Timetable Summary Saturday 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 Sunday Singles - O40 Men’s Singles groups Singles - O40 Men’s Singles groups - O40 Women’s Singles groups - O75 Men’s & Women’s Singles Knockout Doubles - O40 Men’s & Women’s Doubles - O60 Men’s & Women’s Doubles - O75 Doubles - Elite Division Doubles - Division 2 Doubles Singles - O40 Men’s & Women’s Singles Knockout - O60 Men’s & Women’s Singles Knockout - Division 2 Singles - Division 4 Singles Singles - O80 Singles Group - Elite Singles Division 0900 1000 Singles – O30 Singles groups Doubles - O50 Men’s & Women’s Doubles - O70 Men’s & Women’s Doubles - O30 Doubles - Division 1 Doubles - Division 3 Doubles 1130 Singles - O50 Men’s & Women’s Singles Knockout - O70 Men’s & Women’s Singles Knockout - Division 1 Singles - Division 3 Singles 1230 Singles – O30 Singles Knockout 1330 Singles – Albury Wodonga Open Veterans Singles Online Payment Bank: Bendigo Bank BSB: 633-000 Account Number: 122702285 Reference: Vets & Player Surname 2014 Albury - Wodonga Open Veterans Table Tennis Tournament TO BE PLAYED AT: Albury Wodonga Table Tennis Stadium 471 North Street, Albury (Greenfield Park) Phone (02) 6041 1457 ON: Saturday 29th & Sunday 30th November, 2014 ENTRIES CLOSE: REFEREE: All entries to: Tuesday 11th November 2014 Victorian Table Tennis Umpires League The Tournament Director Mr Greg Bristowe 46 Chappell Drive Wantirna South, 3152 Phone: 0411 237 351 Fax: NO FAXES POSSIBLE Email: croydon.pennants@gmail.com CONDITIONS OF ENTRY 2014 Albury Wodonga Veterans Tournament VETERANS ENTRY FORM 1. Andro white 3 star balls will be used in the tournament. 2. The MAIN COLOUR of shirts, shorts or skirts must not be white. Tracksuits should not be worn without the permission of the referee. FULL NAME _____________________________________________________________________ 3. ELIGIBILITY: Since this will, in effect, be the first tournament for the 2015 Vets year, age eligibility will be based on 2015 as follows: ADDRESS_____________________________________________ PHONE NO. _________________ Persons entering in O/30 events must be born in 1985 or earlier, O/40 events must be born in 1975 or earlier, O/50 events in 1965 or earlier, over 60 events in 1955 or earlier, over 70 events in 1945 or earlier, the over 75 eventsin 1940 or earlier, and the over 80 event in 1935 or earlier. The rule about winning 2 Divisional Singles events in 2014 will not apply. 4. The organising committee reserves the right to transfer players into different events if necessary. 5. Events 13 – 17 & 30 – 33 are open to players not rated above the points stated for the particular Division according to the most recent published list of Universal Rating Points or similar by TTV. Cut off points for each division are shown below. Elite Division Max 1850 points Division 1 Max 1600 points Division 2 Max 1350 points Division 3 Max 1100 points Division 4: Max 850 pts 6. All matches will be the best of five (5) games, with the exception of event 18. 7. Event 18 is open to any player who has entered into any other event at this tournament. Matches will be best of three (3) games. Minimum prize money will be $210 for final, provided there is 20 entries into this event. Please note, this is NOT a division event. 8. All players must assist by umpiring matches when requested. 9. It is the winning players' responsibility to see that the score sheet is correctly completed, and returned to the tournament control table, as soon as possible. 10. All players must be 2014 registered members of TTV or similar Association. 11. ITTF racket and clothing regulations will be applied. 12. Events 1, 2, 12, 19 and 20 will be round robin, all group winners progressing to a knockout. All other events will be knockout but may be played as round robin depending on the number of entrants. 13. CASH/GIFTS/TROPHIES will be awarded. 14. You may enter 3 events per day, with a possibility of a 4th event, depending on total player entry numbers. Please ensure if you select a doubles as your 4th choice, your partner also selects it as their 4th choice. On each day you may play a maximum of 2 doubles events and 2 Division singles events. Individual entries will be limited to a maximum of 2 age groups and these must be consecutive age groups. eg. (50 & over and 60 & over) not (40 & over and 60 & over). The 80 & over event is excluded. You must play 1 Age singles event. 15. Entry fee must be forwarded with the entry form. Acceptance of late entries is at the discretion of the Tournament Committee who the right, in its sole discretion, to refuse entries by any player. If the Tournament Committee exercises this discretion, it will notify the player accordingly and refund any monies paid. 16. This tournament is conducted under the TTV Member Protection and Conduct Regulations that incorporate the provision of the Victorian Government Code of Conduct for Community Sport. It is a condition of entry that all players agree to abide by the TTV regulations and are liable under the regulations for any breaches. TIMETABLE of EVENTS Saturday Sunday 1100 Singles – O40M groups 1200 Singles – O40M / O40W / O75M / O75W 1300 Doubles – O40 / O60 / O75 / Elite / Div2 1400 Singles – O40 / O60 / Div2 / Div4 1500 Singles – O80 / Elite Div 0900 Singles – O30 groups 1000 Doubles – O30 / O50 / O70 / Div1 / Div3 1130 Singles – O50 / O70 / Div1 / Div3 1230 Singles – O30 KO 1330 Singles – Albury Wodonga Veteran Open Singles Matches may start earlier than listed, depending on player availability DATE OF BIRTH (for aged events ) ____/____/____ ASSOCIATION______________________T.T.A EMAIL: Make all cheques and money orders payable to Albury Wodonga TTA EVENT Saturday 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 40 and Over Men’s Singles 40 and Over Women’s Singles 40 and Over Men’s Doubles 40 and Over Women’s Doubles 60 and Over Men’s Singles 60 and Over Women’s Singles 60 and Over Men’s Doubles 60 and Over Women’s Doubles 75 and Over Men’s Singles 75 and Over Women’s Singles 75 and Over Doubles 80 and Over Singles Elite Division Singles Elite Division Doubles Division 2 Singles Division 2 Doubles Division 4 Singles EVENTS ENTERED _____/_____/_____/ Sunday 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Albury-Wodonga Veteran Singles 30 and Over Men’s Singles 30 and Over Women’s Singles 30 and Over Doubles 50 and Over Men’s Singles 50 and Over Women’s Singles 50 and Over Men’s Doubles 50 and Over Women’s Doubles 70 and Over Men’s Singles 70 and Over Women’s Singles 70 and Over Men’s Doubles 70 and Over Women’s Doubles Division 1 Singles Division 1 Doubles Division 3 Singles Division 3 Doubles EVENTS ENTERED _____/_____/_____/ TOTAL Entry fee FORMAT RR – KO RR – KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO RR – KO KO KO KO KO KO ENTRY FEE $10 $10 $8 each $8 each $10 $10 $8 each $8 each $10 $10 $8 each $10 $10 $8 each $10 $8 each $10 PARTNER _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ 4th Event Choice: _________ KO RR – KO RR – KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO KO $10 $10 $10 $8 each $10 $10 $8 each $8 each $10 $10 $8 each $8 each $10 $8 each $10 $8 each _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ 4th Event Choice: _________ th $ ______ All payments must be received by Tuesday 25 November, otherwise an additional $10 Pay on the day levy will be enforced. Please check the BACK PAGE for payment details
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