38th Annual WAEYC CONFERENCE Marriott Convention Center - SeaTac Nov 13, 14 & 15 Conference and Exhibits Speakers Include: Staci Goffin Camille Catlett David G. Brooke Allan Hirsch Teacher Tom Hobson & Sarah Roseberry REGISTRATION BROCHURE Welcome to WAEYC 2014 2014 CONFERENCE PLANNING COMMITTEE CHAIRS COMMITTEE MEMBERS CONTINUED Brenda Boyd Associate Professor Human Development Washington State University Washington Association of Young Children (WAEYC) Rob Colombini Home Visiting Manager Thrive by Five Washing Jennifer White Early Learning Program Manager Clover Park School District CONFERENCE STAFF Tracy Ulrich Conference Coordinator Amanda Cardwell Conference Coordinator COMMITTEE MEMBERS Chris Booth Instructor & Practicum Supervisor Early Childhood Education P-3 Certification Eastern Washington University Bob Butts Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) Karen Cooper WAEYC Vice President Director Gateway Learning Center Marilyn Chu Associate Professor Early Childhood Education Western Washington University Linda Crawford Program Coordinator Bellingham Technical College Michael Koetje District Director Pierce College Child Development Centers John Naegele Board President Washington Association of Young Children (WAEYC) Jeanie Pittman Instructor and Internship Coordinator Washington State University Elizabeth Ramos Professional Development Specialist Department of Early Learning (DEL) Mary Skinner Program Coordinator Tacoma Community College Claudia Shanley T/TA Regional Coordinator Region X EHS-HS TTA Centers ICF International Bunny Walters United Way of Snohomish County ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Washington Association for the Education of Young Children Conference Administrator TABLE OF CONTENTS Conference Planning Committee...................................... 2 Conference Schedule..................................................... 3 Thursday Conference Schedule....................................... 4 Friday Conference Schedule............................................ 5 The WAEYC Conference encourages a wide range of presentations and activities. The information presented represents the viewpoints of the speakers and exhibitors and is not necessarily endorsed or shared by the conference organizers or sponsors. 2 Saturday Conference Schedule........................................ 6 General Conference Information................................... 7-8 Registration Page.......................................................... 9 Session Descriptions can be found online: www.waeycconference.orgsors. 2014 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE Thursday, November 13 8:00 AM Registration Opens 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM Exhibit Hall Hours 9:00 AM - 12:00 or 12:15 PM TA Sessions 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM Lunch and Plenary Sessions 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM TB Sessions 5:30 PM Registration Closes Friday, November 14 8:00 AM Registration Opens 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Exhibit Hall Hours 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM FA Sessions 11:30 AM – 1:15 PM Lunch and Plenary Sessions 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM FB Sessions 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM FC Sessions 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM Evening Reception (optional) Saturday, November 15 8:00 AM Registration Opens 8:00 AM - 2:15 PM Exhibit Hall Hours 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM SA Sessions 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM SB Sessions 12:30 PM – 2:00 PM Lunch and Plenary Sessions 2:15 PM – 4:15 PM SC Sessions 2:15 PM Exhibit Hall Closes 4:30 PM Registration Closes Have a Safe Drive Home! 3 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2014 Session Number CONFERENCE SESSION TA 9:00 AM Session TA1-TA5 ends at 12:00 PM Sessions TA6-TA8 end at 12:15 PM Lunch and Plenary Sessions 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM Title TA1 Authentic Movement, Children, and Autism, presented by Maria Abaya TA2 Strategies for Communicating and Working with Diverse Families, presented by Anushi Seneviratne TA3 Tame Your Stress Gremlins- a Journey to Wellness, presented by Vicki Lunghofer TA4 Create a Culture of Caring and Compassion, presented by Terry Rahn TA5 Making Musical Connections: From the Brain to the Classroom to the Community, presented by Patti Catalano TA6 “Growing up WILD”: Book, Fun Activities and Nature Tidbits to Share and Amaze Your Students, presented by Julie Luthy TA7 Baby Brain Development: How Attachment, Stress, Relationships and Input Affect the Learning, presented by Gina Lebedeva TA8 Circle Time Tool Box, presented by Allan Hirsch PLENARY1 PLENARY2 Relationships Matter: What We Can Learn from the Science Behind Attachment, Resilience, and Intervention, presented by Gina Lebedeva Early Childhood Education for a New Era: Leading for Our Profession, presented by Stacie Goffin CONFERENCE SESSION TB TB1 Sing Me A Story: Bridging Oral Language and Print Literacy in Early Childhood, presented by Lorraine Maida 2:00 - 5:00 PM TB2 What About The Dads, presented by Jonah Idczak TB3 4-group Math, presented by Lynn Kuske TB4 Living Stories - developing the creative mind through active story telling, presented by Cameron Randall TB5 Emotion Coaching, presented by Kerry Beymer TB6 “Growing up WILD”: Book, Fun Activities and Nature Tidbits to Share and Amaze Your Students, presented by Julie Luthy TB7 Too Sexy Too Soon: Sexualized Childhood - How We Got Here, How It’s Impacting Kids and What We Can Do About It!, presented by Amy Lang TB8 Positive Behavior Supports in Early Childhood: Preventing Challenging Behaviors, presented by Ariane Gauvreau TB9 The Organized Classroom, presented by Stacy Erickson TB10 Teaming without Tears, presented by Dia Gary Instructions for Registration To view the full description of each session please visit our online conference program at www. waeycconference.org. Once you have made your class selections submit your registration form online or with the paper copy provided on page 9. You will receive a confirmation email to the email address you provide with your registration. 4 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2014 Session Number CONFERENCE SESSION FA 9:00 - 11:00 AM Lunch and Plenary Sessions 11:30 - 1:15 PM CONFERENCE SESSION FB 1:30 - 3:30 PM CONFERENCE SESSION FC 4:00 – 5:30 PM 5 Title FA01 Early Childhood Education for a New Era: Leading for our Profession a Follow-up Conversation, presented by Stacie Goffin FA02 Nature and Its Impact on Children’s Health and Well-Being, presented by Candace McKenzie with Diane Krol FA03 Update on Executive Function, presented by Juliet Morrison FA04 Muslim Families, presented by Aishah Jalani FA05 Kids Count: Math Across the Curriculum, presented by Ron Mohl FA06 Managing & Engaging Reluctant Staff, presented by Miriam Dressler FA07 Dual Language Learning: Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Strategies to Promote Children’s Language Development, presented by Angela Notari Syverson FA08 The Cosmology of Good Adult Teaching, presented by Jim Teeters FA09 Beyond Finding Function: Intervening with Challenging Behavior in Early Childhood, presented by Britta Saltonstall FA10 The Culturally Responsive Curriculum: A Practical Guide for Infusing Multicultural Education Into the Curriculum and Learning Environment, presented by Sharon Knight FA11 Want to Become a State-Approved Trainer? Come Learn All About It!, presented by Elizabeth Ramos FA12 Toys, Crafts, Chemicals and More: What’s Safer for Kids?, presented by Gail Gensler PLENARY3 Happiness Starts With Gratitude, presented by David Brooke PLENARY4 Brain Plasticity: How Experience Shapes the Brain, presented by Ralf Greenwald PLENARY5 Update on Executive Function, presented by Juliet Morrison FB01 Beyond Finding Function (continued), presented by Britta Saltonstall FB02 Brain and Language: Why Early Experiences Matter, presented by Naja Ferjan Ramirez FB03 Designing an Experience: Focusing on the Process of Play with Flexible End Goals, presented by Allie Pasquier FB04 Screen Scene: Best Practices for Using Screen Media with Young Children, presented by Sarah Lytle FB05 Home Visiting: A Systems Development Perspective, presented by Rob Colombini FB06 Mobilize Your Audience! Persuasive Public Speaking, presented by Guila Muir FB07 Autonomy and Safety – Central Goals in Supporting Strong Families, presented by Leigh Hofheimer FB08 Teaching with Your Mouth Shut, presented by Jim Teeters FB09 Unlock the Power of Blocks, presented by Ron Mohl FB10 Higher Ed and Community ECE Partnerships: Working Together to Create High Quality Field Expereinces, presented by Brenda Boyd FB11 The Road to Reading: Stop and Smell the Helleborus Orientalis, presented by Karen Weakley FB12 MODELING THERAPEUTIC (ATTACHMENT) PARENTING For Educators Of Parents And Their Children, presented by Chuck Britt FC01 Pictures are Worth a 1000 Words – View a Photo Album of Quality!, presented by Tricia Sifford FC02 Scaling-up Home Visiting in Washington State - The Rural Home Visiting Project, presented by Liv Woodstrom FC03 Math in Motion: Connecting the Thoughts, presented by Angela Russ-Ayon FC04 Movement and Mindfulness: An Introduction to Yoga Calm, presented by Lyndsay Gabeau FC05 Student Success begins in Preschool – Building Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds, presented by Susan Martin FC06 Why Do We Have to Select One? Why Can’t We Have Both?, presented by Anushi Seneviratne FC07 Happiness Starts With Gratitude, presented by David Brooke FC08 Mentoring, Coaching and Consultation in ECE, presented by Marilyn Chu FC09 Math For Preschoolers, presented by Karen Weakley FC10 Building Strong Brains and a Buffer to Toxic Stress through Serve and Return, presented by Luke Quinn FC11 What Do I Need and How Can I Pay for Professional Development?, presented by Sally Holloway FC12 From All to Each and Every: Evidence-Based Practices for Supporting Young Children who are Culturally, Linguistically, and Ability Diverse, presented by Camille Catlett SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 Session Number CONFERENCE SESSION SA 9:00 - 10:30 AM CONFERENCE SESSION SB 11:00 - 12:30 PM Lunch and Plenary Sessions 12:30 - 1:45 PM CONFERENCE SESSION SC 2:15 - 4:15 PM TITLE SA01 Numerical Literacy, presented by Caren Pitsch SA02 The Education Instinct, presented by Teacher Tom Hobson SA03 Let’s Get Physical with Zoo-phonics!, presented by Charmaine Turpin SA04 Incorporating Flannel Board Stories into your Learning Environment!, presented by Meghan O’Connell SA05 Learning to Use Our Words. presented by Catherine Brewe SA06 Playful Stories: Expanding, presented by Allie Pasquier SA07 Responding to Children’s Needs, presented by Michelle Roberts SA08 Services for Social-Emotional Issues – Infants & Toddlers, presented by Angela Shapow SA09 Forest Kindergartens and Nature Pedagogy, presented by Erin Kenny SA10 Yes We Can! Creating a Social Justice Curriuclum in a Pre-K & Kindergarten classroom, presented by Elizabeth de Forest SA11 Shorter Than A Snooze: Quick, Effective Ideas for Supporting Staff Expertise, presented by Camille Catlett SB01 A Global Experience, Teaching Young Children in an International Setting, presented by Dia Gary SA02 Making Sense of Brain Research for the Classroom and Beyond!, presented by Teresa Kross SB03 Managing Food Allergies in Childcare Settings, presented by Linda Crisalli SB04 How to Incorporate STEM into an Early Childhood Classroom, presented by Joan Clare-Harris SB05 Social Media for Administrators and Teachers, presented by Stacy Erickson SB06 Scribble, Color, Draw: Key Readiness Skills Essential for Handwriting Success, presented by Julee Tovias SB07 Building Brain Power, presented by Michelle Roberts SB08 Movement and Mindfulness: An Introduction to Yoga Calm, presented by Lyndsay Gabeau SB09 Fun with Science! Science and Art Integration with Rockets, Slime, Colors and Potions, presented by Tim Lowell Plenary6 The Heart of Development, presented by Camille Catlett Plenary7 Alleviating Burnout, presented by Paul Figueroa Plenary8 The Education Instinct, presented by Teacher Tom Hobson SC01 We Need to Talk! Handling Difficult Conversations Well, presented by Kathy Slattengren SC02 Natural Adventure Playscapes! Creating Outdoor Environments for Learning Through Play, presented by Leon Smith SC04 Math and Literacy, presented by Susan Anderson-Newham SC05 Anxiety Management with Tucker Turtle, presented by Candice Hoyt SC06 Playing through the Early Learning Guidelines - How to Document, presented by Holly McFaul SC07 Preventing Gossip, presented by Paul Figueroa SC08 Circle Time Success, presented by Jocelyn Manzanarez SC09 Mosaic Art with Finger-Safe Tumbled Stained Glass, presented by Tim Lowell WAEYC Evening Social Please join us for an evening Social Reception Friday beginning at 6:30 pm. There will be a no-host bar and hors d’oeuvres and a fun opportunity to network with your friends. Participation is optional but pre-registration is required. There is no cost to attend this event. 6 Continuing Education Clock Hours Clock Hours may be earned for participation in Plenary lunch sessions, and all conference breakout sessions. Questions can be answered onsite at the information desk. STARS Hotel Accommodations STARS credit may be earned at the rate of one STARS credit for each hour participating in a session In order to receive credit, you must provide your STARS provider number and sign each session attendance form. If you forget to register with your STARS number please bring it with you to the conference. Questions can be answered onsite at the information desk. To make reservations at our special convention rate call the Seattle Tacoma Marriott Hotel toll-free 1-800-314-0925. College Credit College credit may be earned for attending the conference. Please indicate that you would like to receive college credit when you register. Pricing and further information will be available onsite at the information desk. Child Development Associates Candidates If you desire CDA credit for conference participation, you should contact your advisor to determine how to receive credit for your workshops. Registration Registrations will be processed on a first come, first served basis until capacity is reached. Register early for best selection. The early bird deadline is October 1, 2014. If a class is full, call the registration office at 800-280-6218 if you would like to be placed on the wait list. Registrations must be accompanied by full payment (check, P.O., credit card or qualify as a special category as shown on the form). Forms with missing payment or unclear information can affect your enrollment in your preferred sessions. The conference cannot be responsible for delays in processing. Written acknowledgement will be sent by email and/or U.S. mail no later than two weeks before the conference. Registration Categories 1. Group Registration Discount- There is a discount for groups of six or more from the same organization. In order to qualify, each registrant in the group must complete an individual form (or online registration). The individual’s Organization or School name as well as the group’s contact name and number must be identical. 2. WAEYC Member Discount - There is a discount available for current WAEYC members. If you would like to become a member prior to registering please visit the WAEYC website at waeyc.org for the member application and information. Payment Methods 1. Check - Mail payment with registration form. Checks returned for insufficient funds will be assessed a $35 fee. 2. Purchase Order - Send the purchase order form along with each registration form that is authorized. 3. Credit Card - MasterCard, Visa, or American Express cards accepted. To use a credit card for payments, you must complete your registration online. Cards that are not accepted by the bank will result in your registration not being processed until payment is received. Cancellation Policy Cancellations are eligible for a refund, minus a handling fee of $50, until October 1. The handling fee is applied regardless of payment 7 method, including purchase orders. Cancellation requests sent after October 14th are non-refundable, except in the case of a medical emergency. Doctor’s note is required. In the event of cancellation or over-subscription of the conference, liability is limited to the return of the registration fee. No-shows will be charged. If you cannot attend, you are encouraged to send someone in your place. Note: Our room block will sell out. To ensure best pricing, please call early. When booking your room, you must request the special “WAEYC Conference” group rate. Event Location and Driving Directions The Seattle Airport Marriott is conveniently located in Seattle at: 3201 South 176th Street Seattle, WA 98188 206-241-2000 For complete driving directions visit: www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/seawa-seattle-airport-marriott/ Special Requests Please complete the registration form “Special Requests” section and send no later than October 1. All facilities are wheelchair accessible. Dietary requests are honored within the capacity of the conference center, only with written prearrangements. Conference Comforts You should plan to bring refillable water bottles, wear comfortable shoes, and dress in multiple layers (conference room temperatures are pre-set and cannot be changed during a session). Lunch at the Conference Lunch is included in the cost of your registration fees. Basic dietary request may be accommodated based on the availability of the facility. Please indicate dietary restrictions on your registration form. All requests must be made within 30 days of the conference. Children at the Conference Infants are welcome; however, if your infant begins to cry during a session please be considerate to others and leave to soothe your baby. There are several nursing mother’s areas at the Center. Please ask at the information desk for assistance. While we all care for and about children, this event is for adults. Please do not bring young children to conference sessions. Official Certificate of Attendance An “Official Certificate” is available and will include a printed record of the sessions you attended. Certificates can be ordered before the Conference using your registration form. To order on site, visit the information desk. Official certificates cannot be ordered after the day of the conference. You will receive your Official Certificate of Attendance within 45 days following the conference. In order to verify attendance, you must sign the attendance record in each session. There is a $11.00 fee for the official certificate. Unofficial Certificate of Attendance You will receive an unofficial certificate to use for your personal records. It will be in your conference materials. Student Scholarships WAEYC provides an opportunity for students who are participating in an Early Education program in Washington to attend the conference at a free or discounted rate. When registering please indicate you wish to apply for a student scholarship. Registration is free for up to two days of the conference plus the cost of meals (or you can choose to bring your own). Participation in the third day is a minimal fee of $35. If you choose to have meals at the conference the cost is $25 per day. Students are asked to volunteer for 3 hours in sessions and up to 2 hours of additional tasks. Space is limited and spots are filled on a first come first serve bases. If you have questions or would like more informaiton please email the conference coordinator at AmandaCardwell@frontier.com. Volunteers The WAEYC Conference provides opportunities for many valuable volunteer experiences; like assisting in registration, and networking experiences with colleagues, speakers, and future employers. One simple way to volunteer is to be a workshop session assistant. It’s easy: you’ll check participants into the session and ask them to sign an attendance sheet, help pass out hand-outs and collect session evaluations. That’s it! Just check the “YES, I will volunteer” box on the registration form. You’ll be very glad that you did! Questions about Volunteering at the Conference? Go online to www.waeycconference.org and follow instructions for volunteering when registering or send an email to AmandaCardwell@ frontier.com. State-Approved Training Reimbursement The Department of Early Learning (DEL) offers cost reimbursement for training taken from state-approved trainers in Washington. Professionals who currently work in child care facilities licensed or certified by DEL can access this opportunity through their MERIT professional record. Application guidelines for state-approved training reimbursement: You must have a professional record in MERIT with a STARS ID. You must be currently employed in a DEL licensed or certified facility, in an eligible employment position. You must have this information recorded and confirmed or verified in your MERIT professional record. See information below for eligible employment positions and how to have your information confirmed or verified. You may only apply one time per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). You may apply for up to$150 for your training reimbursement. This can include any combination of trainings. The training must be offered by a state-approved trainer. (WAEYC is an approved trainer) Approved training can be annual continuing education training or the 20 Hour STARS basic training. Continuing Education Proposals (CEP) and non-approved training are not eligible. Approved training must have been taken within the previous 12 months. Eligible Job Positions in DEL Licensed or Certified Child Care Facilities: Child Care Center (CCC) - Director, Assistant Director, Program Supervisor, Lead Teacher, Assistant or Aide Family Child Care Home - Licensee, Primary Worker, Assistant School-Age Center - Program Director, Program Assistant Director, 8 Site Coordinator, Lead Staff or Group Leader, Child Care Assistant How to apply for a state-approve training reimbursement: 1) Sign in to your MERIT professional record at merit.del.wa.gov . 2) Go to the “Applications” tab and select “Training Reimbursement.” 3) Follow the steps to confirm your personal information – this is important because a check will be issued to the address listed in your professional record. 4) Continue to select trainings for which you would like to be reimbursed. MERIT will display all eligible trainings, and you can select as many as necessary to reach the maximum $150 reimbursement limit. You will be prompted to confirm your choices if you select any amount less than $150, just to be sure you are requesting the full amount available to you as you may only apply once per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). 5) Sign and submit your application. You will receive an email as confirmation and your reimbursement will arrive in the mail*. MERIT tracks your state-approved training history for you. This means you do not need to submit proof of completion or any receipts in order to receive your training reimbursement. *Reimbursements are available on a first-come, first-serve basis and funds are limited for each fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). If funding is low or no longer available for the current fiscal year, you will receive this in an email when you apply. You may re-apply during the next fiscal year beginning July 1. The Department of Early Learning is proud to support ongoing professional development efforts. If you have questions, please contact MERIT support services by calling 1.866.482.4325, option 8 or email merit@del.wa.gov. Save $5.00 When You Register Online www.waeycconference.org Registration can be completed online or by mailing or faxing this form. Please print clearly in black ink or type. Fill out one form per person. Do not send hard copy if you fax this form. To register visit www.waeycconference.org for easy online registration. First and Last Name (for name badge):___________________________ Employer or Affiliation (if applicable):____________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________ Home ❏ Work ❏ City:____________________________ State:______ Zip:________ Daytime Phone: ❏ Home ❏ Work( ) Email:_________________________________________________ Group Contact (if applicable): Name_________________________ Phone: ( )____________________________ ❏ Parent or Relative Care Giver ❏ Teacher ❏ Administrator ❏ Therapist ❏ Healthcare Staff ❏ Family Resources Coordinator ❏ Family Engagement Staff ❏ Student ❏ Other:____________________ SPECIAL REGISTRATION CATEGORIES - check if applicable County: _______________________________ ❏ WAEYC Member:#:_______________ Special Requests Clock Hours College Credit STARS Credit: Must Include* * STARS # ______________________ * D.O.B ________________________ ❏ Presenter: (Complimentary): ❏ ❏ ❏ (if you are a NAEYC or WAEYC affiliate please enter you member number) Workshop #:_______________ Complete this form if registering to attend lunch or sessions. ❏ Student Volunteer: (Complimentary up to two days plus cost of meals):**Must complete registration online or by calling the registration office. Volunteer - Workshop Session Assistant ❏ Yes, I would like to volunteer! Meals: ❏ I would like a Vegetarian lunch ❏ I woule like a Gluten Free lunch ❏ I have NO dietary restrictions SESSION SELECTIONS PROCESS - Choose a first and second choice. Write the number of your selection for your choices. If you mail this form: List a first and second choice 1st 2nd Select a TA Session Checks payable to: WAEYC Select a Plenary Session Save $5.00 by registering online on/before 10/1. Select a TB Session Friday Conference SELECT THE APPROPRIATE FEES AND TOTAL Select a FA Session Select a Plenary Session Select a FB Session Select a FC Session *Optional - I will attend the WAEYC Evening Social (Circle Option) WAEYC Registration Phone: 800-280-6218 1277 University of Oregon Fax: 541-346-3545 Eugene, OR 97403-1277 Email: waeycreg@ce.uoregon.edu WAEYC Federal ID 91-1045270 Thursday Conference Yes No Saturday Conference Select a SA Session Select a SB Session Select a Plenary Session Select a SC Session PAYMENT METHOD ❏ Check Number: ___________ ❏ Credit Card: credit card payments accepted online only - www.waeycconference.org 9 Primary Role (please check one) ❏ PO Number: _____________ please attach PO Attend ANY one day WAEYC members and Group Discount Attend ANY two days WAEYC members and Group Discount Attend ANY Three Days WAEYC members and Group Discount Materials Fee Sessions: TA06, TA08, TB03, TB04, TB06 Sessions: TA05, FB06, FB08, SA04, SB09, SC02, SC08, SC09 Official Certificate of Participation Would you like to make a donation to support scholarships? TOTAL ALL FEES (Conference fees are not a charitable donation) on/ after before 10/1 10/1 ❏ $175 ❏ $195 ❏ $155 ❏ $245 ❏ $265 ❏ $225 ❏ $300 ❏ $320 ❏ $275 ❏ $25 ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ $10 $11 $10 ❏ $50 ❏ $100 Other_________ $__________ The Washington Association for the Education of Young Children (WAEYC) Conference Planning Committee gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the following who have made this conference possible: Organizations and Agencies: • • • • • • • Department of Early Learning (DEL) Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) The Office of Head Start Region X Thrive by Five United Way of Snohomish County Bright Horizons Lexia Learning Colleges and Universities: • • • • Bellingham Technical College Tacoma Community College Washington State University Western Washington University Business Partners: • Gateway Childcare Plus - Poulsbo • Lakeshore Early Learning Materials Conference Administration: • Washington Association for the Education of Young Children (WAEYC) SAVE THE DATE WAEYC 2015 November 2015 For Additional Information Registration: 800-280-6218 Email: waeycreg@ce.uoregon.edu For specific information about participating next year as a presenter, volunteer, or exhibitor contact: Tracy Ulrich Conference Coordinator Phone: 360-629-8181 Email: TracyUlrich@frontier.com www.waeycconference.org Conference Purpose & Goals •Increase effectiveness of those who care for and educate young children through exposure to new skills, strategies and ideas for providing high quality services; •Promote networking with peers; •I n c r e a s e awa r e n e s s o f WAEYC and its continuing efforts for early learning professionals; •Enhance the lives of families and their children through the dissemination of cutting edge information, research and evidence based practices in early childhood education. •Enhance awareness of public policy, legislative action, and the general public in moving high quality early learning and education services as an impact to overall school reform.
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