2014 Special Operations Medical Association’s Scientific Assembly and Exhibition December 8-11, 2014 Tampa Convention Center Tampa, Florida USSOCOM REGISTRATION FORM STEP ONE: Registrant Contact Information (Name only will appear on badges.) Full Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Credentials:_______________________________ (Non-military; i.e. MD, DO, PA, NP, LVN, RN, PhD, PharmaD) Organization:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________________________ State/Province:_______________ Zip: __________________ Country:____________ Phone:_______________________________________Email:____________________________________________________________________________ STEP TWO: General Information Special Needs (dietary/allergies/accessibility): Diabetic Kosher Vegetarian Vegan Gluten Free Other_________________________________________ LIABILITY WAIVER AND EMERGENCY CONTACT Please read and sign. I agree and acknowledge that I am undertaking participation in SOMSA events and activities as my own free and intentional act and I am fully aware that possible physical injury might occur to me as a result of my participation in these events. I give this acknowledgement freely and knowingly and that I am, as a result, able to participate in SOMSA events and I do hereby assume responsibility for my own well-being. I am aware that photographs will be taken during the conference and may be published on the SOMA website or used in promotional materials. Signature:______________________________________________________________________ Date:___________________________________ REQUIRED: In case of emergency at the meeting, please contact (Name/Telephone/Relationship):____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please check here if you are a first-time attendee of the Special Operations Medical Association’s Scientific Assembly (SOMSA). Check here if you consent for your mailing address to be provided to our exhibitors for one time use. STEP THREE: Demographics Please select your SOF Component USSOCOM USASOC NSWC AFSOC MARSOC JSOC SOCAF SOCCENT SOCEUR SOCKOR SOCNORTH SOCSOUTH NSHQ Army 18D 68W-W1 38B-W4 68W 68W-W2 68J 68R 68S 68T 68X 68Z 68-other 18-other 38-other Other (SPECIFY): Status Active Duty Reserve National Guard ___________________ Navy/USMC 5392 8403 8427 8401 8402 8404 8406 8409 8425 8432 8493 Other (SPECIFY): USAF 1T2X1 4N0X1 4A1XX 4N0XX 4E0XX Military Unit (Current Assignment) ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ___________________ Position / Title ________________________ ________________________ ________________________ Military Rank E1 O1 E2 O2 E3 O3 E4 O4 E5 O5 E6 O6 E7 O7 E8 O8 E9 O9 W1 O10 W2 W3 W4 W5 STEP FOUR: Practical Labs – Monday, December 8 STEP SEVEN: Total Fees Please ensure that the Labs you select do not overlap. Several of the same Lab Sessions are being offered more than once during the day. These are designated by a 1 or 2 after the title. Military All Other MedicsAttendees Difficult Airway – Basic 1 0800-1000 $50 $100 Wound Repair – Basic 0800-1000 $50 $100 Basic Point-of-Care Ultrasound 0800-1200 $50 $50 Regional Anesthesia – Ultrasound Guided 0800-1200 $50 $50 Rescue Task Force Training 1 0800-1200 $50 $100 Procedural Sedation 1 0800-1200 $50 $50 Opthalmology 0800-1200 $50 $50 CONTOMS Medical Director Course 0800-1700 $150 $150 Prolonged Field Care (PFC) Train-the-Trainer 0800-1700 $100 $100 Working Canine Critical Care Course 0800-1700 $100 $100 Difficult Airway – Advanced 1 1000-1200 $50 $100 Wound Repair – Advanced 1000-1200 $50 $100 Difficult Airway – Basic 2 1300-1500 $50 $100 Dental Lab 1 1300-1500 $50 $100 Beyond on FAST Examination 1300-1600 $50 $50 Battlefield Medical Informatics 1300-1700 $0 $0 Advanced Point-of Care Ultrasound 1300-1700 $50 $100 Rescue Task Force Training 2 1300-1700 $50 $100 Procedural Sedation 2 1300-1700 $50 $50 Difficult Airway – Advanced 2 1500-1700 $50 $100 Dental Lab 2 1700-1900 $50 $100 *Please note that Labs, CME Fees, Guest Fees and Mess Night fees are not reimbursable by SOCOM. STEP FIVE: Full Conference Registration 3. By Mail: Mail completed registration form and appropriate fees to: SOMA Executive Office P.O. Box 19489 Lenexa, KS 66285-9489 $__________Complimentary $300 Physician CME Fee STEP SIX: Optional Activities & Guest(s) Fee Opening Reception #____ Guest(s) Ticket(s) @ $50 Guest Name(s)__________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Mess Night $25 minimum donation per ticket. All proceeds go toward the SOMA Scholarship Fund Attendee Ticket/donation Guest(s) ticket(s)/donation $_________ $_________ Guest Name(s)__________________________________________________ Total Labs (Step 4) $_________ Total Conference Registration Fees (Step 5) $_________ OR Total Optional Activities & Guest(s) Fee (Step 6) $_________ TOTAL PAYMENT ENCLOSED$_________ STEP EIGHT: Method of Payment All funds MUST be submitted on a U.S. bank in U.S. funds. SOMA does accept purchase orders. Simply complete and submit your registration, an invoice will be sent within five to 10 business days. Tax ID 58-2108832 Check made payable to SOMA – Check #_______________ Purchase Order Charge payment to the following credit card: American Express VISA MasterCard Discover Credit Card Number Expiration Date Print Name on Card SignatureDate STEP TEN: Send in Your Registration 1. 2. Online: Visit our website at www.specialoperationsmedicine.org and click on the Scientific Assembly link. Via Fax: Fax completed registration form with credit card payment information to: 913.895.4652. Courier service only: 18000 W. 105th St. Olathe, KS 66061 Registrations will not be taken over the phone. The deadline to register online, postmark or fax registrations is November 14, 2014. After this date all registrations will be processed on-site. Please bring your registration form and payment directly to SOMSA. Questions? Call 913.895.4634 or email soma@goAMP.com. ______________________________________________________________ Cancellation Policy: Written notice of cancellations received on or before October 27, 2014 will be fully refunded. Cancellations received from October 28 – November 14 will be refunded less a $50 processing fee. Cancellation requests received after November 14 will be considered on a case by case basis. Substitution of registrants is allowed. All refunds will be processed after the Scientific Assembly.
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