WEDNESDAY 19/11/2014 12.00–14.00 Registration Welcome Talk: Prof. Daša Bartoňková (Brno) Classical Literatures and Languages 14.00–14.50 Keynote speaker: Prof. Antonio Stramaglia (Cassino) ‘Submerged’ themes and the textual transmission of ancient declamation Chair: Prof. Daša Bartoňková (Brno) 15.00–15.25 Ilona Chruściak (Wrocław) The non-verbal behavior of characters in the Iliad as a form of prolepsis 15.25–15.50 Krista Rodkey (Bloomington) Herodotus’s oracles: moral and rational responses to ambiguity 15.50–16.15 Daniel Bajnok (Budapest) “You all know...”: Aeschines’s argumentation in Against Timarchus Ecfrasi e declamazioni ‘sbagliate’: Pseudo-Dionigi di Alicarnasso, Sugli errori che si commettono nelle declamazioni, 17 16.15–16.40 16.40–17.05 Giovanna Longo (Liceo classico “Tito Livio”) Coffee break Classical Literatures and Languages Chair: Prof. Antonio Stramaglia (Cassino) 17.05–17.30 Edita Wolf (Prague) Marcus Aurelius and non-tragic theatre 17.30–17.55 Katalin Boreczky (Budapest) Josephus Flavius on the creation of Adam: an attempt to reconcile two traditions? 17.55–18.20 Juraj Franek (Brno) Omnibus omnia: the reception of Socrates in early Christian literature 18.20–18.45 19.00 Kamil Cyprian Choda (Krakow) Apocalypse now? Gregory of Tours’ ambiguous eschatology Welcome Drink THURSDAY 20/11/2014 Classical Literatures and Languages Chair: Prof. László Takács (Piliscsaba) 08.30–08.55 Tomáš Jeniš (Brno) Intrusive inquisitiveness: tracing the motive of curiosity 08.55–09.20 Tereza Tomšů (Brno) 09.20–09.45 Natália Gachallová (Brno) 09.45–10.10 10.10–10.35 Ádám Rung (Budapest) The myth of Perseus and Andromeda in two Latin translations of Aratos’ Phaenomena Rhetoric and philosophy in the age of the Second Sophistic: real conflict or fight for controversy? Time is out of joint – as usual. Reading Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead as Plautine comedy Coffee break Classical Literatures and Languages Chair: Prof. Antonín Bartoněk (Brno) 10.35–11.00 Edoardo Middei (Rome, Köln) Gli antroponimi sabellici in *-ai̭ os. 11.00–11.25 Ilaria Liberati (Rome) L’oleandro nell’ambiente mediterraneo, tra vicende linguistiche e culturali 11.25–11.50 11.50–13.20 Andrea Barta (Budapest) Tongue like a sword: some remarks on the Aquincum curse tablet Lunch Medieval studies 13.20–14.10 Keynote speaker: Prof. Jolanda Ventura (Orléans) 14.20–14.45 Helena Polehlová (Hradec Králové) 14.45–15.10 Judita Matějová (Brno) Constantine the African on Pharmacy: toward a reconstruction of Practica Pantegni II Chair: Prof. Jana Nechutová (Brno) Vita Sancti Wilfridi: selected aspects of language The medieval illuminated manuscript of Factorum ac dictorum memorabilium libri IX by Valerius Maximus (BSB Clm 21224) 15.10–15.35 15.35–16.00 Jana Kaderová (Brno) Michael Pragensis’s treatise De custodia virginitatis: a literary analysis Coffee break Medieval studies Chair: Prof. Jolanda Ventura (Orléans) 16.00–16.25 Zuzana Lukšová (Brno) Die Synodalpredigt von Jan Hus Diliges Dominum Deum 16.25–16.50 Soňa Žákovská (Brno) 16.50–17.15 19.00 Eva Pauerová (Prague) Die Briefform in dem Briefsteller Formularius epistolarum Le tyran face au martyr: l’inspiration sénécaine dans Costis sive Catharis Partheno-Martyr Alexandrina d’Arnoldus Engel S.J. (1620–1690) Conference dinner FRIDAY 21/11/2014 * Ancient History and Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies How to reverse decline of an empire? Two Byzantine case studies: Heraclius and Alexios Komnenos Chair: Prof. Jarmila Bednaříková (Brno) 08.30–09.00 Keynote speaker: Dr. Marek Meško (Brno) 09.00–09.25 Michaela Senkova (Leicester) 09.25–09.50 Lukáš Kubala (Brno) 09.50–10.15 10.15–10.40 Manolis Pagkalos (Leicester) 10.40–11.05 Jana Malaníková (Brno) 11.05–11.30 Markéta Melounová (Brno) 11.30–11.55 11.55–13.00 Silvie Šimordová (Brno) 13.00–13.25 Hana Coufalová (Brno) The theme of a vigorous noble juvenile in the literature of the Komnenian period 13.25–13.50 Katalin Delbó (Budapest) Performance in den byzantinischen Romanen des 12. Jahrhunderts und das theatron Male infertility in ancient Greece Managing the empire: distinctive policies and means of control in the mid-5th century Athenian arche according to epigraphic evidence King Areus I of Sparta: memory, past and projection through coinage Coffee break Ancient History and Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Chair: Prof. Jarmila Bednaříková (Brno) Law in Livy’s book VII Protection of the imperial majesty in the Roman principate The diplomatic relations between Visigoths, Franks and Byzantines at the end of the 6th century. The role of forgotten prince Athanagild. Lunch Ancient History and Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Chair: Dr. Marek Meško (Brno) 13.50–14.15 14.30/16.00 19.00/19.30 Kristýna Knapková (Brno) Achilleas Tzartzanos and his contribution to the Greek language question Visit to Cathedrale, Ossarium or Janáček’s House For those interested: Leoš Janáček: The Makropulos Affair (opera) / concert of Brno Philharmonic orchestra (WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART Così fan tutte KV 588; overture ALFRED SCHNITTKE Concerto grosso n. 1; JOSEF MATĚJ concert for trombone and orchestra; WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART Symphony n. 36 C dur KV 425 „Linzer“) * Under the auspices of the project Employment of Newly Graduated Doctors of Science for Scientific Excellence
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