01 Land Off Cholmondeley Road,Wrenbury INTRODUCTION Introduction Gladman Developments Ltd have successfully invested in communities throughout the UK for over 20 years, developing high quality and sustainable residential, commercial and industrial schemes. A process of public consultation is being undertaken by Gladman Developments Ltd in order to present the emerging development proposals for land off Cholmondeley Road, Wrenbury to the local community. We are proposing a new residential development of up to 80 homes, together with new recreational space. The purpose of this consultation process is to outline the details of the draft scheme and seek comments from the local community which will be considered before the outline planning application is lodged with Cheshire East Council. N The Application Application Type & Submission Date Gladman Developments Ltd intends to submit an outline planning application for up to 80 homes to Cheshire East Council in Autumn 2014. This would establish the principle of development. Development Proposals • • • • • Up to 80 homes, including affordable properties; Proposed new access off Cholmondeley Road; Provision of Public Open Space, including a children’s play area; Proposed extensive informal open space with new footpaths and tree planting; New landscaping to enhance the site and boundaries. 02 Land Off Cholmondeley Road,Wrenbury HOUSING NEED Housing Need Every Council is required by the Government to boost significantly the supply of housing and to make planning decisions in the light of a presumption in favour of sustainable development. Cheshire East Council is required to provide enough housing land to meet its full future housing needs. Approval of this development will help towards meeting the housing need within the Borough. Site Boundary Existing Settlement Primary Roads Secondary Roads C Fr on de le y Wrenbury Heath R Rd Railway Station d n al Nan ch twi Public Footpaths Rd Stream/ Watercourse tio nR New Rd d op nio lm Railway Line Sta Shr re U i h s an nC L ith ho A5 30 Aston N Why is the site suitable for development? Wrenbury supports a range of services and facilities which are used by both residents of the village and those in the surrounding area. The site is well located with good access to existing community facilities and the local public transport network. The proposal will provide new homes to sustain the vitality and viability of the local community. 03 Land Off Cholmondeley Road,Wrenbury EXISTING CHARACTER Landscape Character The Cheshire Landscape Character Assessment provides a classification of the whole of Cheshire’s landscape. The assessment divides the county into 20 generic landscape character types and the site lies within the landscape character type 7: East Lowland Plain. The ‘East Lowland Plain’ comprises a large proportion of the Cheshire landscape and it’s characteristics are described as; • Flat and almost flat topography, • Small to medium sized fields (up to 8ha) used for pasture and arable farming, • Mainly hawthorn hedgerows and hedgerow trees, some mixed specie hedgerows, • Dispersed hamlets and farms with predominantly low density, and some nucleation, • Intensive farming and large farm businesses • Large number of small water bodies • Scattered species-rich grasslands • Riparian ancient woodlands and field sized coverts • Medieval moated sites The character type, ‘East Lowland Plain’, has been subdivided further into five character areas. The site lies within the landscape character area ELP1:Ravensmoore. The Ravensmoor Character Area is a large character area that is a predominantly flat landscape. Hawthorn hedges and standard trees are typical boundary types. This character area has the greatest settlement density within the whole of ‘East Lowland Plain’. There are a number of nucleated villages such as Wrenbury. The Shropshire Union Canal runs through the area, the Barbridge Junction is just to the northwest of Nantwich, from which the Llangollen and Middlewich branches emerge. The A51, A534 and the A530 are the main arterial routes in this area, which have acted as a focus for the development of settlement. Winding roads and country lanes are also typical. Railways cross the area running from Nantwich to Whitchurch and Crewe across to Chester. Local Character The immediate settlement area comprises of modern housing from 1970’s and more recent ones. Some of these reflect examples of traditional local housing character in the building design. There are older traditional houses in the core of the village. They vary in their building style, ranging from ornate timber frame buildings to red brick. Notable architectural features include gable fronted dormer windows, chimneys and slate or clay pantiles roof. Most of houses are set back from the street and have low boundary walls or hedges between front gardens and footways. Many of streets accommodate grass verges with some street trees. The majority of the dwellings in Wrenbury are up to 2 storey in height. The Cheshire Landscape Character Assessment ELP1: Ravensmoor EWM1: Cholmondeley RF4: Faddily 04 Land Off Cholmondeley Road,Wrenbury CONSTRAINTS & OPPORTUNITIES What are the constraints and opportunities? 1 4 6 2 2 5 7 4 1 5 3 1 6 1 Key views towards St Margaret Church 5 Consider Views from adjacent properties 2 High Quality Existing Oak Trees 6 Existing Watercourse 3 Flood Risk Zone 3 7 Visually Sensitive Area 4 Existing Boundary Hedgerows and Trees N 05 Land Off Cholmondeley Road,Wrenbury VISUAL CONTEXT Visual Analysis The site is located to the west of Wrenbury and the eastern boundary adjoins the exiting settlement. The vegetation within the site includes native hedgerows and some trees including mature oak trees. There are a number of footpaths nearby including the towing path along Lllangollen Canal situated west of the site and the South Cheshire Way to the south of the site. The surrounding landscape is mostly farmland, predominantly used for grazing, mostly enclosed by native hedgerows. A caravan park is located on the opposite side of Cholmondeley Road. The village centre is situated approximately 200m to the east of the site. 3 4 1 2 1 Aerial photograph with site boundary and viewpoint locations Approximate site extents 1 Recent Housing Development in St Margarets Close PHOTO VIEWPOINT 1: View north west looking towards the site on New Road Approximate site extents Approximate site extents Cholmondeley Road 2 PHOTO VIEWPOINT 2: View west from Cholmondeley Road Caravan Site 4 Vegetation on western boundary Properties along Cholmondeley Road PHOTO VIEWPOINT 4: View west from towing path Cholmondeley Road 3 PHOTO VIEWPOINT 3: View south from Cholmondeley Road Site 06 Land Off Cholmondeley Road,Wrenbury HISTORIC CONTEXT Historic Maps 1970 1899 2006 1954 1973 07 Land Off Cholmondeley Road,Wrenbury FACILITIES What are the local facilities? The site is sustainably located with easy access to the village centre, existing community amenities and the public transport network. Amenities include a primary school, pub and local shops. There is a regular bus service to Nantwich and Whictchurch (GHA Coaches:72) Monday to Saturday daytime. The Wrenbury Railway Station lies on the Crewe to Shrewsbury line calling at: Crewe- Nantwich- Wrenbury- Whitchurch (Shropshire)- Prees- Wem- Yorton and Shrewsbury. This service runs every 2 hours in both directions. Key Application Boundary Walking Distance from Site 400m/800m/1200m Public Right of Way Bus Routes S N Primary School Nursery Train Station T M P P Religious Centre R R S S N P S T Pubs and Cafes Local Shops Marina M Sports Facilities N 08 Land Off Cholmondeley Road,Wrenbury THE FRAMEWORK o Ch on lm de le y Rd ith Fr 3 Ln 7 2 6 5 4 Rd 7 w Sh 1 Ne i sh rop io n re U nal a nC N 1 Site Boundary - 8.80Ha 5 Proposed Public Open Space 2 Proposed Residential Area: 3.15Ha (Up to 80 dwellings @ 25 dph) 6 Proposed Play Area 3 Main access off Cholmondely Road 7 Retained Existing Trees 4 Proposed Balancing Pond 09 Land Off Cholmondeley Road,Wrenbury PROPOSED CHARACTER The Main Street The main street into the development from Cholmondeley Road will comprise a range of semi & detached properties (predominantly 2 with some 2.5 storey properties). Properties will be set back from the road with front gardens. A grass verge is proposed to one side of the street to reflect the existing local character and will include tree planting. Private frontage Low Boundary Hedge Footway to both side Carriageway Private frontage Predominantly parking solutions to be side of dwelling Grass Verge with tree planting Dwelling to be a range of 2 storey and predominantly terraced semi and detached 4 - 6m 2m 5.8-6m 2m 2m 4 - 6m The Street The street through the development will comprise a range of semi & detached properties (predominantly 2 with some 2.5 storey properties). Properties will be set back from the road with front gardens. Private frontage Private frontage Footway to both side Carriageway Dwelling to be a range of 2 and 2.5 storey and predominantly terraced semi and detached 4 - 6m 2m 5.8-6m 2m 4 - 6m 10 Land Off Cholmondeley Road,Wrenbury PROPOSED CHARACTER The Country Park An area of informal open space is proposed to wrap around the western and northern edge of the site. This open space will include native tree and hedgerow planting around the adjacent build edge. It will provide multi- functional benefits including containment of the settlement edge, informal public open space with new footpaths, mitigation planting and opportunity to improve biodiversity. Properties adjacent to the rural edge are no higher than 2 storey and they will face onto the proposed open space. Green Space Predominantly parking solutions to be front of dwelling Boundary Hedgerow Private frontage Grass Verge Shared Drive 2 storey dwellings width varies 6m The Green Edge The existing boundary hedgerow along Cholmondeley Road will be retained wherever possible and properties are set back from the road with front gardens. Cholmondeley Road Existing Boundary Hedge Predominantly parking solutions to be front of dwelling Private frontage Grass Verge with some tree planting Shared Drive 2 storey dwellings width varies 4 - 6m 11 Land Off Cholmondeley Road,Wrenbury THANK YOU Have your say This is your opportunity to tell us what is important to you and what you would wish to see in this development should it be built. Things we would like to hear about include; • Are you or anyone you know, in need of affordable housing in Wrenbury? • Is there a need for housing or first time buyers and/or housing for young professionals in Wrenbury? • Are there any particular type of houses that Wrenbury is currently lacking? • Are there community facilities that you would like to see improved or developed as part of this scheme? Thank you for taking time to view this information. Comments can be sent via the website, email or posted to the address below. You can keep up to date on progress using our dedicated website which provides further information: www.your-views.co.uk/wrenbury How do I comment? You can respond by email: comments@your-views.co.uk (uisng “Wrenbury‘’ on the subject line) or by post: Your Views Wrenbury Gladman Developments Ltd. Gladman House Alexandria Way Congleton CW12 1LB
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