Airprox Section Original Reference Number Date Of Occurrence Details of reporter Title/Post Rank & Title/Initials/ Name Contact Details Role During Occurrence Colour scheme & external lighting (strobes, HISLs, nav lights etc) F 1 Radio call sign In communication 2 Type of ATC service 3 RT Frequency 4 G 5 SSR Transponder 1 Classification of flight J 2 3 Flight Rules at time of Airprox K Position of Airprox CANP Filed 1 L Aircraft Heading e.g. GIMLI, 56N30W, MID360/10 2 Altimeter setting Aircraft attitude Formation 1 M 2 1. Distance ft 2. Distance Horizontally from cloud 3. In Flight weather conditions at time of Airprox N 4. Flying 5. Flying Km 6. Distribution: Version 2.0 MAA: Internal: maa-asims External: Page 1 of 3 Description of other aircraft if seen: Type, high/low wing, number of engines Radio callsign, registration 1 Markings, colour, lighting O 2. 3 Aircraft attitude - other details 4 First sighting distance/radar/TCAS/TAS contact 1 Minimum horizontal & vertical separation at time of Airprox 2. 3 Form of avoiding action taken; if none, state reason P Assessment of risk of collision 4 Other relevant factors, i.e. workload, emergencies, vision from cockpit, etc. 5. Airborne collision avoidance system (e.g. TCAS) 6. TA Indicated RA RA 1. How did you report the Airprox, or hear about the Airporx report Q By To/From whom? FREQ? 2. By phone To/From whom? Distribution: Version 2.0 MAA: Internal: maa-asims External: Page 2 of 3 Diagrams of Airprox Mark passage of other aircraft relative to you, in plan on the left and in elevation on the right, assuming YOUR Airaft is at the centre of each diagram. View from Above Distribution: Version 2.0 MAA: Internal: maa-asims View from Astern External: Page 3 of 3
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