Document 433760

November, 2014
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge
Chapter Directors
2011 Couple of the Year
Rick and Joy Hebner
National/Region/District Staff
Director of GWRRA: Ray and Sandi Garris
800.843.9460 Ext. 233
Region D Directors
Lee and Kay Tieche
Region D Couple of the Year:
Linda and Rudy Copeland
Michigan District Directors:
Bob and Kim Scott
Region D
Rider Educators
2014 Couple of the Year
Len & Connie Meisel
Chapter V
2015 Couple
of the Year
Mona & Mac McCaulley
District Couple of the Year:
Congratulations Chapter V !!!
2013 District Chapter of the Year
Chapter V Staff and Team members
Chapter Directors
Rider Educators
Rick & Joy Hebner
Phone: 989-667-5752
Len & Connie Meisel
Phone: 989-695-4842
Newsletter Editors
George & Dianne Williams
Treasurer, 50/50 Ticket Sales
Secretary/Sunshine Lady
Joann Leuenberger
Phone: 989-239-4186
Sue Wegner
Phone: 989-274-3309
Assistant Ride Coordinators,
2015 Couple of the Year
Web Master
Mac & Mona McCaulley
Phone: 989-798-5324
Jim Heiler
Phone: 248-755-0214
Raffle Tickets
Member Enhancement, Chapter Ambassador
Glenn Wegner
Phone: 989-274-3309
Jon Badour
Phone: 989-205-1775
2015 Couple of the Year
Chapter of the Year Coordinator
Mac & Mona McCaulley
Phone: 989-798-5324
Pam Coughlin
Phone: 989-842-3446 (home)
Phone: 989-573-4175 (cell)
Brag Book
Assistant Member Enhancement
Colleen Badour
Phone: 989-894-4180
Dennis Lange
Scootin’ Along with CD Rick
Happy November! What happened to October?!!
We had a lot of fun this last month at the Anniversary parties for both Y and F-2. The
first one was Chapter Y - they had some fun games and you need to ask Max Clinger
(AKA Glenn Wagner), “How much does a triple layer cake cost”? They had a cake
auction to raise money for the food pantry. Their Chapter matched the money that was
raised. It was a lot of fun to be part of and watch.
The second one was Chapter F-2; they had their famous “Let’s make a Deal”. It sure
was funny to watch what some people gave up to pick a door. A few of them really
got a zonk, but most received some very nice prizes. It was a fun night.
We had a color ride that was led by Kim. I understand it was a nice ride that just
started out a “little cool” (okay, cold) at the start.
We also had our first card party November 1st - thanks to the Allen’s for opening their
home. We had several people that came out and at least for one, it was their first card
party. It was a fun time. There was even a new card game that some played; it
sounded like they were having a great time.
The December card party will be on Saturday, December 13 at our house, 4348 Regan
Rd, Bay City at 6pm. This will also be our Christmas party. If you wish to participate
in the gift exchange, please bring a new, wrapped gift with a value of at least $10
marked woman or man.
We have two “Meet and Eats” coming up in November. Keep an eye on the calendar
for dates and times.
I know some of you are looking at putting your bikes up for the winter and some just go
south. No matter the case, the fun will not end with the end of the riding season.
I know we are about to enter the hustle and bustle of the Holiday season. Some will be
spending time with families at home and traveling. No matter the category you may fit
in, please take some time to give thanks for all that we have.
Until next time, come out and have fun.
Rick Hebner, CD
Chapter V
Sincere appreciation from Chapter V
We offer our sincere appreciation to former ACDs Jim and Cindy Pozenel and George
and Dianne Williams for the many hours of dedicated service they gave to Chapter V
during their tenure as: ACDs, Ride Coordinator, Viking Treasure Coordinator, former
Treasurer and Newsletter Editors (George and Dianne are continuing the Newsletter
through December). A Chapter only runs well through the dedication of its members!
Thank you so much again!
Road Captains
Craig Allen
Dick Arthur
Jon & Colleen Badour
Kim & Sandy Bargeron
Bill Boehm
Tom & Sandy Brady
Chris & Pam Coughlin
Rick & Joy Hebner
Jim Heiler
Dick Hennrick
Dennis Lange
Mac & Mona McCaulley
Lenny & Connie Meisel
Otto Schunemann
Jim & Cindy Pozenel
Glenn & Sue Wegner
George & Dianne Williams
Burkhart-Presidio Insurance
222 West Cedar Avenue – P.O. Box 307
Gladwin, Michigan 48624
Phone: (989) 426-9278
Fax: (989) 426-1160
TOPIC: End of Season Cycle Maintenance
Whether the riding season in your area lasts only four or five months, or as long as ten
months, most of us will let our motorcycles remain unridden for a long enough period of
time that it is best to prepare it for a season of rest. November typically brings weather
throughout the northern tier of states that is not very good for motor-cycling. Most parts
of this great country of ours experience two or more months of weather that is not
considered part of the riding season. The air temperature alone gets cold enough to
cause hypothermia without adding the wind chill from sitting atop a motorcycle while
blasting down the road at legal speeds – even at 45 mph. And many areas will have
snow on the ground before the month is out. Some of you may be cold-blooded
enough to prolong the season a few extra weeks, but for most, there is a period each
year when your motorcycle becomes a lonesome friend sitting quietly in the garage.
Before you park it for a season of inactivity, this is a great time to get your end of
season maintenance done. It is recommended that you change the oil and oil filter to
remove contaminants – dirt, deposits, ac-ids and moisture – that can lead to corrosion
inside the engine. Other fluid levels should be checked for proper level. If the fluids are
due for replacement based on miles ridden since the last change (check your manual
and service history), this is a good time to do that and any other maintenance tasks
that you may have been putting off. Your mechanic likely is not very busy at this time of
year. He (she) would probably appreciate your visit, too! And you know your bike will
be better for it. Then when spring comes next year (it is not that far off, after all!), you’ll
be ready to go without a visit to the mechanic before planning your next big ride.
After you get it back from your mechanic, fill the gas tank and add the appropriate
amount of fuel stabilizer (such as Stabil) before parking your Wing. Wash and wax the
bike and inflate the tires. The battery should be disconnected from the motorcycle
(negative terminal first) and trickle charged at least every 30 days, per your Gold Wing
Owner’s Manual. (Refer to your battery charger manual for more charging details.)
Take good care of your Wing, and your Wing will take good care of you!
Ride Smart & Be Safe!
Modified for use
Bruce & Melissa Thayer
Former MI Asst. District Rider Educators
Leonard Meisel
Rider Ed
Chapter V
Section Chapter Gatherings
Chapter A—1st Thursday 7:30pm
American Legion Post 4
401 N. Groesbeck Hwy
Mt Clemens, Mi 48043
Chapter L—1st Tuesday, eat 5:30pm
Gathering 6:30pm - Flap Jack Restaurant
6927 S Cedar St
Lansing MI
Chapter D2— 2nd Thursday, 7:00pm
Howell Recreation Center
925 W Grand River, just W of Byron Rd
Howell MI
Chapter Q-2—4th Sunday 9am eat, 9:00am
Gilligan’s Restaurant
6444 Main St
Cass City, Mi
Chapter E— 3rd Thursday 7pm
Scott Lake Elks Club #810
2100 Scott Lake Rd
Waterford, Mi. 48328
Chapter U—4th Sunday, 9am
Main Street Café, 205 N Clinton Ave
St John’s MI
Chapter F—1st Tuesday at 7:00pm
Michigan Chrome
69090 N Main (M19)
Richmond, MI 48062
Chapter V—3rd Wednesday 7 pm
Tittabawassee Twp Memorial Park Building
50 Park St (driveway is just north of gas
Freeland, Mi
Chapter F-2— 1st Monday at 6:30pm
VFW Hall, (M15 / I69)
9474 Lapeer Rd. (near State & Lapeer Rd)
Davison, Mi 48423
Chapter V-2—3rd Saturday 9 am
Fritz’s Restaurant (intersection M46 and
Richville Mi
Visit us at
Chapter that has the most FUN!!
Chapter V Monthly Snapshot – November 2014
Remember to check the calendars of the other Chapters in our areas for events
you may be interested in attending in addition to those below.
Fall Officer Meeting
When - Sat, November 8, 9am – 4pm
Where - Bay Valley Resort & Conference Center, 2470 Old Bridge Rd, Bay City, MI
Anyone interested in learning more about GWRRA Michigan District is welcome to attend
Chapter V - Meet and Eat
When - Sun, November 9, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Where - To be announced (watch weekly events)
Description - We will be eating at various venues throughout the Tri-City area during the winter
months. "Meet and Eat". Drive or ride.
V Team Meeting
When - Mon, November 10, 6pm – 8pm
Where - Krysiak's, 1605 Michigan Ave, Bay City MI 48708
Description - Dinner at 6pm followed by meeting at 7pm. This is the 5th of 6 meetings at
Happy Veteran’s Day to our Chapter V members (and their family
members/friends) who are serving or have served in our military.
Thank you so very much for your service!
Happy Birthday to Dick Arthur
When - Tuesday, Nov 11, 2014
Happy Birthday to Kathy Gunther
When - Monday, Nov 17, 2014
V - Annual Thanksgiving Dinner
When - Wed, November 19, 6:00pm – 8:30pm
Where - Chapter V Monthly Gathering - 150 Park St, Memorial Park Building, Freeland MI
Description - Join us for our annual Thanksgiving Dinner at 6:00pm (please note time change!).
The Chapter will provide the meat. Please bring a dish to pass, and non-expired non-perishable
food items for the local food pantry.
Happy Anniversary to Bill (Winemaker) & Elaine Boehm
When - Friday, Nov 21, 2014
Chapter V Monthly Snapshot – November 2014, continued
Chapter V - Meet and Eat
When - Sun, November 23, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Where - To be announced (watch weekly events)
Description - We will be eating at various venues throughout the Tri-City area during the winter
months. "Meet and Eat". Drive or ride.
Happy Anniversary to John & Diana Holmes
When - Sunday, Nov 23, 2014
Happy Birthday Dave LaBrenz
When - Wednesday, Nov 26, 2014
Thursday, November 27 - Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Anniversary to Lenny and Connie Meisel
When - Sunday, Nov 30, 2014
Happy Anniversary to Dave & Carolyn Frazer
When - Sunday, Nov 30, 2014
Now this is the way to haul!!!
Thank you to all of our advertisers.
Bay Café Catering
Weddings * Parties
No Event too big or small
Private Banquet
Hall Seating up
363 State Park Drive
Bay City, MI 48706
Classified Advertisements
For rent: 2 bedroom cabins Alger County– Hunting, Fishing, Hiking, Snowmobiling.
Weekend, Week or Month. Completely furnished. 989-430-0085
For sale: 2 HJC IS-MAX BT helmets, 1-size XL; 1-size L, both only worn 3 months, drop down dark
shield, flip up chin bar-orig. pd 200.00, asking 150.00 or BO for each. 1 two headset Scala rider
intercom, complete, used 3 months-orig. pd 489.00, asking 375.00 or BO. 2 new, never worn Honda
Goldwing Joe Rocket jackets with back and elbow protection: 1 ladies 2XL-orig. pd 193.00 asking
150.00 or BO and 1 men’s Large -orig. pd 179.00 asking 135.00 or BO. 1 ladies leather Harley
Davidson vest, size XL-orig. pd 100.00 asking 75.00 or BO. 1 ladies leather vest, size 2XL-orig. pd
55.00 asking 35.00 or BO. 1 new, never worn men’s Top Gear raingear top, size XL-orig. pd 55.00
asking 30.00 or BO. 1 new, never worn men’s Top Gear raingear bottom, size 3XL-orig. pd 65.00
asking 35.00 or BO. All items in perfect condition, pictures available upon request. All items cash
only, call:, 989-980-7570
For sale: 2005 Goldwing & trailer with 30,100 miles kept in heated garage. The bike is Burgundy
and trailer with swivel hitch does match bike. The trailer is home built. Extra's are Driving lights, Arm
rest, Custom seat & back rest (Ostrich skin) (also have original seat and back rest) Aux fuse panel,
Aux switches, and Soundgate for an Ipod, plus more. Asking $13,900 or best offer?
Call (989)642-6334 or email ( Must sell health reasons.
For sale: 2012 gray wolf toy hauler 19RR for sale $14,000.00. All remote control electric stabilizer
Jacks, awning and yard light, electric jack, hitch with sway bars, extra shelving and clothes rack,
rear door roll down screens, extra spare tire. This trailer will haul a Goldwing but a trike will not
fit thru the rear door opening. Call John: home 989-823-3089, cell 989-395-3123,
For sale: 2003 Kompact Kamp 12 cubic ft storage, fenders, weighs 115 lbs, small cooler rack,
was purchased new. Want $600 for it - Joe Anderson 586-747-4245
For sale: 2007 GL1800 in Metallic Black (Charcoal) w/ 47,300 miles. It has the premium sound
system and factory CB radio. This bike is in very nice shape with some extras. Priced at
$13,200.00 Call 989-737-4709 .
For sale: 1997 GL1500SE in Sapphire Black (very dark blue). This bike has 67,000 miles and has
undergone extensive service including a new front tire. Priced at $6500.00. Call 989-737-4709
For sale: 2001 GL1800 with 64,400 miles in the color of “Illusion Red”. It has all of the standard
features plus a factory CB radio. It has a new front, fork seals and steering head bearings. It has too
many extras to list here, and it’s loaded with LED lights. Priced at $9500.00. Call 989-737-4709
This Newsletter Sponsored by:
Burkhart-Presidio Insurance
Visit us at
For your motorcycle insurance
Be sure to wear your chapter shirts and vests to get extra pride tickets.
Help support those who support us. Patronize the advertisers you see listed in
the newsletter.
Send us your favorite ride to put into the newsletter. See it here.
November Birthday's
Monthly gatherings are the 3rd Wed. of
each month. (Unless otherwise noted) we
meet at Memorial Park 150 Park St,
Freeland MI at 7PM.
11/1 Otto Schunemann
11/11 Dick Arthur
11/17 Kathy Gunther
11/26 David Labrenz
During the months of Nov. and Dec. dinner
gatherings are held. Dinner at 6PM & the November Anniversaries
meeting at 7PM.
Team meetings are generally the 2nd
Monday of each month, dinner 6PM
followed by meetings at 7PM.
Bill and Elaine Boehm
John and Diana Holmes
Leonard and Connie Meisel
Dave and Carol Frazier
GWRRA-Region D- Michigan- Chapter V
Chapter Directors
Rick and Joy Hebner
4348 Regan Rd
Bay City, MI 48706
Chapter V's 2015 Couple of the Year
Mona and Mac McCaulley.