Fall/Winter Fall/Winter 2014 2014 THE TADDLER Is it a Cold or the Flu? That is the Question. Is it a Cold or the Flu? That is the Question. By: Victoria Paulionis, TCFHT RN Your nose is stuffed up, runny and you have a sore throat. All around, you’re feeling crummy. People may ask you what’s wrong and you reply, “I have…a cold? Or maybe it’s the flu?” but you really don’t know how to answer the question. We don’t blame you! Symptoms for the common cold and influenza (the flu) are often very similar. Here is a chart that may help to differentiate between the two viruses: Symptom Fever Headache Rare Regular Columns: 4 Usual; high fever, sudden onset, lasts 3-4 days (39°C - 40°C) Mental Health Corner 3 Did You Know? 6 Usual; can be severe Counseling Resources 7 Usual; often severe Tiredness and weakness Usual; severe, may last up to 2 - 3 weeks Extreme tiredness Unusual Usual; early onset, can be severe Runny, stuffy nose Common Common Sneezing Common Sometimes Sore throat Common Common Chest discomfort, Sometimes, mild to coughing moderate 2 What’s Happening at Taddle Creek FHT? Muscle aches and Sometimes, generally pains mild Sometimes, generally mild Avoid Cervical Cancer Pg 1 Flu Cold Rare In This Issue: Usual; can become severe Children with the flu may experience some symptoms that adults will not, such as croup, ear infections, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. In general, colds do not result in serious health problems; however the flu can lead to complications such as pneumonia and respiratory failure, both of which can become life threatening - particularly in more vulnerable people such as pregnant women, children and the elderly. The flu can also worsen existing chronic conditions. Cont’d on page 2 1 We welcome reader contributions. Email ahemingway@tcfht.on.ca if you are interested! The Taddler Fall/Winter 2014 Avoid Cervical Cancer! Cont’d from page 1 (Flu or Cold) Here are some ways to help protect yourself and others against colds and the flu: Frequent hand washing Can use hand sanitizer or soap and water If using soap and water, make sure to lather for 15 seconds. Don’t forget to rub between fingers, the back of your hands, fingertips and under your nails Cover your cough and sneeze If you don’t have a tissue available, cough or sneeze into your sleeve (Part 3 of a 3 part series on cancer screening) By: Shazmah Hussein, TCFHT RN In our three part cancer series, we have covered information on colorectal cancer and breast cancer. We conclude the series with information on cervical cancer. Cervical cancer accounts for approximately 1.0% of all female cancer deaths. It is estimated that 1,450 Canadian women will develop cervical cancer by the end of 2014. Cervical cancer starts in the cells of the cervix. These cells have the ability to change and behave abnormally. Sometimes these changes can lead to benign growths such as polyps or fibroids. However, there is a high chance that these abnormal changes can develop into cancer over time if not detected early and treated promptly. The main risk factor for developing cervical cancer is certain types of the sexually transmitted human papilloma virus (HPV) that persistently infects the cervix. Not all HPV infections develop into cervical cancer. Other risk factors for cervical cancer include: becoming sexually active at a young age, having many sexual partners, smoking, a weakened immune system, and long term use of birth control pills. Keep your distance (more than 1 metre/3 feet) from people who are coughing or sneezing Stay home if you are sick Get your flu shot (*protects against the flu only) Available for those 6 months of age and up Regular screening is essential in order to detect early cell changes on the cervix. In Canada, the Papanicolaou (Pap) test is used for cervical cancer screening. This is a simple test that involves collecting a sample of cells by scraping the cervix, which are then analyzed for any abnormalities. The Pap test can be performed either by your Family Physician, Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant or Registered Nurse. Book an appointment with your primary care provider, nurse, physician’s assistant or pharmacist If you have already had it done elsewhere, let us know so we can keep your records up to date Reference: In 2012, Cancer Care Ontario (CCO) updated the cervical cancer screening guidelines. Women with previously normal pap tests no longer require annual screening. Currently, screening is recommended every three years for all women starting at age 21 who are or have ever been sexually active. Women who are not sexually active by 21 years of age should delay screening until sexually active. It was found that screening women every three years made no significant difference to the incidence and mortality rates from cervical cancer when compared to annual screening. Pap tests can stop at age 70 if you have had three or more normal tests in the prior 10 years. If you are found to have abnormal cervical cells, your cervical cancer screening plan will change. Finally, talk to your healthcare provider if you have had a hysterectomy. http://www.health.gov.on.ca/en/public/programs/publichealth/flu/ about_flu.aspx In the fall of 2013, CCO began a program where they send letters to women to invite them for Pap testing, advise them of their test results and remind them when it is time to return for screening Cont’d on page 5 2 We welcome reader contributions. Email ahemingway@tcfht.on.ca if you are interested! The Taddler Fall/Winter 2014 Mental Health Corner How to find Counseling, Psychotherapy or Mental Health Help in Toronto By: Brenda Ponic, TCFHT Lead Social Worker Reaching out for help when you’re down, overwhelmed or coping with personal troubles is hard. What is even harder is finding out that mental health services are tough to find and difficult to access. We are trying to help make it easier for you to find mental health resources - see page 7 for a list of these resources. Taddle Creek Family Health Team (TCFHT) has three full-time social workers and one consulting psychiatrist (who works at our offices one day a week). These four individuals are here to serve our 18,000+ patients. We receive far more requests for our services than we can provide for. Therefore, we have waiting lists. There are many mental health services that are covered by OHIP or paid for from an organizations’ general budget. Most “free” mental health services are offered by social services or health care agencies specializing in different issues or populations. For example, if you or your family are struggling with cancer you could receive counseling from a social worker in the hospital where you receive treatment, or you could access a self-help organization like Canadian Cancer Society, Wellspring or Willow Cancer support network. Doctors do not provide the majority of mental health services in Ontario. Those who do specialize in mental health and who are also OHIP funded are often hard to find. • Psychiatrists typically clarify diagnosis and manage medications for patients with major and complex mental health problems. Few provide general psychotherapy and tend to be difficult to access. • GP Psychotherapists are family doctors specializing in psychotherapy, which means that it is covered by OHIP. These family doctors have a special interest and/or training in psychotherapy. Your current place of employment may have workplace benefits that you can access. For example, Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) are external companies hired by your employer to provide crisis management, individual counseling, telephone support, referrals, work/life balance services, wellness services, etc. These services usually provide individuals with 6 to 10 sessions, or a referral out for other services. They do not report back to your employer the content of what you talk about. The only information that can be reported is your attendance, in the rare case where it is mandated by a formal workplace discipline process. Spouses or children of employees are often eligible for EAP services as well. Your workplace may also offer financial reimbursement plans, which often provide coverage for psychological or social work psychotherapy services. Your plan will specify the training of the therapist you can access with this coverage. Reimbursement amount varies greatly by company, ranging from $500-$3000+ per year. Social work trained psychotherapists typically charge approximately $100 per hour, psychologists typically charge about $180 per hour. Taddle Creek FHT wants you to access all available services first, before you ask your primary care provider for a referral to TCFHT’s mental health team. Other options: Single session drop-in clinics may be all you need to help you talk through your problem and offer ideas about resources. If you are in College or University, there is usually a student services counseling program that provides psychotherapy. Some schools that train psychotherapists offer psychotherapy at reduced rates. Your primary care provider may have some names to share with you of therapists who can help. Ask around - approach friends and family who are in therapy to see if they like their therapist and find out what it is they like about them. See if they can get a list of referrals for you from their own Cont’d on page 4 3 We welcome reader contributions. Email ahemingway@tcfht.on.ca if you are interested! The Taddler Fall/Winter 2014 Cont’d from page 3 (Mental Health Corner) therapist. It is important that your therapist is a good match for you and is someone with whom you feel comfortable. Lastly, private psychotherapy is available almost immediately and is generally offered by very experienced clinicians who have high levels of expertise. Prices range from $100-$200 per hour depending on the training of the therapist. There are very few sliding scale spots offered by private psychotherapists. Most people who access this therapy feel that it is money very well spent as it can make a significant impact on your mental and physical health. Options at Taddle Creek: TCFHT offers a variety of assistance to our patients: • Individual psychotherapy – up to 12 sessions • Case management – to help individuals connect and access services • A wide variety of group programs – anxiety, depression, stress, emotional overeating, insomnia, mental health self-management, and assertiveness. • Friday morning single session drop-in clinics (no referral required) Individual psychotherapy is our most requested mental health service. Because of the high demand, TCFHT tries to refer to our in-house individual therapy services only if patients cannot receive these services elsewhere. Our focus is on serving those who cannot afford to pay for private psychotherapy. Your primary care provider will have an open discussion with you about your financial ability to pay privately for counseling, even at a sliding scale rate. All TCFHT patients are able to access all of our group services, Friday morning single session drop-in clinics, and brief services if you are in a crisis. Please refer to page 7 for a list of many of the resources discussed in this article. WHAT’S HAPPENING AT TADDLE CREEK By: Sherry Kennedy, Executive Director This column lets you know about TC FHT programs, events and announcements. Programs Please refer to the table in this newsletter outlining TC FHT’s Group/Clinic Offerings from Nov – Jan 2015. We have some great one-day workshops and multi-week groups. For some, you need a physician referral and for others, you simply need to contact the number provided. For those who wish to see a social worker on short notice, our Mental Health Team continues to have Friday morning drop-in sessions between the hours of 9am to noon. These sessions are first come first serve, in Suite 306 at the 790 Bay St. location. If you want to learn more about groups, visit our website www.taddlecreekfht.ca or contact 416-260-1315 (main Administration Office) or 416-204-1256 (Diabetes Education Program). Events Did you know that as a rostered patient of TC FHT, you have access to a doctor or nurse 24 hours a day, seven days a week? I want to take this opportunity to explain alternatives to walk-in clinics and emergency departments: TC FHT offers After Hours Clinics from 5pm – 8pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. We also have a Saturday clinic, although the time varies. The location for these clinics changes daily, so check out our website or call your physician’s office for more information. At the After Hours Clinic, either your own or another TC FHT doctor/nurse practitioner (NP) will see you. Every doctor/NP will have access to your electronic medical record. After your visit, your own doctor/NP will be notified of Cont’d on page 5 4 We welcome reader contributions. Email ahemingway@tcfht.on.ca if you are interested! Cont’d from page 2 (Lift your Skirt) WHAT’S HAPPENING AT TADDLE CREEK The HPV vaccine is a preventative approach that is almost 100% effective in preventing infection with the four HPV types responsible for 70% of cervical cancer cases and 90% of genital warts. The vaccine is recommended for males and females 9 to 26 years age (the vaccine is most beneficial if given before a person become sexually active), as well as those with a history of Pap abnormalities, genital warts or a known HPV infection. HPV vaccination is free to Grade 8 girls, offered through school-based clinics. Girls in Grades 9 – 12 who did not receive or complete the 3-dose immunizations in Grade 8 are eligible to “catch-up” on missed doses and receive the vaccine until the end of Grade 12. Call your local Public Health Department for information on catch-up clinics. Individuals not eligible for the free vaccination program should speak to their health care provider about getting a prescription for the HPV vaccine. This vaccine does not protect against all HPV types, therefore, it is important to continue with regular Pap tests. Cont’d from page 4 your visit and documentation will be available to them. It is important to note that After Hour Clinic appointments can only be booked on the day itself (after 4:00pm) and should be used for medical needs that cannot wait until the next business day. If you are rostered with a TC FHT physician/NP, another option is to contact THAS (Telephone Health Advisory Service) at 1-866-553-7205. If your primary care provider is one of our nurse practitioners (NP) you too can call THAS, however THAS will need to know which TC FHT physician you are rostered with (the office’s medical receptionist can give you this information). When you call THAS, the nurse will assess your healthcare needs and either recommend health advice specific to your problem, contact TC FHT’s on-call doctor, or refer you to an emergency department if necessary. So the next time you need care that cannot wait until the next business day, check www.taddlecreekfht.ca for the location of TC FHT’s After Hour Clinic or contact THAS 1-866-553-7205. References: Announcements Over the summer, we had some staff changes at our Bay site, Suite 522. Two new Medical Secretaries; Candace Mitchell and Tina Boateng were hired and Danielle Corturillo was promoted to Office Manager. Dr. S. Shaw continues to be on maternity leave until March 2015, with Dr. K. Armstrong covering. I’m also excited to announce the birth of Elliott Theodore Lubula born August 23, 2014, to Shauna Sturgeon (Suite 522 NP). Shauna will be on maternity leave until mid-March 2015 (and perhaps longer). Her replacement, Colleen Tower, started with us July 16, 2014 and we are very happy with her enthusiasm and dedication to supporting Shauna’s patients. Welcome Colleen. Cancer Care Ontario (2014). Cervical Cancer Screening. Retrieved from https://www.cancercare.on.ca/cms/one.aspx? objectId=9528&contextId=1377 Canadian Cancer Society (2014). Cervical Cancer. Retrieved from https://www.cancer.ca/en/cancer-information/cancertype/cervical/cervical-cancer/?region=on Public Health Agency of Canada (2011). Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Prevention and HPV vaccines: Questions and Answers. Retrieved from http://www.phacaspc.gc.ca/std-mts/hpv-vph/hpv-vph-vaccine-eng.php#a3 We hope you enjoyed reading our cancer series and were able to gain valuable insight on colorectal, breast and cervical cancers. Please talk to your primary care provider or any member of your health care team to assess your risk and determine the right screening plan for you. Remember, prevention matters! 5 Did you know.... If your child is attending a Junior Kindergarten program in an Eye See…Eye Learn region, they can receive 1 free pair of glasses with their OHIP-covered eye exam! Offer available July 1 2014 to June 30 2015. Optometrists recommend that children have their eyes examined at 6 months, 3 years and then annually after starting school. Children up to 19 years of age are covered by OHIP for annual eye exams when you show them your child’s health card, plus any follow-up assessments that may be required. The following regions participate in the Eye See…Eye Learn program: Brant - Haldimand - Durham Region Hamilton Norfolk (New) Wentworth Simcoe - Muskoka Dufferin - Peel Huron - Perth Region Thunder Bay Kitchener - Waterloo Toronto (New) Grey - Bruce London - Middlesex Windsor Essex Guelph Wellington Niagara Region Halton Region Sarnia - Lambton Chatham - Kent York Region To learn more visit www.EyeSeeEyeLearn.ca Solution found on page 9 The Taddler A publication of Taddle Creek Family Health Team 790 Bay Street, Suite 306 Toronto ON M5G 1N8 416-260-1315 www.taddlecreekfht.ca Editor: Dora Aislinn Chan Hemingway Editorial Team: Cheryl Dranov, Sherry Kennedy, Megan Omstead & Dr. Pauline & Dr. Pauline Pariser Pariser Reader contributions are welcome! Please send any comments or suggestions to the editor at: ahemingway@tcfht.on.ca dchan@tcfht.on.ca DISCLAIMER The information presented in The Taddler is for educational purposes only and should not be used as a substitute for the professional advice, treatment or diagnosis from your health care provider. Contact your physician, nurse practitioner or other qualified health care professional if you have any questions or concerns about your health. The purpose of the TC FHT Newsletter, “The Taddler” is to provide: Education on varied health-related topics Regular communication about what is happening at TC FHT Information on issues that impact TC FHT and its patients A means for patients to get acquainted with TC FHT team members An avenue for patient contribution We hope you enjoy reading it! 6 Counseling Resources Referral agencies 211 Toronto Connex Ontario Call 211 www.211Toronto.ca www.connexontario.ca Drug & Alcohol Helpline 1-800-565-8603 Mental Health Helpline 1-866-531-2600 Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline 1-888-230-3505 Community Care Resources (CCR) 416-506-9888 www.toronto.communitycareresources.ca www.kidsmentalhealth.ca/parents/find_a_centre.php Children’s Mental Health Ontario OHIP-covered drop-in single session clinics Taddle Creek FHT 790 Bay St., Suite 306 Friday mornings 9-12 416-260-1315 no referral needed 5 days per week, call for times 416-395-0660 Wednesday 4-8pm 416-595-9618 GP psychotherapy clinics Oolagen Clinic- for youth 55 Wellesley St., Suite 500 Family Service Toronto walk-in clinic 355 Church St. Parkdale Counseling Clinic 416-533-5554 Psychotherapy & Counseling Centre 416-516-6969 The Medical Centre for Person-Centered Psychotherapy Aberfoyle Health Centre Etobicoke 416-229-2399 www.medicalpsychclinic.org 416-231-7968 Finding a regulated psychotherapist Ontario Association of Social Workers www.findasocialworker.ca Psychology Today www.psychologytoday.com Ontario Society of Psychotherapists www.psychotherapyontario.com Toronto Therapy Network www.therapytoronto.ca Psychotherapy Referral Service www.prstoronto.com Ontario Psychological Association opa.knowledge4you.ca/referralsvcs.aspx Supervised Student Psychotherapists The Toronto Institute for Relational Psychotherapy The Gestalt Institute of Toronto The Adler Graduate Professional School www.tirp.ca/therapy.html 416-964-9464 x 63 www.gestalt.on.ca 416-923-4419 x 214 rvivekanand@adler.ca 7 Taddle Creek Family Health Team November 2014 – January 2015 - Group/Clinics Offerings All Groups/Clinics are open to all TC FHT patients, Diabetes Programs are open to the public. All programs are held at 790 Bay St., Toronto, Ontario. For additional information go to www.taddlecreekfht.ca/events-calendar. Dates are subject to change. Group/Clinic Date(s) Time Learn About: Assertiveness Workshop Suite 306 Call 416-260-1315 Note: MD referral needed Nov 19 (Wed) 9:30am-4:30pm CBT for Anxiety Suite 306 Call 416-260-1315 Note: MD referral needed Jan 15 (Thurs for 2:30-4:30pm 10wks) • This is a workshop for people who are either passive, aggressive, or passive aggressive, or who bounce back between these options, and who want to learn some practical understanding of what it means to be assertive and some assertiveness skills. This is not a group for people who struggle with being violent or abusive. • To understand the physiology of anxiety • To learn CBT strategies and skills • To examine how our thoughts and beliefs are connected to our mood, behaviors, physical experiences and events in our lives • To be able to identify, evaluate & balance distress related thoughts • To learn techniques for relapse prevention • To learn about how cognitive behavioural therapy is used when treating insomnia • Learn techniques to help you get quality sleep that will promote good physical and mental health • Understand how our minds & thoughts contribute to insomnia • Practice mindfulness to reduce stress and help you with getting to sleep • The basics of diabetes self-management • Healthy eating, getting active & setting achievable goals • Maintaining healthy changes Jan 21 (Wed for 10wks) 5:30-7:30pm CBT for Insomnia Workshop Dec 3 (Wed) Suite 306 Feb 24 (Tues) Call 416-260-1315 Note: MD referral needed 10am-4pm Diabetes Do It Yourself Suite 508 Call 416-204-1256 Nov 19 (Wed) Dec 4 (Thurs) Dec 17 (Wed) 5-7:30pm 9-11:30am 5-7:30pm 9-11:30am Hypertension Clinic (Blood Pressure Education) Suite 306 Call 416-260-1315 Nov 17 (Mon) Dec 9 (Tues) 5-7:30pm 9:30am-noon 5-7:30pm • • • • Let’s Get Moving – Diabetes Exercise Workshop Suite 508 Call 416-204-1256 Nov 26 (Wed) 9-11am • Benefits of being physically active • Tips to reduce sedentary time • At home resistance band program (band provided) Let’s Talk Diabetes Suite 508 Call 416-204-1256 Nov 27 (Thurs) Dec 10 (Wed) 5-7pm 9-11am • Diabetes self-management skills by engaging in open & meaningful discussions about living with diabetes from others living with diabetes • Common myths about diabetes Jan 19 (Mon) Making Sense of Blood Sugar To Be Determined To Be Determined Monitoring Pattern Management Suite 508 Call 416-204-1256 8 Blood Pressure (BP), hypertension & risk factors Antihypertensive medications Physical exercise & weight reduction Dietary approaches to stop hypertension • What can checking your blood sugar tell you? • Recommend blood sugar targets for most people with diabetes • Overcoming barriers to checking your blood sugars • When to check & why Group/Clinic Date(s) Mindfulness Skills Suite 306 Call 416-260-1315 Note: MD referral needed To Be Determined To Be Determined • Learn specific techniques to work with the mind and body • Raising awareness on the present moment, while acknowledging feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations • Developing resources to help your feel more alive in everyday life • Accessing free nicotine replacement therapy Nov 19, 26, Dec 3, 4-5pm • Benefits of quitting smoking 10, 17, Jan 7, 14, 4-5pm • How to making a quit or reduction plan 21, 28 (Wed) 4-5pm • About quitting smoking medications Quit Happens Suite 306 Call 416-260-1315 Supermarket Safari – Diabetes Dec 18 (Thurs) Suite 508 Call 416-204-1256 WRAP Suite 306 Call 416-260-1315 Note: MD referral needed Time Learn About: 5:30-7:30pm • Reading food labels and packaging • Best food choices for diabetes management • 60 min grocery store tour To Be Determined To Be Determined • To develop an individualized "Wellness Toolbox" that includes for example, a daily maintenance plan, a list of your triggers, crisis planning, etc. •To create positive change in your life • To decrease occurrence rates of acute episodes of mental health challenges • To become empowered by building your own network of supports • To begin to develop the necessary skills to become a WRAP Facilitator yourself! 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