Ab rams o n Ca nce r Ce nter THE TIME IS NOW. THE PLACE IS PENN. VOLUME 12 | ISSUE 3 | FALL 2014 Oncofertility at Penn: Making fertility preservation a fixture of cancer treatment A cancer diagnosis marks the beginning of a difficult journey. For many young men and women, cancer therapy’s threat to future parenthood can incite overwhelming anxiety. An established leader in the specialized field of fertility preservation, the Abramson Cancer Center’s (ACC) Oncofertility Program at Penn Fertility Care supports and guides patients through fertility preservation options throughout their cancer journey. Oncofertility is a new, interdisciplinary field that bridges oncology and health research. Led by Clarissa Gracia, MD, MSCE, and Puneet Masson, MD, the Oncofertility Program’s strength draws from Penn’s long history of excellence in coordinated clinical care and team-based science. The program is devoted to helping men, women, and children with cancer and other fertility threatening diseases preserve quality of life—ensuring they maintain the possibility to have children in the future. From Survivorship to Fatherhood For David Leitman, PhD, and his wife Valerie, the road to parenthood has been fraught with both tragedy and jubilation. Months prior to a diagnosis of seminoma, a germ cell tumor in his abdomen, they suffered the harrowing loss of a baby. But, because of the Oncofertility Program at Penn Fertility Care, years after his cancer diagnosis and treatment, they were able to conceive and deliver a healthy baby boy, Abraham Elijah. Rapid assessment and access to fertility preservation for cancer patients is the standard of care at the Abramson Cancer Center, but for patients who did not have the opportunity to bank eggs, embryos, or sperm prior to undergoing treatment, there is still hope to become parents - thanks to cutting-edge work being done at Penn Medicine. This was the case for Dr. Leitman, who is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. “Unfortunately,” said Dr. Leitman, “by the time my tumor was diagnosed, I was in chronic pain. continued on page 2 While we tried, we could not bank any sperm. And because “The Oncofertility Program sometimes provides the it was unclear if I had sarcoma only ‘good news’ our patients receive while going —which has a much worse through or coming out of an extremely difficult time. prognosis in terms of survival— By preserving fertility, we provide our patients with I had to undergo abdominal insurance and peace of mind. So that after surviving surgery and begin chemotherapy their cancer, they may still be able to have their own straight away.” family. To put it plainly: the Oncofertility Program at Penn gives hope.” – Puneet Masson, MD Dr. Leitman was treated by David J. Vaughn, MD, GU Proud parents, David and Valerie Leitman, with their son Abraham. Medical Oncology Professor at the Abramson Cancer Center. David had retroperitoneal lymph node dissection a few months after completing chemotherapy, when his tumor shrank enough that it was safe for removal. A year and a half later, the Leitmans endured a needle biopsy that was unable to recover sperm, and several failed attempts of insemination with donor semen. They were unsure if having biological children was possible. That is until Puneet Masson, MD, joined Penn Medicine as Director of the Male Fertility Program for Penn Fertility Care. “I was one of his first patients,” said Dr. Leitman. “Before Dr. Masson took my case, my wife and I felt like we had limited options.” After Dr. Leitman underwent microsurgical testicular sperm extraction and Valerie in-vitro fertilization by Anuja Dokras, MD, PhD, Director of Penn’s Reproductive Surgical Facility, the Leitmans successfully welcomed their son. “When you get a cancer diagnosis, your first thoughts are to survive—fertility may often be the last thing on your mind. There also isn’t a lot of information out there in terms of male fertility, so it’s hard for people to know what to do,” said continued on page 2 IN THIS ISSUE Director’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. 2 Young Friends Corner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. 2 Basser Center: Revolutionizing BRCA-related Research . . . . . . . . . . . . P. 3 Telemedicine: Improving Access to Genetic Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. 3 AFCRI Update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. 3 Collaborations: Penn VET and ACC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pp. 4 & 5 Spotlight: ACC at Pennsylvania Hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . Awards and Honors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Faculty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. 6 P. 6 P. 7 P. 8 continued from previous page Oncofertility at Penn: Making fertility preservation a fixture of cancer treatment A MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR At the heart of the Abramson Cancer Center lies a collaborative spirit that has a profound impact on our ability to treat our patients. Our physical integration with renowned research centers and institutes across the University of Pennsylvania allows our health professionals and physicianscientists to better practice the art of patient-focused healing and care—from the bench to the bedside and back to the laboratory. The ACC’s core value of team-based science facilitates an interchange of knowledge and the exchange of ideas, enabling the seamless transition for our patients’ cancer journeys, from prevention and detection through treatment and survivorship. In this issue of Penn’s Abramson Report, we share how Penn Fertility Care is helping young cancer survivors protect and fulfill their dreams of becoming parents through collaborative oncofertility efforts. You will also read about revolutionary immunotherapeutic approaches to canine cancer and the unique collaborative effort underway to translate these findings into treatments for humans. It is with a great sense of pride that I thank you for your support, as it provides the most essential collaboration with our mission of providing personalized, patientcentered care. Thank you for being part of the ACC community. Chi V. Dang, MD, PhD Save the Date – Young Friends Research Panel and Reception – 2 November 12, 2014, 5:30 P.M. Doctors, nurses, and psychological counselors work with patients and their oncologists to develop personalized fertility preservation plans. From utilizing the largest ovarian tissue cryopreservation program in the U.S. to performing trials that assess the impact of cancer therapies on reproduction and exploring novel methods of fertility treatment, the Penn Fertility Care team provides patients with options and positive news in the wake of cancer diagnosis and treatment. “With a new cancer diagnosis, time is of the essence,” Dr. Gracia explains. “Patients must see a variety of specialists in a short amount of time. Penn Fertility Care delivers rapid, coordinated care that maximizes positive reproductive outcomes. Our goal is to help our patients fulfill their dreams of becoming parents.” continued from previous page Penn Fertility Care offers patients advanced options: ■■ Embryo and egg freezing ■■ Ovarian tissue harvesting and transplantation ■■ Sperm banking ■■ Testicular tissue banking in prepubertal boys Learn more at PennMedicine.org/ fertility From Survivorship to Fatherhood Dr. Leitman. “Dr. Masson is an exceptional doctor who is dynamic and personable. It is hard to express the gratitude and debt we owe to him.” Dr. Leitman’s journey demonstrates the power of the innovative, comprehensive services offered at the Abramson Cancer Center. He not only survived cancer, but also experienced his greatest joy—becoming a dad. “We hope to go through the same procedure again to have another child, but for now Valerie and I are focused on being parents to a healthy and happy newborn,” he said. “We are overjoyed… and exhausted.” Dr. Puneet Masson meets Abraham. Help support these critical programs by contacting lferr@upenn.edu or (215) 746-2948. 3rd Annual Strike Out Cancer Young Friends of the Abramson Cancer Center gathered at North Bowl to network, mingle, and bowl! Together, we raised $10,000 to support the work of young investigators and clinical fellows, whose brilliant ideas often go unrealized because of a lack in funding. This support is vital to launching the careers of tomorrow’s medical leaders and staying at the forefront of cancer research and care. THANK YOU to our leading sponsors – Dilworth Paxson, Silo Custom Homes, and Michael Murphy – Northwestern Mutual, silent auction donors, and everyone who came out to help ensure that cancer ends with this generation! For more information on the Young Friends of the ACC or to join, visit PennMedicine.org/Abramson/ YoungFriends More photos at Facebook.com/ACCYoungFriends Basser Center: Leading the Revolution in BRCA-related Research Reflecting the Basser Research Center for BRCA’s mission to use cutting-edge research in basic and clinical sciences to advance the care of individuals living with BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations, the Basser Center provides annual funding opportunities in BRCA-related studies ranging from basic science to clinical and translational research to education and outreach. Collaboration is key to discovering innovative ways to prevent and treat these cancers. This vision for collaboration goes beyond Penn, extending across the nation and the globe through generous research grants made possible through philanthropy. Basser Innovation Awards $100,000 grants for one-year to external investigators interested in high-risk idea projects. Basser Team Science Award $1 million, two-year grant to a multiinstitutional team of researchers. Basser Breakthrough Science Team Awards Up to $750,000/year for 3 years to interdisciplinary groups of University of Pennsylvania investigators. Basser Outreach and Implementation Science Award Up to $300,000/year for 3 years to a team of University of Pennsylvania investigators. 2014 Basser Global Prize Winner Congratulations to Mary-Claire King, PhD, the geneticist who discovered the BRCA1 gene in 1994, for winning this year’s Global Prize, a $200,000 unrestricted research award. Dr. King, American Cancer Society Research Professor of Medicine and Genome Sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle, shared her gratitude, saying “Advances stemming from the discovery of BRCA1 twenty years ago have provided both the possibility of prevention for women with inherited mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2, and hope of new treatment options for patients diagnosed with inherited breast and ovarian cancer. With support from organizations like the Basser Center, we will continue to see huge improvements in the prevention and treatment of breast and ovarian cancer.” To learn more about the Basser Center, visit www.Basser.org Telemedicine to Improve Access to Genetic Services Angela R. Bradbury, MD, Assistant Professor of Hematology/Oncology, was awarded an Innovations Grant from Penn Medicine’s Center for Health Care Innovation to study the use of telemedicine, Angela R. Bradbury, MD which utilizes audio and visual communication tools, as a way to increase access to genetic testing and counseling services. Genetic testing for cancer susceptibility is now an essential component of oncology care, increasing the need for genetic counseling specialists to assist in care of patients and their families. Testing is typically available only at large, academic facilities, leaving many providers and patients without access to genetic counseling locally. Genetic testing should always be conducted in conjunction with proper preand post-test counseling to contextualize the test and outline what the results may mean. As genomic applications in oncology expand, the demand for genetic expertise will increase and gaps in delivery will worsen. Through an NIH study, Bradbury and her team showed that telemedicine can be an effective way to expand genetic services to populations with limited or no access to care. The new project seeks to transition the team’s research-supported telemedicine program to a sustainable clinical model. To support these efforts, contact lferr@upenn.edu or (215) 746-2948. Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute (AFCRI) Update Genomic Alterations Drive Ovarian Cancer Growth Lin Zhang, MD, studies the genetic underpinnings of ovarian cancer to better understand how tumors progress and to develop more effective treatment options. By studying the ovarian cancer genome, scientists can discover what letter changes are causing a cell to become cancerous. One of the best known examples is the discovery of the HER2 protein amplification in patients with both ovarian and breast cancer, which has led to the successful development of the anti-cancer drug Herceptin, a monoclonal antibody that interferes with the HER2 protein. Dr. Zhang and his team are uniquely engaged in understanding how long non-coding RNAs (lncRNA) are a new class of cancerdriving genes with translational potential in ovarian cancer. They have successfully identified a potential oncogenic lncRNA, Focal Amplified lncRNA1 (FAL1), that play a critical role in ovarian cancer growth and may provide novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets for patients with ovarian cancer. The recent discovery of lncRNA genes may dramatically change our understanding of ovarian cancer. Our studies have demonstrated that lncRNAs are altered in ovarian cancer with high frequency which strongly suggests that the functions of lncRNAs in cancer will lead to a greater understanding of the molecular mechanisms of this disease, and could lead to novel clinical applications in oncology. To support these efforts, contact evelynsz@upenn.edu or (215) 898-8625. 3 Collaborations Across Campus C with our Partners at the Penn’s S More than 10,000 dogs are diagnosed each year with osteosarcoma, a highly aggressive and unrelenting bone cancer that most often affects the long bones in the limbs of large canine breeds. By teaming up with the Abramson Cancer Center, Penn’s School of Veterinary Medicine (Penn VET) has begun to unlock amazing novel immunotherapeutic approaches to canine cancer—and a groundbreaking collaborative effort is underway to translate these findings into treatments for humans. Leading the charge is Nicola J. Mason, BVetMed, PhD, Assistant Professor of Veterinary Medicine at Penn VET. Dr. Mason is a veterinarian, boarded in internal medicine, and has studied cancer and immune therapy for more than 10 years. Her research has unveiled common traits in tumors between dogs and humans. “Sequencing of the canine genome has revealed marked similarities in the genetics of human and canine cancers, as well as similarities in their biology and clinical behavior,” said Dr. Mason. “Advancements made in treating dogs with osteosarcoma will have a direct translational relevance to children with this disease.” “Sniffing Out Cancer” Janos Tanyi, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, is leading a collaboration with Cynthia Otto, Executive Director of the Penn Vet Working Dog Center, where they are training dogs to recognize the scents omitted by chemicals found in ovarian cancer biomarkers. Blood and tissue samples donated by patients are used to train the dogs to sniff out the various compounds. So far, the 4 trained dogs have accurately detected ovarian cancer in 90% of cases. Ultimately, the hope is that a mechanical device duplicating a dog’s incredible sense of smell could be developed for use in clinics to aid with the early detection of ovarian cancers. A generous pilot grant to pursue this innovative research was provided through Kaleidoscope of Hope Foundation. 4 Given that clinical trials in dogs take less time and money to perform than comparable trials in human patients, evaluating cancer therapies in their early stages of development in dogs can fast-track the translation of the most promising treatments into the human clinic. While identifying novel tumor-associated antigens in canine cancer that can be used as targets for immunotherapy, Dr. Mason discovered that the tumors of some of her canine patients with bone cancer over-express the growth factor receptor HER2/Neu. This discovery led Dr. Mason across the health schools at Penn to form an extraordinary partnership with Yvonne Paterson, PhD, Professor of Microbiology and Director of the Biomedical Postdoctoral Program. Dr. Paterson has worked extensively on developing Listeria as a cancer immunotherapeutic to target different tumor molecules, including HER2/Neu. Her approach has shown great promise in murine models, and Dr. Mason was keen to explore the possibility of using the HER2 targeted vaccine approach in dogs with osteosarcoma. Woman’s Best Friend and a Lynchpin to New It was fate that led Dollyheart or “Dolly,” a mastiff-mix from a kill shelter, into Rachel Davey’s life—and an injury that led Dolly to participate in a study that will forever change the course of cancer research and care. and quickly made an appointment at the University of Pennsylvania’s Veterinary Orthopedic Department. Vets there quickly assessed Dolly and within hours diagnosed her with osteosarcoma—the most common bone tumor found in dogs. At first Dolly’s injury was diagnosed as minor, but Rachel knew otherwise Dogs are capable of a great many things: they bring joy as companions, support as service and therapy dogs, and visceral relief as emotional support animals. But now it Dolly’s hind leg was amputated at Penn VET the next day, and then set her on a treatment journey that not only gave Dolly her life back, but also provides hope to so many others, human and dog alike. Create Exciting Opportunities School of Veterinary Medicine By evaluating the effects of the vaccine in dogs with aggressive bone cancer, they reasoned that they could establish the vaccine’s safety in a relevant, spontaneous, large-animal model. The canine studies could also allow them to determine whether the vaccine provides clinically relevant therapeutic effects and prolong the dogs’ overall survival, which with current standard-of-care treatment is only about one year. Penn VET enrolled 23 canine patients with bone cancer for the pilot study of Lm-HuHER-2. Only those dogs with a confirmed diagnosis of HER2+ osteosarcoma who had already undergone standard-of-care treatment (limb amputation and chemotherapy) were eligible for the study. Drs. Mason and Paterson were able to show that the vaccine was safe, causing no signs of systemic toxicity. Encouraging trial results have led to a conditional license application for its use in veterinary medicine and on-going discussions to design a similar clinical trial in children with osteosarcoma. Dr. Mason is conducting a second study that uses the LmHuHER2 vaccine to treat primary bone tumors and prevent metastatic disease in dogs that cannot undergo limb amputation—this study is on-going and is yielding promising results. In keeping with the unique, collaborative spirit that is at the core of the groundbreaking work done at the Abramson Cancer Center, Dr. Mason has also begun to build on the successful, cancer-fighting therapy developed by Carl H. June, MD, Director of Translational Research at ACC. She is developing novel antigen and CAR T immunotherapy approaches for canine osteosarcoma, and if successful, will be expanding this immunotherapy approach to canines with lymphomas, melanoma, and soft tissue sarcomas. Penn’s School of Veterinary Medicine has been a beacon of hope for people in Philadelphia, and around the world. Their innovative research and passion for providing their patients with the best possible treatments reflects Penn’s vision and passion for making a marked difference in the world—from canines to humans! To support this collaborative research, contact Kborgelt@upenn.edu or (215) 898-9931. w Advancements in Cancer Care seems that the connection between humans and dogs also exists on a molecular level. The compassionate team at Penn VET suggested to Rachel that Dolly be tested to qualify for a research study on Lm-HuHER-2 vaccine to treat canine osteosarcoma. When Dolly qualified for the study, Rachel knew she and her best friend were in the best position possible to fight. Miraculously Dolly breezed through her chemotherapy treatments and responded well to the vaccine. Dolly and Rachel were able to visit their old stomping grounds at Philadelphia’s Wissahickon Park and hike through the woods—where Dolly was able to run, leap, and splash in the water. It’s been over 2 years since Dolly’s diagnosis, far surpassing the survival rates for this disease—and she’s still going strong! “Dr. Mason and Dolly’s entire team at Penn have been a dream, and for that I am eternally grateful,” said Rachel. “I don’t know where we’d be without this study. The innovative research has allowed Dolly to play a role in something BIG, something that could change the lives of everyone who has ever been affected by cancer.“ Shining a Light on Tumors For centuries, the vast and starry night sky has inspired great men and women to propel scientific discovery. For Sunil Singhal, MD, Assistant Professor of Thoracic Surgery, the synthetic glow of his daughter’s ceiling star decals illuminated a visionary surgical technique. Surgically removing a tumor often gives patients the best chance to beat cancer. But, in many instances, surgeons may be unable to identify the margins of a tumor and extract it in its entirety—leading to a local recurrence. In collaboration with David E. Holt, BVSc, Professor of Surgery at Penn’s School of Veterinary Medicine, Dr. Singhal developed a new technique that increases the likelihood of a positive outcome. Using a contrast dye indocyanine green (ICG) and near-infrared imaging (NIR), surgeons are able to make tumors glow, allowing them to remove the entire malignancy. The team has successfully adapted the approach from a mouse to a large animal model of spontaneous disease, and all the way to human clinical trials—the first group to ever do so. Five patients with cancer in their lungs or chest participated in a pilot study. In four of the patients, the surgeon could easily tell tumor from non-tumor by sight and feel. In a fifth patient, however, though CT and PET scans indicated that the tumor was a solitary mass, NIR imaging revealed glowing areas in what were thought to be healthy parts of the lung. Without this innovative approach to surgery, the patient would have otherwise been diagnosed with Stage I, local disease, and the cancer would have progressed. But because of the imaging and subsequent biospy, he underwent chemotherapy and survived. To support these efforts, contact nreznick@upenn.edu or (215) 746-3009. 5 The Abramson Cancer Center at Pennsylvania Hospital: Delivering the Best in Cancer Care Spotlight Pennsylvania Hospital (PAH) is now also home to Penn’s Abramson Cancer Center (ACC), the region’s number one cancer program. Under the direction of Arthur Staddon, MD, ACC PAH has become a nationally recognized center renowned for specializing in treating bone and soft tissue sarcoma, gynecologic cancers, breast cancer, and more. Karnell Family: Continuing a Legacy of Giving Back “Being a part of the ACC gives our patients ACC at PAH Physicians and Staff access to specialized modalities as only a truly comprehensive cancer center can—such as additional clinical trials, personalized treatment plans through the Center for Personalized Diagnostics, genetic testing, cutting-edge vaccine therapies, and proton therapy at Penn’s Roberts Proton Therapy Center,” said R. Michael Buckley, MD, Executive Director of PAH. Patients, their families, and caregivers also have access to the excellent supportive care services through the Joan Karnell Supportive Care Program (JKSCP), which offers specialized, supplemental care to patients and their families to help cope with the physical and emotional distress that a cancer diagnosis and treatment can bring—so they can focus on healing and recovery. The JKSCP at ACC PAH is an integral part of ensuring that patients receive the support they need from diagnosis through treatment and survivorship. Through an interdisciplinary team of experts, services offered include: Joan Karnell Supportive Care Program Staff Art Therapy Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction ■■ Music Therapy ■■ Nutrition Counseling ■■ Psychological Counseling ■■ Spiritual Counseling ■■ Massage ■■ Support Groups ■■ ■■ To learn more about services or programs, please call (215) 829-6466. To make a gift, contact michalg@upenn.edu or (215) 573-2480. AWARDS HONORS Nursing staff in the new Infusion Department, fully equipped with the latest technology and amenities to address individual patient needs. Joan Karnell was an extraordinary person. She was a devoted wife, mother, and friend. As a woman with ovarian cancer, she demonstrated Kim Karnell tremendous strength, determination, and courage during her eight-year struggle to overcome the disease. Joan’s daughter, Kim Karnell, also a member of the ACC Leadership Council, recalled, “My mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in the early 1980s and told she only had 6 months to live. My parents ended up seeking a second opinion at Pennsylvania Hospital—where they found treatment options and hope. My mother lived almost nine years.” As a person with a deep sense of social responsibility, Joan used her own situation to increase awareness and funding for PAH’s efforts to establish a cohesive cancer facility that would help ease the pain and suffering of other cancer patients and their families. “My mother’s legacy is kept alive through the supportive care programs and the differences they make in cancer patients’ lives. Her fight wasn’t only for her life, but for the quality of lives of all cancer patients. She would be proud,” said Kim. Jonathan Katz, MD, received the 2014 Department of Cancer Biology Teaching Award Garret A. FitzGerald, MD, Carl H. June, MD, and M. Celeste Daniel J. Powell, Jr., PhD, received the American Society of Gene & Simon, PhD, elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Cell Therapy (ASGCT) 2014 Outstanding New Investigator Award Christine Hill-Kayser, MD, named Editor-in-Chief of OncoLink Yvonne Paterson, PhD, recognized in PharmaVOICE’s “100 of the Carl H. June, MD, received the 2014 Taubman Prize for Excellence in Most Inspiring People” Translational Medical Science Lynn M. Schuchter, MD, elected Chair, Scientific Program Committee Jeffrey A. Drebin, MD, PhD, FACS, elected 2014 President of the for the American Society for Clinical Oncology Philadelphia Academy of Surgery Robert H. Vonderheide, MD, DPhil, elected to the American Society Sunita D. Nasta, MD, FACP, named Chair of Clinical Trials Scientific for Clinical Investigation Council 6 Research Monitoring Committee Gary D. Wu, MD, named Ferdinand Weisbrod Professor of Medicine The Abramson Cancer Center is pleased to welcome the following individuals to Penn as new members. Each brings a wealth of experience and genuine enthusiasm to the pursuit of cancer research and patient care. H. Isaac Chen, MD, joins as Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, focusing on the surgical management of tumors in eloquent brain areas, post-traumatic epilepsy, and traumatic brain injury. Dr. Chen’s research focuses on developing novel strategies for repairing brain damage using a combination of stem cell biology, tissue engineering, and neural-electric interfaces. He is also engaged in research efforts to improve intra-operative brain mapping and to understand brain plasticity after brain injury. Dr. Chen received his medical degree from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, where he also completed an internship in general surgery and residency in neurosurgery. Christine A. Ciunci, MD, MSCE, joins as Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine in the Division of Hematology/Oncology, where she will focus on treating patients with lung cancer and other thoracic malignancies at Presbyterian Hospital. Dr. Ciunci received her medical degree from Temple University School of Medicine and completed her residency and fellowship in hematology/oncology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Richard J. Funnell, MHA, FACHE, CMPE, joins as Chief Administrative Officer for the Cancer Service Line. Mr. Funnell oversees clinical operations at the Abramson Cancer Center, Cancer Network, Patient & Family Services, integration of care across the continuum, and advancement of strategic program imperatives of the service line. Working closely with leadership at the various hospitals, he will ensure coordination of the service line for optimal patient experience and disease program development. Mr. Funnell holds a bachelors degree in psychology from the University of Oklahoma and a masters in health administration from the University of Missouri. He is a fellow in the American College of Health Executives and certified by the American College of Medical Practice Executives. Robert Giuntoli, II, MD, joins as Associate Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, specializing in the evaluation and treatment of women with gynecologic cancer and complex benign gynecologic conditions requiring surgery. He is an experienced surgeon and skilled in minimally invasive and robotic surgery. Dr. Giuntoli received his medical degree from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and completed a residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Duke University Medical Center. He completed a fellowship in breast health at Brown University School of Medicine and a fellowship in gynecologic oncology at the Mayo Clinic, and is currently a fellow of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and American College of Surgeons. Jesse Green, MD, joins as Professor of Clinical Medicine with clinical and research interests that focus on Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Dr. Green received his medical degree from the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, completed his residency and internship in internal medicine at Mount Sinai Hospital, and went on to complete a fellowship in gastroenterology at the University of Miami/Jackson Memorial Hospital and affiliated hospitals and clinics. New Abramson Faculty Sarah Kim, MD, MSCE, joins as Assistant Professor of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynecology, specializing in the surgical treatment of gynecologic cancers and complex benign gynecologic conditions. Dr. Kim received her medical degree from Upstate Medical University, SUNY College of Medicine and a master’s degree in clinical epidemiology from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania. She completed a residency in obstetrics and gynecology and a fellowship in gynecologic oncology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Jan-Michael Klapproth, MD, joins as Associate Professor of Medicine in the Division of Gastroenterology where his research will focus on studying bacterial modification of the enteric immune system and outcome investigations of medical education. Dr. Klapproth received his medical degree from the Albert-Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany, and completed a post-doctoral fellowship, internal medicine residency, and gastroenterology subspecialty training at the University of Maryland. Daniel Landsberg, MD, joins as Assistant Professor of Clinical Medicine in the Division of Hematology/ Oncology, specializing in the management of hematologic malignancies, specifically non-Hodgkin and Hodgkin lymphomas, as well as autologous stem cell transplantation. Dr. Landsberg received his medical degree from Temple University School of Medicine, and completed a residency and fellowship in hematology/oncology at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, where he also served as Chief Fellow. Ali K. Ozturk, MD, joins as Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurosurgery, where he specializes in the treatment of brain tumors, brain trauma, and complex spinal conditions including tumors, degenerative spine disease, trauma, and minimally invasive spine surgery. Dr. Ozturk received his medical degree from the Yale University School of Medicine, completed a residency in neurosurgery at Yale-New Haven Hospital, and went on to do a fellowship in complex spinal disorders at the Johns Hopkins Hospital. Samuel Swisher-McClure, MD, joins as Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology, treating cancer patients at the VA Medical Center and Penn Cancer Network facilities. In addition to his clinical role, he is also the Director of the Medical Residency Program and has research interests that focus on health services and the effects of health policy on radiation oncology practices. Dr. Swisher-McClure received his medical degree from West Virginia University School of Medicine and completed his residency in radiation oncology at the Perelman School of Medicine, where he also served as Chief Resident. For more information, visit PennMedicine.org/Abramson 7 Calendar of Events Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center is proud to be the recipient of generous funding from the citizens of Pennsylvania through the Pennsylvania Breast Cancer Coalition’s Refunds for Research Program. Pictured from left: Leslie Anne Miller, Lewis Chodosh, MD, PhD, Pat Halprin-Murphy, and Caryn Lerman, PhD. The 2014 Ride to Conquer Cancer Saturday, October 11-Sunday, October 12, Philadelphia, PA 2 Days. 150 + Miles. 1 Epic Ride. The 2014 Ride to Conquer Cancer benefiting Penn Medicine’s Abramson Cancer Center is for anyone who wants to challenge themselves for a great cause. Your participation with friends, family, and colleagues will transform the prevention and treatment of cancer. Friends and family joined David L. Porter, MD, as he was named the inaugural Jodi Fisher Horowitz Professor in Leukemia Care Excellence, and Anne and Jerome Fisher, who endowed the chair in honor of their late daughter. Jodi was the founder of Shoes on Sale, an annual fundraiser which raises breast cancer research support by partnering with QVC and the Fashion Footwear Association of New York. 13th Annual Susan G. Komen Pink Thai Ball Saturday, October 18, 6:30 p.m., Philadelphia, PA An evening inspired by Thailand – cocktails, dinner, dancing, live and silent auctions, and a live cooking demo with celebrity chefs. Faculty, patients, staff, and family celebrated Bruce L. Levine, PhD, as the inaugural Barbara and Edward Netter Associate Professor in Gene Therapy. The Abramson Cancer Center was overjoyed to have a number of CAR T-cell patients join the festivities and celebrate Bruce Levine’s lifesaving research. In honor of Tara Miller’s courageous battle against melanoma, the Miller family and friends came together to raise vital support through their Make the Best of It Bash raising over $335,000 for melanoma research and care at the ACC. Tara Miller, pictured bottom left, with her oncologist, Dr. Lynn Schuchter, and family. For the latest information about cancer care and research, visit our award-winning A b r a ms o n Cancer Center internet resource, OncoLink, at oncolink.org. FOR INFORMATION OR APPOINTMENTS Call (800) 789-PENN (7366) or visit our website at PennMedicine.org/Abramson A b r a ms o n Cancer Center GIVING TO THE ABRAMSON CANCER CENTER Support the Abramson Cancer Center’s mission to advance research, education, and patient care, and ultimately, find the cure. Visit PennMedicine.org/Abramson/Donate or call (215) 898-0578. 800.789.PENN PennMedicine.org/abramson 8 ArtNUDE Philly: A Breast Cancer Awareness Show Saturday, October 18 (Opening Reception) - Friday, October 31, Philadelphia, PA A contemporary art show at the James Oliver Gallery to support patients and families in need at the ACC. Living Beyond Breast Cancer 2014 Butterfly Ball Gala Saturday, October 18, 6:30 p.m., Philadelphia, PA Join LBBC at their annual black-tie gala to raise funds to fulfill their mission of connecting people with trusted breast cancer information and a community of support. Congratulations to our Distinguished Partner In Hope recipients, Emily and Gregory Wolfson and the Living from the Heart Volunteers, who were honored at the Integrative Medicine and Wellness Education Conference for helping to ensure patients and families have access to all the tools needed for healing throughout their cancer journey. Abra ms o n Cancer Center 12th Annual Saks Fifth Avenue KEY TO THE CURE Wednesday, October 15, Bala Cynwyd, PA A four-day shopping event from October 16-19 benefiting breast and gynecologic cancer programs. Join us on Wednesday, October 15 from 5:30-8:00 pm for a preview party. Guests will enjoy cocktails and light bites, music, and a fashion show featuring notable doctors and survivors. Development Office 3535 Market Street, Suite 750 Philadelphia, PA 19104-3309 (215) 898-0578 Neiman Marcus Luncheon with Naeem Khan Thursday, October 30, 12:00 p.m., King of Prussia, PA Meet Naeem Khan during this fun-filled event of glamour, fashion, and purpose to raise support for the Abramson Cancer Center. Pancreatic Cancer Action Network’s PurpleStride Walk 2014 Saturday, November 1, 7:30 a.m., Philadelphia, PA National Brain Tumor Society 5K Race for Hope Sunday, November 2, 8:00 a.m., Philadelphia, PA Free to Breathe Philadelphia: Lung Cancer 5K Run/Walk Sunday, November 2, 8:00 a.m., Philadelphia, PA The Free to Breathe Foundation is committed to raising awareness and fund vital research programs for lung cancer. Young Friends of ACC Research Panel & Reception Wednesday, November 12, 5:30 p.m., Philadelphia, PA Hear from a panel of early-career scientists about their promising research, and have the opportunity to ask questions about the future of cancer care. Join us to celebrate the 4th Annual Young Friends Award recipient, socialize, and network with people interested in ending cancer with this generation. Patient and Family Education Conferences Hilton Hotel, Philadelphia, PA – 7:30 a.m. 7th Focus on Lung Cancer Program Friday, October 17 4th Focus on Neuroendocrine Tumors Education Conference Friday, October 24 8th Focus on Blood Cancers Friday, November 21 For more information on any event, visit PennMedicine.org/Abramson/Events
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