BPOE St. Petersburg Lodge No. 1224 2675—66th Street North * St. Petersburg, FL 33710 Phone: 344-6551 Office 344-6552 Fax 344-6553 Lounge Website http://www.bpoe1224.com Volume 105, Issue 1 1911-2011 *100 Years of Service to the Community Elks National Foundation Elks Children’s Therapy Services Elks Youth Camp Monthly Publication of St. Petersburg B.P.O.E. #1224 November 2014 NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS William M. Deveny Ronald J. Edmunds Walter S. Klak Brian Lester Tony J. Tudi, LM Donald C Crosby Lee W. Krejci Alyssa Papineau Karl D. Crandall Delmon Johnson Sonia Kullmann Dawn Musgrave Liz Ramsburg James R Rich Chris Barnes William H. Beal Harry Brady, III Dale Morrison Fern Scanzelli Sandra Shaffer Gregory Graham Roland E. Riley Joe G Schimmel Matthew D Smith Edward A. Duffner Denis C Hall Dave Harden John C Legros Robert McLaughlin John A. Venere Gwyne Wooster 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Ronald G Wright Michael P Leary James Rasmussen PER Fred Schaefer Douglas Sloane Stephen Goldberg Larry D Hamby Robert Merada, LM Danielle Piehl Janet M Smith Ernest Van Horn Daniel Wagstaff Mary Henderson John R. Hughes Jon E. Kremin Robert Lurer Donald Peacock Amy Revennaugh Charles Basney Tiffany Decristofaro Jason Hess Eric Jones Clifford Leavitt Robert Howard Jr Tim Ungashick LM William H Fertig Irene Flanigan Brooke Graham Russell Hertlein Robert Woods Kelly Yakes Officers of the Lodge John Bice Exalted Ruler Terry Morehouse Leading Knight Lee Bice Loyal Knight Karen Noyes, PER Lecturing Knight Toni Goodrich, PER Secretary Janet Gens Treasurer Joe Slatton, PER Esquire Bobbie Wycoff Chaplain Mimi Reich Inner Guard Jim Taylor Tiler Joan Vignoul, PLP Organist Board of Directors KC Gross 5 Year Trustee Bobby Matos 4 Year Trustee Dan Bowker 3 Year Trustee Richard King LM 2 Year Trustee Don Reich 1 Year Trustee John Bice Terry Morehouse Lee Bice Karen Noyes House Committee Jan Gens House Chair Joanne Matos, Secretary Bonnie Barnes John Graci Chris Little Brian Metzgar Bobbie Wycoff Committee Chairpersons Terry Morehouse Americanism Lee Bice Audit John Morris Bar Chair Kelly Parker, PER Bingo Bobbie Wycoff Blood Bank Daniel Clark Boy Scouts Dan Masi Building John Bice, ER By-Laws Terry Morehouse 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 Robert B. Cowles Wendell Creager LM Robert Neitzel Jennifer R Soyke Stanley Turner Bart W Mann Walt Skirven Dawn Gubanic William E. Lusby Roger D Remy Robert L. Sheppard Andrew Anthony Donald R Bell Donald J MacLeod "Buzzy" Misiura Cheryl Scarbrough Mary Taranto Ted J Wagner Robert Guy, Jr. Ward J Westbrook Daniel Boland Theresa Moser Ray Tacia Rea L Hogan Walter McNamee Frank M. Roper Thomas J Sullivan Michael A Tracy John F Giacalone Kelly Hunter-Meyers Fred W Priestley Children’s Christmas Party Terry Morehouse Christmas Baskets Toni Goodrich, PER Community Activities/Welfare Karen Noyes, PER Drug Awareness Entertainment Lee Bice Flag Day Toni Goodrich, PER Funeral Services Terry Morehouse Golf Tournament Caroline Rubio Grill Karen Noyes, PER Harry Anna Joe Caimano, Sr. Hoop Shoot Terry Morehouse Orientation K.C. Gross Inside/Outside Maint. Bobbie Wycoff, Chair Interview Judy Barnes, PER Co-Chair H Tom Shriver, PER Kitchen Toni Goodrich, PER Lapsation & Strays Law & Order Dolly Masi, PER Liaison to the Ladies Mike Pierson, PDD Lodge Advisors Mediator May Graci Media Specialist Toni Goodrich, PER Membership John Bice, ER Memorial Service Karen Noyes, PER Mother’s Day Lee Bice ENF Chair Kelly Parker, PER Elks Training PER Association Old Timers Night TBA Parliamentarian Mark Mettetal, PER Pool Anne Marie Bongiorno Pool Monitor TBD Presiding Justice of Forum Toni Goodrich, PER Photographer May Graci Photographer Toni Goodrich, PER Public Relations 2 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 Richard Tavener Michael King Tina Martell Gene G. Aiello Frank L Niles Krista Jackson Curtis McCue William F McGoey Thomas Papineau Annie K, Zuercher Philip E Hertlein James P. Petruzzi Lou Masi Sr Dora C Raheb Ann M. Sheridan Anne Sluder Van H Barnes Bonnie Kelley Al Sigman III, PDD 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 LOEA NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS Janet Hink PLP LM Diane Grehan Walt Skirven Dolly McKinnon LM Tom Sullivan Tina Martell 2 6 17 19 22 24 Karen Noyes, PER Ritual Don Reich Safety Ann Compton Scholarship Deseray Masi Scrapbook Terry Morehouse Sickness & Distress Julie Perhot Soccer Shoot Johnny Miller Lodge Veterans Service, VAVS National Deputy, Bay Pines VA Medical Center Lee Bice Visitation Bobbie Wycoff Vol. Activity Coord. Julie Perhot Webmaster webmaster@bpoe1224.com Daniel Clark Youth Activities Spotlight Julie Perhot Editor George Povelitis, PER Mailing Chairperson Toni Goodrich, PER Printing Ladies of Elks Auxiliary Bonnie Barnes, PLP President Betty Bandelow Vice-President Joanne Matos Secretary Anne Marie Bongiorno Treasurer Bobbie Wycoff Chaplain Cathy Shriver, PLP Parliamentarian Adella Ashton, PLP 3 Year Trustee Joan Vignoul, PLP 2 Year Trustee Barbara Peach, PLP 1 Year Trustee Vivian Gustafson, PLP Membership May Graci Historian Mary Rogers Friendship The fall season is now upon us once again. Our snow birds will be coming back to spend their winter months with us. We will be glad to see them in our lodge. When you recognize them in person, open your hands of friendship and welcome them back. Exalted Ruler Message John Bice This is the time of year when our lodge really starts to buzz with activities. Some upcoming events to remember will be our Annual Veterans Dinner Dance on November 8th. Please come out to support our veterans. This year our lodge is honored to have the VP of the West Central District Toni Goodrich, and the District Deputy Rudy Masi Sr. There will be a Homecoming Event for them on November 22, 2014. Please join us to congratulate them and show your pride for our lodge. November also means "Thanksgiving". We’ll be having our annual Thanksgiving dinner November 27th.Your chance to Eat, Drink and be Thankful with your lodge family. With the Christmas season not far behind, the annual food drive is under way. This year our hopes are to feed three hundred families in need in our area. To do this we need your support and help. Our chairman, Terry Morehouse, is looking for donations of food or contributions to make this successful. My Elk of the Month for September will be, PER Judy Schmickle. Judy provides our meals for our Initiation Night, and involved in other functions of the lodge. Volunteer of the Month will be Dave Harden. Dave provides valued service for our bartenders and kitchen staff. He is at the lodge every day for support. Remember, volunteers are our life line to success. Your help is always needed. Fraternally, John R Bice Exalted Ruler Elks Care, Elks Share It’s Fall! Time to get ready for all the Holidays. But, first let me say, Thank you to Dolly , Adella and all the “Stars”, for a fantastic USO Show! What a fun and patriotic way to show the veterans we care. Great job everyone! LOEA President Message Bonnie Barnes The Shoebox luncheon was a lot of fun, and who knew shoeboxes could look so nice? I hope everyone had a lot of laughs playing the games, I sure did. Thanks Pat White for a great idea. We start off this month with “Gunsmoke”, our country western event. I hope you all got your tickets because it is sure to be a “Wild West” kind of time. On Nov. 1, you can start buying your tickets for the LOEA Christmas Party that's on December 13th; we will be “Rocking around the Christmas Tree”. This is the time of year to invite your family, friends, and co-workers to share the Holidays with you at the lodge and show them what kind of fun we have! This is Turkey month, Gobble Gobble; but seriously it is a time to remember everything you are thankful for and all the things you have, that sometimes we take for granted. I hope everyone has a very Happy Thanksgiving! (And go ahead; take that nap after eating all that Turkey, you deserve it!!!!) Bonnie Barnes (Cinderella…proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life!) 3 4 Thanks to Our Magnificent Mailers Chris Little George Povelitis PER Terry Morehouse Fred Bedessa Lou Notte LM Alice Bedore Linda Prunkard John Bice Leslie Renner Sheila Carnes Toni Goodrich PER H Tom Shriver PER Jim Taylor Dave Harden Building!Fund!Boosters! ! Due to space limitations the report listing donations and donors has been changed. Thank you for understanding and for your support! 5 Want to help the lodge save some money? Want to see the Spotlight in color on your computer? Send your email address to jperhot31@gmail.com and the Spotlight will be emailed to you. Be sure to put the word Spotlight in the subject line. Thanks! 6 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday LOEA!Gunsmoke !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"#$!%&#&'()*'+!,-.(!/01+&!23445!!!!!607&8)&'!4935 Sunday 1 3 Happy!Hour!4"7!!!!!!!!! 4 Happy!Hour!4"7!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5 Happy!Hour!4"7!!!!!!!!!!!!! 6 Happy!Hour!4"7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7 Tiki!Open!"!PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8 Annual!Veterans! DINNER!"!6"7:30!PM Tiki!Open!"!PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dinner!!6pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MUSIC!BY!!Sound!Wavz!!!!!!!! Potluck!Thursday!!!!!!!!!!!!! Early!Birds!5:45!pm Music!by!Johnny! 7"11pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5:30"7:30!PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Regular!6:30!pm!!!!!!!!!!!! Miller *!Joan!Vignoul Karaoke!by!Johnny! Miller House!Mtg.7:00PM *Officer!of!the!Night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lodge!Office!344"6551!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lounge!344"6553!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LUNCHES!AT!THE!BAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! M"F!!12!–!2!PM BREAKFAST 8:30!"!11:30!AM!!!!!!!!!! Sunday!Football!!!!!!!!!! Queen!of!Hearts! Drawing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fish!Fry!2pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 10 Happy!Hour!4"7!!!!!!!!! 11 Happy!Hour!4"7!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 12 Happy!Hour!4"7!!!!!!!!!!!!! 13 !Happy!Hour!4"7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 14 Tiki!Open!"!PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 15 Friendship!Flea! 9 BREAKFAST DINNER!"!6"7:30!PM Tiki!Open!"!PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOEA!Mtg!7:30!!!!!!!!!!! Lodge!Meeting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 8:30!"!11:30!AM!!!!!!!!!! Market!Dinner!and! MUSIC!BY!Dazzler!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All!You!Can!Eat! Early!Birds!5:45!pm 7:30!PM!Voting!on! Sunday!Football!!!!!!!!!! Dance!4"10!pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7"11pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Spaghetti Regular!6:30!pm!!!!!!!!!!!! Candidates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Queen!of!Hearts! Music!by!Dazzler *!Mimi!Reich!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5:30"7:30!PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Drawing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PER!Mtg!7pm!! Karaoke!by!Johnny! Miller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 17 Happy!Hour!4"7!!!!!!!!! 18 Board!of!Directors! 19 Happy!Hour!4"7!!!!!!!!!!!!! 20 Happy!Hour!4"7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 21 Tiki!Open!"!PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 22 WCD!VP!and!DD! DINNER!"!6"7:30!PM Tiki!Open!"!PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Orientation!7pm!!!!!!!! 7:00!PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Homecoming!6pm MUSIC!BY!Suncoast!Band!!!!! Pizza!&!Subs Happy!Hour!4"7!!!!!!!!!!!!! Early!Birds!5:45!pm 7"11pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 5:30"7:30!PM!!!!!!!!!! Regular!6:30!pm!!!!!!!!!!!! *!Jan!Gens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Karaoke!by!Johnny! Dist!PER!Mtg.!!!!!! Miller!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 28 Tiki!Open!"!PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 29 DINNER!"!6"7:30!PM MUSIC!BY!Charlie!Morris! Band!!7"11pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *!Robert!Matos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 16 BREAKFAST 1 8:30!"!11:30!AM!!!!!!!!!! Sunday!Football!!!!!!!!!! Queen!of!Hearts! Drawing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 27 Thanksgiving!Feast!!!!!!! 3"4:30pm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Music!by!Steve!Cole!!!!! 2"6pm 24 Happy!Hour!4"7 25 Lodge!Meeting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 26 Happy!Hour!4"7!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7:30!PM!Initiation!!!!!!!!!!!! BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy!Hour!4"7 Early!Birds!5:45!pm Regular!6:30!pm!!!!!!!!!!!! 23 BREAKFAST 8:30!"!11:30!AM!!!!!!!!!! Sunday!Football!!!!!!!!!! Queen!of!Hearts! Drawing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 30 BREAKFAST 8:30!"!11:30!AM!!!!!!!!!! Sunday!Football!!!!!!!!!! Queen!of!Hearts! Drawing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Upcoming!Events:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Upcoming!Events:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Upcoming!Events:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Upcoming!Events:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12/6!Children's!Christmas! 12/20!ER!Egg!Nog!Party!!!!!!!!!12/31!New!Year's!Eve! 1/1/15!DINNER!AND! Party!11:30!am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12/24!BINGO!CANCELLED!!!!! Dinner/Dance!(Ticket! KARAOKE!CANCELLED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 12/7!Elks!Memorial!Service!! 12/24!Christmas!Eve!Bring! Holders!Only)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1/25/15!3rd!Annual!Blue! 12/13!LOEA!Rockin!Around! a!Dish!Gathering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1/1/15!New!Year's!Day! Grass!Day the!Christmas!Tree!6pm!!!!!!!! 12/25!LODGE!CLOSED!!!!!!!!!!! Breakfast 12/31!BINGO!CANCELLED!!!!! 7 Deceased!During!the!Lodge!Year! Joseph!Zalesky! ! ! ! Ronald!J!Skibo!Sr! ! ! ! Michael!J!Wilsey! ! ! ! Joseph!P!Kramer,!Jr.! ! ! Ted!A!Oliveira,!LM! ! ! Frank!J!Hakala,!PER!HLM! ! Herbert!J!Leeds! ! ! ! Leona!Morgan"Lloyd! ! ! Anthony!Turturiello,!PDD,!LM! 08/31/2013! 09/01/2013! 09/18/2013! 12/02/2013! 12/18/2013! 02/02/2014! 02/06/2014! 03/17/2014! 08/10/2014! Pla#num!Spotlight!Boosters! In!Memory!of!Phyllis!Poveli#s!! In!Memory!of!Stephen!Prins! ! Blaine!M.!Russell! ! ! ! In!Memory!of!William!A.!Schulz! St.!Pete!1224!PER!Associa#on!! In!Memory!of!Marie!Codol! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 06/15! 06/15! 05/15! 06/15! 09/14! 05/15! Gold!Spotlight!Boosters! In!Memory!of!Marvin!“Gus”!Gustafson! 11/14! Malcolm!D!Moomey! ! ! ! 11/14! Cathy!&!Carmine!Casale!! ! ! 12/14! In!Memory!of!Harry!P!Sheppard! ! 12/14! Silver!Spotlight!Boosters! In!Memory!of!Alex!&!Stephen!Alexander ! 09/15! In!Memory!of!Steve!Fazekas! ! ! 05/15! In!Memory!of!Ray!Koopman! ! ! 05/15! In!Memory!of!Edmund!Browne! ! 01/16! In!Memory!Of!!Michael!A!Koballa! ! 09/15! Ofelia!Smith! ! ! ! ! ! 01/15! Walter!McNamee! ! ! ! ! 09/14! Dorothy!White!! ! ! ! ! 03/15! In!Memory!of!Claire!Dennis! ! ! 09/15! 8 BEST CUBANS IN TOWN 727-341-2070 Cold Beer - Good Food 7630 34th Ave N, St Pete Corner of Tyrone Blvd & 34th Ave—Behind Harold Seltzers Steaks 9 Spotlight Boosters Name______________________________________________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________________ Spotlight Silver $10______ Gold $25______ Platinum $50______ Other $ ______ Mail to: St. Petersburg Elks Lodge #1224 2675 66th Street North St. Petersburg, FL 33710 Make checks payable to: St Petersburg Elks Lodge 1224 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! DON'T IGNORE THESE SYMPTOMS...Leg Swelling * Leg Cramps * Varicose Veins* Venous Ulcers. Call Us Today For A Free Consultation 1-800-VEIN-DOC Medicare & Most Health Insurances Pay for Varicose Vein Treatment! ! dpr YEAR-ROUND ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICES ACCOUNTING SERVICES, LLC Pat!Ramsburg!!!!!!! Accountant! 5836 54th Avenue North Kenneth City, FL 33709 (727) 545-9112 Fax (727) 546-0434 dprnoles@aol.com! ENJOY EGYPTIAN COMFORT 1200 Thread Count Classic Series 4-Piece Sheet Sets 1 Flat Sheet-1 Fitted Sheet-2 Pillow Cases Deep Pockets Assorted Colors $25 King, Queen or Full Size Call PETE: (727) 367-9470 10 11 Veterans Corner PRAYER CHAIN LOOKING FOR MORE VOLUNTEERS!!! YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE AN ELK. If you or someone you know is in need of prayers at a difficult time in their lives please call me and I will notify all the people on this prayer chain. Can you imagine how many prayers will be lifted up with just one call? Many of us are on or have prayer chains in our churches so the power of prayer will be magnified many times over. If you have a calling to be a part this rewarding experience call me and sign up for the prayer chain. We are few but we are powerful. Please call me soon and sign up. September was a very busy month with our veterans from Bay Pines. On the 11th the community living center was hosted by Blaine Russell, Liz Ramsburg, Jim Taylor, Vivian Gustafson and Linda Prunkard. On the 18th the Domiciliary vets came and were hosted by Liz Ramsburg, Gary Hill, Linda Prunkard, Blaine Russell and Jim Taylor. On the 23rd the PRRC unit had their graduation at our lodge with around 40 vets and family present. On the same day the domiciliary came in the evening to swim. We seem to be a little behind in bringing our lodge members up to date so on what we are doing for our Veterans. If you ever have any questions, or want to be more involved with our Veteran programs, please feel free to contact me at 727-642-8004. If I don't know the answer I will do my best to find out the correct answer for you. Cell 727-737-7073 Bobbie Wycoff THOUGHTFUL WORDS It is easier to preach ten sermons, Than it is to live one. When you get to your wit’s end, You’ll find God lives there. God promises a safe landing, Not a calm passage If God is your Co-pilot, Swap seats!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Remember November 8th will be our Veterans Day program. So far each year attendance has been great. Please don't miss it. In Comradeship, Johnny Miller, Veterans Chairman PROPOSED!CANDIDATES! ! Candidate Michael Aiani Lynn Elsen Joanne Martindale Taylor Montgomery Kathleen Rodriquez Ronald Saddler William "Rusty" Garside Wilbur A Rourk Sponsor Barbara Aiani Kim Ganoe Jan Giallourakis Dan P Masi Kim Ganoe Robert Tegoning Toni Goodrich Van H Barnes Jr Occupation TV Host ANNTV Walgreens ReMax Realtor St Anthony's Foundation Program Coordinator Retired Retired Retired Reinstatement: Thomas Conley Certificate of Release: Carl E Kopp, New Port Richey #2284 Sandra Lane, Pinellas Park #2217 Jeffrey J Vanhaernets, Seminole #2519 REGISTRATION FOR KIDS CHRISTMAS PARTY DUE NOVEMBER 24, 2014 FOR CHILDREN AGES 1-12 YEARS OLD PLEASE PRINT CHILD’S NAME FIRST NAME______________________________ LAST NAME________________________ AGE________ GENDER_________ PLEASE COMPLETE A FORM FOR EACH CHILD ATTENDING THE CHRISTMAS PARTY. WE DON’T WANT SANTA TO MISS ANYONE! 1911-2011 * 100 Years of Service to the Community BPOE St. Petersburg Lodge No. 1224 2675 66th Street North * St. Petersburg, FL 33710 Phone: 344-6551 Office 344-6552 Fax ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID St. Petersburg, FL Permit No. 5000 You Should Be PROUD !" Hats off to our LOEA for putting on a wonderful USO Show Fundraiser for Bill Young (Bay Pines) VA Hospital! 15 veterans along with personnel from the hospital enjoyed VIP seating which afforded them an up close and personal sit for the show. The diverse acts were entertaining, fun, and enjoyed by all! The best news in addition to a fine meal and a great show, $2,643 is bring donated to the Hospital! You Should Be PROUD! !" The fun fundraiser for Cody Ganoe generated $9,955 not counting some individual dona- tions made directly to Cody put the total at over $10,000 to help this fine young boy’s family with his medical bills as he fights to beat Leukemia! Many members of our lodge donated their time, talents, and treasures once again showing that “Elks Care, Elks Share”! You Should Be PROUD! !" We are ranked #9 in Florida on membership at the half year mark! Our own Toni Goodrich is ranked 3rd in the nation this year for bringing in new members! Let’s shoot for #1 across the board by each Elk doing their best to bring in one new member this year. You Should Be PROUD!
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