of at least 3 other boys, especially as mentioned in numbers 7 and 8 above. Always keep to familiar places, stay in groups and be alert of potential danger (even when using a restroom or crossing the road). When a boy (with the permission of a parent / guardian) is a passenger in a car, he must ensure that the driver has a driver’s licence. Also ensure that the driver is not under the influence of alcohol or any kind of drugs. He must always be able to wear a seat belt. Many fatal accidents occur when children are passengers on the back of a pick-up truck. Please warn boys not to get on the back of a pick-ip truck without your permission, especially in the City. The wear of helmets is required when riding on a motorcycle / bicycle. Boys are strongly advised not to get on the back of a motorcycle without the consent or their parents / guardians. MURRAY HOUSE DOORS WILL LOCK EVERY EVENING AT 21:00 PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: GENERAL - IN CONCLUSION: 1. No boy may leave the hostel after “lights-out”. 2. No permission will be granted during study to borrow from friends or to ask something – you must study during study times. 3. There will always be order and silence in the study hall! 4. The Prefect on Duty will make sure that all the lights are switched off and that the windows of the study hall and other outside windows are closed. 5. Dress codes are stipulated by the school and boys must see to it that their appearance is neat at all times. Hair must be short and neat (no ear studs or nose rings, etc.) (Code of conduct: / Aansoeke / Dissipline) 6. Please study the Code of Conduct regarding dress code, dissicpline, etc. by visiting: Code of Conduct. You will also find a printed version in your homework book as supplied by Grey College, for free. 7. Always make sure that your shirt is tucked in and that your shoes are clean, especially before leaving the school grounds. Please do not walk with your hands in your pockets. 8. NO chewing gum is allowed – especially when wearing school uniforms – or when you are in public. This includes sport events and the Music Festival. 9. We repeat: The use of cigarettes (any kind of drugs that can be smoked), alcohol (liquor) any other form of drugs or steroids, as well as pornography, is strictly prohibited. Boys should note that they are not even allowed to use any of these substances (eg. alcohol) in the presence of adults or with the consent of adults, at school, in public or at private parties. The school maintains a "ZERO Tolerance" regarding the use of any of the mentioned substances. If convicted guilty, this will lead to expulsion from the hostel / school. (Please refer to the Code of Conduct on the school's website.) 10. Good behavior and manners must be displayed at all times in the dining hall. 11. Don't leave anything of great value or large amounts of money in your cupboards. Rather give it to Matron for save-keeping. PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste: 12. Only Prefects are allowed on the balcony. 13. No laundry e.g. socks may be placed in windows. 14. Always greet your peers, scholars or people who are your seniors and stand up when adults are moving past you. Always greet the drivers of vehicles when they pass you on the school grounds. 15. When someone other than hostel people is outside the hostel, the person on “vehicle duty” (14:00 – 17:00) must immediately enquire if he can be of assistance. 16. You are at all times responsible for your cell phone. Always keep your cell phone in a safe place. Always lock your cell phone in a cupboard if you do not carry it with you. Do not leave your cell phone lying around. 17. No telephone calls may be made or received during study times or during “silence” NB! No Cell phones may be used after “lights out”. 18. Save electricity by switching off the light in your room during the daytime or when you are not in your room. 19. Protect yourself by paying attention to the "digital footprints" that you leave, by not making incriminating remarks on FB, etc. Not everything can be edited once posted on FB or Twitter. Also protect and guard your privacy and personal life. Be careful not to "bully" others with your comments. If you feel vulnerable or “bullied” by someone through the social media, or maybe have posted things that you regret, our doors are always open for you to discuss any matter in this regard. It is never necessary to feel inferior or hurt by the reactions of other people on social networks. Please come and talk to us when you have a problem. 20. Always think of other people and respect people and their belongings with your words and your actions. Swearing only shows a lack of vocabulary and the inability to express yourself. Please guard your mouth against it – swearing does not fit a Grey Gentleman’s behaviour. 21. YOU are part of a school and hostel that cares about you – never hesitate to discuss problems or discrepancies with your Prefects, Guardian Staff, Personnel, Matron or Housemaster. REMEMBER: You are always a Grey boy and your actions must always be worthy of your school. Grey is proud of you! PO Box / Posbus 13001, Brandhof, Bloemfontein 9324 Tel: 051 444 1513 / 051 444 1724, Fax / Faks: 051 444 5012 E-mail / Epos:, Website / Webtuiste:
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