TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2014 MOUNTAIN VIEW GAZETTE PAGE 21 R&C CONCRETE & CONSTRUCTION Specializing in Concrete Finishing Sidewalks - Driveways - Garage Pads - Patios - Basement Floors Retaining Walls - Basement Forming - Stamp - Colour - Exposed Over 30 years experience Rick Teuling Phone: 403-556-2961 Cell: 403-507-0306 403-335-3535 NEW RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION AND RENOVATIONS www.exodushomes.ca Located 2 km east of the Didsbury over pass on HWY 582 on the north side of the road RegionalClassifieds 130. Coming Events 130. Coming Events Sundre & District Ag Society Annual General Meeting November 27, 2014 @ 7:30 p.m. Sundre Curling Rink WOLF WILLOW WOMENS’ GROUP ANNUAL QUILT RAFFLE – Value $1500 Raffle License # 384224 Proceeds: 1/3 Wolf Willow Early Literacy 1/3 Cremona & District Santa’s Anonymous 1/3 Red Deer Women’s Shelter Tickets: All Members + (Dorothy 403-637-2683, Peggy 403-637-2253 and at Winterfest Sale-December 6, 2014 200. Business/Invest. Oppor. 200. Business/Invest. Oppor. GET FREE vending machines. Can earn $100,000. + per year. All cash-retire in just 3 years. Protected territories. Full details call now 1-866-668-6629. Website: www.tcvend.com. THREE NEWSPAPERS for sale in east central Saskatchewan. Interested parties may contact Bob Johnson 306-272-3262 or bob.johnson@sasktel.net. Have a look and make me an offer. THE DISABILITY Tax Credit. $1,500 yearly tax credit. $15,000 lump sum refund (on average). Covers: hip/knee replacements, arthritic joints, COPD. Apply today! 1-844-453-5372. 1005. Help Wanted 410. Education/Training MEDICAL BILLING Trainees needed! Learn to process & submit claims for hospitals and doctors! No experience needed! Local training gets you ready to work! 1-888-627-0297. 1005. Help Wanted HELP WANTED PART-TIME PENNERS AND CATTLE SORTERS WANTED 1005. Help Wanted 1005. Help Wanted Accompanist Wanted The Olds Community Chorus seeks an accompanist. This 40-voice group persoms classical, folk, show and popular repertoire. The accompanist should have at least grade 10 Conservatory skills and will play voice parts from rehearsals and accompaniments for concerts. Rehearsals are in Olds from 7:00 - 9:15 Monday evenings. The Chorus performs concerts in December and May and at other miscellaneous times. Please call Ross Dabrusin at 403-556-9067. Competitive Wages, Flexible Hours Apply in Person or Contact OLDS AUCTION MART TYLER - 403-556-3655 403-556-3109 or 1-866-291-7233 Std. First Aid & CPR “C” (Red Cross) Nov. 20&21, 27&28 / Dec. 4&5, 11&12 H2S Alive Every Monday WHMIS On-Line Only TDG Transportation of Dangerous Goods On-Line Only Ground Disturbance Level II Fall Protection Confined Space Airbrakes Driver Training Class 1 and Class 3 TBA TBA TBA TBA Call for Dates PST / or CSTS equivalent / IRP16 - Computer Based 190. Announcements 190. Announcements DiDsbury Golf Club Annual General Meeting Wednesday, November 26 at 8:00 pm at the Club House WANTED FOR THE 2015 SEASON Looking for an interested business or individual to lease out the restaurant / bar for the 2015 golf season. Please direct all inquiries by email to didsburygolf@gmail.com 130. Coming Events 130. Coming Events BACK AGAIN! FOR ANOTHER GREAT CONCERT! THE JUNE BUGS “JUST HERE TO SING” to celebrate their new CD Bearberry Community Hall Saturday, Nov. 29, 2014 @ 8:00 pm Tickets $20 at JUST TRAVEL or phone 403-638-2704 for tickets ADVERTISING SALES POSITION Sundre Round Up, a division of Mountain View Publishing Inc., is currently seeking an outgoing and organized person to fill a position in Advertising & Marketing. Duties to include advertising sales, customer service and some general office duties. Selected individual must be creative, able to multi task, work well with others and be able to manage time effectively. Must have valid drivers license and vehicle. Computer skills and sales experience a definite asset. Apply in person with resume to: Sundre Round Up 103 - 2nd Street NW Sundre, Alberta Painter/Powder Coater ProAll is seeking responsible individuals with good work ethics who are capable of working in a team environment. Must have a drive to learn, mechanical aptitude and attention to detail. With ProAll you have the opportunity to work in a safe, clean and healthy environment. Because of our powder paint system, you will not have to work with the nocuous chemicals or fumes normally associated with painting. Our focus on environmentally friendly products and practices positions us as a leader in paint application and fabrication manufacturing. ProAll International offers a competitive salary, benefit package and RRSP program. These are full time positions in a modern shop with an excellent safety program. Hours of work are from 7:00 AM to 3:15 PM Monday to Friday. Please submit resumes to: wE-mail: krobb@proallinc.com and hr@proallinc.com wFax: (403) 556-1666 wMail: ProAll International Mfg. Inc. 5901 48 Avenue Olds, AB T4H 1V1 SENIOR ACCOUNTANT, OPERATIONS Salary Range: $71,035.50 - $86,821.16 Olds College has a challenging opportunity for an individual to fill the regular full-time position of Senior Accountant, Operations. Reporting to the Controller, the Senior Accountant, Operations supports the internal accounting functions of Olds College; administers grants and contracts; acts as the ERP user/applications champion; assists in the preparation of audit working papers; manages and monitors the accounts receivable and payable functions. 435. Health Services HOME NURSING SERVICES • Private Nursing Care (In home or hospital) • Palliative Nursing Care (Care of terminally ill) • Respite Care (Caregiver Relief) • Health Monitoring (Daily-Weekly) • Diabetic Nursing Care Linda Olsen Registered Nurse (403) 556-3154 1005. Hiring EXPEriEnCED vaCuum truCk DrivErs / swamPErs Air brakes, class 3, clean abstract. Competitive wages and benefits package. Call 403-815-9160, or fax resumé to 403-637-0080. Now Hiring HydroVac Swamper COLLEGE SCHEDULER The Office of the Registrar has an opportunity for a regular full-time Scheduler. The College Scheduler is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the central timetabling software and to produce a stable Master Schedule that optimizes the use of available facilities and instructional resources for both credit and non-credit programming within established, fixed deadlines. Please forward a resume quoting the appropriate competition number by the closing dates indicated on our website. For further information on this/these employment opportunities, please visit our website at http://www.oldscollege.ca/employment PRODUCTION WELDERS ProAll International Mfg. is seeking experienced welders with good work ethics who are capable of working in a team environment. Both journeymen and apprentice welders are needed. Must have a drive to learn, mechanical aptitude and attention to detail. Welders will work from engineered drawings to produce high quality parts for ProAll’s own products as well as many contract jobs. With ProAll you have the opportunity to work in a safe, clean and healthy environment. ProAll offers a competitive salary, benefit package and RRSP program. These are full time positions in a modern shop with an excellent safety program. Hours of work are from 7:00 AM to 3:15 PM Monday to Friday. Please submit resumes to: wE-mail: krobb@proallinc.com and hr@proallinc.com wFax: (403) 556-1666 wMail: ProAll International Mfg. Inc. 5901 48 Avenue Olds, AB T4H 1V1 Help Wanted Oilfield Tickets required. Fax resume (with references) to: 1-866-724-9777 email: badgerolds@telus.net Olds, Alberta 1500. Help Wanted — Alta. AN ALBERTA OILFIELD company is hiring experienced dozer and excavator operators, meals and lodging provided. Drug testing required. 1-780-723-5051. AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Technicians move up in life! Busy Ford & Chrysler dealergroup in Bonnyville and Cold Lake $36-$51 signing bonus, housing subsidy. Apply a t http://www.ducharmeautogrou p.com/careers/jobpostings. MEDICAL Transcription is an in-demand career in Canada! Employers have work-at-home positions available. Get the online training you need from an employer-trusted program. Visit: CareerStep.ca/MT or 1-888-528-0809 to start training for your work-at-home career today! MEDICAL Transcriptionists needed! Employers seeking over 200 additional CanScribe graduates. Student loans available. Income-tax receipts issued. Start training today. Work from home! www.canscribe.com; info@canscribe.com. 1-800-466-1535. SEEKING A CAREER in the Community Newspaper business? Post your resume for FREE right where the publishers are looking. Visit: awna.com/for-job-seekers. PAGE 22 1005. MOUNTAIN VIEW GAZETTE Help Wanted 1005. Help Wanted 1005. Help Wanted 1005. Help Wanted IS HIRING! Sundre Pharmasave is currently looking for a personable, friendly person to join our team as a pharmacy assistant or technician. This part time position requires working occasional evenings and weekends and has the potential to grow to a full time position. Duties will include assisting the pharmacist with the various tasks associated in the operations of the pharmacy. EVRAZ Red Deer Works is now accepting applications for JouRnEymAn millwRights, ElEctRiciAns, And mAchinists. Individuals must be safety conscious, physically fit, able to work overtime and shift work. Wages start at $40.00 per hour and offer an excellent benefit and pension package. The ideal candidate will have: • excellent organizational skills and an above average attention to detail • strong communication skills • demonstrated customer service experience • proficient computer and data entry skills Please send resume to reddeerhr@evrazna.com or deliver in person to 27251 391 Township Road Experience in a pharmacy is an asset, but we will train the right person. Please submit your resume and cover letter to Josiah@lodergroup.ca, by fax to 403-638-3519 or in person as 557 Main Avenue West, Sundre. HIGH PERFORMANCE BUSINESS PROGRAMMER olds association for community living (Campus Recreation Programmer) Olds College is seeking a full-time Campus Recreation Programmer to provide support to the Community Learning Campus (CLC) and the Athletics, Fitness and Recreation Department. Please forward a resume quoting competition #14143 by November 24. 2014. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY For further information on this/these employment opportunities, please visit our website at http://www.oldscollege.ca/employment Olds Association for Community Living has an exciting career position, working with individuals with special needs. No training needed, training is provided by Olds Asssociation for Community Living. Top wages offered, come join our team. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY CUSTOMER CUSTOMER SERVICE SERVICE ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION Selected person must be neat in appearance, mature, have an friendly and professional personality and be able to work with little or no supervision. Weekly hours worked may vary throughout the year. All applicants are asked to drop off a resume including references to our Sundre office located at 103 2nd. St. NW. Only those applicants selected for an interview will be contacted. Mountain View Publishing offers competitive wages including a health and dental benefit package. MOUNTAIN VIEW PUBLISHING INC 103 2nd St. NW, Box 599 Sundre, Alberta, T0M 1X0 403.638.3577 Employment Wanted distance. Don 1-403-586-2597 3010. Auctions UNRESERVED Bailiff Seizure Auction Sale. November 22, 9 a.m. Modular Building Manufacturer - 11750 - 181 Street, Edmonton. Info at www.CenturyServices.com. 780-944-9144. 3210. Misc. For Sale A-STEEL SHIPPING Dry Storage Containers. Used 20’ & 40’ Seacans high cube & insulated containers 40’ HC. Winter Specials in stock now. Self unloading delivery. Phone toll free 1-866-528-7108; www.rtccontainer.com. 3210. Misc. For Sale METAL ROOFING & Siding. 30+ colours available at over 40 Distributors. 40 year warranty. 48 hour Express Service available at select supporting Distributors. Call 1-888-263-8254. REUSABLE: Hemlock Mats 4’x20’x12” foundations. Site access; architectural $190.; boilers 3.5m BTU $8900.; UPS $6500.; 1000 kilowatt generator $59,000.; Centrifugal fans $777.; marble; Lego blocks; Quonset; kitchen. 587-439-7840. STEEL BUILDINGS “Gift-Card Give-Away!” 20x22 $4,358. 25x24 $4,895. 30x30 $6, 446. 32x32 $7,599. 40x46 $12,662. 47x72 $18,498. One end wall included. Pioneer Steel 1 - 8 0 0 - 6 6 8 - 5 4 2 2 ; www.pioneersteel.ca. STEEL BUILDINGS/METAL Buildings 60% off! 20x28, 30x40, 40x62, 45x90, 50x120, 60x150, 80x100, sell for balance owed! Call 1 - 8 0 0 - 4 5 7 - 2 2 0 6 ; www.crownsteelbuildings.ca. LOOKING FOR a shop? Post Frame Buildings. AFAB Industries has experience, expertise, reliability and great construction practices. For a free quote, contact Ryan Smith 403-818-0797 or email: ryan.afab@gmail.com. UNDERGROUND WIRE, ALL Sizes, wholesale prices guaranteed. EXCAVATION SEPTIC SYSTEM installations Bobcat Rentals 403-556-1213 1005. 1005. Help Wanted Help Wanted Rundlestone Salon & Spa Aveda Olds is now hiring licensed hair stylists. Contact us at 403-586-7721 or apply in person with resume to 6308b-46 St Olds • 30 hrs per week. • 40 hrs per week • Must work Saturdays. • Work Tuesday to Saturday • Mechanical knowledge/experience required. • Mechanical knowledge/experience required 1700. SEMI RETIRED, LOOKING to do casual driving. Have class 3 w/air. If you have a vehicle, large or small that you need driven somewhere or you need Hot Shot delivery, I can help. Willing to drive local or long HELP WANTED WANTED Full-Time Part Time Lube Technician Technician. Olds Association for Community Living Box 3821, Olds AB. T4H 1P5 Fax to: (403) 556-1861 Or email to: oafcl@oldsnet.ca No phone calls please Mountain View Publishing has a part time position open in Administration & Sales at our Sundre office. Some duties Include: - Front office reception - Inside Customer sales - Advertising orders taken by phone or in person - Weekly newspaper distribution TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2014 # # # ! ! ! % % % )%%*% "' )%%*% "' )%%*% "' ! 3# ! 3# ! 3# " # " # " # ) 3.*' ) 3.*' ) 3.*' !"& !"& !"& &2.1(415(0235 &2.1(415(0235 &2.1(415(0235 "&2.1(415(304/ "&2.1(415(304/ "&2.1(415(304/ &#+'$ &#+'$ &#+'$ Submit resume with references to: Mobil 1 Lube Express 6407 - 46th Street Olds, Alberta T4H 1L7 m1leolds@gmail.com m1leolds@telus.net Big Horn Electric and Controls Ltd. NOW RECRUITING ELECTRICAL and INSTRUMENTATION JOURNEYMAN and APPRENTICES REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS H2S Alive / First Aid CSTS or PST / Fall Protection Valid Driver’s Licence Oilfield Experience Will Require a Pre-Employment Drug & Alcohol Screening SEND RESUMES TO FAX: 403-638-3688 OR EMAIL: careers@bighornelectric.com 3220. Misc. Wanted FIREARMS. All types wanted, estates, collections, single items, military. We handle all paperwork and transportation. Licensed d e a l e r. 1 - 8 6 6 - 9 6 0 - 0 0 4 5 ; www.dollars4guns.com. 4030. Horses & Tack HORSES - WE BUY all types Free pick-up. Also saddles and tack for sale. Bill Nugent 403-818-6068 4310. Grain/Feed/Hay HEATED CANOLA buying Green, Heated or Springthrashed Canola. Buying: oats, barley, wheat & peas for feed. Buying damaged or offgrade grain. “On Farm Pickup” Westcan Feed & Grain, 1-877-250-5252. 5003. Real Estate Misc. RENTALS Olds 2 Bedroom condo $1000 plus power NS NP 3 Bedroom 4 plex lower $1200 inclusive NS NP dIdsBURY 3 Bedroom House $1600 all inclusive N/S & small pet only Elaine Barrett Property Manager 403-507-1893 Wildrose Real Estate CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE oldsrentals.com www. albertanewhomes .ca 5110. Houses For Rent ONE BEDROOM OLDER farm house 3 miles east of Didsbury. 403-507-0266 5130. Apartments For Rent COLLEGE GREEN APARTMENTS 1802-16St. Didsbury. One bedroom quiet +50 building, incl. heat water elec. Rent $675/mth. DD $600 Call/text 403-660-9719 5135. Suites For Rent COZY LITTLE SUITE- Avail. Dec.1/14. 1 bedroom main level walk out, small patio private entrance on driveway In-floor heating, new carpets laundry, utilities included N/S, N/P, $800/mth. + DD 403-507-1999 5150. Rooms/Room & Board PRIVATE FURNISHED ROOM available now. Olds Boarding House. Internet, Cable, Shared Kitchen, LR & Bathrooms $500/mth. 403-791-6254 1005. Help Wanted EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY ADVERTISING DESIGN AND PRODUCTION ntain View Publishing has a full time position opening in advertising design and uction at our Sundre office. Duties include advertising design and page layout ur weekly newspaper as well as some customer relations. Applicants should experience in print media production and InDesign and/or Quark Express. pplicants are asked to drop off a resume including references to our Sundre e located at 103 2nd. St. NW. or at our Olds office at 5013 - 51 St. Only those cants selected for an interview will be contacted. ntain View Publishing offers competitive es including a health and dental benefit age. MOUNTAIN VIEW PUBLISHING INC Pressure Trucks ComboUnits Units Straight-VacUnits Units• Sour-Sealed Truck and and Trailer Trailer•Septic Potable Water Pressure Trucks • Combo • Straight-Vac Sour-Sealed Truck Septic • Potable Water NOW HIRING Far West Trucking is now looking for class 1, 3 and 5 operators for local, year-round, full time employment. Offering late model, assigned units, industry leading pay and benefits, scheduled days-off, and room for career advancement. Far West trucking operates locally, which means employees are home to spend most nights with their families! Qualified operators with current first-aid, and H2S tickets and a clean driver’s abstract required but training will be provided to the right candidates who have a desire to succeed and display an eagerness to learn. www.farwesttrucking.com•24hr Phone: 403-337-2067 Please email resumes to careers@farwesttrucking.com Owner-Operators/ Lease Operators- All Locations Dalmac Oilfield Services has been servicing the oil and gas industry for over 57 years. With locations in Warburg, Edson and Fox Creek, Alberta, we have the best clients in the business and a well-run safety program. If you are an enterprising individual with a clean Class 1, valid oilfield tickets and WCB clearance, and a well-maintained tri drive or tandem tractor, please inquire via this ad and we will provide you with further details. Dalmac offers generous revenue potential, a contactor benefits package, flexible rotations and pricing assistance with maintenance, and overhead costs. Please visit www.dalmacenergy.com or inquire via tsturko@dalmac.ca for further information. 5800. Manuf. Homes - Sale DRYWALLED GRANDEUR 2010, 20’ x 76’ model must go! Save over $35,000 on ordering new. Only $129,900. One only, will not last! Call 877-948-1272 or email Ken@grandviewmodular.com 3720. Iron & Steel 5003. 7245. 5003. Real Estate Misc. Come home to Nova Scotia’s beautiful Annapolis Valley ... where you’ll find wonderful orchards, vineyards and tides. Enjoy a safe place to raise a family and meet friendly people. Here is where your home dollars go so much further... visit our website Welcome to Misc. Services BANK SAID NO? Bank on us! Equity Mortgages for purchases, debt consolidation, foreclosures, renovations. Bruised credit, self-employed, unemployed ok. Dave F i t z p a t r i c k : w w w. a l b e r t a l e n d i n g . c a . 587-437-8437, Belmor Mortgage. 3720. Real Estate Misc. 12345 www.comehometothevalley.ca Iron & Steel Real Estate Misc. 5003. Real Estate Misc. Serving the Valley Since 1971. 3” wide version 7245. Misc. Services Misc. Services RURAL WATER 3.75” wide version TREATMENT (Province Wide) CARSTAIRS HOMES 1223 GREY STREET $165,000 TRUDY MLS#C3638910, Cute bung w/2 car garage, big lot 1203 GOUGH RD. $389,900 RAYEL MLS#C3634719 Huge,park like corner lot, w/spacious 4 bdrm, renovated home. Dbl att garage. 1549 MCALPINE STREET $354,900 RAYEL MLS #C3636857, 2012 Open concept, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1214 sf, bi-level home w/att garage. 67 STENLEA GATE $499,000 TRUDY MLS#C3638160, Large, high end 50+ condo 837 STONEHAVEN DR. $625,000 TRUDY MLS#C3641421, Large high-end walk out bungalow SOLD DIDSBURY HOMES 1174 KILDEER CLOSEm$325,000 RANDY MLS# C3627363, 1228 sf, bi-level. Zoned R2 with fully finished walkout lower, 4 bdrms, 3 baths. OTHER TOWNS SOLD SOLD 12345 Water Well Drilling 12345 1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766) View our 29 patented and patent pending inventions online at STEVE ALGRA • 403 994 1308 www.comehometothevalley.ca www.1800bigiron.com Serving the Valley Since 1971. 3” wide version 382 Main St. Wolfville, B4P 1C9 7510. Moving/Hauling/Storage 7510. NS Moving/Hauling/Storage RECYCLE 1-877-542-5781 ext. 63 3.75” wide version BIG OR SMALL WE WHAT ARE THEY GOOD FOR? ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. RURAL WATER TAKE IT ALL! Free pickup of unwanted vehicles, farm machinery, loose metals, batteries etc. to be taken for recycling. Serving all areas. Tell them Danny TREATMENT (Province Wide) 12345 ACREAGES/FARMS/RANCHES FULL 1/4 WEST OF CARSTAIRS $650,000 DAVE MLS# C3587995, Mostly grass, dugout, oil revenue, close to pavement, several good building sites. 3.9 AC CARSTAIRSm$625,500 RAYEL OR RANDY MLS# C3623561, 3200+ sf open concept home w/ oversized dbl att garage. Minutes from town and golf. 40 AC-CARSTAIRS, $517,000, RANDY MLS#C3503510, Hwy 2 frontage, hay, dugout, mtnview 18 AC CARSTAIRS EAST $899,000 RANDY MLS# C3620648, Fabulous custom built 1 1/2 storey 2860 sf 5 bdrm home, gorgeous landscaping, fantastic shop. A Dream Property surrounded by mature trees, Private, Pavement. Zoned AG. Iron Filters • Softeners • Distillers • Reverse Osmosis “Kontinuous Shok” Chlorinator Patented Whole House Reverse Osmosis System Water Valley General Hooper sent you 12345 - Within 150 miles of Edmonton, Contracting Ltd. Water Well Drilling Customizable and(New secure. From storage to workspace. Red Deer, Calgary Government water well grant starts April 1/13) 403-690-5337 Timecontainers Paymentfrom Plan8'O.A.C. Steel - 53'. for water wells and water treatment 20' & 40' skids with optional 4' landings available. Mount with twist locks. 780 440 4037 | SEACAN.COM Ironman Scrap Metal Recovery 1-800-BIG IRON (244-4766) View our 29 patented and patent pending inventions online at is picking up scrap again! Farm machinery, vehicles and industrial. 7245. Serving Central Alberta Call 403-318-4346 Misc. Services www.1800bigiron.com 8005. Services Real Estate Misc. WE NEED YOUR LISTING! 106 2 AVE TORRINGTONm$174,900 RAYEL MLS #C3599939, 3 bedroom, upgraded home Iron Filters • Softeners • Distillers • Reverse Osmosis 5156 39TH ST. INNISFAIL RAYEL Come homeDanny to Nova Scotia’s beautiful Annapolis Tell them “Kontinuous Shok” Chlorinator Valley ... where Hooper you Patented Whole vineyards House Reverse Osmosis you’ll findsent wonderful orchards, and tides.System Enjoy a safe3 bed, 2 bath home w/huge addition & dbl det garage. 127 COOPERS CLOSE AIRDRIEm$464,000 TRUDY place to raise a family and meet friendly is where your MLS# C3614981, fully finished, - Within 150people. miles ofHere Edmonton, bright, open 422 7ST BEISEKER $279,000 RAYEL home dollars go so further... ourApril website. Red Deer, Calgary (Newmuch Government water wellvisit grant starts 1/13) 1268 sf, very open & bright, bilevel on lg corner lot. Time Payment Plan O.A.C. for water wells and water treatment Dbl att garage, fully finished up & down, 5 bdrms, 2 Welcome to bath & master ensuite. SCRAP METAL PICKUP BIN SERVICE DEMOLITION 5003. Thinking of Buying or Selling?... call us today for a FREE evaluation SOLD 382 Main St. Wolfville, NS B4P 1C9 1-877-542-5781 ext. 63 7245. 5003. 3350. Randy Mader Broker 403-337-2928 Wood/Coal/Fuel www.rayelwalker.com FARM LAND WANTED to rent in Carstairs area. Crop or hayland. Flexible leasing options. Let’s talk how together we can look after your land using best farming practices. Phone Kevin Good 403-337-3914 Trucks/SUVs/Vans 3350. SOLD 76 AC CARSTAIRS RAYEL MLS#C3629731, 76 acres of hay, pasture, well site revenue, w/great views & off paved road. 3 AC-WEST OF DIDSBURY $179,000 RAYEL OR RANDY with mountain view, rolling land, private setting & not in a cluster! Subject to subdivision finalization. 4 AC CARSTAIRS EAST $399,000 RANDY MLS# C3627351, Affordable, just 10 min off Hiway 2. 1400 sf older home in good shape. Trees, outbuildings, waterers. Peaceful/private. 146 AC CARSTAIRS $1,490,000 RAYEL Commercial land north of QE2 overpass. Mtn. view, service road, tons of dev potential within Wessex Area. 10 AC CROSSFIELD $849,000 RANDY MLS# C3623559, Fantastic 6yr old exec home w/ views. 7 bdrms, vaulted 9ft ceilings, maple hardwood & cabinets, 3 car garage. 5 min to QEII and town. 20 AC-CROSSFIELD/CARSTAIRS, $339,000, RANDY MLS#C3497959, Private, dugout, can lease 20 more LANGDON-122 ACm$3,200,000, RANDY MLS#C3501131, Development land next to golf course 158 AC NW OLDSm$975,000 RAYEL MLS# C3622683, 5 min NW of Olds. 2001 1.5 storey home w/6 bdrms, 3 baths, walk-out basement. New 30x40 trap bldg, pipe corrals, fenced and crossfenced w/seasonal creek. 142 AC WATER VALLEY/CREMONA $699,000 RANDY MLS#C3631514 Amazing rec land on the Little Red Deer River. Trees, springs, valleys/views, pasture/hay DOGPOUND ACREAGE 8.75 ACm$675,000 RAYEL MLS# C3630581, 2002 beautiful open concept home 142 AC NORTH OF AIRDRIE $715,000 DAVE MLS#C3630463 On pavement, east slope rolling land, dugout, crop, pasture, trees. Great place to build your dream. BEARBERRY 9.41 AC $225,000 RAYEL OR RANDY Build or use as a wknd getaway. Views & zoned AG. SOLD SOLD 300 ACRES CROSSFIELD/CARSTAIRS RANDY 140 AC $599,000 - MLS# C3633594 Pasture can all be cultivated, mtn view, fenced, sloping, water well. 159 AC $699,000 - MLS# C3633597 full qtr so can be subdivided. Pasture but much cultivatable. Crossfenced, water well, power, pond, trees. SOLD SOLD Rayel Walker Realtor 403-710-4578 Dave Cuming Assoc. Broker 403-540-5799 Wood/Coal/Fuel 3350. trudy.drever@gmail.com 6200. 2006 GMC PICK-UP truck with matching canopy. 4 extra winter tires. Low mileage. $12,000 OBO 403-224-3331 questrealtygroup.ca Land Wanted PAGE 23 www.randymader.ca 5320. MOUNTAIN VIEW GAZETTE 3” wide version davexxcuming@hotmail.com TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2014 Trudy Drever Realtor 403-850-1394 Wood/Coal/Fuel 3.75” wide version CRIMINAL RECORD? Think: Canadian pardon. U.S. travel waiver. Divorce? Simple. Fast. Inexpensive. Debt recovery? Alberta collection to $25,000. C a lTHEY g GOOD a r FOR? y ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING. WHAT ARE 403-228-1300/1-800-347-2540 R&R HydRoVac SeRViceS 3” wide version 1040. Careers 1040. More than a job. Think career. Think • Tri-drive trucks • TDG Certified 12345 • Oilfield Careers • Industrial ownership. • Commercial Customizable and secure. From storage to workspace. Class 1 Truck Driver (Western Canada) Primary Responsibilities: Qualifications: -Deliver rail equipment and material -Minimum one year experience to various customers and work sites -Familiar with the regulatory -Load and unload company supplied paperwork truck (experience with loaders and -Prepared to work independantly for other construction equipment is an long hours with frequent overtime while travelling Western Canada asset) 12345 DO YOU NEED to borrow money - Now? If you own a home or real estate, Alpine Credits will lend you money It’s that simple. 1-877-486-2161. 403-637-0008 Steel containers from 8' to 53'. on optional track! 4' Bad 20'GET & 40'BACK skids with landings credit? Mount Bills?with Unemployed? available. twist locks. Need money? We lend! If you own your own home - you qualify. Pioneer Acceptance Corp. Member BBB. 1 - 8 7 7 - 9 8 7 - 1 4 2 0 ; www.pioneerwest.com. To submit a resume: E: roger.eppert@candoltd.com F: (204)727-4100 www.candoltd.com 3.75” wide version YOU’VE GOT IDEAS for your farm that the banks don’t understand. Input Capital gets it. Up to $200/acre cash upfront. Partner with us. 8 4 4 - 7 1 5 - 7 3 5 5 ; www.inputcapital.com. 7310. enjoy working with seniors, have a strong ClassDo 1you Truck Driver (Western Canada)of work ethic and understand the importance Primary Responsibilities: Qualifications: laughter and joy? If so, we are looking for you! CANADA BENEFIT Group. Do you or someone you know suffer from a disability? Get up -Minimum one year experience/ familiar to $40,000. from the Canadian -Deliver rail equipment and material to with the regulatory paperwork Government. Toll free various customers and and work sites 1 - 8 8 8 - 5 11 - 2 2 5 0 or to work independantly for We arecompany currently hiring for-Prepared a Permanent Part-Time -Load and unload supplied long hours with frequent overtime while www.canadabenefit.ca/freetruck (experience with loaders and other Position within our personal care department. assessment. Certified Health Care Aides 12345 their light to medium care needs. As a Supportive Living environment, Sunrise ensures no mechanical To submit a resume: lifts and light one person transfers. At Sunrise E: roger.eppert@candoltd.com F: (204)727-4100 quality of life is ensured through our emphasis on independence, dignity and the involvement of www.candoltd.com family and friends. If you are a certified Health Care Aide and have related experience in this area we welcome you to apply. Please submit your resume to: Sunrise Village 5600 Sunrise Crescent, Olds AB T4H 1W4 Fax: (403) 556-3475 or email lisa.woodworth@airenet.com Wages commensurate with experience as well as night shift premium. To learn more about Sunrise Village visit our website at www.sunrisevillages. com 3710. 8330. Electrical SEMI RETIRED MASTER ELECTRICIAN Available for small jobs Maintenance. Reasonable 403-556-4552 9005. Personals Health Services M o r e t h a n a j o b . T h i n k c a r e e r . T h i n k oTake w n elife r seasier hip. travelling throughout Western Canada construction an asset) Our equipment Health isCare Aides assist our residents with 780 440 4037 | SEACAN.COM WHEN THE MORN shall bid us rise, may we feel thy presence near! May thy glory meet our eyes when we in thy house appear! There afford us, Lord, a taste of our everlasting feast - John Newton. 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