Tarrytown Regional Office NYSUT 520 White Plains Road Tarrytown, NY 10591 Phone: (914) 592-4411 Fax: (914) 345-3302 Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/nysutTRO and follow us on Twitter: @NYSUTTRO! Marc Laffer, Regional Staff Director Calendar of Events Teacher Certification Video Conference (NYSUT Tarrytown Regional Office) Nov 4 Disability Awareness Seminar (NYSUT Tarrytown Regional Office ) Nov 6 Rockland County Central Labor Council (IBEW, New City) Nov 6 NYSUT Community College Conference (Gideon Putnam, Saratoga Springs) Nov 7-9 NYS Teachers Retirement System Convention (Saratoga Springs City Center, Saratoga Springs) Nov 9-10 Rockland County TA Meeting (North Rockland TA Office) Nov 12 Student Engagement Seminar (NYSUT Tarrytown Regional Office) Nov 12 Westchester/Putnam Central Labor Council (WPCLB Office, White Plains) Nov 12 NYSUT Bowling Extravaganza Spins Bowl, Mt. Kisco Nov 13 Implementing Common Core for ELA/Literacy: Investigating Text and Complexity and Close Analytical Reads – Primary (NYSUT Tarrytown Regional Office) Nov 13 Orange County TA Meeting (Cosimos Brick Oven, Middletown) Nov 17 SRP Recognition Day Receptions (Characters, Sloatsburg & NYSUT Tarrytown RO) Nov 18 Educator Academy Module 2: Teaching Artifacts and Evidence Seminar (NYSUT Tarrytown Regional Office) Nov 19 Constructivist Teaching & Learning Seminar (NYSUT Tarrytown Regional Office) Nov20 ED 15/16 Meeting/Presidents’ Council (TBD) Nov 20 NYSUT Member Benefits Conference (Saratoga Springs) Nov 21-22 Hudson-Catskill Central Labor Council (CSEA Local 836 Hall, Middletown) Nov 25 Supporting Students with Autism Seminar (NYSUT Tarrytown Regional Office) Dec 1 Managing Local Union Finances Workshop (NYSUT Tarrytown Regional Office) Dec 2 Implementing Common Core for ELA/Literacy: Investigating Text and Complexity and Close Analytical Reads – Secondary (NYSUT Tarrytown Regional Office) Dec 3 November 2014 The Other High-Stakes Testing: Drug & Alcohol Testing of School Employees Students are not the only ones being tested by school districts. Every now and then the issue of whether our members can be subjected to drug and alcohol testing arises and it is critical to know when and under what circumstances such testing is permissible. The Fourth Amendment protection against unreasonable searches and seizures generally restricts a public employer from performing random drug and alcohol testing on its employees. However, that right can be waived through collective bargaining, though a union cannot be compelled to negotiate this type of waiver. In other words, an employer’s demand to negotiate a random drug or alcohol testing policy is typically not a mandatory subject of bargaining nor can it be unilaterally imposed. Whether a public employer has a right to perform suspicion based testing depends on a fact-specific analysis balancing the employer’s managerial interest (e.g., safe transportation of its students) against the employee’s interests (e.g., privacy and job security). Consequently, testing based on suspicion of off-duty drug and alcohol use that is not reasonably proximate to the employee’s job performance must be negotiated because it is not reasonably related to the employment relationship. And, conversely, if the testing was based on suspicion of on duty impairment, it is likely that an employer’s interests will outweigh those of the employee such that the employer is no longer obligated to negotiate its decision to test such an employee. Nevertheless, the testing procedures and any work related consequences including disciplinary action must be negotiated. Finally, special rules apply to school bus drivers who are required to have a commercial driver’s license and operate a commercial motor vehicle based on federal regulations. These regulations require school districts to test such bus drivers under the following circumstances: 1. 2. Pre-employment; Following a bus accident if: a. there was a fatality; or b. 3. 4. 5. 6. the driver was issued a moving violation related to the accident; and there is an injury treated away from the scene or a disabled vehicle is towed away from the scene There is a reasonable suspicion that the driver reports to duty, or remains on-duty while under the influence of alcohol or prohibited drugs; Randomly; Before a driver who previously tested positive can return to work; and Unannounced follow-ups for drivers referred by substance abuse professionals for counseling and who have returned to work. Please remember that the rules regarding drug and alcohol testing discussed in this article may overlap with other legal rights under Education Law, Civil Service Law and your collective bargaining agreement. If you have specific questions regarding this topic and how it relates to those other rights, please contact your Labor Relations Specialist. Identity Theft… Cyber Monday and Everyday Every year, identity theft becomes a bigger problem. Banking institutions like J.P. Morgan devote staggering sums of money to ensure the security of their clients and customers. However, this past month, J.P. Morgan had to reveal that a hack it reported in August had compromised data on 76 million household customers and 7 million businesses, including their names, email addresses and telephone numbers. December 1 will be Cyber Monday – the busiest online shopping day of the year. Shopping online is a great way to conveniently find good deals. However, any cost or convenience saved by online shopping is lost if your identity is stolen. The object of identity theft is simple: identity thieves seek sensitive financial information from their victims – social security numbers, credit card numbers, dates of birth, driver’s license information – in an attempt to pose as the victim long enough to realize financial gain. Some instances of identity theft last for minutes: a stolen credit card is taken to a big-box retailer and used to purchase a large screen television. Others can go on for years: an appropriated social security number is used to secure several forms of identification, and the thief can live under an assumed identity, racking up massive financial obligations all the while. NYSUT Member Benefits provides the following to educate NYSUT members on how to protect themselves against the threat of identity theft: Identity Theft/Fraud Workshops – These workshops explore to what degree your identity is at risk, the latest techniques thieves use to obtain your personal information, how to protect yourself and your identity, and what to do if you become an identity theft victim. Equifax Credit Watch Gold (Endorsed Program) – This program is a 24/7 credit monitoring service that alerts you via email within 24 hours of key changes to your Equifax Credit Report. It also provides up to $25,000 identity fraud expense coverage without a deductible at no additional cost to the member. NYSUT members can enroll in this service online for $69.95 annually - $49.45 off the regular price! Call 800-437-4619 and mention the partner code “NYSUT” to get the Member Benefits discount. If you are worried about receiving information online or have limited internet access, you can enroll in Equifax Credit Watch by Mail. For more information about NYSUT Member Benefits’ identity theft workshops and endorsed Equifax programs, call 800-626-8108 or visit the Member Benefits website at www.memberbenefits.nysut.org. You’re Not Alone, Help IS Here What is NYSUT Social Services? NYSUT Social Services is a confidential benefit offered to all NYSUT members, both retired and inservice. Their mission is to improve the quality of NYSUT members’ lives through Social Services’ support and advocacy. When you call, one of the highly trained and experienced staff members will confidentially discuss your unique situation and concerns. They can help you utilize your own Employee Assistance Program (EAP) benefit or provide you with reliable information and referrals for professional assistance, right in your own community - wherever you live. There is never a charge for this service, nor does NYSUT Social Services require membership additional to your NYSUT membership. This benefit extends to you, the NYSUT member, and covers your concerns about yourself, your spouse or domestic partner, your children, your parents and parents-in-law. All calls and contacts will be kept confidential. Services Available to Members: Provide you with information on retirement communities – anywhere in the country; Recommend a support group, convenient to you, that matches your particular needs; Connect you with reputable, licensed home care agencies; Provide supportive telephone counseling; Suggest treatment options for addictive behaviors; Share tips on successful caregiving and find you respite services for your loved one; Assist you in obtaining specialized services for disabling conditions; Follow your progress through a hospitalization and make sure you receive a safe discharge plan; Help connect you to the network of aging services for yourself or your older relatives; Have a chat about a difficult decision or puzzling situation; Help you utilize your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) benefit if you have one; if not Find reliable counseling services in your area including marital and family counseling; Arrange assistance for members who are victims of school violence; Suggest tips for successful caregiving. The NYSUT Social Services staff has a broad scope of knowledge and extensive referral resources. You can tap into these resources just by giving the office a call. They can provide supportive phone consultation and in many cases, make referrals as needed. Working with agencies and providers in your community, they can help you: manage hospitalizations, planned or unexpected; find support groups or mental health services to fit your needs; locate specialized services for persons with disabilities; arrange assistance for victims of violence; connect with services for the aging and provide guidance in caregiving; find help for marital and relationship problems or childrearing concerns. For additional information or support, contact NYSUT Social Services at (800) 342-9810, Ext. 6206, or send an email to socsvcs@nysutmail.org. Thanks For All You Do SRP Recognition Day This year we celebrate SRP Recognition Day on Tuesday, November 18th. SRP Recognition Day provides us with an opportunity to learn more about and thank the unsung heroes who make our schools run efficiently. Schools across the state use this opportunity to publicly acknowledge the efforts of school related professionals. The Tarrytown Regional Office will be celebrating SRP Recognition Day with two receptions: one at the Tarrytown Regional Office and the other at Character’s Restaurant in Sloatsburg. NYSUT and the TRO know how highly our teacher locals value the SRPs who work alongside them every day. Some of these locals go the extra step of SHOWING the SRPs their appreciation. To that end, teacher locals in our region go above and beyond to show their appreciation, with ideas such as: In Ossining, the teachers have given SRP’s little sweets (kisses, mini candy bars, etc.), with notes saying how sweet it is to work with them. In Valley Central, the teachers do a special addition of their regular union newsletter highlighting SRPs. In Carmel, the teachers provide breakfast in each building for the SRP groups. In Washingtonville, the teachers give Dunkin’ Donuts gift cards with NYSUT stickers on them. In Yorktown, the teachers do a catered luncheon for all SRPs. Other popular ideas for teacher locals to utilize on SRP Recognition Day are: Small votive candles, with “you light up our room, school or specific program.” Having students write them little notes. Raffling off items (Branded union items, of course!), with all SRP names entered. Holding a breakfast (rolls, bagels, pastries) or luncheon (wraps or hot food) with the cost split between the Association and the Employer. Gift cards to Barnes and Noble or Dunkin’ Donuts. Small flower or plants as gifts to SRPs. Leaving cookies or bagels and notes of appreciation in the faculty room. JOIN US! SRP Recognition Day Reception! Tuesday November 18, 2014 Locations: NYSUT Tarrytown Regional Office 520 White Plains Road, 4th Floor Tarrytown, NY 10591 Character’s Restaurant 94 Orange Turnpike Sloatsburg, NY 10974 Please R.S.V.P. to Cheryl Aguilar at the Tarrytown Regional Office (914-592-4411) or via e-mail: caguilar@nysutmail.org. Don’t Let This Happen To You These headlines would make for interesting television on Law and Order or other similar shows. Unfortunately, this is not fiction! These are actual headlines from newspapers around the state, reporting on union leaders accused of stealing millions of dollars from local union treasuries. These thefts have occurred in every part of the state, in public and private sector locals and in both teacher and SRP locals. Every local has the tools to make sure this does not happen. Unfortunately, sometimes we let down our guard or assume “it can never happen here.” That false sense of security will only create additional headlines in the future. NYSUT encourages all local union officers to attend training on managing local union finances. On December 2nd, the Tarrytown Regional Office will offer this training. If you have not yet attended this training or are in need of a refresher course, please see the information below. Keeping Track of Members: Let NYSUT Help What is EMR? Electronic Membership Reporting (EMR) is an easy way to report members and fee payers without having to mark up the traditional 11x17 green and blue membership reports we regularly send to you. NYSUT Member Records encourages all eligible locals to begin using this new option. So, who can participate? Any local that has an employer willing to send specific member and payroll data in an electronic format to NYSUT using a provided HIPAA-compliant email system, File Transfer Protected (FTP) or other secure method. Why should my local consider EMR? For several reasons. Using EMR: Managing Local Union Finances Workshop DATE: December 2, 2014 TIME: 4-7 PM LOCATION: NYSUT Tarrytown Regional Office There is no fee for this workshop but space is limited so sign up today! R.S.V.P. to Jackie Wagner via e-mail (jwagner@nysutmail.org) or phone (914-592-4411) simplifies member record keeping, saving time and resources; especially helps locals with numerous changes each month; is a safe and secure data exchange method; eliminates some paper reporting from the district and the creation of the membership report by NYSUT; helps to create accurate membership records; fulfills the AFT constitutional requirement for membership reporting, and results in the local receiving an electronic file of membership data after each payroll for your use. Why would my employer want to do this? Rather than printing and mailing paper reports containing member information, the data is securely sent to NYSUT, thus saving paper and ink. If the local has negotiated payroll deduction for VOTE/COPE or Benefit Trust, that data is sent electronically as well, eliminating the printing of additional paper reports. NYSUT’s IT department shares the relevant data with the appropriate departments at NYSUT. It becomes a greener, safer way to transfer data. create original works of art based on something they found compelling in this initial encounter. How does it work? Several weeks later, the teachers bring the two groups together again for an unveiling ceremony. Artists and subjects have the opportunity to invite family members to the event. One by one, before displaying the finished piece, each artist talks to the veteran in front of the assembled guests. Students explain why the particular image was chosen; they describe how they created the piece, and what they found most meaningful or difficult about the work. The artist presents the work to the veteran, and as its owner, the veteran has the honor of unwrapping it and being the first to see it. Everyone present knows that the gift includes a piece of both the veteran and the artist. All educators know that a program like this does not happen overnight. Planning the logistics, preparing the students, and visiting and preparing the veterans in advance are all essential to success. But Ron says that as a veteran, being active helps him. He knows many veterans “get stuck” and don’t seek help. He thinks of Living History as a “win-win-win.” It’s good for his students, it’s good for the veterans, and it’s good for him too. As Ron says, “It’s not hard. Start small. Use the things you do every day to make a difference.” The employer creates a data file. NYSUT matches the employer data to your local’s current membership data. “Exception” reports are created for the local’s review. Working together with NYSUT’s membership department, changes are made to the affected member records. How does NYSUT enhance the data? NYSUT sends a Microsoft Excel file to the local for its use. In addition to the membership data typically supplied on the membership report, the member data is enhanced with political information identifying voter registration status, voting districts, VOTE/COPE contributors, etc. How do I start? Call NYSUT at 800-342-9810 and ask for Member Records, or Log on to the Leader Access site of www.nysut.org; Review the detailed EMR description and contact NYSUT’s Member Records department with any questions or for help in approaching your employer; Determine the employer’s interest in EMR and report back to NYSUT to initiate the program. Our Veterans… Making a Difference This is the philosophy that drives Ossining High School art teacher and US Army combat veteran, Ron Whitehead. Ron brings two of the things he cares about the most, art and support for fellow veterans, together with a program called the Living History Project. The program, started a few years ago by Ron and colleagues Harry Quiroga and Sanam Shams, provides an opportunity for students in Advanced Photography classes and veterans of US military service to meet face-to-face. On a one-day in-school “field trip,” carefully paired students and veterans learn from one another, sharing something of themselves. The students show some of their existing works of art. They talk a little bit about their families and hobbies. The vets bring uniforms, photographs, medals, patches, badges and other mementos to show the students and they tell stories about their experiences. They share their history. The students and the vets enjoy a meal provided by teachers and staff. The students make notes and sketches, ask questions, scan artifacts and take photographs thinking about what they will need to tell the veterans’ stories visually. The students find inspiration to In addition to Harry and Sanam, Ron thanks his other art department colleagues, Stephanie Chase, Cedric Lucas, and his building principal, Josh Mandel for their unfailing support. For more information about the Living History Project at Ossining High School, email Ron Whitehead at rwhitehead@ossining.k12.nyl.us. Internal Organizing…One to One The goal of internal organizing is to maximize the level of member participation in the union’s activities in order to build power to win on issues of importance to the union. But how do we get our members to participate in the activities of the union? Let’s use, as an example, turning out members to a Board of Education meeting. Which of these methods for getting the members to come to the Board meeting do you think would work best? Hanging a leaflet on the union’s bulletin board in the lounge? Placing a leaflet in the mailboxes of the members? Leaving a voice mail message for each member? Blasting an email to the membership? Or, talking one-on-one to each member? You guessed it! But who has time to have a one-on-one conversation with every member? We are busy people, busy with our jobs, our families, and all our other responsibilities. That’s why a department rep or building rep structure is necessary. Each rep will be responsible for talking with coworkers in his or her area. Having this structure will cut down on everyone’s load. But what do we say in our one-on-one conversations that will get members to attend the Board meeting? More to follow in the next issue of The Edge. First Annual ED 14/15/16 Billiards Bonanza!! DATE: January 22, 2015 TIME: 4-7 pm LOCATION: Diamond Jim’s Billiards & Pub Nanuet, NY Details to follow… Tarrytown Learning Center: Upcoming Seminars! The Tarrytown Learning Center (TLC) offers seminars to enhance our members’ work experience and provide them with the tools to be the best they can be at their profession. The seminars, set up in partnership with the NYSUT Education and Learning Trust (ELT), will provide the latest and most relevant research-based strategies and resources. They are convenient and inexpensive. All seminars will begin at 4:30 PM and will be held at the NYSUT Tarrytown Regional Office. Registration is only $10 per seminar. For more information, go to: www.nysut.org/eReg/TLC Upcoming courses include: Disability Awareness – November 6th Participants will acquire a general understanding of the thirteen disability categories and key concepts related to the education of students with disabilities. Participants will experience what it is like to have a disability and learn strategies for improving student learning and behavior. (3 hours) Implementing Common Core for ELA/Literacy: Investigating of Text and Complexity and Close Analytical Reads – Primary – November 13th Investigate complex text and provide instructional insight to the application of “close reads” in the classroom. The features of complex text will be evaluated through various informational pieces of text. This includes the purpose, language, structure, and knowledge demands of a specific text. (3 hours) Educator Academy Module 2: Teaching Artifacts and Evidence – November 19th Identify evidence using teacher and student artifacts. Participants will explore the three priorities of the NYS Teaching Standards: cognitive engagement, constructivist teaching and learning, and 21st Century Skills. Evidence will be based on performance, rubrics, and multiple measures. (3 hours) Constructivist Teaching & Learning – November 20th This seminar will address one of the priorities of the NYS Teaching Standards. Teachers must consider how each student learns. Understanding how to address this in the classroom means that teachers must implement a variety of instructional strategies. Participants will explore how students learn when they “build” the learning for themselves. When students are asked to classify, analyze, predict and create, they begin to think critically and ask questions in order to understand the complex material presented to them in school and in the world. (2 hours) ThanksGIVING As the holidays roll around, we anticipate time with friends and family. Annual visits, celebrations and traditions abound. The foods we look forward to all year are lovingly prepared and presented. Stories that have been told and retold a hundred times are shared once more. People we haven’t seen for a year are with us again, even if only for a short time. For many of us, there is plenty to be thankful for. Student Engagement – November 12th This seminar addresses one of the most critical priorities of the NYSUT Rubric (Danielson and Marzano) and the NYS Teaching Standards upon which student success is based. Teachers new to the profession may have seen these signs of engagement during their student teaching and are challenged as to how to plan for this in their everyday teaching. The seminar will engage them in strategies that will help them sustain wonder, enthusiasm and perseverance for students through their teaching. At some time, new teachers may have felt stymied by traditions of reward and punishment. Our challenge is to help them surpass these very real difficulties and provide a practical model for understanding what our students want and need. (2 hours) Of course for some, the beginning of the holiday season brings additional hardships. So many, including our own members, have suffered through the tough economic times. Adding a tradition of helping those in need (or expanding on your existing traditions) can be rewarding for the whole family. This year, in addition to shopping union for the holidays, be sure to remember to give what you can to local charitable organizations. Your time and gently used belongings are often as welcome as your money. Keep in mind that these organizations that directly support our neighbors have suffered significant cuts to the municipal grants they have traditionally depended upon for funding. Some suggestions include: Habitat for Humanity www.habitat.org Big Brothers Big Sisters www.bbbs.org Your local food bank: The Brewster Community Food Pantry, 26 Prospect St., Brewster, NY 10509 Putnam Valley Community Food Pantry www.putnamvalleyfoodpantry.org Food Bank for Westchester www.foodbankforwestchester.org Rockland County People to People www.peopletopeopleinc.org Orange County Food Bank of the Hudson Valley www.foodbankofhudsonvalley.org NYSUT Disaster Relief www.nysut.org/resources/special-resources-sites/disasterrelief/make-a-donation Labor in the News Governor Scott Walker’s Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill, also known as Act 10, required the Wisconsin Education Association Council to mount a recertification drive every year to ensure that a majority wants its representation. The Act also prevented public sector employers from automatically collecting dues and passing them along to unions. Since June 2011, teacher enrollment in the WEAC has dropped nearly a third from nearly 100,000 members, and the smaller union AFT-Wisconsin as fallen more than half from its peak membership of 16,000. Philadelphia Schools (www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/08/philadelphiastudent-protest-contracts_n_5954922.html): The BAD: On October 6, 2014, The Philadelphia School Reform Commission voted to unilaterally cancel the labor contract with the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers to save money. Jerry Jordan, president of the local union, said in a statement that the cancellation “is not an effort by the SRC to address the fiscal crisis. This is the Governor’s administration’s attempts to vilify the PFT in order to distract from his horrible record on education funding and boost his chances of re-election.” The GOOD: Dozens of students from at least two high schools protested the move Wednesday morning, according to The Philadelphia Inquirer. A Philadelphia Student Strike Facebook page says students are “striking because every single teacher in the district’s benefits are at risk and being played with through politics.” Whatever you do to help will give someone else a reason to be thankful for you this year. NYSUT members attend the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walks on Sunday October 19th at the Woodbury Common Outlets (top picture) and Manhattanville College (bottom picture). Papa John’s was sued by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. Among the allegations in the lawsuit are accusations that Ronald Johnson, owner of the Papa John’s franchise, and company shaved work hours; rounded down pizza delivery workers’ time for each pay period to the nearest whole hour; paid delivery workers as little as $5 an hour; regularly failed to pay proper overtime to delivery workers by basing overtime on the low hourly rate and calculating overtime incorrectly; and required workers to purchase and maintain all bicycle delivery-related equipment that New York City law requires an employer to provide, such as bicycles, helmets, locks, chains and safety gear, whic h usually costs a worker at least $500 annually. http://amsterdamnews.com/news/2014/oct/23/schneid erman-sues-papa-johns-underpaying-workers/ Amazon.com is a Jungle for its workers. The U.S. Supreme Court is now considering a lawsuit claiming that hundreds of thousands of workers are owed millions of dollars in unpaid wages. At the end of the workday, these workers are forced to clock out – then wait on an airportlike line for up to 25 minutes to be cleared by security. The workers claim they should be paid for this “waiting in line” time. Amazon.com, and the U.S. Government, disagree, comparing the time to that which employees spend walking to or from their jobsite. www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-10-06/amazon-workerstake-security-line-woes-to-supreme-court.html. issue in dispute. This advantage comes not only from the fact that they live the contract on a daily basis, but also from their dedication to being completely prepared before walking into the arbitration. The LRS and local leader, working together, can maximize this advantage. The president of the AFL-CIO Labor Federation sent letters to the White House and Congress on Tuesday demanding that national workplace safety standards be in place for workers who could be exposed to Ebola. www.huffingtonpost.com/2-14/10/21/aflcio-calls-onobama-to-_n_6023196.html ED 14/15/16 NYSUT Bowling Extravaganza Arbitration Planning: Keys to Success Failing to plan is planning to fail. Local leaders work hard in navigating grievances through early stages, from presentation to building principals at a first stage to presentation to boards at the penultimate stage. You research the facts and the contract, draw up the grievance and present to the employer at various levels. When the grievance gets to arbitration, often the labor relations specialist steps in and takes over. This does NOT mean your role is finished. Although the LRS has likely been involved at all stages, and has developed a strong knowledge of the grievance, the people in the district, and the district itself, the local leader’s perspective is different. Your support for the LRS can very likely be a critical factor in a successful grievance arbitration. In an arbitration, an LRS may rely on a local leader to: help create a list of necessary documentary exhibits, such as all stages of the grievance (and district response); gather all the facts relevant to the grievance, such as contract provisions involved, bargaining history, a list of unit members involved (and their titles and job history), a list of other district personnel involved (and their titles and job history), a timeline of all relevant facts; help choose strong union witnesses, who are knowledgeable, credible and informed of relevant facts; help prepare union witnesses by letting them know what will happen on the date of arbitration, and confirm that they have a command of the relevant facts; help prepare for cross-examination of employer witnesses, by reviewing the strengths and weaknesses of the employer’s theory of the case; sit with the LRS during the arbitration, taking notes and providing suggestions as testimony ebbs and flows; be creative and open-minded in considering settlement possibilities; and work with the LRS with comments to drafts of the posthearing brief. The most common advantage that unions have over employers in grievance arbitrations is their thorough knowledge of the The 3rd annual NYSUT Bowling Extravaganza will bring more than 90 bowling teams of NYSUT members together from across Regions 14, 15, 16. Join your brothers and sisters as we celebrate our solidarity and bowling skills (or lack thereof). Date: Thursday, November 13, 2014 Time: 4-9 PM Location: Spins Bowl, Mt. Kisco Although the bowling teams are full, come cheer on the teams and socialize! The NYSUT Bowling Extravaganza will surely by the social event of the year. Don’t miss it! The event will also function as a fundraiser. A small donation of $20 is asked from each attendee – this will also include participants in the raffle for cool swag! All proceeds will benefit a Hastings-on-Hudson based charity. PROJECT SHARE: A Thanksgiving Dinner for the Homeless uses area high school students as servers to provide a traditional Thanksgiving meal to over 300 homeless men, women, and children from around Westchester County. For more information regarding the NYSUT Bowling Extravaganza, contact the NYSUT Bowling Extravaganza Planning Committee: Nate Morgan (Hastings TA) njm2103@tc.columbia.edu, Lisa Jackson (Carmel TA) ljackson@carmelta.org, Sean Kennedy (Yorktown CT) skenn13@aol.com, Michelle Parker (NYSUT TRO) mparker@nysutmail.org, Jon Wedvik (Clarkstown TA) president@clarkstownteachers.org The Edge is a news service for NYSUT members and may be copied or duplicated as needed. For more information contact the NYSUT Tarrytown Regional Office at (914) 592-4411, visit our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/nysutTRO, or follow us on Twitter: @NYSUTTRO. The Edge Editorial Board Marc Laffer – Editor Sarah Arbitrio, Courtney Corey, Ken DeStefano, Eric Marshall, Jackie Morrissey, Amanda Velázquez
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