Litteraturlista DIM600, Vetenskapliga metoder i didaktik II, 15 högskolepoäng Avancerad nivå The Scientific Method in the study of Education II, 15 higher education credits Second Cycle Obligatorisk litteratur Delkurs 1: Augustsson, Gunnar (2012). Akademisk skribent: om att utveckla sitt vetenskapliga skrivande. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (168 s). Gustavsson, Bernt (2000). Kunskapsfilosofi. Stockholm: Wahlstrand & Wahlstrand. (264 s) Lichtman, M. (2013). Qualitative Research in Education. A User’s Guide. London: SAGE Publications. ISBN 9781412995320 (Kapitel 3, s 49-‐‑68) (19 s) Olson, Matthew, & Hergenhahn, BR. (2012). An introduction to the theories of learning. London: Pearson Education. (ca 100 valbara sidor) Sawyer, K (ed.) (2014). The Cambridge handbook of the learning sciences. Second edition. New York: Cambridge Press. ISBN 9781107626577 (Läsanvisning: Part I Foundations s. 21-‐‑150) (120 s) Vetenskapsrådet (2011). God forskningssed. Stockholm: Vetenskapsrådet. (131 s)‐‑forskningssed/ Delkurs 2: Check, Joseph, & Schutt, Russel (2012). Research Methods in Education. London: SAGE. (420 s) Green, J.L., Camilli, G., Elmore, P.B.,Skukauskaité, A. & Grace, E. (red.) (2006). Handbook of complementary methods in education research. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers (300 s) SPSS steg för steg (2008). 2:a upplagan. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Läsanvisning: kap 1 s 11-‐‑29. (18 s) Bokens webbplats ISBN: 978-‐‑91-‐‑44-‐‑05222-‐‑9 Ca 200 sidor litteratur väljes av valbar obligatorisk litteratur. Valbar obligatorisk litteratur delkurs 2 Valbar litteratur delkurs 1 och 2 Allmändidaktik Apple, Michael W. (2011). Global crises, social justice, and teacher education, Journal of Teacher Education, 62:2, 222-‐‑234, doi: 10.1177/0022487110385428 Biesta, G. (2009) Building bridges or building people? On the role of engineering in education, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41:1, 13-‐‑16, DOI: 10.1080/00220270802189400 Dewey, J. (2009) Education as engineering, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41:1, 1-‐‑5, DOI: 10.1080/00220270802169345 Essaiasson, Peter (2003). Metodpraktikan: konsten att studera samhälle, individ och marknad. 2:a upplagan. Stockholm: Norstedts Juridik. (415 s) Garrison, J. (2009) The art and science of education, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41:1, 17-‐‑20, DOI: 10.1080/00220270802192214 Gilje, Nils, Grimsen, Harald, Andersson, Sten (2007). Samhällsvetenskapernas förutsättningar. Göteborg; Daidalos. (336 s) Giroux, H. (2010). Rethinking Education as the Practice of Freedom: Paulo Freire and the promise of critical pedagogy. Policy Futures in Education, 8:6, 715-‐‑721, doi: 10.2304/pfie.2010.8.6.715 Hopmann, Stefan (2007). Restrained teaching: the common core of Didaktik. European Educational Research Journal, 6(2), 109-‐‑124. Klafki, Wolfgang (1995). Didactic analysis as the core of preparation of instruction. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 27(1), 13-‐‑30. Hopmann, S. T. (2009) Mind the gap: Dewey on educational bridge-‐‑building, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41:1, 7-‐‑11, DOI: 10.1080/00220270802172109 Schrag, F. (2009) Is there progress in education? If not, why not?, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 41:1, 21-‐‑23, DOI: 10.1080/00220270802356819 Bilddidaktik Banks, M. (2001), Visual Methods in Social Research. London: Sage. Gunnemark, K. (red.) (2011). Etnografiska hållplatser: om metodprocesser och reflexivitet. (1. uppl.) Lund: Studentlitteratur. Kaprow, A. & Kelley, J. (2003). Essays on the blurring of art and life. (Expanded ed.) Berkeley, Calif.: University of California Press. Pink, S. (2001/2007). Doing visual ethnography: images, media and representation in research. London: Sage. Idrottsdidaktik Macdonald, D. et al. (2006). Theoretical perspectives in physical education research. In D. Kirk, D. Macdonald, and M. O’Sullivan (eds.). The Handbook of Physical Education. London: Sage (1-‐‑94). Armour, K., & Macdonald, D. (Eds.). (2014). Research methods in physical education and youth sport. London: Routledge. (376 sidor) Macdonald, D., Kirk, D., Metzler, M., Nilges, L., Schempp, P., & Wright, J. (2002). It'ʹs all very well, in theory: Theoretical perspectives and their applications in contemporary pedagogical research. Quest, 54(2), 133-‐‑156. Tinning, R. (2010). Pedagogy and human movement: Theory, practice, research. London: Routledge. (272 sidor). Matematikdidaktik Cobb, P. (2007). Putting philosophy to work. Coping with multiple theoretical perspectives. In F. K. Lester. Second Handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning, p. 3-‐‑38. Empson, S.B. (1999). On the idea of learning trajectories: promises and pitfalls. The Mathematics Enthusiast, 8(3), 571-‐‑598. Kelly, A. E. & Lesh, R.A. (Eds) (2000). Handbook of research design in mathematics and science education. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum (Kapitel som berör matematikdidaktik) Kullberg, A., & Runesson, U. (2013). Learning about the numerator and denominator in teacher designed lessons. Mathematics Education Research Journal, 25(4), 547-‐‑567. Niss, M. (2010). What is quality in a PhD dissertation in mathematics education? Nordic studies in Mathematics Education, 15(1), 5-‐‑23. Olive, J., & Vomvordi, E. (2006). Making sense of instruction on fractions when students lacks necessary fraction schemes: The case of Tim. Journal of Mathematical Behaviour, 25, 18-‐‑45. Ryve, A. (2011). Discourse research in mathematics education. A critical evaluation of 108 journal articles. Journal for research in Mathematics Education, 42(2), 167-‐‑199. Schoenfeld, A.H. (2000). Purposes and methods of research in mathematics education. Notices of the AMS, 47(6), p. 641-‐‑649. Schmittau, J., & Morris, A. (2004). The development of algebraic thinking – a Vygotskian pespective. Zentralblatt fur didaktik der Mathematik ZDM, 37 (1), 16-‐‑22. Wedege, T. (2010). Conneting theories in mathematics education: from bricoloage to professionalism. Nordic studies in Mathematics Education, 15(1), 59-‐‑78. Naturvetenskapernas didaktik Hudson, Brian, and Meinert A. Meyer. Beyond Fragmentation: Didactics, Learning and Teaching in Europe (ca 150 sidor) Shea, Nicole & Duncan, Ravit Golan. (2013). From Theory to Data: The Process of Refining Learning Progressions, Journal of the Learning Sciences, 22(1), 7-‐‑32 Tytler, R., & Aranda, G. (2015). Expert teachers’ discursive moves in science classroom interactive talk. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 1-‐‑22. Samhällsvetenskapliga ämnenas didaktik Bryman, Alan (2012). Samhällsvetenskapliga metoder, 2:a uppl, Sv övers: Björn Nilsson. Stockholm: Liber. Bunge, M. (1998). Social Science under debate. A Philosophical perspective. Toronto: Toronto University Press. S. 4-‐‑83; 257-‐‑296; 306-‐‑380; 439-‐‑455. Kapitlen heter i ordning: From Natural Science to Social Science; Sociology; History; Action Theory; Law; Designing the future. Danermark, B., Ekström, M., Jakobsen, L. &. Karlsson, J. Ch. (2003). Att förklara samhället. 2:a upplagan. Lund: Studentlitteratur. 371 sidor. Schüllerqvist, B. & Osbeck, C. (2009). Ämnesdidaktiska insikter och strategier. Berättelser från gymnasielärare i samhällskunskap, geografi, historia och religionskunskap. Karlstad: Karlstad University Press. Språkdidaktik Ahlgren, K. (2014) Narrativa identiteter och levande metaforer i ett andraspråksperspektiv. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet. Franker, Q. (2011). Litteracitet och visuella texter : Studier om lärare och kortutbildade deltagare i sfi. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet. Gu, L. (2011). At the interface between language testing and second language acquisition: communicative language ability and test-‐‑taker characteristics. University of Iowa. Hallesson, Y. (2015). Textsamtal som lässtöttande aktivitet. Fallstudier om textsamtals möjligheter och begränsningar i gymnasieskolans historieundervisning. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet. Muramatsu, C. (2013). Portraits of second language learners: agency, identities, and second language. University of Iowa. Skar, G. (2013). Skrivbedömning och validitet : Fallstudier av skrivbedömning i svenskundervisning på gymnasiet. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet. Yoxsimer Paulsrud. B. A. (2014). English-‐‑Medium Instruction in Sweden : Perspectives and practices in two upper secondary schools. Stockholm: Stockholms universitet. Svenskämnets didaktik Andersson Varga, P. (2014). Skrivundervisning i gymnasieskolan: svenskämnets roll i den sociala reproduktionen. Diss. Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet, 2014. Göteborg. ISBN: 9789173468039 (print) Bergöö, K. (2005). Vilket svenskämne?: grundskolans svenskämnen i ett lärarutbildningsperspektiv. Diss. Lund : Lunds universitet, 2005. Malmö. ISBN: 91-‐‑ 85042-‐‑16-‐‑1 Björklund, E. (2008). Att erövra litteracitet: små barns kommunikativa möten med berättande, bilder, text och tecken i förskolan. Diss. Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet, 2009. Göteborg. ISBN: 9789173466370 Borgström, E. (2014). Skrivbedömning: uppgifter, texter och bedömningsanvisningar i svenskämnets nationella prov. Diss. (sammanfattning) Örebro : Örebro universitet, 2014. Örebro. ISBN: 9789175290423 Franker, Q. (2011). Litteracitet och visuella texter: studier om lärare och kortutbildade deltagare i sfi. Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm: Stockholms universitet, 2011. Stockholm. ISBN: 9789174471816 Mossberg Schüllerqvist, I. (2008). Läsa texten eller "ʺverkligheten"ʺ: tolkningsgemenskaper på en litteraturdidaktisk bro. Diss. Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, 2008. Stockholm. ISBN: 9789171556295 Rosén, J. (2013). Svenska för invandrarskap?: språk, kategorisering och identitet inom utbildningsformen Svenska för invandrare. Diss. (sammanfattning) Örebro : Örebro universitet, 2013. Örebro. ISBN: 978-‐‑91-‐‑7668-‐‑934-‐‑9 Schmidt, C. (2013). Att bli en sån´ som läser: barns menings-‐‑ och identitetsskapande genom texter. Diss. Örebro : Örebro universitet, 2013. Örebro. ISBN: 9789176689813 Westlund, B. (2013). Att bedöma elevers läsförståelse: en jämförelse mellan svenska och kanadensiska bedömningsdiskurser i grundskolans mellanår. (1. utg.) Diss. Stockholm : Stockholms universitet, 2013. Stockholm. ISBN: 9789127137585 Teknikämnets didaktik De Vries, Marc J & Mottier, I (2005). International Handbook of Technology Education Sense Publishers Hallström Jonas, Hultén, Magnus, Lövheim, Daniel & Axell, Cecilia (2013). Teknik som kunskapsinnehåll i svensk skola 1842-‐‑2010. Möklinta: Gidlunds förlag McClellan, James E, Dorn, Harold & McClellan, James E (2006). Science And Technology in World History. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press Mitcham, C. (1994). Thinking Through Technology: The Path Between Engineering and Philosophy. Chicago: Chicago university press. 397 s. Referenslitteratur Creswell, John, Plano Clark, Vicki (2011). Designing and Conducting Mixed Methods Research. London: SAGE (457 s) Irby, Beverly, Brown, Genevieve & Jackson, Shirley (eds) (2013). Handbook of Educational Theories for Theoretical Frameworks. Johansson, A-‐‑M & Wickman, P-‐‑O. (2001). A pragmatist understanding of learning progressions. In Hudson, Brian, and Meinert A. Meyer. Beyond Fragmentation: Didactics, Learning and Teaching in Europe (pp. 47-‐‑60). Jorde, Doris & Dillon, Justin. (2012). Science Education Research and Practice in Europe. (394 sidor) Kelly, A.E., Lesh, R., &. Baek J. (eds) (2008). Handbook of design research methods in education. New York: Routledge Lederman, N. G., & Abell, S. K. (Eds.). (2014). Handbook of research in science education (Vol. 2). Routledge. (ca 400 sidor) Lichtman, M. (2013). Qualitative Research in Education. A User’s Guide. London: SAGE Publications. ISBN 9781412995320 McKenney, S., & Reeves, T.C. (2012). Conducting educational design research. New York: Routledge (215 s) Reinking, D., & Bradley, B. A (2008). On Formative and Design Experiments: Approaches to Language and Literacy Research. New York: Teachers College Press (120 s) Stake, R.E. (2006). Multiple case study analysis. New York: Guilford Press (325 s) Yin, R. (2014). Case study research. Design and methods. Los Angles: Sage (228
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